He wants to draw our attention
to the marginalized people.
Let us adore the Lord in
- CSSA Recipients
- Discharged Prisoners
- Drug addicts
- Homeless, and
- Janitors etc.
Hong Kong citizens lead a hectic life. They worry about clothing, food, housing, transportation, economy and politics so much so that many suffer from neurasthenia and shortness of breath. Not only is their health affected, but their interpersonal relationships are also strained. Hongkongers are badly in need of rest. Christmas holidays give us a good opportunity to take a break, refresh our body and mind. Furthermore, we may also make use of the time to mend fences with our family members, relatives, friends and colleagues. In fact, Hong Kong is lucky in comparison with other places on earth. We don't have terrorist attacks, wars and smog. We should be grateful. Therefore, take this holiday, not only to rest and to enjoy family life, but also to thank God and to meditate on the mystery of Incarnation.
When I was newly baptized, the mystery of Incarnation was simply a mystery. I did not feel the great love it expressed. One question kept hovering in my mind, "What is wrong with us Chinese? Why didn't Jesus incarnate to be a Chinese but a Jew?" Like any other questions on faith, these questions are only starting points, non-essential questions. After living as a Catholic for decades, I find that the core question is God's love. Today, the question becomes, "What is so good about humanity? Why did God not abandon us, took up our flesh and died on the cross for our sins?" Well, I know that this is not going to be the ultimate question, but a transitional one. I do not have any foresight to know where it will lead to. This is faith for which we spend our whole life to seek the answer, to pursue the goal.
Today, the Church reads the gospel of John, not the usual nativity stories. Here, we don't have the BVM and Joseph two thousand years ago. There was no crib, no Magi nor shepherds etc. Here, John pushed the time frame even earlier. He pushed it before the beginning of time. That is to say, before Creation where there was no time and space. It was a state of nothingness. Men did not exist, not to mention understanding such a state. If God had not revealed, men would not have imagined what was happening. Only God existed in that state because time was later created by Him. He does not exist in time. We can only say that God was before the beginning. He has no beginning, no origin.
God further revealed Himself to us. He made known to us that He is Love. Since He is Love, He is full of Life. Since He is full of life force, He cannot be static. His overflowing love results in the creation of the known universe and everything within. Healthy love needs an object. Otherwise it is narcissism. Then, is there another deity besides God? From the experience of the Old Testament, we know that God is one. God is unique. Then what is the object of God's love? It is the Word spoken by God. God spoke and the universe was created. How do we know this further revelation? It is through the incarnated Jesus Christ who is the visible revelation of the invisible God. Every detail of the life of Jesus Christ, from birth to Passion, Resurrection and Ascension tells us of the mercy of the Father. John spent nearly six decades to meditate the three years he had spent with Jesus Christ. He drew this conclusion, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ..." (John 1:1-5) With light, we are able to see the truth and the truth shall make us free. With freedom, our life can be preserved and can develop. This is the further revelation of God I mentioned previously. We may not understand John's idea. Like what I said, faith is a lifelong search until we come face to face with God. Then God shall make us understand completely.
Today, ten pairs of parents bring their babies to the Church to receive baptism. They cooperated with God, passed life onto these babies, bringing them into this world and promised to bring them up. As parents, they give their children the best, whether it be pre-natal, post-natal or schooling in the future. They will choose the best. Even though their children may not understand, parents would not wait until they understand to do it. Our God is the same. Whether we understand or not, God loves and cares about us. With such a loving God, how can we not pass on our faith to our children so that they may receive the loving care of a God who never abandons? Believing in Jesus Christ is the best gift parents can ever give their children.
Parents. Your faith may not be perfect. Don't worry! With baptism, you will receive the support of the Church to help you bring up your children. Moreover, teaching and learning go hand in hand. In teaching your children, your own faith will surely undergo tremendous development. Parishioners. Besides supporting these parents, you should also look around yourselves to locate people who have not yet believed in Jesus Chris. Help them understand the truth that God is love so that they will be illuminated by Jesus Christ and can enjoy the happiness to be God's children.
God bless!
原來平安不是因為購買了保險、累積了財富,更不在於預備了後路而安枕無憂,不再煩惱。其實,真正的平安在於找到一個真正的老闆,一個不像凱撒或總督的老闆,而是一個可以照顧您一世的老闆。你可以安心為他工作,而他永遠不會辭退你,不會欠薪,並且有退休長俸。有這樣一個老闆,你還要愁甚麼呢?如果有一個老闆,一個主人,反轉過來無微不至地當你像老闆一樣地服事你,你會為這個老闆工作嗎?這世界上有這樣的老闆嗎?這個老闆是誰?就是今天慶祝降生成人的耶穌基督。他既是我們的主宰,卻無微不至地服事我們,為救贖我們而屈尊就卑,降生成人;並為償還我們的罪債,死在十字架上;為了賜予我們永生而復活升天,派遣聖神,建立教會。不跟隨這樣的老闆 又跟誰呢?
Whether they are Christians or not, many people like going to midnight masses because it is enjoyable. Besides lovely Christmas hymns and festive decoration of cribs, there is an inexpressible peace. Peace is not just a sense of security or absence of worries. If you want a sense of security, you can buy insurance policies. If you want an absence of worries, you should follow the example of Lord Mengchang to prepare three backup plans. Unfortunately, there are disclaimers in insurance policies so that insurance companies are able to exempt from paying compensations not just in cases of wars and insurgencies. Similarly, no matter how many backup plans you have come up with, a disaster will strike off all your assets.
Then, what kind of peace can we find in Christmas? Let us meditate on the nativity story of Luke.
Next, Quirinius was the subordinate of Caesar. We have no clue whether he was a good governor or a corrupt one. Even if he would not buy his boss' ambition, neither could he slight it. Therefore, because of Caesar, Quirinius would not find peace for at least a year.
Thirdly, what would be the reaction of the people? Tell me, who on earth would gladly accept government increase in tax, would interrupt daily business and return to their home cities to register? Such an unpopular policy would stir up people's grumblings and there would be no peace.
Fourthly, what about Joseph? Although he was a carpenter and might not be educated, he might have heard of the prophecy of the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem. Therefore, he might not complain like any other people about returning home to register, but marvel at the wonderful arrangement of God. Even Caesar became a tool in God's hand just like those carpentry tools in his hand! At first, when he heard of the pregnancy news about Mary, his conscience must have gone through a lot of struggles. Today, Joseph's heart was in peace because he saw God's wonderful arrangements and he gradually saw his part in the salvation project.
Fifthly, were the shepherds in peace? Shepherds had no social status, no money making skills and had to live outside the city. Using today's jargon, they were people who seemed not to have any contribution to the society. They were marginalized just like our senior citizens who live alone, the homeless, the discharged prisoners and the outsourcing janitors etc. An angel appeared to them, giving them a piece of good news concerning the life and death of all humanity and sent them to inform the whole world. A few verses after the gospel reading today, we find their reactions. After finding Mary, Joseph and the baby just as it had been told by the angel, the shepherds spread the news. Even if other people did not believe in their report, they still glorified and praised God because they had seen angels and the Holy Infant. They must be very excited and contented. Even if they were ignored by the society, God had not abandoned them and commissioned them an important mission.
Lastly, what about the Blessed Virgin Mary? The BVM does not say a word in Luke's nativity story. Luke only says, "But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart." (Luke 2:19) Then, did the BVM have peace in her heart? Certainly. She did not know men and yet became pregnant. She gave birth to a child and yet retained her virginity. The great things God had done for her were truly wondrous. She would never understand. She could only ponder them in her heart. But she knew it was God's will that such people and events happened around her. Since it was God's will, what could unsettle her?
After meditating all these people, I would draw the following conclusion.
Let us follow the example of Joseph, the BVM and the shepherds. Let us be joyful to see God's plan unfold in each one of us and together, the gradual realization of the Kingdom of God.
First of all, take a look at Augustus Caesar. Why did he decree a universal census? There was only one reason: to increase revenue. Perhaps he wanted to start a building project, or he wanted extra military funds. Simply put, he was ambitious. From this, we may conclude that Augustus Caesar would not find peace in at least ten years.
Buying insurance policies, accumulating wealth or preparing several backup plans cannot pacify your heart. In fact, only a genuine boss, someone who is not like Caesar or governor, can give you genuine peace of heart, someone who can take care of your whole life. You can work for him without worries and he shall never fire you. He shall not owe you salary and shall give you pension after retirement. With such a boss, why should you worry? Furthermore, if there is such a boss, a lord, who turns around serves you like a boss, will you work for this boss? Is there such a boss on earth? Who is this boss? He is Jesus Christ whose birthday we celebrate today. He is our Lord, yet he takes care of every detail of ours. For our redemption, he condescended and took up human flesh. To repay our debts, he died on the cross. To give us eternal life, he came back to life, ascended into heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to build up the Church. If we don't follow this boss, who else?
Merry Christmas to you all!
In the beginning, man was good. He was created in the image of God and his nature should be good. Our life should be able to reflect the holiness and righteousness of God. Unfortunately, men were arrogant and fancied to become God. They lost their Original Grace. We call this loss the Original Sin. Men's life is no longer holy and righteous. We even do not know what makes life holy and righteous.
The father of John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke of God's promise. God promised to deliver us from the hand of our enemies to serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him. (Luke 1:74-75) The mission of the Baptist is to prepare the ways of the Messiah, to give knowledge of salvation to Israelites in the forgiveness of their sins. (1:76-77) From this piece of text, we may gather some clues on how to lead a holy and righteous life.
First of all, we need to rediscover God. The first step is to remove the pride in our hearts, not to be proud of being an atheist. Then, make use of our intellect to discover the wonders of the Creator. Don't be lazy. Study diligently the Bible to know God's mercy and will. Let me repeat. The second step is to read the two "holy books" --- the Mother Nature and the Bible --- in order to know God.
From these two "holy books", not only do we get to know God, but also the sins of men. Besides the sins mentioned in the Bible, the pollution of our Mother Nature tells us the gravity of the sins of men. After knowing God and the sinfulness of men, if we are still arrogant and claim that it has nothing to do with us, I have nothing more to say. May God have pity on us and touch our hearts with His mercy!
Thirdly, let us humbly admit and repent our sins in order to receive the forgiveness of our sins. Then, we may turn a new leaf and start all over again to lead a God-centred life. We follow His will and live humbly. Only in this way can we serve him in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life. Only then can our life reflect His holiness and righteousness.
Heavenly Father, open our eyes to see Your glory. Fear You and uproot the pride in our hearts. Amen.
Many Catholics think that it is extremely difficult to bear witness to Christ. Firstly, they feel that their biblical or theological knowledge is inadequate. They don't want to say the wrong things and lead people to a wrong understanding. Secondly, they feel that they do not have the eloquence of their Protestant brothers. Christian worships stress more on homily than on rituals whereas Catholics focus more on liturgy than homily. It is unwise to show one's weakness. Thirdly, Catholics are strong in charitable services. So, let Catholics exercise their strength, evangelize through handing out free lunches or cutting finger nails for the elderly ...
In reality, true evangelization is not through wise words or eloquent debates (1 Corinthians 3:18-19), nor in generous almsgiving (13:3). True evangelization is actually very simple. Like Elizabeth, allowing God to work His mercy on us is the best evangelization, the best witness. Barrenness for Elizabeth was regrettable and shameful. God's mercy wiped her shame away and manifested God's glory. So, how do we show God's mercy working in us?
No matter how diligent we finish reading the whole Bible, attain all theological degrees. If we do not let God's mercy reform us, knowing all knowledge is good for nobody. No matter how many unfortunate people we have served, if we are not able to recognize Jesus in whose we serve, that God looks for opportunities to love us through such services, sacrificing all efforts and times is good for nobody. Even worse, our family members would complain us of neglecting them. Why wasting such efforts? As pointed out in the sharing yesterday, humility is the prerequisite of receiving God's mercy. Therefore, it is not eloquence of wise words, nor endless hectic services, but the humility to live up each moment, allowing God to manifest His mercy on us that is genuine evangelization.
Heavenly Father! We praise You because You are holy indeed. You have shown Your mercy on us. Amen.
Modern people have greater control over the Mother Nature. Their confidence becomes greater. At the same time, compared with biblical times, God seems to be more difficult to detect. Consequently, modern people fear God less and even have no idea what it means to fear God!
Of course, we know that we should not put God to the test, telling God to work miracles to solve our problems, or to show His presence in heaven-shaking signs. But at the same time, we know that God's mercy truly exists forever. He likes to restrain His glory in order to condescend to our level, to walk with us. Consequently, we feel that He has withdrawn Himself so much so that some people even declare arrogantly "the death of God"! There is no God in the eyes of arrogant people. They do not fear God and actively reject God's mercy. They condemn themselves. From these counter-examples in contrast with Mary's, we can conclude that humble and lowly people are those who fear God mentioned in the gospels.
What is humility? Humility and dwarfing oneself are two different things. Doing things beyond one's capability to draw the attention of the boss is pride. However, there are people who do not put up their full effort in order to flatter their boss. This is dwarfing oneself. Humility takes the middle ground. On one hand, one puts forth one's true capability, thus not dwarfing oneself. On the other hand, one takes no credit when the mission is accomplished. At the same time, always keep in mind one's weaknesses and faults. Be happy to position oneself on the second or third line and even unengaged. In such a lowly position, it will be easier to see God walking with us in a hidden way, easier to feel God's mercy, like the tax-collection in the parable of the Pharisee and Publican. Like the tax-collector, Mary knew her lowly position. She fears God without waiting for Him to hail thunders. Of course she received God's mercy.
Heavenly Father, make us know our inadequacy so that we may bear better witness to Your mercy. Amen.
God is truly ineffable. Being the source and Creator of the known universe, God was willing to be born of a creature of His own creation! Without beginning and end, God bent Himself to fit into a finite space-time to live with men, to deliver them from bondage. "But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman." (Galatians 4:4) It was Mary who nurtured the Son of God in her womb and brought him into this world. She is truly an exemplar of all Christians. Aren't Christians Christians because they live up the gospel and bring Jesus Christ to this world?
Not only did Mary bring the Son of God to this world, but she also brought the Holy Spirit into this world. Archangel Gabriel praised her for being full of grace (Luke 1:28) and that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the power of the Most High would overshadow her (1:35). In whatever way we interpret this piece of text, Mary is full of the Holy Spirit and carries the Holy Spirit around. When she greeted Elizabeth, she was able to "infect" Elizabeth with the Holy Spirit. How amazing!
Mary was willing to cooperate fully with God (1:38) so that the Son of God would take flesh. Not only that, God is more than happy to give the Holy Spirit through Mary to those who desire God's salvation and whomsoever God wants to bestow grace. Although loved by her husband, the life of Elizabeth was regrettable because of her barrenness. Now that she was pregnant for six months, her shame had been cleansed. More than that, God would infuse her with the Holy Spirit through Mary, just as what would happen on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit would descend on the 120 disciples through Mary (Acts 2:1-4).
Christians. If Mary is your exemplar, then how would you lead your life such that you may bring the Holy Spirit to whomsoever you reach? If you do not have the Holy Spirit yourselves, how would you bring the Holy Spirit to others? Christians. Do you have the Holy Spirit in your life?
Merciful Father, You will the salvation of all. Give us the Holy Spirit and let us follow the model of Mary to infect the Holy Spirit to all we are able to reach. Amen.
How would something which is impossible happen?
In our narrow sight and mind, many things look impossible. When we get used to it, we will feel that it is impossible to happen. Leprosy was incurable. Too bad! Being blind or crippled? Be a beggar! Being childless and aged? Stay old with your spouse and forget about raising children! But if God wills, nothing will be impossible. If it is not God's will, nothing would happen. The problem is, are we seeking God's will or our will? After knowing God's will, are we willing to abandon our stubbornness?
It was Mary's will to serve the Lord as a virgin (Luke 1:34). This is commendable. But God had another plan. He invited her to become the mother of the Saviour. As a mother, she had to abandon her virginity. Mary, are you willing? When you know that it is God's will, are you willing to forsake your insistence? Similarly, Zechariah, I give you a son at your advanced age, are you willing to raise him up as the forerunner of the Messiah? Lepers, the blind, the paralyzed, the possessed, are you willing not to rely on the charity of people, be healed, earn your own living and bear witness to God's mercy? To be sure, many people would prefer remaining in the status quo and reject God's invitation. Luckily, the Blessed Virgin Mary was willing to abandon her insistence, thus opening up the project of salvation.
Of course, I am not talking about anti-natural phenomena such as the sun rising in the west. Sunrise sunset are visual illusions due to the rotation of the earth. The God we believe in is the Creator. Of course He is able to put natural laws aside temporarily to work miracles to declare His presence among us. But without extraordinarily serious reasons, God would not suspend laws governing the Nature.
Heavenly Father, let it be to me according to Your word. Amen.
Luke tells us that Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth were righteous and blameless before the Lord. As Christians, it is not enough to be righteous. We are called, not to be justified but to be saints.
Mr. & Mrs. Zachariah walked in all the commandments and ordinances. Naturally, they were blameless before men. Even God could not find fault with them. Thus they were both righteous. In any age and by any standard, they were commendable. Unfortunately, men tend to be complacent. When things go well, there is no urgent need to change. People begin to lose momentum to make progress. When a Catholic goes regularly to confession, attends mass on Sundays, receives Holy Communion, takes part in charitable services in the parish, joins retreats, talks, theology courses, prays and studies the Bible daily etc., he is already very commendable. What else do you expect him to improve?
The story of Zechariah tells us that routine is the nemesis of life. Perhaps both Zechariah and Elizabeth had accepted the reality of not capable of having children. Psychologically, they were prepared to stay together as a childless couple for the rest of their life. Thus, when Archangel Gabriel told Zechariah that he would have a child, he should have no doubt about the message because he was familiar with Old Testament stories in which the Patriarchs had children at the old age. Zechariah only doubted whether he was able to raise the child as he was already advanced in age. He was not willing to move out of his “comfort zone”. He was not ready to receive greater grace God had prepared for him.
As a sign to show that the child would be a prophet chosen by God and to help Zechariah meditate the mission of his child, the angel pronounced that Zechariah would be silent and unable to speak until the day that these things come to pass. How great is God’s grace!
Heavenly Father, help us renew day by day so as to receive more abundant grace You have prepared for us. Amen.
These two days, I went with the catechumens to Salesian Retreat House in Cheung Chau to attend a prayer workshop conducted by our parish priest, Rev. Fr. Joseph Ng. As a Catholic of more than 45 years, praying should be a piece of cake to me. After all, revision is always a good thing. It turns out that as one of the instructors, I learned a lot from this workshop. To be frank, it has been 18 months since ordination. Life is busier and more exhausted than before retirement. A crisis of burning out is brewing and is affecting my spiritual life. I am supposed to meet my spiritual director once a month. But both of us are very busy. Occasionally, we missed appointments. But I never give up easily. I don't think I cannot overcome obstacles in prayers.
I am a rational man. I know that I am weak in affection. Thus, I prefer praying with the Bible. However, all these years, I got stuck in the rational level. As I advance in age, my affection is more developed. Gradually, I can enter the affective level. I begin to be able to engage in a dialogue with our Lord Jesus Christ, telling him my ideas and feelings and wait patiently for his response. Lord Jesus never disappoints. For example, as an exercise, I meditated on the story of Jesus' raising Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:21-43). A whole new understanding emerged.
The daughter of Jairus had already died. The family was arranging funeral. People were hired to wail (5:38). But Jairus could not accept this fact. He ran to Jesus to beseech him to heal his daughter who "was at the point of death." (5:23) You should know that Jairus' action went against the hidden agenda of Pharisees because Jesus was their nemesis in the open. Of course Jesus knew everything. But he was merciful. He did not expose Jairus. Meanwhile, Jairus' wife found that her husband had run out. She sent servants to fetch him back. Finding Jairus, the servant said, "Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?" (5:35) To face the reality was very painful and frightening for Jairus. Thus Jesus said, "Do not fear, only believer." (5:36) When God is with us, there is nothing to fear. Trust Him, God will provide.
Such an interpretation corresponds to my experiences these days. During my prison visits, I discover that many people cannot face the reality. They make up and tell me stories acceptable to them. Perhaps they believe in these stories themselves. Living in lies deprives people of freedom, hindering them from seeking the best things for themselves. Thus Jesus said, "And the truth will make you free." (John 8:32) I do not have Jesus' ability to see through their lies. Although as God, Jesus had the powerful to neutralize their defence mechanisms, he did not do so. In the end, not only did Jesus raise Jairus' daughter, but he also freed Jairus from the fear of death so that he no longer need to live on lies. Jesus liberated Jairus, raised Jairus from death!
Many people, not only Jairus, make up stories to cheat themselves, to make themselves feel better. Ahaz, king of Judah did the same. An alliance army was approaching. He wanted to deal with it with military or diplomatic means, not by relying on God. He did not believe in God and yet refused to put the Lord to the test like a righteous man (Isaiah 7:12). Isaiah was less tolerant than Jesus. He scolded Ahaz directly (7:13). God commits Himself by making a promise of Emmanuel. God is merciful. He does not give men up because of their failings but walked by them. Even though men are too clever to deal with their problems in their own ways, God does not abandon them.
Do not think that only bad people cheat themselves by being too smart. Joseph also tried to deal with his problem in his own ways. Maria had been betrothed to Joseph and before they came together, she was found to be pregnant. Being an unwed mother was a mortal sin but Joseph resolved to divorce her quietly. Although Joseph was said to be a just man (Matthew 1:19), it cannot explain this unreasonable decision in any satisfactory manner. His mind was too complicated and could not be satisfactorily explained away in a few lines. No matter what, the experience of Joseph was the same as our prayer.
We live in our man-made world. We make use of our rationality to solve problems. Although we know God, acknowledge His existence, it is not easy to love Him with all our heart, and with all our soul and with all our mind. We need the intervention of God and we need His assistance. When the problem is beyond the capacity of our rationality, we need to seek God's revelation in prayers. In prayer, we disarm our rationality, open up our hearts and minds. Let God speak to us.
Like Ahaz, Joseph resolved to deal with the problem in his own way. Like Ahaz, God did not wait for his consent to bestow a sign. Similarly, God did not wait for the consent of Joseph, intervene directly in Joseph's dream and revealed His will. We are not as lucky as Joseph, but we can still talk face to face with God in our prayers and listen to His revelation. Trust me, God will not disappoint you.
God bless.
先知的任務,除了抗衡昏君作惡之外,更重要的是提醒人民,天主纔是真正的君王,真正的主宰。當經濟繁榮時,人變得貪得無厭,貧富開始懸殊,富有的人剝削貧窮的同胞的時候,先知發出社會公義的咆哮,警告痛罵官商鉤結,殘民自肥。當外敵大軍壓境,君王天真地想找結盟國家出兵援助時,先知發揮政治的智慧,勸導君王投靠人類歷史的主宰、天主。可惜,君王拒絕接受先知的意見,結果北國南國,先後亡國給亞述及巴比倫,落得聖殿被毀,全國君民充軍收場。在亡國充軍的時期,先知代表天主安慰他們,亞巴郎的天主、依撒格的天主、雅各伯的天主並沒有忘記祂對他們祖先的許諾。天主一定會再次解放他們,回國重建聖殿。經過亡國的教訓之後,希望他們會改過,度聖善正義的生活。天主更進一步許諾,將來要興起一位默西亞、一位天主的受傅者。他要來重建以色列王國,到時天下萬民要來到耶路撒冷,朝拜這位救世主,接受祂的教誨。這一系列的先知之中,知名度較高的計有咆哮社會公義的亞毛斯先知;呼籲君王投靠天主,不要信靠盟友的耶肋米亞先知;充軍時安慰百姓的厄則克耳先知;預言默西亞出現的依撒意亞先知和經常與君王唱反調、增餅、復活死人,並與400多位假先知比試求雨的厄里亞先知。天主後來用噴火的馬車接了他升天。所以猶太人相信在末日,默西亞出現之前,厄里亞會出現,為默西亞預備道路。相信大家開始明白,洗者若翰就是這一系列先知中,最後而且是最偉大的一位。雖然他並沒有像厄里亞一樣行神蹟── 那些神蹟,在如今天福音第一段所說,是保留給耶穌基督做的(11:5)── 但洗者若翰的任務,十分清楚,就是在耶穌基督出現之前,為他預備猶太人的心靈。洗者若翰以曠野的呼聲的姿態出現,大聲疾呼,勸人悔改。天主的斧頭已放在根上,凡不結相稱果實的要被砍掉(3:10)!他與厄里亞一樣,不畏權貴,直斥黑落德的錯處,置生死於度外。
We have come midway through the Advent Season. The Church calls the third Advent Sunday "Gaudete Sunday". The vestments are rose-coloured, not purple. Purple symbolizes repentance and rose joy. In two weeks' time, it will be Christmas. Imagine a pregnant lady expecting her baby in two weeks or a bride-to-be whose wedding is two weeks away. An irrepressible joy is emerging in this expectant time. This is the kind of feeling we have today. Thus, we quote St. Paul's letter to the Philippians in the Entrance Hymn. "Rejoice in the Lord always ... The Lord is at hand." (Philippians 4:4-5) Of course, St. Paul was probably over optimistic. Two thousand years have passed and the Lord seems not to have started His return trip. But one thing is certain. The world shall come to an end one day. Jesus Christ shall return.
The gospel we read last week was a bit unusual. Not a word was mentioned about Jesus. It talked about John the Baptist only. In the gospel reading today, John the Baptist had finished his mission and was locked up by Herod. Soon, he would be beheaded by this tyrant. Today, we hear of Jesus' evaluation of the Baptist. Jesus says, "Among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist." (Matthew 11:11) So, what was the mission of the Baptist? What made him so great?
God's salvation plan was to build up a priestly nation, a saintly people through the family of Abraham. Then, the Son of God would become flesh and a member of that saintly people to lead the humanity to return to Him. God's plan is fool-proof. After locating Abraham, the father of faith, God arranged his offspring to multiply in the fertile country of Egypt. After more than 400 years, about 70 family members had grown into more than 600,000. They left Egypt, came to Mount Sinai to establish a covenant with God. Then they moved in to occupy the Promised Land, Canaan. At first, each of the 12 tribes struggled on their own. Then, there arose Judges to bring them together forming a kind of federation. The last Judge was Samuel who anointed the first and second kings of Israel. With the emergence of kings, the 12 tribes were united into a kingdom. Unfortunately, idolatry corrupted their hearts. After three kings, Israel was divided into two. To counter balance these evil kings, a series of Spokesmen of God whom we call "prophets" emerged. The first prophet, also the king-maker of Israel, was Samuel.
Besides counteracting evil kings, a more important mission of prophets was to remind people that their king was actual God who was the real Lord over them. When the economy was good, people became greedy. The income gap widened and the rich exploited the poor. Prophets roared social justice, criticizing the collusion of mandarins and merchants to fatten themselves. When invasion was imminent and kings naively sought support from so called alliance, prophets, full of political wisdom, exhorted them to approach God, the invisible hand behind human history. Unfortunately, kings rejected their advice. Consequently, the Northern and Southern kingdoms were conquered by Assyria and Babylon respectively. The Temple was destroyed. The kings and their subjects were exiled. During captivity, prophets consoled the people that the God of their fathers, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had not forgotten them. He would liberate them once more to return home to rebuild the Temple. God willed that they would lead a holy and righteous life after this chastisement. God further promised to raise up a Messiah, an Anointed One of God who would rebuild Israel. All peoples would come to Jerusalem to worship this Saviour and listen to His teaching.
Among this list of prophets were Amos who roared social justice; Jeremiah who appealed kings to turn to God and not to alliance; Ezekiel who consoled the people during captivity; Isaiah who prophesized about the Messiah and Elijah, the "Troubler of Israel" who rebuked the king, multiplied bread, raised the dead and challenged 400 plus false prophets to call down fire from heaven. Later, God sent a chariot of fire to carry him up to heaven. That was why Jews believed that at the end of the world, before the coming of the Messiah, Elijah would appear to prepare his way. I believe you have come to the understanding that John the Baptist was the last and the greatest in the list of prophets. Although he had never performed any miracles like Elijah --- these miracles were reserved for Jesus (Matthew 11:5) --- the mission of the Baptist was very clear. He came before Jesus Christ to prepare the hearts of the Jews. John the Baptist came as "a voice in the wilderness" to exhort people to repent. The axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down! (3:10) Like Elijah, the Baptist was not afraid of kings. He rebuked Herod at the expense of his life.
But Jesus says, "Yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." (11:11) What does it mean? It sounds like the Baptist was not in the kingdom of heaven. Right and at the same time wrong. Firstly, who are members of the kingdom? They are those who believe in Jesus, i.e. Christians today, including Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants etc. The Baptist was imprisoned at that time. He did not know whether Jesus was the Messiah or not. So, he sent his disciples to find out. In short, the Baptist had not entered the kingdom. The gospels do not say whether his disciples had reported to him before he was beheaded. If they had not, the Baptist would have died with eyes widely open. Anyway, he righteously rebuked Herod for breaching the Ten Commandments and was consequently beheaded. He died a martyrdom, a baptism with blood. The Church recognizes his righteousness and his role as the forerunner of Christ. She proclaims him a saint. Thus, the Baptist is in the kingdom.
On the other hand, through his passion and resurrection, Jesus Christ established the Church and the seven sacraments. The Baptist had entered the kingdom before Jesus established the Church and the sacraments. He missed the other sacraments, including Confirmation which bestows the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist which is Jesus Christ himself. From this perspective, the Baptist is really inferior to the least of the kingdom.
Dear aspirants, the Church celebrates the Rite of Election to admit you into the community of Catechumens so that you may know better the words and deeds of Jesus Christ and how the Church actualizes the presence of Jesus Christ, the Son of God in the world today. Study well and build up the love of God, of men and of the Creation. On the Eve of Easter, you will receive the sacraments of Christian Initiation, become members of the Church and the Mystical Body of Christ. Brethren, you take part in this Rite of Election today. It is high time you brushed up your faith, felt how happy and joyful you have been because you are greater than St. John the Baptist.
God bless!
其次,擁有了「天主的說話」,我們便成為了第一個受益人。正如保祿宗徒在今天的第二篇讀經所說,聖經給我們教訓和安慰,使我們生活在困難中,仍滿懷希望。(羅15:4)這「望德」從何而來呢?就是來自聖經。聖經記載了天主對人類的諾言,記載了天主如何在藉著選民的經歷,並藉著耶穌基督,一一兌現祂的諾言。從聖經記載的這些事蹟之中,我們看到天主是一位慈悲的父親,而且天主是信實的,一定實踐祂的諾言。所以,我們從聖經之中,可以獲得安慰,對天父懷有希望。縱使我們沒有傳福音所需要的口才,我們也可以好像童貞聖母瑪利亞一樣,把天主的說話,「默存心中,反覆思量。」(路2:19; 51)經常以天主聖言作為祈禱的材料,默想天主的聖言,我們也可以好像童貞聖母瑪利亞一樣,充滿恩寵,蒙受祝福。所以我說,擁有了「天主的說話」,我們是第一個受益人。
All Catholics received and shared the threefold kingly, priestly and prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ when they were baptized. That is to say every Catholic is prophet. The Chinese translation of the word "prophet" into "seer of the future" is rather misleading. It would be more faithful to translate it into "spokesman of God". Speaking for God, a prophet may proclaim future events. That would be prophecy. But God would also warn, exhort and even console His Chosen People. These messages might not be prophecies. Then, as a spokesman for God, what should a Catholic do? Shall they live like John the Baptist, wearing garment of camel's hair, and a leather girdle around the waist; eating locusts and wild honey (Matthew 3:4)? Even if we did, we would only be superficial and lack the essence. So, what is the essence of a prophet? As a spokesman of God, the essence must be the Word of God.
First of all, we need to possess the Word of God. Otherwise, we would be false prophets! In fact, the Old Testament records terrible casualties caused by false prophets. Some idolatrous kings wanted to win their subjects over by starting wars, hoping to become a war hero. In order to please these kings, those false prophets claimed that God willed them victories. In the end, the kings were killed in action and the country conceded territories. These false prophets did great damage to the empire and the people. Then, how do we know the Word of God?
The Word of God is not far away from us. It can be found in the Bible. Since we share the prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ, it is our duty to attend Sunday masses, listen attentively to the readings and homily. This is the minimum requirement. Do you remember the readings of last Sunday? Last month? I am not demanding and have no intention to tease you or discourage you. Alas, we need more practices. We don't remember because we have read too little. If we read the Bible during Sunday masses only, it takes three years to hear the same passage again. If we are able to attend daily masses, or because of work we cannot attend, at least we should read the daily reading. Then, we will turn the pages of the Bible more often, not once every three years but several times. Then, we can be more familiar with the Word of God.
Secondly, we become the first beneficiary when we possess the Word of God. Just as what St. Paul wrote in the second reading today, "For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope." (Romans 15:4) Where does this hope come from? From the Bible. The Bible put down the promises God made for us, how through the experiences of the Chosen People and Jesus Christ, God honoured His promises one by one. From these stories, we see a merciful father in God and He is faithful. He keeps His promises. From these passages, we obtain consolation. We are full of hope in the Father. Even though we may not possess the eloquence to preach, we can follow the example of the BVM, "kept all these things, pondering them in her heart." (Luke 2:19; 51) When we pray with the Word of God, meditate the Word of God, we can be full of grace and blessed like the BVM. That is why I said we become the first beneficiary when we possess the Word of God.
Thirdly, what graces do we get? The first reading today is the biblical reference of "the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit". Let us revise what we learnt in catechumen class. We receive seven gifts of the Holy Spirit when we receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. These graces, like what we study in school, will work in appropriate environment. If we do not make use of them, they will turn rusty.
Lastly, we have come to the Second Sunday of Advent. The theme is Repentance. The description of John the Baptist in the gospel is a vivid expression of repentance. John was the son of Zachary the priest. He would have inherited priesthood and enjoyed a comfortable and respectable life. But God had a more important plan for John. He would become the forerunner of the Messiah to prepare the Jews to receive the Saviour. John did not wear and eat to impress. He wanted to show a total turning towards God. Let us review of life style and adjust our pace. Repent and turn towards God.
Furthermore, the Diocesan pastoral focus for the coming year will be on marriage, family and life. Let us begin with our family. Not only do we read the Bible and pray, but we also try to squeeze some time out of our busy life to stay with our family members. Study the Bible and pray together with them. Make Christ present in our home, to make it more nearly perfect and full of blessing.
Wisdom is the desire of spiritual things. Between going picnicking and BBQ and joining mass on Sunday, do you have the wisdom to desire Sunday mass? Understanding is the ability to discern which action is right. There are many popular acts in the society, such as buying Mark Six or Karaoke. Are you able to discern which action follows God's will? Counsel is the ability to make right judgments. There are divergent opinions in the society. Can you tell which ones agree with the teachings of the gospel? Fortitude is moral courage. After knowing the will of God, do you have the courage to insist on doing the right thing? Knowledge is the knowledge of God. Will you enrol in catechist courses of cosmetic courses? In liturgy workshops or investment workshops? Piety is the respect of God and Fear of God is the awe and wonder in seeing God's glory in everyday life. These two graces help us keep the first and second Commandments. When we build up the habit of bible study and prayer, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit will not turn rusty and we can discharge the prophetic ministry better.
God bless!