Theme: What Prevents Sinners From Repentance?
The gospel of Luke is a gospel of mercy. Through the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, it shows us the merciful face of the invisible God. Among the many parables recorded, the parable of the Prodigal Son goes down in history as a classic. Actually, it is one of the three parables which encourage us sinners to repent, to turn back to the Father. But who are the sinners? Tax collectors or Pharisees, or both? The key message is simple. All heavenly hosts rejoice when a sinner repents, whether he is a tax-collector or a Pharisee. It is even more joyful than the good deeds performed by ninety-nine righteous people on earth.
Very few people are natural-born murderers, cheaters, human traffickers or sinners. Didn't God create us in His image (Genesis 1:26)? That is to say, to start with we were all good, very good. In time, however we became evil, very evil. Many factors contribute to the downfall of an upright person. Therefore, we need to be alert and stay away from bad company and bad habits. On a more proactive point of view, we should learn what is good for our eternal spiritual life. We should teach our children what the right things to do are.
However, once a person breaks his oath of allegiance to God and turn away from Him, he has to overcome many obstacles in order to return. Many psychological factors prevent sinners from repentance.
First of all, it is egoism. People do not want to show their weaknesses before the others. They put up a brave face and never seek help. Some of them may be overconfident and believe in their own strength and charisma. Others may not be as confident and yet, they want to look good in front of the others. Therefore, whether you are strong or weak, capable or incompetent, you don't want to lose face and in particular, you don't want to lose face in front of those you care about most. You have a difficulty in admitting that you need external help, that you need God's help.
Let us meditate what Jesus did in his Passion. The Roman soldiers removed his clothes and crucified him, and hung him nakedly on the cross in full view of many bystanders and passers-by. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is powerful enough to prevent such suffering from happening (Matthew 26:53). Yet He humbly went through such a shameful ordeal (Philippians 2:8)! Why did He do this? Why did Jesus Christ suffer like this? Jesus Christ says that He is "the Way, and the Truth and the Life." (John 14:6) We believe that He wants to show us how to overcome our egoism with humility.

Let us meditate what Jesus has done for the sick. Once a father brought his possessed son to Jesus for exorcism, Jesus did not drive out the demon immediately. He waited for the father to say the most crucial sentence, "I do believe, help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24)
Today, we know that Hong Kong is sick. We have suffered a summer of demonstrations, riots, violence and vandalism. Instead of coming forth to acknowledge their faults, people blame each other for the damages done in these three months: external intervention, colour revolution, the failure of our Education system, the unaffordable housing and the younger generation has no say in the society etc. Like the patient who refuses to acknowledge his sickness, if we do not humbly confess our faults, no physician is able to cure us. The worst situation is when we lose hope and give up, we shall perish. If we still keep our hope and faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord of human history, when time comes, He shall deliver us. If we still keep the charity of Jesus Christ, are willing to let go of our prejudice and blindness to become ambassadors of reconciliation, when time comes, He shall deliver us.
Lastly, it is herd mentality. People follow the crowd. When we go to the supermarket alone, we are honest and we pay. However, when a gang of youngsters enter the supermarket, they shoplift! Why? Some young people want to show off their guts while others do not want to be chickens. If you can do it, I can do even better. When you are in the Police Force, you cannot afford to disobey. You cannot afford to be the odd man out. You think you have no choice but to follow the unwritten rules. It is a dirty job. Even if you don't do it, somebody else shall take it up! They blame the system. It is a variant of the "Not-Me" game in a group setting! However, it all boils down to your personal choice and thus your responsibility. If we are sick, admit it and seek treatment. If we are wrong, admit it and seek reconciliation.
The parable of Lost Sheep today is very reassuring and consoling indeed. Jesus Christ is our Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14). He understands our egoism. He knows that we deny. Therefore, He goes all the way out to seek us. He is actually following us, accompanying us all along our strayed path and waits patiently for us to say, "I do believe, help my unbelief!" Finally, we remember Him and call upon Him. He finds us and sets us on His shoulders with great joy (Luke 15:5) to bring us home.
Brethren, let us take a break along our path. Take a look back to review what we have done so far. Are we lost in our prejudice and blindness against others? Have we disobeyed God's commandments to love Him and to love our neighbour as ourselves? Since we are followers of Christ, do we follow Christ's new commandment to love each other like He has loved us, to build up the others? Seek the help of the Good Shepherd. Call out to Him, "I do believe, help my unbelief!"
God bless!
2016 Homily
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