
Sunday, 24 February 2019

轉守為攻 Turn Defensive To Offensive










Seventh Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Turn From Defensive To Offensive

In my eyes, my mother is a lady of character. Among his five children, my maternal grandfather allowed his only son to study. The other girls did not have access to schooling. My grandfather was not poor. He was a landlord and a restaurant owner. It was sexual discrimination. Although she did not have proper schooling, my mother studied in her own ways and became a reasonable woman. My father was busy earning wages to feed and shelter the family. The responsibility to teach the two boys fell upon my mother's shoulder. In teaching us to behave, there was an attitude which I never understood nor bought until today. She taught, "If someone cheats you, make sure he knows that you know!" I have never understood why knowing that this guy cheats me, I don't expose him, or try to avoid losses? Why should I put up a bold face when I was cheated. Was it a kind of "Ah Q Spirit", a self illusion?

Probably it was family bring-up, my mother was never a calculating person. She is generous and enjoy helping people out. Thus, I believe that it was not an "Ah Q Spirit" or face-saving but that she was not bothered! In other ways, she could afford to pay! She was gracious and willing to protect the dignity of the cheater. She only indicated that she knew and had no intention to expose him! It is better to spend some money to win a friend, than to make an enemy in order to contain some losses! What a Bachelor of book-worm I have been! I could only eat dust following my mother who has not finished primary schooling!

Reading the gospel today surprises me how, although my mother has never known any teachings of Jesus Christ, God's word has long been sowed in her heart. Doesn't Jesus Christ teach us to respect and treat well even those who hate us? We have to love even our enemies, those who hate, curse and mistreat us, who strike us on our cheek and takes our clothes. (Luke 6:27-29) It is because in the eyes of God, they are His masterpieces. They were created in His image (Genesis 1:26), our brothers (4:9).

Yesterday, in a "DOCAT Workshop" run by the Auxiliary Bishop Francis Ha to get familiarized with the Catholic Social Teachings, a participant pointed out that the "Golden Rule of Charity" taught by Jesus Christ, including the love of enemies, enduring persecution and turning the other cheek (Luke 6:29) etc, seemed to go against the social justice advocated by the Catholic Social Teachings! Biship Ha opened our eyes to the exegesis of a scholar!

When the others abuse you, they want to destroy your dignity and your freedom to conquer you. Thus, even when we find no strength to resist, we should place our dignity and freedom before them, turn from defensive to offensive and offer them the other cheek! Tell them, I still have the dignity of the image of God. I suffer your abuse willingly. You have not conquered me! I follow Jesus Christ's teaching to love you. I suffer your abuse willingly. You have not breached the Ten Commandments! Jesus says, "No one takes it [my life] from me, but I lay it down on my own. I ave power to lay it down, and power to take it up again." (John 10:18) For the sake of these unworthy servants (17:10), Jesus Christ willingly suffer crucifixion. As followers of Jesus Christ, we act for the benefits of the others.

Catholics learn and practise the Social Teachings of the Church. We do not oppose the oppressors, but oppressive institutions. Those statesmen and businessmen were also created in the image of God. They are enslaved by greed and themselves victims of the system. Therefore, in advocating and practising the Social Teachings of the Church, we are not making troubles, stirring up insurgences or overthrowing the governments. We want to restore a society in which human dignity is respected, a Kingdom of Heaven which is full of justice and peace. We want to create an environment in which all the images of God are able to manifest fully without harming other God's images. Thus the golden rules of charity are the foundation of Social Practises. Both are supplementary and not contradictory.

Brethren! We are called to be saints, baptised to become members of the Church and journey towards eternal life. The world is progressing all the time. Sanctification is no longer a matter of fervant prayers, but to put into practice our faith in families, societies and the world. Today, with mobile phones and the Internet, we will never be immune from what have happened on the other side of this Global Village. Thus, we need to walk along the path of sanctification with 2 legs: receiving sacraments, pray and study the Scriptures on one hand; and on the other, study the Social Teachings of the Church, walk out of the Church to speak up for the disadvantaged in the community.
God bless!

Sunday, 17 February 2019

真正的富有 Genuine Richness



以香港的生活水平,我算是中產階級;一生的教育事業,換來一家六口,共住同一屋簷下,三餐無憂。賺錢不是我的專長,亦無雄心壯志,改革社會上的不公義,但求安穩地成家立室,敬拜天主而已。退休後開始人生的另一頁,以執事身份,盡心盡力服事天主,服事教會。難道為光榮天主,救人靈魂,有錯嗎?沒有!難道探望在囚人士,為他們奔走;接觸外判清潔工人,集會倡議改善勞工待遇;把四十年教宗教科的經驗,培訓現職的老師和牧民助理;為學校及團體主持祈禱會和退省等,有錯嗎?沒有!問題出在「盡心盡力」! 的確,以「戰績彪炳」來形容這三年來的職務,當之無愧!我成了富有的!我已得到了我的安慰!可是,當我把自己的行事曆填滿了以後,我還有多少空間留給耶穌基督呢?耶穌基督在哪?不是在家慈,在妻子,兒女和自己身上嗎?


Sixth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Genuine Richness

Before we meditate the teachings of today's gospel, let us fill up the gaps between last Sunday and today. In last Sunday's gospel, we read of the story of the call of Peter. The Lucan version is richer. Luke puts the story in the context of the miraculous catch to show us that it is worthwhile, it is not a waste of our life to abandon everything to follow Jesus to evangelize. Later, Luke follows Mark's structure and tells of some Jesus' healing miracles which ignited the subsequent conflicts with the Pharisees. After that, Jesus Christ departed to the mountain to spend the night in prayer. When day came, he called the disciples and chose among them the Twelve. So, today's gospel begins with "And Jesus came down with the Twelve and stood on a stretch of level ground." (Luke 6:17). That is to say, after electing the Twelve, Jesus came down with them, facing the crowd and began their evangelization works.

The gospel we read today skips the part of preaching, healing and exorcism among the crowd (6:18-19). The crowd and the disciples were not the same people. After they had got the cures they needed, or some ways out of their daily problems, the crowd might not necessarily follow Jesus Christ. Disciples were those who intended to stay and live with Jesus Christ for a period of time to learn more about the Kingdom of Heaven. It was to this group of people, not to the crowd that Jesus Christ talks about the proper attitudes of being Christians, His followers.
The gospel text today is the Lucan version of the Beatitudes. There are not eight Beatitudes but four Beatitudes and four woes. Although the forms are different, it is the same Magna Carta, the Basic Law for Christian living. Matthew portrays Jesus Christ as a Teacher more superior than Moses. Thus the Matthean version of the Beatitudes is more detailed and comprehensive. "So, be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48) On the other hand, Luke portrays Jesus Christ as a Merciful Shepherd. He understands the frailties of sinners and is not harsh on them. Next Sunday, we will read, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." (Luke 6:36) Thus, four beatitudes and four woes are enough. Meekness, mercy, purity of heart and peace-making are not included (Matthew 5:5-9). Poverty is not elevated spiritually, nor hunger sublimes to justice. Then, what can we learn about the mind of Jesus Christ from the Lucan beatitudes?
Unlike the Matthean version which is transcendental, the Lucan version is very realistic. It talks about "are now" and "will be". Luke understands the limitations of humanity. There are always trade-offs. When we invest most, even all of our time and energy in secular business, whether it be money or status, and become rich, we shall sustain losses in other areas such as health, interpersonal relationships and even spiritual life. "For you have received your consolation." (Luke 6:24) In the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus, Luke speaks more explicitly, "My child, remember that you received (all of) what was good during your lifetime!" (16:25) The Chinese rendering of "all of" is morallistically superb! Many people know only advances and no retreats, including me. Convalescing in bed for ten days, I have learnt a lot!
By the living standards of Hong Kong, I belong to the middle class. Earning from my whole career, I manage to house and feed six mouths under the same roof. Making money has never been my expertise. Nor do I have the ambition to right societal wrongs. I only seek a stable married family life which enables me to worship God. Retirement gives me a new lease of life. I can serve God and the Church with all my heart and strength in the capacity of a permanent deacon. How can it be wrong to glorify God and save souls? Cannot! How can it be wrong, visiting prison inmates and running errands for them; reaching out to outsourcing janitors and advocating better working conditions for workers; sharing my forty-year experience of teaching Religious Studies with teachers and pastoral assistants; running prayer services and retreats? Nothing wrong! The problem arises from "with all my heart and strength"!
Truly, it is no exaggeration to claim "flying colours" for these three years of diaconal ministry. I am rich and have received my consolation! But when I fill up my calendar with services, how much space have I left for Jesus Christ? Where is Jesus Christ? Isn't He in my mother, wife, children and myself as well?
I am grateful to God and to Luke the physician that I have finally fallen ill and have time to stop to reflect! Sickness is not stranger to me and I have been sleeping with DM for thirty years. I am able to feel the abundant blessings within the inconveniences and sufferings brought about in sickness! It is no exception this time. I am able to see my poverty! Before Jesus Christ spoke about the four beatitudes and four woes, he "raising his eyes toward his disciples" (6:20). It turns out that Jesus Christ has always been gazing at me and speaking to me, but I turn my gaze to the wrong stuff and miss meeting Christ in his gaze. Thus, however much I visit prison inmates, janitors and giving talks/retreats with all my heart and strength, I have never served Jesus Christ "for one of these least brothers of mine." (Matthew 25:40) It is because I have not gazed into Jesus Christ, not improved our relationship and not known the Father's will. In short, my direction is wrong, my priority is wrong! I need to slow down and pray!

Brethren! Whatever you do, don't be greedy and ambitious. Meet the gaze of Jesus Christ. Don't waste your efforts!
God bless!

Sunday, 3 February 2019

對己對人的偏見 Prejudice Against Oneself and Others









Fourth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Prejudice Against Oneself and Others

Last Sunday, we heard of Jesus' proclamation of His agenda at Nazareth, His home town: With the power of the Holy Spirit, He shall bestow abundant life to the poor and liberate prisoners of all sorts (Luke 4:18). This abundant life is not some elusive life in the next world, but leading a spirit-filled and joyful life in this concrete world. This liberation is not an unrestrained gratification of the concupiscence but living up, in the spirit of the gospel, a life of freedom as children of God (Romans 8:21). This agenda was proclaimed, not by ordinary men, but the Son of God. It is truly a good news. However, Jesus' kinfolk could not accept it. Their reaction was "Isn't this the son of Joseph?" (Luke 4:22) Such narrow-minded prejudice cost the people of Nazareth the abundant grace the gospel brought. It is truly regrettable!

Affected by past experiences, we bias against others and ourselves. Moreover, it is very difficult to rectify prejudices. It is because prejudices are usually based on simple and easily understood "evidence". On the contrary, it is extremely difficult to prove the falsity of prejudices. For example, Western societies bias against the Black, thinking that this race is stupid and emotional. Between the two World Wars, there were studies showing that the IQ of the Black was 15 to 20 lower than that of the White. In fact, the problem came from the poverty in which the Black were living, the segragation policy of the government and the inadequate subsidies to black schools. Because of these cultural and social disparities, the Black who did not have equal opportunity to receive education were disadvantaged in those IQ tests. Even we Chinese could not obtain high scores in those tests. Is the IQ of Chinese lower than that of the White in USA? Proving the IQ's of the Black and Chinese are lower is easy because the test results show it! However, to prove that the social system and the IQ tests are flawed is more difficult. It is not easy to articulate and defend the Truth!

It is unfair to be biased and to pigeonhole others into a rigid framework. It also causes us losses. The Jews biased against Jesus Christ, costing them the joy of receiving God's cure and liberation. The American White prejudice against the Black, causing the crime rate to climb and denying the Black from contributing to the American society. Thus, prejudice is harmful both to the individuals and to the society as a whole. However, do you know that we can bias against ourselves? I trust you might have this following experience: your friend advises you to change some objectively bad habits, or working style or attitude. What is your response? "I was born this way. There is no way to change!" This is an easily understood excuse which we use to cheat even ourselves because it saves us ardent efforts to improve ourselves! But is it rational? Is it beneficial? Let me share with you some experiences of my 3-year diaconate. I hope they will help you avoid prejudices against yourselves.

During the early stage after ordination, many people who have known me were not able to change their addresses to me, kept calling me "Mr. Kwok" or "Kwok Sir". I was not surprised but later, I discovered that it was caused by my lack of a diaconate temperament which I should possess. My forty-year teaching career has accumulated in me a thicket of "Teacher Modus Operanti". Being a deacon, I still speak like a teacher, deliver homily like a teacher and operate like a teacher (1 Corinthians 13:11). Can I say, "I was born this way. There is not way to change"?

First of all, teachers mark student assignments everyday. After a long time, they focus more on the students' mistakes and will not hesitate to correct them lest they fail the students entrusted onto their hands. It works well in the education sector but does it work in the society at large? Visiting homes, can you courteously ask the host why there are so many useless things around, why they don't clean up the house so that members can live more comfortably, why there is no bibles, no prayer corners at home. During gatherings to share prayer experiences, correct the irrationality of the prayer experiences of the participants! Can you say, "I was born this way. There is no way to change"?
Secondly, the duty of a teacher is "to proclaim the truth, to hand down the establishment and to resolve confusions". In particular, teachers of modern time help students sit for public examinations. Teachers have all the model answers! Logically, after diaconate ordination, I have all the truth of God! Unbeknown to myself, the experiences I have accumulated in this forty-year teaching career are narrow and full of blind spots! When we study the bible, conduct catechumen classes or do spiritual directions, I forget that I am only a facilitator, accompanying them to establish an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Instead, I speak like a tape-recorder, giving all the model answers without leaving out anything. Consequently, when somebody points out my mistake, I feel hurt! It is vainglory that prevents me from laying down my past achievements. In turn, this vainglory originates from a deeper inferiority complex which makes me feel inadequate and sinful. However, a lack of courage to change and repent drives me to spend my energy to achieve in order to evade and cover up this inferiority complex. Looking back when I first worked as a teacher, I was not experienced but I worked hard to absorb all available knowledge and lessons like a sponge. Now that I have grown old, have I lost my ability to absorb new understanding? The past achievements have become a burden instead today. The kindreds in Nazareth still pigeonholed the Son of God, Jesus Christ into the framework of "son of Joseph"!

I thank God. Today, I have the opportunity to emerge again and take to the path of sanctification. With the anointments from the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Orders, with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, nothing is impossible. The question is whether I desire the liberation, the shepherding of God, whether I am pious to and fearful of God and enjoy the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel and knowledge. With fortitude, we can achieve the target of sanctification.
Brethren, let us empty ourselves and desire the peace of God. Shake off frameworks and open ourselves up. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit to trod on the path of sanctification. Don't be lazy and claim that "I was born that way. There is no way to change."
God bless!

Friday, 1 February 2019

亥年談豬 About Swines



可是,我們作為基督徒,應該有感恩之心。所以,從另外一個角度看,我們可以再一次肯定豬對人類的貢獻!為了拯救一個人的靈魂和肉身,耶穌基督不惜犧牲2,000頭豬,折合拍賣價約港幣五百二十萬,零售價一千九百萬 !當然,這個價錢並不能代表一個人的價值,祇反映出天主不惜任何代價,也要設法拯救人類!我們豈能不感謝天主,不感激為我們代罪的豬呢?

About Swines

Deacon Alex Kwok
On behalf of the Pastoral Team and staff of the St. Jerome's Church, may I take this occasion of Lunar New Year to wish you all a healthy, prosperous and abundantly blessed new year ahead. God arranges things around us. They must be beneficial. This is the Year of the Swine. Let us see how swines show God's love for us. The Chinese character for "family" is "a pig under a roof". How meaningful it is that a group of people living around a pig under the same roof form a family. Pigs are fertile and provide for a family financially as well as nutritively. Their contributions should never be discredited.
Unfortunately, men lack gratitude. Not only are men not grateful for pigs' contributions, but they also project many evil inclinations onto pigs: sloth, filth, gluttony and lust etc. Zhu Bajie in the Journey to the West is such a typical characterization. Unfortunately, even the Old Testament does not spare the pigs. Leviticus defines the Code of Cleanliness, "Any animal that has hoofs you may eat, provided it is cloven-footed and chews the cud." (Leviticus 11:3) Pigs have hoofs and is cloven-footed. However, they do not chew the cud and are therefore declared unclean. Men should not eat their meat. (11:7-8) Perhaps pigs look stupid. Even Jesus warns us in Matthew not to cast our pearls before swine, (Matthew 7:6) suggesting that we should not teach the stupid the truth. (Proverbs 23:9) Lastly, the most spectacular miracle Jesus did was to drive demons into a herd of 2000 pigs which jumped off the cliff to drown in the sea! (Mark 5:13)
However, we are grateful Catholics. Looking from another perspective, we can affirm once more pigs' contribution to men! For the sake of one person, Jesus Christ is willing to sacrifice 2000 pigs, which cost about an auction price of $5,200,000 or retail price of $19,000,000! Of course, this is not the price of a person. It only reflects how much God wants to save mankind regardless of the cost! How can we not be grateful to God and pigs which pay our price?
As for the stupidity of swine, I do not intend to defend them. But if we despise pigs for their stupidity, don't forget, there are countless stupid people on earth. We are only pots calling kettles black. Previously, scientists extracted insulin from pigs to control diabetes. Nowadays, scientists discover that pigs share about 84% DNA with human. It is hoped that we are able to discover ways to cure more human diseases from pigs. Men! Would you still despise pigs for their sloth, filth, gluttony and lust?
God looked at everything he had made and found it very good." (Genesis 1:31, Acts 10:15) Why then did men set up a system to declare pigs unclean to eat? Scholars believe that ancient wisdom mandated that things forbidden for men should be labelled sacred (e.g. the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Tree of Life, the Burning Bush etc.), or things threathening the community's safety should be labelled unclean (e.g. animals with parasites, corpses, blood and aliens etc.) With our level of knowledge today, pigs are neither forbidden nor threantening to our society. There is nothing unclean of pigs.

It is a bit strange to declare pigs unclean when "
God calls us all to respond to His love. He further calls Christians, who have answered Him, to be "a holy nation, a people of his own." (1 Peter 2:9) God wants us to partake in His supernatural life, to become holy such that no pigs shall defile us! Pigs are no longer unclean. They are fertile. Their sacrificial contribution becomes an exemplar for Catholics. At least, we should contribute to our families. In his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis points out that no family is perfect. Every family is a field hospital to nurse wounded members. Love is patient and sacrificial, like pigs. Indeed, when Jesus Christ chose to sacrifice a herd of swine, and not other animals, to save the possessed man, the demise of pigs gloried God, like he himself as well as the Apostles (John 12:24, 21:19). Thus, pigs are not unclean and they show us how to glorify God. Isn't the glorification of God something we Catholics should seek?
In his latest Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate, Pope Francis discusses Christian sanctification in the modern world. He points out that the Beatitudes is the ID card of Christians. Thus, leading our life according to the teachings of the Beatitudes is the sure path to sanctification. Pigs are meek. They always hunger and thirst. They are determined (pure of heart) and lastly, they suffer "persecution" for us and completely sacrifice themselves. All these beatific attitudes are displayed before our eyes! Truly, at least in the Year of the Swine, I encourage you to follow the beatific attitudes of pigs. But having attitudes alone is not enough. We need concrete and practical actions. If we want to contribute to our families, our parish and our society, we need to know the social teachings of the Catholic Church and put them into practice. Pope Francis wants every Catholic to become a walking "Catholic Social Teachings". He has meticulously written a DOCAT to explain Catholic Social Teachings in a lucid way.
Brethren, in the Year of the Swine, let us hunger and thirst in reading Gaudete et Exsultate and DOCAT, single-mindedly, meekly and mercifully contribute to our families, totally committed to serve the society. Like fertile pigs, attract more people who were being saved into the Church. (Acts 2:47)
God bless!

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