天主按自己的肖像創造了人(創1:27)。因此,在萬物之中,人類有能力與天主溝通同行(5:24, 6:9, 48:15)。作為天主的肖像,人類在各方面當然不及天主;但究竟他們有多大能力,真是難以估計!倘若條件有利的話,他們便會有機會把實力展示出來。所以為了他們圓滿的發展,「自由」是一個重要的因素。天主當然明白自由對人類發展的重要性,既然祂自己本身是自由的,所以天主非常尊重祂的傑作、祂自己的肖像,並給予他們很大的自由來表達這份尊重。在動物領域中,天主祇會安排最低限度的生存本能給人類,讓他們享有最大程度的自由,發展出創世以前,在祂心中對每個人所懷有的計劃(弗1:4)。

耶穌基督對伯多祿的斥責,蠻有意思。 「撒殫,退到我後面去!因為你所體會的,不是天主的事,而是人的事。」(谷8:33)。「撒殫」一辭,原意是「對頭人」、「敵人」的意思。伯多祿是有血有肉的人,所以不是魔王撒殫,而是妨礙耶穌基督進行救世任務的人之一。所以耶穌基督狠狠批評伯多祿是「撒殫」。
其次,沒有強大的惡勢力,迫使伯多祿屈服,或者以利益誘惑他合作(例如猶達斯的例子)。因此,伯多祿不是因為意志軟弱而諫責耶穌。第三,雖然伯多祿不是「熱誠黨」,但並不排除他與一般猶太群眾一樣,對「默西亞」懷有期望,渴望這位天主派來的「受傅者」,驅逐異邦統治者,復興以色列國(宗1:6)。如今,耶穌基督卻提出一個與復國完全相反的方案(谷8:31) ,是一個不能令人接受的方案!因此,意識形態上的錯誤,可以解釋伯多祿諫責耶穌基督的部份理由。
Twenty Fourth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Think As God Does
God created mankind in His image (Genesis 1:27). Thus among all creatures, mankind has the ability to communicate and to walk with God (5:24, 6:9, 48:15). As images of God, we’re not on a par with God in all manners. However, how great are our capabilities is difficult to estimate! If the conditions are favourable, they shall have the opportunities to manifest. In order to fully develop these potentials, freedom is one of the essential elements. Of course God knows the importance of freedom for human development. Since He Himself is free, He respects His masterpieces, His images very much and gave them great liberty to show this respect. Among animals, God only arranges minimum survival instincts for mankind so that they may enjoy the greatest degree of freedom to manifest the plan He had in mind for all of us before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:4).
God is love (1 John 4:8). So is mankind able to emerge from egocentrism. For the sake of others, their altruism is even able to attain the level of self-sacrifice! Just take a look at the heroism of mothers or soldiers who die in action defending their countries. They manifest love to the full. God is righteous, awards the blessed and punishes the wicked. Mankind also has the ability to discern the good from evil. For the sake of ordered living in the society, laws are passed to resolve conflicts caused by interpersonal interactions. This is a manifestation of righteousness on the societal level. God is trinite. There is a communal element in the inner life of the godhead. Most mankind lives in groups and in communion, supporting each other, allowing individuals to develop. This shows their solidarity. Lastly, God created all things visible and invisible in this universe. Mankind is also creative, discovering and inventing all sorts of technologies to improve the living environment. This is an expression of human rationality and intellect. Just as what Mencius says about the human virtues: Benevolence, righteousness, Orderliness and Intelligence are inborn. Through continual practices, they will develop into perfection, i.e. Stop only at Ultimate Goodness! God’s images are truly unstoppable!
But in real life, God’s images also wreck all sorts of evils, listed two weeks ago in the gospel reading of the Twenty Second Ordinary Sunday, “evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly.” (Mark 7:21-22) Is it due to inadequate understanding thus paving the way to hell with good intentions? For example, scientists invented antibiotics to kill microorganisms which cause diseases. In the end, microorganisms evolve into Superbugs which are antibiotics resistant so that diseases become untreatable. Is it due to a weakness in will, surrendering to evil influences such that people turn into accomplices for the sake of self-preservation? Is it due to ideological errors? In order to supersede UK and US, to defeat heavens, the state mobilizes the mass to struggle. In the end, ecology is damaged, inviting famines. Mandarins ambitiously invest in economic reforms, allowing a minority to become rich first … In the end, a new class of nouveau riche who measures everything in terms of money arises …
In the gospel today, Jesus reveals to the disciples His salvation project which Satan had tried hard to unearth (Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13). Moreover, it also tried to disrupt the project through human hands (John 12:5, Matthew 26:53, Mark 15:32). Not only did Satan try to sabotage during Christ’ Passion, but before that, it also made use of Peter to hinder Jesus. If we read the story with Matthew’s narration, the trap was stark! It was because after Peter’s declaration of the Messiah identity of Jesus, Jesus made Peter the Rock upon which He would build His Church (Matthew 16:18a). Regrettably, this Rock proved to be fragile. Satan made use of him to prevent Jesus from executing the project! Fortunately, the Son of God had protected Peter whom He has given the opportunity to repent and to strengthen his brothers. (Luke 22:32) Thus, the Church is established and preserved so that “the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against.” (Matthew 16:18b)
Jesus Christ’s rebuke is pregnant with meanings. “Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” (Mark 8:33) The original meaning of “Satan” is adversaries and enemies. Peter was a mere mortal, thus not Satan, the Prince Devil. Peter was only a nobody who is one of the stumbling blocks to the salvation project. Thus, Jesus Christ rebuked Peter as Satan. Secondly, had Peter (including all mankind) possessed not the ability to think as God does, he would not have been, and should not have been rebuked because it was not his fault. Although God is an unfathomable mystery (Isaiah 55:9), God must have done something which mankind is able to understand. Otherwise, how is mankind able to communicate with God? Now that Christ rebuked Peter which shows that mankind has the ability to think as God does. Only that Peter (including all mankind) does not make good use of this ability. Instead, they spend their energy thinking as man does. They have not discharged their duty as disciples/creatures and are rebuked as such! Then what does it mean to think as God does and to think as human beings do?
First of all, was it possible that Peter rebuked Jesus out of selfish reasons? Look, he had given up everything to follow Jesus (Mark 10:28) but Jesus’ project would nullify Peter’s “investment” overnight! To protect his investment, Peter rebuked Jesus. This logic sounds reasonable but Peter was not ambitious. Among the disciples, James and John would be more probable candidates (10:37). In the narrations of Mark, Peter looks like the spokesman, representing the disciples to answer Jesus’ questions. But taking a closer look, he seemed more likely to be pushed around. Take for example this time, Jesus did not simply openly rebuked Peter, but “he turned around and, looking at His disciples, rebuked Peter” (8:33). Before the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Peter did not show any leadership! Thus, it is difficult to establish for certain that Peter rebuked Jesus out of selfish interests.
Secondly, there was no devilish influence to bend Peter or benefits to induce his cooperation (e.g. Judas’ case). Thus, Peter did not rebuke Jesus out of a fragile will. Thirdly, although Peter was not a Zealot, it does not rule out the possibility that Peter harboured a Messianic anticipation like any other Jews. They longed for an Anointed One sent from God to drive away the Gentile rulers and to restore the kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6). Now, Jesus’ proposal went contrary to the restoration of Israel (Mark 8:31) and this is totally unacceptable! Thus ideological errors may account for part of the reasons for Peter to rebuke Jesus.
Lastly, I think that “thinking as human beings do” and “thinking as God does” are so closely related that they can easily be mixed up. Thus, Peter did something bad out of good intentions. What does it mean to “think as God does”? Although mankind is unable to understand everything God does, at least they are able to understand some, even very insignificant parts. These parts must be related to mankind, or more precisely, related to the salvation of mankind, for example “God is love”. Therefore, these things which God thinks are also what human beings think. Thus, they can easily be mixed up! Perhaps Peter was not thinking of his own interests but for the sake of Jesus, rebuked Him not to die in vain! Peter had been very loyal to Jesus. When the Jews arrested Jesus, Peter drew a sword to resist (John 18:10). He even took the risk to enter the High Priest’s courtyard to seek an opportunity to rescue Jesus but ended up denying the Lord three times (18:16-27)! I prefer seeing Peter doing evil with good intentions!
Brethren! We should look upon Peter as a warning sign. Don’t do evil with good intentions. It shows that we care more about human thinking than God’s thinking. It does nobody any good!
God bless!