
Sunday 6 October 2019

為甚麼教會不譴責暴力? Why Does the Church Not Condemn Violence?





首先,天主喜歡站在弱勢社群之中。我們在聖詠集,法律書、先知書及宗徒書信中,找到很多天主為孤兒寡婦和異鄉人伸張正義的章節,並警告那些欺負他們的人,天主會令他們的兒子成為孤兒,他們的妻子成為寡婦(出22:22-24;詠68:6146:9;依1:17;雅1:27)。耶穌基督在「慈善撒瑪黎雅人」的比喻中,教導我們不分種族、宗教、政見,無差別地伸手援助遇到困難的人,履行「愛近人如愛自己」的誡命。在論及末日審判時,更清楚明白地說:「凡你們對我這些最小兄弟中的一個所做的,就是對我做的。」(瑪25:40) 教外人,例如「大公網」及一些人大政協,批評宗教人士包庇暴徒,提供地方給他們休息,更換衣物和逃避警察追捕云云!這些人不明白聖經的教訓,情有可原。可惜,有些有學問的教友,同樣批評神父,並寫信向樞機施壓!難道他們不知道,幫助有困難的人,是天主教社會訓導,沒有爭議空間的基本立場嗎?


  • 612日呼籲政府尊重民意;
  • 618日呼籲市民接受特首的道歉;
  • 831日呼籲政府及示威人士停下來,給大家兩個月的冷靜期;
  • 102日,呼籲政府與市民克制等等。
天主尊重人的自由,天主不歡喜大聲疾呼,祂祇在輕微細弱的風聲中說話(列上19:12)。可惜,這些話落在驕傲自私,自我中心的人的心中,祇不過是「耳邊風」而已;沒有人理會,沒有人回應,他們繼續互相廝殺。天主藉保祿宗徒,已經向我們發出警告:「如果你們彼此相咬相吞,你們要小心,免得同歸於盡。」(迦5:15)這不就是天主的旨意嗎? 各位兄弟姊妹,給自己冷靜下來,接受天主的治癒罷。不要做「引人跌倒」的絆腳石(路17:1b)。不再驕傲,認為自己百份百正確,其他人是錯誤的,被人誤導的。放下自我,謙遜地求天主容許我們刻苦,補贖這120日以來,在自己,在別人和在耶穌基督的身心上,所造成的創傷。信賴天主,這120天,祂已行了不少奇蹟,你看見了嗎?「心裡潔淨的人是有福的,因為他們要看見天主。」(瑪5:8


Twenty Seventh Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Why Does the Church Not Condemn Violence?
God created men in His image (Genesis 1:26). He knows perfectly the beauty and limitations of mankind, but we don't. God also knows the power of knowledge and the finitude of men. They don't have enough power to handle knowledge. Thus God told Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (2:17). Don't dismiss it as a myth because myths carry much wisdom and lessons of life.
Truly, knowledge brings power. See how more and more knowledge men accumulate, social life is getting more and more advanced. Men discovered fire which gave warmth and chased away wild beasts. Moreover, with cooking, men were able to obtain more nutrition and their brains developed and accumulated more knowledge. Using fire power, men no longer relied on animal forces to travel or wind forces to sail across the oceans. With the discovery of electricity, men were able to work longer hours even when night fell. We were even able to communicate across vast distances. Today, humanity seems to be able to harness infinite power with nuclear energy! But at the same time, we do not have enough power to handle knowledge. Our judgment of good and evil, our morality and laws fall far behind the technology we have invented. Worse still, our pride and selfishness put us above the law. We do not follow proper procedures, taking unethical actions which harm everybody. Consequently, we contaminate the environment we live in and destroy many other species. Some unscrupulous and ambitious people even want to play God to modify our own genes!

With advances in the society, the living standard of people has improved. Most people are literate. The Internet is making much information and knowledge accessible to most people. Unfortunately, our standard of good and evil as well as our knowledge of God who sets the standard have never been raised. No wonder Jesus Christ lamented two millennia ago that "Things that cause sin will inevitably occur!" (Luke 17:1a)
It is due to our pride and selfishness. Although we can gain access to a large amount of information, we are not able to discover the truth. We think what we have seen and heard are true. Although we come into contact with many opinions, we are not able to discern good from bad. We think that we are standing on moral high ground. Although we are fed much news every day from the social media, we get so used to violent scenes that we do not feel sad about the victims. We believe that they deserve to be beaten up. Although we recite the Lord's Prayer daily, saying "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10), we find God's will evasive! If we are self-centred, God's will can be evasive!

The Word of God is found in the Bible where it is not difficult to discover God's will.
First of all, God loves the disadvantaged. Many passages from the Torah, Psalms, Prophets and Apostolic Epistles confirm that God works righteousness for the fatherless, widows and aliens and warn that if we ill-treat them, God shall make our children fatherless and our wives widows. (Exodus 22:22-24; Psalms 68:6, 146:9; Isaiah 1:17; James 1:27) In the famous Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus Christ teaches us to disregard races, religious affiliation as well as political stance and extend a helping hand to the needy indiscriminately so as to practise the commandment of "loving thy neighbour as thyself". In the discourse on the Last Judgment, he makes it clear that "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)

Non-believers, such as editors of and delegates of CPPCC, criticize the Church for sheltering the rioters, giving them place to hide, to change clothes to evade police arrest etc. It is understandable because they do not know the teachings of the Bible. Regrettably, some learned members of the laity criticized our priests in similar manners. They even wrote to the Cardinal to complain! Don't they know that helping the needy is an indisputable stance of the social teachings of the Church?
On the other hand, some members of the laity are disappointed because some churches, for some reasons, were not open to shelter the needy! Have they ever tried to understand why those churches were not open?

Secondly, we are called to sanctification, to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ to proclaim the gospel. What is the gospel? St. Paul says, "God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them." (2 Corinthians 5:19) Therefore, as Christ's ambassadors, we are ambassadors of reconciliation, proclaiming words of "reconciliation with God and reconciliation with men". How do we proclaim? Shall we become commentators of current affairs? On one side, some members of the laity are disappointed that the Church did not condemn rioters who threw bricks and set fire. When the Church is silent before violence, she is pushing young people to die! On the other side, other members of the laity blame the bishop for not reproaching the Police who do not follow the procedures, crippling innocent bystanders. She is supporting a repressive regime, not acting as the conscience of the society and discharging the ministry of a prophet!
I would like to ask, are condemnation and reproach appropriate ways to proclaim reconciliation?
On the previous 120 days, many Christian pastors and Catholic clergy went out of the church, entered the crowd to seek and to console the wounded; or to invite people and faithful to fast, pray, say the rosary, adore the Holy Eucharist, join masses and attend spiritual healing workshops etc. For those who are willing, the Church helps them reconcile with God and with themselves! Leaders of six major religions in Hong Kong

  • appealed to the government to listen to the demands of the people on June 12,
  • appealed to the people to accept the apology of the Chief Executive on June 18,
  • appealed to the government as well as the rioters to stop and calm down for two months on August 31 and
  • appealed to the government to restrain on October 2 etc.
God respects our free-will. God does not enjoy yelling. He only speaks in a light silent sound (1 Kings 19:12). Unfortunately, when God's word comes to proud, selfish and self-centred people, it falls on deaf ears. Nobody cares, nobody responds and they continue to bite each other. Through the words of St. Paul, God has warned, "If you go on biting and devouring one another, beware that you are not consumed by one another." (Galatians 5:15) Brethren, allow ourselves to calm down and receive God's healing. Do not become "the person through whom scandals occur." (Luke 17:1b) Don't be arrogant and believe that you are 100% right and others wrong, or misguided. Lower yourself, humbly beg God to allow yourself to suffer in compensation for the wounds you have inflicted physically and spiritually, upon yourself, on others and on Jesus Christ on these 120 days. Trust the Lord. He has performed many miracles within these 120 days. Are you able to see them? "Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God." (Matthew 5:8)
God bless!

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