
Sunday 3 November 2024

Listen and You’ll Find Hope 聆聽就有希望

Thirty-First Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Listen and You’ll Find Hope 聆聽就有希望

Christians and Jews share a high percentage of their scriptures. We know that the Christian Bible is made up of two Testaments, namely the Old Testament and the New Testament. Most of the books of the Old Testament came from the Jewish Scriptures. In the book of Jeremiah, we find “See, days are coming --- oracle of the LORD --- when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah” (Jeremiah 31:31). Therefore, Christians are justified in creating another collection of books written after the establishment of the early Church; and calling the collection, the New Testament! So, it is not wrong to view Christianity as an outgrowth from Judaism. The Jews divide their Scriptures into three sections: Torah, Prophets and Holy Writings whereas Christians follow the division of a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Septuagint (LXX) into four sections: Pentateuch, History, Wisdom Literature and Prophets. Obviously, the two sets of collections would not be identical. Luckily, both Torah and Pentateuch contain the same books attributed to Moses.

The Torah is the most important collection of scriptures for Jews. The Sadducees who belonged to the priestly class accepted only the Torah whereas the Pharisees accepted all three collections as authoritative. Here are some basic statistics about the Torah/Pentateuch. There are 50 chapters in Genesis, 40 in Exodus, 24 in Leviticus, 36 in Numbers and 34 in Deuteronomy. Furthermore, the frequencies of the word “hear/listen” in these five books are: 63 in Genesis [1.26 per chapter], 50 in Exodus [1.25], 7 in Leviticus [0.29], 33 in Numbers [0.92] and 91 in Deuteronomy [2.68]! No wonder within the five verses of the first reading today, the word “hear” appears twice (Deuteronomy 6:3, 4)! Scholars believe that Deuteronomy is a collection of three parting speeches of Moses delivered to the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land. Moses knew that the LORD barred him from entering the Promised Land. Furthermore, he knew all too well that the Israelites were stiff-necked (appear some 7 times within the Torah). He was anxious for their future in the Promised Land, “so that you, that is, you, your child, and your grandchild, may fear the LORD, your God, by keeping, as long as you live, all his statutes and commandments …, and thus have long life” (6:2).

Let’s re-visit how God created the known universe. In the book of Genesis chapter one, a priestly hymn describes how God spoke and things were created: light, firmament, oceans and land masses, sun and all celestial bodies etc. … But before the creation of men, God seemed to be speaking to a stone-wall. The Creation was not yet able to respond meaningfully to His words. So, on the sixth day, God created human beings in His own image which then was able to respond to His words! What is the appropriate response towards speaking? Of course it must be hearing/listening. Speaking together with listening establishes a connection, a relation between two parties.

Before one can keep all God’s statutes and commandments, one must know them first. Throughout the ages, the scribes and Pharisees were able to draw up 613 laws scattered among the five books in Torah to help the Jews practise their faith. It was in this context that a scribe challenged Jesus and asked Him, “Which is the first of all the commandments?” (Mark 12:28) and Jesus quoted him the “Shema Israel” (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) and “Love your neighbour as youself” (Leviticus 19:18). Most of us would be easily attracted by the word “love” in these two commandments. However, I opine that listening takes precedence over love because it is meaningless to love without firstly establishing a connection, a relationship! As I have mentioned earlier, listening to God establishes our relationship with Him. Listening enables us to know/discern the will of God and then to respond. Obeying God’s will means loving God. Not listening to God or not following His commandments means we severe our connection with God. We literally cut ourselves away from God, away from our source of life. As the Chosen People of God, how did the Israelites/Jews perform? The Prophets and the Wisdom Literature are littered with God’s complaints: “For this is a rebellious people, deceitful children. Children who refuse to listen to the instruction of the LORD” (Isaiah 30:9); “Listen, my people, I will testify against you. If only you will listen to me, Israel!” (Psalms 81:8) Even up to today, the Israelites have demonstrated to the whole world what would happen to a Chosen People who do not listen to the LORD God!

The second reading today is an excerpt from Hebrews 7. We should read the whole chapter in order to understand the logic flow. The main theme of the second reading tells us the superiority of Jesus’ High Priesthood over the high priests of Torah. According to Jewish Law, high priests must come from the house of Aaron whereas chief priests and lower class priests from the tribe of Levi. Remember, Jesus was a descendant of Judah, not of Levi. He could not be a priest, not to mention, the High Priest, according to the law. The levitical High Priests were inferior because they had to offer sacrifice for their own sins before they could offer sacrifice for the people (Hebrews 7:27) whereas Jesus, the Son of God needs not to offer sacrifice for Himself! The author of Hebrews quoted the Psalms to prove that God the Father had vowed to make the Son an eternal High Priest, “The Lord has sworn and will not waver: ‘You are a priest forever (7:21) according to the order of Melchizedek (7:17)” (Psalms 110:4). Verses 1 to 3 in Psalms 110 points to someone from the tribe of Judah and of course, God’s vow must be as valid as, if not stronger than the levitical laws.

Jesus is our hope because He is able to answer at least two problems in the first of all the commandments. Firstly, ordinary people and modern ones in particular are multi-tasking. We do many things at the same time by scheduling our tasks into different time-slots, urgency being the criterion. Therefore, how can modern people love God with ALL their hearts, ALL their souls and ALL their strength? For non-believers, the concept of God is irrelevant and they would allot no time and no energy to entertain it. As for believers, I am afraid only the consecrated religious would be able to love God with ALL their strength. Secular clergy will have a lot of management tasks to handle. They are torn between loving God and maintaining an expanding Church! What can listening to Jesus help those poor souls? Jesus is the embodiment of the word of God and the author of Hebrews writes, “Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart” (Hebrew 4:12). After establishing connection with Jesus, He is able to penetrate our souls and spirit. When we are open to Him, He is able to transform us and make it easy for us to discern the Father’s will and obey it.

Now that we are enabled/empowered, how are we guaranteed to channel ALL our efforts to follow God’s will? Of course it is unrealistic to accomplish the target of total devotion overnight. But there is a hope that Jesus would make up what is lacking in us. In His public ministry, Jesus has demonstrated times and again His transformative and multiplicative powers: namely the miracle of transforming water into wine at Cana (John 2:9) and the miracle of five loaves and two fish to feed 5000 men (6:9-13)! The Responsorial Psalm today also drops us a great hint. Our response is, “I love you, LORD, my strength” (Psalms 18:2)! When the LORD becomes our strength, how can we not love the LORD God with ALL our strength! The transformative power of Jesus shall tune our strength into God’s strength. Thus, the author of Hebrews is right in saying, “Therefore, He [Jesus] is always able to save those who approach God through Him” (Hebrews 7:25a).

Beloved brethren! Listen to the word of God and be stiff-necked no more. In the word of God, we will find salvation. Amen.
God bless!

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Saturday 2 November 2024

傳教事業,大功告成 Evangelization Mission Accomplished



問題又來了,復活後的人都升到天上,與一眾仙家/先知相遇,包括佛祖、觀音、關帝、天后、穆罕默德、梅瑟、厄里亞等等,哪一個纔是公審判的主持人呢?當真正的主持人出場後,我們怎樣確定是屬於祂的人呢?保祿寫信給羅馬教會時,引用了先知的話,帶出一個很有意義的教訓。保祿說「的確,『凡呼號上主名號的人,必然獲救』」(羅10:13; 岳3:5)。即是說,我們必須認識並緊記上主的名號,尤其是在復活後不能夠忘記,在公審判時能說出!

接着保祿寫出一連串的推論,可以說是「福傳大憲章」。「但是,人若不信祂,又怎能呼號祂呢?從未聽到祂,又怎能信祂呢?沒有宣講者,又怎能聽到呢?若沒有奉派遣,人又怎能去宣講呢?」(羅10:14-15a)我們領洗成為基督徒,已經接受了耶穌基督的派遣(瑪28:19)。最低限度,我們也應該向自己的親友同事宣講天主的慈悲。相信與否已經不屬我們的責任了。這是天主聖神的工作,是天主子的承諾:「凡看見子,並信從子的,必獲得永生;並且在末日,我要使他復活」(若6:40) 。



Gospel Chase (VI)
Evangelization Mission Accomplished (John 6:37-40)

For reasons which we should be prudent to remain reticent, we cannot find “absolute justice” on earth. Many people were wrongly convicted and politically persecuted, the opportunity for their wrongs rectified is next to zero. But the righteous God would not allow such injustice to exist forever before Him. Therefore, on the Last Day, there shall be a Last Judgment to straight the wrongs done to the oppressed! Judging the dead is a meaningless political show. Therefore, on the Last Day, “The Lord Himself, with a word of command, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This is Christian faith which other religions might not buy. But they must have their ways to handle “absolute justice”.

Problem arises when after resurrection, all people would rise to the air. We will be meeting a lot of legendary dignitaries and prophets, including the Buddha, Guanyin, Guandi, Queen of Heaven, Muhammed, Moses and Elijah etc. Who would preside over the Last Judgment? When the real president emerges, how can we be sure that we belong to Him? When Paul wrote to the Romans, he brought up a very meaningful teaching. Paul says, “For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved’” (Romans 10:13; Joel 3:5). That is to say, we should know and remember the name of the LORD. In particular, we cannot forget it after resurrection and must be able to call it out at the Last Judgment!

Then Paul wrote a sequence of deductions which can be coined as the “Magna Carta of Evangelization”, “But how can they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15a) When we were baptized as Christians, we were already commissioned by Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). At least, we should proclaim God’s mercy to our relatives, friends and colleagues. Believe it or not is no longer our responsibility. This is the work of God the Holy Spirit, the pledge of the Son of God, “That everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day” (John 6:40).

Beloved brethren! May we enjoy eternal life with our beloved ones on the Last Day. Amen.
God bless!

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Friday 1 November 2024

身教更有力 Actions Speak Louder Than Words




他們當中,有些人選擇了神貧的生活方式,不為世物所約束,自由自在地為更有價值的永生作見證;有些人雖然遭受不幸,以致終日以淚洗面,但他們仍然展示出天主的安慰和心靈的舒暢(詠94:19);天主喜歡使競爭者相咬相吞,同歸於盡(迦5:15),讓溫良的人反而承受土地;天主喜歡為那些備受剝削的人出頭,祇要他們向祂呼求,天主便會使他們「飽享穀、麥、酒、油、小牛小羊;他們的心靈要好像受灌溉的田園,再也不感憔悴」(耶31:12);憐憫人的人展現出天主慈悲的面容,讓身邊的人和自己,回心轉意,投奔上主,接受到天主的憐憫。一如經上記載:「因為上主你們的天主是慈悲的,是仁愛的;如果你們轉向祂,祂決不會轉面不顧你們」(編下30:9b)。人們不再有如舊約時代的以色列人一樣,害怕看見天主,以為看見天主的面容,必死無疑(出3:6; 申18:16; 民13:22; 列上19:13…)。懷著痛悔的心情,這樣的心怎會不潔淨呢?能夠懷著敬畏的心情,問心無愧,經常在上主面前行走,看見天主,真是指日可待!



Gospel Chase (V)
Actions Speak Louder Than Words (Matthew 5:1-12a)

Possessing the charisma of St. John Chrysostom is of course good but evangelization does not need an eloquent and persuasive tongue because it is the Holy Spirit who speaks through you. Indeed, we do not fully understand our target audience. We really don’t know which words are able to touch their soul and their heart to accept God’s mercy towards them. I opine that as far as evangelization is concerned, actions speak louder than words.

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of All Saints to commemorate our predecessors who have laid down the foundation for the Kingdom of God. There have been many anonymous heroes whose paths of sanctification are different from each other’s. They should also be successful in evangelization and have contributed to the building up of the Kingdom of God. Thus the Son of God has prepared a room for them (John 14:2-3) in heaven. Their paths of sanctification must also be their means of evangelization. They proclaimed the good news of the Lord with their actions.

Among them, some chose to lead a life of spiritual poverty, not constrained by worldly possessions and bore witness in freedom to the more superior values of eternal life. Some suffered misfortunes and mourned all days but they were able to show God’s consolation and spiritual joy (Psalms 94:19). God likes to make competitors bite and devour one another (Galatians 5:15), leaving the meek to inherit the land. God likes to advocate for the exploited. When they call upon His name, they would enjoy, “The grain, the wine, and the oil, flocks of sheep and cattle; They themselves shall be like watered gardens, never again neglected” (Jeremiah 31:12). The merciful manifest God’s merciful countenance, help their neighbour together with themselves to repent and turn to the Lord and receive His mercy. As it is written, “The LORD, your God, is gracious and merciful and He will not turn away His face from you if you return to Him” (2 Chronicles 30:9b). People are no longer afraid to see the face of God like the Israelites were in the Old Testament. They thought that if they saw His face, they would surely die (Exodus 3:6; Deuteronomy 18:16; Judges 13:22; 1 Kings 19:13 …). How can a contrite heart not be pure? Walking with a pious fear before God without a guilty conscience, the day to see God can be numbered!

Beloved brethren! Those are just ordinary life styles. Following them would sanctify and evangelize. It is not difficult at all. Let us encourage and support each other.
God bless!

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Thursday 31 October 2024

生有時、死有時 There Is an Appointed Time For Everything


雖然天主超越時空,不受時間的約束,但從聖經的記載中,我們可以看到天主掌握時間,非常到家。例如,為甚麼耶穌不在希臘帝國時代或更早出生,而選擇在羅馬帝國時代呢?學者認為羅馬建築的軍事直道,有利信徒把福音傳遍羅馬帝國。不是嗎?一座喜馬拉雅山脈,足以阻擋聖多默和聖巴爾多祿茂宗徒,把福音傳播到神州大地。又例如天主子耶穌基督為何選擇在在逾越節前榮進耶路撒冷,接受群眾的歡呼:「因主名而來的,當受讚頌」(路13:35, 19:38; 詠118:26),然後受難,而不在其他日子呢?固然,這是標誌著天主子是真正的逾越節羔羊;同時,逾越節是猶太教三大節日之一,散佈在世界各地的猶太僑胞,必須選擇其中一個指定節日,到耶路撒冷朝聖和祭獻。這也解釋了為甚麼天主聖神選擇在五旬節降臨在120位門徒身上,成立教會。可見天主非常有時間觀念,不會早,也不會遲。我經常幻想,倘若猶達斯能沉著氣不自殺,和伯多祿一起等待主耶穌基督兌現祂受難後第三日復活的預言/承諾(路18:33),教會或許會多一位「無間道」的主保,保護身犯險境的間諜了!




Gospel Chase (IV)
There Is an Appointed Time For Everything (Luke 13:31-35)

Although God transcends space-time and is free from its constrains, from the narratives in the Bible, we see that God rides time perfectly. For example, why was Jesus not born during the Greek Empire or earlier but chose the Roman era? Scholars believe that the road system which Romans built for military purposes made spreading of the gospel more efficiently in the Roman Empire. Didn’t the Himalayas prevent Ss. Thomas and Bartholomew from preaching the gospel to China? Another example: why did Jesus Christ, the Son of God chose to enter triumphantly into Jerusalem before the Passover to accept the cheers from the crowd, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD” (Luke 13:35, 19:38; Psalms 118:26), then suffered Passion, and not on some other dates? Of course, this symbolizes that the Son of God is the True Pascal Lamb. At the same time, the Passover is one of the three feasts from which overseas Jews should choose to visit Jerusalem for pilgrimage and for offering sacrifice. That also explains why God the Holy Spirit chose to descend on the 120 disciples on Pentecost to set up the Church. It demonstrates that God is very conscious about timing, not too early and never too late. I always fantasize what if Judas were able to restrain his suicidal impulse and had not hanged himself, then he would be able to stay with Peter to wait for Jesus Christ to honour His pledge/prophecy to rise on the third day after Passion (Luke 18:33). Then the Church would have one more patron saint to protect spies who put themselves in hazardous situations to protect their countries!

Is not evangelization the same? Lord Jesus says, “Behold, I cast out demons and I perform healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I accomplish my purpose” (13:32b). Exorcisms and healings were steps Jesus Christ took to evangelize and He accomplished His mission on the third day with His resurrection. Notice that He accomplished the mission of the Son of God and not the mission of evangelization. We carry the baton to accomplish this mission. Like our Master, we should also evangelize today and tomorrow, and on the third day we accomplish our purpose.

Beloved brethren! If you know which day is “the third day”, please let me know.
God bless!

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Wednesday 30 October 2024

傳教容易信教難 It is EASY to Evangelize but DIFFICULT to Believe


天主固然「願意所有的人都得救,並得以認識真理」(弟前2:4),但事實擺在眼前,願意信教得救的人並不多。一方面,大部份已經奉教的教友,認為傳教是聖職人員的任務,與自己無關。他們樂意為聖召祈禱,為傳教事業捐獻,卻不願意向身邊的親友「講耶穌」。即使知道身為教友有傳福音的本份,也會以不同的藉口,把輕而易舉的傳福音工作,看成登天的難事:我沒有時間、我沒有口才、我怕講異端,誤人子弟、我怕被拒絕、我怕政權打壓、我怕…其實,時間是天主賞賜的,「在天主前一日如千年,千年如一日」(伯後3:8; 詠90:4),何來沒有時間呢?說話的又不是你,而是聖神透過你說話(瑪10:20; 谷13:11),何來沒有口才呢?又怎可能說異端呢?如何你怕被拒絕,你一定沒有享受過靈魂的舒暢,天主的安慰了!「憂愁焦思雖然齊集我的心神,祢的安慰卻舒暢了我的靈魂」(詠94:19)。倘若你怕現世的政權,「你們不知道我們連天使都要審判嗎?」(格前6:3)對於凱撒,何懼之有呢?

另一方面,聽到天主願意與罪人修和的福音後,不是人人都會輕易接受這真理的。今天的福音指出,聽眾要有「竭力由窄門而入」(路13:24)的心理準備;相信耶穌基督有如參加障礙賽,聽福音的人要「過五關,斬六將」,衝破很多關卡。首先,他們要排除宗教信仰是迷信的偏見;其次,宗教信仰不是教人行善避惡的倫理道德那麼簡單;第三,認真面對我們一手創造的科技,並不能消滅邪惡,帶來公義與幸福;第四,人擁有永生的可能;最後,末日已經迫在眉睫!且看「人工智能」正迅速崛起,不斷挑戰「人之所以是人」的防線。「智人 homo sapiens」已經失守了,下一道防線是「道德/價值觀」,最後是「靈性/永生」。很多人仍然躲在自己的「安樂窩」裡,不知大限將至。



Gospel Chase (III)
It is EASY to Evangelize but DIFFICULT to Believe (Luke 13:22-30)

Of course God our saviour “wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4), but in reality, not many people are willing to believe and be saved. On one hand, most of the laity think that evangelization is the task of the clergy. It is none of their business. They are willing to pray for vocation and donate for evangelization, but are reluctant to “talk Jesus” among relatives and friends. Even if they know that it is the duty of the baptized to proclaim the gospel, they would deploy various excuses to make evangelization as difficult as flying to the moon: I have no time; I am not eloquent; I fear I may speak heresies, misleading the audience; being rejected feels bad; I fear that the state would suppress; I fear … In fact, time is given by God, “That with the LORD one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day” (2 Peter 3:8; Psalms 90:4). How can we have no time? “It will not be you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you” (Matthew 10:20; Mark 13:11), how come we have no eloquence? And how can the Spirit speak heresy? If you are afraid of being rejected, your soul must have never enjoyed God’s comfort! “When cares increase within me, your comfort gives me joy” (Psalms 94:18). If you are afraid of worldly rulers, “Do you not know that we will judge angels?” (1 Corinthians 6:3). Then what is so fearsome about Caesar?

On the other hand, after hearing the good news that God wills to reconcile with sinners, not everybody will receive this truth easily. The gospel text today says that the audience should psychologically be prepared “to strive to enter through the narrow door” (Luke 13:24). Believing in Jesus Christ is like participating in steeplechases. The audience need to overcome many obstacles. Firstly, they need to eliminate the prejudice that faith in God is irrational. Secondly, religious faiths are not simply morality that teaches people to do good. Thirdly, we need to acknowledge that the technology that we create is unable to eliminate evil and to bring justice as well as happiness. Fourthly, men possess the potential of eternal life. Lastly, the end is close at hand! Take a look at the recent quick rise of AI which continuously challenges our bulwark of “What makes human human”. Homo Sapiens has lost. Our next defence is “morality/value system” and the last one is “spirituality/eternal life”. Many people are still hiding in their comfort zone, not knowing that the end is imminent. Pray that God continues to look upon us. Amen!
God bless!

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Tuesday 29 October 2024

傳教?「小兒科」啦! Evangelization? A Piece of Cake!






Gospel Chase (II)
Evangelization? A Piece of Cake! (Luke 13:18-21)

Primary school teachers would never set calculus questions in examinations for their pupils. In their daily assignments, pupils would only do 2-digit multiplications or would find the areas of trapezia. Similarly, God would never demand us to do things beyond our capabilities. Just as what Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church, “No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial He will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). We have to understand that daily exercises and trials are sure ways to enhance our metabolism and strength.

It is true that in order to make Israel into a Chosen People within a few decades, God had to work ground shaking miracles. “The LORD brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand and outstretched arm, with terrifying power, with signs and wonders and brought us to this place, and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey” (Deuteronomy 26:8-9). Of course Mathematics professors are able to solve systems of differential equations but for us “primary school chickens”, how would God trample on our confidence with those difficult tasks? If one day we were to do research as a PhD candidate, He would still give us guidance. Perhaps a day would come when we become a Mathematics professor ourselves, we might be working with Him side by side to tackle unresolved century old mathematical hypotheses.

The parables we read today tell us clearly that expanding the Kingdom of God is not difficult at all. It is just like sowing seeds or putting yeast in a batch of dough. The seeds would grow by themselves and the yeast would expand the dough. Similarly, our task is to proclaim God’s mercy to our relatives, friends and colleagues. Then we may fold our hands and see how God the Holy Spirit touch their hearts. How difficult can this be?

Beloved brethren! Before these “primary school chicken” assignments, I trust you will not throw your hands in the air!
God bless!

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Monday 28 October 2024

英雄莫問出處 Saints Were Sinners Before


單憑《新約》的記載,我們對十二宗徒的出身和事跡,除了幾位著名的宗徒外,其餘的所知不多,惟有求諸教會的傳統了,例如「阿耳斐的兒子雅各伯」(路6:15)。聖經沒有說「阿耳斐」是誰,教會傳統告訴我們,阿耳斐是耶穌的養父,大聖若瑟的兄弟,所以這位「次雅各伯」便是耶穌基督的堂兄弟!又因此,今天教會紀念的猶達,又稱為達陡的(瑪10:3;谷3:18),也是耶穌的堂兄弟了!至於號稱「熱誠者」的西滿,固然我們知道「熱誠者」是一個愛國主義者的暴力組織,但拜占庭的傳統說他就是加納的納塔乃耳(若1:45),在加納婚宴中當司席的那一位(2:8)1 ,他與主耶穌也有千絲萬縷的關係。後來,西滿在波斯傳教時,與猶達相遇,兩人一起為福音作見證而殉道。





Gospel Chase (I)
Saints Were Sinners Before (Luke 6:12-19)

From the New Testament alone, we know very little about the origins and deeds of the Twelve except for a few famous ones. We can only rely on Church Tradition to know more about them. For example, “James the son of Alphaeus” (Luke 6:15). The Bible does not mention who Alphaeus was but from Church Tradition, we know that Alphaeus was a brother of Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. Thus, this “James the Lesser” was a cousin of Jesus Christ! And thus, Jude, who was also known as Thaddeus (Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18), was also Jesus’ cousin! As for Simon the Zealot, of course we know that Zealots were patriotic terrorists, but Byzantine Tradition tells us that he was the Nathanael of Cana (John 1:45)1, the headwaiter in the wedding banquet at Cana (2:8). Somehow he was related to Lord Jesus. Later while preaching in Persia, Simon met Jude and both of them suffered martyrdom together.

Bearing witness to God’s mercy is not the privilege of a minority. Building a better world is the responsibility for all of us. Regrettably, we tend to mystify saints imperceptibly and romanticize their lives, making them lofty legendary heroes. Thus, martyrdom/bearing witness becomes an impossible mission which only saints can achieve. Unbeknown to us, God loves to call uneducated and impulsive fishermen, “Boanerges” with explosive characters, greedy tax-collectors, terrorists resorting to violence without remorse, waiters for the rich, traitors who had difficulty mixing with others … to accomplish the salvific project for Him. I’m sure it was not easy to infuse His graces on this bunch of people. But for God, is there anything impossible (Luke 1:37)?

Beloved brethren! If God is able to make these “low end” people accomplish marvels, can we reject God’s commission to pass the good news to people we meet?
God bless!

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