
Monday 24 March 2008

Proof of resurrection

It is next to impossible to demonstrate the resurrection of Jesus. Whatever evidences and witnesses Christians produce would not pass the requirements of a court of law.


  1. There is an empty tomb. But it can mean anything people can imagine. Some suggest that Jesus did not actually die. He passed out on the cross and revived in the tomb. He left when the rock that block the entrance of the tomb was removed. Of course, this is refuted by John when he said a soldier pierced Jesus' heart. Blood and water gushed out. Jesus was dead. Some other suggest that the disciples stole the corpse. This charge against the disciples is defended by Matthew in today's reading. For us Christians, the simplest answer is that Jesus has risen from the dead as he had foretold.
  2. There is the Turin Shroud. The Catholic Church has wisely never declared it an authentic relics. Recently, scientists have carbon-dated it to the 12th century. Catholics are free to venerate it. They would be foolish to base their faith on a piece of questionable cloth. Their faith must be grounded on something else.


  1. Angels. Unfortunately, a court of law cannot subpoena them at will.
  2. Women. In ancient time, their witness was worthless. Therefore, it was curious for Jesus to choose them as the first witnesses of his resurrection.
  3. Other disciples. Whatever their claims, they laid down their lives for this cause. Their post-Easter lives had changed radically. This is the point. This Easter experience has changed their lives forever.  
For us Christians today, we cannot base our faith on an empty tomb, nor on the Turin Shroud, nor angels but the witnesses of generations of believers. There is an additional support, the Holy Spirit which the Lord sends to dwell in the hearts of the believers. It is now the Age of the Holy Spirit. Nothing from without is able to make us confess that Jesus is Lord. It is the Holy Spirit from within that prays with us, enabling us to cry 'Abba, Father'.

Our Father in Heaven, it is not easy to build up a relationship with You. You respect our freedom and do not impose an undeniable presence on us. You allow us to seek you freely. Animate us with Your Holy Spirit that we may bear witness with joy. Comfort us in our times of despair that we may console our depressed neighbours. Amen.

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