
Sunday, 27 August 2017

Who is Jesus for me? 耶穌為我是誰?

Twenty First Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Who is Jesus for me?

As a warm up, Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do men say that the Son of Man is?" (Matthew 16:13) The title "Son of Man" is ambiguous but here we have no doubt that the disciples understood it to refer to Jesus (Mark 8:27). The question was an opinion poll to measure how effective Jesus' evangelization had been. From what the disciples had seen, people expected Jesus to be one of the prophets, somebody who challenged and criticized the establishment. Some people expected the establishment to try to destroy Jesus. So, they saw Jesus as a Jeremiah or a John the Baptist whom Herod Antipas had beheaded. It was very likely that people tried to scare Herod and fed him the idea that Jesus was John the Baptist raised from the dead (Matthew 14:2). Of course, seeing Jesus' miracles which reminded them of Elijah, many Jews had high expectation on Jesus. They believed that Elijah would come before the Messiah. So, Jesus could be Elijah!

How could Jesus accept such stereotype answers? As our Saviour, Jesus expected more personal answers. So, he followed up with a piercing question which each of us has to answer ourselves. "But who do you say that I am?" (16:15) Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." (16:16). His was genuine because of Jesus' deliverance from his near-drown experience after the Five Loaves Two Fish miracle (14:29-31). Simon Peter was blessed. His experience enabled him to declare the Messiahship of Jesus, to be commissioned the Rock on which Jesus builds his Church, to witness the Transfiguration of Jesus, to deny Jesus three times, to be forgiven and in the end, to be crucified for Jesus. What about us? Who is Jesus for me? No Christian can evade this question.

Jesus is God. But what do you mean by "God"? Is it a distant deity who has created the known universe and left it behind, leaving you behind? Because of it, you have to go to mass on Sundays, to obey the Ten Commandments and to do good? No. The world He created is beautiful. We celebrate its diversity in harmony.

Jesus is my God. He created me. I owe every moment of my existence to Him. He will bless me, keep me safe and give me what I need. I should be grateful and go to mass on Sundays, say prayers and study the Bible every day. I worry about the world which is contaminated by sins. But I believe that my God is almighty. He sees and hears our plights. He is able to relieve us of our sufferings. But has your God ever abandoned you? No. Not that I know of. Good of you.

Jesus Christ is my Saviour. He was crucified on the cross for all my sins. I feel extremely guilty about it. On the other hand, I am blessed to have a new lease of life and continue to grow and become better. I want to cooperate with him and become a better person. I will spend time praying to him and studying the gospels to learn more about him and his teachings. Are you willing to bear witness for how Jesus has saved you and changed you? Of course I am willing to. But are you willing to suffer persecution for Jesus? I am not sure.

Jesus Christ is my Lord. He created me and has given me a new lease of life. I totally surrender my life to serve my Lord. I shall do whatever He tells me to do, even if I have to die for him like all the holy martyrs. Every day, I will pray to seek His will and to beg for His strength to execute His will.

Jesus Christ is my teacher. He takes every opportunity to teach me wisdom. I am able to see with his eyes. The whole world, the people, the places and events are completely different and renewed. I begin to see the Father intervening in our history and His will be done.

Jesus is my friend. He walks with me while I am busy walking around, bumping into people. He accompanies me while I am doing my daily chores. We talk when I lie down to rest. He shows me awesome wonders every day.

Of course, I cannot be exhaustive. I cannot be complete without my Jesus. Amen.











Friday, 25 August 2017

辨別兩難 Discerning Dilemma





Discerning Dilemma
I was caught in a dilemma created by myself.
I was assigned by Cardinal John Tong to serve St. Jerome Church in Tin Shui Wai. It is my primary ministry. Fr. Joseph Ng, the parish priest, assigned me to assist mass at 11 a.m. for Fr. Ferdinand Bouckhout, CICM on August 27. It is a routine assignment. Fr. Ng is very considerate. He would adjust the duty roster to meet my requests.
Last Sunday, Fr. Ferdinand relieved me of the duty to deliver homily on August 27 because his friends would be attending the mass. They would be disappointed if he did not deliver the homily himself. So, my service on August 27 is negligible.
On the other hand, Fr. Xavier Wong who was newly ordained would celebrate his first mass at 9:30 a.m. in Holy Redeemer Church where he came from on August 27. We had been colleagues in La Salle College for a couple of years. There is a kind of emotional and spiritual bond between us. Moreover, Fr. Renzo Milanese, PIME, who would be transferred to the Mother of Good Counsel Church at San Po Kong in September, would celebrate his last Sunday mass at 11 a.m. I owed my diaconate formation to Fr. Milanese whose biblical hermeneutics I admire the most. I strongly felt the urge to ask my parish priest me to relieve me of the Sunday duty so that I could go over to assist the two priests whom I am emotionally and spiritually bound. I was caught in a dilemma. I prayed to God to show me the right thing to do. St. Jerome Church is my primary ministry. But the two priests are my intimate comrades. Being able to assist them at mass is such a blessing. The feeling would be extremely good. As usual, God was silent, but not for long.
On Thursday, we had a pastoral team meeting, discussing current parish businesses. Before the end of the meeting, I had already known what the right thing to do.

Back to the most fundamental question. Am I doing God's work, or my work? Isn't assisting mass doing God's work? Of course it is! When I feel good doing God's work, congratulations because doing my work coincides with doing God's work! However, there is no guarantee. Sometimes or even most of the times, doing God's work may not bring any satisfaction at all.
Heavenly Father, I pray that I find more and more satisfaction and consolation in doing God's work. Amen.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

一個祈禱經驗 A Prayer Encounter











Twentieth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: A Prayer Encounter

First of all, let us clarify some background information. Tyre and Sidon were Gentile cities (Matthew 15:21). Why did Jesus go to Gentile cities? It was because Jesus had openly criticized the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. They only paid lip service to honouring God (15:8-9). In order to avoid further conflicts, Jesus withdrew to Gentile cities, giving the Pharisees time to cool down.
For the Jews, all non-Jews were Gentiles. Among Gentiles, some could work together and were tolerant to each other, such as the Romans. Some rulers imposed intrusive religious policies and were abominable, such as the Greeks. Today, Matthew mentions a "Canaanite woman" (15:22). For the Jews, Canaan was a place of love and hate. The Promised Land on which milk and honey flowed was Canaan. However, the Israelites adopted Canaanite idolatry practices and deserted God. They ended up being conquered and exiled. In the minds of the readers of Matthew, this Canaanite woman would call up these complex feelings. But this Canaanite woman also called Jesus "son of David" (15:22). That is to say, like the disciples, this woman acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah, that she cherished the same hope. So, the readers of Matthew would be more sympathetic towards her.

We are very familiar with this story. We already know the importance of faith and the universality of Jesus' salvation. Thus, I would like to meditate the meanings of this story from the perspective of prayer.
People who don't believe in God usually tease people who do as superstitious. Worse still, some people even claim that religion is the opiate of the masses. It makes them irrational, lacking independent thinking and tramples on their dignity. On the contrary, religions raise the morality of men. Christianity teaches that men were created in the image of God who has a perfect target for each one of us. It is regrettable that our living environment has been contaminated by sins. We become selfish and are influenced by bad companions and fettered by bad institutions. We do not have the ability to reach the targets God sets us. Believing in Lord Jesus is not superstitious. Furthermore, it restores our original nature and elevates us to the status of children of God. Thus, religion does not deprave our dignity. On the contrary, it makes us more human!

All religions have rites and ceremonies. Prayers are an essential part of religious life. It is a bit strange. God is omniscient and Jesus tells us, "For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him." (6:8) Then why do we pray to the Father? Is it redundant? That is why I want to reflect on the story today from the perspective of prayers to see what it tells us about prayers? Please note that when I say "prayers", I do not mean "prayer recitation". I mean spending 10 to 15 minutes of quality time with God, with Jesus in solitude.

Firstly, the experience of this woman was a concrete prayer experience. She talked with Jesus, begged him to solve her problems and was eventually answered. Jesus is the "son of David", a concrete, real and approachable person, not an imaginary fairy.

Secondly, at first, "Jesus did not answer her a word." (15:23) I believe this is the experience of us all. Who among you have heard Jesus' answer in your prayers? Very rare indeed! Truly, we need perseverance and patience in our prayers. It is because we cannot force and control God to answer.

Thirdly, this woman told Jesus her plights. She did it right as well as wrong. Prayer is not a monologue out of thin air. Rather, we make use of our concrete daily life experiences as the materials of our prayer. We pour out our hearts to the Father. She did it right. However, are those difficulties in our daily life genuine? The woman loved her daughter, begged Jesus to save her. This was mother-nature and nothing can be more natural. However, in our hectic life making a living, we have taken up many different roles. Which one is our true self? Often, we need to handle the more urgent things which however may not be what we need! When we pray before the Father who already knows our needs, we however may not know our true needs or the needs of our true selves. In prayers, in talking with Jesus Christ, we may discover our true needs, the needs of our true selves. In the end, the woman did not say, "Lord, help my daughter!" but "Lord, help me." (15:25) In the end, she saw her needs. She begged Jesus to help her. She did it right! Of course, her daughter was healed (15:28). But I am sure the woman received more than that!

Fourthly, how amazing that when we pray, the saints, our patrons, angels and even the BVM intercede for us! Didn't the disciples say something for the woman (15:23)? Thus, although we are spending some private time with Lord Jesus, the whole Church is actually praying with us!

Brethren, don't be discouraged. Work hard to improve your prayer habits. In prayers, let us rediscover our true selves and pray with the whole Church!
God bless!

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

天主又一啟示 Yet Another Sign from God

近兩個月右肩痛了,吃了兩個星期止痛消炎藥,仍未好轉,惟有按醫生指示吃多兩個星期。太太早已為我預準了一個可以拖的背囊,盛載沉重的物品,例如派往監獄裡的公報報和聖經等。可惜我尚未習慣把需要用的東西從用慣的背囊搬到新的背囊。今天就出事了!首先,出門口的時候,竟忘了拿鎖匙包,是Mariane 追上給我的。乘小巴往小欖精神治療中心途中,猛然醒起沒有帶通行証…😱😱

電聯太太,她已乘西鐵外出。惟有急 Call John Lam。太好了,他有空可以接送我……回家取了通行証,直奔停在斑馬線上的轎車,拉開車門,司機哥哥有點愕然,但仍很客氣地問:「有甚麼事?」噢……幾乎上錯車!😵😵

在車上,John Lam 安慰我,並分享他退休後當義工的得著:就是放下從前的權威和雄心去做天主的事,學習用天主的眼光看人,不要判斷他們。時常祈禱,三日、八日、三十日避靜,辨別神類…下車時,我明白天主為甚麼要我忘記帶通行証,祂為我安排了一個護守天使,指給我一條出路,免得我油盡燈枯。

Picture credit:

Today, God gave me another sign to remind me that visiting prison is not my ministry.
In these two months, my right shoulder aches. Two weeks' medication shows little improvement. I shall have to follow the physician's instruction to take two more weeks of medication. My wife was very considerate. She bought me a snapsack with wheels to carry heavy stuff such as Sunday Examiner and Bibles which I hand out in prisons. Unfortunately, I am not used to using two snapsacks. At last, something went wrong this morning. First of all, I forgot to take my keys. Mariane ran after me to hand me the bunch of keys. On my way to Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre in a minibus, I suddenly remembered that I did not bring my Prison Pass!I called my wife. She was on-board West Rail travelling. I called John Lam. Luckily he was free to drive me home to get the Pass. After taking the Pass, I rushed down to the car on the zebra-crossing. I opened the door, the driver was a little shocked but managed to ask courteously, "What is the matter?" Oh! I nearly boarded the wrong car!
On the way, John Lam consoled me and shared with me his retirement experience as a volunteer: Let go of the previously established authority and ambition to do God's work. Learn to see people in God's eyes. Do not judge them. Pray constantly, go to 3-day, 8-day and even 30-day retreats, discern the spirits etc. When I alighted from his car, I understood at last why God made me forget to bring my Pass. He has sent me a guardian angel to show me the way lest I burn out quickly.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

跳出安樂窩 To Jump out of Our Comfort Zone




Picture Credit:

Nineteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: To Jump out of Our Comfort Zone
First of all, let us clarify some background information because this incident happened before the Transfiguration which we read last Sunday. It is out of sequence. "He dismissed the crowd" means this incident took place after the Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle. According to the gospel of John, the crowd wanted to force Jesus to become their king because they would not hunger anymore if they followed Jesus (John 6:15). Therefore, Jesus sent his disciples to go before him to the other side while He dismissed the crowd. Then He went up on the mountain alone to pray. "In the fourth watch" (Matthew 14:25) means three o'clock in the morning, the darkest hour before dawn.
All four canonical gospels mention the miracles of Five Loaves and Two Fish as well as Jesus' walking on the Sea. Only Matthew mentions Peter walking on the sea towards Jesus. Scholars conclude that this incident was credible. Mark was the disciple of Peter. If for some reason Peter did not tell this story, Mark had no way to know. Luke was the disciple of Paul who was not there. There was no way to verify. Both Matthew and John were on the spot. Matthew had written. It was not necessary for John to repeat. After all, the main character of this incident was Jesus, the Son of God, not Peter. Moreover, this incident does not fit into the theme of John's gospel. On the other hand, the focus of Matthew is different. It is more about the life of the Church. Even if Peter, perhaps out of humility or of shame, was reluctant to mention it, Jesus would soon make him the rock on which to build His Church. It is logical for Matthew to think that this incident was worth written down to show the unique role Peter.
So, what value was there in this failure of Peter?

According to the Synoptic gospels, when Jesus called his first disciples, whether the four fishermen or Matthew the tax-collector, they were surprisingly generous to abandon everything to follow Jesus. But things could not be so simple. How can you abandon your career so easily? How can you change your life style overnight? Take a look at what happened after Jesus' apparition after resurrection. One day, it was Peter who proposed to six other disciples to go fishing, their previous career (John 21:3). Therefore, after following Jesus, we will always be tempted to return to our previous life style which we are familiar and feel safe. Was it hyperbole for me to say "be tempted"? Categorically not! Take a look at the Israelites whom Moses liberated from Egypt. For several times, because of hunger and thirst, they demanded returning to the house of slavery, Egypt! Thus, returning to our comfort zone is truly a temptation.
Among the disciples, only Peter had the courage to jump out of the boat. It was the small hours and dark. The boat was beaten by the waves (Matthew 14:24). Only their boat was a relatively safe place. What attracted Peter to leave his comfort zone? It was Jesus Christ! Brethren, what can we learn from Peter's experience?
First of all, we need to remind ourselves not to lead a complacent life. Joining Sunday masses, going to confession and receiving the Holy Communion are good but don't turn them into a routine. If we don't support these with a habit of Bible study and prayers, the effect of these sacraments will not be fully utilized. Every day we eat the same breakfast, take the same vehicles to go to work or school. These are comfortable routines. Have you tried to turn them into materials of your prayers? Have you discovered the gifts God grants you in the people and things you encounter?
Secondly, under what conditions should we leave our comfort zone? In fact, we left our first comfort zone when we were baptized and converted to Jesus Christ like the disciples whom Jesus called. Soon after baptism, we might start building our second comfort zone to lead a complacent Catholic life. We care more about receiving sacraments, about reciting prayers and even joining lay associations etc. and forget all about evangelizing the people around us! Evangelization is the mission of not only the clergy, but also the entire Church. We are one of the members of the Church. Evangelization is an indelible duty. We have the responsibility to jump out of our comfort zone! Under what conditions? When we see Jesus in the dark!
Lastly, although we may jump out of our comfort zone into darkness and danger, with Jesus, everything shall be fine. At first, Peter was able to walk a few steps on the waters. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink (14:30). At that time, he must have been at a distance from Jesus. But when he cried for help, Jesus instantaneously stood by him, reached out his hand to catch him. Unlike a life guard, Jesus was not pulling Peter in the water but standing next to him on the water surface to catch a half-submerged Peter. Please meditate. Had Peter stayed in the boat, in his comfort zone, he would never have had this unique experience! Similarly, if we stay in our comfort zone to lead a complacent life and not to evangelize, I am afraid we shall, like the rest of the disciples on the boat, miss the opportunity to encounter Jesus at close range, to enjoy His rescue and support. Brethren, if you feel that you are not ready to preach the gospel, the most effective way is to pray with the gospel. The Church has a wonderful tradition of Lectio Divina. We can learn this particular way of prayer. After encountering Jesus, beg the Holy Spirit to grant us grace to jump out of our comfort zone to receive more abundant graces.
God bless!

Sunday, 6 August 2017

因循的生活 A Complacent Life


I am the fruit of history, a mixture of good and bad habits which form my life style. Many of these habits are pulling my leg, hindering my progress.

As of today, I rely more on rationality. In the past, this mode brought me successes. But obviously, spirituality finds rationality of no benefit. As a permanent deacon, theology, rationality and prudence are still essential. However, a sense of burnt-out caves in very quickly and spiritual rescue is urgently needed. At this stage, rationality leads me nowhere.
A complacent life is such an attitude: if it works, don't rock the boat. Consequently, there is no growth and it results in a smothering in one's Comfort Zone. You may object and say what wrong it is if you may die comfortably. Pardon me, the attitude which worked well and brought you comfort in the past may not work today or tomorrow! I have met many senior citizens who, in their younger stronger days, had enjoyed successes and respect from others. However, in their older age, they could not change their personality. They could not accept their frailty. You can imagine how painful they are!
The most depressing case is an inmate convicted of manslaughter underage. He was sentenced to a psychiatric centre to be released only when doctors certified that he was safe. For more than 4 decades, 17 board reviews, no doctor certified him safe. The same opinions have been given, "He is psychotic. He has no insight of his mental condition. He still harbours paranoid towards the victim. He still has a propensity for violence ..." I can't help but ask, "Has 4 decades of treatment been a waste? Has life in the psychiatric centre been routine? Has life in the psychiatric centre made the inmate routine and make no progress? Have the doctors been relying on the opinions of previous doctors in making recommendations? Is the situation really like this? I am in no position to pass judgment. I only see a pitiful no-growth soul dying in a "Comfort Zone".
Heavenly Father, how can I not think of him! Amen!

復活的光榮 The Glory of Resurrection


耶穌基督傳福音的任務,已接近尾聲。他向門徒做了一個十分簡單的民意調查,看看三年來的傳教工作,有甚麼成果。門徒七嘴八舌答說群眾認為耶穌是厄里亞、是若翰洗者 、是先知中的一位。耶穌直指其心,問在他們的心目中,他是誰。(瑪16:15)其實耶穌希望透過這個問題,尋找教會的基石。耶穌明白祂復活後要離開這個世界,祂必須把救世的工程,交託給教會繼續完成。這個「得救的團體」需要一個領導人。耶穌就借用這個問題,看看天父揀選了誰人做這個領導人。耶穌找到了,這個領導人就是西滿。於是耶穌替他起名為「伯多祿」,是磐石的意思。無論這塊磐石有多少缺陷,耶穌基督會扶持他,幫助他,並在這塊磐石上建立祂的教會。


  1. 不可怠惰參與主日彌撒,應熱心勤領聖事,與耶穌基督結合。
  2. 有計劃地讀聖經,從聖經中認識天主的旨意。首先讀對觀福音,然後讀宗徒大事錄,之後再讀宗徒的書信,先讀短的,再讀長的。
  3. 因循的生活容易令人逐漸迷失方向,令人固步自封,沒有進步。因此,我們必須養成良好的祈禱習慣,打破窒息天主恩寵的例行公事的生活方式。祈禱是一個與天主契合的時刻。無論生活如何繁忙,也要每天讓自己享受與天主獨處最少十五分鐘。這樣做,天主的恩寵纔更能發揮效力,改造我們,提昇我們。
  4. 怎樣祈禱呢?首先數算天主今天所賞賜的具體恩典,為所求而獲得的,或者沒有求也獲得的一切而感謝祂。其實,能在生活中親驗到天主的恩賜,您祈禱的功力,已經頗有深度了。感恩之後,便開始祈求天主聖神與您一起向天父祈禱。因為我們不懂得如何祈禱,祗有天主聖神纔最能明白天主聖父的思想和心意。沒有聖神的陪伴,我們的祈禱祗不過是自言自語。之後就不用多說話了,讓聖神隨祂的意願,引領我們的靈魂,或者歌頌讚美天主,或者懺悔自己的過錯,或者為所接觸過的人的需要轉求等等,一切一切,不用勉強,祗要享受聖神的帶動,聖神的改造。最後,唸一篇「天主經」結束。

Picture Credit:

Solemnity of Transfiguration, Year A
Theme: The Glory of Resurrection
First of all, let us re-visit the background of this incident.
Jesus had nearly finished his evangelization mission. He did a simply opinion poll with His disciples to see how much He had accomplished among the Jews. The disciples were eager to get the master's hearing. Some said the people thought that Jesus was Elijah, John the Baptist or one of the prophets. Jesus asked a penetrating question, "But who do you say that I am?" (Matthew 16:15) In fact, with this question Jesus wanted to find out who would be the foundation stone of the Church. Jesus knew that after resurrection, He would leave this world. He needed the Church to finish His redemption mission. This "community of the redeemed" needs a leader. With this question, Jesus wanted to see whom the Father had chosen to be that leader. Jesus had found him. That leader was Simon. So, Jesus named him Peter, which means the Rock. Despite all the defects of this Rock, Jesus would help him, support him and to build his Church upon him.

As anticipated, when Jesus further revealed his salvation plan, the "Mystery of Passover", i.e. He had to suffer and die to atone for our sins, to conquer death and rise on the third day to bring us eternal life, Peter perhaps out of good will or selfishness persuaded Jesus not to take such a path. Jesus Christ understands our weaknesses. Men love pleasures and detest toils. They pursue honour and wealth, evade pains and frustrations. They fear death. Even though Jesus guaranteed that he would come back to life on the third day, the disciples would not want to see their 3-year investment come to nothing! Thus, Jesus brought His three favourite disciples up Mount Tabor to show them His divinity, to manifest the glory of resurrection in order to reassure them. See how Peter exclaim, "Lord, it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here." (17:4) Of course it is good to stay in the mountain, attaining the glory of resurrection without going through the baptism of Passion. Who wants to go down and suffer? Peter's reaction showed vividly the weaknesses of humanity. However, God wants to purify and tune up the wounded humanity to make it worthy to partake in the glorious divinity!
What is the relevance of Jesus' Transfiguration for all mankind?
God is love. He does not want His creation to perish. Thus, He incarnated and took up humanity to become Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is truly human and divine. This is the core of Christianity. We believe that Jesus is truly human. Otherwise, His death on the cross was not genuine but a show. Had Jesus been only a man and not God, His death would not have been capable of redeeming the sins of all men in the past, present and the future. Since Jesus is a perfect union of humanity and divinity, God is able to die. He mercifully accompanies men to go through all sorts of sufferings, even death. Men, how well it is to have God's accompaniment. Let us descend, die and rise again. Since Jesus is a perfect union of humanity and divinity, men can be elevated to a higher level of existence to partake in the eternal and glorious divinity. How much God wants to elevate His creation to a more perfect state. Men, rise and have no fear. Let us descend to purify ourselves in our daily life.

St. Paul says it well, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17) We were baptized to Christ. We lead our life as a new creation, as children of God. After baptism, we need to keep ourselves in Christ, to be united with Christ and become a new creation every day. Then we can partake in the eternal glory of God.
How do we keep this state of a "new creation"?
  1. We should not be lazy in joining Sunday Mass. We should be fervent in receiving the sacraments to unite with Jesus Christ.
  2. Follow a schedule to study the Bible to discover God's will. Firstly, read the Synoptic gospels, then the Acts of the Apostles. After that, read the epistles of the apostles beginning with the short ones, then the longer ones.
  3. We would easily lose our sense of direction when we lead a complacent life. Such a life hinders our spiritual progress. Thus, we need to build up a good habit of prayers to smash the smothering routine way of life. Prayer is a sacred moment of becoming one with God. No matter how busy and hectic life is, we should spend and enjoy at least 15 minutes of solitude with God. In this way, God's grace will become more effective in transforming us, in elevating us.
  4. How do we pray? First of all, count concretely the gifts God granted us today, those we asked for and those we didn't. For these, we thank God. In fact, when you are able to locate God's gifts in your daily life, your prayers are already deep. After giving thanks, beg the Holy Spirit to pray with you to the Father. We do not know how to pray and only the Holy Spirit knows the heart and mind of the Father. Without the accompaniment of the Holy Spirit, our prayers are just monologues. After that, we don't have to say much. Let the Holy Spirit carry our souls where He wills, perhaps to sing praises to God, or to repent for our sins, or to intercede for the needs of the people we encounter etc. No need to force yourselves. Just enjoy the embrace of the Holy Spirit, the transformation of the Holy Spirit. In the end, wrap up your prayer by reciting the Lord's Prayer.
Brethren, it is not necessary to die martyrdom to Passover. A 15-minute prayer a day can achieve the Passover effect. Let us pray perseveringly. Let go of our routines. Open up ourselves to the Holy Spirit to reform our Old Self. Live up the spirit of the gospel as a New Self. Stay "New Creation" daily to elevate the fragile humanity into the state of illuminous Children of God, like the glory of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ.
God bless!

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

一切從感恩開始 It all begins with Gratitude



It all begins with Gratitude God led me when and where I least expected it.
After visiting prison in the morning, I went for lunch at the McDonald's in the Town Centre. When I was taking the LRT home, I suddenly remembered to buy some Cantonese Opera DVD's for my mum. So, I turned back. Then I further remembered that I needed to return a Daily Missal which I had taken from the parish this morning .

This was the first time I administered Holy Communion to inmates in the prison. I was not adequately prepared enough for I did not print the gospel reading. Thus I had taken a Daily Missal from the parish. The visit worked well. The inmates were very much moved and wept because their trial was imminent. With Jesus, they felt uplifted.

An inmate whom I had never met before approached me and asked where she could find a quote in Chinese Union Version, "The old has passed away, behold, the new has come." It was a familiar quote but I could not recall the location. I suggested her looking up the last two chapters of the Revelation. Starting with this quote, we had a good sharing on the parables of the Sower and the Prodigal Son. The lady was a Christian baptized to the Assemblies of God Wa Wai Church.

I entered the chapel and looked up. Alas! I was greeted by the very quote on the board of obituary! It was taken from 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Truly, God showers me with many gifts everyday and every minute. How can I NOT see? I am grateful not only because God has given me the correct answer, but also because He sent this lady, out of so many other inmates, to share with me the scripture. I am grateful because of the gifts I receive in visiting prison. I am grateful because I SEE. I see that God wants me to renew continuously with the graces He showered on me.

"If I renew today, and on the following day. I become new everyday." (Major Studies)
Heavenly Father, help me fill the gap between GRATITUDE and RENEWAL. Amen.

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