Sunday, 28 February 2016
天主的慈悲有限期嗎? Does God's mercy have a due date?
Why Plants a Fig-tree in a Vineyard?
Third Lenten Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Does God's mercy have a due date?
Let us clarify the context of the gospel reading today (Luke 13:1-9). The passage today is taken among Luke chapters 12 to 14. This section talks about the requirements for entering the Kingdom of God. On the negative side, we should not be greedy, should not worry about worldly things. These attitudes in life will block us from entering the Kingdom of God, from obtaining eternal life. On the positive side, we should be sincere and prudent, be alert and take the initiative to repent. The parable today teaches us to repent as soon as possible.
Before handling the importance of repentance, Luke deals with a wrong concept related to Karma. I believe many of you must have watched the 3-minute video on the social media. A Miss Kwan spoke out the grievances of many citizens during a special Legislative Council meeting about retirement protection. Within two days, the video received a hit rate of more than 300,000. Near the end of the tirade, Ms. Kwan said, "There is something in this world called Karma!" Obviously, the concept of Karma has deeply been carved into our psyche. Let us analyze and see if Jesus buys the idea of Karma.
Human nature is basically good and it is not good for man to be alone. He must live and grow in a group. When we live with other people, fairness is good and reasonable. Fairness seems to be inborn and it is not easy to explain. Still, most people believe that justice is good. However, in the real world, we see a lot of unfair things. From a religious point of view, God is good and God is just. He is the master of the whole universe and mankind. Why then does He allow evil people to enjoy a good life? The concept of Karma appears. In the end, God will award everybody his due. Put it in another way, sooner or later God will act. So on one hand, the concept of Karma solves the problem of apparent unfairness, but more importantly, the concept soothes people's grumblings.
All mankind share the same humanity. The concept of Karma transcends space and time. But 2000 years ago, the Jews turned the question around and asked, "People suffer disasters. Is it due to their sins?" Ancient Jews believed in God's justice in a simplistic way. God blessed good people with many children and wealth. He punished bad people with death without a proper burial or with chronic illnesses. Obviously, this logic is flawed. Assuming that the statement "If you commit a sin, sooner or later, you will be punished" is correct, conversely, "When someone suffers disasters, he must have committed a sin" is not logically correct. In the book of Job, one of Job's friends who came to console him committed this fallacy. If the logic is wrong, it implies that both good people and bad people will meet disasters. For example, in an air crash in which more than 200 people died, it is impossible for all passengers to be sinners who deserve such a violent death. But Jesus was not content with logical arguments. He took this opportunity to warn those self-righteous people who do not have a sense of crisis: "Do not think that those who suffer a violent death were worse sinners than other people and that they deserved to die a violent death. No, but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." Just as what St. Paul has taught, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". So, when the Pharisees despised the tax-collectors, it is "the pot calling the kettle black". All of them fail to meet the target God sets for them and thus are sinners all the same. Therefore, despising others is committing yet one more sin of prejudice.
Now, we can do our reflection on the parable. The fig tree only absorbs nutrients and never bears any fruits. It does not achieve its target. It symbolizes sinners. Of course the owner of the vineyard represents the Father. He knows us through and through, what we can do and what we cannot do. He cultivates us like all kinds of vine and fig trees. He helps us develop, elevates our human nature so that we may enter the Kingdom of God to partake His divinity. If we do not meet His expectation, we have truly "used up the ground". The vinedresser represents Jesus Christ. He pledges the Father for us, not to punish us immediately, to continue giving us more opportunities to repent, "let it alone this year also". This is the mercy of God. The mercy of God is to forgive repentant people continually. That is why bad people can still enjoy a good life. However, God's mercy has a due date. After the "4th year", if a sinner persists in his evil and allows riches to numb his heart and refuses to repent: does not give alms to relieve the plights of the poor; does not fast to experience the hunger of the poor and to do penance for his sins; does not pray and turn to the Father. In the end, he will receive the just judgment of God, perhaps an immediate punishment, or at his death, or even at the end of the world. God decides the duration of this "4th year". In our eyes, there is Karma, God's vengeance.
In fact, God is both just and merciful. There is no contradiction between His justice and mercy. Chronologically, God's mercy precedes His justice but God transcends time. Therefore, His justice and mercy go hand in hand. We commit sins out of ignorance or weaknesses. Out of His justice, God tolerates us and gives us opportunity to repent, thus manifesting His mercy. When God metes out His justice, He is merciful at the same time. He punishes bad people to chastise them and remind them of repentance. Out of mercy, God gives them a little punishment to teach them a big lesson. Therefore, God's justice is merciful. But Jesus' parable reminds us that our life span is limited and thus, confines God's mercy. After death, a person can no long turn to God. This is reasonable and God is not impotent.
Brethren, in Lent, especially the Lent in this Jubilee of Mercy, we should, while God is still merciful, pray, fast and perform spiritual and as well as corporal works of mercy to transformed our numbed hearts, repent, do confession and receive plenary indulgence so as to return to the bosom of the Father.
God bless.
Saturday, 27 February 2016
Today, I listened to a couple who suffered from communication breakdown. Their marriage is undergoing a serious crisis which is precipitated by the demise of one of the parents of the couple. When A spoke, B cut A off in mid-sentence and started putting forth B's view without responding to A's emotion. When B pointed B's finger at A, A denied and claimed that B did not understand the whole truth ... While listening to them, I experienced a strong sense of déjà vu emerging. I have had communication breakdown myself before because I focused too much in my work and had failed to respond to my wife's frustrations. At the end of our session, I did not think the couple were willing to acknowledge that they had a communication problem. We three prayed together, holding our hands. May Jesus have mercy on the couple and me as well.
The prodigal son woke up and came to his senses when he was hungry, when his comfortable life ended, when he spent all his resources and there was nothing else to rely on. Only then did he remember his father (Luke 15:17). Do we really need to meet disasters in order to come to our senses? I am pessimistic. I think we do because most of us are so egocentric that we are unable to leave our comfort zone voluntarily unless disasters strike. Perhaps it would be too late.
Lord, have mercy on us. Have mercy on us couples. We do not have the strength to repent. Amen.
God is merciful. God has been patient with the rebelliousness of the Jews and kept sending prophets to remind them of the covenant, knowing all along that the Jews would reject them. Though God is all-knowing. He knows every possible outcome and respect the freedom of will of mankind. A handful of Jews might not follow the crowd. Indeed there were Jesus' disciples. But God has a bigger plan. His salvation is for all mankind, not just for the Jews. But this outcome depends on the rebelliousness of the Jews to spread His salvation for all. Had the Jews been obedient in the first place, they would have become a nation of priests, a sacred people. The chance of killing Jesus would have been extremely slim. Once again, we can only marvel at God's wisdom and power to make use of evil to do good. Since everybody is simply playing their parts, the Jews as Judas and the Gentiles as beneficiary, we cannot blame the Jews for killing Jesus and thus, they did not deserve a miserable death.
God is just. Spilled blood should be repaid. "His blood be on us and on our children" (27:25). I am not sure. Perhaps Matthew put these words into their mouths. Since the justice of God goes hand in hand with His mercy, where lies God's mercy to the Jews? We have to be patient because the curtain has not been drawn. This salvation drama has yet to play out in full.
Dear God, this reflection has not been satisfactory. Enlighten me please. Amen.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Luke is famous in reversing the fortunes. For example, in the Magnificat, Mary sang praises to the Lord because He puts down the mighty and exalted the lowly, fills the hungry and sends the rich away empty (Luke 1:52-53). In this parable, the rich man is anonymous while the poor man has a name, the very opposite of what is happening in the society. Here in Hong Kong, who doesn't know Li Kar Shing, the richest man perhaps even in Asia Pacific? After their death, the poor Lazarus was carried by angels to heaven while the rich man was buried in Hades (16:22). Of course, I am not saying Li Kar Shing will suffer the same fate because of his riches. God will decide, not me nor any readers of the parable. Why then did Luke reverse the fortunes of the rich man and Lazarus?
Throughout the parable, Lazarus is silent while the rich man talks a lot. How true it is! Not only do the poor struggle with a lack of resources, they also suffer from a lack of media for them to voice their plights. Media professionals do not find the poor newsworthy. They pay attention to the rich, the celebrities because their news sell.
What sin does the rich man commit? What is wrong being rich? There is nothing wrong being rich as long as they do something to improve the situation of the voiceless poor. Do they not have the freedom to spend their money in whatever way they want? Yes they do. Are they not entitled to enjoy the fruit of their hard work? Yes they are. That is why Jesus does not force us to give up all our riches to follow him. He only invites us to do so. So, what wrong has the rich man done? The answer is simple.
We are brothers and sisters, the rich and the poor. We are all children of our Heavenly Father. Then are the rich keepers of their poor brothers? Yes they are. So, they are immoral when they neglect the plights of the poor. In the Lenten message this year, Pope Francis reminds us that the silent Lazarus is an invitation for us to repent. Through the poor, God quietly invites us to partake in His mercy. As long as there are poor people around, and there always are, we still have the opportunity to receive God's mercy. But when our hearts become numb and then hardened by riches, we risk ignoring God's mercy. Consequently, we are doomed to Hades.
Heavenly Father, make me not turn a blind eye to the needy. Let me see You in my poor neighbour. Strengthen my reluctant heart to extend a helping hand. Amen.
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Of course we can draw many lessons from this parable. Immediately, we may tease the customer for his choice. The pearl should be more valuable than the casket. He had chosen foolishly. However, we do not know why he valued the casket more than the pearl. On the other hand, we may tease the merchant for putting his effort in the wrong place. He should not have made a casket which overshadowed the pearl. At the end of the day, he had failed to sell his pearl, the very purpose of making the casket!

Now, the mother of the Zebedee brothers asked Jesus to leave the seats of glory for the brothers (Matthew 20:21). She did not choose wisely. She should have asked for a guarantee of eternal life instead.
Alas! Why do human beings always choose stupidly? I do not blame the psychologists who advise corporate leaders to design incentive schemes to motivate their employees ahead to make money for the companies. This is human nature. But naturally, which is more valuable, life or food, body or clothes? We eat to live. We wear clothes to keep our body warm. We earn money to make a living etc. However, our focus has shifted and our values changed after living in a highly commercialized society for too long. We enjoy eating more than caring for our health. We chase after fashion at the detriment of our body. We hoard money and forget our eternal life ... In short, we buy the casket and return the pearl to God.
Dear Lord, we pray that we will never lose sight of what the most important thing for us is. Amen.
Acknowledgement: The cartoon came from
It is human nature to pick up others' mistakes easily and in time, a teacher pinpoints mistakes instead of articulating the right way. Pinpointing mistakes of others will inevitably elevate one position and ego. Teachers can easily become arrogant. When pointing out others' mistakes becomes a second nature, woe to that teacher. That explains why Confucius warned against this danger and said, "Enjoy being a teacher is a nuisance to people人之患在好為人師." Still, many people enjoy being a teacher, pinpointing others' mistakes to boost their own ego. What is worse, it is also human nature to be blind to one's own mistakes. In the end, people do not practise what they preach (Matthew 23:3).
Jesus practised what he preached. He taught us to pray for those who persecute you. He did it on the cross. He taught that the meek are blessed. He was meek and did not fight back when he was insulted and injured. He taught us to love even our enemies and when he was arrested, he healed an injured servant. He claimed that he did not come to abolish the law. He sent the healed leper to follow Moses' law to be examined by a priest and offered sacrifice ... He is the perfect teacher and we need other teachers no more (Matthew 23:10). Shall we stop others from enjoying being a Rabbi, a Father, a Master? No. They are free to enjoy what they want to enjoy. Others are able to judge whether they are what they claim. There is no harm having teachers of a variety of hues, of various degrees of perfection.
Master, be my friend as well. Amen.
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
From what we have learned in psychology, positive reinforcement is always better than negative reinforcement, in other word punishment, in learning. That is to say, punishment is less effective in helping people improve. Moreover, meting out appropriate punishment is extremely difficult because we do not know when a punishment is excessive, is out of proportion.
However, most people are impatient and want to see instant results. Furthermore, it is easy to identify errors and mistakes in others. (Ironically, it is not easy to do likewise in oneself. Life is always so asymmetrical!) Therefore, punishment gets an upper hand. Gradually, tortures in public were invented in the name of deterrence.
On the contrary, God has perfect knowledge. His punishment is never excessive and is appropriate to the point. I am of the opinion that God alone is qualify to punish. However, God prefers mercy to punishment and mercy is more effective in reforming sinners.
Today, we celebrate the primacy of Peter's Chair. Jesus gave him the key of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever he binds on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever he looses on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). In other words, Jesus delegates to Peter and his successors the authority to punish and to forgive. When Peter forgives on earth, Jesus will forgive in heaven. What Peter declares to be a sin on earth, Jesus will do likewise in heaven. Jesus' decision is rather risky because human beings tend to punish more than to forgive. It is easy to abuse such an absolute authority. Yet, Jesus puts his faith in fragile humanity to forgive/punish each other; to administer his body and blood at any time! God's mercy and love is mind-boggling.
Merciful Lord, help our Pope and his delegates exercise their authority to forgive so as to manifest Your loving mercy. Amen.
Sunday, 21 February 2016
必須下山 We must descend from the mountain
Second Lent Sunday (Year C)
Theme: We must descend from the mountain
Let us clarify the context of this miracle first. Jesus had been evangelizing for three years. In Caesaria Philippi, he asked his disciples what they thought he was. Peter spoke on behalf of all followers and declared that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Jesus knew then that the Father had chosen Peter among the disciples and revealed the truth to him. So he made Peter the Rock of the Church and told them the redemptive mission of the Messiah. That is, the Messiah would be rejected by the Jewish authority, suffered, died and on the third day rose again from the dead to defeat sins and death. To his surprise, Peter did not fully understand the mission of the Messiah. He thought that the Messiah would be a political military leader sent from God to liberate them from the colonial rule of the Romans. Out of good intention, Peter tried to dissuade Jesus from going to meet his death. Consequently, Jesus scolded him Satan. Jesus had overestimated his disciples. But time was running short. So Jesus had to take the three core disciples for an extra lesson. He took them up Mount Tabor to reveal the glory of resurrection to them. He hoped to help them overcome the fear of death and increase their desire for resurrection.
The three Synoptic gospels have not mentioned on which mountain Jesus transfigured. Ever since the third century, Church Fathers have agreed that it was Mount Tabor. On the other hand, Moses and Elijah represented the Law and prophets of the Old Testament. Without Jesus, all the things written in the Old Testament would not be fulfilled. Without Jesus, the Old Testament would only be empty promises. Jesus came to honour the covenant God made with people.
Luke is a contemplative biography of Jesus. Several scenes in the Transfiguration are good materials for prayers. Firstly, strong lights beamed out of Jesus' body. Secondly, Moses and Elijah accompanied Jesus. Thirdly, Peter wanted to stay behind and remain on the mountain. Fourthly, a cloud overshadowed them. Lastly, the testimony of the Father's voice. These scenes are very suitable for personal prayer. For example, you return to Church after your daily work, kneel or sit down in front of the tabernacle to meditate.
Today, let us meditate together the scene where Peter preferred staying on the mountain. Imagine you are Peter. You go up the mountain to pray with Jesus. To whom does Jesus prayer? Heavenly Father. You also pray to the Father. Remember, every time you pray, Jesus prays with you. How happy this is! So, we should pray more.
No matter how perfect the state, we cannot attach to it. In our earthly life, we need to grow and cannot stay in the same square forever, unless we are already in heaven. We have to go down the mountain, accompany Jesus to enter Jerusalem triumphantly, cleanse the Temple together, eat the Last Supper together and deny him three times … After the resurrection of Jesus, there are more works for us to expand the Church. Now, the meditation is over. Hope that this habit of meditation brings us good experience. We bring this good experience back to our secular life, make use of it to combat daily difficulties like Peter.
During the forty-year wandering in the wilderness, the Israelites did not have a Temple to worship God. God gave them clear instructions to build an Ark of Covenant to house the two stone tablets on which God wrote the Ten Commandments. The invisible God resides on the top of the Ark. Whenever the Israelites stopped moving in the wilderness they would build a big tent, called the Tabernacle, to house the Ark in order to worship God. When God descended in the Tabernacle, a billow of thick smoke would indicate the presence of God. So, when Peter wanted to build three booths for Jesus, Moses and Elijah, he intended to build a place to worship them. Then, wouldn't Peter be worshipping idols? Of course not. Emitting strong light from inside his body, Jesus does not belong to this world. He is the Son of God. Elijah was a prophet serving in the 9th century B.C. According to 2 Kings, Elijah did not die. God sent a chariot of fire to take him up. Now that he appeared, Elijah must have come from God. Moses belonged to the 13th century B.C. Although he had died, he did not leave behind his corpse. According to legends of Israelites, God sent Archangel Michael to guard over his body. Now that Moses appeared, once again it showed that he came from God. Therefore, when Peter intended to build three booths for Jesus, Moses and Elijah, he did not commit the sin of idolatry because these three lead us to God while idols tempt us away from God. Furthermore, when we honour the saints and BVM, we are not worshipping idols because they do not lead us away from God.
Why was Peter afraid? As it was mentioned before, God is shrouded in thick smoke when He appears. This time, it was a cloud. When they entered the cloud, they were afraid. It was a natural reaction when men were overwhelmed before sacred beings.
When you pray, you talk with Jesus, telling him what in your heart is. You can also listen to the conversation between Jesus and the Heavenly Father, the contents or the tone. Do you hear Jesus speak to you? If not, next time. If you do, keep this sound in mind. It is because in our daily life, even in time outside our prayers, in time of distress, this sound will give us consolation. Suddenly, Jesus begins to radiate strong lights. The intensity of the light is so strong as to penetrate his clothes so much so that his clothes become dazzling white. Now, this light comes upon you, penetrate your body so that your organs, bones and blood vessels become visible. More importantly, this light so brightens up your heart and soul that you are able to know your strength and weakness, as well as darkness, repressed secrets which you do not find the courage to confront etc. This state of mind is so wonderful. Time seems stopped. You do not wish to separate from this state. "Master, it is well that we are here …" You prefer staying here to build three booths for Jesus. You desire to stay in this heavenly happy state forever. You don't want to come down the mountain to return to secular conflicts in our daily life …
God bless.
Firstly of all, we must make no enemy. Then, we don't have enemies to love.
However, life is not perfect. We have enemies, no matter how well we behave or how good our intentions are. Therefore, let us make our enemy lovable before we can love him. But before we make our enemy lovable, we must understand our enemy first. What makes him our enemy?
In most cases, we are enemies because we are rivals. We compete for some resources in short supply, such as a promotion or even some food or water for survival. In such zero-sum games, it is difficult to share. If you give up a promotion, subordinates under you may suffer. If you give up the food or water, again people who depend on you will die. So, even if you are willing to concede or sacrifice, other people will suffer because you stop competing. In such circumstances, we try our best to figure out a win-win situation. If there is no way out, compete in an honourable and dignified way. Respect your rival. Pay your enemy due respect because they are worth competing with. You love him as your equal.
In other situations, we are the underdogs, the scapegoats. We have no way to fight back and our cause, even if truth is on our side, is doomed to failure and our battle a total loss. In such situations, our enemies are simply too strong for us. Then, be prepared to become martyrs and pray for your persecutors, your enemy. They are God's executioners sending us home. Love them by praying for them. After all, we are brothers and are made in the image of God who will take care of the preservation of truth and He doesn't need us to defend the truth anymore.
In still other situations, we are prevalent and our side is winning. Even though truth is on our side, we remember to respect our enemies. Show them kindness, hoping that they may change their hearts and see the truth. We do not convince them with logic. We convince them with kindness and mercy.
Heavenly Father, help us make more friends, not enemies. Amen.
Friday, 19 February 2016
"And if you are offering your gift at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you." (Matthew 5:23)
Here, you do not have any problem. You do not feel wronged. You are not the victim. Rather, you remember that your brother feels bad. He has something against you. He feels bad because of you. Well, why bother? You may think it is none of my business. It is his problem, not mine. But Jesus says, "Love your brother. His problem is yours because he is your brother. You are the keeper of your brother (Genesis 4:9). Relieve him of his problem. Then you are relieving yourself of your future problems. Moreover, act before it is too late!" Only after you have relieved yourself, have reconciled with your brother can you offer your gift (5:24).
If there is no peace between you and your brother, God will keep bugging you until you reconcile with your brother. When your conscience is not peaceful, it will distract you in your offering. Your offering will not be a good one, not a pleasing one to God. How can God accept such an offering? For His good and for your own good, reconcile before the sun sets. Amen.
They gave birth to single child. They do homework for their kids. They fill up the time of their children with lots of extra-curricular classes in order to have a head start in admission to elite schools. They tell lies to 'defend' their truant children. They accuse teachers of their children being unfairly treated in schools. They will not encourage their children to choose DSE Ethics and Religious Studies. They escort young gentlemen and ladies to University Orientation Camps etc., to name just a few. I wonder if Jesus' saying still applies today, "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children ... " (Matthew 7:11) In order to save our children, these Monster Parents need re-education, in other words, repentance. What are to be done? I have no ready answers. Of course, the statements made above are sweeping. There must be good parents who know what is genuinely good for their children.
I have to admit that no parents are perfect. Mine too are not perfect. As a parent myself, I have made many mistakes. But I have hope because man can change. I pray to God that all parents change for the better. God is merciful. "Ask and it will be given you." (7:7) I pray that when parents seek what is good for their children, they will find the best. I pray that when parents knock, they knock at the right door and it will be opened to them. Amen.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Now, Jesus treats himself as a thing! That's devastating for many of us because it is immoral to treat a person as a thing, as an object! We condemn pornography and slavery on this ground. However, whenever we read Luke 11:31-32, or Matthew 12:41-42, we feel uncomfortable because Jesus treats himself as a thing! "Something greater than Jonah is here" or "Something greater than Solomon is here." Let me assure you, the original Greek word is neuter, neither masculine nor feminine. It is not a matter of improper translation.
As if words are not damaging enough, Jesus offers himself up as a wafer of unleavened bread! We see and consume this piece of wafer and confess that it is the Body of Christ! During Eucharistic adoration, we kneel before a wafer of unleavened bread and pray to Jesus. The Eucharist is a truly challenging mystery of faith!
In this Jubilee of Mercy, we have a better understanding why Jesus is willing to offer himself up as a thing! Jesus is the personification of the Father's mercy. He is the Son of God, pervading the whole universe. Yet, he debases himself and took up human flesh to be pierced through on the cross. Furthermore, he is willing to take up the substance of unleavened bread for our consumption whenever we celebrate the Holy Eucharist. He does all these to show and pass on to us the Father's mercy. His mercy is unfathomable.
Lord, have mercy on me, a pitiful soul rendered feeble by sins. Amen.
First of all, Jesus warns us not to heap up empty phrases in prayer. That makes sense. He then tells us the our heavenly Father knows even before we pray. That makes sense because God is all-knowing. Naturally, we may ask why then we should pray at all. The Father knows everything, even the exact words we are going to utter. Why bother praying? Obviously, prayer is more than telling God our needs. Rather, I would say prayer is an exercise of self-knowledge.
Prayer is an exercise of lifting up our souls towards God. It is an exercise because it takes efforts. Most of the time during the day, we are occupied with a lot of other things. Our focus lies elsewhere. We are not aware of the whereabouts of God even though He is always around. In prayer, we turn our attention towards God at long last.
In lifting up our souls towards God, we will be illuminated. We see and understand ourselves better. In our daily life, we have a lot of wants and needs and are overwhelmed and confused. Therefore, we may want things we actually do not need and our desperate needs, we don't want. It is contradictory, isn't it? But this is a fact of life when we are awake. In prayer, we turn to God our Creator who knows all. He will illuminate our souls so that we can see our wants and needs clearly. That is why, prayer is an exercise of self-knowledge.
There are seven petitions in the Lord's Prayer. One of them is to seek God to forgive us. But why does Jesus focus on only this one after teaching us the prayer? Why is forgiveness such an important element in our prayers? I think it is because anger clouds our perception and judgment of the world and ourselves. When we are wronged, we feel victimized and angry. We become angry and naturally seek revenge. Anger hurts. In anger, our judgment will be flawed and our perception will be blinded. Therefore, it is most important to remove anger, to forgive the perpetrators. When we forgive, we ourselves are freed and God's mercy may descend on us. When we remain angry, we do not allow others to come close to us, not even God. Then God is not able to shower His mercy on us. Therefore, for our own sake, forgive.
Merciful Lord, I am will to forgive and to free myself. Forgive me for I am weak. I am a sinner. Amen.
Monday, 15 February 2016
2000 years ago, Jesus had already told us how to see him and serve him. Yet, many people still refuse to see the needy. Pope Francis has offered an explanation in his 2016 Lent Message. It goes all the way to the root of all sins, "you will be like God" (Genesis 3:5). We are omnipotent but our development and achievement "...leads to lack of concern for the fate of the poor on the part of wealthier individuals and societies; they close their doors, refusing even to see the poor."
Once again, we see that science and technology cannot be neutral. There is always a need of moral guidance behind all human endeavours. Without morality, scientific advancements can create monstrous harm to the society. On the personal level, Christian morality is a matter of salvation.
Pope Francis says it well. "Lazarus (Luke 16:20-21), the poor man, is a figure of Christ, who through the poor pleads for our conversion. As such, he represents the possibility of conversion which God offers us and which we may well fail to see." That is to say, if we refuse to see the poor and the needy, we miss a conversion opportunity. The consequence of this blindness is serious. Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would have no guilt; but now that you say, 'We see', your guilt remains." (John 9:41) That's why the Pope, quoting St. John of the Cross, insists that "as we prepare to leave this life, we will be judged on the basis of love." (Misericordiae Vultus 15), repeating the teaching of Matthew 25. Performing works or mercy is a cure of this spiritual blindness. As simple as ABC.
Dear Lord, I want to see again. Amen.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
做好基本功,應付試探 Build up a good foundation to resist temptation
First Week of Lent (Year C)
Theme: Build up a good foundation to resist temptation
There are many targets in life, whether large or small. And in order to achieve them, we need to overcome many obstacles. Some of them do not obstruct us but distract us to deviate from our target. We call them "temptations".
The American psychologist, Maslow, developed a theory of a hierarchy of needs when he helped business corporations find ways to motivate the employees. He opines that for men to live, they have to satisfy their needs according to a hierarchy. Firstly they need to meet their physiological needs, then needs of security, of belonging, of esteems and lastly the need of self-actualization. Taking into consideration of their situations and needs, bosses can motivate their employees and stir up their morale to make money for their companies. This theory has been widely and successfully applied in western countries. With this theory, we may understand better the nature of temptations that Jesus met.
Among the Synoptic gospels, like the Nativity story, only Matthew and Luke mention the contents of the temptation Jesus had gone through. Mark simply says that after his baptism, the Holy Spirit immediately drove Jesus into the wilderness for forty days to be tempted by Satan. Mark does not mention the contents of temptation. The three temptations which Matthew and Luke mention are identical but in different sequence. Matthew wrote for Jewish believers. He made use of the victory of Jesus' overcoming temptations in the forty days to compensate for the three Israelite failures in their 40-year wandering in the wilderness. Luke did not have the Jewish burden. His readership is universal and the sequence is more reasonable. The sequence of temptations fits the hierarchy of needs. In turning stones into bread to satiate hunger is to meet the lowest, the most fundamental physiological needs. Had these needs not met, one would not have survived and how can one meet higher needs in the hierarchy? With authority and glory, one can enjoy a secure life of level two, an extensive social network of level three and esteem of level four. Lastly, jumping off from the top of the Jerusalem Temple, Jesus could actualize his power and status as the Son of God, satisfying the need of self-actualization. In fact, there must have been more than three temptations within the forty days. These three are typical and conducive to our faith. When Jesus underwent temptations, there was nobody around. Thus, Jesus must have chosen these three to instruct his disciples.
As we live, we cannot shake off needs. Needs and temptations go hand in hand. That is to say, temptation is unavoidable. Then, how shall we deal with temptations?
But don't the gospels say that the Holy Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan? That is to say, sometimes it is God's will to allow Satan to tempt us. Truly, although we pray in the Lord's Prayer not to lead us into temptation, if it is God's will for us to undergo temptation exercises, we should follow the example set down by Jesus. Mencius says well, "When heaven decrees a major mission for a man, his will is to be drilled, his bones and joints laboured, his belly hungered, his body emptied and his acts scrabbled etc." Just think about it, who would willingly enjoy such sufferings? But not undergoing such sufferings, one cannot do the Father's will, cannot accomplish the major mission. Thus trying to shake off these sufferings turns out to be a temptation per se. Then what does Jesus' example of overcoming temptation reveal to us?
Simply put "fundamental exercises". Look at each of Jesus's answers to Satan. He simply said, "It is written ..." Beware, waving the Bible in front of Satan does not drive it away! Jesus only makes use of the teachings of the Bible to discern what temptation is and what the right thing to do is. Look, although Jesus did not turn stone into bread his time, had he not multiplied bread to solve the problem of 5000 hungry souls? When the crowd challenged him to jump down from the cross, did he refuse to jump like this time? So Jesus knew the teachings of the Bible so well that he is able to discern what temptation is and what the right thing to do is. Thus, daily Bible study is a very important fundamental exercise. On this solid foundation, we can resist temptation. Let me tell you a little tip. All the passages which Jesus used to fend off Satan came from Deuteronomy.
But beware, Satan knows the Bible more thoroughly than anyone of us. Don't you see how Satan made use of the Psalms to test Jesus? Jesus is the Son of God. Of course he could resist the temptation. But we are mere mortals. Where can we come up with the ability to defeat Satan? There is. Trust in the Father. Tell me, what was Jesus doing in the wilderness? Sightseeing? Researching, gathering stone samples? Wrong. He was fasting. Fasting makes us hungry and hunger makes us feeble. When we are weak, we can choose to trust in our heavenly Father, or we can choose to make use of our own ability to satisfy our needs. Jesus chose trusting in his heavenly Father. This is what we should learn from Jesus. Thus the Church follows the example of Jesus Christ, apportions a Lent Season in the liturgical year. Within these forty days, we follow Jesus' example of fasting, renouncing ourselves, drilling us to trust in the Father and resisting temptations.
Brethren, let us make good use of the Lent Season to fast and to study the Bible. Build up a good foundation so as to accomplish the major mission which heaven decrees.
Every human being has needs and needs give room to temptation. As the idiom goes, "Everybody has a price." When you have enough money, bad people cannot buy you with money to do bad things. But if you are single or your marriage has cracks, they will entice your lust in exchange for your service; or they will threaten you with the personal safety of your loved ones so that you will remain loyal and do things against your conscience. These sound like movie plots but in our daily life, these things actually and continually happen around us. Unless we no longer have any needs, we will always be tempted. Needs and temptations always go hand in hand.
Temptation is not a sin. It is an opportunity to commit sins. There is a thin line between temptation and sin. If we succumb to temptation or put up inappropriate resistance, we will fall into the trap of committing sins. Traditional Church teaching tells us to stay away from temptation. That is to say, if you know it is a pornographic video, do not download it. If you know that you are in financial troubles, do not go to Macau. If you know you have prejudice against the ‘blue ribbons', avoid going to Mongkok where crowds are facing off the police etc.
God bless.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Levi must have been very unpopular and ostracized among his fellow Jews because he was a tax collector, a public sinner. Who could be his friends? Other public sinners such as fellow tax collectors and perhaps prostitutes. What about Jesus? A popular Rabbi, a rising star from Nazareth.
For reasons we could no longer fathom, Levi left everything, rose and followed Jesus when Jesus called him (Luke 5:28). Among the calling stories, only Matthew's mentions about celebration afterward. This is significant. Do we find joy after following Jesus? How do we celebrate our call? Do we throw a party? Levi did! He found joy. He celebrated and he threw a party for Jesus (5:29). If our answer is not affirmative, being a Christian will be burdensome. If we find no joy, no transformation and no improvement in life as a Christian, how can we take the next logical step, to evangelize?
Levi did. He found joy probably in being able to walk tall again. He celebrated and threw a party to express his gratitude towards the Lord who had redeemed and restored his dignity. He shared his newly discovered joyful life with his fellow sinners! How I envy you St. Matthew.
We cannot make this joy up ourselves. This joy is granted in God's pleasure. But Jesus has assured us that it is our Father's pleasure to give us the Kingdom (12:32). The question remains: Do we open ourselves up to God? What do we obsess about, money or God?
Merciful Lord, I am a sinner. I am weak. Have mercy on me. Amen.
Friday, 12 February 2016
Fasting weakens our body for a while but it strengthens our spirit because we need a strong spirit to endure the hunger. But nowadays, our spirit is being bombarded by far too many distractions from the media and the Internet. We need to be choosy spiritually as well.
As for myself, my relationship with my mother can turn stormy sometimes and last night, I nearly exploded when she kept nagging me. I begged the Lord to help me and He mercifully granted. I need to go deeper inwards to dig up the root. So, help me Lord. Amen.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
In meditating today's reading (Luke 9:22-25), I see that being a workaholic is in fact an evasion from intimate relationships. I bury myself among heavy workloads which are more comfortable than opening up my vulnerabilities. I do not allow myself to be hurt emotionally. Therefore, I keep myself aloft for fear of establishing close relationships. In work, I can forget my being. In this way, I have achieved to a certain extent self-denial required by Jesus. Consequently, I suffer financially and medically. And I deem it my daily cross. Yet, am I following Jesus? What does it mean to follow him (9:23)?
What was the script of Jesus? He carried out the will of the Father, suffered many things and was rejected and killed but on the third day, he was raised from the dead (9:22). Now, what does it mean to follow him? Am I supposed to suffer many things and is rejected and killed like Jesus, and only then can I be said to be following him? Why then does he say that his yoke is easy and his burden light (Matthew 11:30)?
In the diaconia ministry, I feel more and more strongly that there are many things beyond my control. For example, the "Pun Choy Banquet" we offer for outsourcing janitors in Tin Shui Wai. I set the target to 15 tables. So far, only some 50 janitors sign up and we are just one week away. During my teaching career, things have been thoroughly thought out and meticulously implemented. Everything is under control. Now, everything relies on God's pleasure! I need to break out of my comfort zone and relearn the easy and light way.
Merciful Lord, may whatever I do is what you will to get done. Please put your words on my lips so that whatever I say is what you will to convey. Amen.
Last year, at the early stage of the Umbrella Movement, the administrations started and kept blaming foreign influences which, until today, could not be verified. How convenient an excuse it was! Foreign influences were everywhere in a cosmopolitan city like Hong Kong. To show their love and care for the youngsters who took to the streets, the authority blamed the pan-democrats for instigating the youngsters. One year after the end of Umbrella Movement, the administration still does not give even a little thought of how far the government was responsible for creating this "deep-level contradiction" within the society. At the wake of the Mongkok protests which turned ugly on the first Lunar New Year night, the government blamed the so called "localists" ... It is not my fault. Am I my brother's keeper? Worst of all, the administration was playing a more dangerous game by defining this incident a "riot" which could easily turn into an excuse to call in the PLA once the police is proven ineffective in containing the situation. The so called "riot" lasted for 7 hours and the police starts rounding up "suspects" ...
The Catholic Church starts the Lent Season today, the Ash Wednesday. To prepare ourselves to partake in the resurrection of Christ, we should fast, pray and give alms. We should repent and turn once more towards God. We should make God our centre of being etc. For me, this Lent Season is going to be a forty-day retreat. I will try to empty myself to make room for God. The first thing to empty is the habit of playing the Blame Game. Look hard at myself to see how much I am responsible for the misery suffered by my neighbour. If I refuse to see the truth, I will never be free.
Merciful Father, correct me when I start playing the Blame Game. Amen.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
May I
Wish you an agile year of the Monkey ahead,
Full of God's Grace & Mercy.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
升呢 Upgrade
Fifth Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Upgrade
We have reached Luke 5. In the previous two weeks, the texts focused on Jesus, telling us that Jesus is the Messiah, the merciful Saviour of the poor and oppressed. However, out of prejudice, the Nazarethians rejected Jesus and sent God away. Today, we read the story of the apostles, that is, the call of Simon and the other fishermen. Mark only briefly mentions the story in a few verses, trying to show how swiftly and completely the four fishermen abandoned everything to follow Jesus. In the hands of Luke, the whole story becomes very colourful.
I have never been a fisherman and know nothing about fishing in Lake Galilee. More than two decades ago, I brought along four students to Malaysia to participate in an Asian Pacific immersion program of the La Sallians to know about the relation between poverty and social injustice. We spent a night in a fishing village to know something about their livelihood. The villagers went out catching fish at night, using torches in the dark to attract fish to swim near in order to catch them with a net. I believe this method of fishing was not exclusively Malaysian because I have seen similarly techniques in tourism shows on TV about Japan. Therefore, this way of fishing must be a common routine for shallow water fishing. It is "shallow" because light from torches cannot penetrate into very deep waters.
When Jesus came to preach, it could not be night time. The fishermen had already finished a night's labour and returned to the shore to wash the nets. Imagine you were Simon Peter. You had worked the whole night without a catch. While you were washing your nets, a stranger boarded your boat and used it as a pulpit (in Luke, it is the first encounter between Jesus and Peter). He asked you to put down your work at hand and put out a little from the land (Luke 5:3). What else could you do, now that he was already sitting in our boat and a large crowd was waiting? Could you drive him away to other boats? In such a situation, perhaps you would be cursing this troublesome man in your heart. Then together with your partners, you picked up the unwashed nets to the boat, rowed out a little bit. Jesus did his preaching and you your washing, or perhaps resting, or thinking about how to punish or embarrass this guy. There is also another possibility. Perhaps you had heard of Jesus and wished to have an opportunity to hear his preaching but you were too busy to have time. Today, you were lucky and honoured to have Jesus patronizing your boat. So, together with your partners, you picked up the unwashed nets to the boat, rowed out a little bit to listen to his preaching.
Whether you welcomed Jesus or not, what followed was illogical. After preaching, Jesus told you to put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch (5:4). Your routine was to fish at night. Just as previously be explained, your equipment was only suitable for shallow water fishing. Now putting out into the deep and it was day time, how could you attract shoals from the deep to swim up? Logically, this catch would be a waste of effort...
Habits are comfortable because we don't need to rack our brains. Gradually and imperceptibly, we build up our comfort zone, doing effective procedures. We don't bother to change the status quo. "No frills no thrills, it is five o'clock" is a norm for most people. Catching fish at night with fire torches is an effective procedure. Why bother putting out into the deep? But Jesus comes to kick Peter out of his comfort zone, asking him to do some impossible thing --- using shallow water nets to fish in the deep in broad daylight. A miracular catch happens. With God, what cannot be done?
A worry-free life is the wish of everybody, including Christians. Furthermore, there is no particular reason for God to want our life to be difficult. With the promotion of mass media, setting up fung-shui matrix to avoid evil and to lead an auspicious life has become a fashion. Even young people who have received scientific education are willing to suspend their scientific mind to seek advice from fung-shui masters to improve their careers and marriage prospects. At the root of the phenomenon is men's desire to take fate into their own hands and do not want God to meddle. Truly, God respects our freedom and allows us to develop freely. But at the end of the day, God has demands and sets targets for us. God wants us to know His love, to respond to His love. If we miss the target, if we trust in fung-shui, but not God who controls fung-shui, He will send us messengers, inviting us to repent to meet God's demands and to do His will.
Peter said, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." (5:8). Scholars argue that Peter had not committed any mortal sins but was deeply thrilled in the face of an awesome miracle. He was shaken in the presence and glory of God. He felt inadequate and unworthy just like what Isaiah felt when God called him in the first reading today. Peter struggled. He did not want to leave his comfort zone. He did not want to accept God's call but wanted God to leave him alone. How silly Peter is! Now that God had kicked him out of his comfort zone, God would arrange a more challenging mission for him to develop his potentials. God wanted Peter to upgrade from a fisher of fish to a fisher of men (5:10). Had Peter rejected, how would he have developed his leadership? In the future, how would he have become the Prince of the Apostles, the Rock of the Church and the first Pope?
Since he left everything to follow Jesus, would God protect him so that Peter would never sin, would never make mistakes in the future? Of course not. See how he denied Jesus three times to save his own skin. God has never abandoned Peter and is never far away from anyone of us. The problem lies in how much Peter, or we, trusts in God. If Peter trusted in himself, such as what he did when Jesus was arrested after the Agony in Gethsemani, he would lose. If he trusted in God, he would be able to achieve bigger things and become the Rock of the Church.
Brethren, are you aware of God's plan for you? Do you know God's will? Have you heard God's call? Do you feel God's love for you? How deeply do you love God? Are you will to trust God more, to give up some of your daily routines, such as playing computer games, chatting on the phone, watching TV dramas ... and spend more time reading the Bible, prayer, performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy?
But some delicate changes had taken place in the heart of Peter. Whatever impression Peter had about Jesus when he boarded his boat, now Peter addressed Jesus as "Master". Luke has not written down what Jesus preached on the boat or how much Peter had heard. No matter what, Peter had changed and believed in Jesus. Thus, a miracle appeared. Remember, miracles do not strength faith but faith triggers miracles. This miracle is worth deep reflection.
God bless.