
Sunday, 26 November 2017

如何在窮人身上看見基督 How to See Christ among the Poor









Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Theme: How to See Christ among the Poor

In 1925, Pope Pius XI instituted the last Sunday of October to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King to counter the raging secularism. In 1969, the Blessed Pope Paul VI showed more clearly the eschatological meaning of the Kingship of Christ by moving the celebration to the last Sunday of the liturgical year and renamed it "Solemnity of Jesus Christ King of the Universe".

Why is the Catholic Church so regressive as to support monarchy? Isn't universal suffrage a more progressive institution? Pardon me. It is not we who voted Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us. Rather it is out of his own obedience to the will of the Father that he came to redeem our sins. Thus, however wonderful universal suffrage is, it does not apply in the case of Jesus Christ. Well then, the papal conclave or the appointment of bishops is not democratic. It is only a small-circle election. Some people even claim that the Catholic Church is not qualified to express her views on democracy because she has no democracy!

Indeed, universal suffrage is not that perfect as promised. I trust you have experienced enough in the last few elections. You can see how the crowd could be manipulated with a morsel of advantages. When we expected a new era to dawn by sending a few young people into the legislation chamber … I need not elaborate. There is only one single advantage in the modern election institution. It is not so bloody. In ancient times, winners took all. Access to the throne was through elimination in bloody wars. The price was heavy. A king had to tread on the corpses of thousands in order to ascend the throne. Thus when a society evolved from agricultural to industrial, inherited monarchy evolved into constitutional monarchy and latter universal suffrage. But no institution is flawless. An institution cannot meet the demands of all situations.

Let us reflect on why Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe.
St. Cyril explained clearly, "Jesus Christ is consubstantial with the Father. All creatures, including angels and men, should be subjected to him. He is our Redeemer. We can no longer claim ownership of ourselves because we were bought back with a huge ransom. Thus, we belong to him." God exists eternally. There is no evolution in Him. Thus, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe will never evolve into a popularly elected Jesus Christ, President of the Universe!

But why do we need a king after all? This is a question of justice. Everybody thinks he is right, he is the victim. Everybody has his own reasons and causes. We need a third party to resolve the conflict. This impartial third party is the judiciary. It would be fruitless if a judgment cannot be executed. We need a law enforcer. A king combines the role of a judge and an executioner. However, secular kings cannot shake off the weaknesses of humanity. Justice is not seen done! Only Jesus Christ who has died to redeem our iniquities is convincing, is the fairest judge. We have greater confidence in his execution of judgments because he has gone through all our pains. Thus Jesus Christ is the best candidate for the King of the Universe.

As a king, where is his palace?
First of all, where is his throne? Jesus Christ chose the cross to be his throne. I believe nobody would want to overthrow him to sit on his throne! This throne allows us to see the humility and obedience of Jesus Christ. In fact, since the beginning of his public ministry, he has shown this humility. He was innocent. Yet he was willing to be in the company of sinners and received the baptism of John (Matthew 3:15). In the mortal combat with Satan, he chose to die on the cross. Now that he has risen, ascended into heaven and returned to the Father, he made a promise to stay with us daily till the end of time (28:20). Of course he is present in the Church and in the Sacrament of Eucharist daily. But the gospel passage today tells us that Jesus Christ is also present among the poor. Those hungry, naked, homeless, sick and imprisoned are the palaces of Jesus Christ. When we serve the least of these brothers, we are serving the Jesus Christ present among them.

Have you put this teaching of Jesus Christ's into practice? Have you visited the sick, the aged or the imprisoned? If not, you had better do before the Judgment Day so that you would still have something to answer the King! If your answer is affirmative, congratulations! But I want to challenge you further. When you visit or help those needy, do you see Jesus Christ in them?
Those who are sick and conscious moan under the torture of illness all day long. Do you see the face of Jesus Christ? Those under medication slur or are half-conscious. Do you see Jesus Christ in their vegetative bodies? In the eyes of those corrupt officials, murderers, rapists and drug traffickers, are you able to come into contact with the gaze of Jesus Christ? It is truly difficult but don't give up. Let me drop you a little hint. Everybody we meet is a mirror which reflects our nature.
If you are polite, the other party will be polite in return. If you are proud, the other party will show you an arrogant you. If you are cunning, the other party will outwit you! Thus, if we desire to see Jesus Christ among the poor which is a mirror, let us live like Christ every day and manifest the countenance of Christ before them. Then, they will reflect back to us the countenance of Christ.
God bless!

Friday, 24 November 2017

斯是陋室,惟吾德馨 This Modest Shack will Spread its Fragrance for My Virtues






This Modest Shack will Spread its Fragrance for My Virtues
"My house shall be a house of prayer." (Isaiah 56:7; Luke 19:46)

Where is the house of God? The church? The Cathedral? Or St. Peter's Basilica? Yes, and no.
Of course these buildings are God's houses in which the People of God gather and sing praises to worship Him. But these are only buildings. When nobody is inside or most people inside are tourists, these magnificent buildings are mere rocks! Just as a Chinese author wrote, "A mountain needs not be high. People will know it for its deities. A sea needs not be deep. People will worship it for its dragons. This modest shack will spread its fragrance for my virtues." (An Epigraph of a Modest Shack) It is the essence of a thing which decides its value. It is the virtue of a person that makes a modest shack famous. Thus, the most important essence of buildings is the people who interact in them!

Then is it true, like what Stephen claims, that the Temple is not important (Acts 7:44-53)? Don't forget, because of this view, he became the first Christian martyr!
The Temple was important but we should not indulge in her external magnificence. It was only one among the many signs of God's presence. Stephen reminded them that God lived among them in different forms, did not necessarily confine Himself within the Temple. God is present even outside the Temple.

In fact, St. Paul teaches that, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you?" (1 Corinthians 6:19) Thus, our bodies are also God's temples. Furthermore, St. Paul teaches, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words." (Romans 8:26) Thus, wherever we are, on holidays and could not locate a Catholic church, or in prison and could not join Sunday masses, we are mobile temples which worship God with spirit and truth anytime anywhere (John 4:23-24). Through the moving of the Holy Spirit, we are able to worship God genuinely and not just going through the rubrics. We can partake in God's life and do not feel bored in mass.
Dear Holy Spirit! Come down upon our hearts. Give us the desire for wisdom, the discernment of truth, the fortitude of charity and the perseverance to the end in order to attain eternal life. Amen.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

「梅菲定律」以外 Beyond Murphy's Law







Beyond Murphy's Law
"Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace! But now they are hid from your eyes." (Luke 19:42)

What is hidden or cannot be seen may not necessarily be invisible. Probably we ignore the existence of those things. Have you ever been looking for your own glasses?

Even if we have made an airtight perfect plan, accidents still happen. We will always overlook something which leads to disasters. This is the infamous Murphy's Law: whatever could go wrong, will go wrong! The existence of this very law proves the limitations of human knowledge.

But what Jesus had spoken about what would happen to Jerusalem was not an accident. "Rome was not built in one day!" How could a single person be responsible for the disaster that fell upon the Holy City, or that the disaster took a few months to brew? There must have been some clues to her destruction for some time. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, especially those in power chose to insist on their opinions, ignored those signals and did not handle them properly. This destruction was self-inflicted.

Of course Jesus wanted the inhabitants of Jerusalem to discern the situation clearly, to put away their narrow nationalism, not to stubbornly expect a Messiah to lead the people to overthrow the colonial Roman rule. Similarly, Jesus desires us to know our sins and inadequacy, to put away those tendencies such as greed, pride, wrath, lust, envy and sloth. Do not ignore them but handle them seriously and properly. Although cultivating virtues does not necessarily lead to a trouble-free life, when disaster strikes, we will be able to stand tall without the slightest regret. This is the key point of the eschatology of Jesus Christ: be alert! Personal alert is already difficult, not to mention a city or a state. When the head of a state prefers listening selectively and when the subjects work hard to guess his likes and dislikes, a city or a state will fall within forty years. Jerusalem was a prime example.
Heavenly Father! Give the government officials clear sights, sharp hearings and a parental heart so that the citizens may lead a stable life and find job satisfaction. Amen.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

自欺欺人 Cheating and Be Cheated







Cheating and Be Cheated
"But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me." (Luke 19:27)

Serving a king is like journey in the company of a tiger. You get mauled for being careless. Woe to those courtiers. They need to constantly guess the mood of the king and avoid offending his wishes. The price of making mistakes is heavy. They get demoted for the slightest faults. In case of grave ones, nine clans would be butchered.

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine the verse quoted above would be uttered by Jesus Christ who is the visible image of the invisible Father. Shouldn't He be merciful like the Father (Luke 6:35-36)? Doesn't God want all to be saved (1Timothy 2:4)? Why would Jesus be so cruel as to slay those who do not want him to reign over them?

Jesus Christ is the Author of Life. When people reject the Author of Life to reign over them, from what could they continue to survive? Before the Judgment Day, their life, both natural and supernatural would gradually wither. After the Last Judgment, they would enter the Second Death. In the vision of John, he saw "Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the Second Death, the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:14) And John even made a list of people who would suffer the Second Death: "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the Second Death." (21:8)

Perhaps we have been intoxicated with the idea that God is merciful. We console ourselves and others that "If only we repent, God surely shall forgive us." Then tell me, when did you last receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Our names were written down in the Book of Life the moment we were baptized. However, we contract imperceptibly the hardening of our heart and soul with our continual sinning. Not only do we tell lies to cheat others, we ourselves are also cheated. Lastly, our names are removed from the Book of Life (3:5) and fall back on John's List!
Father! Have mercy on us sinners! Help us to persevere until the final victory to attain eternal life. Amen.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

貧窮 ── 一種生活風格 Poverty, a Way of Life






到了新約時代,耶穌基督革命性地推翻世俗的社會價值。在真福八端的第一端,已開宗明義地定出進入永生的條件,就是貧窮:「神貧的人是有福的,因為天國是他們的。」(瑪5:3)在今天的塔冷通的比喻之後,耶穌講述「最後審判」的情境時,教導我們善用天賦的塔冷通,履行六種「形哀矜」,以獲得天國。就是「饑者食之,渴者飲之,裸者衣之,收留旅人,照顧病人與及探望囚者。」(25:35-36)教宗方濟各在第一屆「世界窮人日」文告中指出,我們實行形哀矜,「把窮人當作我們偶爾擔任義工時的受惠者,或者只想到那些使我們良心平安而隨意在他們身上所實踐的善行。」是不足夠的。這些愛德服務,「應該引導我們去和窮人真正的遇和分享,並成為一種生活風格。」(文告#3)那麼,貧窮有甚麼價值?且看在「富翁和乞丐拉匝祿」的比喻中 ,耶穌指出乞丐拉匝祿並不是因為做了甚麼好事、善事,所以得享永生:「亞巴郎(對富翁)說 :孩子,你應記得你活著的時候,已享盡了你的福,而拉匝祿同樣也受盡了苦。現在,他在這裡受安慰,而你應受苦了。」(路16:25)原來貧窮受苦是有價值的。價值在哪?



First World Day of the Poor
Theme: Poverty, a Way of Life

We are approaching the end of the Liturgical Year. We choose readings about the end of the world, to remind ourselves to be alert to welcome the Parousia of Jesus Christ. The gospel today reminds us to make good use of God-bestowed talents. Don't bury them. "Talanton" was an ancient measure of weights as well as a unit of currency in Babylon and Greece. The Roman Empire made use of it during New Testament times. Without specification, a talent is 58.9 kg of silver, worth about HK$260,000 today. We are not sure what kind of trades the first and second servants did such that they were able to double the principals. But we are sure that it would not be the method the master told the third servant, i.e. to "have put the money to the exchangers in order to earn usury." (Matthew 25:27) Then, what sorts of investment can be that ideal?

As Christians, we believe in the Judgment Day. After that, there shall be eternal life in heaven or eternal damnation in hell. Thus, the best investments are those which increase our capital to enter heaven and at the same time, to reduce those liabilities to enter hell. To reduce liabilities, we should not commit any sins, or after we have sinned, we should reconcile with God as soon as possible, i.e. to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As for how to increase the capital to enter heaven, the gospel is very direct in telling us how to transfer our wealth on earth to heaven. For example, the gospel advises us "to lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven." (6:20) and "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (6:24). Jesus told the young man who sought eternal life, "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me." (19:21) Thus, making use of our talents to help the poor and needy is a sure way to accumulate treasure in heaven. This is the Christian philosophy of financial management, the most effective investment!

At the closing of the Jubilee of Mercy last year, Pope Francis announced to make the 33rd Ordinary Sunday each year to be the "World Day of the Poor" to prepare for the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year, the Feast of Christ the Universal King. This World Day of the Poor will remind us of "option for the poor", one of the social teachings advocated by the Catholic Church. Now, let us meditate what the benefits of poverty are.

In Old Testament times, the Israelites attributed everything to the Lord. For example, God hardened the heart of Pharaoh so that he refused to let the Israelites go, thus giving God the opportunity to show off His might with 10 Plagues. Similarly, after giving birth to Samuel, the barren Hannah praised the Lord, "The Lord makes poor and makes rich; he brings low, he also exalts." (1 Samuel 2:7) Indeed, you are rich not because you are smart and diligent. He is poor not because he is stupid and lazy. God has a hidden plan for everything. It is all God's blessings. Thus, Mosaic laws demand people to treat the poor well. For example, "For the poor will never cease out of the land; therefore I command you. You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor in the land." (Deuteronomy 15:11) Moreover, "You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy … you shall give him his hire on the day he earns it, before the sun goes down (for he is poor, and sets his heart upon it); lest he cry against you to the Lord, and it be sin in you." (24:14-15) Thus, unreasonable deduction or delay in paying wages, compensation of injury and even offsetting of MPF are sins in the eyes of the Lord! The morality of commercial society today is worse than Old Testament times. How deplorable!

In New Testament times, Jesus Christ overthrew the secular social values in a revolutionary manner. Take a look at the First Beatitude. Poverty is the first and foremost qualification to enter eternal life, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:3) Immediately after telling the Parable of Talents, Jesus continues to tell us the scene of the Last Judgment in which he taught us to make good use of our talents to do "Corporal Works of Mercy" in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That is, "Feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and the imprisoned." (25:35-36) In his message on the First World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis says that when we do charity, it is not enough to "think of the poor simply as the beneficiaries of our occasional volunteer work, or of impromptu acts of generosity that appease our conscience." These works of mercy "ought to lead to a true encounter with the poor and a sharing that becomes a way of life." (Message #3) Then, what is the value of poverty?

From a Socialist perspective, Marx explains that the rich collude with people in power to set up unfair institutions to exploit farmers and workers to make themselves rich. The rich enrich themselves at the expenses of the poor. This kind of analysis is negative and promotes class struggles. Jesus teaches otherwise. He tells us that not only is he present in the Sacrament of Eucharist, but he is also present in marginalized people. When he talked about the Last Judgment, Jesus Christ says that you will find him among the hungry and the thirsty, among those who have lost their dignity or shelter, among those who are sick or imprisoned. "When you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." (Matthew 25:40) That is to say, Jesus Christ loves to be present among the needy. "For Christ's disciples, poverty is above all a call to follow Jesus in his own poverty. It means walking behind him and beside him." (Message #4) That is to say, we partake in the redemptive work of Christ. When we serve the needy, "we touch with our own hands the flesh of Christ." (Message #3) That is to say, "poverty as a way of life" mentioned in the Pope's message is the positive meaning of "Blessed are those poor in spirit"

Brethren! Pope Francis invites us to act, to practise the teachings of the gospel. "Let us not love in word or speech but in deed and in truth." (1 John 3:18) When you leave the Church and return to the community, make sure you touch the flesh of Christ.
God bless!

Sunday, 12 November 2017

趁可以找到天主的時候 Seek the Lord while He May Be Found





的確,「諸聖相通功」或者用今天比較正確的說法,「諸聖的共融」 ,很容易具體地變成金錢上的交流。例如【宗徒大事錄】也記載過,當其他地方教會知道了耶路撒冷有饑荒,便捐錢並託巴爾納伯和掃祿前往救濟他們(宗11:27-30)。時移世易,到了十六世紀,教會需要大量金錢支付「十字軍東征」和修建各地教堂的經費,有人便想出了售賣「大赦證書」來籌募經費,這「大赦證書」即華語基督教會錯誤地翻譯的「贖罪卷」,結果引發了五百年前的「宗教改革」!可見把一個觀念簡單化,是會引來不良後果的。




Thirty Second Ordinary Sunday (Year A)
Theme: Seek the Lord while He May Be Found

There are five major discourses in the gospel of Matthew: Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Evangelization Instructions (10), Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven (13), Life in the Church (18) and Eschatology (25). The gospel passage chosen today belongs to the last discourse. Using parables, Jesus tells us how the Kingdom of Heaven shall be fully realized at the end of the world. The teaching today is crystal clear. Jesus explicitly tells us that nobody knows the day or the hour (25:13). That is to say, all those "Doomsday" prophecies are frauds, to cheat people of their money. Of course, we can understand "the day" to be our death. That is to say, nobody knows when he shall die. Even people who commit suicide might turn out to be "attempted suicides" only! But there is one intriguing element in the parable which is worth spending time to meditate. What does "oil" symbolize?

Traditionally, the Church explained that "oil" symbolizes "grace".
If you have enough grace at your death, you shall enter Paradise immediately. If you do not have enough grace, you cannot enter immediately and need to spend some time in the Purgatory. Worse still, you may end up in Hell. This idea is easy to understand, but like any other oversimplified concepts, there are many loopholes and they are misleading! Let us see what's wrong with this kind of explanation.

First of all, using this simplified explanation, people can easily associate "the dealer" (25:9) with the Church. There are seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. They are visible signs, such as water, oil, bread and will, which give the faith invisible grace. The Church can be seen as a "treasure trove of grace". For example, for dying people, the Church administers Extreme Unction and Viaticum to help them go through their last journey. But is the Church a trading ground? Can money buy grace? Sorry, Anointment of the Sick, Holy Communion and the remaining sacraments are free of charge!

Truly, the "Communion of Saints" can easily materialize into an interflow of money. For example, when the local churches learnt that Jerusalem would suffer a severe famine, they donated money and asked Barnabas and Saul to bring it to the Church in Jerusalem. (Acts 11:27-30) Time changed. In the sixteenth century when the Church needed a huge fund to pay for the Crusades and the renovation of church buildings, somebody thought up the brilliant idea of selling indulgences, thus triggering the Reformation five centuries ago! See, an oversimplified idea can bring disasters.

Take a look at the gospel today, the wise maidens refused to give the foolish ones some of their oil (Matthew 25:9). Were they selfish? Did they violate the teaching of the "Communion of Saints"? Indeed, grace is transferrable because it is given by God freely. When disasters strike in far off places, or Christians being persecuted there, it is too far away for us to send them relief. We can only pray. I trust you have prayed for Vocation, for relatives and friends who suffer illnesses, for students who have examinations and interviews. You may even fast for a period of time. This shows our trust in God. We firmly believe that God will relieve them of their plights when we intercede. For example, Abraham had bargained with God for the people in Sodom (Genesis 18). Moses had convinced God not to destroy the Israelites after they worshipped the golden calf (Exodus 32). This is the true meaning of the "Communion of Saints". That is we intercede for the plights of our brethren. Later, when believers gave alms to the poor and started to quantize grace, the idea to transfer our "spare" grace to the souls which lacked it emerged. Catholics began to offer masses for the dead and buy indulgences.

Thus, I don't think it is a good idea to symbolize "grace" with "oil". I propose to explain "oil" in terms of everybody's relation with God, whether you are a believer of not. Since it is a personal relation with God, how can we give this relation to other people? Thus, the wise maidens were wise because they had already built up a good relation with God. They foolish maidens were foolish because they were alienated from God and needed to mend their relation. The whole world is where you can buy oil and build up a good relation with God. Where on earth can we not love God and men? Nowhere! Of course we can love God and men within the Church. Outside the Church, in our families, our schools, our working places, when we are taking public transports, in shopping arcades and restaurants, where can't we love God and men and to build up a good relation with Him? The problem lies in whether we are able to take up the opportunity to love God and men before the end of the world or before we die. If the end of the world came tomorrow, I believe it would be too late to line up and get baptized or to go to confession!

There are many different ways to build up a good relation with God, especially during Advent which is a season to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. The parish has arranged a retreat and some other charity services for the needy in this community. Pay attention to the parish bulletin and participate. Seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6). Before the bridegroom arrives, get yourself some spare oil.
God bless!

Sunday, 5 November 2017

對於守法的應有態度 The Proper Attitude towards Abiding Laws









Thirty First Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: The Proper Attitude towards Abiding Laws

Disciplinary forces need foot drills and physical exercises to ensure that they are able to discharge their duties in adverse conditions. Athletes need hellish coaching in order to smash records in competitions. A performance on stage for a few minutes takes years of hard work. The same goes to spirituality. Ever since ancient times, many saints have led a simple secluded life in poverty, in fasting and in serving the sick and needy. In this way, they were putting the two great commandments into practice, i.e. to love God with all their hearts, and with all their souls and with all their minds, and to love their neighbour as themselves. Thus, abiding by the laws is also a spiritual exercise.

Indeed, believing in a religion is more than psychological consolation, avoiding disasters, seeking blessings, protection and even rewards from deities. Men always want to breaking through the status quo, to transcend oneselves. But all these targets do not rain down from heavens above. Men need to work hard to achieve them. Even though God has taken the initiative to arrange salvation for us, we still need to seize it ourselves. Thus, on the formation of our spirituality, prayer, Bible studies, sacraments and works of mercy are indispensable.

Jesus was born a Jew. He and all the disciples came from Judaism. Observing the Torah is their way of life. It was because the Torah was handed down by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, instructing the people how to lead their life. Thus, observing the Torah was a concrete way to attain salvation. As for the interpretation of the laws, the Pharisees and scribes were authority. Thus Jesus said, "So practise and observe whatever they tell you." (Matthew 23:3) As someone practising Judaism, indeed any religion, you may just do without understanding, say what the authority says and follow the instructions of the scribes and Pharisees. But you can also acts like Jesus, to transcend the status quo and see many rooms for improvement. Jesus Christ saw through the faults of the Pharisees and Scribes. They preached but practised not. Even when they did, they did not do it to worship God but to show off before people. Thus, Jesus Christ warned his disciples not to follow the bad examples of those religious authorities. For those who preach without practice, or teach other to believe but not work and those hypocrites, they are simply self-delusional. They will not bear any fruits. As for those saints who renounced themselves and helped the needy, for example St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, their examples converted many souls and they have received their glorious crown before God.

Christians are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. In order to attain salvation, observing God's laws and ecclesiastic laws is mandatory. At the same time, they are also citizens in a secular world. They have to obey local laws. Enjoy double nationalities, they have to pay tax and serve as a juror on one hand, they also have to observe the two great commandments mentioned in the gospel on last Sunday. Before that, somebody trapped Jesus in a dilemma. They asked him whether they should pay tax to Caesar. If Jesus objected paying tax, under the Roman colonial rule, Jesus's speech was sedition and inciting rebellion punishable by death. If Jesus supported paying tax, he would become a common enemy of the Jews, a traitor and a running dog for the Romans. But Jesus saw through their trick and taught them the proper attitude of Christians towards politics with the famous "Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God." Besides God's laws, Christians must also obey secular laws.

The political conditions in Hong Kong are good. Before legislation, the government always spends time consulting the people affected. Thus, when the Church sees any evil laws pending for passage, she still has a chance to voice her objection. Once they are passed, the Church must follow because of the "Caesar unto Caesar" teaching of Jesus. For example, in 2004, the government passed laws to implement "School-Based Management Policy", bringing in more stakes holders, such as parents, alumni, teachers and community members into the school management committee. Superficially, school management would become more democratic but it would bring many more obstacles for the school sponsoring body to carry out their missions. Catholics, Anglicans and the Methodist Church rigorously opposed because once passed, they had to obey and it would hinder evangelization. Hong Kong Diocese spent six years appealing. At that many in the Catholic Church, some people supported Cardinal Zen while some disagreed. Thus we see that parishioners do not necessarily support the Church and the Diocese, unless in case of doctrine and moral, seldom demands the faithful to toe the Church's line. In the end, the Hong Kong Diocese lost her appeal at the Court of Final Appeal in 2011. Paradoxically, as of today, the Education Bureau comes to consult the Hong Kong Diocese on matter about the running of Incorporated Management Committees.

This school based policy has nothing to do with Church doctrines and morals but school administration which hinders evangelization. But when conflicts arise between secular laws and God's teaching, Christians have no choice but to follow God's laws. Thus, when the government consults the citizens on "Gender Recognition", Christians know that it is not an administrative problem, but it comes into direct contradiction with the doctrinal and moral teachings of the Church. Thus, before it becomes law, we have to work hard to oppose. As Christians, we cannot blindly oppose. We need to understand how gender recognition contradicts the teachings of the Church. Here, we cannot be lazy and say what other people say. We can consult the clergy, exchange views with them. But in the end, we should follow the judgment of our conscience and establish our own stance. Although it is a doctrinal and moral question, so far, the Hong Kong Diocese has not instructed the faithful to voice against legislation. Today, it is not easy to be a Catholic!

Is there anything not belong to God? Though we should render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar's, Caesar also belongs to God. In the end, Christians should follow their conscience and follow God's laws. Is there anything God has not done for our salvation? Though salvation comes from grace and faith, in the end, Christians need to follow their conscience to work hard for their own salvation. Love God and love neighbour.
God bless!

Thursday, 2 November 2017


第二式的進堂詠 Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine 很是吸引, 是百聽不厭的安所彌撒 Requiem Mass 的表表者。赫然見到出自艾2:34-35,更是心花怒放。彌撒的聖詠的確有根有據,出自聖經。
及後,覺得有點奇怪,波斯王后的故事,在第二章為何會出現「上主,求你賜給他們永遠的安息,並以永恆的光輝照耀他們。」呢?便翻開舊約看過究竟。發現【艾斯德爾傳】第二章祗有23節!並沒有35節那麼多!是否在【艾斯德爾傳】的希臘文補遺呢?可惜遍尋不覓。找拉丁文 Vulgate版仍是撲個空。怎麼辦呢?

Google 一番,找到維基百科的Music for the Requiem Mass,見到出處不是艾斯德爾,而是很奇怪的 4 Esdras。找 4 Esdras,沒有,祗有2 Esdras。原來4 Esdras又稱2 Esdras。終於在Vulgate.org找到了!
"ideoque vobis dico, gentes quæ auditis et intellegitis: expectate pastorem vestrum, requiem æternitatis dabit vobis, quoniam in proximo est ille, qui in finem sæculi adveniet.
parati estote ad præmia regni, quia lux perpetua lucebit vobis per æternitatem temporis.

主啊! 現在可照你的話,放你的僕人平安去了!
nunc dimittis servum tuum Domine secundum verbum tuum in pace