
Sunday, 31 October 2021

「不遠」有多遠?How Far is “Not Far”?




【申命紀】和【瑪竇福音】的讀者,是猶太文化背景的,所以,「全心、全靈、全力」已經足以表達整個人。又時移世易,【瑪竇】以「全意」取代了「全力」(【七十賢士本 LXX】也是「全力」)。【馬爾谷】與【路加】是寫給外邦人的,他們受希臘文化影響,以「全心、全靈、全意、全力」,纔能足以代表整個人。馬爾谷和路加,有擅自纂改添加天主說話的嫌疑嗎?沒有!





Thirty First Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: How Far is “Not Far”?

In the beginning, mankind misunderstood God. This misunderstanding is not something new, something peculiar to the modern world. Although the Bible tells us that God created mankind in His own image (Genesis 1:26), humanity is after all a finite creature. Had the infinite God not taken the initiative to reveal Himself, we would never have been able to know Him! We are gifted with rationality, will and strength. Surely we are able to detect clues left behind by God, to know of His existence, to establish relationship with Him and partake in His eternal life. This knowledge is possible. It is the logic of “Taking nearby clues from our body and far off clues from things outside” (I-Ching Commentary). It is also the awe expressed in “The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the works of His hands.” (Psalm 19:2)

Indeed, knowledge can be shallow or deep but how much one is able to attain depends on opportunities and will power. Ancient people did not have the opportunity to see the 2 moons of Mars or the spectacular Saturn ring. Even if one has reached mid-hill, whether one is able to climb to the top of Mount Everest and breathes in the immaculate air depends on whether one has enough will and strength. Religious faiths are no exception. Many Christians think that Jesus Christ teaches His disciples the two greatest commandments: to love God above all and to love their neighbour. Unbeknown to them, it was Moses who handed these two commandments down (Deuteronomy 65:4-5, Leviticus 19:18). This is truly a happy misunderstanding because many a Christian is not diligent enough to study the Bible. In fact, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ made it clear that He had no intention to abolish the Mosaic Law but to fulfil (Matthew 5:17). Take a look at the three famous temptations in the wilderness. Jesus only quoted passages from Deuteronomy to defeat the Devil (4:1-11, Luke 4:1-12). He did not propose any new teachings. That is to say, making good use of the Mosaic Law is sufficient to overcome the Devil’s temptations and is sufficient to be justified. It’s a pity that humanity is unable to manage the freedom given by God and races towards self-destruction! Thus, if any believer claims that the New Testament has replaced the Old Testament whose laws have no binding on him, that he has no obligation to observe them or selectively obeys those laws which are advantageous to them, he is cheating himself because this is not what Christ wants. On the contrary, we should observe the laws in the Old Testament in the spirit of the gospels. For example, we should make Sunday holy and our Sabbath. Put down unnecessary labour to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and our liberation!

In the gospel passage today, one of the scribes came to challenge Jesus, asking him what the “First Commandment” was (Mark 12:28-34). It provides us with an opportunity to meditate what is in Jesus’ mind. Before we meditate, let us clarify some points from the table below.

Deuteronomy 6:5Matthewn22:37Mark 12:30Luke 10:27
all heart
all soul
all mind
all strength
Deuteronomy and Matthew were written for readers from Jewish background. Thus, “with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength” was sufficient to represent the whole person. Time changes. Matthew replaces “all your strength” with “all your mind”. (The Septuagint LXX still retains “all your strength). Mark and Luke wrote for the Gentiles who were living in the Greek civilization. Therefore, in order to represent the whole person, one needs “with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength”. Were Mark and Luke guilty of putting words into God’s mouth? NO!
At first, God revealed His salvation to the Israelites. Thus, the Jewish flavour was heavy and three elements were sufficient to represent the whole person. But God’s salvation is not confined to Israel. Thus, Jesus came to fulfil the law and to enrich the commandment with what the Jews have already accepted by adding the “all your mind”. It is truly meaningful. As for the order of “mind” and “strength”, Mark and Luke are different. Maybe we’ll meditate on this when the opportunity arises.
It is only natural for different cultures to have different conceptions of what man is! Take the Chinese culture for example. We have the concept of “Húnpò” but not the concept of souls. Confucianism emphasizes on “Investigate the nature of things, pursue knowledge, act in good faith and rectify one’s mind…” (Major Studies, the Book of Rites). These concepts are similar to the Greek concepts of heart, mind and strength. Perhaps the Chinese too are capable of discussing the First Commandment. Both the Chinese and Jewish cultures are pragmatic and concrete. There are few abstract world-views but many interpersonal moralistic advices. We seldom speak of heart in abstraction, but “heart of mercy, heart of conscience, heart of righteousness, heart of humility”, “These four hearts are like our four limbs” (I Gōngsūn Chǒu, Mencius). Perhaps the Chinese are able to break new path in understanding the First Commandment.

In fact, there is a “you” in the Deuteronomy version. It is pragmatic and nobody may evade. However, the “you” was missing in the scribe’s answer: “Well said, teacher. You are right in saying, ‘He is One and there is no other than He.’ And ‘to love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself’ is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” (Mark 12:32-33) It is detached. Although this rendering is applicable to all peoples, it pinpoints nobody. What a pity! Had the scribe forgotten to add “For it is loyalty that I desire, not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6), Jesus would not have seen that he answered with understanding and said, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” (Mark 12:34)

In fact, physically speaking, this scribe was in the proximity of the Son of God, Jesus Christ who is a concrete embodiment of the kingdom of God. He was truly not far away from the kingdom of God. However, he was inside the Jewish authoritative corporate which stood in opposition to Jesus. The scribe missed the opportunity to be in communion with the Son of God. Therefore, spiritually, this “not far away” was actually an unsurpassable “not far away”! What does this unsurpassable “not far away” mean? God is eternal. He has no human concept of time. He is omnipresent. Thus He even does not have the human concept of space. For Lord Jesus Christ, no unsurpassable abyss is too far away. However, we human beings are not connected. Even intimate couples and siblings do not communicate. They feel lonely in the crowd. Their “not far away” is an unsurpassable abyss! For comrades of like-mind, even though they are physically scattered as fugitives all over the world, they are not alone. Their separations are “not far away”!

Brethren, I hope the scribe and all Christians do not congratulate themselves too soon because of Jesus’ praises. God is merciful. Millions of miles and ages are not able to obscure His love of sinners. But we are negligible finite creatures. We need to work extra hard in perseverance with the support of the Holy Spirit to inch towards our sanctification!
God bless!

Tuesday, 26 October 2021



by Deacon Alex

Before the creation of this known universe, God has in mind a grand and beautiful design. In His ineffable mind, He wants to populate the universe with beautiful souls, pleasing to Him as well as challenging to Him. Let’s call these beautiful souls saints, too innumerable to count. They shall be human beings in the ages to come and the Son of God shall become ... In short, the visible and invisible universes shall be populated by zillions of zillions of zillions of saints.

The Catholic Church commemorates these saints because they have successfully led a heroic life according to the Beatitudes. Together with St. Paul, they are able to boast, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7-8) Unfortunately, we only have 365 days a year. Obviously, there isn’t enough room to accommudate all these saints and our brains are too busy to remember all. Therefore, the Catholic Church set aside November 1 to be the ALL SAINTS DAY to commemorate many many unsung heroes whose humble lives are scarcely known by people at all. But definitely God knows and is pleased.

Brethren! Lest you don’t know, all of us are called to be saints ever since the Old Testament. Check it out! Yahweh says, “Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy.” (Leviticus 19:2) In case you feel that attaining holiness is too lofty a goal for you, Jesus Christ our Lord makes holiness more accessible in the gospels, saying “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) Even better, “Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.” (Luke 6:36) Who then can complain that God demands too lofty a target for us to reach? In fact, all of us are gifted in different ways. Therefore, no two paths to sainthood would be identical. Thus in 2018, Pope Francis affirms once more in his Apostolic Exhortation “Gaudete et Exsultate” that all the faithful, each in his or her own way, are called by the Lord to perfect holiness. We should not grow discouraged before saints whose holiness appears unattainable. We are not meant to copy them. (GE#11) Bear in mind that all of us are called to be saints, to be ambassadors of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:20) Let’s joyfully tell the world the good news that God does not count their trespasses against them (5:19). God wants all of us to be saints.

While we celebrate the Triumphant Church in heaven, the community of saints on November 1, we the Pilgrim/Missionary Church on earth also remember the Suffering Church in Purgatory on November 2, the ALL SOULS Day and the whole month of November. Some people claim that the Bible alone is the basis of their belief. They are not able to find “Purgatory” in the Bible. Therefore they dismiss the existence of Purgatory and the tradition of offering prayers for the deceased as idolatrous. I would reply that they know not the Bible nor the power of God. They have forgotten Jesus’ teaching in the gospels that God “is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living.” (Mark 12:27) Perhaps these people have misplaced their faith elsewhere and need to relearn the good news.

In truth, we have to admit that human nature is fragile. Thus, the Catholic Church offers the Sacrament of Reconciliation to restore us once we break our baptismal vows. However, some of us are stiff-necked and reject God’s mercy and the ministry of the Church. Consequently, they end up dying in a “cancerous” state, in which there are too much fat, cholesterol and even tumours in their souls, preventing them from partaking fully in God’s heavenly banquet. They need to spend time in Purgatory to purge those ‘tumours’. Today, we dedicate in particular the month of November to pray for these souls. Probably they were homeless before they passed away, survived by nobody to remember them. Therefore, praying for the souls in Purgatory, whether known or unknown, is a genuine work of mercy! Brethren! Let’s offer prayers and masses for them in November and beyond. Who knows, perhaps we too might be in their company one day.
God bless!

HOMESTEAD 2021 Oct. edition

Sunday, 24 October 2021

不要做完美主義者 Don't Be A Perfectionist

Mission Sunday, Year B
Theme: Don't Be A Perfectionist

We have been suffering in this pandemic for nearly two years. Though many countries have vaccinated their citizens, the end of Covid-19 is not yet in sight. Most likely, we have to sleep with the virus for the rest of our days until the Lord returns. Therefore, the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong chooses “Emmanuel” to be the theme of Mission Sunday of this year, a reminder of Jesus’ pledge before He ascended into heaven to encourage us that the Lord “is with you always until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) Of course, the Lord’s pledge was preceded with a commission which was the raison d'être of His pledge, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (28:19-20) No matter how difficult life is, evangelization is a necessity, not an option. No matter how difficult life is, the good Lord will accompany us to weather through.

The first verse of the gospel passage touches me. I need to meditate more on it, which reads, “Jesus appeared to the Eleven and speaks to them…” (Mark 16:14) What touches me is “the Eleven”! Hasn’t Jesus called the Twelve? Yes, He did, but Judas betrayed Him and committed suicide. Yes, we know. But would the good Lord’s pledge still apply to Judas? You might object for several valid reasons.
First of all, when the risen Lord made His pledge, He intended to apply it to the future generations only. Judas had already died. Therefore this pledge does not apply to Judas.
I dare not to read the Lord’s mind nor interpreting His intentions. Who could (Isaiah 40:13-14)? I would rather say that the Lord is eternal with the Father. To argue otherwise is an Arian heresy. He is timeless. What’s revealed in the gospel has long been in His mind before the beginning of time! Furthermore, even if we want to strictly follow the temporal line, I would counter that the title “Emmanuel” was revealed by a prophet (7:14) some 500 years B. C. Thus Judas should also be included.

Secondly, you might object because Judas himself was to blame. He was morally responsible for his own choices and actions, which was to cut himself away from the Lord.
I would counter that even if Judas cut himself away from God, where could Satan hide him? The Psalter says, “Where can I go from your spirit? From your presence, where can I flee? If I ascend to the heavens, you are there; if I lie down in Sheol, there you are.” (Psalms 139:7-8) God is omnipresent. If He so desires, what can prevent God from going to Hell? Through the mystery of Incarnation, the Son of God is even able to die. How wondrous the mystery is, an immortal God who dies! According to the Apostles’ Creed, we say that, “Jesus descended into Hell” Of course the good Lord was not receiving punishment in Hell. Church Fathers say that He spent three days in Hell to release the Patriarchs and the righteous of the Old Testaments who went before Him. Now, where would Judas be and where would the penitent thief (Luke 23:43) be? Perhaps there’s still room for Judas to repent like the penitent thief even when he committed suicide!
The second reading today states it without ambiguity, God our saviour “wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4) And “What is truth?” (John 18:38) Jesus is (14:6)! “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.” (Colossians 1:15) John the beloved disciple of the Lord sees in the visible Lord that the invisible God is love (1 John 4:8). And who is able to attain eternal life? “Everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.” (John 3:15) Didn’t Judas believe in Jesus, even for just a brief period of time before the betrayal? Therefore, it is highly suggestive / speculative to think that Jesus would also release them from Hell etc. The case of Judas is always fascinating. Both sides are able to exchange volleys of counter arguments, though such speculations are not very fruitful for our salvation. After all, the fate of Judas is like that of the Schrödinger's cat which could only be known on the Judgment Day!

Nowadays many people have fallen into an unnecessary temptation of becoming perfectionists. They tend to be obsessive and to overkill. For example, organizers of sport events claim on one hand that sports are politically neutral. But on the other hand, they dare not to permit dissidents who don’t toe the party line to participate. In the name of security, no athletes are allowed to show any political gestures during the event! The mandarins show similar symptoms of obssession. They only allow patriots to run the show. They systematically lock up dissidents, freeze their assests and silence all oppositions etc. Why do all of them change their usual practices? They blame the “violent actions” of the younger generation for touching the nerves of the north, provoking the north to take action to crack down oppositions. Perhaps they would even quote Jesus who teaches us to calculate whether we can successfully oppose the north. If not, we had better send a delgation to ask for peace terms (Luke 14:31-32). In other words, surrender our autonomy to allow the north to dictate our life. Similarly, if we are not able to complete a project to our satisfaction, we shouldn’t start it at all. In other words, if we are not able to convert people to believe in Jesus Christ, it would be prudent not to start evangelization!

Today is Mission Sunday. The number “Eleven” gives me much relief! I would counter the perfectionists that even the good Lord Himself is not able to attain 100% passing rate. One of His disciples had failed miserably. Are we better than the Son of God? If not, we should never try to be a perfectionist, demanding that everyone we speak to would be converted, that only patriots are allowed to run the show and that runners should not wear garments with political statements! Let us not play God. Let God plays Himself and be the perfect one (Matthew 5:48), not in the sense of making unreasonable demands on us but let the good Lord show His mercy and finish the case of Judas! Each one of us is different. Some are more visibly patriotic than the others. Some are more talented, in other words given more gifts by God, than the others. At the end of the day, God expects more from those who are given more and punishes those who don’t make good use of the gifts (12:48). The north also expects the visibly more patriotic ones to run the show. However, the north is not God though it enjoys playing God. The parable of Talentum makes it clear that the lazy servant is punished only because he doesn’t make good use of the talents God has given him (Matthew 25:29-30)! Is the north able to do the same, punishing those who are patriotic not in the manners defined by the north? The north thinks it is God.

Brethren! What should the Church do? What should we, who make up the Church, do? I would say that we show follow the advice of the apostle to pray “for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity.” (1 Timothy 2:2) We continue to obey the Lord’s instruction to “go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15) The message of the gospel is simply that, “God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them.” (2 Corinthians 5:19) So we continue to serve the needy, the disadvantaged and the marginalized through driving out demons and healing the sick with our hands (Mark 16:17-18). Leave vengeance to God. Let God play Himself. Amen.

Saturday, 23 October 2021

沒有時間觀念的天主 A God Who Knows No Time


在猶太人心目中,天主是正義的,是賞善罰惡的天主。因此,他們認為那些在加里肋亞人 事件(路13:1)和史羅亞塔事件(13:4)中死去的人,是遭受了天主的懲罰。這是猶太人對天主的誤會。所以,耶穌在設比喻的時候,塑造了一個猶太人容易接受,卻是被誤解了的天主。這個園主所象徵的天主,與耶穌基督所宣講的天父很不一樣。
  1. 找不到果子便決定砍掉無花果樹,免得「荒廢土地」(13:7),這理由未免太功利主義了,是人的邏輯(若11:50),不是天主的邏輯。
  2. 昨天提到,天主的正義不在賞善罰惡,而在於幫助人完滿發展,拯救他們脫離罪惡。祂「決不喜歡惡人喪亡,但卻喜歡惡人歸正,離開邪道,好能生存。」(則33:11)所以那個不給予機會的園主不大可能是天主,反而園丁纔是天主,是在天父面前為我們轉求的天主子耶穌基督(羅8:34,希9:24)。所以葡萄園主人象徵的,是猶太人認知不足的天主,不是基督徒所認識的天父!


A Timeless God (Luke 13:1-9)

People usually interpret the master of the orchard as a symbol of God. I think it is a beautiful misunderstanding.
In the Jewish mind, God is righteous. He awards the good and punishes the wicked. Therefore, they thought that those who had perished in the Galilean incident (Luke 13:1) and the Tower of Siloam incident (13:4) must have been punished by God. This is a Jewish misunderstanding of God. Therefore, when Jesus told this parable, He created a more palatable but misunderstood God for His audience. The orchard master symbolizes a God different from the Father Jesus proclaims.
  1. Cutting down the fig tree which bears no fruit so that it won’t exhaust the soil (13:7) is too utilitarian. It is the logic of men (John 11:50) not of God.
  2. Yesterday we mentioned that God’s justice is not to award the good and to punish the wicked. Instead, God’s righteousness is in helping men develop to the full and delivering them from the bondage of sins. God “takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.” (Ezekiel 33:11) Therefore, the master who did not give opportunity can’t possibly be God. Rather, the gardener is. He is Jesus Christ the Son of God who always intercedes for us before the Father (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 9:24). Therefore, the master of the orchard symbolizes a God inadequately known by the Jews instead of the heavenly Father the Christians know!
The devil is in the details” is a well-known aphorism. But the gardener beats the devil even in details! What do I mean? The key phrase is “in the future” (Luke 13:9). Giving sinners “one year” to repent is concrete. But when is “in the future”? One year? Three years? Or even longer? Be careful! Tonight or tomorrow is also in the future! The eternal God is timeless. He has no concept of time so that His leniency can even be harsher than the devil’s details!
Lord Jesus, let us not take advantage of the Father’s mercy and repent in time. We won’t be slaves of sins anymore. Amen.

Friday, 22 October 2021

了結魔鬼 To Settle With The Devil



且讓我們集中檢視【路加福音】運用「正義」一詞的意義。「正義」在【路加福音】一共出現了6次,第一和第二次指完全遵守梅瑟的法律(路1:75, 2:25),其餘四次,包括今天的經文,是指「獲得天主的救贖」(7:29, 7:35, 12:57, 18:14)。這兩種意義之間,沒有矛盾。因為在猶太人的思想裡,完全遵守梅瑟的法律,是獲得救贖的不二法門。但作為新盟約成員的基督徒,梅瑟的法律顯得缺乏約束力和有效性。




To Settle With The Devil (Luke 12:54-59)

Probably because of a huge gap in time or irreconcilable differences in cultures, some biblical jargons mean totally different things from our daily uses. For example: justice. Today, we understand justice in terms of equity, fairness; or not taking sides in resolving conflicts impartially. This understanding of justice is totally different from justice in the biblical sense!

Let’s focus on how the gospel of Luke uses the term “just” which appears 6 times in the KJV version. The first two refer to observing Moses’ laws (Luke 1:75, 2:25) The remaining four, including the one in today’s passage, mean “having attained God’s redemption” (7:29, 7:35, 12:57, 18:14). For the Jews, there’s no contradiction between these 2 meanings. In the Jewish mind, observing all the Moses’ laws is the sure way to attain redemption. But for Christians who are members of the New Covenant, Moses’ laws seem to be less binding on them and less effective.

In the passage today, Jesus Christ reminds us that we are capable of judging what is right ourselves (12:57). Indeed, chefs may recommend the most tasty dishes but it is up to the customers to choose. Certified accountants are able to explain the merits and demerits of different investment plans but it is up to the clients to decide. Jesus Christ has shown us the Way to attain salvation, e.g. the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). But in the end, we are responsible for putting it into practice.

Who is our “opponent” (Luke 12:58)? The secular world? Sorry, I’m afraid we don’t have the ability to settle the secular world. We can only be vigilant. Our own concupiscence? Sorry, while we are still alive, there will always be physiological and psychological needs to gratify. We can’t settle our concupiscence. The Devil? It is an angelic creature. Are we able to settle it? Affirmative. Previously, we were enslaved by sins and were subject to the authority of the Devil. Today, we have been baptized and are members of the Mystical Body of Christ who has repaid all our debts with His passion and resurrection. We are no longer slaves of the Devil which still tries to cheat us with all sorts of temptations, including stability, prosperity, power, violence and technological achievements etc. The Devil persuades us to play God, to replace God so that it is able to enslave us once more … We don’t have the power to annihilate the Devil but we are able to settle with it by cutting off our relationships with it.
Lord Jesus Christ, grant us the Holy Spirit to assist us in living up the spirit of the Beatitudes to severe all our relationships with the Devil. Amen.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

傳福音帶來分裂 Evangelization Creates Division







Evangelization Creates Division (Luke 12:49-53)

In the gospel passage yesterday, we learnt that whether we are weak or strong, we shall participate in the evangelization mission (Luke 12:48). Whatever mission we’re commissioned, we need to equip ourselves in order to get things done. Fortunately we Catholics have received the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit when we received the Sacrament of Confirmation. To a certain extent, we are an Iron Man, a well-equipped ambassador of the gospel (2 Corinthians 5:20). Yesterday we also learnt that the first level of being an Iron Man is “to be friendly without pleasing others”. That is to say, Catholics should evangelize in a meek and mild manner. But we should not abandon the teachings of Jesus Christ or compromise moral principles or to please and follow the crowd in order to increase enrollment! In the end, there will inevitably be divisions: in the family, in the working place, among colleagues and even within the Church!

Satan likes to pitch us against each other so that it’s able to gain benefits. Humanity knows it all too well. Thus, we desire peace and hate conflicts. We wish that peace would bring us prosperity. Some ruling parties want total control so much so that they even ignore human dignity and sacrifice the basic human rights of the commoners. On one hand, they blatantly legislate laws to systematically silence opposition parties and dissidents. On the other, they paint a rosy picture of restored harmony in the society. Living in this ever transient, turbulent and contradictions-infested society, every family undergoes different degrees of impact: political controversies, mental health issues, unemployment and migrations etc. Some families cover up the problems with patriarchal authorities. Others sweep the issues under the carpet in order to avoid conflicts instead of improving communication among family members … Is this genuine peace?

As ambassadors of the gospel, Catholics should be friendly without pleasing others. We should uncover problems and confront them courageously. Our capabilities are limited. We may not have to power to solve the problems. God is our hope. But bringing the problems to light is better than turning a blind eye to the problems. Perhaps we may be able to unite people of similar minds to work together towards a solution. Consequently, we make troubles for people who hide away in their comfort zones. We become large beams in their eyes and create divisions among party members.

Brethren! Stability and prosperity is a big temptation, the first temptation which Jesus Christ confronted in the wilderness. He shows us that humanity is able to overcome such temptations. In the gospel passage, the Lord says well, “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” (Luke 12:51) Thus Christians, don’t be fooled by the temptations of stability and prosperity. Furthermore, don’t fear divisions because Jesus Christ gives them to us.
Lord Jesus, help us evaluate what kind of divisions is Your will. Amen.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

四級強者 Iron Man Level-4




  • 「和而不流」是指待人接物善良,但不會同流合污,因為做人要有明辨是非善惡的能力。
  • 「中立而不倚」是指處事公平,不會輸送利益,因為我們要按倫理原則做人。這個指標比「和而不流」難,因為爭奪雙方都會埋怨你。
  • 「國有道而不塞」是指即使在有利的環境下,也不要冒進強求尚未達到的目標,因為好高鶩遠祇會失敗收場,禍害更大。
  • 最後,「國無道至死不變」是指即使在惡劣的環境下,絕不放棄真理和慈悲的原則,這是四個指標中最難做到的一個!

圖片鳴謝: Wikipedia

Iron Man Level-4 (Luke 12:39-48)

We are able to find gospel teachings even in popular culture. For example, the well-known aphorism from the Spider Man comics, “With great power comes great responsibility” actually comes from today’s gospel passage, “Still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” (Luke 12:48) If God gives you more talentum, i.e. abilities and talents, God expects you to work harder to establish the Kingdom of Heaven and to save more souls.

This principle applies not only to the Kingdom of Heaven, but it also applies to all institutions, including secular governments. In other words, the greater authority you command, the greater your responsibility shall be. It is because when powerful people exercise their authority, all commoners will be affected extensively. Thus whoever enjoys the benefits of power and ignores his responsibility towards his subjects is a tyrant!

Confucianism and Christianity agree with each other a lot in their teachings. This time is no exception. Hasn’t Jesus Christ taught that we are the light of the world, a city set on a mountain? We should glorify our heavenly Father with our charity services (Matthew 5:14-16). Similarly, Confucianism teaches that the strong should be invested with authority as civil servants to assist the king in discharging benevolent policies to enrich the people.

Zhong You was a faithful disciple of Confucius. He was famous for his valour and sense of justice. Once he asked Confucius what to do to be an Iron Man. Confucius lay down four indicators: to be friendly without pleasing others; to maintain fairness without leaning towards either side; not being ambitious even in favourable situations and lastly perseverant unto death even when conditions are adverse. (The Doctrine of the Mean #10) These indicators should be pursued by everybody serving in any institutions, be they civil servants, the clergy, frontline soldiers or middle managers of banks.

  • To be friendly without pleasing others” means we should be meek and seek harmony without following the crowd because we have the capability to judge right from wrong.
  • To maintain fairness without leaning to either side” means we should be impartial towards all parties concerned because we should follow moral principles. This indicator is more difficult because both parties shall blame and hold grudges against us.
  • Not being ambitious even in favourable situations.” Favourable situations are tempting to ambitious men. But ambitions almost always end up in failures. The damages are greater.
  • Lastly, holding on to the principles of truth and mercy, “perseverant unto death even when conditions are adverse” is the most difficult among the four!
Brethren! Are you an Iron Man? No matter how strong or how fragile you are, all of us are held accountable to God in the end.
Lord Jesus Christ, help us become strong and persevere to the end (Matthew 10:22, Mark 13:13). Amen.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

你為主開門,主為你洗腳 You Open the Door to the Lord. The Lord Washes Your Feet






You Open the Door to the Lord. The Lord Washes Your Feet. (Luke 12:35-38)

On Holy Thursdays, many parishes would arrange 12 parishioners for the parish priests to wash their feet in order to commemorate Jesus’ washing the feet of His disciples during the Last Supper. Many who have participated are deeply moved and their religious attitude takes on a big turn for the good. Although priests represent Jesus Christ, they are not Christ Himself after all. Something seems to be missing. So, have you ever dreamt of Jesus Christ washing your feet Himself? In fact, this dream may actually come true!

Jesus’ teachings usually go against the current. For example, not long ago when the disciples were arguing about who among them was the greatest, Jesus teaches, “The one who is least among all of you is the one who is the greatest.” (Luke 9:48) Later during the Last Supper, He declared unambiguously, “Let the greatest among you be as the youngest, and the leader as the servant. For who is greater: the one seated at table or the one who serves? Is it not the one seated at table? I am among you as the one who serves.” (22:26-27) Although only the gospel of John tells us the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, the Last Supper teachings in St. Luke strongly suggest that it truly took place. With the witnesses of two gospels, the narrative is obviously not a legend. Moreover, it agrees with the teaching of the passage today. The master who returns from a wedding will proceed to wait on the vigilant servants who open the door for him (12:37)!

The passage today is located in the middle of the gospel. It teaches about personal ends, not the end of the whole world. The message is very simple: We should always be alert and prepared because death comes at the most unexpected moment. Nobody knows when and where God shall recall them before Him to account for his deeds during life time, “Should he come in the second or third watch” (12:38) For those who are prepared, Jesus Christ shall, like what He did during the Last Supper, gird Himself and wash their feet. Then proceed to the wedding banquet of the Kingdom. Since we don’t know how the banquet operates in heaven, we can only rely on Jesus Christ to serve us.
Lord, I’m not worthy to be served by You. If I’m fortunately enough to open the door for You, let me continue to serve You. Amen.

Monday, 18 October 2021

你是「平安之子」嗎? Are you a Peaceful Person?



「工欲善其事,必先利其器」。傳福音就應該以精良的裝備出發,否則祇會畏首畏尾,事倍功半!無論是十二宗徒,還是七十二門徒,耶穌基督一律賜予治病和驅魔的權能(路9:1,10:19)。事實證明,即使是後世的傳教士, 同樣也能分沾到這些傳福音的恩寵。治病驅魔的第一個受益人是醫生和驅魔人自己,所以作為傳教士,我們便有機會優先獲得治療和驅除心中的魔障。傳教士其中一個心魔,就是感受到被拒絕。這種感覺告訴我們,我們沒有帶著平安的心傳福音。耶穌基督說:「那裡如有平安之子,你們的平安就停留在他身上;否則,仍歸於你們。」(10:6,瑪10:13)「福音」是甚麼好消息?就是天主主動提出和解,在基督內不再計較我們的過錯,不與我們算帳(格後5:19)。「平安之子」是何許人也?就是那些堪當領受福音的人,那些願意回頭悔改的人。的確,鐵石心腸,拒絕天主好意的人多的是;否則,天主不必借先知的口,揭示世人有換心的必要(則11:19;36:26)。天主憐憫我們沒有能力償還欠債,便一廂情願地把我們的罪債,一筆鉤銷;並差遣我們這些代表基督作修和大使的人(格後5:20),向世人傳佈這個免債的平安福音。


圖片鳴謝:Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Are you a Peaceful Person? (Luke 10:1-9)

Not only did Jesus Christ send the Twelve to evangelize (Matthew 12, Mark 6:7-13, Luke 9:1-6), but He also sent 72 disciples, giving them opportunities to preach, the graces and authority needed and experiences they would gain!

Although evangelization is the raison d'être for the Church, don’t ever think that with this mandate from God, we can take things for granted and it should be a piece of cake ahead of us. Under atheist totalitarian governments, “normal” evangelization would find no place to rest its head. Of course, no power on earth can stop God from accomplishing His will (Luke 1:37). Even in adverse environments, there is still room for evangelization. Moreover, the gospel would become more precious, a treasure worthy of selling all to acquire (Matthew 13:44-16).

Preparation is essential for any project. Thus, we must be well equipped before we go evangelizing. Otherwise, we would be timid and inefficient. Whether the Twelve or the seven-two, Jesus Christ gave them the authority over all demons and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1, 10:19). In fact, missionaries of later ages also partake in this evangelization graces. The first beneficiaries of these healing and exorcism graces are the physicians and exorcists themselves. Therefore, as evangelists, we enjoy the priority of being healed and exorcized first. One of the complexes missionaries need to overcome is the sense of rejection. This feeling of being rejected is a signal telling us that we have not evangelized with a peaceful heart. Jesus says, “If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you.” (10:6, Matthew 10:13). What sort of good news is the gospel? The good news is that God takes the initiative “reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them” (2 Corinthians 5:19). And what is a peaceful person? He is someone who is worthy of receiving the gospel and those who are willing to repent. Indeed, many a man whose heart is so hardened that he rejects God’s good will. Otherwise, God would not have spoken through the prophet of the need to transplant hearts (Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26). Seeing our inability to repay our trespasses, God has compassion on us and writes off our debts. Moreover, He sends us as reconciliation ambassadors on behalf of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) to proclaim this good news of debt annulment to the world.

Brethren! If people are reluctant or unworthy to accept the good news, we should keep our peace. If we’re frustrated and want to give up, we should know that “The hour is coming and is now here.” (John 5:25) It is high time we implored God to send missionaries to evangelize us.
St. Luke the Evangelist, pray for us. Amen.

Sunday, 17 October 2021

A Synodal Church: The Role of the Holy Spirit 聖神在「同道偕行」教會內的角色

Twenty Ninth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: A Synodal Church: The Role of the Holy Spirit

Under the leadership of His Holiness Pope Francis, the Catholic Church is courageous enough in finding new paths to better survive and serve. Put it in another way, the Church is trying to rediscover the Lord’s way which is forever the Way to salvation. For centuries, the Church worked in a top down manner. Why not? After all, God is supreme and is way above us. As God’s appointed shepherds, it’s tempting for the clergy to work in a top down manner. For centuries, the Church saw herself as the “societas perfecta”. That is to say, she is self-sufficient and possesses all the necessary resources and conditions to achieve her goal of the universal salvation of mankind. By acknowledging the state as the perfect society in the secular realm, the Church tries to fend off governments’ encroachment. Like her counterparts, the Catholic Church is a hierarchical structure as well. One of the titles of the Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth. Therefore, when he teaches, it is not the Pope but Christ who teaches. No Catholic would challenge that. When the Pope convokes synods for the bishops to put their heads together to deal with current issues, he has the final say in all decisions, hasn’t he? Therefore, for the majority of the laity and perhaps some priests, synods are bishops' business, not their business! I’m afraid this would be the typical reaction of the laity when they are told about this Synod.

Today, Pope Francis takes a slightly different approach. He wants the Church to work together and to walk forwards together. He coins this manner of operation “synodality”, a journeying together. It is more than gathering opinions from the ground up. He emphasizes “the sense of faith” among the faithful. He’s optimistic that the Holy Spirit not only guides him personally, but also all who were baptized. Thus, the laity are the eyes and ears, hands and hearts of Church officials who are not unable to get in touch with the people of the world. To be honest, the Church is regrettably too bulky to meet the needs of ordinary people and to share their joys and frustrations efficiently enough. Therefore, this upcoming Synod is not just a gathering of bishops for one or two months, but a journeying together of the whole Church, listening to each other about the agenda of their mission to evangelize. We firmly believe that there is unity in diversity and the Holy Spirit speaks through each one of us. Each one of us must have something to offer to the People of God for the service of the least of the little and disadvantaged ones in the world.

The choice of gospel passage for today (Luke 4:16-22) is superb though the Diocese of Hong Kong does not follow the Vatican recommendations. In the gospel passage chosen, Lord Jesus Christ read the prophet’s message as His inaugural speech. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” (Luke 4:18-19, Isaiah 61:1-2) Frankly, this is a pretty ambitious project. Without the support of the Holy Spirit, this project would never have taken off and carried through. So, it is natural for us to follow Jesus from behind and thus to follow the shepherds He appoints from behind. Aren’t we not obeying Jesus’ instruction to carry our cross and come after Him, which appears more than 5 times in the gospels, (e.g. Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23)? Of course, Jesus is our Master. We should follow Him. But aren’t all the shepherds He appoints our brothers? “As for you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’. You have but one teacher, and you are all brothers.” (Matthew 23:8) Since when have we forgotten this and have become lazy, relenting all our responsibilities to the clergy? It takes two to tangle. There are responsibility conscious clergy and there are many lazy members among the laity. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons for the perpetuation of the present situation.

Let’s pause a little while and contemplate about it. Most of the laity have already received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Holy Spirit is already dwelling in them. No matter how intelligent a theologian is, no theologian is able to surpass the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Have you not read “Who has directed the spirit of the Lord, or instructed Him as His counsellor? Whom did He consult to gain knowledge? Who taught Him the path of judgment, or showed Him the way of understanding?” (Isaiah 40:13-14) Then, how can the clergy ignore the opinions of the laity? I’m sure the Holy Spirit is happy to speak through them because they are more in touch with the needy. The laity is a channel to convey God’s consolation and mercy to the frustrated and exhausted! One spirituality school emphasizes finding God in everything. Thanks be to God. Today, most of the laity are able to find God in their parish priests or among the clergy. They even idolize them and follow their shepherds wherever they are assigned. However, reciprocity is in short supply here. Extremely few clergy are able to find God among the laity, not to mention listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit among them. This is truly unfortunate.

On the other hand, many members of the laity would feel that they have nothing valuable to offer. They are typically anonymous people to be taken care of rather than taking care of other people’s business, such as the Church’s. But how can we say that we have nothing to offer when the poor widow was able to offer two mites to the Temple treasury and consequently praised by Jesus Christ (Mark 12:41-44)? Therefore, do not underestimate the Holy Spirit who works in us. The Holy Spirit is an inexhaustible source of blessings and graces. He is able to renew the face of the whole world (Psalms 104:30). Would it be impossible for Him to renew the timid spirit in us and to rekindle our hearts in zeal?

We invoke the Holy Spirit because without whose supports, it is impossible to live up the teachings of Jesus Christ, in particular the Sermon on the Mount. How would a sensible man living in this competitive commercial world choose to live in poverty? What glad tidings could we reasonably offer to the poor in the Hong Kong society today? It’s even suicidal not to work with/for the powerful and not to toe the party-line here ...
Let’s review what we have learnt from our catechists. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom which moves our hearts and enlightens our intellect thus enabling us to choose wisely and to choose God. He further gives us understanding of the scriptures, prayers and sacraments and how God provides and loves us. The Holy Spirit gives us counsel to discern and to make the right judgment on what righteous actions to take. With fortitude, we are able to withstand persecutions as a result of doing God’s will which in most situations are unpopular and go against the current. These four gifts are relevant and essential for our Christian practices in the modern world. That is why we need to invoke the Holy Spirit for this Synod, beg Him to infuse in us all these gifts so that we’ll be able to bear witness for Jesus Christ, to evangelize in this modern world.
We are not machines. We’ll soon burn out if our actions, however righteous, are not nourished by spirituality. What do we seek in spirituality? Knowledge in the biblical sense of God. From knowledge we make progress to piety/reverence and lastly awe/wonder of God. In other words, the fear of the Lord from which wisdom derives. We have come a full circle!

Brethren! Let’s journey together and listen to each other. Don’t forget the community dimension of the Church. Jesus pledges, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) We have Jesus Christ walking along with us as well. So, the whole Church, laity as well as clergy, is in synod. We are a Synodal Church. May the Holy Spirit enrich our life in Christ and in His spouse, the Church, and through us, renew the face of this sin-torn world.
God bless!

Picture Credit: Vatican

Sunday, 10 October 2021

財富有何不妥? What’s Wrong With Wealth?

Twenty Eighth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: What’s Wrong With Wealth?

The Beatitudes, the Magna Carta of the Kingdom of Heaven, teach against wealth, “Blessed are the poor (in spirit)” (Matthew 5:3, Luke 6:20) People naturally ask Christians what is wrong with wealth? Isn’t development good for humanity? In poverty, how are people able to grow and develop? Therefore, if wealth were evil, it would only be a necessary evil! These are genuine questions we need to answer.

Jesus Christ advocates poverty throughout his public ministry. His living style is simple (9:58). He embraces and helps the needy and the marginalized (17:17). He does not seek luxury, power and fame for Himself. He welcomes all, not rejecting the hospitality of the rich (19:5). In short, He practises what he preaches. As followers of Christ, we should follow the Lord’s example to opt for the poor and at the same time, we should not reject the rich.

First of all, like many other human creations, wealth is neutral. It is neither good nor evil. People may continue to question whether nuclear power generation is evil or stem cells researches immoral. At the end of the day, it all depends on how people put them into use and what control measures are deployed to ensure that the products would not fall into the wrong hands and the power would not be abused. The Lord teaches, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” (12:48). If you’re unfamiliar with the Bible, at least you should have heard of “with great power comes great responsibility” popularized by the Spiderman comics.

Moreover, we should not confine our understanding of development to economic aspects only. Some economies in the present world achieve their prosperity at the expenses of the freedom of their people. Let’s imagine a country in which the GNP is extremely high but the wealth is not evenly shared. National income is pocketed by a small number of aristocrats. What would you say about the rulers of such a country? Furthermore, if the rulers promise to raise the income level of the commoners but refuse to concede any political reforms, would the living standard of the people improve? When foreigners challenge them for abusing human rights, the rulers counter with bland slogans, saying “The human right of my subjects is to fill up the belly”. People wonder how the commoners of this country different from cattles? Without freedom, would the commoners have the opportunity to develop intellectually, mentally and spiritually?

So, what’s wrong with wealth? There’s nothing wrong with wealth so long as it is handled in a responsible manner. In other words, when wealth is gathered and dispensed according to moral principles, it is good. Otherwise, it is evil. Obviously, when wealth is gained through criminal activities, it is legally bad. It is easy to understand that getting rich by selling drugs, bribing law enforcement officers and shooting down all competitors is bad to the society as a whole. But it is also evil spiritually because it breaches the Ten Commandments.

Now that we come to the Ten Commandments, let’s talk about our relationship with God. Isn’t it a blessing from God for me to enjoy what I have earned with my hard work? The Psalter says, “What your hands provide you will enjoy; you will be blessed and prosper.” (Psalms 128:2) So, am I not entitled to spend my wealth, which I earn morally, in whatever manner that pleases my heart? This is the human right to private property. I’m sorry! You’re quoting the Bible out of context. You have omitted the first verse which reads, “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, and who walk in his ways.” (128:1) As long as the manner you spend your wealth shows that you fear the Lord and you follow His ways, you are exercising your human right. It is morally and spiritually good. Don’t forget that we belong to the human family and enjoy the resources of this planet which is shared by all. In short, we have responsibilities not only to ourselves but also to our neighbour. In other words, we have the responsibility at least to relieve the plights of our neighbour. That’s the moral of the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) and the parable of Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25:40). Thus on top of the principle of dignity of personhood from which we derive human rights, the Catholic social teachings since 1891 have included the principles of common good and the principle of solidarity to guide the social actions of the Church members in the modern world. Preferential option for the poor is even enshrined in the documents of the Vatican II. (Gaudium et Spes #90)

This rich man in the gospel passage today has observed all Commandments from his youth (Mark 10:19-20). He is already morally good by all standards and is even just according to the Old Covenant. Jesus loves him (10:21) and therefore God approves of this rich man too. But would it be too demanding and harsh for God to demand this rich man to give all his wealth to the poor in order to inherit eternal life? (10:17-21) In other words, is poverty essential to eternal life?

Well, wealth, like power, is an attractor similar to a black hole in the universe. People accumulate wealth, in the form of material possession and even knowledge for the unknown future. Do you remember Francis Bacon’s famous aphorism “Scientia potentia est”? In other words, going beyond the basic needs of survival, people accumulate wealth & knowlege to meet the need of security. People feel safer when they have control of more resources at hand. But what does the good Lord teach us? “Give us today our daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11) “Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient or a day is its own evil.” (6:34) How much do we trust in the Lord? Worse still, people do not stop when they have accumulated more than they need. A sense of achievement creeps in. People feel satisfied with their financial and intellectual achievements and gradually they would be proud of their achievements. Then they begin to garner political powers in order to protect their wealth and to guarantee its continual inflation. They would make laws to secure their political powers and wealth. Imperceptibly, their hearts would become so hardened that they don’t feel any need of God. Sooner of later, they start playing God with their power and might! Yes, it is a slippery slope. Had it not been, Jesus would not have warned us not to serve God and mammon at the same time (Matthew 6:24) and the good Lord would not have lamented in the gospel passage today that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10:25). This teaching of forsaking wealth is in line with what Jesus teaches earlier to become maimed or blinded in order to avoid sin (9:42-48).

What is so good about poverty?
First of all, the damages we would cause others are proportional to the wealth and power we are able to command. Therefore, in poverty, we do less harm to other people than in wealth! Poverty also teaches us to be humble because you have nothing to be proud of. Poverty teaches us to rely on God. When we have nothing, we’ll naturally turn to the loving Father who is always there to meet our needs. If we have something, we want to get rid of God. Funny isn’t it? Wealth is more than a stumbling block. It is actually a dangerously attractive thing we should avoid at all costs.

Brethren! It is regrettable that the modern world measures the value of a person by the wealth he possesses or he is able to generate. It is a distortion of human dignity. Wealth is dangerous because cuts us off from our neighbour and empowers us to do harm to the human family. Moreover, it drags us away from our loving Father in heaven. May the fear of the Lord inspire us to avoid wealth and power at all costs. May we follow the ways of the Lord to scatter our wealth among the poor and may we enjoy the intimacy with God in purity without any burden of mammon. Amen.
God bless!

2018 Reflection
Picture Credit: Wikipedia

Sunday, 3 October 2021

What Did Moses Command You? 梅瑟吩咐了你們甚麼?

What Did Moses Command You?

Christianity does not negate Judaism. In the words of Jesus, “Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfil.” (Matthew 5:17) Thus, Jesus did not come to abolish the laws of Moses. So what does Jesus mean when he says, “I have come to fulfil the law and the prophets”? When we survey the salvation history as recorded in the Old Testament, we see that God loves us and has created a universe suitable for us to thrive. Out of jealousy, Satan came and our First Parents fell and lost the Original Grace. Since then, the world has unceasingly been infested with sins. In the first attempt to cleanse the world of its sins, God made use of the Deluge which symbolizes the sacrament of Baptism in the future. Then God built up a people, the Jews from which a Saviour would be born.

The salvation project is elaborate. Firstly, God made friend with Abraham and went into covenant with him, promising him land and offspring. Starting from the 3rd generation, the children of Abraham, the Israelite, about 70 members, migrated to Egypt and multiplied for more than 400 years. Then, God called and made Moses a liberator to deliver some 600,000 Israelite (Exodus 12:37) and led them to the land promised to Abraham. The story of Exodus is pregnant with symbols pointing towards the Sacraments of the Catholic Church in the future. For example, crossing the Red Sea, the rock which gave water, manna and the serpent on the wood etc. And the most important of all, the Israelite who were the Chosen People of God! Among them, there were righteous ones who were able to enter the Promised Land in the end. There were also wrecked ones who died in the wilderness. Of course, there was also the mysterious Moses whose entry into the Promised Land was denied by God! When the Catholic Church re-examined her role during Vatican II, she came to the renewed understanding of herself as the People of God on earthly pilgrimage.

The 12 tribes of Israel would never become a people were there no Sinai Covenant and the 10 Commandments. Let’s go through the 10 Commandments one by one. First of all, worshipping one true God, the 12 tribes were united as one people who have the dignity of their Creator whose name should be honoured. Observing Sabbath, this Chosen People of God are free from slavery. They are holy (Exodus 19:3, Leviticus 11:44-45; 1 Peter 1:16) because they respect family, life, marriage/body, private property and truth. All these qualities were cast in the 2 stone tablets of the Commandments. No wonder, the 10 Commandments have become a universal blueprint of nearly all legal systems in subsequent ages all over the world.

Obviously, the 10 Commandments would have been sufficient to guide our daily life had the world not been contaminated by sins. Men were created in the image of God and had inherited intelligence from Him. However, motivated by concupiscence, men would look for loopholes in the letters of the law to evade responsibility. Soon, the 10 Commandments have expanded into 613 laws and getting more and more elaborate as time goes by! Thus, however detailed a law might have been written, it would be outwitted by wrecked people. It is futile to engage in a legislation race with them. So instead of sending another Deluge, God decided to change their stony hearts into hearts of flesh. (Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26) That’s why Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came not to abolish the law and prophets but to fulfil them by honouring God’s pledge to change our stony hearts into hearts of flesh.

When the Pharisees who were supposed to be teachers of Israel, the Chosen People (John 3:10), came to trap Jesus with the question of divorce, “Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?” (Mark 10:2) they did not know to what they were coming up against! The first response of Jesus was simple and to the point, “What did Moses command you?” (10:3). When they talked about the law, Jesus engaged them on the legal level. Their laws came from God who might be too aloft, too intimidating and inaccessible for most people. Therefore, Jesus asked them a better known person, Moses instead. For most of the Jews, their laws came from Moses, not from God because like most peoples, they would be satisfied as long as there are concrete tangible things in hand to hold on to. So, they believe that they could obtain security and prosperity as long as they have laws set up in the land they reside. They don’t bother seeking the spirit, the original intention of the Author of the law! In short, they have forgotten God! So, the Pharisees replied, “Moses permitted him to write a bill of divorce and dismiss her.” (10:4)

From this point on, it would be a waste of energy and time to debate over the letters of the law with these legal experts simply because their intention was not to enhance the life of the people but to set traps to secure their standing among the commoners. It would be irresponsible for Jesus the one Master (Matthew 23:10) not to point out the spirit, the original intention of the Author of the law, but to compromise God’s position for the sake of stability and prosperity! Thus, Jesus went to the beginning, not only to the first chapter of Genesis which is a cosmological narrative as well as a hymn to praise God, but also to the second chapter which narrates the creation story from a socio-psychological perspective. Therefore, Jesus engaged the legal experts in a revision of the process of self-awareness of men in a community as well as the evolution of the visible universe from which human beings emerged on the cosmic stage.

Jesus’ choice of passages from Genesis is worth meditating. Instead of saying, “The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him.”(Genesis 2:18), or “built the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman”(2:22) Jesus quoted “God made them male and female” (1:27, Mark 10:6)! Jesus’ intention is obvious. He did not come to the first century to abolish the patriarchal system but to fulfil it by advocating sexual equality! Jesus did not invent sexual equality. It has always been there but for political motives, the teachers seldom mention it!

It was not necessary for Jesus to quote the original intention of the Author, viz. “It is not good for the man to be alone” because it is well known and well understood. Why did God take the trouble to establish the institution of marriage in the first place if marriage were no good for man or if marriage should end up in divorce? Marriage is definitely good for the individuals as well as for the good of the society. We have to accept that in real life every couple is happy or unhappy in different ways. Some are successful and some are less successful. But no matter how much men want to deny it, the root of the problem is the “hardness of your hearts” (10:5). That is to say, they refuse to give anybody a chance, including God and even themselves! Thus, between adultery and murder, Moses decreed a lesser evil and provided a safety valve! No! A safety valve is not the real thing. It is unable to make people’s lives fulfilled because safety valves can only ensure people’s survival, but not enjoyment and fulfilment!

Brethren! What Moses commands is already sufficient. On the other hand, no matter how detailed legislation may go, wrecked men would always be able to unearth or even create loopholes. Therefore, the only reasonable approach is to rebuild people’s faith in God and in the marriage He decrees.
God bless!

2018 Homily
Video Credit: "Rowan Atkinson: Toby the Devil - We Are Most Amused and Amazed" on