Sunday of the Word of God, Year A
Theme: Belief in God is Like Tasting Wine
It is Lunar New Year. Although we are overshadowed by Wuhan pneumonia, relatives and friends still gather to celebrate. Wining, dining and speech making are part and parcel of celebration. Young people are meticulous in wining, unlike the older folks who gulp to show off their masculinity! Young people criticize us for wasting the craft and labour of planters and brewers. Their criticisms are reasonable! When they drink, they begin inspecting the colour and viscosity (wine tears) with their eyes. Then they smell the aromas with their nose to figure out the mixture of cinnamon, toffee and vanilla etc. Rinse their taste buds with the wine and swallow slowly. Then catch the aftertaste until there is no more ... Wine tasting can be such an elaborate process. No wonder drinking wine is not on a par with wine tasting!
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are monotheistic and all of them believe in the one and the same God. But the "tasting" is different. Christianity worships Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Not only did He sacrifice Himself to save humanity, but He also reveals us the inner life of the Godhead. God is a Blessed Trinity! Judaism rejects Jesus as their anticipated Messiah and Islam respects Jesus as one of the prophets only. If we attempt an analogy between wine tasting and religious faith, Judaism and Islam understand God in a relatively crude manner, unlike the sophisticated refinement of Christianity. Indeed, if we do not know that we can enjoy a glass of wine with our sight, smell, taste and imagination, there can only be one way of drinking --- swallowing! In the same way, if we do not know that God is a Trinity, that His essence is love, that He demonstrates His might with mercy and that He is willing to be present with us in His words and sacraments ... etc. then there is only one way to believe in God. Fear!
If drinking like a fish is a waste of the efforts of planters and brewers, then similarly, if we do not study the Bible or do not receive the sacraments, isn't it a waste of God's mercy and the effort of the patron saint of our parish, St. Jerome who translated the Bible into Latin? When Pope Francis institutes the "Sunday of the Word of God" in his Apostolic Letter "Aperuit illis" in the form of motu proprio, he quotes from St. Jerome, "Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ." Thus, frequent receptions of the Holy Communion must be supported by frequent studies of the Bible to understand clearly how precious the Communion is. Then the reception can be fully effective!
We all know that the Bible is a mini library. Nobody enters a library, picks the first book on the shelf and reads until the last. We read according to our interests and needs! Similarly, reading from Genesis to Revelation is not an ideal bible study schedule! As Christians, shouldn't we begin reading the gospels in order to know the words and deeds of Jesus Christ before we refer to other books? In a similar manner, you should not read from Matthew to John, unless you are a Jew! Why? It is because the Evangelists wrote for different target audiences: Matthew wrote for Jewish disciples to prove that Jesus is their awaited Christ. Mark and Luke wrote for Gentiles, telling them that God is powerful and merciful. John's is an in-depth theological reflection! Thus, the sequence I suggest is: Mark, Luke, Acts (the sequel to Luke) and Matthew. Lastly, it is John.
Therefore, we shall come across many Jewish "colours" in Matthew. For example, the passage today mentions "Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali" (Matthew 4:15). What does it mean? This is not simply a geographical name but a complex status problem among the twelve tribes of Israel!
Although the family life of Jacob was far from perfect, God's grace made up the imperfections!
Brethren! The Word of God is rich in colours and texture. Taste it with a mindful heart. When you meet something difficult, consult the clergy, or join a Bible sharing group and even taking biblical courses. Don't waste the good things God has prepared for our salvation.
Jacob's twelve sons were born of two cousins and their maids. Jacob loved Rachel but she had always been barren (Genesis 30:1). Rachel died after giving birth in distress her second son (35:16-19). Zebulun was the sixth and last son of Leah (35:23), Jacob's elder cousin and Naphtali was the son of Rachel's maid (35:25). Subsequently, the two tribes occupied the northern border of the Promised Land, bearing the first brunt of alien invasions! We may safely conclude that among the twelve tribes, Zebulun and Naphtali were lowly and despised. Galilee was in the land of Naphtali. Even one of Jesus' disciples despised Nazareth in Galilee (John 1:46)!
Jacob was cheated into marrying Leah whom he had never liked (Genesis 29:25). But God blessed her with six sons. From the third son Levi came great Moses and from the fourth son Judah, Jesus Christ the saviour of mankind! God's mercy is tremendous, always raises the lowly high (1 Samuel 2:4-8). The gospel passage today proves once again that God remembers the despised. Behold, the good news of Jesus Christ did not come from the rich south, nor from the power centre of Jerusalem, but from the ignored north, from "Galilee of the Gentiles" (Matthew 4:15) who were the first to receive salvation (4:16)!
God bless!