Theme: Healed But Not Saved
What have lepers to do with us today? We are not lepers and leprosy is almost extinguished in modern societies like Hong Kong. What does Jesus want to tell us today with the story of the ten lepers?
In ancient times, lepers were sinners. First of all, leprosy is infectious. Therefore, lepers were quarantined from the community because they were threats to the community. Leprosy was incurable and lepers were driven away from villages, to live or die on their own. Secondly, people believed that leprosy was a punishment from God. Lepers must have committed some terrible sins so that God punishes them with leprosy. Therefore, in the Bible, lepers symbolize sinners.
Don't forget that all of us are sinners before God who created us in His image (Genesis 1:26) but we fall short of His expectations. In the words of St. Paul, we "all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). It is extremely difficult and offensive to tell people bluntly that they are sinners! Let's look at sin in another perspective. What is darkness? It is an absence of light. In a similar manner, sin is an absence of grace. That is to say, we have lost the graces which God had given us when He created us. So, we are sinners, not necessarily because we have committed some grave crimes but because we have lost God's grace for some reasons. We have all become some kind of lepers!
Because of our pride and selfishness, we are doing harm to each other in our families, our working places, our neighbourhood, our society and humanity. See how we have polluted the environment, destroyed the habitat of many species, caused global warming and created super typhoons these days. See how kingpins make huge profits through human trafficking and drug trafficking, how land developers in Hong Kong are driving up prices of housing beyond the affordability of the citizens in general. See how Hong Kong people have become workaholic "zombies", feeling guilty not going to work, sacrificing their health and family life! There is no doubt that Hong Kong is sick. Hong Kong people are sick!

Since June 9, everybody has been drawn into the social unrest without exemption. All of us suffer a certain degree of inconvenience and probably sleepless nights. Many activities have to be cancelled, such as the annual Caritas Bazaar. Today is already the 126th day and the end is nowhere in sight. Most of us are bystanders. We have never taken to the streets. We have never chanted slogans or sung revolutionary anthems. We have followed the Church's requests to say the rosary, to abstain and to fast, to adore the Eucharist and to join benediction masses etc. Following Christ's instruction to help the needy, some Protestant as well as Catholic churches, not all because it depends on the location and physical settings of the churches, have made themselves accessible to whoever is in need, giving them a quiet place to pray to God, to take a rest or to dress their wounds physically as well as spiritually. Leaders of six religions in Hong Kong have tried to be peacemakers, appealing to the government as well as to the people to calm down and to make peace in four different occasions before today. Yesterday, our Apostolic Administrator Cardinal John Tong spoke on a radio program, "Letter to Hong Kong". He appealed to the Government to listen to the people and appealed to law enforcers to discharge their duties with conscience within the power endorsed them by the law so as to rebuild the respect and trust of the citizens etc. Inevitably, we ask God, "Where are you when we need you? Why should all of us suffer? What have you done so far for us etc.?"
Truly, this is a time of trial, a time to test our faith in God. Therefore, we should learn from the Samaritan leper and be grateful for our safety as well as the inconveniences we have to suffer. We have faith in God because at the request of Abraham, God pledged to spare a sinful city if Abraham was able to locate ten righteous people.
Brethren, are you righteous before God? I'm sure all of you are! Since more than ten people are sitting in this church, I believe God will spare this city from destruction.
God bless!
2016 Homily
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確實,這是一個動盪困難的時期,是考驗我們對天主的信德的時期。 因此,我們應該向撒瑪黎雅痲瘋病人學習,為我們的安全以及我們捱受的不便,表示感謝。 我們對天主有信心,因為在亞巴郎的請求下,天主保證,如果亞巴郎能夠找到十個義人,祂會寬恕那座罪惡之城。
各位兄弟姊妹,你們在天主面前是義人嗎? 我肯定在座中的各位都是! 由於有超過十個人坐在這座教堂裡,我相信天主會保護這座城市,免遭毀滅。
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