教會把重要的聖經章節,用三年的時間循環誦讀,加深教友對「救恩史」的認識;把三部對觀福音順序分配在三年中,讓大家熟識救主耶穌基督的言行。今年是甲年,讀【瑪竇福音】。作為教友,我們有責任吸收福音的教訓,應用到日常生活裡,把耶穌基督慈悲的面目,展示在世人面前。將臨期伊始,我們的宗座署理湯漢樞機,發表了2019年的將臨期牧函,以「Maran atha主,快來!」回應香港當前的時局。
- 他引用耶穌基督復活後,與返回厄瑪烏的兩個門徒同行的例子(路24:13-35),鼓勵我們需要與香港人同行,並耐心地聆聽,重新發現與我們同在的耶穌基督。半年來我們各執一辭,堅持自己是正確的,沒有耐心聆聽對方的見解。結果我們陷入了互相角力,互相仇視的漩渦之中,不能自拔!所以,我們應同行聆聽!
- 他繼續引用著名的蕩子比喻(15:11-32),指出我們要接納自己和對方的限制,而不是指摘彼此的不是。人誰無過呢?蕩子有錯,難道長子就沒有錯嗎?警察濫暴,難道示威者的破壞是對嗎?惟有承認自己的不足,接納對方的困難,這纔可以創造出修和的機會,彼此寬恕,化解仇恨。
- 最後,他引用耶穌基督復活後,向多默宗徒展示自己傷痕的故事,展示暴力的真相(若20:24-29)。惟有在基督的復活內,纔能把暴力的殘酷和破壞,轉化成為仁愛的犧牲和救贖。治療這場社會動盪所帶來的傷痕,將會是一個漫長的過程,一筆沉重的代價。我們所需要的,是一份對人性的信念和希望。惟有信靠主的復活,纔可以把這些傷痛轉化成犧牲和帶來救贖!香港人,加油!
First Advent Sunday, Year A
Theme: Maran atha
Imagine how painful life would be without day and night. With only day without night, there would be no time to rest. Our life would easily and quickly burn out. On the contrary, with only night without day, life withers in the long duration of darkness. Similarly, there are seasons in a year. Life can hibernate, sprout, grow and bring forth fruit. Thus, the Church lays Jesus Christ's salvation project: Incarnation, evangelization, passion, resurrection and establishment of the Church etc. out in a year to help us remember our redemption experience. The Advent Season is the beginning of the Church's liturgical year. We spend four weeks to prepare our souls to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Church reads important biblical passages in a three-year cycle to deepen the faithful's understanding of their salvation history. She also reads the three Synoptic Gospels in three years to make them familiar with the words and deeds of Jesus Christ. In Year A, we read the Gospel according to St. Matthew. As Catholics, we have the duty to know the teachings of the gospel and put them into practice in our daily life to reveal the merciful face of Jesus Christ to the world. At the beginning of the Advent Season, our Apostolic Administrator, Cardinal John Tong makes use of the theme "Maran atha" in his Advent message in response to the present situation of Hong Kong.
First of all, according to the gospel of Matthew, Jesus says before His Ascension, "Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."(Matthew 28:20) Then, why should the faithful call out "Maran atha", like Jesus Christ has not been with them? According to the Acts of the Apostles, after the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost, the Church expanded rapidly. They believed, admittedly a wishful thinking, that Jesus Christ would return soon to fulfil what the gospel passage says today, "to be taken παραλαμβάνω" (24:40-41). Thus, "they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one's need" (Acts 2:45), leading a primitive communist life. In so doing, they obeyed Jesus Christ's "love each other" commandment on one hand, and on the other, wealth was no longer useful due to the imminent end of the world! "Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes," to actualize the presence of Jesus Christ which evolved through time to become the mass we celebrate today (2:46). Thus, the faithful feel concretely how Jesus Christ honours His promise at Ascension, staying with them always till the end of the world!
On the other hand, we need to know the social situation of the early Church. It was Jerusalem in the first century where Jews were subjected to the colonial reign of the Roman Empire. Most of the faithful in the early Church were either Jews or Greek-speaking Jews returned from overseas. Under the Roman colonial government, they were second class citizens receiving unfair treatments. Gradually, the faithful discovered that the Parousia would take a long time to come. Moreover, suffering unfair treatments under Roman rule and being rejected by fellow Jews, their desire for the return of the Lord became burning. They yearned for liberation and seeing justice done. They ached entering the kingdom of heaven and enjoying eternal life. They called out "Maran atha"(1 Corinthians 16:22).
If Jesus Christ is with us always, how does He come again?
The present situation enlightens us on this issue. Seeing the social unrest, many parishioners complain the Church for being reticent in condemning violence on either side. She is even guilty of sheltering and encouraging the rioters! Many people keep asking where God is, why justice is not seen done. If God is merciful and almighty, why does He allow the wicked to run rampant and the righteousness suffer? Suddenly, the one who is always with us seems to have vanished! Indeed, when our faith is challenged and bombarded, when our feel lost, naturally, even though intellectually we know that Jesus Christ is staying with us, emotionally He seems far away and even disappeared. Thus, we cry out "Maran atha". Moreover, until today, nobody is able to offer a strategy to solve the present crisis. Naturally, we desire Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe to return and clean up the mess for us!
In his Advent message, Cardinal John Tong points us a way out of the present crisis.
He quotes the story of Jesus Christ accompanying the two disciples returning to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) to encourage us to accompany Hong Kong people, listen patiently to them and rediscover the Jesus Christ who has always been with us. In the past few months, we have insisted on our being right without paying attention to the opinions of the others. Consequently, we are locked in mutual vengeance and cannot pull ourselves away! Thus, we should accompany and listen.
- He continues to quote the famous parable of the Prodigal Son (15:11-32) to point out that we have to accept each other's limitations. It is no use pointing fingers at each other. To err is human! The Prodigal Son was wrong. Does it mean the elder son was without faults? The police are excessively brutal. Does it make the rioters' vandalism right? Only by accepting our inadequacies and the difficulties of the other party can we create a chance for reconciliation, forgiving each other and neutralizing mutual hatred.
- Lastly, he quotes the story of the risen Christ showing Thomas His wounds, the reality of violence (John 20:24-29). Only in Christ's resurrection can we turn cruelty and destruction of violence into sacrifice and redemption of love. Healing the wounds inflicted by the social unrest shall take a long time and we shall pay a huge price. What we need is faith and hope in humanity. Only by putting our faith in the resurrection of our Lord can we turn those wounds into sacrifices and bring salvation! Hongkongers, Cheers!
Brethren! In this Advent Season, let us experience more deeply in our hearts and in liturgy the Jesus Christ who always stays with us and rediscover His presence in our neighbourhood. Lastly, trust in His mercy. Desire His return. Maran atha!
God bless!