Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Theme: How to See Christ among the Poor
In 1925, Pope Pius XI instituted the last Sunday of October to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King to counter the raging secularism. In 1969, the Blessed Pope Paul VI showed more clearly the eschatological meaning of the Kingship of Christ by moving the celebration to the last Sunday of the liturgical year and renamed it "Solemnity of Jesus Christ King of the Universe".
Why is the Catholic Church so regressive as to support monarchy? Isn't universal suffrage a more progressive institution? Pardon me. It is not we who voted Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us. Rather it is out of his own obedience to the will of the Father that he came to redeem our sins. Thus, however wonderful universal suffrage is, it does not apply in the case of Jesus Christ. Well then, the papal conclave or the appointment of bishops is not democratic. It is only a small-circle election. Some people even claim that the Catholic Church is not qualified to express her views on democracy because she has no democracy!
Indeed, universal suffrage is not that perfect as promised. I trust you have experienced enough in the last few elections. You can see how the crowd could be manipulated with a morsel of advantages. When we expected a new era to dawn by sending a few young people into the legislation chamber … I need not elaborate. There is only one single advantage in the modern election institution. It is not so bloody. In ancient times, winners took all. Access to the throne was through elimination in bloody wars. The price was heavy. A king had to tread on the corpses of thousands in order to ascend the throne. Thus when a society evolved from agricultural to industrial, inherited monarchy evolved into constitutional monarchy and latter universal suffrage. But no institution is flawless. An institution cannot meet the demands of all situations.
Let us reflect on why Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe.
But why do we need a king after all? This is a question of justice. Everybody thinks he is right, he is the victim. Everybody has his own reasons and causes. We need a third party to resolve the conflict. This impartial third party is the judiciary. It would be fruitless if a judgment cannot be executed. We need a law enforcer. A king combines the role of a judge and an executioner. However, secular kings cannot shake off the weaknesses of humanity. Justice is not seen done! Only Jesus Christ who has died to redeem our iniquities is convincing, is the fairest judge. We have greater confidence in his execution of judgments because he has gone through all our pains. Thus Jesus Christ is the best candidate for the King of the Universe.
As a king, where is his palace?
Have you put this teaching of Jesus Christ's into practice? Have you visited the sick, the aged or the imprisoned? If not, you had better do before the Judgment Day so that you would still have something to answer the King! If your answer is affirmative, congratulations! But I want to challenge you further. When you visit or help those needy, do you see Jesus Christ in them?
St. Cyril explained clearly, "Jesus Christ is consubstantial with the Father. All creatures, including angels and men, should be subjected to him. He is our Redeemer. We can no longer claim ownership of ourselves because we were bought back with a huge ransom. Thus, we belong to him." God exists eternally. There is no evolution in Him. Thus, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe will never evolve into a popularly elected Jesus Christ, President of the Universe!
First of all, where is his throne? Jesus Christ chose the cross to be his throne. I believe nobody would want to overthrow him to sit on his throne! This throne allows us to see the humility and obedience of Jesus Christ. In fact, since the beginning of his public ministry, he has shown this humility. He was innocent. Yet he was willing to be in the company of sinners and received the baptism of John (Matthew 3:15). In the mortal combat with Satan, he chose to die on the cross. Now that he has risen, ascended into heaven and returned to the Father, he made a promise to stay with us daily till the end of time (28:20). Of course he is present in the Church and in the Sacrament of Eucharist daily. But the gospel passage today tells us that Jesus Christ is also present among the poor. Those hungry, naked, homeless, sick and imprisoned are the palaces of Jesus Christ. When we serve the least of these brothers, we are serving the Jesus Christ present among them.
Those who are sick and conscious moan under the torture of illness all day long. Do you see the face of Jesus Christ? Those under medication slur or are half-conscious. Do you see Jesus Christ in their vegetative bodies? In the eyes of those corrupt officials, murderers, rapists and drug traffickers, are you able to come into contact with the gaze of Jesus Christ? It is truly difficult but don't give up. Let me drop you a little hint. Everybody we meet is a mirror which reflects our nature.
If you are polite, the other party will be polite in return. If you are proud, the other party will show you an arrogant you. If you are cunning, the other party will outwit you! Thus, if we desire to see Jesus Christ among the poor which is a mirror, let us live like Christ every day and manifest the countenance of Christ before them. Then, they will reflect back to us the countenance of Christ.
God bless!