Sixth Easter Sunday, Year C
Theme: Why Does Jesus Christ Reveal Himself to Us
According to the Ordinances in Hong Kong, if we leave minors under 16 unattended at home, we would be charged with ill-treatment of children. But in the present situation of Hong Kong, many parents have to work together in order to sustain a certain level of living standard. During ordinary days, children are taken care of in schools. But what about holidays? Ask the grandparents to come to watch over them? Ask neighbours to look after them? Or seek respite care service for children from community centres? Of course, we should thank domestic helpers from the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and even Sri Lanka for releasing mothers to work, making more money to maintain a certain living standard! But the problem of child care is not solved. It is only transferred from Hong Kong to the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand! Moreover, it is not a problem of a few days' respite care but the problem of contractual absence, abandoning husbands and children for a couple of years. The severity of problem cannot be ignored. If those domestic helpers fail to arrange things properly, even though they earn more money in Hong Kong than at home, their marriages might be neutralized and their children become delinquent. Is it worthwhile?
During the Last Supper, Jesus Christ had to deal with a graver problem. Of course, the disciples were adults, not under 16 minors. But they had lived with Jesus for only three years. Spiritually, they were still naïve kids. Now Jesus had to leave them behind, himself to be crucified, to come back to life and then to ascend to heavens. He shall come back only at the end of the world. This is going to be a long time. What should Jesus Christ do to take care of those disciples, to prevent them from dispersal in his long absence? The key is to build up a supernatural charity to join them together and to maintain a link with them!
Let us take a look at the context of the gospel passage today. Jesus says, "Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him." Judas, not the Iscariot, said to him, "Master, what happened that you will reveal yourself to us and not to the world?" (John 14:21-22)
The command of Jesus Christ is totally different.
Secondly, the demand of Jesus Christ is heavy. Christians should love one another just as Christ has loved us (13:34b). Christ's love for us is a total self-giving and sacrifice in order to give us abundant life. During the Last Supper, he established the Sacrament of Holy Communion to nourish our souls; he died on the cross to repay our debts and he gave his mother, the BVM to be the Mother of the Church to look after us; after the Ascension, he sent the Holy Spirit to help the Church weather through worldly adversities. His love for us is comprehensive.
First of all, this Judas is the Thaddeus of Mark's Apostles' list (Mark 3:18) or Judas the son of James (Luke 6:16) and not the traitor, Judas from Kariot.
Secondly, the question Thaddeus raised is of extreme importance. All Christians in subsequent generations have to keep asking themselves this question. How do Christians living in a secular world keep their identity without being assimilated or swallowed up by the world? Secular people uphold "love, universal love and love of equal rights". How does it square with the "loving each other" which Christians uphold? The kind of love which mass media enjoy reporting and investing in programmes, is usually the dating of beautiful ladies and handsome men. They focus on the feelings and passion. Then what about unlovable people? Do you love and care about the aged janitor who sweeps the ground or the outsourced janitor who cleans the toilets? If love is only a passion, a satisfaction of desires and the pursuit of interests without mutual respect and a responsibility to the future generations, no wonder more and more countries are legalizing same-sex marriages!
First of all, "loving each other" is a new commandment Jesus Christ gave in the Last Supper (John 13:34a). Since it is a commandment, Christians have no choice but to obey. And since it is a commandment, we should do it without expecting any reward. That is to say, Christian love is not conditional. For example, if you score 90 marks in tests, daddy will buy you a PS4; if you are good, mother will bring you to Disneyland; if you shed 30 lb., your boyfriend will love you! With these if's, these conditions, it cannot be Christian love.
God bless!