
Sunday, 26 May 2019

為甚麼耶穌基督啟示自己給我們 Why Does Jesus Christ Reveal Himself to Us







  1. 主說:「我是善牧,我認識我的羊,我的羊也認識我。」(10:14)祂認識人類的軟弱,了解我們的需要,祂對我們的所作所為,完全是為了我們的益處。因此,基督徒的愛,也要建基於認識對方,而不是單憑感覺。
  2. 祂對人類的愛,正如上面所說,是毫無保留的完全交付。所以,基督徒的愛,要好像基督為祂的羊群,好像母親對子女,照顧不能自理的親人者的,無償的愛一樣,毫無保留地,為對方的益處而愛到痛,而並不是為了上天堂,所以去愛。
  3. 祂尊重我們的自由,絕對不會強迫我們相信祂。這正回答了達陡所提出的問題,為甚麼耶穌基督祇將自己顯示給他們,而不顯示給整個世界。因為那些願意接受和遵守祂愛的命令的人,那些願意不求己益,不強加自己意願在對方身上的人,纔能看見耶穌基督。那些眼中祇有自己,祇有利益,祇有滿足自己慾望的人,即使耶穌基督顯現在他們面前的窮人、無家可歸的人、病人、在囚人仕(瑪25:35-36),他們又怎能看到耶穌基督呢?
  4. 亦惟有愛慕渴望耶穌基督,遵守祂所頒布的彼此相愛的新誡命的人,纔能保存基督徒的身份,不致與世俗同流合污。因為耶穌說:「誰愛我,必遵守我的話,我父也必愛他,我們要到祂那裡去,並要在祂那裡作我們的住所。」(若14:23)耶穌基督給我們保證,天上纔是我們真正的歸宿。


Sixth Easter Sunday, Year C
Theme: Why Does Jesus Christ Reveal Himself to Us

According to the Ordinances in Hong Kong, if we leave minors under 16 unattended at home, we would be charged with ill-treatment of children. But in the present situation of Hong Kong, many parents have to work together in order to sustain a certain level of living standard. During ordinary days, children are taken care of in schools. But what about holidays? Ask the grandparents to come to watch over them? Ask neighbours to look after them? Or seek respite care service for children from community centres? Of course, we should thank domestic helpers from the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and even Sri Lanka for releasing mothers to work, making more money to maintain a certain living standard! But the problem of child care is not solved. It is only transferred from Hong Kong to the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand! Moreover, it is not a problem of a few days' respite care but the problem of contractual absence, abandoning husbands and children for a couple of years. The severity of problem cannot be ignored. If those domestic helpers fail to arrange things properly, even though they earn more money in Hong Kong than at home, their marriages might be neutralized and their children become delinquent. Is it worthwhile?

During the Last Supper, Jesus Christ had to deal with a graver problem. Of course, the disciples were adults, not under 16 minors. But they had lived with Jesus for only three years. Spiritually, they were still naïve kids. Now Jesus had to leave them behind, himself to be crucified, to come back to life and then to ascend to heavens. He shall come back only at the end of the world. This is going to be a long time. What should Jesus Christ do to take care of those disciples, to prevent them from dispersal in his long absence? The key is to build up a supernatural charity to join them together and to maintain a link with them!

Let us take a look at the context of the gospel passage today. Jesus says, "Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him." Judas, not the Iscariot, said to him, "Master, what happened that you will reveal yourself to us and not to the world?" (John 14:21-22)
First of all, this Judas is the Thaddeus of Mark's Apostles' list (Mark 3:18) or Judas the son of James (Luke 6:16) and not the traitor, Judas from Kariot.
Secondly, the question Thaddeus raised is of extreme importance. All Christians in subsequent generations have to keep asking themselves this question. How do Christians living in a secular world keep their identity without being assimilated or swallowed up by the world? Secular people uphold "love, universal love and love of equal rights". How does it square with the "loving each other" which Christians uphold? The kind of love which mass media enjoy reporting and investing in programmes, is usually the dating of beautiful ladies and handsome men. They focus on the feelings and passion. Then what about unlovable people? Do you love and care about the aged janitor who sweeps the ground or the outsourced janitor who cleans the toilets? If love is only a passion, a satisfaction of desires and the pursuit of interests without mutual respect and a responsibility to the future generations, no wonder more and more countries are legalizing same-sex marriages!

The command of Jesus Christ is totally different.
First of all, "loving each other" is a new commandment Jesus Christ gave in the Last Supper (John 13:34a). Since it is a commandment, Christians have no choice but to obey. And since it is a commandment, we should do it without expecting any reward. That is to say, Christian love is not conditional. For example, if you score 90 marks in tests, daddy will buy you a PS4; if you are good, mother will bring you to Disneyland; if you shed 30 lb., your boyfriend will love you! With these if's, these conditions, it cannot be Christian love.

Secondly, the demand of Jesus Christ is heavy. Christians should love one another just as Christ has loved us (13:34b). Christ's love for us is a total self-giving and sacrifice in order to give us abundant life. During the Last Supper, he established the Sacrament of Holy Communion to nourish our souls; he died on the cross to repay our debts and he gave his mother, the BVM to be the Mother of the Church to look after us; after the Ascension, he sent the Holy Spirit to help the Church weather through worldly adversities. His love for us is comprehensive.

  1. He says, "I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me." (10:14) He knows the weaknesses of humanity. He understands our needs. All that he does is for our benefits. Thus, Christian love is based on knowing the other party, not on feelings.
  2. As it was mentioned above, his love for men is an unreserved total sacrifice. Thus, Christian love is like his love for his flock, like mothers to children and carers of loved ones who cannot take care of themselves. It is gratuitous and unreserved for the good of the others. It is to love until it hurts, not for going to heaven.
  3. He respects our freedom and never forces us to believe in him. This answers the question Jude raised why he revealed himself to us and not to the whole world. It is because only those who are willing to receive and observe his commandment of love, those who do not seek self-interests, who do not impose their personal wishes upon the others, are able to see Jesus Christ. For those in whose eyes there are only themselves, only advantages, only gratification of desires, even if Jesus appears to them among the poor, the homeless, the sick and the imprisoned (Matthew 25:35-36), how could they see him?
  4. Lastly, only those who desire Jesus Christ, observe the commandment of loving each other are able to keep the Christian identity and resist following the secular world. Jesus says, "Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him." (John 14:23) Jesus Christ guarantees us that heaven is our true home.
God bless!

Sunday, 19 May 2019

How Jesus Has Loved Us 耶穌怎樣愛了我們

Fifth Easter Sunday, Year C
Theme: How Jesus Has Loved Us

Suppose you are going away for a short trip overseas. What would you do since you are leaving your beloved ones behind for a couple of days? You would probably leave behind enough money to ensure that their daily needs would be met. If your children are very young, perhaps you would send them to your close relatives to stay there for a couple of days. In this way, your kids might play with their cousins. If your kids are old enough to take care of themselves at home, perhaps you would tell your kids to report to some uncles or aunts in the village regularly instead. These close relatives, uncles and aunts take up the roles of foster parents.

What if you are going away for a couple of years? I'm sure the arrangements would be very different. Who could come over to take up your role, to take your place for a couple of years? But you need to. So, perhaps you would ask somebody close, somebody whom you trust, to come over to take care of them during your absence. You wouldn't have left behind one whole sum of money to last for several years. A better arrangement would be remitting money home regularly from overseas instead. Meanwhile, your kids would go through stages of development, perhaps finishing their college and dating their girl friends etc. Now, how could you ensure that your kids would behave themselves well during your absence? The best way is to leave behind something to show that no matter what happens, you still love them. Now suppose you are going away, not just for a few years, but for centuries and even millenia?

Exactly. This is the problem which Jesus has to handle when He has accomplished His redemptive mission. He could not stay behind because God respects our freedom. God doesn't want to force us to believe in Him. We have a choice to believe in Jesus or to reject Jesus. Moreover, Jesus has to take care of other business. According to the gospel of John, He told the disciples during the Last Supper that He returned to the Father to prepare room for them (John 14:2). Therefore Jesus had to leave His disciples behind not for a couple of weeks, or months or years but millenia. Like all of you, Jesus has to do something to take care of the well-being of His beloved ones, all of us. So, what has Jesus done for us?

First of all, Jesus Christ chose Simon Peter to be the Rock upon which He would build His Church. During His absence the Church takes up the role of a foster mother, just like the uncle or aunt mentioned above. Like any foster mother who can never replace the genuine mother, the Church which is not perfect, cannot totally replace Jesus Christ. But no matter how imperfect the Church is, Jesus Christ trusts in the Church to take care of us, His beloved ones. So, don't despise the Church even when she is infested with scandals. Remember, Jesus Christ trusts her.

On the other hand, the Church protects the People of God entrusted into her hands. The Church stands firm on moral grounds and takes up the prophetic role of telling the world of God's truth. The Church teaches the dignity of human person. So, Catholics are pro-life. We say no to abortion and euthanasia. The Church advocates the protection of the common good. So, on one hand, the Church fight for human rights and freedom. For example, in view of the recent controversy over the proposed amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, the Apostolic Administrator, Cardinal John Tong appeals to all of us to pray for the personal saftety and liberty of the citizens. Without the protection of personal safety or liberty, our God given potentials may not be actualized. On the other hand, the Church also objects to excessive, disorderly indulgences on personal rights at the expense of the common good. So, Catholics oppose the passing of same-sex marriage ordinances.

Just as what I have mentioned above, in order to make sure that your kids behave well even when you are absent for a long time, you need to leave behind something to guarantee your love for them. The Church is what Jesus left behind as a guarantee of His love for all of us. In order to help us remember and understand His teachings, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit (14:26) through the Church. Through the imposition of hands and anointment of oil, the Church gives the recipients the Holy Spirit in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and Anointment of the Sick. In particular, the sacrament of Holy Orders ordains different ministers of the Hierarchy. Through the hands of bishops, chrism is consecrated to anoint the sick, the catechumens and priests. Through the hands of priests and bishops, the Holy Spirit is invoked to consecrate unleavened bread into Holy Communion to nurture the souls of the faithful. This is like the mothers working overseas. They remit money home regularly. Similarly, Christ regularly invites people to answer the priestly vocation generously to feed and tend His sheep. (21:16-17)

Today, Jesus gives us a new commandment to love one another just as he has loved us (14:34). He has shown us how He has loved us by laying down His life on the cross to pay for the debts of our sins. He came back to life to give those who believe in him a new life which would eventually lead to eternal life. To feed our spiritual needs, He leaves behind His body and blood to nurture us. He sends the Holy Spirit to warm up our frozen hearts to love one another generously and to enlighten our mind to remember and understand His teachings etc. All in all, Jesus Christ teaches us the true meaning of love. Love is to do things for the good of the others even at the expense of our life. More concretely, we work hard to earn the livelihood for our family members. We share the house chores. We care about the physical and emotional health of our spouses and children. We teach our children God's truth. We relieve the sufferings of the needy in the community and we guide the ignorant etc.

Brethren, all these little things we do for the good of the others in our daily life is the LOVE which Jesus Christ has commanded us to share. When love is inspired and motivated by the Holy Spirit, it becomes powerful and is able to heal the wounds of the world and renew it. Since God is love (1 John 4:8). If we love one another, God remains in us (4:12). May the Holy Spirit work in and among us to heal our wounds and the wounds of the world. Amen.
God bless!











Sunday, 12 May 2019

回應聖召 Answering God's Call








Fourth Easter Sunday, Year C
Theme: Answering God's Call

God is love (1 John 4:8) and we were created in the image of God to govern the universe which was created in such a way that is suitable for humanity to live (Genesis 1:26). He gave us different graces, different number of Talents to accomplish this mission (Matthew 25:14-30). Since God is love, this mission is a mission of love. From the Parable of Talents in Matthew, we understand that God is not harsh at all. He does not ask us to do ground-breaking works. He just wants us not to bury our talents, but to lead a life according to our conscience without regrets. This is the first call to all humanity, applicable to everybody. Thus, in the Parable of Sheep and Goats, when the risen Lord comes to judge the living and the dead on the Judgment Day, He demands only the minium requirements, using the six Corporal Works of Mercy as the criteria to enter eternal life (25:31-40). In the Parable, the King does not mention baptism or going to Sunday masses. He only demands us to love and to care about the needy!

But the world is contaminated by sins and becomes evil. What we breathe everyday is polluted air. What we eat and drink are water and food polluted with poisonous chemicals and viruses. Those are detrimental to our physical health. More seriously, we are fed with callous entertainments and fake news on the mass media. These are harmful to our spiritual health. God is love. How could He bear to see us struggling helplessly? Thus He gives those who answer His call special graces to become His children and gives us the Holy Spirit to counter secular evils (Luke 11:13). This is God's second call to all humanity. That is, to become Catholics with the Rites of Christian Initiation. Joining the Church, we can continue to receive other sacraments to be protected and taken care of. Through receiving Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion, we partake in the threefold ministries of king, prophet and priest. As kings, we work on behalf of God to extend the Heavenly Kingdom through serving the needy. As prophets, i.e. spokesmen of God, we declare the Truth to countact lies and fallacies. Lastly, as priest, just as what Jesus Christ teaches, "God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth." (John 4:24) As Catholics, we have the responsibility to discharge the priestly ministry by offering spiritual worship and prayer for ourselves and as representatives of all those who do not yet believe in God. For example, we say the Rosary and offer masses.

As the People of God, entering the Church through baptism is a long road to sanctification. We need companions. These co-pilgrims form the Church. Today, there are 1,313,000,000 all over the world, about 17.7% of the world population. But there are only 414,500 clergy. That is, each clergy serving about 3,167 Catholics. Among the permanent residents of the Catholic Hong Kong Diocese, there are 399,000 Catholics. Together with 212,000 other nationalities, there are 611,000 Catholics in total, about 8.17% of the Hong Kong population. There are 322 clergy in the Diocese, i.e. in average each clergy serves nearly 1,900 laity. But this number seriously underestimates the actual situation. It is because only about one-third of clergy directly take part in pastoral work, getting in touch with the laity to meet their spiritual needs. The other two-thirds have to commit themselves in the governance and teaching roles. 1,313,000,000 members make a huge organization which absorbs a huge number of administrators and teachers. In particular, the teaching office is essential. It is because the Church is grounded in a world which entertain all sorts of fallacies. For example, the value of a person is measured by his ability of making money and not his human dignity. In a utilitarian society, the value of life and inter-personal relationship is measured by its utility, thus creating a "death culture" in which anything which is of no utility can be dispensed of. Thus abortion and euthanasia are legalized in many parts of the world. The society advocates personal freedom and ignaores duties and common good. Thus after the decriminalization of homosexuality, gender plurality is drummed up and same-sex marriage is legalized. In so doing, marriage and family life which God bless are shaken and damaged. The Church stands alone in the world to become its salt and light (Matthew 5:13). She needs a large number of clergy to focus on the study of theological ethics to establish the correct social teachings of the Church, allowing the Pope to promulgate encyclicals and apostolic exhortations to give correct teachings to the People of God who are being challenged so that they may sanctify themselves, sanctify others and transform the world! 414,500 civil servants of the Church are undertaking a Herculian task.

This is the third call to all Catholics to glorify God through married or consecrated life. Most people take the married life to sanctification. Only one-three thousandth of people take the clergy way. Both styles of life to sanctification is not easy. But God is happy to infuse extra graces to help those who lead a married life or a consecrated life to overcome difficulties, to sanctify and to glorify God. Today is Mother’s Day as well as Vocation Sunday. It is a good opportunity to meditate the vocation of mothers. Truly, mothers brought us into this world. They rear us up and show us the Creator. The mission of mothers is a mission of total love. They are exemplars of priestly vocation!
Why then do only one-three thousandth of people take the clergy way to sanctification? Does the Church set too harsh the requirements? No. In order to enter the Holy Spirit Seminary to discern whether you have priestly vocation, you only need to finish DSE, not even 3322, the minimum requirement to enrol in university. Therefore, the requirements of the Church are not harsh. In fact, how would God be a miser in showering us with grace? Or do people, then like the rich young man, not willing to forsake what they possess or would possibly possess, money or achievements (Luke 18:23)? Probably it is the biggest factor. In a commercial society like Hong Kong, most people think in a utilitarian manner. They look for quick gain and lack long term noble causes. However, to be utilitarian, one need to think for long term benefit as well. In the long run, a society will suffer if there are not enough clergy teams to defend the moral values of this society. Or do people, like Peter, lack faith and fear bringing down the Church with scandals? So when Jesus Christ called him, Peter asked Jesus to leave him alone because he was a sinner (5:8). Truly, it was scandalous for Peter, who is the Prince of the Apostles, to deny Jesus Christ three times to save his own skin (22:54-62). But how great are the mercy and grace of God! After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, didn't He ask Peter 3 times whether he loved him and sent him to take care of the Church? Thus, we see how God desires us not to be afraid to answer His call and not to be afraid to accept grace.

Brethren, the age is changing constantly. The Church is facing constantly changing challenges. We do not have sure-win strategies to solve all problems, be they internal or external. Let us put our trust in the God who loves us, beg Him to send us the Holy Spirit to build up His Church.
God bless!

Sunday, 5 May 2019

認出耶穌基督 Recognize Jesus Christ








Third Easter Sunday, Year C
Theme: Recognize Jesus Christ

First of all, let us clarify the context of the gospel today. After His resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to elected ones, not to all. Those to whom Jesus had appeared became His witnesses. They are entrusted with the mission to proclaim Jesus' resurrection, making more people enjoy the new life brought about by resurrection!
Secondly, the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ took place in Jerusalem. On the first and eighth days, Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples. According to the gospel of John, this apparition was the third. It took place at the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1), the Sea of Galilee in the north. That is to say, during the forty days (Acts 1:3) between His Resurrection and Ascension, Jesus Christ did not stay with the disciples every day. His apparitions were sporadic. Thus, we should not be surprised when Peter wanted to go back fishing while the others joined him (John 21:3). Following Jesus for three years, the disciples expected some positions in the Kingdom of Heaven after overthrowing the Romans. Now that the whole endeavour ended up in a tragedy, it was easier said than done to talk about standing up where you fell. Although new opportunities arose after Jesus Christ had risen, his apparitions were so unpredictable! When chances of success were slim, it would be rather risky to try new things. The safest bet is to take up the previous job again.

According to the gospel narratives, the disciples failed to recognize the risen Lord. Whether it was Mary Magdalene at the tomb (John 20:15), or the two disciples on the way to Emmaus (Luke 24:16) and the story today (John 21:4), nobody was able to recognize Jesus Christ instantly. Every time, they recognized Jesus only after seeing what He had done before. Mary Magdalene had the preconception that the guy standing before her was the gardener who moved Jesus' corpse away. When Christ called her by her name, she immediately recognized that it was Rabbouni (20:15-16). The two disciples on their way to Emmaus thought that their new companion was a pilgrim who was returning home after celebrating the Passover in Jerusalem. When Christ broke the bread and gave it to them, their eyes opened and recognized Him (Luke 24:30-31). They might not be present at the Last Supper to see the institution of the Sacrament of Eucharist. Most likely, they were present at the miracle of five loaves and two fish. They saw Jesus looking up to heaven and said the blessing over the bread (9:16). This time, the same story repeated. They fished the whole night and caught nothing. But when they followed the Lord's command, they caught a large number of fish (5:4-7). Thus, the disciples recognized the risen Lord by seeing what Jesus had done before.
This fact is an important revelation to disciples of the future generations. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven after resurrection. You and I do not have the blessing to see Him with our own eyes, to hear with our own ears, or even like the apostles, to touch the wounds which the risen Lord has deliberately kept with our own hands. But through knowing the gospel, knowing the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, we are able to recognize the risen Lord.

How can this be possible?
First of all, when Jesus Christ spoke about the Last Judgment, He leaked the "examination topics" to us. They are the Corporal Works of Mercy the Church teaches. The King says, "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) That is to say, Jesus Christ is present among the weak and the sick who need to be taken care of, among the marginalized disadvantaged social groups, the rootless refugees, the foreign domestic helpers whose dignity has been trampled and the victims of human trafficking etc. The King is giving us opportunities and waiting for us to serve Him and to recognize Him! If we do not know this passage, how shall we take the initiative to serve Him?
Secondly, before His ascension, Jesus Christ promised His apostles to be with them always until the end of the age (28:20). Thus, in order to honour the Lord's promise, the Church celebrates masses everyday (except on the Good Friday) to consecrate unleavened bread into the body of Christ. If we do not know this passage, how shall we attend mass to receive the Holy Communion every day?

It takes a very strong faith to recognize the presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion. Likewise, it is as difficult to recognize His presence among the despised refugees, ethnic minorities, newly arrived immigrants, abandoned elderly in hospitals as well as homes for the aged, inmates in prisons, exploited outsourced janitors and the working poor etc. It takes an active faith to be able to recognize. How shall we cultivate such an active faith?
Bible study is the foundation. Unfortunately, if we have not received proper training or have not paid attention to the homilies during mass, we may not have the capability to understand the Bible. Even if you attend training courses, or listen to the priest's homilies attentively, you may not understand because the Holy Spirit is essential. During the Last Supper, Jesus Christ promised to send the Advocate, i.e. the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth, "He will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you." (John 14:26) The Holy Spirit gives us Wisdom which helps us desire God instead of secular things; Understanding which helps us understand as Jesus' disciples, what the right things to do are; Counsel helps us discriminate right from wrong and avoid sins; Fortitude helps us insist on doing good, overcoming difficulties to bear witness for the Lord; Knowledge gives us the capability to understand the truth of Jesus Christ and the Church; Piety helps us humbly put our trust in Christ and His Church and Fear of the Lord helps us refrain from committing sins and be reluctant to leave God. Lastly, "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord" (Proverbs 9:10). We are back to square one, Wisdom. Actually, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are linked and circular! Not only do these gifts help us understand rationally, but they also warm and melt our frozen hearts to love God. Thus, the disciple whom Jesus loved was the first to recognize the Lord on the shore (John 21:7). With the Holy Spirit in our hearts, can our faith not be active? What difficulty there is to recognize Jesus Christ?

Brethren, never forget that Jesus Christ makes us one in Him through the Holy Communion. He is also present in us. Thus, let us pray more to the Holy Spirit, to request the seven gifts to help us know the truth and love Christ. Perhaps Jesus Christ would speak through us and reveal Himself to those we come into contact!
God bless!

Wednesday, 1 May 2019



教宗方濟各於2018年頒佈的宗座勸諭【你們要歡喜踴躍】,提醒我們每一個基督徒都有「成聖」的本份。他引用梵二的【教會憲章】,指出我們「不是孤立地獨自得救的」,而是藉著「人類社會錯綜複雜的人際關係」走向祂。(GE 6)。教會的聖人是成聖的榜樣,「有助鼓舞人心,激勵我們前進,但這並不表示我們必須有樣學樣…」(GE 11


今天的福音,告訴我們尼苛德摩的故事。他是法利塞人,明白自己的同僚與耶穌基督作對,於是他小心謹慎地在夜間拜訪耶穌基督,學習真道。耶穌基督與他的對話,聽來玄之又玄,其實是指出聖神對我們成聖的幫助。耶穌基督生前,尼苛德摩曾在公議會力排眾議,為耶穌發聲;耶穌死後,是他和另一個法利塞人,阿黎瑪特雅人若瑟,無懼同僚的排斥,合力埋葬了耶穌。他對耶穌基督,可算有情有義。 耶穌基督在與他的對話中,曾說:「你是以色列的師傅,連這事你都不知道嗎?」(若3:10)聽來好像批評尼苛德摩不學無術,不配作以色列人的經師,師傅。這句話可以不是這樣理解的!其實,耶穌基督是想造就尼苛德摩,讓他藉聖神的助祐,自己發現真道。因為天主已把以色列子民所需要認識的所有真理,啟示在舊約之中。可惜,沒有聖神的助祐─祂是真理之神,愛德之神,以色列的經師,師傅和法學士等等的人物,無法洞悉真理的全部,甚至出於私慾偏情,與耶穌基督為敵,與真理為敵。耶穌基督信任尼苛德摩的能力,讓他遇上挑戰困難,從而發現永生的真道。這樣辛苦出力得來的成果,人便會珍而重之,永留心中。




