
Sunday 16 June 2019

天主聖三的內在生命 The Inner Life of the Blessed Trinity




各位兄弟姊妹,讓我們在天主聖三的愛內,尋求並服從天父的旨意,在俗世的生活中,與聖子耶穌基督同行,藉著聖神的力量,活出福音的精神,邁向成聖! 天主保祐!


Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity, Year C
Theme: The Inner Life of the Blessed Trinity
St. John is indisputably the beloved disciple of Lord Jesus Christ. After spending decades to meditate, he was able to articulate in a single phrase the mystery of God: "God is love" (1 John 4:8). There can never be any better statement!
Love is full of potency. It is outward going. Otherwise, it is narcissism, implosion and it becomes a black hole, collapsing into its own annihilation. This inward going, selfish power is sin. Since it is out-going, love needs an object. With a subject and an object, a relationship is created. Before the existence of this universe, there first appeared such a relationship. We call it the Father and the Son! Pay attention! Had God the Father not revealed through the Incarnate Son of God to us, we would never have known the existence of this Father-Son relationship within God. This is the primary difference between Christianity and Judaism as well as Islam, these three major monotheistic religions of the world.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnated God the Son to reveal to us the invisible God the Father. Jesus Christ does not come to abolish Judaism or the Law but to fulfil it (Matthew 5:17). How does he fulfil it? To reveal the inner life of the Godhead.
Indeed, God is not a simple entity but a trinite entity. At first, the Spirit of God hovered over the void and darkness. God the Father spoke, that is the Logos (John 1:1) and a beautiful, ordered and habitable universe was created for humanity (Genesis 1:2-3). From the Big Bang, star dust formed galaxies and suns, an earth wrapped in an atmosphere was formed, plants appeared on land, releasing oxygen which higher living organisms depended; then single-celled organisms appeared and evolved into fishes in the waters, birds in the air and animals creeping on land. Lastly, God created mankind in His own image, put them in Eden to manage the universe. This creation hymn suggests that God is trinite but it took Church Fathers and theologians in later ages to systematically develop the theology of the Blessed Trinity to be able to discuss it meaningfully.

Not only does Genesis sing a Creation hymn, but it also describes the fall of humanity. Although men were tempted not to obey God's instruction (2:17) and desired to become God (3:5) God did not abandon His images. God the Father sent the Son to incarnate, to die on the cross to repay all debts and to restore lost graces. After accomplishing His mission, God the Son left behind two gifts for us and told us to baptize in the name of the Blessed Trinity (Matthew 28:19) before He ascended into heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father. The first gift was the Spirit of truth mentioned in the gospel passage today (John 16:13), that is the Holy Spirit. He is the love between the Father and the Son, a love which is full of power. In the Old Testament, not only was it the Spirit which hovered upon and created order from the void and darkness, but it was also the Spirit which descended on people chosen by the Father, e.g. Judges, Prophets and Kings, to save the commoners. This Holy Spirit descended up the BVM so that she became pregnant with God the Son. It was also the Spirit which descended upon Jesus during his baptism to reveal for the first time the Blessed Trinity to all present.
As for the second gift, it is the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Last Sunday, we celebrated the Pentecost, the birthday of the Church. This is a redeemed community formed by the People of God. With the support of the Holy Spirit, she preaches the good news of reconciliation to all peoples, telling them that God the Father shall not count their trespasses against them (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). In the gatherings of saints, we invoke the Holy Spirit to come down upon unleavened bread and wine to transform them into the body and blood of the Son of God, honouring the promise of Jesus Christ, "I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20)
So, the God in whom Christians believe is not a simple entity but a trinite entity, the Blessed Trinity! He is an entity of overflowing love, formed by the merciful Father, the obedient Son and the sanctifying Spirit. Each one of us is an image of God. We are able to communicate with Him and respond to His call! All men are called to lead a conscientious life without any regret. Some of us further respond to God's call to become Christians, to join the Church and live with the Son of God. With the charismas and graces from the Holy Spirit, we preach the gospel of reconciliation to all peoples. In our families, "It is a profound spiritual experience to contemplate our loved ones with the eyes of God and to see Christ in them." (Amoris Laetitia #323) In the Church, with the mutual support of parishioners, we serve the disadvantaged in our neighbourhood to fight for social justice. Under the leadership of the diocesan bishops and the Pope, we are in communion with Christians all over the world to experience the mutual love and communion of the Blessed Trinity. In short, in all sorts of communities, we enjoy the foretaste of the abundant inner life of the Blessed Trinity. This is the path of sanctification for all images of God.
Many people challenge and confront us, "If your God is almighty, can't he create a rock which he cannot move?" Or "How can 1+1+1=1?" And even, "Tell your Jesus to come to see me!" etc. Indeed, with limited intelligence, mankind always try to confine an infinite God within some finite logic. Don't worry, the merciful Lord will appreciate the efforts we have put in. God is infinite. The infinite Father plus the infinite Son plus the infinite Holy Spirit form an infinite Blessed Trinity! Why not? God can die for us, why can't He create a rock which He cannot move and a stubborn rock which He shall convert? At the beginning, Saul persecuted the Christians fanatically. Later, he was converted into the famous apostle Paul. Jesus says, "What is impossible for human beings is possible for God." (Luke 18:27) Perhaps the merciful Jesus would appear to the riot policeman, calling him to be His chosen instrument (Acts 9:15). Thus, we should manifest the love of the Blessed Trinity. Do not judge! (Matthew 7:1)
Brethren! Let us seek and obey the Father's will in the love of the Blessed Trinity. Walk with the Son of God, Jesus Christ in this secular world. With the power of the Holy Spirit, lead a life in the spirit of the gospel to march towards sanctification!
God bless!

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