
Sunday 8 September 2019

怎樣計算代價? How to Calculate Costs?








各位兄弟姊妹,耶穌基督召叫我們成為祂的門徒,並交付出自己的生命,讓我們成聖,修補這被罪惡所破壞,所撕裂的世界。所以,蒙召成聖的我們,應該把眼光放在不是金錢數目所能表達的因素上。信賴天主聖神的助祐,建立一個充滿希望、自由、公義與和平的天國。 天主保祐!


Twenty Third Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: How to Calculate Costs?
If a boss wants to hire somebody, he will put up a classified advertisement and list the required qualifications. Whoever thinks that he possesses all those qualities can apply. For example, to hire an office clerk, the boss would require applicants to pass DSE, to be able to handle word processing and be polite in answering phone calls etc. Since sexual, racial and family status discriminations are forbidden by law, the advertisement cannot explicitly state that only female can apply, ethnic minorities or single mother need not to! Luckily, no such discrimination legislation was in force two millennia ago. Otherwise, Jesus would become a suspect of breaching discrimination laws when he declared which three types of people could not be his disciples (Luke 14:26-27, 33)!

Take a step back, no applicants can question the reasonableness of the qualities listed by the boss. It is absolutely legitimate for bosses to demand office clerks to be holders of two doctoral degrees without which, the applicant should be well-known in his neighbourhood to be filially pious! Am I exaggerating? Of course not! Recruitment examination was invented in Tang dynasty. During Han dynasty, only renowned filially pious men could be mandarins. In an age where there is an oversupply of labourers, even degree holders are expected to apply for scavenger jobs. However, these two parables sound unreasonable! Didn't Jesus Christ teach us to seek the Kingdom of Heaven like a child (Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16)? That is to say, if we want to become His disciples, we should not be calculating, follow him after doing cost-benefit analysis. Why then does He encourage us to calculate the cost? Isn't that contradictory?

Economists tell us that there is no free lunch in the world. Everything has a cost. But they do not tell us how to calculate the costs! It is because the value system of everybody is different. For example, some people calculate the economic losses during this turbulent summer: how much business retailers have lost, how the number of tourists have fallen, how many billions of dollars have evaporated overseas, how many people are injured or even have died thus increasing expenditures in our hospital system and how many public facilities have been vandalized and brought about time losses etc. All the factors mentioned above can be expressed in concrete monetary terms. On the other hand, some people focus on how extensively the psychological damages have been inflicted; how large negative feelings and how deep divisions among interpersonal relations and for how long have been caused by coverages of violent clashes on TV and social media; how much confidence and trust in government and police force have lost among citizens and how much the younger generation hate mainland China; what amount of difficulties are generated for future governance of the society etc. Although these costs cannot be expressed in monetary terms, they are genuine and serious costs!

The problem is that nobody is able to list and calculate all the factors and costs. Most people only consider the factors and costs which they deem significant and ignore other very important factors and costs which would not be considered at the moment. For example, as for the radical youngsters who clash with riot police and vandalize public facilities, why do they lay their future and life down on the streets, ignoring the risks of being arrested, injured or death? Are those costs not heavy? They are heavy indeed. But for them, a future without hope and freedom is worse than losing their future and life. Choosing the lesser evil, they clash and vandalize. As for the governments which send riot police to put a stop to chaos and violence, stability and prosperity are paramount. If governments fail to put a stop to chaos and violence today, the economy shall wither and national security as well as political careers will be jeopardized. In contrast, people's trust, lives and futures of the next generation are no longer worthy. Please note that the above are only statements. There is no attempt to pass judgment.

In today's parables, the tower builder was laughed at by onlookers for aborting his project halfway because he failed to calculate the factors and costs which he had ignored, such as weather and fluctuations in material prices etc. (14:29). The king who defended his territory was able to calculate more comprehensively. Not only did he know his ten thousand soldiers were unable to fight off an army of twenty thousand invaders, but he was also able to calculate the heavy tolls on fighting battles in his own turf. Thus, he would not care about his own glory to fight against all odds, but to send a delegation of peace to avoid annihilation (14:32). Again, Jesus Christ only narrates and does not pass judgment, leaving the readers latitude to exercise their wisdom to decide which choice is wiser!

Therefore, when Jesus Christ lists three factors failing which a person cannot be His disciple, he is not discriminating anybody. He just reminds us of the importance of considering the costs of being his disciples: who doesn't enjoy the warmth of interpersonal relationships on earth? Then would you choose interpersonal relationships in the secular world or the beatic interpersonal relationships in the Kingdom of Heaven, where "the wolf is a guest of the lamb" (Isaiah 11:6), riot police and demonstrators are brothers? Who doesn't like a perfect and successful life? Then, would you choose happiness and achievements on earth, or a reconciled world because you carry your cross? Would you desire worldly good, or would you empty yourselves, making room for your Heavenly Father to fulfil your life with His infinite mercy?

Brethren, Jesus Christ calls us to be his disciples and offers up His own life to sanctify us and to mend this world which has been laid waste and torn apart by sins. Thus, as we are called to sainthood, let us fix our sight on factors which cannot be expressed in monetary terms. Trust in the help of the Holy Spirit to build a Kingdom of Heaven which is full of hope, freedom, justice and peace.
God bless!

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