
Saturday 26 October 2019

甚麼時機信耶穌基督最有效益? When Is the Most Efficient Moment To Believe In Jesus Christ?






When Is the Most Efficient Moment To Believe In Jesus Christ? (Luke 13:1-9)

Perhaps many people would envy the repentant thief crucified with Jesus Christ because probably he had done a lot of evil things during his life time and he seized the last moment to believe in the Lord (Luke 23:42). Moreover, he did not have the opportunity to do any works of mercy but was able to enter heaven with Jesus Christ! Many people in subsequent generations, even Constantine, who declared Christianity not a cult, convoked the First Council of Nicaea to defend the dogma of Trinity, received baptism at his deathbed. These cases inevitably raise questions in people's mind. What is the most efficient moment to believe in Jesus?

In catechumen classes, catechists almost always encourage the catechumens to receive baptism and become a member of the Church as soon as possible. It is because the secular world is full of dangers which shake up our faith easily. Within the Church, people in similar minds support each other. There are saintly exemplars throughout the ages to encourage us. There are Church teachings to guide us. We receive God's graces from the sacraments etc. With such supports to practise our faith, we would return to the Father more easily. This is the meaning the parable conveys in today's gospel, "I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it." (Luke 13:8) St. Augustine also says, "Too late did I love You, O Fairness, so ancient, and yet so new! Too late did I love You!" (Confessions X:27) Obviously, it is right to believe in Jesus as soon as possible

. On the other hand, the gospel tells us one fact: Not all men are so blessed as to die a natural death. Few people can get baptized at their deathbed like Constantine Caesar. Nobody knows at which moment God shall take away his soul. We may die an untimely death at any moment without an opportunity to repent (Luke 13:1, 4). Jesus Christ mentions this point in previous parables (12:20, 38, 46).
Conclusion: Do not envy the penitent thief who was crucified with Jesus Christ. Repent as soon as possible and believe in the good new!
Father! Grant us the Kingdom of Heaven (12:32). Amen.

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