Seventeenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Be Indifferent
The Diocese of Hong Kong supports the Roman Curia’s appeal and makes “Pastoral Conversion” the focus of our pastoral ministry for the next three years. Personally, I think it is a prudent decision to run the project for three years. We know all too well that it is human nature not to rock the boat. It is difficult to require parish members to renew and even harder for members of the lay associations to renew their zeal!
Recently, the pandemic is turning for the better. Parishes begin to celebrate masses publicly. People responsible for liturgy, for example the acolytes, lectors, choir and extraordinary administrators of the Eucharist have become elated as well as nervous. Making mistakes has become inevitable. They would become more nervous once a mistake is made, initiating a vicious cycle! In fact, except for the doers themselves, outsiders would seldom be aware of any mistakes. But in order to discharge their duties without mistakes, they spend long hours assessing their past performance. Consequently, less time is spent on spirituality and sharing. They put the cart before the horses! On the other hand, putting into action their precious resolutions does not improve the ambiance of the liturgy. On the contrary, their actions outshine the solemnity of the liturgy! Their efforts are commendable. However, their complacency does not help but making things worse.
Allow me to illustrate with another example. Our parish is located in the north western part of the New Territories. Previously, the transportation facilities were not adequate. Many people returned from works after eight at night. Thus, in our parish, many meetings, catechumen classes, functions, prayer meets and masses etc. are usually held at 8:30 p.m. In 2004, West Rail started her service. Transportation to and from the urban area has improved. Yet, now seventeen years after the commencement of West Rail operation, most of our activities are still held at 8:30 p.m. The obstacle of complacency is something we can’t ignore. Is it laziness? Or is it that we don’t want to give up the security of past achievements? Or do some people want to retain their privileges? Although it seems that no progress is made, “There is an appointed time for everything” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Seventeen-year is no big deal. Many who have been baptized for decades remain the same. Don’t lose our faith in God for these trivial matters.
Today, we meditate on the well-known miracle of five loaves and two fish, the John’s version. The Synoptic gospels put the miracle in the context of the apostles’ completion of evangelization. They had attracted a large crowd of people on whom Jesus Christ felt pity. He worked this miracle to relieve the crowd of their hunger. But John says nothing about the evangelization mission of the Twelve. Instead, he says, “A large crowd followed him because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick.” (John 6:2) John himself was one of the Twelve sent forth to proclaim the gospel but he does not take the credit of attracting the crowd. Instead, the credit goes to the signs performed by Jesus Christ. The humility of John is exemplary. When our efforts are not recognized, we feel frustrated and take every opportunity to tell people our contributions. How much do we desire glory, even vainglory which is not proportional to our efforts! John is indifferent to personal glory. Not only did he observe the commandments, but like Jesus Christ, he also quietly put the spirituality of Psalms into practice. Like what the Psalmist says, “Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name give glory because of your mercy and faithfulness.” (Psalms 115:1) This “Son of Thunder” (Mark 3:17) who once asked for the Lord’s permission to call down fire from heavens to consume a Samaritan village which did not welcome them (Luke 9:54) has matured! Punishing impolite people can only satisfy our own ego and does not help impolite people become polite. After this event, John let go of his “thunder” and was able to grow up. It is not a bad thing to narrate the achievements of evangelization. It is a faithful reporting but it also reveals our desires for achievements. Not saying a word about achievements, John is truly “the beloved disciple of the Lord” (John 19:26)!
There’s another verse which is worth meditating. It is the Lord’s attitude towards the fragments left over. He says to his disciples, “Gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted” (6:12). Superficially, Jesus Christ seems to be yet another environmentalist. But His other verses make me firmly believe that this verse has a deeper meaning of mercy and not a shallow environmental protection teaching. In other gospels, Jesus repeatedly tells us of the Father’s meticulous care. It is enough for us to seek the kingdom of heaven. It is because we worth more than birds and sparrows which the Father feeds. How can He neglect us (Matthew 6:26, 10:31; Luke 12:6) Fragments left over concern Jesus Christ. How much more would He care about souls, in particular souls of sinners? O you of little faith … Seek his kingdom (12:28-31) and work hard for the repentance of sinners, and God will do the rest!
As for the verse “The Jewish feast of Passover was near” (6:4) I have written a simple reflection (“The Liberation by Five Loaves & Two Fish”). Today, I would like to meditate deeper on the theme of “Liberation”.
When Satan tempted Jesus Christ in the wilderness, it showed extensive knowledge of the Bible. When Jesus replied its temptations with quotations from the Bible, in vanity it quoted the Psalms to dare Jesus to jump down from the top of the Temple. (Matthew 4:6; Luke 4:10-11; Psalms 91:12) In fact, during the first temptation, Satan already made use of the Psalms but did not quote it. It persuaded Jesus Christ to turn stones into bread to satisfy the physical needs of sinners so that they don’t have to sin anymore. Satan was challenging Jesus Christ “I am the Lord your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt. Open wide your mouth that I may fill it” (81:11). It would never have dreamt that God would not use stones to give humanity fake satisfaction but His own flesh and blood! The three proposals of Satan to save the world are actually paradoxical traps that are not able to actually solve the problem of evil. Regrettably, many politicians still make use of these proposals to cheat their constituencies.
The outcome of the five loaves & two fish miracle was not satisfactory. The crowd stayed at the material level, thinking that the prophet promised by God (Deuteronomy 18:18; John 6:14) was a prophet with unlimited supply of food and not a prophet who would liberate them from the slavery of sins, a prophet who would help them attain freedom. The next day, when Jesus Christ tried to teach the crowd about “the bread of life”, “Many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him” (6:66). Jesus did not meet their expectation to be a prophet who would deliver an unlimited supply of food!
Brethren! The crowd deserted Jesus Christ and had forsaken the opportunity of gaining eternal life (6:68). They indulged in old way of thinking and were reluctant to leave their comfort zone. Like their ancestors, who had left the comfort of slavery and suffered in the wilderness, they kept complaining against Moses and preferred returning to slavery (Exodus 16:3)! We should reflect on this. Are we like the Israelites who indulged in comfortable outdated mentality and are reluctant to suffer, to undergo pastoral conversion for evangelization? Are we willing to give up our achievements or achievements of our groups to struggle for a greater progress in spirituality? To go out of the Church, meet the people in the neighbourhood, even the disadvantages to tell them the Father’s mercy? To do more charity, forgiving unreasonable criticisms of the others?
God bless!