
Sunday, 27 December 2020

建立家庭傳統 Establish A Family Tradition








  • 「在基督徒的婚姻與家庭經驗中,愛是最核心的,而在愛的領域內,還有另一個重要的德行…它就是溫柔。」(AL#28
  • 「耶穌…在宣講天國的要求時,亦以愛和溫柔的目光,注視祂遇見的男男女女,並以真理、忍耐和慈悲與他們同行。」(#60
  • 「溫柔是一種愛的表現──使人擺脫自私的佔有慾望。溫柔使我們戰戰兢兢地靠近別人,懷著極深的尊重,恐怕會傷害他人,或是剝奪他人的自由」(#127



Feast of the Holy Family, Year B
Theme: Establish A Family Tradition

Among all kinds of communities, family is the smallest. In agricultural societies, extended family is the norm. Although extended families are not as comprehensive as villages, they manage to be self-sufficient. Family members come together at specific occasions to celebrate, e.g. birthdays or death anniversaries. Gradually, those occasions become traditions for individual extended families. These traditions bring family members together so that the extended families would not disintegrate easily. For industrial societies, nuclear families become the norm because they work best in factory mode of production. The number of family members is small, such as couples without children or even single-parent families. How could such small families establish their traditions? Without traditions, without extended families to fall back to, support becomes fragile. Divorces and domestic violence soar. This is the price to pay when people seek economic prosperity blindly. Thus, modern family life is harsh and painful. Then, is maintaining a modern Catholic family even harder?

Regret to say, believers in Jesus Christ do not enjoy privileges. They are not immune from sins and sufferings in this world. "Gaudium et Spes", the pastoral constitution of Vatican II, makes it clear from the start and says, "The joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ." (GE#1) For more than half a century, the Catholic Church stands with the disadvantaged and advocates the protection of their dignity and rights. She also cares for the much assaulted family institution and concrete families in difficulties. Undeniably, vocation comes from families. How can wounded families produce healthy vocations? Thus, the Church cannot afford to ignore the difficult situations families are facing. In the apostolic exhortation "Amoris Laetitia" he promulgated in 2016, Pope Francis says, "The word of God is not a series of abstract ideas but rather a source of comfort and companionship for every family that experiences difficulties or sufferings. For it shows them the goal of their journey, when God will wipe away every tear from their eyes" (AL#22).Thus, like all sorts of families in the world, Catholic families will encounter the same difficulties and sufferings. But they have an advantage. The incarnated word of God shall accompany them in joy and sorrows until they reach the goal, the heaven above!

In the apostolic exhortation, Pope Francis recommends the Holy Family to be an exemplar, not just for Catholic families, but for all families! He says, "Every family should look to the icon of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Its daily life had its share of burdens and even nightmares … Like Mary, they are asked to face their family's challenges with courage and serenity, in good times and bad, and to keep in their heart the great things which God has done …" (#30) In concluding the exhortation, he even writes us a "Prayer to the Holy Family" (#325).

Today is the Feast of the Holy Family. Let us meditate what messages the gospel passage brings us.
Joseph, Mary and Jesus form a typical nuclear family. They observed Jewish tradition to complete purification and to present Jesus to the Lord. This is a Jewish custom to be observed forty days after the birth of the firstborn son (Luke 2:22). The Son of God who came down to earth did not intend to abolish the law or customs but to fulfil (Matthew 5:17). The Word took up flesh to elevate the inglorious humanity to a supernatural level. What a marvellous move! Offering up the Son clothed in flesh to the Father, symbolizes the acceptance of the tarnished image of God and a return to the bosom of the Father whose mercy is boundless. Thus following tradition is an indispensable part of family life. Besides traditions to maintain the relationships among family members, it is advisable to establish religious traditions in relation to deities. For examples, offering incense to deities on the Lunar New Year, or abstain from meat on certain days. Similarly, Catholic families should infuse religious elements in their family life and establish traditions of faith so as to encounter God while observing them.

The emergence of Simeon and Anna filled up a void in the Holy Family, a nuclear family. Today, commercial societies measure the worth of a person in terms of his capability to make money. Most senior citizens are regarded as burdens of the society, thinning out resources to earn more. Few people care about the experiences and wisdom of the aged! These two senior citizens in the gospel speak clearly and loudly that people should never ignore the existence of God! Although Anna does not say a word in the gospel, her spending 63 years of life in the Temple (Luke 2:36-37) proclaims loudly to the world that even under the 63 years of Roman colonial rule, God has not abandoned. God takes good care of her and the Jewish people!

Before the Son of God, the words of Simeon (2:29-35) is nothing, not prophecies or wisdom! Right! This should be the proper attitude of the aged. They should not bank on their jaded experiences and impose their outdated methods or visions on the younger generations. This is also a virtue Pope Francis keeps talking about in Amoris Laetitia: tenderness. Let me quote a few passages:

  • "Against this backdrop of love so central to the Christian experience of marriage and the family, another virtue stands out … It is tenderness." (AL#28)
  • "Jesus … looked upon the women and men whom he met with love and tenderness, accompanying their steps in truth, patience and mercy as he proclaimed the demands of the Kingdom of God." (#60)
  • "Tenderness … is a sign of a love free of selfish possessiveness. It makes us approach a person with immense respect and a certain dread of causing them harm or taking away their freedom." (#127)
Right! Tenderness is a virtue, not an inborn aptitude. It is cultivated through learning and practising. More significantly, tenderness/meekness is one of the Beatitudes which carry a promise of reward (Matthew 5:5). How do we cultivate the virtue of tenderness? Can we do it in broken families? Can it be done in families with domestic violence against spouses, elderly and children? If it is God's will, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37)! But under ordinary circumstances, families like the Holy Family in which religious traditions have been established to allow the Holy Spirit to blow freely would be more promising.

Brethren! Don't give up. Let us keep praying to the Holy Spirit to inflame our frozen heart of charity so that we may support each other with tenderness in our family life and head off to sanctification.
God bless!

Friday, 25 December 2020

2020 聖誕賀辭 2020 Christmas Greeting


May the Word that took flesh
Outrun adversities with us
and Reach for the Light. Amen

Unable to meet the parishioners during this pandemic, our pastoral team makes use of the Internet to send everybody a greeting of peace.

郭志強執事:祝聖誕快樂,新年進步。We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
蘇喜樂神父:Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru 2021 (Indonesian)
李勇新神父:新年快乐,圣诞愉快。Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo próspero!(Spanish)
阮金山神父:Mừng Chúa Giáng Sinh Chúc Mừng Năm Mới (Vietnamese)
Счастливого Pождества! C Новым Годом( Russian)
李志源神父:(閩南語 + 手語)
மகிழ்ச்சியான கிறிஸ்துமஸ் வாழ்த்துக்கள்(Hindi)
Buon Natale, Buon Anno(Italian)
最後,李志源神父加上:Heri ya Krismasi na Mwaka Mpya(Swahili)

Sunday, 20 December 2020

得來不易的恩寵 Can't Take Grace For Granted







首先,瑪利亞是溫良的。她不像塔瑪爾一樣爭取自己的權益。瑪利亞亦沒有像辣哈布一樣,冒著生命危險做英雄的事。她倒像盧德和巴特舍巴一樣,順從著上主的旨意行事。但與盧德和巴特舍巴不一樣,因為她們兩個的順從,總會帶給她們改嫁的益處。但瑪利亞的順從,做成日後未婚懷孕,對她絕對沒有任何好處!即是說,她的溫良,是絕對超越了「承受土地」的應許(瑪5:5)。 ,p> 其次,瑪利亞是心裡潔淨的,五個之中,祇有她看見了天使。要知道即使是奉天主派遣的天使,不一定會現身給人看見。例如我們的護守天使;又或者在巴郎的故事,若非上主開了他的眼睛,巴郎也看不見那能說話的驢子所見到的天使(戶22:31)!當然,匝加利亞也能看見加俾額爾總領天使,因為他「是義人,都照上主的一切誡命和禮規行事,無可指摘」(路1:6)可見,聖母有關遵守誡命和禮規方面,比那四位受社會制度欺壓的女士,更勝一籌。而且,瑪利亞的無玷聖心,比任何人都更潔淨。意思是,聖母對天主一心一意的信靠,令她可以看見那肉眼不能見的天使和天主(瑪5:8)。




Fourth Advent Sunday, Year B
Theme: Can't Take Grace For Granted

Christmas, in particular Christmas Eve, brings tranquillity to this chaotic and disordered world. No event is more fondly remembered than the truce during World War I. In the Christmas of 1914, trenches were decorated. Carols were sung and both sides took part in joint worships. German and French soldiers even enjoyed a match of soccer … Afterwards they returned to the cruel reality of trench warfare and continued to exchange fire! Christmas cloaks the senseless world affairs with a sense of hope.

Let us meditate how the Father roamed around the world throughout millennia, visiting different peoples to seek a mother for the Son. Having lost count of how many rejections, the Father at long last found the "Father of Faith" who was willing to offer up his own son in holocaust. After more than 1800 years of labour, an Israelite people were made. Among the offspring of Abraham, one Mary says, "May it be done to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38)!

The genealogy of Jesus Christ in the gospel of Matthew is imbued with meanings. Usually, patriarchal genealogies seldom put down the names of mothers. But five women are found in Matthew's genealogy of Christ. If we focus on these five ladies, we arrive at an inescapable conclusion: we can't take grace for granted. In patriarchal societies, women were exploited and discriminated. Moreover, they were handy scapegoats for men's faults. It is extraordinary to find women in Jesus' genealogy!
Tamar was the daughter-in-law of Judah. After the death of her two husbands, Judah denied her Levirate right to marry the brother of the deceased. Tamar took her fate into her hand and in the end managed to give birth to a pair of twins for Judah (Genesis 38, Matthew 1:3). Rahab was a harlot in Jericho (Joshua 2:1, Matthew 1:5). The discrimination she suffered could be imagined. In faith she put two Israelite spies into hiding and by faith she and her family survived when Jericho fell (Hebrews 11:31). Ruth was an Amorite widow. She was virtuous and pious to her mother-in-law. In the end, she became the great-grant mother of King David (Ruth 4:21-22, Matthew 1:5). King David was lustful, committed adultery with Bathsheba and murdered her husband (2 Samuel 11, Matthew 1:6). The fate of Bathsheba fell totally in the hands of David. Unlike Tamar, she could only accept whatever befell her. Among the five women, Bathsheba was the most pitiful. To be fair, whether in the Matthean genealogy or Lukan, the sons she bore to David, Solomon and Nathan, became ancestors of Jesus Christ.

The Blessed Virgin Mary captures all that happened to these four women. Traces of what happened to these ladies can be found in Mary. Although she was not a Gentile or a prostitute, the BVM spent most of her life in a despised town of Nazareth in the north (John 1:46). What status or dignity could you expect? Even though she was well taken care of by her parents, many things must have happened to Mary against her will. For example, her betrothal to Joseph was definitely not a consequence of free love. The BVM did not take her fate into her hands like Tamar or Rahab. In order to obey God's will, she was even willing to surrender her ambition to serve the Lord in chastity (Luke 1:34). The canonical gospels do not mention Joseph since Jesus was 12. When Jesus began His public ministry, the gospel of Mark calls Jesus "the son of Mary" (Mark 6:3) instead of "the son of Joseph". I believe the BVM must have become a widow for quite some time. Like Ruth, Mary sought the good of others without any visible rewards. The BVM followed Jesus up to the foot of the cross. The faith and hope she showed in adversity illuminate the harshness Rahab had undergone. Indeed, the angel's praise of Our Lady's fullness of grace can't be taken for granted! These five ladies can be regarded as silent victims of social injustice.

But Our Lady is more than a miniature of the four ladies.
Firstly, Mary is meek. Unlike Tamar who fought for her destiny, nor Rahab who risked her life for heroic causes, Mary is more like Ruth and Bathsheba in obeying the will of the Lord. But unlike Ruth and Bathsheba whose obedience somehow brought them the advantages of remarriage, Mary's obedience the outcome of which was unwed pregnancy absolutely brought her no benefit whatsoever! That is to say, her meekness absolutely goes beyond the promise of "inheriting the land" (Matthew 5:5).

Secondly, Mary's heart is immaculate. Among the five, only she was able to see the angel. Even if God sends angels to us, the angels might not reveal themselves, e.g. our guardian angels, or in the story of Balaam, not until the Lord opened his eyes was Balaam able to see the angel whom his talking donkey saw (Numbers 22:31)! Of course, Zachariah was able to see Archangel Gabriel because he was "righteous in the eyes of God, observing all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blamelessly" (Luke 1:6) Obviously, Mary beats these four discriminated ladies in observing commandments and ordinances. Moreover, the immaculate heart of Mary beats us all in purity. Which means her dedication and total surrender to the Lord enables her to see the invisible angel as well as God (Matthew 5:8).

Lastly, the BVM is the last leg of this relay. She shoulders all the successes and failures of the whole team. The team was leading and reaching the zenith of culture and faith until Bathsheba. Regrettably, after Solomon, Israel was divided. Both kingdoms were conquered. Although God had sent prophets to chasten, Judah never became a country again and had fallen into the bottom of religious life. At the end of time, Mary meekly, in purity and humility, brought the Prince of Peace to this world who would reconcile the Father and the world. He would reopen the gate to heaven.

Brethren! Not only do we see the meekness and purity of the BVM who works with God to eliminate the exploitation of social injustice but also the putting into practice of the Beatitudes. Moreover, the BVM is full of grace and is the carrier of the Holy Spirit. She brings the Holy Spirit to all those who hunger and thirst for God's righteousness, i.e. God's salvation. In Advent and hereafter, may the meekness and purity of Our Lady be our exemplar, enlighten us to follow the footsteps of Christ to be ambassadors of reconciliation and bring about genuine peace.
God bless!

Sunday, 13 December 2020

聖神乃喜樂之源 The Holy Spirit Is the Source of Joy











Gaudete Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Holy Spirit Is the Source of Joy

Since Bergoglio became Pope Francis in 2013, all the Apostolic Exhortations he issued bore the theme of joy: Evangelii Gaudium 2013, Amoris Laetitia 2016, Gaudete et Exsultate 2018, even Christus Vivit 2019 mentions joy in many paragraphs. In his first Apostolic Exhortation, Pope Francis clearly states, "An evangelizer must never look like someone who has just come back from a funeral! Let us recover … receive(d) the joy of Christ." (EG#10) Every baptized Catholic is an evangelizer. Our faith should bring us joy. Then, are you joyful?

Jesus Christ teaches us the Lord's Prayer which requires us to do the Father's will in our daily life (Matthew 6:10): saying prayers, joining mass, abstinence and fast, alms-giving, evangelization, divorce and abortion are not allowed etc. … All of these look like tough jobs. To relieve the burden, we can only complain that the Father does not reveal His will clearly enough!
In the second reading today, Paul encourages us, saying "Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) This is the will of God. No more. No less. Then, God's will is not unfathomable. Rather we have not studied the Bible or prayed enough! Paul's exhortation is clear enough, isn't it?

God wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). He wills everyone to rejoice always in Christ, to pray unceasingly in Christ and to give thanks in Christ. How do we do that? When we serve God, e.g. help the poor, the disadvantaged and visit prisoners (Isaiah 61:1, Matthew 25:30-40), we do not indulge in vainglory of our achievements, do not self-inflate so much so as to squeeze Jesus Christ outside. We continue to be joyful in frustrations because Jesus Christ accompanies us in frustrations! Whether successful or crestfallen, we thank the Father for granting us opportunities to serve, allowing us to share the blessings when we channel His graces to others. This joy is beyond words! This knowledge comes from unceasing prayers!

The gospel reading today seems to have left something out. All canonical gospels talk about the Baptist's witness. One of the points is that the Baptist baptized with water but the Messiah would baptize with the Holy Spirit. But the part about Christ's baptizing with the Holy Spirit is missing in today's passage. In fact, John's narration is more detailed. He mentions the point later (John 1:33). The Holy Spirit takes up an essential role in the life of the believers. On one hand, He is the "Spirit of Truth" (14:17) who liberates us from the bondage of sins and thus set us free (8:32). But freedom carries with it the danger, the opportunity for the flesh. Only by serving each other in love can we put freedom in proper use (Galatians 5:13). Thus besides being the "Spirit of Truth", the Holy Spirit is also the "Spirit of Charity" helping us to obey the commandment Christ gave us to love each other (John 15:12) and to bear fruit that will remain (15:16). After the Pentecost, the Holy Spirit motivates the newly born Church in Jerusalem to love each other, to lead a communal life of primitive communism (Act 2:44-45). It bore fruits. The Church in Jerusalem enjoys "favour with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved." (2:47) Accompanied by the Holy Spirit, evangelization is simply a piece of cake!

Paul mentions the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) among which is joy. Thus joy is a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit. When we love, seeing others benefit and grow, we should be joyful. When we are faithful in following Jesus Christ's teachings, there is peace in our heart even when others misunderstand us. We should be joyful. In adversity, with patience, we see God's will unfolding in surprises. We should be satisfied and consoled … Thus even though joy may not be the core of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, it is closely linked with a few of them! Thus Catholics who look like coming back from funerals are exceptions!

In the Apostolic Exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate", Pope Francis talks about the call to holiness in today's world. He reminds us that "The Beatitudes are like a Christian's identity card." (GE #63) OMG, the Beatitudes, tough jobs again: poor, mournful and lastly persecuted for righteousness' sake … what else if not tough jobs? Only Confucian sages could be joyful in poverty. Being joyful and mournful at the same time is definitely a schizophrenic symptom. Demanding us to be joyful in persecution, does Jesus want all of us to be martyrs?
Calm down and turn your sight to the second half of the Beatitudes, to the promises of God: kingdom of heaven, consolation, land, satisfaction, the sight of God and becoming children of God etc. … As Catholics, are these not our dreams? God is willing to grant all these to us but we have been rebellious and lost the Father's grace. Jesus Christ came to teach us the way back and promised us the Advocate, the Holy Spirit to support us. After that, He suffered Passion to redeem us. What has the Father failed to do? What else do we want? Paul teaches us to pray unceasingly. We should pray!

Brethren! On this Gaudete Sunday, let us invoke the Holy Spirit! Pray that He reveals us the Truth, allowing us to see what surprises await us in our call. Pray that the Holy Spirit inflame our frozen hearts to generously help the needy, thus loving God through loving our neighbour.
God bless!

Sunday, 6 December 2020

宣講罷,不要畏懼 Cry Out, Do Not Fear!




「給耶路撒冷報喜訊的啊!請大聲疾呼!高呼罷!不要畏懼!向猶大各城報告說:你們的天主來了!」(依40:9)既然報告的是喜訊,而且又是代表天主報喜,為甚麼會畏懼呢?難道是被迫報喜,有如保祿所說的,「我若不傳福音,我就有禍了」(格前9:16b)嗎?在某程度上是真實的,天主委託的事業,你怎可以像約納一樣,一走了之,而天主又會不追究呢?約納的例子告訴我們,天主不但要解放尼尼微人,更要把約納從仇外的心態中,解放出來。天主愛罪人,包括祂不完美的僕人!所以,保祿的這句話,是誇張的修辭而已。事實上,出於害怕懲罰所做的一切,僅屬倫理行為最低層次,正如保祿在前半節所說:「我若傳福音,原沒有甚麼可誇耀的,因為這是我不得已的事」( 9:16a)。「不得已」就是必須的事,即儒家恩想的「盡已之謂忠」也。


我們應該聽從若望的指導,找到面對畏懼的力量。「在愛內沒有恐懼,反之,圓滿的愛把恐懼驅逐於外」(若一4:18)我們恐懼,因為我們的愛,尚未達至圓滿。原本「全心、全靈、全意、全力愛上主」與「愛近人如愛自己」是兩條分開的誡命,但耶穌基督的教訓「凡你們對我這些最小兄弟中的一個所做的,就是對我做的」(瑪25:40)把兩條最大的誡命,連貫起來!全心全意愛天主容易,全靈全力愛近人難。我有沒有出於愛,出於關心近人,甚至迫害者的生死存亡,而向他們宣傳得救的福音,獲得生命的喜訊呢? 愛驅逐恐懼,就不會害怕傳福音而殉道,更不會害怕懲罰而勉強傳道了!



Second Advent Sunday, Year B
Theme: Cry Out, Do Not Fear!

In order to lead a decent life, a mature person has to be able to accept other people's opinions. Nobody is perfect. There must always be blind spots. People around us are like mirrors. However imperfect they may be, they are able to reflect some of our inadequacies. Regrettably, due to naiveties in personality, many people are unable to accept criticisms or advice of good intention. Worse, they are unable to discern good friends from bad companions. Consequently, many loyal friends depart. Only working relationships are maintained with family members and colleagues. Life is unfulfilled.
Similarly, being a successful leader requires more qualities than an ordinary mature person. Besides vision, proactivity, knowledge of people, motivating charisma, the most important quality is the ability to integrate different opinions and even opposition so as to eliminate loopholes in projects. In other words, the calibre of a leader can be measured by his ability to accept unpleasant advice. A leader who doesn't listen to dissidents could only be surrounded by a harem of eunuchs who feed him with good news only. Those who are capable and genuinely patriotic are exiled. When a curia is unable to stop a leader from silencing dissidents so much so that there is no more opposition, it's a rarity that such a blind and deaf curia would continue to exist for long!

On the other hand, how long should family or team members continue to voice their dissident views?
Confucianism looks very pragmatic and adaptive. For example, Mencius told his disciples to act according to situations. "Mete out benevolence to the people as a mandarin. As a commoner, walk tall as a moral person. Be good yourself in poverty. Make others good in power." (Mencius. Jix Xin I) Superficially, Mencius advised his disciples to pay attention to the political climate and have an accurate assessment of their capabilities. Do the right thing at the right time! Do not be misled by "be good yourself" and apply it to deny the martyr spirit of Bi Gan and Hai Rui who threw themselves like eggs against stone walls. It is because successes and failures are beyond human control. Have you not read Confucius who says, "Hearing the truth at dawn, there is no regret to die in the evening" (Analect, Liren) ? Superficially it seems to suggest that knowing the truth intellectually there is no more regret to die. But why does one die after hearing the truth? Without doubt, it is the consequence of acting out the truth and harming the interests of the powerful! Mencius says plainly, "Life is what I want and justice too. When both are not attainable at the same time, I forfeit life to attain justice." (Mencius, Gaozi I) Without ambiguity, Mencius illustrates the dimension of "walk tall as a moral person". Sima Qian also points out, "All men are mortal. Some deaths are heavier than Mountain Tai while some are lighter than a feather. The difference lies in the aim." (Sima Qian, Letter to Ren An) Thus, Chinese people who have been brought up in Confucianism are willing to sacrifice even their lives for nobler and greater causes. People in power make use of fragmentary teachings of Confucianism to fool the people. They keep silent on the Confucian political ideals. Confucians are made like running dogs of powerful people, betraying their souls for benefits. What a smearing!

The Bible refuses to be a propaganda painting a rosy picture. It does not cover up the faults of their ancestors. On the other hand the Bible portraits suffering good people in unadorned words. It is because God is the shield of martyrs.
"Cry out at the top of your voice, Jerusalem, herald of good news! Cry out, do not fear! Say to the cities of Judah: Here is your God!" (Isaiah 40:9). It is a herald of good news from God. Why is there fear? Are you forced to proclaim the good news, like what Paul says, "Woe to me if I do not preach it" (1 Corinthians 9:16b)? To a certain extent, Paul was right. When God commissions a mission, can you walk away like Jonah and God lets you go? The example of Jonah tells us that not only does God want to liberate the people of Nineveh, but He also desires to liberate Jonah from prejudice against Gentiles! Thus, Paul's words are rhetoric. In fact, actions out of fear of punishment are moral behaviours of the lowest grade. Like what Paul says in the first half of the verse, "If I preach the gospel, this is no reason for me to boast, for an obligation has been imposed on me" (9:16a), an obligation is a necessity, the same concept of Confucian "loyalty" --- putting up one's utmost.

If it is not duress, does fear come out of seeing how predecessors ended, for example the martyrdom of John the Baptist (Mark 6:14-29), worrying about the consequences of giving dissident advice? But this fear is normal and inevitable. Then live with this fear. In time, its control over you will recede.

We should listen to the teaching of John to find strength in face of fear. "There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love." (1 John 4:18) We fear because our love is not yet perfect. At first, "love the Lord thy God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength" and "Love thy neighbour as thyself" are two separate commandments. But the teaching of Jesus Christ that "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40) joins the two into one! Loving God with all our hearts and minds is easy but loving our neighbour with all our souls and strength is difficult. Do we, out of love of our neighbour and even the care for the life and death of those who persecute us, preach the gospel of salvation and the good news of life to them? Love drives away fear, even the fear of martyrdom. We shall not evangelize out of fear of punishment!

Brethren! In Advent when we prepare for the second coming of our Lord, we should trim our lamps and check our oil (25:8) to wait for the appearance of the bridegroom. This oil is the love towards our neighbour and those who hate us for their good. This love includes not only mercy and forgiveness, but also preaching them the good news of freedom.
God bless!