Sunday, 29 September 2019
Sunday, 22 September 2019
如何善用「不義」之財 How To Make Friends With Dishonest Wealth
這個故事是如何發展下去呢? 最後的結局是怎樣呢?無論從前陳大文如何稱職,他表現怎樣好;除非他是一個神貧、謙遜和飢渴慕義的基督徒,為了實踐福音精神而拒絕升職,否則到最後,他總會升遷到一個他不稱職的位置!從前很成功的才幹,在新的位置用不著,反而成了他的包袱!這就是在職場中有名的「彼得原理」。你以為陳大文真是憑實力升遷到在這個位置上嗎?世上真是有「伯樂」的嗎?對不起,假的「伯樂」多的是!
試問嬰兒和小學生對香港有甚麼貢獻?為甚麼他們又可以享受多方面的福利呢?嬰兒和學生,最少也在他們身上投資二十年以上,纔對香港社會有所貢獻。反觀新來港的移民,領取福利,在香港立足,接受培訓,不出幾年,便可以投入勞動力市場,做那些香港人不大願意做的「安老護理服務」等等,不是更有效率的投資嗎? 相反,當我們尊重即使是弱小的社群,承認他們是社會中的持份者,應用我們手上,不屬於我們的資源,幫助他們,改善他們的處境,我們祇不過做了耶穌基督的教訓,「用不義的錢財交結朋友,為在你們匱乏的時候,好叫他們收留你們到永遠的帳幕裡。」(路16:9)這樣做,我們祇不過是「無用的僕人,我們不過做了我們應做的事。」(17:10)
Twenty Fifth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: How To Make Friends With Dishonest WealthJesus Christ is the Son of God. He came down to earth to teach sinners how to reconcile with the Father and how to return home. When He was about to accomplish His mission and ate the Last Supper with His disciples, He told them that He is "the Way, and the Truth and the Life". Only through Him can we attain genuine life (John 14:6). This statement is hard to swallow but is the Truth. In this secular world we are living, there are many selfish people who spread fallacies in order to take advantages for themselves. Consequently, many people are fooled and unable to tell the right from wrong. It is pitiful that they are straying farther and farther away from the Father. Take a look at the prosperous and comfortable modern social life and you will see a glimpse. Many people today are enjoying many conveniences and material satisfactions. In ancient times, lychee was a royal summer tribute from the south. Today, the general public can enjoy this imperial delicacy at any time. In ancient times, emperors spent their summers and winters at different palaces. Today, we commoners simply install air-conditioners at home and don't have to migrate in order to enjoy palatial comfort... It is because modern societies are more economically efficient than ancient societies that these conveniences and enjoyments are possible. Economic efficiency is made possible because of finer division of labour and specialization. Consequently, all organizations, from a country to a production unit, become highly hierarchical. However, there comes a price. No matter how perfect an institution is, it is carried out by fragile sinners. They make the outcomes less than desirable!
Let us imagine a hierarchical institution, such as a commercial company which aims at making profit, or a government department which aims at serving the citizens, in which a Mr. Able works from bottom up. If he is capable and gets results, his boss shall notice him and promote him. Right? Wrong! Although it sounds logical, in real world, capable people do not occupy top posts. It would only happen in an ideal world. Reality is harsh!
How shall the story develop? What will the finale be? No matter how capable Mr. Able was, unless he is a spiritually poor, humble and hungry for righteousness and refuses to promote in order to lead a life in the spirit of the gospel, sooner or later Mr. Able would rise to a job which he is no longer competent! The previous skills which made him competent were no longer appropriate and even perhaps became stumbling blocks! This is the famous concept of "Peter Principle" in management studies. Do you think Mr. Able really reaches this position with his competence? Are there bosses who genuinely appreciate his competency? Sorry, there are far too many incompetent bosses!
Since Mr. Able is no longer able to finish his works, what should be done? Create two or more posts and hire or promote subordinates to fill them. Mr. Able promotes himself to be the supervisor. What are the advantages? Well, credits go to the supervisor. Subordinates take care of the demerits. Small ones can be tolerated and swept under the carpet. When big ones arise, look for scapegoats. If you were Mr. Able, would you hire capable subordinates or shoe-shiners? Of course you cannot hire people more capable than you are! Your subordinates would work very hard to repay your appreciation. But how would your subordinates survive? "Doing little would make little mistakes and doing nothing would make no mistakes" becomes a motto. One day, your subordinates would follow your example to hire assistants to subordinates! Soon, a job done by one man would be shared by ten. Alas! Parkinson's Law comes alive! Today, a society with high level of division of labour and specialization is maintained by hierarchical institutions which inevitably are "supported" by Peter Principle and Parkinson's Law. Note that, commercial organizations and government departments are stewards and most of them are dishonest because they focus on the maximization of profits, or "cost-benefit" only. Every cent spent is held accountable to stake holders and not to God! Truly, "You cannot serve both God and mammon." (Luke 16:13)
God is our ultimate Lord. He created us in His image and told us to manage this universe (Genesis 1:26). Thus all of us are stewards and each one of us is a masterpiece of God. We are brothers. In the story of Cain murdering Abel, we learn that we should be keepers of each other (4:9). Thus, when we abuse our advantages and institutions to exploit others, turning them into slaves, torture them to fatten ourselves, we are dishonest stewards and commit Cain's fratricide! For example, recently, the fallacy of "newly arrived immigrants cheat CSSA" spreads again in social media. It is a hate-speech. The article does not treat men as God's images but measures their worth by money! It argues that these people have no contribution to the society of Hong Kong. After arriving in one year, they start receiving CSSA, thinning out the social benefits of local citizens. This is unfair.
Just think about it, what have babies and primary students contributed to Hong Kong? Yet, why are they receiving a lot of benefits? They take at least over two decades of investment before they will be able to contribute to the society. Look at those newly arrived immigrants. Yes, they receive CSSA, settle down and receive training. In a couple of years, they shall be able to join the labour market to take up dirty jobs, such as "elderly nursing" etc. Isn't it a more efficient investment?
On the contrary, when we respect these disadvantaged minority, acknowledge their stake-holder status, make use of resources not belonging to us to help them and to improve their situation, we are just practising Jesus' teaching, "Make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings." (Luke 16:9) In so doing, "we are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do." (17:10)
Brethren, as true followers of Jesus Christ, we should lead a life in the spirit of the gospel, that is the spirit of the Beatitudes according to our life situations and capabilities. With spiritual poverty and empathy, let us "rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." (Romans 12:15) In so doing, at the end of the world, we deserve the commendation of the Master. (Luke 16:8)
God bless!
這個故事是如何發展下去呢? 最後的結局是怎樣呢?無論從前陳大文如何稱職,他表現怎樣好;除非他是一個神貧、謙遜和飢渴慕義的基督徒,為了實踐福音精神而拒絕升職,否則到最後,他總會升遷到一個他不稱職的位置!從前很成功的才幹,在新的位置用不著,反而成了他的包袱!這就是在職場中有名的「彼得原理」。你以為陳大文真是憑實力升遷到在這個位置上嗎?世上真是有「伯樂」的嗎?對不起,假的「伯樂」多的是!
試問嬰兒和小學生對香港有甚麼貢獻?為甚麼他們又可以享受多方面的福利呢?嬰兒和學生,最少也在他們身上投資二十年以上,纔對香港社會有所貢獻。反觀新來港的移民,領取福利,在香港立足,接受培訓,不出幾年,便可以投入勞動力市場,做那些香港人不大願意做的「安老護理服務」等等,不是更有效率的投資嗎? 相反,當我們尊重即使是弱小的社群,承認他們是社會中的持份者,應用我們手上,不屬於我們的資源,幫助他們,改善他們的處境,我們祇不過做了耶穌基督的教訓,「用不義的錢財交結朋友,為在你們匱乏的時候,好叫他們收留你們到永遠的帳幕裡。」(路16:9)這樣做,我們祇不過是「無用的僕人,我們不過做了我們應做的事。」(17:10)
Twenty Fifth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: How To Make Friends With Dishonest WealthJesus Christ is the Son of God. He came down to earth to teach sinners how to reconcile with the Father and how to return home. When He was about to accomplish His mission and ate the Last Supper with His disciples, He told them that He is "the Way, and the Truth and the Life". Only through Him can we attain genuine life (John 14:6). This statement is hard to swallow but is the Truth. In this secular world we are living, there are many selfish people who spread fallacies in order to take advantages for themselves. Consequently, many people are fooled and unable to tell the right from wrong. It is pitiful that they are straying farther and farther away from the Father. Take a look at the prosperous and comfortable modern social life and you will see a glimpse. Many people today are enjoying many conveniences and material satisfactions. In ancient times, lychee was a royal summer tribute from the south. Today, the general public can enjoy this imperial delicacy at any time. In ancient times, emperors spent their summers and winters at different palaces. Today, we commoners simply install air-conditioners at home and don't have to migrate in order to enjoy palatial comfort... It is because modern societies are more economically efficient than ancient societies that these conveniences and enjoyments are possible. Economic efficiency is made possible because of finer division of labour and specialization. Consequently, all organizations, from a country to a production unit, become highly hierarchical. However, there comes a price. No matter how perfect an institution is, it is carried out by fragile sinners. They make the outcomes less than desirable!
Let us imagine a hierarchical institution, such as a commercial company which aims at making profit, or a government department which aims at serving the citizens, in which a Mr. Able works from bottom up. If he is capable and gets results, his boss shall notice him and promote him. Right? Wrong! Although it sounds logical, in real world, capable people do not occupy top posts. It would only happen in an ideal world. Reality is harsh!
How shall the story develop? What will the finale be? No matter how capable Mr. Able was, unless he is a spiritually poor, humble and hungry for righteousness and refuses to promote in order to lead a life in the spirit of the gospel, sooner or later Mr. Able would rise to a job which he is no longer competent! The previous skills which made him competent were no longer appropriate and even perhaps became stumbling blocks! This is the famous concept of "Peter Principle" in management studies. Do you think Mr. Able really reaches this position with his competence? Are there bosses who genuinely appreciate his competency? Sorry, there are far too many incompetent bosses!
Since Mr. Able is no longer able to finish his works, what should be done? Create two or more posts and hire or promote subordinates to fill them. Mr. Able promotes himself to be the supervisor. What are the advantages? Well, credits go to the supervisor. Subordinates take care of the demerits. Small ones can be tolerated and swept under the carpet. When big ones arise, look for scapegoats. If you were Mr. Able, would you hire capable subordinates or shoe-shiners? Of course you cannot hire people more capable than you are! Your subordinates would work very hard to repay your appreciation. But how would your subordinates survive? "Doing little would make little mistakes and doing nothing would make no mistakes" becomes a motto. One day, your subordinates would follow your example to hire assistants to subordinates! Soon, a job done by one man would be shared by ten. Alas! Parkinson's Law comes alive! Today, a society with high level of division of labour and specialization is maintained by hierarchical institutions which inevitably are "supported" by Peter Principle and Parkinson's Law. Note that, commercial organizations and government departments are stewards and most of them are dishonest because they focus on the maximization of profits, or "cost-benefit" only. Every cent spent is held accountable to stake holders and not to God! Truly, "You cannot serve both God and mammon." (Luke 16:13)
God is our ultimate Lord. He created us in His image and told us to manage this universe (Genesis 1:26). Thus all of us are stewards and each one of us is a masterpiece of God. We are brothers. In the story of Cain murdering Abel, we learn that we should be keepers of each other (4:9). Thus, when we abuse our advantages and institutions to exploit others, turning them into slaves, torture them to fatten ourselves, we are dishonest stewards and commit Cain's fratricide! For example, recently, the fallacy of "newly arrived immigrants cheat CSSA" spreads again in social media. It is a hate-speech. The article does not treat men as God's images but measures their worth by money! It argues that these people have no contribution to the society of Hong Kong. After arriving in one year, they start receiving CSSA, thinning out the social benefits of local citizens. This is unfair.
Just think about it, what have babies and primary students contributed to Hong Kong? Yet, why are they receiving a lot of benefits? They take at least over two decades of investment before they will be able to contribute to the society. Look at those newly arrived immigrants. Yes, they receive CSSA, settle down and receive training. In a couple of years, they shall be able to join the labour market to take up dirty jobs, such as "elderly nursing" etc. Isn't it a more efficient investment?
On the contrary, when we respect these disadvantaged minority, acknowledge their stake-holder status, make use of resources not belonging to us to help them and to improve their situation, we are just practising Jesus' teaching, "Make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings." (Luke 16:9) In so doing, "we are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do." (17:10)
Brethren, as true followers of Jesus Christ, we should lead a life in the spirit of the gospel, that is the spirit of the Beatitudes according to our life situations and capabilities. With spiritual poverty and empathy, let us "rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." (Romans 12:15) In so doing, at the end of the world, we deserve the commendation of the Master. (Luke 16:8)
God bless!
Sunday, 15 September 2019
What Prevents Sinners From Repentance? 甚麼事物阻礙罪人悔改?
Twenty-Fourth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: What Prevents Sinners From Repentance?
The gospel of Luke is a gospel of mercy. Through the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, it shows us the merciful face of the invisible God. Among the many parables recorded, the parable of the Prodigal Son goes down in history as a classic. Actually, it is one of the three parables which encourage us sinners to repent, to turn back to the Father. But who are the sinners? Tax collectors or Pharisees, or both? The key message is simple. All heavenly hosts rejoice when a sinner repents, whether he is a tax-collector or a Pharisee. It is even more joyful than the good deeds performed by ninety-nine righteous people on earth.
Very few people are natural-born murderers, cheaters, human traffickers or sinners. Didn't God create us in His image (Genesis 1:26)? That is to say, to start with we were all good, very good. In time, however we became evil, very evil. Many factors contribute to the downfall of an upright person. Therefore, we need to be alert and stay away from bad company and bad habits. On a more proactive point of view, we should learn what is good for our eternal spiritual life. We should teach our children what the right things to do are.
However, once a person breaks his oath of allegiance to God and turn away from Him, he has to overcome many obstacles in order to return. Many psychological factors prevent sinners from repentance.
First of all, it is egoism. People do not want to show their weaknesses before the others. They put up a brave face and never seek help. Some of them may be overconfident and believe in their own strength and charisma. Others may not be as confident and yet, they want to look good in front of the others. Therefore, whether you are strong or weak, capable or incompetent, you don't want to lose face and in particular, you don't want to lose face in front of those you care about most. You have a difficulty in admitting that you need external help, that you need God's help.
Let us meditate what Jesus did in his Passion. The Roman soldiers removed his clothes and crucified him, and hung him nakedly on the cross in full view of many bystanders and passers-by. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is powerful enough to prevent such suffering from happening (Matthew 26:53). Yet He humbly went through such a shameful ordeal (Philippians 2:8)! Why did He do this? Why did Jesus Christ suffer like this? Jesus Christ says that He is "the Way, and the Truth and the Life." (John 14:6) We believe that He wants to show us how to overcome our egoism with humility.
Secondly, it is denial. People always play the "Not Me" game! We all tend to blame others for our faults. We are truly children of Adam! When God asked Adam whether he had eaten the Fruit on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, instead of answering yes or no, Adam replied that it was the woman whom God created gave him the fruit so he ate it (Genesis 3:12). Adam even blamed God for his own disobedience. When God asked Eve, she pointed her finger to the Serpent! Our First Parent mistakenly thought that they would have saved their skin when somebody had taken the blame. Well, since it is not our fault, then we don't have to apologize, to seek forgiveness and to do compensation. In reality, we miss the opportunity to receive forgiveness and healing! The most difficult patients to cure are those who say that they are not sick! They refuse treatment.
Let us meditate what Jesus has done for the sick. Once a father brought his possessed son to Jesus for exorcism, Jesus did not drive out the demon immediately. He waited for the father to say the most crucial sentence, "I do believe, help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24)
Today, we know that Hong Kong is sick. We have suffered a summer of demonstrations, riots, violence and vandalism. Instead of coming forth to acknowledge their faults, people blame each other for the damages done in these three months: external intervention, colour revolution, the failure of our Education system, the unaffordable housing and the younger generation has no say in the society etc. Like the patient who refuses to acknowledge his sickness, if we do not humbly confess our faults, no physician is able to cure us. The worst situation is when we lose hope and give up, we shall perish. If we still keep our hope and faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord of human history, when time comes, He shall deliver us. If we still keep the charity of Jesus Christ, are willing to let go of our prejudice and blindness to become ambassadors of reconciliation, when time comes, He shall deliver us.
Lastly, it is herd mentality. People follow the crowd. When we go to the supermarket alone, we are honest and we pay. However, when a gang of youngsters enter the supermarket, they shoplift! Why? Some young people want to show off their guts while others do not want to be chickens. If you can do it, I can do even better. When you are in the Police Force, you cannot afford to disobey. You cannot afford to be the odd man out. You think you have no choice but to follow the unwritten rules. It is a dirty job. Even if you don't do it, somebody else shall take it up! They blame the system. It is a variant of the "Not-Me" game in a group setting! However, it all boils down to your personal choice and thus your responsibility. If we are sick, admit it and seek treatment. If we are wrong, admit it and seek reconciliation.
The parable of Lost Sheep today is very reassuring and consoling indeed. Jesus Christ is our Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14). He understands our egoism. He knows that we deny. Therefore, He goes all the way out to seek us. He is actually following us, accompanying us all along our strayed path and waits patiently for us to say, "I do believe, help my unbelief!" Finally, we remember Him and call upon Him. He finds us and sets us on His shoulders with great joy (Luke 15:5) to bring us home.
Brethren, let us take a break along our path. Take a look back to review what we have done so far. Are we lost in our prejudice and blindness against others? Have we disobeyed God's commandments to love Him and to love our neighbour as ourselves? Since we are followers of Christ, do we follow Christ's new commandment to love each other like He has loved us, to build up the others? Seek the help of the Good Shepherd. Call out to Him, "I do believe, help my unbelief!"
God bless!
2016 Homily
Picture credit: https://www.monasteryicons.com/product/good-shepherd-portrait-icon-606/icons-of-christ
Theme: What Prevents Sinners From Repentance?
The gospel of Luke is a gospel of mercy. Through the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, it shows us the merciful face of the invisible God. Among the many parables recorded, the parable of the Prodigal Son goes down in history as a classic. Actually, it is one of the three parables which encourage us sinners to repent, to turn back to the Father. But who are the sinners? Tax collectors or Pharisees, or both? The key message is simple. All heavenly hosts rejoice when a sinner repents, whether he is a tax-collector or a Pharisee. It is even more joyful than the good deeds performed by ninety-nine righteous people on earth.
Very few people are natural-born murderers, cheaters, human traffickers or sinners. Didn't God create us in His image (Genesis 1:26)? That is to say, to start with we were all good, very good. In time, however we became evil, very evil. Many factors contribute to the downfall of an upright person. Therefore, we need to be alert and stay away from bad company and bad habits. On a more proactive point of view, we should learn what is good for our eternal spiritual life. We should teach our children what the right things to do are.
However, once a person breaks his oath of allegiance to God and turn away from Him, he has to overcome many obstacles in order to return. Many psychological factors prevent sinners from repentance.
First of all, it is egoism. People do not want to show their weaknesses before the others. They put up a brave face and never seek help. Some of them may be overconfident and believe in their own strength and charisma. Others may not be as confident and yet, they want to look good in front of the others. Therefore, whether you are strong or weak, capable or incompetent, you don't want to lose face and in particular, you don't want to lose face in front of those you care about most. You have a difficulty in admitting that you need external help, that you need God's help.
Let us meditate what Jesus did in his Passion. The Roman soldiers removed his clothes and crucified him, and hung him nakedly on the cross in full view of many bystanders and passers-by. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is powerful enough to prevent such suffering from happening (Matthew 26:53). Yet He humbly went through such a shameful ordeal (Philippians 2:8)! Why did He do this? Why did Jesus Christ suffer like this? Jesus Christ says that He is "the Way, and the Truth and the Life." (John 14:6) We believe that He wants to show us how to overcome our egoism with humility.

Let us meditate what Jesus has done for the sick. Once a father brought his possessed son to Jesus for exorcism, Jesus did not drive out the demon immediately. He waited for the father to say the most crucial sentence, "I do believe, help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24)
Today, we know that Hong Kong is sick. We have suffered a summer of demonstrations, riots, violence and vandalism. Instead of coming forth to acknowledge their faults, people blame each other for the damages done in these three months: external intervention, colour revolution, the failure of our Education system, the unaffordable housing and the younger generation has no say in the society etc. Like the patient who refuses to acknowledge his sickness, if we do not humbly confess our faults, no physician is able to cure us. The worst situation is when we lose hope and give up, we shall perish. If we still keep our hope and faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord of human history, when time comes, He shall deliver us. If we still keep the charity of Jesus Christ, are willing to let go of our prejudice and blindness to become ambassadors of reconciliation, when time comes, He shall deliver us.
Lastly, it is herd mentality. People follow the crowd. When we go to the supermarket alone, we are honest and we pay. However, when a gang of youngsters enter the supermarket, they shoplift! Why? Some young people want to show off their guts while others do not want to be chickens. If you can do it, I can do even better. When you are in the Police Force, you cannot afford to disobey. You cannot afford to be the odd man out. You think you have no choice but to follow the unwritten rules. It is a dirty job. Even if you don't do it, somebody else shall take it up! They blame the system. It is a variant of the "Not-Me" game in a group setting! However, it all boils down to your personal choice and thus your responsibility. If we are sick, admit it and seek treatment. If we are wrong, admit it and seek reconciliation.
The parable of Lost Sheep today is very reassuring and consoling indeed. Jesus Christ is our Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14). He understands our egoism. He knows that we deny. Therefore, He goes all the way out to seek us. He is actually following us, accompanying us all along our strayed path and waits patiently for us to say, "I do believe, help my unbelief!" Finally, we remember Him and call upon Him. He finds us and sets us on His shoulders with great joy (Luke 15:5) to bring us home.
Brethren, let us take a break along our path. Take a look back to review what we have done so far. Are we lost in our prejudice and blindness against others? Have we disobeyed God's commandments to love Him and to love our neighbour as ourselves? Since we are followers of Christ, do we follow Christ's new commandment to love each other like He has loved us, to build up the others? Seek the help of the Good Shepherd. Call out to Him, "I do believe, help my unbelief!"
God bless!
2016 Homily
Picture credit: https://www.monasteryicons.com/product/good-shepherd-portrait-icon-606/icons-of-christ
Sunday, 8 September 2019
怎樣計算代價? How to Calculate Costs?
各位兄弟姊妹,耶穌基督召叫我們成為祂的門徒,並交付出自己的生命,讓我們成聖,修補這被罪惡所破壞,所撕裂的世界。所以,蒙召成聖的我們,應該把眼光放在不是金錢數目所能表達的因素上。信賴天主聖神的助祐,建立一個充滿希望、自由、公義與和平的天國。 天主保祐!
Twenty Third Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: How to Calculate Costs? If a boss wants to hire somebody, he will put up a classified advertisement and list the required qualifications. Whoever thinks that he possesses all those qualities can apply. For example, to hire an office clerk, the boss would require applicants to pass DSE, to be able to handle word processing and be polite in answering phone calls etc. Since sexual, racial and family status discriminations are forbidden by law, the advertisement cannot explicitly state that only female can apply, ethnic minorities or single mother need not to! Luckily, no such discrimination legislation was in force two millennia ago. Otherwise, Jesus would become a suspect of breaching discrimination laws when he declared which three types of people could not be his disciples (Luke 14:26-27, 33)!
Take a step back, no applicants can question the reasonableness of the qualities listed by the boss. It is absolutely legitimate for bosses to demand office clerks to be holders of two doctoral degrees without which, the applicant should be well-known in his neighbourhood to be filially pious! Am I exaggerating? Of course not! Recruitment examination was invented in Tang dynasty. During Han dynasty, only renowned filially pious men could be mandarins. In an age where there is an oversupply of labourers, even degree holders are expected to apply for scavenger jobs. However, these two parables sound unreasonable! Didn't Jesus Christ teach us to seek the Kingdom of Heaven like a child (Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16)? That is to say, if we want to become His disciples, we should not be calculating, follow him after doing cost-benefit analysis. Why then does He encourage us to calculate the cost? Isn't that contradictory?
Economists tell us that there is no free lunch in the world. Everything has a cost. But they do not tell us how to calculate the costs! It is because the value system of everybody is different. For example, some people calculate the economic losses during this turbulent summer: how much business retailers have lost, how the number of tourists have fallen, how many billions of dollars have evaporated overseas, how many people are injured or even have died thus increasing expenditures in our hospital system and how many public facilities have been vandalized and brought about time losses etc. All the factors mentioned above can be expressed in concrete monetary terms. On the other hand, some people focus on how extensively the psychological damages have been inflicted; how large negative feelings and how deep divisions among interpersonal relations and for how long have been caused by coverages of violent clashes on TV and social media; how much confidence and trust in government and police force have lost among citizens and how much the younger generation hate mainland China; what amount of difficulties are generated for future governance of the society etc. Although these costs cannot be expressed in monetary terms, they are genuine and serious costs!
The problem is that nobody is able to list and calculate all the factors and costs. Most people only consider the factors and costs which they deem significant and ignore other very important factors and costs which would not be considered at the moment. For example, as for the radical youngsters who clash with riot police and vandalize public facilities, why do they lay their future and life down on the streets, ignoring the risks of being arrested, injured or death? Are those costs not heavy? They are heavy indeed. But for them, a future without hope and freedom is worse than losing their future and life. Choosing the lesser evil, they clash and vandalize. As for the governments which send riot police to put a stop to chaos and violence, stability and prosperity are paramount. If governments fail to put a stop to chaos and violence today, the economy shall wither and national security as well as political careers will be jeopardized. In contrast, people's trust, lives and futures of the next generation are no longer worthy. Please note that the above are only statements. There is no attempt to pass judgment.
In today's parables, the tower builder was laughed at by onlookers for aborting his project halfway because he failed to calculate the factors and costs which he had ignored, such as weather and fluctuations in material prices etc. (14:29). The king who defended his territory was able to calculate more comprehensively. Not only did he know his ten thousand soldiers were unable to fight off an army of twenty thousand invaders, but he was also able to calculate the heavy tolls on fighting battles in his own turf. Thus, he would not care about his own glory to fight against all odds, but to send a delegation of peace to avoid annihilation (14:32). Again, Jesus Christ only narrates and does not pass judgment, leaving the readers latitude to exercise their wisdom to decide which choice is wiser!
Therefore, when Jesus Christ lists three factors failing which a person cannot be His disciple, he is not discriminating anybody. He just reminds us of the importance of considering the costs of being his disciples: who doesn't enjoy the warmth of interpersonal relationships on earth? Then would you choose interpersonal relationships in the secular world or the beatic interpersonal relationships in the Kingdom of Heaven, where "the wolf is a guest of the lamb" (Isaiah 11:6), riot police and demonstrators are brothers? Who doesn't like a perfect and successful life? Then, would you choose happiness and achievements on earth, or a reconciled world because you carry your cross? Would you desire worldly good, or would you empty yourselves, making room for your Heavenly Father to fulfil your life with His infinite mercy?
Brethren, Jesus Christ calls us to be his disciples and offers up His own life to sanctify us and to mend this world which has been laid waste and torn apart by sins. Thus, as we are called to sainthood, let us fix our sight on factors which cannot be expressed in monetary terms. Trust in the help of the Holy Spirit to build a Kingdom of Heaven which is full of hope, freedom, justice and peace.
God bless!
各位兄弟姊妹,耶穌基督召叫我們成為祂的門徒,並交付出自己的生命,讓我們成聖,修補這被罪惡所破壞,所撕裂的世界。所以,蒙召成聖的我們,應該把眼光放在不是金錢數目所能表達的因素上。信賴天主聖神的助祐,建立一個充滿希望、自由、公義與和平的天國。 天主保祐!
Twenty Third Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: How to Calculate Costs? If a boss wants to hire somebody, he will put up a classified advertisement and list the required qualifications. Whoever thinks that he possesses all those qualities can apply. For example, to hire an office clerk, the boss would require applicants to pass DSE, to be able to handle word processing and be polite in answering phone calls etc. Since sexual, racial and family status discriminations are forbidden by law, the advertisement cannot explicitly state that only female can apply, ethnic minorities or single mother need not to! Luckily, no such discrimination legislation was in force two millennia ago. Otherwise, Jesus would become a suspect of breaching discrimination laws when he declared which three types of people could not be his disciples (Luke 14:26-27, 33)!
Take a step back, no applicants can question the reasonableness of the qualities listed by the boss. It is absolutely legitimate for bosses to demand office clerks to be holders of two doctoral degrees without which, the applicant should be well-known in his neighbourhood to be filially pious! Am I exaggerating? Of course not! Recruitment examination was invented in Tang dynasty. During Han dynasty, only renowned filially pious men could be mandarins. In an age where there is an oversupply of labourers, even degree holders are expected to apply for scavenger jobs. However, these two parables sound unreasonable! Didn't Jesus Christ teach us to seek the Kingdom of Heaven like a child (Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16)? That is to say, if we want to become His disciples, we should not be calculating, follow him after doing cost-benefit analysis. Why then does He encourage us to calculate the cost? Isn't that contradictory?
Economists tell us that there is no free lunch in the world. Everything has a cost. But they do not tell us how to calculate the costs! It is because the value system of everybody is different. For example, some people calculate the economic losses during this turbulent summer: how much business retailers have lost, how the number of tourists have fallen, how many billions of dollars have evaporated overseas, how many people are injured or even have died thus increasing expenditures in our hospital system and how many public facilities have been vandalized and brought about time losses etc. All the factors mentioned above can be expressed in concrete monetary terms. On the other hand, some people focus on how extensively the psychological damages have been inflicted; how large negative feelings and how deep divisions among interpersonal relations and for how long have been caused by coverages of violent clashes on TV and social media; how much confidence and trust in government and police force have lost among citizens and how much the younger generation hate mainland China; what amount of difficulties are generated for future governance of the society etc. Although these costs cannot be expressed in monetary terms, they are genuine and serious costs!
The problem is that nobody is able to list and calculate all the factors and costs. Most people only consider the factors and costs which they deem significant and ignore other very important factors and costs which would not be considered at the moment. For example, as for the radical youngsters who clash with riot police and vandalize public facilities, why do they lay their future and life down on the streets, ignoring the risks of being arrested, injured or death? Are those costs not heavy? They are heavy indeed. But for them, a future without hope and freedom is worse than losing their future and life. Choosing the lesser evil, they clash and vandalize. As for the governments which send riot police to put a stop to chaos and violence, stability and prosperity are paramount. If governments fail to put a stop to chaos and violence today, the economy shall wither and national security as well as political careers will be jeopardized. In contrast, people's trust, lives and futures of the next generation are no longer worthy. Please note that the above are only statements. There is no attempt to pass judgment.
In today's parables, the tower builder was laughed at by onlookers for aborting his project halfway because he failed to calculate the factors and costs which he had ignored, such as weather and fluctuations in material prices etc. (14:29). The king who defended his territory was able to calculate more comprehensively. Not only did he know his ten thousand soldiers were unable to fight off an army of twenty thousand invaders, but he was also able to calculate the heavy tolls on fighting battles in his own turf. Thus, he would not care about his own glory to fight against all odds, but to send a delegation of peace to avoid annihilation (14:32). Again, Jesus Christ only narrates and does not pass judgment, leaving the readers latitude to exercise their wisdom to decide which choice is wiser!
Therefore, when Jesus Christ lists three factors failing which a person cannot be His disciple, he is not discriminating anybody. He just reminds us of the importance of considering the costs of being his disciples: who doesn't enjoy the warmth of interpersonal relationships on earth? Then would you choose interpersonal relationships in the secular world or the beatic interpersonal relationships in the Kingdom of Heaven, where "the wolf is a guest of the lamb" (Isaiah 11:6), riot police and demonstrators are brothers? Who doesn't like a perfect and successful life? Then, would you choose happiness and achievements on earth, or a reconciled world because you carry your cross? Would you desire worldly good, or would you empty yourselves, making room for your Heavenly Father to fulfil your life with His infinite mercy?
Brethren, Jesus Christ calls us to be his disciples and offers up His own life to sanctify us and to mend this world which has been laid waste and torn apart by sins. Thus, as we are called to sainthood, let us fix our sight on factors which cannot be expressed in monetary terms. Trust in the help of the Holy Spirit to build a Kingdom of Heaven which is full of hope, freedom, justice and peace.
God bless!
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
我寧願是盲的 I Wish I Were Blind
原來大部份人都有「確認偏誤Confirmation Bias」的毛病,就是一種「選擇性地回憶,蒐集有利細節,忽略不利或矛盾的資訊,來支持自己已有想法或假設」的傾向!所以,很多人祇看見自己所相信的,自己想看見的事物。
你有這種傾向嗎?以下遊戲,你會怎樣選擇呢? A?
聲明:「響音(A, E, I, O, U)咭背面是雙數。怎樣揭兩張咭來驗證這聲明呢?」
六大宗教領袖已呼籲各方停下,休戰兩個月來冷靜地尋求出路,特首亦宣布撤完修例修訂。但願堅持「不撤不散」的群眾,履行承諾。讓我們停下來,休息一會,像多疑的多默 Doubting Thomas 宗徒一樣,要求看見相反的證據纔相信。
原來大部份人都有「確認偏誤Confirmation Bias」的毛病,就是一種「選擇性地回憶,蒐集有利細節,忽略不利或矛盾的資訊,來支持自己已有想法或假設」的傾向!所以,很多人祇看見自己所相信的,自己想看見的事物。
你有這種傾向嗎?以下遊戲,你會怎樣選擇呢? A?
聲明:「響音(A, E, I, O, U)咭背面是雙數。怎樣揭兩張咭來驗證這聲明呢?」
- 在中央人民政府的眼中,香港的示威者是忘恩負義的「暴徒」,向警察掟磚,有警察受傷;衝擊破壞立法機關;掟氣油彈,包圍警署,縱火,破壞公共設施…他們甘心做外國分裂祖國的馬前卒,正在策動「顏色革命」,喊「光復香港」口號,塗污踐踏國徽國旗,侮辱國家主權…所以不能向「暴徒」屈服,答應他們任何的訴求。為甚麼有這種結論呢?因為先入為主,認定外國人亡我中國共產黨之心不死。更有甚者,當在上者認為鹿是馬的時候,在下的有誰敢說是鹿呢?
- 在香港特區政府的架構裡,特首在憲法上要服事中央人民政府和香港市民。但他們很清楚知道,他們不能同時服事兩個主子。所以他們放棄高度自治,祇能忠心耿耿地服從中央人民政府的指示,用行之有效的方法處理:抗爭者多是「廢青」,是寵壞了的大孩子,做事不顧後果,是通識教育出了問題,教壞了這一代人…惟有出動防暴警察「教仔」、「四點鐘江Sir」記者招待會;出盡語言偽術,拖延時間;運用一切法例,「止亂制暴」。
- 在香港警察的眼中,特首說是「暴動」,他們不可以說是「騷亂」。在面前的不再是他們有責任保護的市民,而是搗亂社會秩序的「曱甴」,並且是有能力危害他們性命和他們家眷的「曱甴」。所以有理由保護自己,不展示委任證,派臥底捉拿危險份子。理應罪不及妻兒,現在卻被「起底」,宿舍被襲,開學又恐兒子受欺凌…所以他們會不用多作專業判斷,自然反應地揮動手上的警棍;記者社工,全是敵人,協助「曱甴」偷襲同袍 …
- 上街的「和理非」群眾,因為人數眾多,成份複雜,任何標籤都會犯上「以偏概全」的毛病。但為了方便討論,惟有略舉一二。
a) 在部份人眼中,覺得現在若不發聲,恐怕以後再沒有機會發聲。首先,政府偽善地為台灣的死者討公道,默許警方濫暴,不出示委任證,「四點鐘江Sir」不斷自暴其短…
這場運動是「雨傘運動」的延續,有「問誰還未發聲」,有「連儂場」;不過沒有「大台」,是一場「Be Water運動」;有不同的英雄人物出現「硬淨哥」、蒙面彈叉人(有Hunger Game裡Jennifer Lawrence的影子);他們是「義士」,不是「勇武派」…警察是走狗,與黑社會合作無間,無差別濫暴,用過期的催淚彈,傷害無辜市民…
b) 另一些人,可能覺得從前沒有為下一代爭取到一個比較理想的政治制度,現在不做,再沒有機會了。所以銀髮族也上街。可是,眼見青年人被扭斷手,被打爆眼,被性侵…覺得非常慘痛,警察喪盡天良,是名副其實的「黑警」!
c) 有些人覺得河水不斷侵犯井水,不上街,將來再沒有機會謀生,因為「大灣區」祇是吞噬香港特區,取代「一國兩制」的戰略,今次運動的根源,是共產黨內部「習派」和「江派」在權鬥,有人希望香港發生動亂,可以派解放軍入城鎮壓,從中取利…所以大家不理會種種危險訊號,堅持了整個夏天。 - 在留下繼續衝擊的「勇武」派眼中,祇看見警察變成了政治工具,不停地「濫暴」和「濫捕」,白色恐怖的打手;中央人民政府正在打壓,連卑微的五個訴求,也堅決不給予半點恩情、一點希望。教他們在未來歲月,如何愛國呢?他們惟有把自己的生命、前途押上,水銀瀉地般地死諫…
- 在受盡了二等公民待遇之苦,如今喜見祖國崛起,帶來無限興奮的海外華人眼中,樂意接受祖國定性香港的暴徒是「港獨」;為在加拿大、澳洲等地方,享受著言論自由的大陸人,毆打表示與港人團結的香港留學生,而額手稱慶!
六大宗教領袖已呼籲各方停下,休戰兩個月來冷靜地尋求出路,特首亦宣布撤完修例修訂。但願堅持「不撤不散」的群眾,履行承諾。讓我們停下來,休息一會,像多疑的多默 Doubting Thomas 宗徒一樣,要求看見相反的證據纔相信。
Sunday, 1 September 2019
誰人替你捱了刀? Who Was Chopped In Your Stead?
Twenty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Who Was Chopped In Your Stead? God our Creator is invisible. What we see are signs of His presence or passing-by. We call these signs miracles. For example, the brimstone and fire that destroyed two cities (Genesis 19:24), the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:22), the cutting off of the River Jordan (Joshua 3:16) and a sun that stood still (10:13) etc. Indeed, take a look at the Mother Nature, whether on one fine day or a starry night, one shall be enchanted and stand in awe of the unfathomable designs of the Creator before whom or whose miracles, one bends with fear and piety!
However, perhaps because of the uneven distribution of resources, we treat each other as rivals, fighting for food, territory and mates. Before stronger ones, we take flight to safety in order to conserve our strength. Before weaker ones, we look down on them, easily chase them away or conquer and enslave them. Thus, humans excel over other animals not in their sharp claws and teeth but in institutionalization! The most difficult rivals to handle are our equals! We resort to frauds and tricks lest we end up in a Pyrrhic victory! Thus, in dealing with people, we develop all sorts of means. For example, to show our hands, we bluff to scare our rivals off and win potential mates over, such as what peacocks do! In time, we develop an effective means/institution called PRIDE. In order to win and to become a stake holder, we bribe our bosses, steal others' credits, betray teammates and trample on subordinates. On the contrary, if you are reticent and do not exhibit your talents, your bosses or potential mates will never pay attention to you. You are not a stake holder. You are a loser in the society! In this secular world, HUMILITY is not an effective means/institution!
In today's gospel, why were those who had been invited choosing the places of honour at the table (Luke 14:7)? It was nothing but racing against rivals, coming close to the host in order to take all favours from the host! Thus, Jesus gave them a simple and prudent piece of advice on etiquette: You have no idea whom the host has invited, what place you occupy in the guests list. The correct manner is to follow the host's arrangement! If you really have to take a seat for a moment, the best seat is the lowest place because any other place is better than the lowest place! However, such a strategy is insufficient to prove that humility is better than pride. Jesus' advice does not prove that "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted." (14:11) In fact, Jesus took the opportunity to talk about the question of kingdom of heaven and eternal life.
Jesus likes to make use of banquets in his parables to symbolize kingdom of heaven/eternal life. During Jesus' time, wedding banquet was the happiest event in one's life. Wedding banquets thrown by the rich could last for three consecutive days and nights!
The host symbolizes God who invites all to enter the kingdom of heaven and to partake in His eternal life. Although in other parables, Jesus has pointed out that eternal life is a gift and not a wage (Matthew 20:1-16), he also reminds us that in order to enjoy the wedding banquet of eternal life, we have to put on a "wedding garment" compatible to our call to sanctification (22:16). Thus, among those invited, there shall always be guests whose wedding garment is more precious and thus a more distinguished guest than you (Luke 14:8). If you do not have the virtue of humility but the vice of pride, you might want to compare whose garment is more distinguished, trying to show off how much effort you have put in sanctification during your lifetime. Consequently, "you would proceed with embarrassment to take the lowest place." (14:9)
Jesus Christ uses one more parable to teach us humility. He teaches that we should invite those because of their inability to repay (14:13-14a). Do we do so only because we don't want them to invite us back and we have repayment (14:12)? What has this to do with humility? Of course it is deeper than it appears!
Being short-sighted and haughty are characteristics of the proud. Thus, Jesus Christ teaches us not to be short-sighted, not to seek immediate gratification and rewards in this age. Comparing to eternity, this secular age is no more than a drop in the ocean, a grain of dust on earth! We should seek eternal rewards "at the resurrection of the righteous", the reward on Judgment Day (14:14b).
Let us meditate deeper! Why inviting the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind would earn you the eternal reward? Know what makes the humble humble is that they take everybody seriously. They think that everybody is very important. Even the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind are greater than they are because God created those according to His image (Genesis 1:26). God made those people unique, dignified and ignore them at your own risk! Even though those people are unable to repay, on Judgment Day, Jesus Christ shall repay in their stead. In the parable we find in Matthew 25, Jesus Christ declares unambiguously that He is present among the needy. Thus, when we serve the disadvantaged in the society, we serve the Lord Jesus (Matthew 25:40). When we oppress and beat up the unarmed, the aged, the weak, the women and children, every cut and bruise we inflict with knives and rods, we inflict them on Jesus Christ (Romans 15:3, Psalms 69:10)!
Men! Know thee that when you are able to wake up and breathe at day break, God has shown great mercy on you. It is such a great wonder and miracle! Therefore, can you not be humble, pious and frightened before the God who is present in the disadvantaged and in the non-stake holders?
Father! Forgive them! For they know not what they do (Luke 23:34). Amen.
Twenty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Who Was Chopped In Your Stead? God our Creator is invisible. What we see are signs of His presence or passing-by. We call these signs miracles. For example, the brimstone and fire that destroyed two cities (Genesis 19:24), the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:22), the cutting off of the River Jordan (Joshua 3:16) and a sun that stood still (10:13) etc. Indeed, take a look at the Mother Nature, whether on one fine day or a starry night, one shall be enchanted and stand in awe of the unfathomable designs of the Creator before whom or whose miracles, one bends with fear and piety!
However, perhaps because of the uneven distribution of resources, we treat each other as rivals, fighting for food, territory and mates. Before stronger ones, we take flight to safety in order to conserve our strength. Before weaker ones, we look down on them, easily chase them away or conquer and enslave them. Thus, humans excel over other animals not in their sharp claws and teeth but in institutionalization! The most difficult rivals to handle are our equals! We resort to frauds and tricks lest we end up in a Pyrrhic victory! Thus, in dealing with people, we develop all sorts of means. For example, to show our hands, we bluff to scare our rivals off and win potential mates over, such as what peacocks do! In time, we develop an effective means/institution called PRIDE. In order to win and to become a stake holder, we bribe our bosses, steal others' credits, betray teammates and trample on subordinates. On the contrary, if you are reticent and do not exhibit your talents, your bosses or potential mates will never pay attention to you. You are not a stake holder. You are a loser in the society! In this secular world, HUMILITY is not an effective means/institution!
In today's gospel, why were those who had been invited choosing the places of honour at the table (Luke 14:7)? It was nothing but racing against rivals, coming close to the host in order to take all favours from the host! Thus, Jesus gave them a simple and prudent piece of advice on etiquette: You have no idea whom the host has invited, what place you occupy in the guests list. The correct manner is to follow the host's arrangement! If you really have to take a seat for a moment, the best seat is the lowest place because any other place is better than the lowest place! However, such a strategy is insufficient to prove that humility is better than pride. Jesus' advice does not prove that "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted." (14:11) In fact, Jesus took the opportunity to talk about the question of kingdom of heaven and eternal life.
Jesus likes to make use of banquets in his parables to symbolize kingdom of heaven/eternal life. During Jesus' time, wedding banquet was the happiest event in one's life. Wedding banquets thrown by the rich could last for three consecutive days and nights!
The host symbolizes God who invites all to enter the kingdom of heaven and to partake in His eternal life. Although in other parables, Jesus has pointed out that eternal life is a gift and not a wage (Matthew 20:1-16), he also reminds us that in order to enjoy the wedding banquet of eternal life, we have to put on a "wedding garment" compatible to our call to sanctification (22:16). Thus, among those invited, there shall always be guests whose wedding garment is more precious and thus a more distinguished guest than you (Luke 14:8). If you do not have the virtue of humility but the vice of pride, you might want to compare whose garment is more distinguished, trying to show off how much effort you have put in sanctification during your lifetime. Consequently, "you would proceed with embarrassment to take the lowest place." (14:9)
Jesus Christ uses one more parable to teach us humility. He teaches that we should invite those because of their inability to repay (14:13-14a). Do we do so only because we don't want them to invite us back and we have repayment (14:12)? What has this to do with humility? Of course it is deeper than it appears!
Being short-sighted and haughty are characteristics of the proud. Thus, Jesus Christ teaches us not to be short-sighted, not to seek immediate gratification and rewards in this age. Comparing to eternity, this secular age is no more than a drop in the ocean, a grain of dust on earth! We should seek eternal rewards "at the resurrection of the righteous", the reward on Judgment Day (14:14b).
Let us meditate deeper! Why inviting the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind would earn you the eternal reward? Know what makes the humble humble is that they take everybody seriously. They think that everybody is very important. Even the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind are greater than they are because God created those according to His image (Genesis 1:26). God made those people unique, dignified and ignore them at your own risk! Even though those people are unable to repay, on Judgment Day, Jesus Christ shall repay in their stead. In the parable we find in Matthew 25, Jesus Christ declares unambiguously that He is present among the needy. Thus, when we serve the disadvantaged in the society, we serve the Lord Jesus (Matthew 25:40). When we oppress and beat up the unarmed, the aged, the weak, the women and children, every cut and bruise we inflict with knives and rods, we inflict them on Jesus Christ (Romans 15:3, Psalms 69:10)!
Men! Know thee that when you are able to wake up and breathe at day break, God has shown great mercy on you. It is such a great wonder and miracle! Therefore, can you not be humble, pious and frightened before the God who is present in the disadvantaged and in the non-stake holders?
Father! Forgive them! For they know not what they do (Luke 23:34). Amen.
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