那麼,天主對依撒伯爾的丈夫,是否苛刻了一點呢?總領天使加俾額爾在聖殿的聖所裡,顯現給匝加利亞,告訴他天主應允了他的祈禱,賜給他一個兒子,並吩咐匝加利亞為孩子取名若翰(路1:13)。可惜,天主的應允來得有點遲,使匝加利亞有點為難。倘若在他年青力壯時得子,當然是一件值得感恩的事。可是,他夫妻倆已上了年紀,身體的機能未必負擔得起;假若他倆死去,誰人可以養育年幼的若翰呢?匝加利亞的顧慮是可以理解的。可惜他是司祭,而不是經師,一時忘記了舊約中,眾聖祖的事蹟;又不善辭令,說出了一句類似懷疑的話:「我憑著甚麼能知道這事呢?」(1:18) 1結果,匝加利亞啞了九個月,直到孩子出世,並起名若翰後,匝加利亞纔恢復說話的能力。(1:64)即使天主是慈悲的,天使加俾額爾可能出手重了些,不是嗎?
Solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist
Theme: God's Redemption
The Old Testament reiterates many times the message that God is the author of life, in particular new life. In Genesis, after the Fall of our First Parents and they were driven out of Eden, Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain, saying "I have produced a male child with the help of the Lord." (Genesis 4:1) The Psaltist praises God for giving the childless wife a home, the joyful mother of children. (Psalm 113:8) Moreover, many great men were born of barren wives! For example, Abraham's wife Sarah was barren. She gave birth to Isaac at 90. Jacob loved his cousin Rachel who was also barren. She gave birth to Joseph who saved the whole family and Egypt from famine. Subsequently, famous Judges such as Samson and Samuel were born of barren mothers. Today, we celebrate the Nativity of John the Baptist. To a certain extent, we are celebrating God, the author of life. It is because John's mother, Elizabeth was also barren (Luke 1:7).
Indeed, God is almighty. He is not a God of the dead but the God of the living (20:38). Life was created by Him. There is no doubt that God is the author of life. However, making barren women give birth to children has another meaning. It manifests the redemption and mercy of God. In Old Testament times, the status of women was low. Her major mission was to give birth to a male baby for their husbands to inherit their estates. It was regrettable not giving male babies but a shame to be barren. Even a husband who loved her more than ten sons could not console Hannah (1 Samuel 1:8). Once Samuel was weaned, Hannah his mother offered him to the Lord because the Lord had removed her shame. She was no long in debt to her husband, owed him no more responsibility. In fact, Hannah was unable to pay the debt. But now God redeemed her! Elizabeth gave birth to John in her old age and it was also God's redemption. It removed her shame and placed her among the matriarchs like Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel!
Then, was God too harsh to the husband of Elizabeth? Archangel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah in the sanctuary, telling him that God heard his prayer and would give him a son. He told Zechariah to name his son John (Luke 1:13). Unfortunately, God's favour came a bit late and put Zechariah in a difficult position. If he were young, Zechariah would be grateful to have a son. But now, both Zechariah and his wife were old. Their bodies might not be able to bear the burden. If they died, who would raise the young John? Zechariah's worries were understandable. Unfortunately, he was only a priest, not a scribe. He probably had forgotten the stories of the patriarchs. Furthermore, he was not eloquent and spoke something like a doubt, "How should I know this?" (1:18)2 Consequently, Zechariah became dumb for nine months until the child was born and given the name John. Then Zechariah could speak again (1:64). Even if God is merciful, angel Gabriel seemed to have pushed too far.
Do not see Zechariah's dumbness as a punishment of unbelief. In fact, the angel was helping Zechariah make his testimony more credible. According to Jewish laws, it takes two persons to establish the truth of a statement. There were only one man and one angel in the sanctuary. Without God's permission, no other people could see angel Gabriel. Thus, when Zechariah came out of the sanctuary and told people that he saw an angel, it could not be established unless two, not one priests entered the sanctuary to offer incense. Making Zechariah dumb was the least damaging but most effective evidence! Moreover, keeping silence for nine months, Zechariah was able to meditate deeply how God had redeemed them as well as the people of Israel. When he was able to speak again, Zechariah praised God's redemption and foretold the mission of John the Baptist. Not only did God answer his prayer, giving him a son, but God also made his son the forerunner of the Saviour to prepare a repentant Jewish people to welcome the Messiah. We pray this Canticle of Zechariah during our daily Lauds.
What befell Zechariah is worth reflecting. The gospel says that both Zechariah and his wife were righteous in the eyes of God (1:6). Good people deserve rewards, right? However, the time scale of God is different from that of humanity. God did not give them a son when they were young. Instead, when they were old and planning their retirement, God gave them grace and mission. Thus, we too should not stay in our status quo and feel that we have already satisfied God! Instead, we should pray and study the bible hard, just like Zechariah entering the sanctuary to build up a tight relationship with God. Perhaps one day, God shall send us an angel, somebody beside you to give us a mission, discharging which we shall receive the grace God has prepared for us. Therefore, leave our comfort zone. Keep alert in our daily routines to discover the presence of God in all things and in all the needy people we encounter. Get intimate with God in serving the needy! Serve the least of these little brothers whom we are able to see, to love the Christ whom we cannot see. When people see our good work, they may glorify our Father in heaven. In this way, we are playing John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus Christ.
Brethren, get out to evangelize and to do good. God's grace is waiting for you.
God bless!
[2] The word “know” also means having sexual intercourse. For the context, it makes sense.