首先,論說一種內容,必須使用一套配合的語言。例如,說愛情的故事,總少不了一男一女在花前月下,山盟海誓,或者站到船頭說you jump I jump的浪漫語言。如果用這套語言講述兩隊軍隊在戰場上交鋒,又怎能表達到那種「千軍萬馬,鋒煙四起,殺得鬼哭神號,日月無光,血流成河」的慘況呢?因此,要講世界末日,當然就有一套配合末日的語言。問題在於沒有人經歷過末日。所以,聖經的作者或者耶穌祗能用一些象徵性的圖像去表達。當然,十六世紀有一個法國預言家,很受西方社會推崇,因為他很多的預言都應驗了。問題是,十六世紀的他和第一世紀的耶穌,會如何表達他們所看見到的廿一世紀的洲際飛彈,智能電話呢?或三十世紀的不知名物體呢?所以,說末世論的人要用象徵的語言。
Thirty-third Ordinary Sunday (Year B)
Theme: The proper attitude toward the end of the world
In 2003 when Hong Kong citizens knew nothing about the SARS virus, when nearly everybody panicked, many people acted irrationally. E.g. many rushed to stockpile white vinegar and roots of Strobilanthes cusia Kuntze. People acted as such because they did not know the truth and the society was flooded with all kinds of rumours. People did not want to miss anything or to be left behind. They fell easily into fallacies and had no choice but to stockpile. When people had grievances and were not able to see any way out, herd mentality seems to be the safest bet. But if you follow others, you lose your autonomy and are not able to do the right thing for yourself.
People fall prey easily to doomsday prophecies. To believe in the end of the world is not the problem because the Bible and even Jesus teach about the end time. Unfortunately, some greedy charismatic people cheat the public to benefit themselves. Consequently, many people suffer financially, physically and even mentally. For example, the recent “Maya Prophecy” was interpreted as a prediction that the end of the world would come on 21 December 2012. Before this Doomsday, a lot of books and movies have made a lot of money. A particular cult which has been active in Ginza, Tin Shui Wai persuaded believers to prepare a survival kit. The cult leader was reported to have cheated tens of thousands of dollars from each person. Thus, we must be cautious and stay alert against these doomsday prophecies in order to minimize our losses. But what does Jesus teach about the end of the world? We have to learn the truth about the end. On one hand, it is a self-defence, to avoid losing money. On the other, we will be able to help our relatives and friends.
Next time when somebody wants to scare you that the end of the world falls on a certain day, tell him straight, “My friend, please read Mark 13:32!” Mark 13:32 is the last sentence in the gospel we read today. The Son was Jesus, the Son of God. Even the Son of God does not know. Oh! How great you are since you know what the Son of God does not know! OK, don’t be so sarcastic. Let us seriously learn what Jesus teaches about the end of the world.
First of all, in order to tell a story, we need an appropriate set of vocabulary for that particular genre. For example, love stories. You need romantic words and phrases to describe how a boy and a girl meet in a moon-lit evening in a secret garden, pledge their devotion, or stand at the bowsprit to chant “you jump I jump”. If only this language is available, how can we speak of the engagement of two armies, how tens of thousands of chariots charging into each other in battle cries, smoke spewing, blood spilling and the sun reddening etc. Therefore, we need another set of vocabulary to talk about the end of the world. The problem is that nobody has experienced the end. Therefore, the authors of the Bible and even Jesus had to make use of symbolic languages to describe the “scene”. Nostradamus of the 16th century was widely accepted as a Seer of the future in Western societies. Many of his prophecies have come true. The problem is how would the 16th century Seer or even 1st century Jesus describe what they saw in the 21st century, such as ICBM or smart phones? Or some 30th century objects whose names we know not. Therefore, speakers of eschatology need to employ symbolic languages.
Now, let us try to understand the eschatology of St. Mark.
“After that tribulation” means the disasters mentioned previously, wars, earthquakes, famines, persecutions of Christians, false Messiahs and false prophets etc. There is nothing extraordinary about them. They nearly appear in the newspaper on a daily basis. “The sun will be darkened” does not mean the sun has burnt out and consequently its temperature drops and looks darkened. This will happen 7.6 billion years later. Most probably, it is a natural astronomical phenomenon, a solar eclipse. “The moon does not give its light.” As we all know, the moon has never given any light before. It only reflects the light of the sun. If the sun is eclipsed, the moon will naturally have no light to reflect. “And the stars will be falling from heaven” means of course meteors. But if “The powers in the heavens will be shaken” actually takes place, we will be in deep trouble. The biggest obstacle to astronomical observations is our atmosphere. Therefore, scientists sent the Hubble Telescope to the outer space to capture star images free from atmospheric interferences and send them back. If on earth the stars look shaken, it means the atmosphere which protects us, on which our existence relies, has been compromised. This will truly spell the end of our world.
But Jesus might not be talking about astronomical signs. The astronomy we know today was able to break herself off from astrology since the 16th century, to describe and explain astronomical phenomena scientifically. So, Jesus was most likely speaking in astrological terms. In ancient times, astrology served kings. The Magi from the east is just one such example. Most likely Jesus was talking about some political disasters rather than astronomical ones. Most likely, when all world leaders came together, nobody survived a terrorist attack. A power vacuum appeared in all countries. It was chaotic beyond control. (Does it sound like a movie plot?) Thus, when doomsday prophets package their prophecies in concrete scientific terms, they are very likely to be on the wrong side.
Jesus’ eschatological teaching is not about the disasters but his returning to pick up the pieces and to judge the world. Where there was a beginning, there will be an end. The Cosmo created by God was contaminated by sin. It is no longer beautiful and undergoes continuous changes. Some change for the worse and will end badly while some for the better and will end well. This is logically. But before the end comes, out of His mercy, God took up human flesh to intervene the worsening trend. He helps those who believe in him repent to turn good and sends the Holy Spirit to preserve them until the end comes.
Why doesn’t the Son of God know the end time? Try to imagine, who on earth would have enough authority to command the whole humanity to believe in him once the date were revealed? The Pope? There are many people who do not accept the Pope. What about the archangel Michael? He is able to defeat Satan. Usually, God gives a grace period of 40 days, such as in the case of Jonah. What would happen in those 40 days after the great revelation? What would the world become? Would money be of any use? Stockpiling? Would there be anything you would regret not to do before the end? The world would be so chaotic that not even an archangel would be able to control the situation because angels are also finite creatures. An archangel is authorized to take care of only one country, not the whole world. So, God will not give such a grace period and will end the world directly because He has already told you for more than 2000 years. So, it is not necessary for the Son of God to know when.
Since the end time is a topmost secret, the best strategy is to stay vigilant all the time, to study the Bible, to pray, to love each other and to love God. Very soon, the Jubilee Year of Mercy will begin. It is a good opportunity to repent and return to the merciful bosom of the Father. Pay close attention to the calendar of the Diocese and participate actively.
God bless.