
Sunday 30 June 2019

我們忿怒了! We Are Furious!






聖保祿宗徒教導我們,作為耶穌基督所救贖了的天主子民,我們在俗世成為了耶穌基督的大使。天主子降生成人,為了使世人與天父修和,並告訴世人天父「不再追究他們的過犯」(格後5:19)。我們自稱為基督徒的人,也應向世人宣講這修和的福音,待人接物時做修和大使!耶穌基督在「真福八端」中,教導我們溫良、慈悲和締造和平,這纔是成全之路(瑪5:48),成聖之路(肋11:44)。 各位兄弟姊妹,讓我們以溫良慈悲之心,渴慕天主救贖之意,在生活中,在抗爭中,締造和平,成為修和大使,成為天父的子女。


Thirteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: We Are Furious!

Genesis says that God created men according to His own image (Genesis 1:26). Through extension, since God is righteous, therefore human beings are born with a sense of justice. When we feel that we, or see that others, are not fairly treated, we become furious and jump into action. From the gospel passage today, we read that the "Boanerges", James and John, wanted to take action after they had been slighted. This story shows that they were true to their names. Luckily, they were prudent enough to seek the permission of Jesus Christ before they acted (Luke 9:54). Otherwise, the enmity between the Jews and the Samaritans would be deepened. The consequences would be amplified! After decades of meditation, John sublimed his fury and became the Apostle who preached "God is love" (1 John 4:8)!

Let us take a look at the first fury of humanity and what consequences it brought! The sons of Adam, Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to God who looked with favour on Abel and his offering, but not on Cain and his. So, Cain "was very angry and dejected" (Genesis 4:5). Cain was dejected because he felt that his efforts were wasted. He was angry because he felt that God had been partial, not fair! In fact, how could a righteous God be unfair? If God did not look with favour this time, there would be a next time, and another next time … Cain gave God only one chance. Rather it was Cain who had been unfair to God. Therefore, the anger of Cain was groundless.
At that time, God told Cain to control his fury, not to be overcome by it. Regrettably, Cain did not listen to God and subsequently killed his brother. When God asked Cain where his brother was, Cain retorted, "Am I my brother's keeper?" (4:9) As his elder brother, of course Cain was the keeper of Abel and should help build him up. Unfortunately, Cain was overcome by fury and killed his brother. This act hurt God, Adam and Eve but Satan would rejoice winning one battle! Consequently, Cain became a fugitive on the earth, unable to evade the guilt of fratricide throughout his life!

Perhaps because men were created in the image of God, they always desire to become God and to play God. These desires have become their Achilles' heels which Satan deploys to tempt men! For example, in science and technology, whatever can be done, whether it tramples human dignity or immoral, ambitious scientists would always find excuses to edit human genome. In daily intercourses, many people play God to judge others and to accuse others with their own expectations and measures. For example, in many parishes, people criticize choirs for singing like recitals, publicize the mispronunciations of lectors, point their fingers at ushers who are not sympathetic to mothers of young children and at arrogant deacons. Religion should not meddle with politics. Therefore bishops should not appear in front of people in social movements etc.

Unbeknown to them, the might of God is not shown by doing ground shaking miracles, but to edify sinners with unreserved love which is expressed in dying humbly on the cross. The righteousness of God does not lie in His judgment, but in His merciful redemption and forgiveness! Thus, as images of God, Christians should love one another, edify one another to show their might; forgive each other to demonstrate their righteousness. Moses taught "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" and "to dismiss a wife by writing a bill of divorce" (Mark 10:5) because of the hardness of the Jewish hearts. Thus fury comes from a false sense of justice, a self-righteous justice! When we harm each other, blame each other, smear each other, push responsibility to each other, accusing the other party for throwing bricks, shooting at the heads, instigating a crowd to riot etc., Satan would not be sad. God would! God wants to see policemen as keepers of citizens' rights and citizens helpers of crime-fighters. Policemen and citizens edify each other, standing shoulder to shoulder on the same front to build up a city where we may work and live without fear!

St. Paul teaches that as a People of God redeemed by Jesus Christ, we become His ambassadors in the secular world. The Son of God incarnated to reconcile the Father and men, telling them that the Father is "not counting their trespasses against them" (2 Corinthians 5:19). We who claim to be Christians should proclaim this gospel of reconciliation to mankind. We are ambassadors of reconciliation in our social intercourse! In his Beatitudes, Jesus Christ teaches us meekness, mercy and peace-making. This is the way of perfection, (Matthew 5:48) and the way of sanctification (Leviticus 11:44).
Brethren, let us cherish a meek and merciful heart, a will to desire God's righteousness and be peace-makers, ambassadors of reconciliation and children of our Father in our life and in our commitment to social movement.
God bless!

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