
Sunday, 26 January 2020

信天主有如品酒 Belief in God is Like Tasting Wine










Sunday of the Word of God, Year A
Theme: Belief in God is Like Tasting Wine

It is Lunar New Year. Although we are overshadowed by Wuhan pneumonia, relatives and friends still gather to celebrate. Wining, dining and speech making are part and parcel of celebration. Young people are meticulous in wining, unlike the older folks who gulp to show off their masculinity! Young people criticize us for wasting the craft and labour of planters and brewers. Their criticisms are reasonable! When they drink, they begin inspecting the colour and viscosity (wine tears) with their eyes. Then they smell the aromas with their nose to figure out the mixture of cinnamon, toffee and vanilla etc. Rinse their taste buds with the wine and swallow slowly. Then catch the aftertaste until there is no more ... Wine tasting can be such an elaborate process. No wonder drinking wine is not on a par with wine tasting!

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are monotheistic and all of them believe in the one and the same God. But the "tasting" is different. Christianity worships Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Not only did He sacrifice Himself to save humanity, but He also reveals us the inner life of the Godhead. God is a Blessed Trinity! Judaism rejects Jesus as their anticipated Messiah and Islam respects Jesus as one of the prophets only. If we attempt an analogy between wine tasting and religious faith, Judaism and Islam understand God in a relatively crude manner, unlike the sophisticated refinement of Christianity. Indeed, if we do not know that we can enjoy a glass of wine with our sight, smell, taste and imagination, there can only be one way of drinking --- swallowing! In the same way, if we do not know that God is a Trinity, that His essence is love, that He demonstrates His might with mercy and that He is willing to be present with us in His words and sacraments ... etc. then there is only one way to believe in God. Fear!

If drinking like a fish is a waste of the efforts of planters and brewers, then similarly, if we do not study the Bible or do not receive the sacraments, isn't it a waste of God's mercy and the effort of the patron saint of our parish, St. Jerome who translated the Bible into Latin? When Pope Francis institutes the "Sunday of the Word of God" in his Apostolic Letter "Aperuit illis" in the form of motu proprio, he quotes from St. Jerome, "Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ." Thus, frequent receptions of the Holy Communion must be supported by frequent studies of the Bible to understand clearly how precious the Communion is. Then the reception can be fully effective!

We all know that the Bible is a mini library. Nobody enters a library, picks the first book on the shelf and reads until the last. We read according to our interests and needs! Similarly, reading from Genesis to Revelation is not an ideal bible study schedule! As Christians, shouldn't we begin reading the gospels in order to know the words and deeds of Jesus Christ before we refer to other books? In a similar manner, you should not read from Matthew to John, unless you are a Jew! Why? It is because the Evangelists wrote for different target audiences: Matthew wrote for Jewish disciples to prove that Jesus is their awaited Christ. Mark and Luke wrote for Gentiles, telling them that God is powerful and merciful. John's is an in-depth theological reflection! Thus, the sequence I suggest is: Mark, Luke, Acts (the sequel to Luke) and Matthew. Lastly, it is John.

Therefore, we shall come across many Jewish "colours" in Matthew. For example, the passage today mentions "Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali" (Matthew 4:15). What does it mean? This is not simply a geographical name but a complex status problem among the twelve tribes of Israel!
Jacob's twelve sons were born of two cousins and their maids. Jacob loved Rachel but she had always been barren (Genesis 30:1). Rachel died after giving birth in distress her second son (35:16-19). Zebulun was the sixth and last son of Leah (35:23), Jacob's elder cousin and Naphtali was the son of Rachel's maid (35:25). Subsequently, the two tribes occupied the northern border of the Promised Land, bearing the first brunt of alien invasions! We may safely conclude that among the twelve tribes, Zebulun and Naphtali were lowly and despised. Galilee was in the land of Naphtali. Even one of Jesus' disciples despised Nazareth in Galilee (John 1:46)!

Although the family life of Jacob was far from perfect, God's grace made up the imperfections!
Jacob was cheated into marrying Leah whom he had never liked (Genesis 29:25). But God blessed her with six sons. From the third son Levi came great Moses and from the fourth son Judah, Jesus Christ the saviour of mankind! God's mercy is tremendous, always raises the lowly high (1 Samuel 2:4-8). The gospel passage today proves once again that God remembers the despised. Behold, the good news of Jesus Christ did not come from the rich south, nor from the power centre of Jerusalem, but from the ignored north, from "Galilee of the Gentiles" (Matthew 4:15) who were the first to receive salvation (4:16)!

Brethren! The Word of God is rich in colours and texture. Taste it with a mindful heart. When you meet something difficult, consult the clergy, or join a Bible sharing group and even taking biblical courses. Don't waste the good things God has prepared for our salvation.
God bless!

Sunday, 19 January 2020

當耶穌基督向你迎面而來,你會… When You See Jesus Coming Towards You ...






若翰看見迎面而來的耶穌基督,便向自己的門徒作證,耶穌基督就是「天主的羔羊,除免世罪者」(若1:29),指出祂是治療這個病入膏肓的世界的良藥!最後,他自己以被捕的方式隱退,並成了罪惡的受害者。同樣,傳說中的伯多祿逃離羅馬城時,耶穌基督迎面而來。伯多祿便問了一句:「主,祢往哪?Quo Vadis?」耶穌基督表示要返回羅馬,被釘十字架!最後,伯多祿自己返回羅馬城,並成了罪惡的受害者。我更喜歡伯多祿的故事,因為他的經歷,更能反映出基督徒在日常生活中的迷茫和不知所措。「主,祢想我們做甚麼呢?」耶穌基督的名句,不斷在腦海中回響:「不要照我所願意的,而要照祢所願意的。」(谷14:36


Second Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: When You See Jesus Coming Towards You ...

Jesus Christ lived two thousand years ago. You and I have never met him in person. We only see him in the media, such as paintings and movies etc., through the strokes of artists or imagination of movie directors, a human creation. Thus, modern people always complain why a thirty-odd male living in the Middle East two millennia ago was a Caucasian! This is a question of supply and demand. The Western media have taken over the lion share of the market. As consumers, we have little choices!

Indeed, it is better not to have preserved the real face of Jesus Christ! Why?
Jesus Christ has encouraged us to do more works of mercy saying, "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) Since nobody has seen the real face of Jesus Christ, He shall be present easily in anybody. We cannot act like a detective, checking the faces of each and every needy person to see if they match the face on the picture and only then shall we serve him! Beware! We have many preconceived ideas which might prevent us from recognizing the Lord in the needy. For example, Jesus Christ is a male. It is difficult to see Jesus Christ among women. Take another example. We know that He shall come again to judge the nations. Therefore, He is righteous. Therefore, He would not be present in those who breach the laws, for example rioters or bad cops! Is Jesus Christ really not present in women, in those rioters who vandalize public facilities or police officers who do not follow procedures...? Shall women be forever fair? Would those rioters or bad cops never repent? Please do not narrow your vision with labels, with coloured spectacles!

Although John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were contemporary, according to the gospels, after their births, one stayed in the south and the other in the north. They had never met until the River Jordan. Then how did John the Baptist recognize Jesus Christ? It should be the Holy Spirit. St. Paul says, "And no one can say, Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:3) Therefore, John the Baptist must have detected the power of the Holy Spirit radiating from Jesus Christ so that he could recognize Him and declare, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29) Unfortunately, when we approach the poor, the refugees, those who have lost their dignity, the sick and the imprisoned, do we feel the Holy Spirit in the proximity? Or do we directly feel the power of the Holy Spirit as a result of the presence of Jesus Christ in the person?

Perhaps I have been too demanding. Alright, if the Holy Spirit is difficult to capture, let us check ourselves to see if there is any "Fruit of the Holy Spirit" when we serve the least of one of those mentioned above. They are "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23) If these elements emerge when we interact with the least of those mentioned above, it indicates that the Holy Spirit is in our midst, that Jesus Christ is among us. We are not deluding ourselves! Thanks be to God. Lord Jesus Christ has not abandoned us. He always stands by us in our midst! Serving the least of these needy brothers, we receive God's generous consolation and a joyful peace. This consolation and peace is precious. They heal our spiritual wounds. But in order to receive this grace, we need to be patient and have self-control. Heavenly Father, teach us patience and self-control!

John the Baptist saw Jesus Christ walking towards him. Then he bore witness to his disciples that Jesus Christ is "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29), the antidote to this bedridden world! At last, he was arrested and receded into the background and became a victim of evil. Similarly, in a legend, when Peter was fleeing Rome, he saw Jesus Christ coming towards him. Peter asked, "Quo vadis?" Jesus said that he was returning to Rome to be crucified! At last, Peter returned to Rome himself and became a victim of evil. I prefer Peter's story because his experiences show how lost many Christians are today, not knowing what to do. "Lord, what do you want me to do?" His famous words keep ringing in my head, "Not what I will but what you will." (Mark 14:36)
God bless!

Sunday, 12 January 2020

充滿聖神的喜樂 Filled With The Joy of the Holy Spirit




在往後的日子,天主子誕生後,為了逃避大黑落德的追殺,避難到埃及。返回以色列之後,隱姓埋名在加里肋亞的納匝肋三十年。估計兩表兄弟各自發展,沒有再聯絡了。耶穌基督在大聖若瑟的栽培之下,在北方的納匝肋成為了一個木匠(谷6:3)。若翰原本可以繼承父業,在南方的耶路撒冷做一個司祭。但他蒙天主的召叫,跑到約旦河一帶的曠野,做一個先知,宣講悔改,為人施洗(瑪3:2, 6)。當時的猶太人,期望著一個默西亞,解放他們脫離羅馬帝國的殖民地統治。但洗者若翰的出現並不符合他們的期望。於是猶太人的宗教領袖來調查他,問他憑甚麼為人施洗,洗者若翰說:「我固然用水洗你們,為使你們悔改;但在我以後要來的那一位,比我更強,我連提祂的鞋也不配,祂要以聖神及火洗你們。」(3:11)洗者若翰很清楚自己的定位,即使見到自己很受歡迎,吸引了很多人(3:5),但他不會被成就衝昏了頭腦,誤以為自己是真命天子!各位兄弟姊妹,相信大家也曾嘗過勝利的滋味,也曾得到別人的讚賞,恭喜你!但請你學習洗者若翰,保持謙遜,否則他日跌倒的話,便很難堪了!





Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Year A
Theme: Filled With The Joy of the Holy Spirit

The Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ receives the Baptist's baptism to kickstart His evangelization and salvation project. This incident is pregnant with meanings. We may meditate the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, or the truth that in order to redeem sinners, how the Son of God walks hand in hand with sinners. Today, let us meditate the richness of this piece of spirituality garden from the perspective of John the Baptist.

From the other Synoptic gospels, we know that John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were cousins. They first met while they were still in their mother's wombs. One gospel says, the moment the sound of BVM's greeting reached Elizabeth's ears, the infant in Elizabeth's womb leaped for joy. (Luke 1:44) John the Baptist must have felt the power of the Holy Spirit filled Son of God, touched and leaped with joy! Right! Getting in touch with the Holy Spirit will fill you with power and joy! I trust all of you have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Through anointment, you have received the Holy Spirit. Joy is the second fruit of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Galatian 5:22) Brethren! Were you joyful after receiving Confirmation? Are you still joyful now? Have you, out of pressures in daily life, such as studies, work and social intercourses, worried about your results, income, health and interpersonal relationships, and lost this gift of the Holy Spirit? If this joy is diminished or even lost, adjust the rhythms of your life, study the gospels, pray and go to Fr. Santoso, SCJ to do your confessions etc. to restore the weakened joy of the Holy Spirit!

Let's fast forward. After nativity, in order to evade Herod the Great's massacre, the Son of God hid in Egypt. After return, He stayed anonymously in Nazareth of Galilee for thirty years. I suppose the two cousins took different paths in their developments and had not met ever since. Under the formation of St. Joseph, Jesus Christ became a carpenter in Nazareth in the north (Mark 6:3). John could have inherited his father's position, serving as a priest in the Temple in Jerusalem in the south. But God called him to be a prophet in the wilderness of the River Jordan, preaching repentance and baptizing (Matthew 3:2, 6). At that time, the Jews were expecting a Messiah to liberate them from the colonial rule of the Roman Empire. But John the Baptist did not meet such an expectation. Thus, the Jewish religious authority came to investigate why he baptized. The Baptist answers, "I am baptizing you with water, for repentance, but the one who is coming after me is mightier than I. I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." (3:11) John the Baptist knows his positioning. Even though he was successful and popular (3:5), he would not allow himself to be deluded into believing that he was the Prophet! Brethren! I trust you have tasted successes and have been praised by others. Congratulations! But learn from the Baptist and be humble. Otherwise, it would be extremely embarrassing to fall in the future!

The day came when among the crowd a seemingly familiar face came before him to be baptized. A seemingly familiar power which made him joyful radiated from this person! Right! It is the power of the Holy Spirit! Brethren! Hold dearly in your heart this joy of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, imperceptibly this genuine and eternal joy shall be diluted by secular happiness! Right! We seek meeting physiological needs stability needs and even fame and achievement in our daily life. But don't follow the current and lose our desire for eternal life, lose the perseverance of pursuing eternal life. What is eternal life? "Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3) Pay attention! For the Jews, "to know" means to be in union. For example, the BVM said to Angel Gabriel, "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?" (Luke 1:34) What else is eternal life but union with God, partaking in the life of the Blessed Trinity?

In another place in the gospel, John the Baptist bears witness and says, "The one who sent me to baptize with water told me, on whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, he is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit ... he is the Son of God." (John 1:33-34) Thus, when he felt the strength of the Holy Spirit, the Baptist recognized that the one who was standing before him, ready to be baptized, was the Son of God! Naturally, he says, "I need to be baptized by you, and yet you are coming to me?" (Matthew 3:14) Brethren! How blessed we are to have received, not just baptism by water but the baptism of the Holy Spirit which John the Baptist had longed for. In fact, he was baptized by the Holy Spirit in his mother's womb. In the subsequent thirty years, this joy might have diminished. Today, Jesus Christ took the initiative to come before him to refresh this joy in him again. Jesus Christ also comes into our midst, through the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist to help us refresh this joy of the Holy Spirit. He also reminds us that in order to fulfil redemption, that "to fulfil all righteousness" (3:15), the Sacrament of Baptism is not a rite but a necessity!

Brethren! Let me repeat! Hold dearly in your heart this joy of the Holy Spirit. Study the Bible more to deepen our knowledge of the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Pray more, to the Father, to Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit to establish a more intimate relationship with them. Receive the sacraments more, in particular the Holy Communion and Reconciliation. Let these sacraments nourish us and heal us.
May the Blessed Trinity bless you all!

Sunday, 5 January 2020

我們送甚麼禮物給耶穌? What Gifts Do We Bring Jesus?





今天早上在主顯節彌撒中,舉行了「慕道者收錄禮」。李神父在講道中,提醒慕道者,不可低估未來慕道過程的困難。正如賢士們一樣,出發點(占星術)可以是錯的;過程是艱辛,可能會中途而廢;所遇到的人物不一定是好的;找到的救世主不一定是所期望的!但我們相信這一切都是天主所安排的!賢士們經歷了這個旅程後,與天主建立了關係,並沒有遺憾! 為了遷就慕道者的程度,神父祇把三份禮物的神學意義,作了粗略的說明,留待導師們日後詳細解釋。的確,人生就是一場賽事,一個旅程。所做的一切,祇不過是把天主所賜予的,加工後回贈給祂。所以最重要的,就是能與造物主建立關係!


兩天之內,領會了四個聖召:執事及司鐸聖召,基督徒的聖召和婚姻聖召。誠如教宗方濟各在【你們要歡喜踴躍】宗座勸諭所說,每個人的成聖之路都不一樣,但總離不開對天父恩寵的開放(GE#15, 24, 129, 149, 172)。接受過天主的禮物之後,就不應浪費,反而要努力加工,回饋給天主。



Epiphany, Year A
Theme: What Gifts Do We Bring Jesus?

"Out of love and care for the fallen humanity, the Father gave us a big gift, His Son. Christmas commemorates the Son of God taking up human flesh to stay with us as Jesus Christ through whose Passover He delivers us from death and brings us home to the Father. It would be impolite not to reciprocate. What gifts do we return to the Father? Other than the 3 gifts of the Magi (Matthew 2:11), there are a burial tomb (27:60), a hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes (John 19:39), perfumed oil on the head (Mark 14:3) and tears (Luke 7:38), hospitality (10:38) and half of his possessions to the needy (19:8) ..." Although I didn't have to deliver homily, I still wanted to open my meditation on Epiphany with the words above. In the end, I don't have to! The 4 masses I joined on these two days have been very touching.

The first one was the funeral mass of Mr. Anthony Yung who was the eldest son of the eighty-five year old Deacon Joseph Yung. Mr. Yung Senior, together with three other deacons assisted Fr. Thomas Law in the funeral mass. In his homily, Fr. Thomas explained that the race which St. Paul mentions in his letter to Timothy was a "relay" (2 Timothy 4:7) Life and faith is a relay race. Fr. Thomas elaborated the spirit of handing down of tradition very well. Unfortunate for Deacon Yung, his baton dropped before he finishes his relay! How regrettable! During the final commendation and farewell when Deacon Yung sprinkled holy water and later incensed the coffin, I couldn't withhold my tears anymore. But I saw his faith, like Abraham when he offered up Isaac, "He reasoned that God was able to raise even from the dead." (Hebrews 11:19). Consequently, Abraham received Isaac back as a symbol of resurrection of the dead in the future! Today, Deacon Yung offers up his son in faith to God and they meet again in heaven in the future. This persistent faith in God is what believers in Hong Kong definitely need today!

The next mass was the ordination mass for Deacon Timothy Yan. Although I have read his sharing on KKP, I was surprised by his candour in his valedictorian speech after communion. He openly admitted to be brought up in the shadow of domestic violence. Moreover, the date of his ordination coincided with the date of death of Fr. Formenti, PIME who gave him his personal chalice. While seminarian Yan was at the crossroad of his vocation, he was sent to serve at the home for the aged where he met Fr. Formenti who wished Timothy would use his personal chalice in his first mass. Indeed, Fr. Timothy Yan used it in his ordination mass. After mass, Fr. Yan gave his first benediction to the Hong Kong society which has suffered a lot of "domestic violence" recently. Like him, Fr. Yan blesses that Hong Kong would weather through the social unrest with God's grace. Fr. Yan totally offers up his battered self to God in order to save more souls. How wonderful when we wrap our offerings to God with love!

During the Epiphany mass this morning, the Rite of Catechumen Election was held. In his homily, Fr. Simon Li reminded the catechumens not to underestimate the difficulties of the process. Like the Magi, the starting point (astrology) could be wrong; the journey would be difficult and they might give up midway; the people they meet might not be all good; the Saviour they found might not meet their expectations! But we believe that all these were arranged by God! After the Magi had gone through the journey, they established a relationship with God without regret! In order to adapt to the standard of the catechumens, Fr. Li only mentioned the theological meanings of the three gifts briefly, leaving further elaboration to the catechists in the future. Truly, life is a race, a journey. Whatever we do is only further processing of what is given by God and pay Him back. Thus, the most important thing is to establish a relationship with the Creator!

Then, is marriage the finishing line of a race, like what some people say, "Marriage is the tomb of love"? There is nothing more wrong than this! This afternoon, I was blessed to assist in the nuptial mass of a LaSalle old boy. The presiding priest was one who had searched for vocational discernment with this LaSallian in a seminary. Today, one has become the Chancellor of the Macau Diocese and the other is a lucky happy man whose bride wrote most of the music for the nuptial mass! In the sacristy before mass, Fr. Jerome Cyril Law causally commented that "Marriage is an order in its own right. Today, the bride and groom received the Sacrament of Holy Orders of matrimony." I totally agree. In his homily, Fr. Law applied the three gifts of the Magi to married life. His elaboration is superb. Following the teachings of the Theology of Body, the couple are a gift to their spouses! Gold symbolizes kingship, serving God's will. Husband and wife are kings to each other, serving and edifying each other! Frankincense represents priests who intercede for the people and offer sacrifice to God. In this world, there is no better intercessor before God than one's spouse! Myrrh symbolizes prophets who pass on God's will, God's consolation and healing. Husband and wife are prophets to each other, representing God to soothe the spouse's pains, to nurse the spouse's wounds and remind the spouse of God's will. In this way, husband and wife are sanctified in married life. How beautiful it is!

Within two days, I am able to experience four different vocations: diaconal and priestly vocations, Christian and marriage vocations. Like what Pope Francis says in the apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate, the path to sanctification for each one of us is unique. But one must open to the grace of the Father (GE#15, 24, 129, 149, 172). We should not waste the gifts God gave us. On the contrary, we should add value to them and return them to God.
Heavenly Father! Do not despite the gifts we offer. May our lives be gifts that bear witness to Your merciful love. Amen!

Saturday, 4 January 2020

先知的態度:成功不必我在 A Prophet's Attitude: Unnecessary To Be Crowned


其實,做師父的,有哪一個不希望自己的技術、功夫、學問或者理念,可以流傳後世,發揚光大呢?可能是中國人的「道統」和「尊師重道」的思想作祟罷,師父被「神化」為真理的化身,負責「傳道、授業、解惑 」的任務。有哪個做弟子的,敢冒「欺師滅祖」的罪名呢?在這樣的氛圍之下,各學派形成了門戶的成見,和固步自封的陋習。即使其他的學派,比自己的學派,有更卓越的成就和貢獻,沒有門徒有膽量投靠別的門 派。因為這樣做,便會喪失了自己的「忠誠」,沒有任何門派會願意接收一個叛徒的。另一方面,做師父的,總不會把本門的學問技術,傾囊相授;總會保留一手,以防弟子將來反叛,欺師滅祖!這種自私的心態, 祇會令學派的內涵,日漸失傳!

假如洗者若翰和耶穌基督都是中國人,耶穌基督接受了若翰的洗禮,祂就是洗者若翰的弟子了。所謂「一日為師,終身為師!」但結果呢?耶穌基督竟然自立門戶!到最後,洗者若翰的門徒全數被基督信仰吸收了, 他的派別在歷史洪流中消失了!這樣一個「叛徒」所創立的宗教,值得加入嗎?幸好洗者若翰和耶穌基督都不是中國人,因此基督信仰能發展成為普世大公的宗教,而中國的儒家思想,祇局限在亞洲內發揚光大!





"Prophet Series #6"
A Prophet's Attitude: Unnecessary To Be Crowned (John 1:35-42)

Chinese culture has an Achilles' Heels which prevents it from becoming catholic!
Indeed, which master doesn't want to see his skills, kungku, knowledge or ideas to be handed down and flourish? Probably in the Chinese context, masters are deified by the concepts of "orthodoxy" and "apprentice piety". Masters hold the key to knowledge, its propagation and demystification. Which disciple dares to bear the sin of betrayal? In such a milieu, schools care very much about their identity and purity. Even if the achievements and contributions of other schools are greater, no disciples dare to change school. Had some dared, they would have lost their loyalty and no school would accept any traitor. On the other hand, masters would not teach knowledge and skills in their entirety, keeping some secret techniques lest the disciples rebel! Because of such a selfish mentality, the knowledge of a school would slowly evaporate!

Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist. Had John and Baptist and Jesus Christ been Chinese, Jesus would have been John's disciple. "Once your master, forever your master" ! What happened subsequently? Jesus Christ set up His own religion! In the end, all the disciples of John were absorbed by Christianity and his school vanished in history! Is such a school established by a traitor worth joining? Fortunately, both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were not Chinese. Thus Christianity becomes a catholic religion for the whole world, while Confucianism is confined to Asia!

John the Baptist was able to let go of his own achievements. He did not arrange any successor, or after appointing a puppet, kept pulling all the strings. On the contrary, he encouraged his own disciples to follow Jesus Christ! He did it in today's gospel (John 1:37) as well as when he was imprisoned (Matthew 11:2). John the Baptist was not at all selfish. He knew his position is to help people turn to the Son of God. After discharging his mission, John the Baptist died with no regret! He is truly an exemplar for Christians to discharge their prophetic ministry.
Heavenly Father! Let us live up the spirit of John the Baptist to help people around us know the Son You sent to receive Your salvation. Amen.

Friday, 3 January 2020

先知有責任宣講天主聖三 Prophets Should Proclaim the Blessed Trinity







"Prophet Series #5"
Prophets Should Proclaim the Blessed Trinity (John 1:29-34)

At first, we would probably envy John the Baptist because he was able to hear the Father's words (John 1:33). In reality, aren't we able to read God's words in the Bible, anytime anywhere? God might not appear or reveal frequently to John the Baptist. But today with the advances in technology, a bulky Bible can be installed in our mobile phones. We are able to read and meditate God's words anytime anywhere. In contrast, John the Baptist should envy us!

However, when the Internet is accessible to everyone, we are overwhelmed by too much information for our consumption. Consequently, we have less time to read God's words. We are familiar with this experience. Aren't we easily distracted by the surrounding temptations in our prayers? Indeed, it is extremely difficult to find a "wilderness" for our spirituality formation, to chat heart to heart with God!

As spokesmen of God, we are not allowed to convey distorted messages of God and misrepresent God's will. A false prophet would be harshly punished! But there are too many passages in the Bible (there are 1328 chapters in the Bible and more than 1,100,000 Chinese characters). We do not have the capability to finish reading them all and to understand them all. Then, is there any guarantee that we do not quote the Bible out of context? For example, for a desperately hopeless man who wants to commit suicide, can we quote "What you are going to do, do quickly" (John 13:27) to dissuade him?

Today, John the Baptist gives us some clues! His witness revolves around the Blessed Trinity! That is to say, for us who discharge our prophetic ministry, whenever we want to quote the Bible, we won't miss if our quotes are related to the Blessed Trinity! For example, "My Father is at work until now" (5:17). Therefore prophets must advocate the holiness of work and labourers participate in the Father's creation project. Furthermore, workers were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). Therefore prophets must advocate wages compatible with workers' dignity. Workers are subjects of work, not parts of production gears. The inner life of the Blessed Trinity is communion. Therefore we should advocate solidarity and communion. We help workers form unions not only to fight for rightful wages, but also to actualize the potential God has given us.
Holy Father! Send forth the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth to enlighten our understanding. Put Your words into our lips so that we may proclaim to all peoples the good news of Your Son. Amen.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

先知的有限 Limitations of A Prophet







"Prophet Series #4"
Limitations of A Prophet (John 1:19-28)

God is omniscient but the spokesmen He sent, i.e. prophets, are creatures with limitations. There are many things which the prophets do not know. Sometimes, they even do not know clearly their identity.
Based on the last two sentences of the Book of Malachi, the Jews expected that before the Messiah appears, God would send Elijah to prepare the hearts of the people. Elijah would appear first, "Now I am sending you Elijah the prophet, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and terrible day; He will turn the heart of fathers to their sons and the heart of sons to their father ..." (Malachi 3:23-24) Before John the Baptist was conceived in his mother's womb, God sent archangel Gabriel to mark the future of John the Baptist, quoting Malachi's words, "He will go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of fathers towards children ... to prepare a people fit for the Lord" (Luke 1:17). Of course, this comes from the perspective of an omniscient God. However, from the limited vision of the prophets themselves, deviations are inevitable.

For example, Malachi equated the day of the Lord with the Judgment Day. Therefore, it is "the great and terrible day"! Unbeknown to him, the Son of God would come twice. His first coming was a day of mercy, a day of repentance to obtain redemption and not a great and terrible day! Similarly, the heart of Jonah was filled up with nationalism and racism. He could not accept the possibility of repentance and forgiveness of the inhabitants of Nineveh. It was even scandalous for Jonah to mediate it himself. He preferred death to seeing the inhabitants being forgiven (Jonah 4:3, 8)! As for John the Baptist himself, perhaps he was convinced that the Messiah would come at the end of the world. But God had not told him that the end of the world was imminent. Thus, the Baptist did not think that he himself was the Elijah. He was only "the voice of one crying out in the desert" (John 1:23)!

Indeed, we who partake in the prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ should be humble. Even if we are commissioned by God, we still have to accept our limitations and inadequacies. After all, we are only limited vessels. We may not be able to carry God's message faithfully. In order not to lose the high fidelity of God's words, we need to maintain our good relationship with God.
My God! We are unworthy servants. Help us reduce "noises" in our hearts. Don't allow us to misrepresent Your will. Amen.

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

諸先知之后 Queen of the Prophets








"Prophet Series#3"
Queen of the Prophets (Luke 2:16-21)

Today, we celebrate the "Solemnity of the Mother of God". Although the BVM is only a creature, under God's ineffable arrangement, she became the Mother of the Creator! This is an extremely important dogma because it defends the inseparable union of the divinity and humanity of the Son of God. Had the BVM been the mother of only the humanity of the Son of God, then the sacrifice of the Son of God would only have been the death of His humanity. How could the death of this humanity be able to repay the debts of zillions of human beings throughout the ages? Interested readers continue to explore please!

The BVM is honoured with another title which may help us understand more the intricacy of the "Mother of God" dogma. The title, "Queen of the Prophets" is found in the Litany of the BVM. This title points out that the BVM is a great prophet herself. She deserves to be called the Queen of the Prophets. On the other hand, all the Messianic prophecies pronounced by the prophets mention without exception the special role of the BVM!

Firstly, prophets bring God's word to men. The BVM gave birth to the Word of God to all men. Moreover, during Jesus' first miracle, the BVM told the servers, i.e. all humanity, "Do whatever he tells you." (John 2:5) Therefore, the BVM deserves to be called a prophet. She deserves even to be called the "Queen of the Prophets"!

Secondly, many prophecies foretell that the Saviour shall be born of a virgin. For example, "A young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel" (Isaiah 7:14); "The Lord has created a new thing upon the earth: woman encompasses man" (Jeremiah 31:22); "No one should come through this gate. Because the Lord, the God of Israel, came through it, it must remain closed" (Ezekiel 44:2) and "A stone was hewn from a mountain without a hand being put to it" (Daniel 2:34) etc. They point out that the Saviour would be born of a virgin. They guarantee that the Saviour does not come from the created world, thus guarantee the divinity of the Son of God! Of course, revelation is incomplete in the Old Testament. It is not right to demand Old Testament prophets to announce the mystery that the Creator is willing to be born of a creature. Their achievements are already superb when they were able to point out the perpetual virginity of the BVM!
Dear God! Let us imitate the BVM, keep reflecting in our hearts all those graces, those "eye has not seen, and ear has not heard and what has not entered the human heart" (1 Corinthians 2:9)which You have prepared for us. Savour how sweet these graces are. Amen.