
Thursday, 31 December 2015


耶穌是道路、真理、生命 (若1:1-18






Man is the zenith of Creation and language is what makes man the zenith. Not only is language a means of communication, but a man can also make use of its ability to spread across time and space to express his thoughts and emotions. Thanks to language, we are able to read the gospels the Apostles wrote 2000 years ago. Although some scientists do not buy this idea and are able to show that lower animals are also able to communicate in some sorts of proto-languages, these languages have not helped animals evolve. In contrast, human languages have always been part and parcels of human evolution because human beings have gone beyond evolution of limbs and entered into the evolution of cultures. Without languages, man would remain a chimpanzee. Where comes globalization?

The power of languages is not confined to the communication and expression of thoughts and feelings. When men work together, languages can make things happen. For example, the building of the Great Wall, the planning and execution of war plans etc. The author of Genesis understood the power of languages. So he wrote that God created heavens and earth with His words. The author was convinced that the difference between man and the rest of the Creation was languages. Therefore, he wrote that God made man in His own image, gave humanity language capability so that they were able to communicate with Him and build up relationship with Him. Among men, they need to communicate in order to know a person, to relate to another person. Men need languages to know the others. They build up a spiritual profile of a person through many dialogues.

As for an invisible God, His word is all that we know about Him. Therefore, John wrote, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1) "God is not God of the dead, but of the living." (Mark 12:27) Therefore, there is life in God and John knew that that life was the light of men. (John 1:4) Since there is light, we are able to seek the path out of death to enter into life. God makes use of this Word, the only channel through which men communicate with the Father, to share His life with us. "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us ... from his fulness have we all received, grace upon grace." (1:14, 16)
Heavenly Father, show us the way of life. Amen.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015









The status of widows is ambiguous in all human societies. They are pitiful but scary. Chinese people think that their horoscopes are incompatible with their husbands', thus causing their deaths. It would be better to force them to remain single to prevent harms done to other men. Jews were more pragmatic. They would not waste the fertility of widows capable of bearing children. When there were surviving brothers, they had to follow the Levirate law to marry the widows. In Jewish history, some nemesis were killed by widows whom nobody had paid attention to, thus making them heroines, e.g. Jael and Judith.

But at the end of the day, the fate of most widows was pitiful. They had left their fathers behind after marriage. In the home which they married into, they were aliens. Once their husbands died, who would stand up for them and secure their status? If the husband left behind debts, who else if not the widow, should repay the debt? It is not difficult to imagine their plights. In the Bible, orphans and widows are usually mentioned in the same breath. These poor people without support became the symbols of true believers --- people who totally rely on the mercy of God.

Luke did not mention for how long Anna had been widowed. According to ancient Jewish customs, assuming that Anna married at 14 and became a widow at 21, at the age of 84, she must have been a widow for at least 63 years. For 63 years, Anna "departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day." (Luke 2:37) She must have been supported by the Temple. She was a witness to God's mercy to the needy and at the same time, the ambition of Herod the Great who spent 46 years to expand the Temple. Luke calls her a "prophetess". Anna was truly a prophetess. She "spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem." (2:38) Anna was good enough to be a symbol of the Church.

The Church trusts in the mercy of God. She is a community of believers who have received God's salvation. Christians should live like Anna. They should have no secular authorities to rely on. God the Father is their only dependence. Like Anna, the Church should talk about Jesus and proclaim God's mercy.
Heavenly Father, may we be able to see Your mercy with our own eyes. Show Your forgiveness to us. Amen.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015









Presentation of Jesus in the Temple must have taken place before they fled to Egypt. Herod the Great had already made up his mind to kill the new born king. He was only waiting for the Magi to report back and after that started the massacre. To a certain extent, Jesus came to the Temple to say goodbye to the Father. The whole life of Jesus was shrouded in death but the Father's mercy endures forever. Behold, Simeon took the baby Jesus in his arms and said, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation." (Luke 2:29-30) Senior citizens are truly forerunners of humanity. They venture into unexplored territories before anybody else. Simeon saw the future of Jesus even before Mary did and told her what lay ahead of this baby!

What did Simeon see? A forty-day-old baby boy. Since the Holy Spirit was upon him (2:25-27), Simeon saw the Son of God, the salvation of all humanity in this baby boy. That's why the Holy Spirit is very essential in our spiritual life. Without the Holy Spirit, we stare at God's mercy without seeing it; listen to Jesus' teachings without hearing it.

Simeon saw God's salvation but he did not selfishly keep it his own. He bore witness to the Father's mercy to all those present. God did not use force to conquer us. He would have sent 12 legions of angels to defeat Satan, to punish sinners and bring the righteous back to heaven. But God chose to take up human flesh so that men could come close to unapproachable God; to work miracles to relieve our plights and to teach us the way back to the Father. "a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to thy people Israel." (2:32). God's mercy surprises us all.

God is omniscient. Before the Son of God began preaching, He had already foretold his becoming a sign that was spoken against. As it was, so be it. Not only do modern people reject Jesus' teachings, but they also criticize and oppose the Church's stance. The Heavenly Father had not prevented the Roman soldiers from torturing and crucifying Jesus. Today, the Heavenly Father does not stop women from doing abortions, employers from abusing their domestic helpers, homosexuals from getting married ... It is because the Heavenly Father is merciful and forgiving. He will accept the conversion of the opposition.
Heavenly Father, may we not become frustrated before opposition so that they are able to see Your mercy with their own eyes. Amen.

Monday, 28 December 2015








Each time when we read the story of how the Innocent Infants were massacred because of Jesus, it is difficult not to repine at God's allowing such brutality. During the Jubilee of Mercy, it would even be more unimaginable for a merciful Heavenly Father to allow infants under two to be massacred. Of course, we should blame Herod the Great for committing such acts of atrocity in order to neutralize any threat against his throne. Don't forget, did not the Heavenly Father also allow His innocent Son to die on the cross for the sins of humanity? Therefore, in reading these stories about the massacre of innocent infants, or the sufferings of the righteous, we should seek to understand, not the mercilessness of God, but the injustice of sins.

These Innocent Infants were truly great missionaries. They did not preach the gospel with eloquence. Their deaths, or more accurately, their deprived lives press charges against all tyrannies which do not respect life as well as their injustice, including tortures, human trafficking, abuses of foreign helpers, abortions and euthanasia etc. Therefore, when such policies which do not respect life still exist in the society, we still have the obligation to tell the story of these Innocent Infants. Their deaths are not an accusation against God's mercilessness, but the injustice of sins.

In this Jubilee of Mercy, let us forgive Herod the Great and his modern counterparts. Give them opportunities of repentance. Let us fight against evil with mercy, not with vengeance.
Heavenly Father, may what we do become Your instruments of Mercy so as to redeem our neighbour from the grip of evil. Amen.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

天主慈悲,使聖言成了血肉,居我人間 Out of God's Mercy, the Word was made flesh and pitches its tent among us





若望不是在改寫創世紀,他是在發揮創世紀中,未完全表達的神學思想。例如,天主是充滿生命力的天主,但按創世紀的記載,天主在第一日創造了光,要到第三日纔造出植物,未免遲了一些。若望很有創見,他看到天主的生命力,在天主造光的時候已經表達了。所以若望說:「在他內有生命,這生命是人的光。」(1:4) 按創世紀的記載,天主在第六日按自己的肖像造了人類。這個描述已經很好,給予人類在受造界中最崇高的地位,因為人有天主的特質,能與天主溝通來往。但創世紀功虧一簣,要等待若望來完成。按照創世紀的表述,天主可能是創造了一些有能力與祂溝通的寵物。但若望說:「凡接受他的…好成為天主的子女。」(1:12)因為祗要他們接受耶穌基督是天主子,他們便能成為天主的子女。子女是生出來的,或收養的,但決不是製造出來的。可是,我們又不是天主生的,所以祗能是領養的。出於天主的恩寵,天主的慈悲,我們的地位都被提昇了,可以有資格分天主的家產,分享天主的永恆生命。 天主行出第一步,降生成人,取了人性,願意捱受人性的限制,人性的軟弱。「寄居」一辭,原文是紥營的意思。若望是提醒讀者,以色列人未建築好聖殿前,不可見的天主,是臨在於可見的會幕之中。讀者已經由創世紀讀到出谷紀領十誡、讀到申命紀,天主在會幕中頒發各種生活的提示了。

耶穌基督就是不可見的天主,可見的慈悲面容。與他接觸過的人,無論是受到耶穌醫治的病人、被解放的附魔人,抑或是旁觀者、甚至是與耶穌為敵的權貴或者是讀者…所有人都能在這接觸中,感受到天主慈祥的邀請。有些人作出積極的回應,有些人卻拒絕了。 讓我們在這慈悲禧年,善用時機,開放自己的心,接受天主的邀請,投入祂的光,祂的永恆生命。

Christmas Day (Year C)
Theme: Out of God's Mercy, the Word was made flesh and pitches its tent among us

It is not easy to read the gospel of John which was the last of the gospels to finish. It is a condensation of 60 plus years of theological reflection of John, the Apostle. It seldom repeats what has previously been written by the others. For example, the Synoptic Gospels do not consider the changing of water into wine a big deal, but John was the most beloved disciple of the Lord. He understood what Jesus thought. He was able to catch a glimpse of the important messages of this miracle. Thus he put it down in writing to complete what previous people had left out. We will consider it when the time comes. At the moment, let us meditate on this Prolog to the gospel of John.

Earlier on I mentioned that John seldom repeated what others had already covered. Since Matthew and Luke had already told the Nativity story, it was not necessary for John to repeat. After years of reflection with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John understood that Jesus had already existed even before the Creation. Here, we can locate the true meaning of Christmas. In Christmas, we celebrate the mystery of God's mercy out of which the Son of God incarnated and became a man. He came to deliver us in person.

John was a Jew, a first-generation Christian. In the Jewish belief, God created with His words a cosmos suitable for human beings to live. After many generations and going through different stages of reflection, this creative "Word of God" has gradually included the Jewish Torah and Wisdom which is not a collection of human aphorisms. Rather, it has developed into a personified wisdom. It is even the essence, the being of Wisdom herself. After the encounter with Greek culture, John made use of a Greek term, λογος, to express this concept. John spent 60 years to reflect on the three years he stayed with Jesus and came to the following conclusion --- Jesus is the Λογος which is a creative wisdom full of life. The Λογος is God and Jesus is God.

John wrote this Prolog in the form of a hymn, using a very condensed language to articulate the main themes of his gospel. When we read a poem, we put our logic aside because it is an invitation. John invites us to enjoy an art work of "God so loves the world". John wants to tell the readers that the Jesus Christ they believe has existed before the Creation. The cosmos was created by him alone. Therefore, John began this Prolog with the first words of Genesis "In the beginning Ἐν ἀρχῇ" to remind the readers that they are reading Genesis 1 which is a hymn to praise God's act of creation in 6 days to provide humanity with a habitable space. Therefore John also wrote this Prolog in the format of a hymn.
John was not rewriting Genesis. He was trying to express more fully its theology. For example, God is a deity who is full of life. But according to Genesis, God created light on the first day and only on the third did God make plants. It seems a bit late. John's idea was a breakthrough. He saw that the vitality of God was already there in His creation of light. So, John says, "In him was life; and the life was the light of men." (John 1:4)
According to Genesis, on the sixth day, God created men and women in His own image. This narration is already good enough. It gives human beings the highest position in the whole creation because humanity has the characteristics of God and is able to communicate with Him. But Genesis is still one step too short and needs John to complete it. According to Genesis' narration, God could have created a pet capable of communicating with Him. But John says, "But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God ..." (1:12) If only they accepted Jesus as the Son of God, they would become the sons of God. Sons were born or adopted, never manufactured. But we were not born of God. So, we can only be adopted. Out of God's grace, God's mercy, our positions were elevated. We are qualified to inherit God's assets, to partake in God's eternal life.
God took the initiative to incarnate, to take flesh up, willing to go through the limitations and weaknesses of human nature. "... to dwell among us σκηνόω ... " means to set up a tabernacle/tent among us. John reminds the readers that before the building of the Temple, the invisible God has been present in the Tabernacle. The readers have moved from Genesis, to the Ten Commandments in Exodus and Deuteronomy. God gave all sorts of instructions in the Tabernacle to help us lead our daily life.

Jews believe that only by following the Torah can they be saved. It is because the Torah is concrete and handed down from Moses who received these instructions from God. As Christians, we know that it is futile no matter how hard we try to follow the Law. It is because salvation does not come from personal efforts. Otherwise, it would be unfair to babies who die immaturely. Salvation comes from God's mercy which we receive without paying. That is why John says, "For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." (1:17)

Jesus Christ is the merciful face of the invisible God. Whoever encounters him, whether they be the sick whom he healed, the possessed whom he exorcised, or bystanders, or religious leaders who opposed him or us readers etc. they can feel God's merciful invitation in the encounter. Some respond a positive manner. Others reject.
Let us make good use of the opportunities provided in this Jubilee of Mercy, open up our hearts to accept God's invitation. Plunge into His light, His eternal life.
God bless.

Friday, 25 December 2015

從慈悲角度看瑪竇福音的耶穌族譜 To read the Matthean genealogy of Jesus in the perspective of God's mercy











Christmas Vigil (Year C)
Theme: To read the Matthean genealogy of Jesus in the perspective of God's mercy

Listening to the clergy reading Jesus' genealogy during Christmas masses is extremely boring. However, if you know the story behind each name, listening to Jesus' genealogy become interesting. In this Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, let us look at it in the perspective of God's mercy.

Chinese use surname and name to tell a person. Names belong to the individuals while surnames, which are handed down from generations of ancestors, belong to the families. Jews have names only. They do not have surnames. They trace along the fathers to their ancestors. Jesus was a Jew, not a Chinese. Therefore Jesus is Jesus, not a person whose surname was Ie and name Su. Jesus has no surname. If we want to know his ancestors, we can follow his genealogy. Among the four canonical gospels, we can find Jesus' genealogy in Matthew and Luke.
Matthew wrote his gospel to persuade readers to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. One of the qualifications to be a Messiah is that the person must be a descendant of King David. Hebrew is an alphabetic language which does not write the vowels. Therefore, there are only 3 alphabets DVD in David's name. Each Hebrew alphabet also represents a numeric value. D is 4. V is 6. DVD together is 14. So, to prove that Jesus was a descendant of David, not only did Matthew put David's name in, but he also carefully arranged the genealogy into 3 groups, each containing 14 generations. This means some of the names might be omitted.

Genealogy is very simple. It mostly consists of "So-and-so begot so-and-so". That is why it is boring to listen to. But this genealogy is not simple. There are 42 generations, spanning more than 1800 years. It demonstrates that the Old Testament and the New are linked. If there had never been any first generation Jewish Christians like Matthew to join the two Testaments together, nobody would have known that the promises of the Old Testament had been honoured and Christianity would have been a heretic cult out of the blue. Matthew saw that many prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled. Therefore, God is very merciful. Soon after the fall of mankind, God has patiently begun the redemptive project.

Surveying genealogies before Genesis 12, we will discover that Israelites, like Chinese, attached primacy to the firstborns. From Adam to Abraham, the genealogies read like "When XXX had lived mmm years, he begot YYY and XXX lived after the birth of YYY nnn years and had other sons and daughters." Those other sons and daughters were anonymous. In ancient times, this was taken for granted. Firstborns inherited all the possessions of Fathers. The other siblings had to fend for themselves. Familial feuds were eliminated. But ever since God called Abraham, God smashed this firstborn system to help the other siblings. For example, Isaac and Jacob were second sons. Judah was the fourth among the twelve. King David was the youngest among eight brothers and King Solomon was not the firstborn either. Here, we see God's mercy and at the same time God's justice. He likes to help the weak defeat the strong, to help capable people get their rightful positions.

Now, I would like to ask you to help me locate women in Jesus' genealogy. Other than Mary, there are four other women each of whom told a touching story. They are: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and the wife of Uriah.

Do not think that since Jesus is the Son of God, God would choose among humanity the capable, the powerful or the morally noble people to be ancestors. Some such people do appear in Jesus' genealogy but God does not ignore those who were abandoned or had suffered discrimination. God could have arranged for Jesus a ‘pure' bloodline. Why didn't He?

First of all, Jewish and Chinese alike attached greater importance to males than females. Females did not have any status. In fact, putting father's names only down in Jesus' genealogy is enough to show that Jesus' was a descendant of David. Women's names are totally not necessary. But their names are found in the genealogy. This shows that God attaches great importance to the contribution of women and hopes to see that they receive the status they deserve.

Next, take a look at these four women. There was Tamar, a widow who had to fight for her social security herself. There was Rahab, a prostitute who risked her life to shelter two Israelite spies. There was Ruth, a Moabite widow who stayed by and supported her Israelite mother-in-law. There was a woman who had no choice but to marry the murderer of her husband. The murderer was so powerful that her name was suppressed in the Gospel. All of them were oppressed by the system. Out of mercy, God includes them into the genealogy of Jesus, makes them a part of Jesus' blood line. God wants to teach those Jews who attached importance to blood line and Torah that they have to take heart of God's heart. Do not look at achievements or social status. Accept all who trust in God. If they are not reasonably taken care of, God will intervene to restore justice.

Christmas has come. We celebrate the birth of Jesus our Saviour. Of course Jesus carries royal blood but at the same time, he also carries the blood line of the oppressed and exploited. God chose them in order to tell us that the Father is merciful. He would never abandon the socially marginal. The Heavenly Father does not forget those poor and oppressed. As Christians, the good news we proclaim, the carols we sing should be the mercy of the Father. He has not forgotten the men in difficulties. When we adore the Holy Infant at the crib, in our prayers keep a needy person in mind.
God bless.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

慈悲之母 Mother of Mercy





瑪利亞也感覺到自己已經懷孕。原來天主已經開始了祂的贖世工程,在自己身上施行了偉大的神蹟,就是天主子降生成人的偉大神蹟。現在她正懷孕著耶穌,並帶著耶穌去祝福依撒伯爾和她懷著的若翰洗者。從此,她要成為盛載著天主聖寵的器皿,並分施天主聖寵的人。用教會的術語,聖母成為了一件「聖事」,而且是一件聖寵流溢的聖事,以至她亦成了聖事的施行人。這就是天使向瑪利亞請安:「萬福,充滿恩寵者 ,上主與妳同在」的意義。



最後,我呼籲各位,在這慈悲禧年,把整部路加福音,一本充滿慈悲的福音,細心閱讀幾次。相信天主的慈悲,多辦告解,領受天主的慈悲。並效法聖母,懷著天主的慈悲,關懷身邊遇上困難的兄弟姐妹。 天主保祐。

Fourth Advent Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Mother of Mercy

The Jubilee of Mercy has started. The Pope asks us to kick off with the Jubilee celebrations a renewal of contemplating God's mercy and through joining activities in the Jubilee, receive God's mercy and share God's mercy with the world. On section 24 of the Bull of Indictment, the Pope told us to ponder on the BVM, the Mother of Mercy, to rediscover the joy brought about by God's mercy. Today, let us meditate on this Mother of Mercy.

The story today follows immediately after the "Annunciation". Archangel Gabriel told Mary God's will for her to become the mother of the Saviour, and that her cousin Elizabeth had been pregnant for six months in old age. Mary immediately came south to Judah to see her cousin from the northern province of Galilee. After the journey of a couple of days, she entered the house of Zachariah and saw her cousin. Seeing Elizabeth, Mary greeted her. Today, we hear the response of Elizabeth after hearing the greeting.

Mary became pregnant within a few days after the angel's announcement. She might not even be aware of the pregnancy herself. But Elizabeth could feel it because John the Baptist leapt for joy when the greeting voice of Mary reached Elizabeth's ears. At this very moment, she was filled with the Holy Spirit. First of all, for six months, God had taken away her reproach among men for being barren, opening up her world. (Luke 1:25) Secondly, the Holy Spirit enabled her to feel that her cousin was pregnant and she was carrying the Son of God, the Saviour, her Lord. Lastly, she was honoured for the mother of her Lord visited her. She opened her lips and started praising the BVM. The Church adopts this beautiful piece of text to become a prayer of the Church, a part of the Ave Maria.

Now, Mary could feel that she was pregnant. Indeed, God had already started the redemptive project. God had worked a great wonder on her, i.e. the miracle of the incarnation of the Son of God. Now, she was carrying Jesus and brought him along to bless Elizabeth and John the Baptist. From then on, Mary became a vessel carrying God's grace and a dispenser of grace. In Church jargon, Mary has become a sacrament, a sacrament overflowing with grace so much so that she became a dispenser of grace. This is the meaning of the archangel's greeting, "Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee."

God is merciful. Therefore, Mary who is full of God's grace is also full of mercy. Like God, Mary is empathetic with the plights of humanity. Thus in Cana, when the host had run out of wine, Mary prodded Jesus to work the first miracle to change water into wine to relieve the embarrassment of the host even when Jesus' time had not yet come. When Jesus began his public ministry, Mary followed behind at the distance. She was able to see the sufferings of the people, probably quietly begged Jesus for them, to cure their diseases, to drive out demons and to feed 5000 men with 5 loaves and 2 fish. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, he entrusted the Church and the whole world into the hand of Mary, to beg her to be the Mother of the Church and the Mother of the World, she did not refuse. She quietly obeyed. In the years ahead, she became the Mother of Mercy, taking care of the needs of the Church and all humanity. When she saw with her own eyes how her son died on the cross for the sins of the world, not only did she feel the pains of the loss of her only son, but out of mercy, was willing to take up these pains for all kinds of pains of humanity. After she was assumed into heavens, she still cares for the difficulties and needs of humanity. In different ages and locations, she appeared to us, urging us to repent and turn good. Therefore, in the Blessed Virgin Mary, we can also contemplate the merciful face of God.

Just as what Elizabeth has said, Mary is blessed because she believes that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord. She believes in the mercy of God and is willing to work with God's mercy for the sake of mankind. Mary is the first Christian and also an exemplar for all Christians. She believes in the promise of God and humbly cooperates with God to bring Jesus Christ to this world. Moreover, she is full of motherly mercy, caring for the difficulties and needs of mankind.

At last, I exhort you to finish reading in depth the gospel of Luke, a gospel of mercy, several times in this Jubilee of Mercy. Believe in the mercy of God. Make confessions to receive God's mercy. Imitate Our Lady to show loving care to the needy whom we meet with God's mercy. God bless.>

Saturday, 12 December 2015










Sleeping soundly in his mother's womb, John the Baptist was awakened by a sweet greeting voice. Although he was not able to see with his undeveloped eyes, by nature he strongly felt the presence of his Lord in the proximity. Instinctively, John leapt excitedly in his mother's womb.

Mary had just been pregnant with Jesus. Carrying him along, she came down from Nazareth to the hilly country, a city in Judah. She must have met some people along the way. Why weren't those people who met Mary/Jesus excited like baby John the Baptist? Other than natural instincts/reflexes, where did the unborn John the Baptist learn the other behaviours and responses? Therefore, John's responses were instinctive. As we grow and develop, we rely more on things we have learnt than on our instincts. Gradually, our responses to the presence of God have become numb. Unfortunately, we cannot unlearn what we have learnt in great efforts. It is impossible to delete them. In order to counteract the obstacles built up by learnings after birth, we must spend time praying to reawaken our numbed sense of spirituality which we must polish constantly in our daily life in order to feel the presence of God. This was also the advice Jesus gave us at the beginning of the Advent Season, "But watch at all times, praying that you may have strength ..." (Luke 21:36)

We are gratified that our instinctive desire for God has not been totally destroyed by sins. The experience of John the Baptist was a piece of forceful evidence. But seeing that so many people still stubbornly deny the existence of God and his mercy, we cannot afford to be complacent. Lord Jesus, I desire to hear a merciful word of yours and my soul should be healed. Amen.

Friday, 11 December 2015












It is never easy to believe in the mercy of God. Non-believers have thousands of reasons not to believe.

John the Baptist preached repentance but I have nothing to change. I have health, a steady income and a happy family ... John was too harsh. He was mad, possessed. Better not to get near him.

Jesus preached the Kingdom of God, a world of justice, peace and love. But in his world, we eat with sinners. I cannot stand it ... Jesus is too casual. He is a glutton and drunkard, the head of sinners. Better draw a line between us.

Unbeknownst to non-believers, repentance opens up our hearts, cleanse them of filth to make room for God's grace. An unclean heart cannot contain God's mercy.

Unbeknownst to non-believers, not only does tolerance embrace others' faults but also ours. It is because God's mercy accepts all sinners, including us.

Repentance and tolerance is great wisdom. Wisdom alone is right and just. Jesus is wisdom made flesh. His words and deeds are radiant with wisdom. Can I find any more excuses not to believe?

Lord Jesus, cleanse me of filth in my heart. Infuse my soul with your wisdom so that I can see. Amen.

Thursday, 10 December 2015








Matthew 11:11-15

Contaminated by the Original Sin, even baptized people are not immune from the influences of evil inclinations. Greed, sloth and jealousy etc. were overcome by the grace of baptism but when opportunities arise, they would emerge and wreak havoc with our life.

Information technology is very popular today. It benefits and at the same time harms our faith. The extent and speed of evangelization are increased. Our messages can reach many people within a very short time. But unfortunately, this is not a face-to-face encounter. Everyday, we receive many misleading short messages and emails from our friends. They are forwarded to another group of friends without being read even once. They are misleading because people piece together superficially high sounding passages from questionable sources, sometimes found to be anti-Christian on a second reading. They put them together with photos of beloved popes or Mother Teresa. After such packaging, chain letters which should have ended up in the trash bin travelled around the world. Does faith come so cheaply?

Jesus said, "Men have to take the Kingdom of Heaven by force." The Church we have today came from martyrs who generously shed their blood to keep our beliefs, bishops and theologians who refuted heresies to preserve our communion and saints who broke new paths in spirituality with fasting and mortification of the flesh etc. What about us? We are prisoners of sloth. We are lazy to read the Bible everyday, lazy to check the validity of short messages. We say the Rosary but do not pray. We are too tired to get up on Sunday mornings and glad to be at most a CEO Catholic. Even when we are practising Catholics, we are lazy to offer our service to the Church or the society ... It is all because of a lack of time! Then, can we seize the Kingdom of Heaven by force?

Lord Jesus, give me sufficient grace so that I may over sloth continually. Amen.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015











(Matthew 11:28-30)

I pray, "Lord Jesus, you condescend to take up human flesh, stuck in Palestine for 30 years. It was truly inconvenient. How can your yoke be easy? You take up the sins of the world and died on the cross. Your burden is definitely not light. Don't you feel painful?"

A still small voice says to me, "Child, my yoke is easy and my burden is light because I know how to rest."

I protest, "Lord, we have weekends, legal holidays. When we work, we have standard working hours. Isn't our break sufficient?"

The Lord says, "Child, you did not pay attention. I did not say break. I said rest. When you take a break, your heart is still calculating. Can this be genuine rest?"

I say, "Lord, teach me how to rest so that I will never have to labour anymore!"

Jesus says, "Child, have I not told you to learn from me, to be gentle and lowly in heart? When you humbly put down your own will like me, and through prayers understand my Father's will, my Father's peace will infuse your soul. Then, your soul will find rest. All shackles in the world will become soft. All tortures in the world will become light because I have taken up all your yokes and burdens and carry them with you."

I say, "My Lord, my God! I thank you, praise you. Amen."

Tuesday, 8 December 2015








Maria's Choice
(Luke 1:26-38)

Do we not desire to know the will of God? When we say the Lord's Prayer, don't we want God's will be done on earth without hindrance? But after we have known the will of God, what can possibly prevent us from doing God's will? Your will without Y --- Our will.

Free will is a precious gift which God gives us. With a free will and a free environment, we can choose what is the best, whether it is for ourselves or for common good. Even if we are selfish and choose what is good of us, God shall not stop us. It is because God respects our free will and loves us. He shall not force us to be saved, to be sanctified. Of course, we have to bear all the consequences and cannot blame God for not helping us.

When the angel told Mary God's will, she had already been betrothed and sooner or later would have her marriage consummated. Why was "you will conceive in your womb and bear a son" something "how shall this be"?
Let us imagine the soul of a perfect maid. Her wish was to dedicate her whole being to serve God in chastity. Due to parents' arrangement or some external factors, she was going to marry Joseph. She begged God continuously to make her wish come true. But God's will turned out to be that she would conceive and bear a son ... This beautiful soul only made a feeble protest to articulate her wish, "I know not a man". Were Mary to insist on her wish, God would not force her. But Mary freely abandoned her will and made a good choice for all of us --- to do God's will and became the Mother of the Saviour.

Mary, you are blessed indeed. We wish to make the same choice like you. Amen.

Monday, 7 December 2015








The Mercy of God (Luke 5:17-26)

On the eve of Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, let us meditate the mercy of the Father.
First of all, as an onlooker, out of curiosity, I would naturally ask what sins had the paralyzed man committed which needed the forgiveness of God? Did he become paralyzed while committing sins? Or did God punish him for previous sins, or for the sins of his parents? Indeed, we have asked the wrong kind of questions. According to the gospel of John, in the story of the healing of a born blind, Jesus made it clear that we should not see sickness as a kind of punishment. (John 9:3)

However, the paralyzed man would beg to differ. When he became paralyzed, inevitably he would complain, “Why me?” Why did such unfortunate things happen to him? If he could not come up with a satisfactory explanation, he would blame himself for being careless, for not taking good care of his health; or blame someone else --- the boss, colleagues, the doctors or even God. If he could not see any improvement in the condition, he would be doomed to depression ...

Jesus shows us the Father's mercy. He told the initiative to handle the relationship between the paralyzed man and God. Whether the paralyzed man felt guilty for his sins or grumbled for misfortunes that befell him; whether he desired reconciliation with God or had given up hope of receiving forgiveness, Jesus still fixed his merciful gaze on him, inviting him to open up his heart to receive God’s mercy.

My friend, if you were the paralyzed man, would you be willing to remain paralyzed happily ever after? Would you accept a fate to remain paralyzed for the rest of your life?

Heavenly Father, I thank you for forgiving me. I am willing to put forth the first step, come out of my depression. Amen.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

修直上主的途徑,培養感恩之心 Make straight the Lord’s path, cultivate a grateful heart








Second Advent Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Make straight the Lord’s path, cultivate a grateful heart

The Church designs a three-year cycle to reflect repeatedly on Christ’ redemptive mission. She follows the traditional sequence. She reads the gospel of Matthew in the first year, that is Year A and in Year B, Mark. Last Sunday marked the beginning of Year C in which we focus on the gospel of Luke.
Luke was not one of the Twelve. He was not even a Jew and had never seen Jesus in his life. That is Luke was not qualified to be called a first-generation Christian. He became a disciple when Paul preached among the Gentiles. He followed and worked with Paul in his missions. From the letters of Paul, we learn that Luke was a physician. The gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles were written by him. Since he was educated, his writing was elegant. Many beautiful stories such as the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son were penned by him. Before he committed incidents into writing, he carefully did a lot of research. Thus, even though Luke was not a first-generation Christian, his writings were included in the New Testament.
Luke wrote for Gentiles. Thus his gospel is appropriate for us to read. He did not carry the burden of Jewish expectation on the Messiah. Therefore, in his understanding, Jesus was a merciful Saviour for the weak. The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy is about to start. It is high time we read careful this gospel. I wish you have finished reading Mark, the gospel of Year B, and can start meditating the merciful Saviour articulated in Luke.

The gospel text today begins with a list of Roman Cæsar and officials. Thus, Jesus was not a fictitious character but a genuine historical character. But in Luke, these powerful political kingpins made up a backdrop only. Their power prevented them from accepting the gospel and thus were saved. In Luke, the poor, the tax-collectors, prostitutes and widows etc, those socially marginalized people were saved.
If John the Baptist were to appear in Hong Kong today, Hongkongers would treat him like a mentally unstable homeless man. But during the New Testament time, John’s clothing, his words and deeds showed clearly that he was a prophet. The gospel text we read today tells us that the appearance of John the Baptist was a fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. John was the “one crying in the wilderness”, in modern jargon, a “social conscience”. As it is of the society, why did he cry in the wilderness? Obviously, honest words are unpleasant to the ears. Thus the main-line social media, such as television stations, radio broadcasting companies, newspapers and magazines will not give you space or air-time. You can only cry in the wilderness.

John’s mission was to “prepare the way of the Lord, to make his paths straight.” Of course it was not road’s works the gospel means. It must be the hearts’ works. Thus, the mission of the Baptist was to preach repentance, to prepare the hearts of the Jews to receive the Messiah.
What then does the prophecy “every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low” refer to? Of course it refers to the valleys in our hearts, the mountains and hills in our hearts.

The valleys in our hearts” means we are aware of our weaknesses and inadequacies. We humbly confess our sins. Who then can fill up these valleys? Who else but God? But we need to cooperate with him, open up our hearts and let God fill them up. How do we open up our hearts? I believe we need humility.

The mountains and hills in our hearts” means our pride, our self-righteousness. If we think we are right, how can we easily admit our wrongs? Therefore, it is extremely difficult to bring low these mountains and hills. We need to seek God’s help to remove our pride, to bring it low. Therefore, whether it be pride or humility, we need God’s help. When we build up our virtue of humility and bring low the vice of pride, we begin to cultivate a grateful heart. Why is a grateful heart so important?

Last week, I shared with you the examination syllabus Christ the Universal King will judge us at the end, i.e. the seven corporal works of mercy. Since God gives us different durations of examination time, this examination will only count continual assessments. But when we perform corporal works of mercy without a grateful heart, it is a waste of effort. What does that mean? Why should we be grateful when we sacrifice our time, money and effort to serve? Let us go into the solitude of our heart and reflect deeper.

God bestows graces unceasingly. Do you agree? Can you imagine a moment when God stops and no longer supports this universe? We dare not to imagine. God is like a radio station, a television station which broadcasts graces non-stop. The question is whether you have received it. Do you feel it? What tailor-made gifts has God given you, from the moment you went to bed last night up until now? Not those general blessings such as “a sound sleep last night, a sun-lit clear morning, the roads are not congested, the pedestrians are harmonious” etc., but those tailor-made for you. It is impossible not to have any. If there is none, it is because you do not feel their presence. If you do not feel any grace, how can you be grateful? What is blocking you from feeling God’s grace? Pride. It is the mountains and hills in our hearts.
What is the difference between service with and without a grateful heart? A huge difference. With a grateful heart, you thank God for bestowing health, time, money and capability to serve, the opportunities to earn “credits”, widening your visions, giving you the experience of meeting the weak and sick, unbeknown to you healing your regrets and deformities buried deep down in you. You thank God and want to repay Him through your services. Consequently, both you and those you serve benefit in a positive feedback loop.
On the other hand, those who serve without a grateful heart tends to serve like almsgiving without respect. You feel superior and refuse any gratitude from the beneficiaries. Your focus is yourself but you do not see your own inadequacies. Nor do you see the real needs of the others. Consequently, both you and those you serve do not benefit at all, and may even end up hurting each other. Therefore, we need to cultivate a grateful heart to serve.

Let us recap. During the season of Advent, we need to prepare our hearts to receive the coming of the Saviour. The preparatory work is to remove pride, to open up our hearts in humility and let God fill them. Then we may cultivate a grateful heart to perform the seven corporal works of mercy so that we may stand in front of the Lord in the end.
God bless.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

考試制度 Examination System






此外,教會因應當代社會的需要,加入第七個形哀矜。例如中世紀戰爭連年,黑死病猖獗。教會鼓勵教友「埋葬死者 」的愛德工作。在十字軍東征的時代,「贖回戰俘」也曾一時榜上有名。



First Week of Advent (Year C)
Theme: Examination System

People brought up in Chinese societies are familiar with examinations because they have gone through tens and even hundreds of them. Some even claim that examination was first invented by Chinese. So, let us do a little revision on Chinse history.

A passage from an ancient classic text, Li yun in Li ji, describes the ideal Da Tong world as such, "When the Way prevails, all the peoples work for the common good of the world. Select virtuous and capable people to run the world. Everybody deals with each other with integrity and build up harmony." This is the political ideal of Confucianism. The question is, how do we achieve this ideal, how do we select virtuous and capable people to run the world?

Beginning in Han dynasty, the court set up a Recommendation System in which people well known for their virtue of filial piety were recommended to take up government posts. This system was flawed with nepotism. Furthermore, the society had already evolved into a more complex one in Sui/Tang times which virtuous people might not have the capability to manage. Then, an Examination System was developed to choose capable people rather than favourite people to take up government jobs. This practice is good both for individuals and the society at large. But I have to remind you that examination was not first invented by Chinese, but by Christians.

Today is the beginning of the liturgical year. The Church reserves four weeks for us to prepare our souls for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus' return signifies the end of the world when everything is subject to the dominion of Christ the King. Although God wants everyone to be saved, He respects our free will and will not force us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Then, how does God select people into His Kingdom? In Matthew 25, Jesus ‘leaked' the examination questions which are the famous Corporal Works of Mercy. This is a test of capability, not a test of blood line or favouritism. Jesus preceded Tang by more than 600 years. Therefore, examination was not first invented by Chinese.

Life can be interpreted as an examination. We go through and overcome many tests in order to achieve our ideals. Tests already begin at birth (Isn't it a cliché today to say that people win at the starting line?) When we were children, our parents took the examination for us. During our growing up, we took up more and more parts of the test until we established our own families and became parents ourselves. So, brothers and sisters, you are sitting for an examination at the moment. Do you know the examination questions, the Corporal Works of Mercy?

"Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty." When we give spare food to the hungry, give water to quench the thirst of others, we are doing well charity works because we are saving lives. If out of our insufficiency, we share our food and life with the poor widow, our charity is even greater.
"Clothe the naked." Nowadays, it is more than providing warmth for people shivering in the chill. It acquires a new meaning in the modern society. Today, our society is flooded with pornography and paparazzi. Therefore, "clothing the naked" includes protecting the dignity of the others.
"Welcome the stranger." Jesus told us to welcome the homeless including refugees. A handful of terrorists found hidden among refugees should not be an excuse to reject all refugees.
"Heal the sick, visit the imprisoned." In fact, this is a grace from God. Many times, people heal the wounds and bondage in their hearts through these visits.
"Bury the dead." In response to the needs of the society, the Church sometimes adds the 7th corporal work of mercy. For example, during war torn and Black Death rampant Middle Ages, the Church encouraged the faithful to give the dead a decent burial. During the Crusades, "ransom the captive" was also one of the corporal works of mercy.

In the Hebrews, Paul made use of the story of generous Abraham who entertained three travelers who turned out to be three messengers from the Lord, to encourage readers to shelter the homeless. Matthew went one step further to urge Christians to perform charity among, not just the homeless but all those marginalized by the society. Then, Christians would not only have received angels but Lord Jesus Christ himself. It would be more appropriate to think of life, not as an examination, but as an accumulation of credits.

There are two major differences between this earliest, most primitive examination system and ours today. First of all, there is no need to retake this examination because your fate is not decided in one sitting of writing examination, but an accumulation of "credits" throughout your life. Secondly, nobody knows when the examination finishes. Nobody knows when he will die and nobody knows when the world will come to an end. The only certainty is that time is limited. In this situation, what is the best strategy to score the best results within a limited amount of time? To make full use of every moment! Some people have done it. There are saints in the Church who devoted their whole life praying and preaching. They are 10 A's examination candidates. We are only ordinary people but we should work hard to secure a place and "are able to stand before the Son of Man".

Pope Francis proclaims an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy which will begin on December 8 and finish on November 20, 2016. He encourages us to obtain the mercy of God, to live out the mercy of God through pilgrimages, performing corporal and spiritual works of mercy and receiving the sacrament of reconciliation. Let us make full use of every moment to live out the merciful countenance of God.
God bless.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

為真理作見證 To bear witness to the Truth










Feast of Christ the King (Year B)
Theme: To bear witness to the Truth

Last Sunday, Fr. Joseph Ng, our parish priest, explained to us the appeal of Cardinal John Tong to the parishioners. The Cardinal urged that in the upcoming elections of all levels, being responsible Catholics, we should consider the candidates' stance on family, marriage and the legislation of sexual discrimination ordinance on top of other relevant issues when we cast our votes. I believe you have heard from the media that this appeal was criticized by supporters of homosexual movement. In fact, politics and religion are so entangled that it is naïve to try to separate the two, to expect the clergy to speak about only Jesus and nothing political. Even if the Church only wants to proclaim the truth, to shepherd the faithful and wants nothing from the secular world, politics would knock at your door to give you troubles. It is because the resources in the society are limited and the society has become a battlefield to fight for precious resources. When people think that you are harming their privileges, they will fight back. It happened to Jesus 2000 years ago. It has happened throughout every generation.

When Jesus began his public ministry, he spoke with authority and pointed out the inadequacy of the teachings of scribes and Pharisees. It shook up their status among the people. When Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the Temple to pray, he found that the Temple was turned into a market place. He cleansed the Temple and did harm to the financial interests of the priests. Out of mercy, Jesus cured the servant of a Roman centurion. Thus, the Zealots hated Jesus. What an irony when Jesus was betrayed by his own disciple, arrested by his own people, condemned to death for blasphemy (Don't forget he himself is God!). He was then sent to the Romans, accused of stirring up a mob to rebel against the empire. The Jews made the Romans do the dirty job of killing Jesus. The gospel we read today is a section of the trial of Jesus before the Roman Procurator.

Let us know a bit more about the situation Pilate was in. From history books, we know that Judaea was a difficult province to govern in the Roman Empire. Pilate was sent to be the Procurator of Judaea. Probably he had lost favour before Caesar. He needed to work out his redemption in Judaea. Or perhaps Caesar thought highly of Pilate, had great expectation on him to assign him this challenging task. History books suggest the former hypothesis. Either way, being the Procurator of Judaea was not a lucrative job. Pilate had no respect for the Jews. He made use of violence to suppress uprisings. In the end, he got just the opposite of what he intended, creating more resentment among the Jews. Pilate began to understand that he needed to cooperate with Jewish leaders.

At the first sight of Jesus, Pilate was sure that this meek and mild “King of the Jews”, lacking any traces of ferocity, was only a scapegoat which the Jews arranged to test whether he was sincere about cooperation. Therefore, Pilate initiated the Roman judiciary procedure and gave Jesus an opportunity to defend. If Jesus' answer was affirmative, it was easy. Simply sent him to death. If Jesus' answer was negative, find some ways to release him to show off the superiority of the Roman legal system. However, Jesus asked him back whether he was repeating what others had said or he truly thought that he was a king. Indeed, the question Jesus asked, Jesus asked every follower. In Caesarea Philippi, he posed a similar question to his disciples. Jesus was not satisfied when the disciples quoted other peoples' opinions. He asked them pointblank who he was in their hearts. Peter represented all to answer that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. This was Peter's answer. What about yours? Is your answer the catechists', the Sunday school teachers', the priests' or the Pope's? Buy Jesus wants your answer.

Back to Pilate. He became impatient. “I am the judge and you are the prisoner. How dare you to ask me questions! Now, I give you one more chance. What have you done?” If Jesus has only travelled around to preach, or perhaps healed a servant of a Roman centurion and has done no harm to Romans, release him. Otherwise, don't waste time. Kill him.
Jesus took this opportunity to explain that the Kingdom of God was unlike earthly kingdoms which claimed sovereignty with military might. Jesus also made it clear that it was not Romans, but the stubborn Jews who rejected the Kingdom of God. However, Pilate would not buy this. In his eyes, Jesus was only a disillusioned dreamer. So, he said cynically, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered affirmatively that he was a king to bear witness to the truth. For this he was born and for this he had come into the world. Since Jesus did not come from this world, logically his kingdom does not belong to this world. It will pose no threat to Pilate and the Roman Empire. Similarly, the Church preaches the truth and comment on politics. She does not pose any threat to secular powers.

After Jesus had finished speaking, Pilate asked Jesus a question that immortalizes him, “What is truth?” This follows immediately where the gospel reading ends today. This is also a question all of us will naturally ask. But Pilate could not wait for Jesus' explanation. He wanted to wrap up the whole case immediately and went out to dismiss the Jewish leaders. We are Jesus' subjects. We should try to understand what the truth which Jesus spent his whole life bearing witness is and how he discharged his kingship.

We Chinese speak of “Tao”, the Way to mean “the Truth”. Chinese philosophers say “Tao is not far from us.” Therefore, we are able to get in touch, to know and to feel the truth. Our truth is very simple, “God is love.” The love of God the Father overflowed and resulted in a cosmos which is habitable for humanity. Genesis says that God created heavens and earth with his Word. This Word is the Truth, the Tao and the Way that keeps the cosmos running. We also call this Word, the Son of God. Then God made man in His image so that man is able to communicate with Him. However, humanity abused the freedom God gave them. Consequently, we lost the original grace. We contaminated the earth as well as our conscience. But God does not give us up. The Son of God took up human flesh. He died to repay all the sins, whether they be past, present or future. His resurrection elevates our humanity. This was how Jesus bore witness to the truth that “God is love.”

Before he ascended to heaven, Jesus gathered 120 disciples to build up the Church. She continues his unfinished mission, to help all humanity obtain salvation. Now is the age for the Church, for us to bear witness to the truth. To guarantee that we faithfully keep and spread this truth as well as to accomplish the mission, God the Father sent us the Holy Spirit to protect the Church, to inspire her and to expand her.
How do we bear witness concretely to the truth that God is love? This is the life-long work of each and every one of us. When we are lost as of what to do, besides praying to the Holy Spirit to get help, we should listen to the teachings of the Church. It is because we have many great saints and popes who have left behind a treasure trove of teaching to help us understand the will of God. Work hard.
God bless.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

對待末日的正確態度 The proper attitude toward the end of the world





首先,論說一種內容,必須使用一套配合的語言。例如,說愛情的故事,總少不了一男一女在花前月下,山盟海誓,或者站到船頭說you jump I jump的浪漫語言。如果用這套語言講述兩隊軍隊在戰場上交鋒,又怎能表達到那種「千軍萬馬,鋒煙四起,殺得鬼哭神號,日月無光,血流成河」的慘況呢?因此,要講世界末日,當然就有一套配合末日的語言。問題在於沒有人經歷過末日。所以,聖經的作者或者耶穌祗能用一些象徵性的圖像去表達。當然,十六世紀有一個法國預言家,很受西方社會推崇,因為他很多的預言都應驗了。問題是,十六世紀的他和第一世紀的耶穌,會如何表達他們所看見到的廿一世紀的洲際飛彈,智能電話呢?或三十世紀的不知名物體呢?所以,說末世論的人要用象徵的語言。






Thirty-third Ordinary Sunday (Year B)
Theme: The proper attitude toward the end of the world

In 2003 when Hong Kong citizens knew nothing about the SARS virus, when nearly everybody panicked, many people acted irrationally. E.g. many rushed to stockpile white vinegar and roots of Strobilanthes cusia Kuntze. People acted as such because they did not know the truth and the society was flooded with all kinds of rumours. People did not want to miss anything or to be left behind. They fell easily into fallacies and had no choice but to stockpile. When people had grievances and were not able to see any way out, herd mentality seems to be the safest bet. But if you follow others, you lose your autonomy and are not able to do the right thing for yourself.

People fall prey easily to doomsday prophecies. To believe in the end of the world is not the problem because the Bible and even Jesus teach about the end time. Unfortunately, some greedy charismatic people cheat the public to benefit themselves. Consequently, many people suffer financially, physically and even mentally. For example, the recent “Maya Prophecy” was interpreted as a prediction that the end of the world would come on 21 December 2012. Before this Doomsday, a lot of books and movies have made a lot of money. A particular cult which has been active in Ginza, Tin Shui Wai persuaded believers to prepare a survival kit. The cult leader was reported to have cheated tens of thousands of dollars from each person. Thus, we must be cautious and stay alert against these doomsday prophecies in order to minimize our losses. But what does Jesus teach about the end of the world? We have to learn the truth about the end. On one hand, it is a self-defence, to avoid losing money. On the other, we will be able to help our relatives and friends.
Next time when somebody wants to scare you that the end of the world falls on a certain day, tell him straight, “My friend, please read Mark 13:32!” Mark 13:32 is the last sentence in the gospel we read today. The Son was Jesus, the Son of God. Even the Son of God does not know. Oh! How great you are since you know what the Son of God does not know! OK, don’t be so sarcastic. Let us seriously learn what Jesus teaches about the end of the world.

First of all, in order to tell a story, we need an appropriate set of vocabulary for that particular genre. For example, love stories. You need romantic words and phrases to describe how a boy and a girl meet in a moon-lit evening in a secret garden, pledge their devotion, or stand at the bowsprit to chant “you jump I jump”. If only this language is available, how can we speak of the engagement of two armies, how tens of thousands of chariots charging into each other in battle cries, smoke spewing, blood spilling and the sun reddening etc. Therefore, we need another set of vocabulary to talk about the end of the world. The problem is that nobody has experienced the end. Therefore, the authors of the Bible and even Jesus had to make use of symbolic languages to describe the “scene”. Nostradamus of the 16th century was widely accepted as a Seer of the future in Western societies. Many of his prophecies have come true. The problem is how would the 16th century Seer or even 1st century Jesus describe what they saw in the 21st century, such as ICBM or smart phones? Or some 30th century objects whose names we know not. Therefore, speakers of eschatology need to employ symbolic languages.

Now, let us try to understand the eschatology of St. Mark.
After that tribulation” means the disasters mentioned previously, wars, earthquakes, famines, persecutions of Christians, false Messiahs and false prophets etc. There is nothing extraordinary about them. They nearly appear in the newspaper on a daily basis. “The sun will be darkened” does not mean the sun has burnt out and consequently its temperature drops and looks darkened. This will happen 7.6 billion years later. Most probably, it is a natural astronomical phenomenon, a solar eclipse. “The moon does not give its light.” As we all know, the moon has never given any light before. It only reflects the light of the sun. If the sun is eclipsed, the moon will naturally have no light to reflect. “And the stars will be falling from heaven” means of course meteors. But if “The powers in the heavens will be shaken” actually takes place, we will be in deep trouble. The biggest obstacle to astronomical observations is our atmosphere. Therefore, scientists sent the Hubble Telescope to the outer space to capture star images free from atmospheric interferences and send them back. If on earth the stars look shaken, it means the atmosphere which protects us, on which our existence relies, has been compromised. This will truly spell the end of our world.

But Jesus might not be talking about astronomical signs. The astronomy we know today was able to break herself off from astrology since the 16th century, to describe and explain astronomical phenomena scientifically. So, Jesus was most likely speaking in astrological terms. In ancient times, astrology served kings. The Magi from the east is just one such example. Most likely Jesus was talking about some political disasters rather than astronomical ones. Most likely, when all world leaders came together, nobody survived a terrorist attack. A power vacuum appeared in all countries. It was chaotic beyond control. (Does it sound like a movie plot?) Thus, when doomsday prophets package their prophecies in concrete scientific terms, they are very likely to be on the wrong side.

Jesus’ eschatological teaching is not about the disasters but his returning to pick up the pieces and to judge the world. Where there was a beginning, there will be an end. The Cosmo created by God was contaminated by sin. It is no longer beautiful and undergoes continuous changes. Some change for the worse and will end badly while some for the better and will end well. This is logically. But before the end comes, out of His mercy, God took up human flesh to intervene the worsening trend. He helps those who believe in him repent to turn good and sends the Holy Spirit to preserve them until the end comes.

Why doesn’t the Son of God know the end time? Try to imagine, who on earth would have enough authority to command the whole humanity to believe in him once the date were revealed? The Pope? There are many people who do not accept the Pope. What about the archangel Michael? He is able to defeat Satan. Usually, God gives a grace period of 40 days, such as in the case of Jonah. What would happen in those 40 days after the great revelation? What would the world become? Would money be of any use? Stockpiling? Would there be anything you would regret not to do before the end? The world would be so chaotic that not even an archangel would be able to control the situation because angels are also finite creatures. An archangel is authorized to take care of only one country, not the whole world. So, God will not give such a grace period and will end the world directly because He has already told you for more than 2000 years. So, it is not necessary for the Son of God to know when.

Since the end time is a topmost secret, the best strategy is to stay vigilant all the time, to study the Bible, to pray, to love each other and to love God. Very soon, the Jubilee Year of Mercy will begin. It is a good opportunity to repent and return to the merciful bosom of the Father. Pay close attention to the calendar of the Diocese and participate actively.
God bless.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

全心全力愛天主 To love God with all our hearts and strength








Thirty-second Ordinary Sunday (Year B)
Theme: To love God with all our hearts and strength

Let us clarify some background details.
Scribes were literates. In Old Testament times, they were able to write for kings, jot down the history of the dynasties and copy important documents. The Israelites were a people that attached great importance to worship/sacrifices. Thus, the status of scribes had always been lower than priests until exile when the Temple was burned down. There were no more temple sacrifices. It was a time for scribes to become important. During Babylonian Captivity, the Jews suffered much because their national identity was trodden upon. Thus, they began to retrace their national history, to codify their religion, laws and classics. The scribes had contributed much to the final rendition of the texts of the Pentateuch, or the Torah. Moreover, they were experts in interpreting the texts. They took up the teaching ministry and were seldom challenged until the appearance of Jesus whose teaching was convincing and full of authority. The Torah was also laws. Some of the scribes became lawyers. They knew the details well and could easily make use of this expertise to compromise the interests of their clients. This is what Jesus criticized the scribes about in the gospel reading today.

Widows usually give us an unfortunate and pitiful image. In fact, widows in the Old Testament were not necessarily poor or unlucky. Ruth, a young widow, was loyal to her mother-in-law. Later, she married Boaz and became the great-grand mother of King David. When David was running away from King Saul, the rich but stupid Nabal refused to extend him hospitality. After his death, Nabal’s beautiful and intelligent widow Abigail brought along his riches to marry David and accompanied him through his fugitive years. Thus, widows were not necessarily poor. That is why scribes might take advantage of them and devour their houses. Of course, widows in the gospels were mostly poor. This reflects the demographic structure of the early Church. Jesus’ disciples followed his teaching to take care of the poor and needy. Therefore, the proportion of widows in the Christian community was greater than the general public. This phenomenon is worth reflecting on. Does our Church really opt for the poor, or is it just a slogan?

Let’s take a look at the last item, the Temple treasury. The Temple in the gospel was already the second Temple. The first one was built by King Solomon which was burnt down when Babylon conquered Judah. The Persian king Cyrus conquered Babylon and released the Jews to return home to rebuild their Temple. Herod the Great, the Roman puppet king of Judaea was not of Jewish blood. In order to appease the people, Herod the Great spent 46 years to extend the second Temple. The Temple was not simply a building. It was the religious, political, cultural and economic centre of Jerusalem. Its maintenance fees would be huge. There were 13 treasury boxes. People dropped the money through an inverted funnel shape receptor to fulfil the obligations of all sorts of Temple taxes. Part of the income might go to charity but we do not know what percentage.

Now, let’s return to the story.
The widow’s two mites were too little either for Temple maintenance or for charity. But Jesus drew the attention of the disciples to her donation, not to the others’. What did Jesus want to teach? Superficially, Jesus was teaching mathematics. Others donated one ten-thousandth or even one tenth according to Moses’ law. This widow gave all she had for her living. Therefore, by proportion, the widow had donated more than all the others. This is only a primary school answer. Let me refute it with an example. A gambler has lost everything except for two dollars which are not enough even to buy Mark Six! He comes to the Church to gamble one last time with God, to see how God would take care of him. He offers up all that he has, the last two coins. What do you think the outcome of this gamble will be?

Our heavenly father is not that petty-minded. He will not care about the face-value of donation or the percentage because He has given us all these. Each one of us receives different graces to do His will, to glorify Him in our stations in life. Some have greater ability to earn money and can easily make trillions. On the other hand, there are people who remain poor no matter how hard they work. If God calculated the ratio of their donations to their incomes, God would be unfair. The only fair way to weigh is the heart. Moses’ law teaches us to love God with all our heart, all our soul and all our strength. In the eyes of non-believers, the actions of the widow in the Elijah cycle or the poor widow in the Temple were mind-boggling. Some even suggest that Jesus did not praise the widow. He made use of her case to criticize the injustice of Temple taxes. This is not Jesus’ idea. Jesus truly praises the widow because she loves God with her whole heart and soul; because she entrust herself to God, not because she has offered up 100%. To quote St. Jerome, the patron saint of our parish, God looks at her good will, not the face value of her donation.
God loves to see us make good use of the grace He gives us. But as a father, God desires more our going to Him in whatever situations in our life, trusting that He has arranged the best for us. Therefore, whether you are rich and powerful like Li Kar-shing or poor like the widow or gambler mentioned above, God desires to come to your aid. Of course, Mr. Li may not feel the need to seek God’s aid. The motive of the gambler may not be pure enough. However, God’s mercy is a mystery to us.

Lastly, I want to share some meditations of St. Jerome with you. He said, the two mites of the widow are small like mustard seeds, but with her faith in the Blessed Trinity, these two mites would become the yeast in the measures of flour. That is to say, God would not despise the insignificance of her offer but would make use of it to do some big things, such as touching the hearts of many people in the Church. St. Jerome continues to meditate. These two mites were like the two seraphim in Isaiah 6, glorifying the Blessed Trinity with triple Sanctus before His throne. They were like the two legs of the tongs with which a seraphim picks up a live coal to touch the lips of Isaiah so that his iniquities are taken away and his sins purged.
God bless.

Saturday, 7 November 2015





其實,在今世幫助有需要的人,祗不過是善用天主所賜的能力和恩寵,祗不過是「在小事上忠信」而已。倘若有能力幫助人卻不肯出手相助,這就是「在小事上不義了」。耶穌的結論非常清楚簡單:「小事不忠,大事勿用」。(16:10) 再深入一層反省,我們的才幹、健康、金錢和時間,都不是屬於我們的,而是來自天主的,我們祗不過是這一切的管家。所以這屬於天主而又不屬於我們的東西,可算是「不義的錢財,別人的財物」了。倘若我們埋沒了天主所委託的才幹和恩寵,又怎能把這些才幹和恩寵兌現成為「屬於我們的,真實的錢財」呢?(16:11-12



TO CASH IN YOUR MONEY (Luke 16:9-15)

“Do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return.” (Luke 6:35) Why then did later Jesus tell us to “make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous mammon, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal habitations.” (Luke 16:9)

Superficially, Jesus’ teaching is very utilitarian: Now you do good to prepare a safe house like the Shrewd Steward. In the future, when you run into troubles, those who owe you favours will repay you. If we interpret in this way, we cannot explain “receive you into the eternal habitations” adequately. Of course, “eternal habitations” refers to a vacancy in the Kingdom of Heaven or Paradise. But other than God, who else has the authority to give you a shelter in the Kingdom of Heaven? Therefore, it is not man who owes you favours, but God who owes you “favours” will welcome you into heaven.

In fact, helping the needy in this life is only making good use of God’s given talents and grace. We are only “faithful in a very little”. If we are able to but refuse to help, this is “dishonest in a very little”. Jesus’ conclusion is clear and simple: He who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. (Luke 16:10)

Let us reflect deeper. Our talents, health, money and time do not belong to us. They come from God and we are only stewards. That which belongs to God and not to us is truly “other people’s money”. If we bury the talents and grace which God entrusts us, how can we cash in “that which is our own”? (Luke 16:11-12)

Heavenly Father, I thank you to give me opportunities to be faith. I wish to work hard to cash in the grace you give me to obtain richness in my soul. Amen

Friday, 6 November 2015









As a Chinese Catholic, I cannot allow myself to forget looking for however scanty God’s revelation in the Chinese culture. [2007 Catholic Biblical Institute Valedictory Speech] In particular, I like the Lucan Parable of the Shrewd Steward most because it has a similar plot as the story of “The 3 Hideouts of a Crafty Rabbit” in the Chinese classic The Chronicle of Meng Chang-jun in Shiji.

As for the gospel fragment, the most mind-boggling enigma is why, after being embezzled by the steward, did the Master commend him for his shrewdness (Luke 16:8)? Being shrewd is good but it costs the Master financial loss. The action is morally, legally and even interpersonally questionable. This enigma is cracked long time ago in the Chinese culture.

In the full story found in Shiji, Meng Chang-jun seemed to have lost financially. But in fact, this member of his entourage, Feng Xuan, was preparing a safe house for him. In the future, even if Lord Meng lost favour before King Qi, he would still have a place to lay his head. Applying this logic to the gospel fragment, we will see that this steward was not disloyal. He was creating a triple-win situation: he lightened the debts of the debtors, he created a benevolent public image for his master and lastly, he prepared a safe house for himself. If his master appreciated his efforts, perhaps he would still employ him. Otherwise, the debtors who owed him favours would repay him. The shrewd steward was worth commending, not because of his shrewdness but for his making good use of his shrewdness. He did not benefit himself at the costs of others. While helping others, he helped himself.

Heavenly Father, help us make good use of our talents to help the needy. Amen.

Thursday, 5 November 2015








Females are usually depicted by male authors to be emotional and irrational. Even if they are rational, their reasoning does not follow the male logic. However, this time Dr. Luke stands up for the ladies. Thus, the gospel of Luke is truly a gospel for ladies because it elevates the status and dignity of women.

Comparing the parable of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, the man is not rational enough. Quantitatively speaking, leaving 99 sheep behind for 1 lost sheep is too risky. 99:1, saving 1 sheep at the costs of 99 goes against business logic. The woman is different. She has lost one tenth of her secret money. Of course she should overturn all her cabinets until she finds it. One tenth vs one hundredth. Man loses this round hands down.

Of course, this deliberation is flawed. Perhaps that 1 lost sheep is very special and more valuable than the remaining 99 sheep. However, from God’s point of view, whether the odd is 10:1, or 100:1 or even 10100:1 , God does not care about the risks, the costs. He will not stop until nobody is missing. In his eyes, sinners and the righteous are equally valuable. They are his images and his children all the same. He loves to see all his children return to him, to stay with him and to share eternal bliss with him.

Heavenly Father, thank you. I am willing to repent to make you joyful. Amen.