
Wednesday 12 June 2019

耶穌在細節? Is Jesus In The Details?


雖然耶穌在今天的福音提過「誡命中最小的一條」(5:19a),可是, 613條梅瑟法律中,哪一條是最小的,仍是眾說紛紜。請不要小覷這問題,因為耶穌基督警告過,「誰若廢除這些誡命中最小的一條,也這樣教訓人,在天國裡,他將稱為最小的。」(5:19b)耶穌好像在教訓基督徒要注意小節。因此,有些天主教徒十分緊張禮儀中的小節,例如經過聖體櫃要單膝下跪,在彌撒中唸天主經時不可手拉手,祇能用口領聖體等等。固然這些不是梅瑟的法律,而且新約已取代了舊約;可是「魔鬼在細節」,注意這些小節,不是值得鼓勵的德行嗎?


Is Jesus In The Details?
(Matthew 5:17-19)
Although Jesus mentions "the least of these commandments" (5:19a) in today's gospel, which among the 613 Mosaic laws is the least is still controversal. Don't think this question trivial because Jesus Christ warns that "Whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven." (5:19b) It seems that Jesus teaches Christians to pay attention to details. Thus, many Catholics are meticulous in liturgical details. For example, one should genuflect whenever one walks in front of the Tabernacle. People should not hold hands while saying the Our Father and we should receive the Holy Communion with our mouth only etc. Of course, these are not Mosaic laws and the New Testament has replaced the Old Testament. However, "the Devil is in the details". Isn't paying attention to details a virtue worth encouraging?
If you do not know which day is the end of the world, the safest approach is to keep alert everyday. Similarly, if you do not know which commandment is the least, and breaking the least commandment makes you the least in the kingdom of heaven, the best approach is to seriously obey all commandments indifferently!

Does Jesus Christ really teach us to pay attention to details? Absolutely not! This is overdoing! We shall become like scribes who make use of their professional knowledge to fatten themselves and to attack Jesus. In the same way, over-concern over details will make us afraid of making mistakes and losing grace. On the other hand, we may think that the more energy we invest in details, the more grace we shall earn. This is exactly the opposite of Jesus' teachings, making us enemies of Jesus!
Jesus Christ came to fulfil the Law and the Prophets all because the Pharisees had over-emphasized the letters of the Mosaic laws, which originally intended to help the Jews in their sanctification, and had turned them into cannibalic regulations. Jesus Christ came to refill the laws with a spirit of mercy. He demands us to obey even the least commandment with the spirit of mercy (Luke 6:36)! To paraphrase St. Mother Teresa, "Do small things with great love". This is what Jesus means by "fulfilling the law"!
Lord Jesus, lead us not into the temptation of overemphasing details. Amen.

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