
Saturday, 25 August 2018

滿招損 Pride Invites Losses






Pride Invites Losses (Matthew 23:1-12)

Cantonese idioms goes, "Others give you face". The lips belong to the others. Whatever they like to say, we have no say. Whether they praise you or defame you, what can you do?
We call God our Father because He created us in His image. Thus we say God is the Father of all humanity. It is right for us to call God "Father" out of respect because Jesus Christ reveals so.

As Chinese, we call people some kind of "fu" out of respect. For example, we call the daddy of our daddy "zu-fu", the elder brother of our daddy "bo-fu", the younger "shu-fu", brothers of your mother "jiu-fu". We only call those who teach us knowledge "lao-shi", but those who teach us kungfu "shi-fu". We call old fishermen "yu-fu", sacerdos in the Church "shen-fu", senior benefactors "yi-fu". Of course, in most cases, we can avoid calling them "fu" But do we really need to avoid calling others "fu" just because Jesus says, "Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven." (Matthew 23:9) Have we overshot? Does Jesus Christ want to monopolize the use of the word "father"? After all, some kind of "father" is not "father" per se, right?

Cantonese idiom continues, "face is taken down by yourself!" How right it is! It is compatible with Jesus' revelation: "Do not be called Master; you have but one master, the Christ." (23:10) A long time ago, a lady teacher worked very hard to earn a PhD and became the headmistress of a school. From then on, she demanded others not to greet her "Principal So-and-so" but more accurately "Dr. So-and-so". I don't have to elaborate her ending and the disasters she brought to the school, suffice to say that Jesus has already reminded us of declining such flattery. Isn't "Pride invites losses and humility benefits" Jesus Christ's teachings as well (23:12)?
Heavenly Father! The Master of the Universe! We thank you because You have hidden the truth from the wise and knowledgeable but reveal it to the humble. Amen.

Friday, 24 August 2018

耶穌基督超乎我輩的期望 Jesus Christ is Beyond Our Expectations


群眾在「五餅二魚」神蹟吃飽後,想擁立耶穌為王,期望從此跟隨耶穌便不愁衣食!市民大眾的要求,並不奢侈 ,但求安居樂業而已!
比較有理想的人,眼見自己的同胞被外族粗暴地統治,但敢怒而不敢言。他們的心期望甚麼呢?當然是期望一位解放者,驅逐胡虜,恢復以色列的獨立王國! 巴爾多祿茂又在期望甚麼呢?當斐理伯告訴巴爾多祿茂,他已找到預言中的大先知(申18:18),就是納匝肋人耶穌(若1:45),而巴爾多祿茂卻認為,大先知不會出自納匝肋。至於他在遇到斐理伯之前,在無花果樹下正在做甚麼,在摘無花果吃?在睡覺?在祈禱?在出神?在…就無從稽考了。從耶穌基督評論他「確是一個以色列人,在他內毫無詭詐。」(1:47)可見巴爾多祿茂是一個正直的人,沒有掩飾他瞧不起納匝肋;而斐里伯告訴他已找到大先知,可見他也是個愛國愛民,有理想的人。從耶穌基督說出他在無花果樹下做甚麼時,巴爾多祿茂得到了啟示,好像洗者若翰一樣(1:34),他也認出了天主子來(1:49),並期望耶穌基督是以色列的君王,解放受壓迫的以色列民族。



Jesus Christ is Beyond Our Expectations (John 1:45-51)

Different people expect different things from Jesus Christ.
The crowd wanted to make Jesus king after eating to the full at the Five Loaves Two Fish miracle. Following Jesus, they expected never to be in want anymore! The request of the crowd was not ambitious. They just wanted a stable life!
More idealistic people want more. Seeing their folk suffer tyranny in the hands of foreigners and their voices muted, what would they expect? Of course, they expected a Messiah to drive out the aliens and restore an independent Kingdom of Israel!

What did Bartholomew expect? When Philip told Bartholomew that Jesus of Nazareth (John 1:45) was the Prophet mentioned in prophecies (Deuteronomy 18:18), he did not think so because he thought that nothing good would ever come from Nazareth. Before Philip came, what was Bartholomew doing under the fig tree? Pricking figs? Sleeping? Praying? Or in ecstasy ...? We have no clue. From Jesus' comment that he "Here is a true child of Israel. There is no duplicity in him" (1:47), we can see that Bartholomew was an upright person. He did not hide his opinion against Nazareth. Philip shared with him that they had found the Prophet. It shows that Bartholomew was patriotic and idealistic. When Jesus told him what he was doing under the fig tree, Bartholomew received revelation, like John the Baptist (1:34), and recognized the Son of God in Jesus (1:49). He expected Jesus Christ to become the King of the Jews to liberate the oppressed Israelites.

Of course, after following Jesus, the horizon of Bartholomew was extended. He no longer confined himself to the liberation of Israel. He even offered his life as a sacrifice on the land of India. Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross links heavens and earth together. Angels of God ascend and descend on him to transmit graces (1:51). Similarly, great St. Bartholomew was willing to shed his skin for the conversion of India and put up the gospel of salvation on the land of one of the ancient civilizations. We should also extend our horizon and care more about the life and death of more people!
Father! May the Kingdom of Heaven built up by the Apostles bring infinite graces to humanity. Amen.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

你的禮服在哪? Where is Your Wedding Garment?





Where is Your Wedding Garment? (Matthew 22:1-14)

Jesus taught us not to judge (Matthew 7:1). Thus we should not criticize this person for being lazy and that person impious. At the same time, God is generous. We should not envy others (20:15). Thus, God may treat the good and the bad well. God’s generosity, like the king in the parable today, is shown in His calling all to partake in the abundant gifts He has prepared. Right! All, both the righteous and the evil have the opportunity to partake in God’s eternal life!

The parable today warns us not to abuse God’s mercy and generosity. Out of mercy, God calls all to repent. Both the righteous and the evil are able to respond to God’s call. Some respond early and work in the vineyard for longer hours. Some, for various reasons, respond late and can only contribute one-hour’s work in the vineyard. But out of His generosity, God is not concerned with how much we have contributed. Anybody who is willing to respond, who is willing to work in God’s vineyard will be rewarded eternal life. Why then does God treat so harshly this “friend” who has responded and drives him out because he has not “dressed in wedding garment”?

In attending a wedding, we put on wedding garment for the occasion as well as out of respect for the host. Not dressing in wedding garment perhaps means behaving in ways incompatible with the calling and a lack of respect towards God! To be Christians, we should love God above all and love our neighbour as ourselves. These were the minimum requirements Jesus Christ asked of the rich young men (19:18-21b). Then we should follow Jesus Christ and love one another. Probably many respond to the call out of hypocrisy (Acts 5:1-11) and not of genuine repentance. Even those of genuine repentance, they may not be willing to share the joy of redemption. Without evangelization, how can ones be called Christians? Without evangelization, what wedding garment can you put on to attend the heavenly banquet?
Heavenly Father! My wedding garment is a contrite heart and a willingness to share the joy of redemption. You will not scorn this sacrifice. Amen.

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

我們沒有眼紅的權利 We Have No Right to be Green-Eyed






We Have No Right to be Green-Eyed (Matthew 20:1-16)

Here is yet another example to illustrate the "Effort Pays" Fallacy. The fallacy lies in imposing what we think is righteous on God, restricting God to do justice according to men.
"God rewards the righteous and punishes the evil" is a truth beyond refutation. Let us put aside "punishes the evil" for a moment and consider "rewards the righteous". Suppose you work for 12 hours and make full use of the talent God gives you. Another person works for one hour only and has not made use of God-given talent to the full (Matthew 20:7). Comparing the two, of course your good is more than his good. It is reasonable for you to expect more appropriate rewards. However, why does God's giving everybody the same reward, one daily wage show His righteousness? Where lies the justice? This is the most disturbing part of the parable!

Flipping through the pages of the Bible, we discover that God's righteousness does not lie in "rewarding the just and punishing the evil" only. It is shown more in His mercy and salvation. For example, "My righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth." (Isaiah 51:5) "For my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed." (56:1) In these couplets, God's righteousness is equated with His salvation. That is to say, God's righteousness is manifested in His redemption. It is because we were created in His image (Genesis 1:26). Among His Creation, we are His masterpieces. Thus, God would be unrighteous if He allowed us to perish in evil. Thus, God's salvation does not only show His mercy but also His righteousness. This salvation is the "daily wage" in the parable.

It is impossible for us to earn our own redemption. How can our meagre 12-hour work earn the eternal life? Salvation is freely given by God. It is far worthier than the value of our labour. Thus, we should not envy those who were baptized for milk powder and flour; those seniors who could not contribute to the Church after baptism or even those who were baptized in their deathbeds. This is God's generosity. We have no right to be envious (Matthew 20:15)
Holy Father, Send forth Your Holy Spirit to heal our jealousy so that we may see Your righteousness. Amen.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

「贏在起跑線」之謬 The Fallacy of "Winning at the Balk Line"







The Fallacy of "Winning at the Balk Line" (Matthew 19:23-30)

Many parents believe in "winning at the balk line". They fill up the schedule of their children and escort them to tuition classes, training classes and competitions in order to build up a thick portfolio for interviews. When they are enrolled in elite schools, entering universities and landing in a good career shall be a piece of cake. Unbeknown to them, they kill the innocence of their children and force them into becoming examination machines and handicaps in interpersonal relationships. What a heavy price to pay!

Theoretically speaking, it is easier for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven because they don't have to worry about making a livelihood. They have abundant money, health, time, knowledge and the most efficient social networks to follow Jesus' teachings, to give to the poor and attain perfection. But Jesus says, "It will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven ... it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:23b-24) Why?

It is because the rich believe in the fate that "the poor shall be poorer and the rich richer". In order to ensure that they are standing in an advantageous value-adding position so that their wealth will never depreciate, the only way is to continue investing. Like a snowball, more wealth will be accumulated to make them stand in a more value-adding position. Consequently, wealth does not help the rich enter the Kingdom of Heaven but becomes a burden. It is because it is easy to abandon a few hundred dollars but difficult to forsake hundreds of millions. The rich have already failed at the balk line. Similarly, parents who force their children to build up a thick portfolio have also failed at the starting line! The disciples surrendered too easily! "Who then can be saved?" (19:25) Is there really fate? Does standing in an advantageous position at the balk line guarantee victory? Do children of the poor never enter universities; and the rich never enter the Kingdom of God? Thank God, thank Jesus, there is no fate! The rich can enter heaven and poor children universities. Even underdogs can win! The secret is to hire a trustworthy expert to advise your investment. Who is this expert? Everybody should know.
Holy Father! Everything is possible for You. Can we not drink this cup and yet win? Not what I will but what You will! Amen.

Monday, 20 August 2018

是完全免費的! Yes, It's Free of Charge!






Yes, It's Free of Charge! (Matthew 19:16-22)

Many people do not believe in "free lunch" and do not want to believe that "there is a time for everything". They would rather believe that "efforts pay" because they can control how much effort they are willing to put up. On the contrary, genuine "free lunch" depends on luck beyond our control. Furthermore, people would envy you and badmouth you as slothful. If you believe that "there is a time for everything", you might miss your opportunities. Thus, most people in most circumstances would work very hard to earn their wages. This is the mentality of most people. No wonder the rich young man asked Jesus, "Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?" (Matthew 19:26) He thought that he would gain eternal life by doing more "good". He was a smart man. He asked Jesus on what sort of "good" he should invest his energies in order to earn the greatest reward, i.e. eternal life.

Have you noticed that something was missing when Jesus listed the commandments (19:18-19)? Right! Jesus did not quote verbatim "You should love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, and with your whole being, and with your whole strength." (Deuteronomy 6:5) The greatest commandment! But in fact Jesus did! When Jesus asked the rich young man to "sell what you have ... and give" (Matthew 19:21b), this is the instruction of "with your whole heart, and with your whole being, and with your whole strength". We need to wait until Matthew 25 to receive the revelation of equating "the poor" (19:21c) with "the Lord, your God". Even at this stage, you have only satisfied the demands of Moses in the Old Testament. You have not yet reached the stage of perfection mentioned by Jesus (19:21a, 5:48). In order to attain this level, you need to take the most important first step, namely "to follow Jesus" (19:21d). That is to say, "Love one another as I have loved you." (John 13:34)

In fact, our hearts have been hardened by sin. We have lost the capability to love. Now that we are able to love, all because God has loved us first, forgiven us our sins and restored our capability to love. Superficially, we give but in fact it is a "free lunch" from God. He gave us riches, health and time to give. He gives us the opportunities, people and situations to give. Can we be misery anymore?
Holy Father, grant us lavishly the Holy Spirit so that we may know Your plan of love and grasp the opportunities You give us, opt for the poor and advocate for the disadvantaged. Amen.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

信德的障礙 The Obstacles of Faith






祈禱吧!養成良好的祈禱習慣。尤其向聖神祈求,發揮我們已領受的聖神七恩的威力。求聖神開啟我們的明悟,認清聖父的旨意;賜給我們勇氣,加強我們的意志力,履行天父的旨意。讀經吧!聖經記載了前人與天主交往的紀錄,閱讀這些故事,運用這些故事作為祈禱的材料,為我們的得救,是絕對有益的。 各位兄弟姊妹,讓我們勤領聖事,配合以祈禱讀經,使所領的聖事更能發揮功效。


Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Theme: The Obstacles of Faith

Although we are not blood relatives with the Jews, their experiences, especially their interactions with God have greatly contributed to a better destiny for humanity. Not only was the Son of God born a Jew, but their stubbornness in faith and their courage to argue and bargain with God has also fought for humanity many more benefits.
The Israelite stubbornness is illustrated well in the behaviour of Elijah in the first reading today. Do not think that Elijah prayed for death because he had failed to accomplish his mission (1 Kings 19:4). On the contrary, he had just demonstrated in front of the people that Yahweh was God (18:24, 39). He thought that the people would turn their hearts to God, but the queen issued a death warrant against his life. Of course, with his power, Elijah should have no fear of the queen and did not need to flee. Yet, he was disillusioned with the prospect of rebuilding Yahweh worship among the people. Thus, he prayed for death! Take another example. Although the Israelites had seen the 10 plagues and the splitting of the Red Sea, they were not able to shake off idolatry. When Moses spent 40 days on the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments, the Israelites below had lost confidence in Moses. They forced Aaron to build them a golden calf to guide them back to the land of slavery, Egypt! On the mountain, God was furious. He told Moses His wish to annihilate the Israelites and to raise another great tribe from Moses' offspring to honour His promise to Abraham. Moses interceded for the Israelites. He skilfully persuaded God not to destroy this stiff-necked people (Exodus 32:7-14). Thus the Israelites had to "wander in the wilderness forty years, until the whole generation that had done evil in the sight of the Lord had disappeared" (Numbers 32:13) before they reached the Promised Land. Consequently, God had to handle the logistics of feeding 600,000 stubborn Israelites for 40 years. This is the famous continuous miracle of raining manna from heaven for 40 years. God's unfathomable wisdom arranges Jesus Christ to perform the miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fish, thus turning the miracle of manna into a rehearsal for the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, bringing humanity the most precious present.

The Jewish stubbornness is the same as the stubbornness of most people.
In the gospel passage last Sunday, Jesus said that the Jews looked for him, not because they had seen the mercy of the Father in the 5 loaves 2 fish miracle, but to seek a guarantee of freedom from the want of food. Jesus exhorted that they should work for the food that endures for eternal life (John 6:27). The Jews followed up and asked what they could do to accomplish the works of God. The answer of course is to believe in Jesus. Naturally, the Jews questioned what sign this carpenter from Galilee could do so that they might see and believe in him. They knew this man who was standing before them was the son of Joseph. Why did he claim to have come down from heaven (6:42)? Although Jesus Christ was telling the truth, this truth is challenging the Jewish faith as well as our faith. The Jews did not believe that Jesus Christ came down from heaven. How much do we believe in the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ? How could Jesus Christ, a man of flesh and blood and a man born of a woman, be God at the same time? Every time we join Sunday mass, we recite the Creed and declare that we believe the Son of God "was incarnate by the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man." Many people apply their rationality, like the Jews, to question the identity of Jesus Christ. If he were God, how could he die on the cross? Or could his death be just an illusion? If he were born of a woman, he could not be God or the Blessed Virgin Mary could not be the Mother of God etc... These questions bred many heresies but at the same time made theology prosper. As Catholics, we have our share of difficulties. It is a piece of unleavened bread before our eyes. How does this piece of wafer turn into the body of Christ when a priest invokes the Holy Spirit to come down on it? Is it magic? So, every time when we join mass and receive the Holy Communion, we are challenging our own faith. When the ministers raise a consecrated host before our eyes and say, "Body of Christ", we answer "AMEN" in response. Do we mean what "AMEN" means, that "it is true"? Do we truly believe in our hearts that this piece of wafer is truly the body and blood of Jesus Christ?

We thank Jesus Christ for his establishing the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist during the Last Supper. In doing so, he allows the Church to offer a redemptive sacrifice to the Father in a non-bloody manner. We share the sacrifice and honour the declaration Jesus made before the Jews. "The bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world." (6:51) Jesus Christ is God and the Author of Life. In him, there is life, eternal life. Out of love, God created humanity in His image. Out of love, He was reluctant to see humanity perish in sins. Out of love, He is willing to feed our life with His flesh. The Jews were stubborn. More than once they miss the opportunity to believe in God, to believe in Jesus Christ and thus obtaining eternal life. Realizing these precedent failures, what can we do to remove those obstacles of faith and facilitates its development?

Pray! Have a good prayer habit. Pray in particular to the Holy Spirit that the Seven Gifts may be effective. Pray that the Holy Spirit opens up our intellect to know the will of the Father. Grant us courage and strengthen our will to enforce the Father's will. Study the scriptures! The Bible embeds the interactions between God and our ancestors. Read the stories. Make use of them as subject matters of our prayers. This is absolutely beneficial for our salvation.
Brethren, let us frequently receive the sacraments and support them with prayers and bible studies so that the sacraments may become more effective.
God bless!

Monday, 6 August 2018









教會像芥子一樣,在聖神降臨後,開始時是微不足道的,祇有三千人。今天,全球有接近十三億天主教徒了 。這樣龐大的一個團體,極需要一隊非常專業的公務員,來服務這十三億天主子民,幫助他們履行領洗入教時所分享到的,耶穌基督的三重職務:君王、司祭和先知。你可知道全球神職人員(主教、神父和執事)的數字嗎?四十六萬六千!即是說,一位神職人員須要照顧約二千七百八十多位教友!相當於一位校長,在沒有教師、職員和工友的支援下,仍要照顧三所學校的同學!誠然,不是每一位男教友都適合做神職人員。我們生活在一個以成本效益為思考準則的功利主義社會中,父母會不惜一切,送子女入讀教會名校,贏在起跑線上,卻絕不考慮將自己的兒子送入修院,去辨明他們的聖召!青年人本身,在目前的教育制度下,建立不了任何理想,短視地追求朋輩的認同,隨波逐流地掘第一桶金;更有甚者,成為宅男,在虛擬的世界裡逃避現實的世界!



Deacon Alex Kwok

We believe that God is the Author of Life. All life forms on earth were created by Him.
When you see a flower, or a tree, has it ever come to your mind why you are a human person and not a fish, or a bovine or even a blade of grass?
When you become aware that you are human, have you ever thought about how happy it is that you are not a fish! Isn't the freedom of a fish cruising in the ocean admirable? Of course, only before you are caught by a bigger fish or human beings, are you free. However, you will never escape the destiny of being dissolved in the digestive system of another animal! It is worse to be a bovine. Besides being forced to milk or to labour, you end up on a dish at a table! A blade of grass? Forget it! Humanity is the happiest species living on this planet. When your thoughts come to this far, have you ever been grateful for God created you a human being?

Man is at the apex of Creation because men were created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26a). Thus, men are able to enter into dialogue with God and have the capacity to represent God to manage the Creation (1:26b). Animals and plants can only receive instructions from God. This is God's call to all humanity (including you and me), to live up to the Image of God, to represent God to manage our surroundings. This is our First Call.

Our God is not alone but three persons in one communion of love. Since men were created in God's image, naturally, it is no good for humanity to be alone (2:18). Thus, men must lead a social life and live in a community (from a couple to a society or country) in order to survive and to grow. Here, the Chinese are more advanced. Confucianism emphasizes the interactions among members of a community. It has established Five Canonical Relationships: Emperors and Subjects, Fathers and Children, Siblings, Husbands and Wives and lastly Friends. In each relationship, norms are set up: Emperors must be benevolent, Subjects loyal; Fathers merciful, children pious; Elderly friendly and juniors respectful; Husbands lead and wives follow; among friends, they honour promises. In this way, a man can stand tall and his conscience is clear! In Catholic jargon, to live up to the image of God! No one country which has come across Chinese culture has not incorporated this ethical system. Even for those which have not, they would develop other moral norms to help people lead a conscientious life.

Unfortunately, living in a world contaminated by the Original Sin, concupiscence is pulling our legs. Out of greed, people in authority bury their conscience and devise unfair institutions to exploit people to fatten themselves. It is not easy to live up to God's image in this corrupted age. But out of mercy, God did not abandon His Creation. He sent His Son to incarnate to deliver this world. Moreover, He invites the elected to work with Him. Among humanity, God calls some of them a second time to become His children. They enter the Church, work with Him to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. We are these elected. Have you ever thought about how blessed we are!

Becoming God's children, we are allocated a place in the glorious Kingdom of Heaven at the end of the world. This hope will sustain us when we meet difficulties and persecutions on earth. Before the end of the world, God gives the world an embryotic Kingdom of Heaven, the Church. God takes special care of her, support her to extend the Kingdom of Heaven, combat secular evils and dispense graces to believers. Thus, becoming Catholics, not only do we celebrate sacred Matrimony inside solemn churches, enjoy quality Catholic education for children, are taken care of in hospitals and home for the aged managed by nuns and are allowed to be buried in Catholic cemeteries, we can also find support from like-minded parishioners, drink from sacraments various graces of God, are taught by learned clergy and in the name of our parish, serve the needy in the neighbourhood, following the teaching of Jesus Christ to accumulate treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-20). Receiving baptism showed how much we desired this blessedness and our determination to get it! Do you remember how God CALLs you and how you respond to become His children?

The Church is like a mustard seed. Soon after the Descent of the Holy Spirit, she was negligible. There were only 3000 followers. Today, there are 1.3 billion Catholics globally. This enormous community needs a team of professional civil servants to serve this 1.3 billion People of God, to help them discharge Christ's threefold ministries they partake through baptism: kingship, priesthood and prophethood. Do you know the number of clergy (bishops, priests and deacons) worldwide? 466,000! That is to say, a clergy has to take care of about 2780 parishioners, equivalent to a principal, without support from any teachers, clerks and janitors, taking care of students in three schools! Truly, not every male parishioner is suitable to be a clergy. We are living in a utilitarian society which thinks in terms of cost-benefit-analysis. Parents would do whatever they can to enrol their children in elite schools so that their children could win at the balkline. But they would never send their sons to seminaries to discern their vocation! Under the present education system, young people do not develop any ideals. Myopically, they seek recognition among their peers and follow the herd to make money. Even worse, some “Otaku” bury themselves in virtual reality to escape from the reality!

Young people, have you ever thought about the third call of God, to sanctify yourselves and other people in a specific life style? Has God called you to befriend the opposite sex to build up a family so as to sanctify with family members in familial life? Or has God called you to a consecrated life, becoming religious brothers and nuns to sanctify the People of God? Or has God called you to become a member of the Hierarchy, to govern, sanctify and teach the People of God? Even non-believers, who out of responsibility towards themselves and the people they love, do career-planning. If you do not manage yourselves well, how can you represent God to manage the world, to live up to the image of God?
Receive God's call. Perhaps He has a gravy train in store for you!
God bless!

Sunday, 5 August 2018

在外圍的生存之道 How to Survive On the Outskirt

Eighteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: How to Survive On the Outskirt

In the 1960's, I used to listening to the radio. In those years, people believed more in science than in God. Pastors were embarrassed when they mentioned the miracles in the gospels. They preferred talking about a Jesus who was a moral teacher to a Jesus Christ who is the Son of God.
One Sunday, a preacher explained on the radio the miracle of Five Loaves and Two Fish. He tried to downplay the miracle by saying that the generosity of the child moved the people so that they handed over the food they had brought to share among all. Therefore, everybody had eaten to the full and there were 12 baskets of leftovers. This explanation was adequate to satisfy a young boy at that time. The passage we read today questions the validity of such a moralistic explanation.

Jesus says, "Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate loaves and were filled." (John 6:26) That is to say, there were people who ate loaves but did not know that the loaves came from a miracle. There were more than 5000 men sitting on the grass. Imagine 5000 students from 5 schools sitting on the playground. People on one side shall have difficulties knowing what is going on in the centre or on the opposite side. Therefore, only a small group of people, the core of Jesus' company of apostles, knew that the loaves and fish came from a child. In fact, only John reported this. Even Matthew fails to mention the child. Therefore, the majority of the people only knew that the bread came from Jesus. Therefore, it was good to follow Jesus because they would never be hungry anymore! Last week, we read that they tried to carry Jesus off to make him king (6:15). The passage we read today refutes a moralistic explanation of the Five Loaves Two Fish miracle. Yes! It was a miracle. Yes! It was Jesus Christ, the Son of God who worked this miracle. It was a miracle similar to the one which the Father worked to feed 600,000 Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness. However, this Five Loaves and Two Fish was a more powerful miracle because it is a rehearsal of the Last Supper and the Sacrament of the Holy Communion. I explained this on last Sunday when I mentioned the Passover marker.

The gospel passage today tells us the story of people on the peripheral. They did not know there was a miracle. They came to Jesus because they wanted to secure food supply. Many people in the society live on the peripheral. Unlike government officials who make policies of the livelihood of the citizen, common people live in sub-divided flats and even on the streets. They have no jobs or their salaries are so low that they cannot support their families with a decent life. In the Church, most of us are not clergy or religious nuns. We are not members of decision making commissions of the Church. All of us are people on the peripheral.

But Jesus Christ was compassionate. He understood the low level desires of the Jews who came to look for him but he did not turn them away. Jesus Christ embraces all, be they saints or sinners, princes or paupers. He wanted to show all of us what was more valuable. He says, "Do not work for food that perishes but for the good that endures for eternal life which the Son of Man will give you." (6:27) Jesus will never deny us eternal life. Rather, it is we who work towards the wrong direction and thus miss the road that leads to eternal life. We work hard to obtain things that only satisfy our basic needs. If we have been successful, we are able to make a lot of money to meet those needs. Unfortunately, those needs shall never be fully satisfied as long as we live. Moreover, Jesus promises us an eternal life. What would happen? Would those needs be eternal as well? No. Since God is infinite. He is able to meet all our needs throughout eternity. It is as simple as that.

Jesus Christ is compassionate and embraces us all. Therefore, even though we do not belong to the inner circle of the apostles, it is possible for us to gain inroad into the centre. How? Capernaum was a town where Jesus began his public ministry and to where he often returned to take a break. Like the Jews who came to Capernaum to look for Jesus (6:24), we may look for Jesus where he often goes. Where does Jesus often go?

  1. Jesus often went to the wilderness to pray before dawn. Therefore, if we want to look for Jesus, the best place should be prayer and in particular, prayer early in the morning. There, away from the noises and disturbances of urban life, we may meet Jesus, listen to his prayers to the Father. Remember, just listen to him. Don't disturb him.
  2. Jesus always goes to the synagogues on Sabbaths. Thus, we should come back to Church on Sundays to meet Jesus in mass. In the synagogues, Jesus taught the Jews the Scriptures and how the texts were fulfilled. Similarly, we should pay attention to Sunday homilies to find out how God's promises are fulfilled in our lives.
  3. Jesus always goes to heal the sick and cast out demons in order to liberate them from the bondage of sins. Similarly, we should also meet Jesus where he is needed, among the poor and the sick, the homeless and the imprisoned. Moreover, we should also forgive in order to heal the wounds inflicted on us. Jesus taught us to forgive because it is the medicine to heal the wounds in our hearts. Jesus forgave those who betrayed him, who tortured him, who crucified him and pierced him on his side. Why? It is because in inflicting those wounds on Jesus, those perpetrators were in fact inflicting wounds on themselves. Like a thief who steals and a murderer who kills, unknowingly they wound themselves and are in need of healings. Jesus forgave them in order to heal them. Thus, in forgiving people, we meet Jesus who will never deny us eternal life.
Brethren, don't be discouraged because of our insignificance and because we are on the peripheral. Pray, come to Church, help the needy and forgive. There, we will meet Jesus Christ and receive eternal life from Him.
God bless!








  1. 耶穌經常在黎明前到荒野祈禱。所以,如果我們想遇上耶穌,最好的地點是祈禱,尤其是大清早的晨禱。在那裡,我們遠離都市的繁囂,靜聽耶穌向天父的禱告。緊記,祇要聽,不要騷擾。
  2. 耶穌在安息日,一定到會堂施教。所以,我們在主日返聖堂參加彌撒,可以遇見耶穌。在會堂裡,耶穌向猶太人解釋天主在經文中的許諾,如何得到兌現。同樣,在彌撒中留意神父的講道,可以發現天主的許諾,如何在我們身上獲得應驗。
  3. 耶穌經常治病驅魔,把眾人從罪惡的奴役中解放出來。同樣,我們去那些需要耶穌的地方,貧者、病者、無家者和在囚者,就可以找到祂。而且,我們應該以寬恕,治療所受的創傷。耶穌教導我們寬恕,因為寬恕是治療心靈傷痛的靈藥。耶穌自己寬恕那出賣祂的人,那鞭笞祂的人,那釘祂和刺透祂的人。為甚麼呢?因為向耶穌下毒手的人,實在是傷害著自己。一如竊賊和殺人兇手在犯案時,在不知不覺之中,其實對自己留下了深刻的創傷,他們需要治療。耶穌寬恕他們,實際上是替他們進行治療。因此,當我們寬恕別人時,我們便會遇見耶穌 ,祂會賜給我們永生。