
Sunday, 28 June 2020

耶穌當頭棒喝 Jesus' Wake Up Calls

Thirteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Jesus' Wake Up Calls

Most of the time, life is peaceful and comfortable. In such times, it is easy for us to fall into the temptation of complacency. We take life for granted and forget what it means to be alive. Times and again, we wake up only when disasters strike! Seventeen years ago, an infectious disease SARS arrived at Hong Kong from the north. We were forced to wear masks and to pay greater attention to personal hygiene. When it was over, the government did not improve our medical system to cater for outbreaks of contagious diseases. Today, we are caught unprepared once again because we have not learnt from the lesson of SARS. Some people in the society genuinely believe that this time God sent this coronavirus to remind us to be good stewards of the environment. Whether you agree with such an interpretation or not, it is true that God cares for us and when we lose sight of Him, He would gently remind us that He is staying with us to go through all sorts of challenges.

In a similar manner, some of Jesus' teachings in the gospels are peaceful and comfortable and it is easy to obey and follow. For example, who would refuse to love each other (John 13:34)? Only callous people would not give alms to starving people or to leave wounded or sick people unattended (Matthew 25:44), right? Following such teachings of Jesus makes you feel good. How can you not obey? However, some of His teachings are more challenging. For example, love your enemies (5:44) or turn the other cheek to bullies (5:39) etc. Following such teachings is unpleasant! But such teachings are important to keep us alive, alive to our identity as God's children. Just think about it for a moment. You are God's children. Are your enemies not God's children as well? If you do not love them and do not pray for those who persecute you, you are not doing your job as your brothers' keeper (Genesis 4:9)! You are not different from Cain who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and anger! Therefore, this teaching of loving your enemy is a reminder, a wakeup call to take up your obligation as your brothers' keeper. Our eye sights are easily blocked by our anger, jealousy, pride, prejudice and even laziness so that we fail to recognize the Jesus who is present in our "enemy"!

Just like the teaching of loving your enemies, the gospel teachings today are also wakeup calls from Jesus. When we love our parents and our children, we are doing the Ten Commandments. There should be nothing wrong doing the Ten Commandments, right? Right and wrong! It is true that nothing can be wrong when we are doing the Ten Commandments. Furthermore, Jesus did not come to abolish the Ten Commandments. He came to fulfil them (Matthew 5:17). Therefore, Jesus would never contradict the Ten Commandments and the laws of Moses.
Jesus came to fulfil them and to elevate them by highlighting the spirit of the law. What does that mean? It means it is not enough to obey the Ten Commandments and the laws of Moses. It is not enough to follow the letters of the law just like the Pharisees and the scribes did. It is more important to live up to the spirit of the law. Therefore, in the Sermon on the Mount, not only does Jesus teach us not to kill, but also not to be angry (5:22); not only not to commit adultery, but also to respect the physical body of the opposite sex (5:28); not only not to swear, but also to tell the truth, nothing but the whole truth (5:37)!

How is doing the Ten Commandments wrong? The teaching in the gospel today is a wakeup call to show us how doing the Ten Commandments can be wrong. "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me." (10:37-38) Jesus repeats three times "is not worthy of me". So, it must be serious and important. Jesus really means it. What does Jesus mean?

First of all, does spending longer time with people mean loving them more? No! Jesus does not want you to spend more time with him than your parents or children. It is "quality time" that counts! Think of those pitiful students. They are forced to spend a lot of frustrating time doing things they hate to do. The time they are forced to study is not "quality time". It is only when they enjoy the subjects they study or things they do, they would be eager to spend time on. It is the eagerness that makes time a "quality time"! So, the question becomes whether you spend your time more eagerly with your parents, children than with Jesus!

Secondly, there are different types of love. There are husbands and wives, parents and children, friends and colleagues, classmates and team members etc. These relationships require different degrees of mutual understanding, mutual respect and loyalty etc. Therefore, different types of love are running within these relationships. Furthermore, we belong to a family, a working place, a society, a country and a world. They also demand different levels of loyalty and love. Of course all these are inter-related. Usually these relationships coexist peacefully without conflict. It would be meaningless to compare your love of parents with your love of your spouse. They are different. Only when conflicts arise does the problem of comparison appear! Do young people love their friends more than their parents? Do husbands love their wives more than their parents? Do we love parents more than our countries? Do we love parents more than God?

Here cultural elements have to be taken into consideration. It is known that some remote villages living in poverty have some miserable customs. For the good of the whole village, sons had to carry their aged parents to the top of the mountain, leaving them there to die! In China, Confucius teaches that it is a shame not to go into battles to defend the country because the lives of parents would be in danger. Defending the country is love of parents! Therefore, we see that loving your parents also means leaving them behind to achieve a greater good.

God is our Creator and Redeemer. He is our greatest good. In ordinary times, love of parents is also a love of God because we cannot see God, kiss Him or buy Him birthday cakes. It is through the love of parents and others that we love God. It is not meaningful to ask whether we love parents more than we love God because the more we love our parents, the more we love God. It is only when a greater good demands us to make the decision to leave our parents, children and comfort behind that the question becomes unpleasant!

Brethren, do we pay lip service to the greatest commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole being and with your whole strength." (Deuteronomy 6:5)? I cannot answer the question for you. Let's pray to the Holy Spirit to give us the heart, the being and the strength to love the Lord our God. Wake us up before disasters strike.
God bless!

2017 Homily
Picture credit:




與愛仇人的教訓一樣,今天福音的教訓也是耶穌的當頭棒喝。當我們愛護子女,孝愛父母時,我們在履行十誡。試問履行十誡有錯嗎?沒有錯,但亦有錯!履行十誡沒有錯。耶穌來不是為廢除法律,而是來成全它(瑪5:17)。因此,耶穌不會否定十誡和梅瑟的法律。 耶穌來成全和提昇法律的精神。是甚麼意思呢?就是說,按條文來遵守十誡和梅瑟法律是不足的,法利塞人和經師不也是這樣做嗎?按法律的精神守法更為重要。因此,在山中聖訓,耶穌不但命令人不可殺人,更不可發怒(5:22),不但不可姦淫,更要尊重異性的身體(5:28);不但不可發虛誓,更要說真話,全部的真話(5:37)!







Sunday, 21 June 2020

天網恢恢 The SkyNet Is Leak-Proof








我們不會奢望世間的法律可以完美,亦不會害怕有人會濫用國家法律來迫害那些憑良心生活的人;和那些信靠天主的基督徒。即使生活在迫害之中,我們應該好像宗徒們一樣,慶幸自己能堪當為耶穌基督的名字受侮辱(宗5:41)。 天主保祐!


Twelfth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: The SkyNet Is Leak-Proof

Living in a society, people should not interact according to personal likes and dislikes, doing harmful things to others to benefit themselves. Take one step further, for the sake of common good, sometimes individuals have to give up some rights they are entitled to enjoy. For the smooth running of the society, rules and regulations must be set up to resolve conflicts. Thus, one of the purposes of legislation is to settle disputes in a fair manner by an impartial third party. For example, time slots are set aside to be bus-lane in the highway and the remaining time for all vehicles.
Take yet another step further. In order to meet concrete needs of the social situation, government may pass laws to advocate some policies. For example, when population is exploding, it is necessary to promote family planning. Governments may work on the taxation system, giving high tax allowance for the first two children and decreasing it stepwise for children born later. However, if the government imposes abortion on pregnancies that are not permitted, it is a murder of innocent foetus and is immoral. Such abortion laws are evil. Thus, being legal is not necessarily moral. Take another example, there are minimum wages laws. Employers may legally pay only the minimum wages to workers to satisfy the contracts. But isn't that a trampling on the workers' dignity and an exploitation of workers of the economic fruits due them?

On the contrary, taking moral actions may breach the laws. For example, Jesus did not follow Mosaic laws and healed the sick on Sabbath. In 1930, Gandhi refused to pay salt-tax to the colonial government and marched for 24 days to the sea to make salt! In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat at the "coloured section" of the bus to a white man and was arrested! Thus, following the conscience to take moral actions may breach the law!

Men's laws are too primitive compared with God's laws! God's laws are broad but able to "catch" everything! For example, the Ten Commandments do not set down the details (Exodus 20:2-17). They set the boundaries to guide human beings how to lead a righteous life. They leave broad latitudes for mankind to develop God's images inside them. The purpose of the Ten Commandments is not to restrict but to help humanity develop and restore the inner images contaminated by sins! Jesus Christ gave a new commandment during the Last Supper, "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34). This commandment aims at the edification and sanctification of our life so that we may partake in the eternal life of the Father. God's laws and Jesus' aim at giving us more abundant life. (10:10)

When governments make laws, they take an opposite approach. They believe that "the Devil is in the details". So when they draft laws, they labour painstakingly to make laws catch big and small offences alike. In the end, they fall into Satan's snare, killing themselves with the laws they've made! Even for atheists, they should at least learn from history. For example, during the Warring States period in China, the backward Qin state wanted to rival other foreign states. Duke Xiao of Qin hired advisers even from foreign states to help him. A legalist, Shang Yang from Wei helped him reform, deploying the policy of harsh legislation to deal with chaotic periods of time. Qin became strong and rose above other warring states. After the demise of Duke Xiao, Shang Yang lost patronage and consequently, was killed by the meticulous legislations he himself had designed!

Modern people lead a comfortable and convenient life. They think that economy is able to solve all sorts of problems. State leaders think that "getting rid of poverty and becoming sufficiently rich" would be able to dissolve social discontents. Prosperity and stability becomes the highest goal of the government! When social unrest emerges, government officials put the blame on rich merchants and land developers. They forget that man has a soul. Filling up the belly solves only a minor part of the problem! Just as what Jesus quoted in answering Satan's first temptation, "It is not by bread alone that people live, but by all that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 8:3) See what Jesus did in His public ministry. He often took care of the physical as well as spiritual needs of the crowd. For example, before He multiplied 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed the crowd, Jesus spent the whole afternoon teaching the crowd many things and healed their diseases (Mark 6:34, Luke 9:11). In the cure of the paralyzed man, Jesus forgave his sins first so that the paralyzed man might paralyze happily ever after (Mark 2:5)! Liberating a possessed man, Jesus drove the demons into 2000 pigs which jumped to their death. The 2000 pigs were the property of the whole village. Thus we see that Jesus Christ takes seriously the value of human souls!

Modern people are superstitious in science. They deny the existence of God, of heaven, of hell and of souls etc. They slight the teaching of the gospel passage today, "And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna." (Matthew 10:28) They are not afraid because they think that they have no soul to destroy. Others also don't have souls. There is no Gehenna on earth and no God! They abuse technology and do whatever they wish. Consequently, they create hell on earth for themselves, for people around them and for the future generation! But we believe that souls are immortal. Thus, souls do not die and can't be killed. They can only be destroyed in Gehenna. That is to say, souls will suffer in hell and can't die to cut short their sufferings. How painful it would be! Where is heaven? Heaven is the abode of God where we can live with God. Where is hell? Hell is where there is no God, no God's mercy nor God's grace to be found!

We do not expect laws on earth to be perfect. We are not afraid of people abusing state laws to persecute those who lead a conscientious life or those Christians who trust in the Lord. Even in time of persecutions, we should be joyful like the apostles because "they had been found worthy to suffer dishonour for the sake of the name (of Jesus Christ)" (Acts 5:41).
God bless!

Saturday, 20 June 2020

心靈教育 The Education of the Heart







The Education of the Heart (Luke 2:41-51)

One of the consequences of sins is the deformity of human nature. Men seek transitory and unreal happiness. They become numb to pain, disabling its alarm function. Removing the shield of sins, our feelings are more direct and clearer. Happiness is genuinely sweet and pain bone racking!

The BVM was immaculately conceived and exempted from Original Sin. Jesus Christ redeemed her preemptively. Her whole life is overshadowed by the special care of God and full of grace. Her heart is immaculate and worthy to be the Mother of the Son of God. Her happiness is unique. "Behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed." (Luke 14:48). Indeed, her heart is pure and is able to see God (Matthew 5:8), bathed in infinite joy and consolation. At last, both her body and soul together passed in sleep into the abode of God without any hindrance. Her blessedness is magnificent.

However, her pains are also unique and unsurpassable except by her Son! Although both St. Joseph and her lost sight of God for only three days (Luke 2:46), her pains would be none less than those of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta who had undergone a spiritual darkness for more than four decades. Her pains must be heavier than those of St. Joseph and are comparable to the pains of Jesus Christ on the cross when He cried out Psalm 22 (Mark 15:34)! These three days must be a foretaste of the pains of Jesus' burial. I believe nobody dares to bear her pains!

All these joys and pains flows from her immaculate heart. How does the BVM keep her heart immaculate? "She kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart" (Luke 2:19, 51) should be her secret! She meditates constantly and repeatedly all the words of God and all things God arranges around her. There is no more room her mundane things in her hearts so that she remains forever humble, meek and perceptive to people's needs and without hesitation tells people to do whatever Jesus tells them. (John 2:5)!
Blessed Virgin Mary, intercede for us so that we may be worthy to receive the grace of Christ. Amen.

Friday, 19 June 2020

聖心為我輩安息之所 The Sacred Heart Is Our Resting Place







The Sacred Heart Is Our Resting Place (Matthew 11:23-30)

There shall be nothing left to regret if we are lucky enough to find a soulmate on earth. Take a step back, if we can find a Bo Le who is able to hook our talents, we shall be glad to toil to death like Zhuge Liang! Even for us commoners, if we find a good boss, we would be loyal and work with all diligence to earn money for him.

Is Jesus Christ a good boss? Absolutely but His is a unique style of leadership.
Unlike other entrepreneurs, Jesus Christ does not treat our relationship with Him like a contract, demanding us to work nine to five, fill the quotas and pay us punctually. On the contrary, He invites us to evangelize but does not set a target of 3000 converts per annum. Just as what He says, "For my yoke is easy, and my burden light" (Matthew 11:30). He does not demand us to labour to death but poured out for us all His blood and life on the cross.

Is Jesus a Bo Le? Absolutely. He affirms that we have the dignity of the image of God and are destined for eternal life! We are not a pawn in power struggle, a dispensable nut when our mission is accomplished. We ARE the ends! He makes use of easy yoke and light burden, not to suppress our rebelliousness but to ignite our wounded potentials, the potential of sanctification, making the soiled image of God shine forth again!

Is Jesus our soulmate? Absolutely. He created us and knew me before He formed me in my mother’s womb. He knows my happiness. His pierced limbs and heart tell me that He knows all our pains inside out. His opened heart becomes our place of rest. There, we have no regret and enjoy genuine repose (Genesis 2:2).
Lord Jesus Christ! Be the guest of my heart. Amen.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

天父系列之四 The Father's Series (IV)





圖片鳴謝: America Magazine

The Father's Series (IV) (Matthew 6:7-15)

How should parents and children communicate?
First of all, gaps exist in the communication between the two generations on earth because they have gone through different experiences and have different abilities. If both sides are willing, they can bridge the generation gaps and come closer. The minds of the parents are becoming petrified and they find it difficult to adjust to new things. Children are more flexible and open and can easily grasp the mind-set of their parents. If they are willing, children can easily follow and even outrun their parents.

When we pray to the Father and adore our Creator, we don't have the advantages of children of the world. The distance between our intellect and God's mind is infinite. There is no hope to follow, not to mention outrunning Him. Jesus says, "Your Father knows what you need before you ask him." (Matthew 6:8) What wisdom and omniscience is this mind-reading! Naturally, we'll ask why we still have to pray if the Father already knows our needs.

I would retort. Is asking the Father to satisfy our needs the only reason to pray? Do the communications between parents and children have the sole purpose of asking for money only? Can't children ask after the health of their parents? Don't forget, greeting not only conveys respects but it also reinforces our identity! Similarly, praying to the Father is not only adoration but it also reinforces our identity as children of our Heavenly Father. We are not animals that seek survival and gratification of wants. We are images of God and children of God who partake in eternal life! Once we forget our true identity, we will follow the current, become numb to evil and recognize Satan as our father! How terrible it shall be!
Father! Words can't convey all! Let us ask after You not in words. Amen!

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

天父系列之三 The Father's Series (III)






The Father's Series (III) (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18)

Some teachings in the gospel seem contradictory. But when you meditate them in the light of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to understand the truth of these teachings.

For example, when Jesus teaches us to be salt of the earth and light of the world, He encourages us, saying "Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:16) But in the passage today, He says instead, "Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them. (6:1) How do we harmonize such contradiction?

Indeed, our "righteous deeds may not be "righteous in the eyes of the others. Not only do we give alms to the needy and the marginalized, but we also fight for the human dignity of these exploited. Although we are following the social teachings of the Church, in the eyes on some people, we are trouble-makers. Our actions are not righteous. Then, shall we give up? No! Do we expect others to see us in different lights, to agree with our beliefs and glorify our Heavenly Father? No! We only seek the Father's will and do it. God will take care of the rest. If the Father wills that our righteous deeds are futile, our hearts are at peace because, "We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do. (Luke 17:10) If the Father wills that our deeds might touch the hearts of a handful of people, allow them to know and glorify Him, it is our honour! The key point is: we have no ulterior motive in our deeds!

In fact, the gospel passage today warns us not to act for people to see. Such a motive defeats the righteous deeds even if getting "recompense from your heavenly Father is your motive! Unless you feel satisfied and being able to perform righteous deeds itself is your recompense! The ability to perform righteous deeds enables you to fully actualize your potentials and how happy it is that you don't need other's help! How free it is that your happiness does not rely on the recognition and approval of the others!
Father! If we have any motive, let doing Your will be our only motive. Amen.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

天父系列之二 The Father's Series (II)






The Father's Series (II) (Matthew 5:43-48)

Doubting God's love for humanity appears in many forms. Adam and Eve's eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is one example; complaining God for allowing the righteous to suffer unnecessarily and not extending a helping hand is another; We are jubilant when we see the wicked suffer is yet another! But all those things are not close to us. It is not difficult for us to maintain our objectivity and rationality in dealing with the wicked in these cases. However, it is not so easy to love those who plunder our property, or hurt our family members or even attempt to take our lives! But don't you know that not loving them reveals your doubt of God's love for you? What a great temptation!

You may complain, "Heavenly Father! My enemies are doing me harm. Why don't You stop them? Do You want to see me suffer? Do You enjoy seeing me suffer …" Look! We easily forget to be grateful for things we haven't asked for. On the contrary, we grumble whatever we find unpleasant! Our problem lies in our not knowing history, forgetting that out of love, God made use of the Assyrians and Babylonians to chasten the Israelites from idolatry and return to His embrace. Surely the pains of being conquered dwarf our frustration! Being conquered did not make the Israelites doubt God's love or question God's promise to David. On the contrary, deep in their hearts, they anticipated the coming of the Messiah. Then, do frustrations trigger your desire for God's redemption?

Frankly, the Messianic anticipation of the Jews was flawed because they were unable to shake off their anger against their oppressors. They forgot that their relation with the Romans was a relation between God's images. They are supposed to be keepers of each other (Genesis 4:9)! Even if my brother refuses to be my keeper and does me harm, should I do the same, refusing my responsibility as a keeper to pray for his spiritual good? Indeed, the prerequisite to be a life-guard is to ensure his own safety! If you pray to the Father to punish those who persecute you, once again you doubt the Father's love for you. Then are you in safety?
Heavenly Father! Grant us the Holy Spirit. Help us remember the teachings of Christ. Inflame our heart to love until it hurts. Amen!

Monday, 15 June 2020

天父系列之一 The Father's Series (I)







The Father's Series (I) (Matthew 5:38-42)

Christians believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ for the salvation of humanity. But how seriously do they believe? Can their faith undergo tests?

The Tyranny of Violence can be said to be the Sign of the Time. Many violent incidents erupt all over the world, including personal violence, domestic violence and institutional violence. We are not able to turn a blind eye to violence triggering more violence, creating a vicious cycle until both parties neutralize each other. Worse still, innocent bystanders become victims of collateral damage. Infidels tease Christian teachings, bullying Christians for failing to follow their Master to turn the other cheek for further insults.

Indeed, the examples set up by Lord Jesus Christ are too lofty. In Gethsemane, not only did he refuse to resist arrest, but He also cured on the spot one of those who came to arrest him. Before the Sanhedrin and Pilate, He did not defend Himself, happily accepted an unjust verdict. On the cross, He begged the Father to forgive those who crucified Him. He didn't care how much evil the thief had done, promising paradise even to a last-minute repentance! Lord Jesus had done more than turning the other cheek! He totally and selflessly carries out the Father's will in order to seek and embrace lost sheep, bring them home to the Father and restore the tarnished images of God!

Christians! Have you been blinded by your own version of justice? How your eyes been covered by over-inflation of your ego and couldn't see God's justice? He protects the righteous and shows mercy to the evil more! If the Father could not guarantee the qualities of the righteous and restore the distorted ones of the wicked, the Father would not be a qualified engineer. But that's impossible!
Heavenly Father! Send us the Holy Spirit so that we may see Your mercy with our own eyes. Amen!

Sunday, 14 June 2020

我們成為生命之糧 We Become Bread of Life

Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Year A
Theme: We Become Bread of Life

Brethren, how are you? How did you spend the days during this pandemic? Has this pandemic affected your livelihood such that you earn less money? Have you lost your job, or any relatives, friends or even family members? But the most important of all, have you lost contact with God?
Against my will, I was labelled "high-risk" because among the early deaths of this pandemic in Hong Kong, two were diabetics. For the sake of my family, I had to undergo a self-imposed quarantine. This means, I went outdoors twice a week only to handle necessary business and meet people. I don't know whether I am an invisible virus carrier or not. For the sake of Christian charity, I had to suspend my prison visits and limited myself to delivering the Sunday Examiner to inmates at the main gate of the prisons only. I discover that "out of sight, out of mind" is not true. The more I cannot meet the people, the more I miss them. The case of prison inmates is more meaningful because during the self-imposed quarantine, I understood better what it feels to lose one's freedom! Like many of them, I have more solitary time to bring to mind my Lord and my God.
One day I met a friend of mine who is very intuitive and she told me that I was as excited as an inmate discharged from hospitals or prisons. Suddenly, I realized that Jesus Christ was "imprisoned" in the Tabernacle as well. How happy and excited it would be for Him to be received by us and carried by us to the world outside!

Compared with the teachings of Jesus, Moses' are milder and more easily acceptable. For example, in the first reading today, instead of telling people to eat him like Jesus did, Moses says, "He therefore let you be afflicted with hunger, and then fed you with manna, a food unknown to you and your ancestors, so you might know that it is not by bread alone that people live, but by all that comes from the mouth of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 8:3) In itself, this teaching is excellent because Jesus made use of it to fight back the first temptation of Satan in the wilderness. Times and again we too fall into the temptation of doubting the love of God and complain like the Israelites in the wilderness! "God, you drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden because You were afraid that they would eat from the tree of life and live forever (Genesis 3:22). You don't love us!" or "God, You are love (1 John 4:8). How can You allow us be afflicted with hunger, sickness, pandemic and sufferings?" etc. Moses reminds us that for our good, for a better goodness of many people, God allows us to suffer so that we who have gone astray might repent and return to God. Not only do we live by bread to nourish our bodies, but we also live by the Word of God to nourish our souls. Very often, we are too busy earning our bread and have forgotten the needs of our souls. Moses's teachings are easier to understand and follow. What about Jesus' teachings?

Don't blame the Jews. Even for us modern people, cannibalism is an offensive idea! In fact, Jesus' teachings, as always have been, are very revolutionary and more difficult to accept. Just think about the Beatitudes: blessed are the poor, the mournful, the meek, when you are persecuted, turn your other cheek to the evil people and love your enemies etc. Perhaps you may think that Jesus does not mean them to be accepted literally. They are just hyperboles, just to make an impression! Come on. What is Jesus? Jesus is our God. Of course He means what He says! How can we accept His teachings selectively, taking those we accept and rejecting those we find hard to swallow?

But Jesus is very considerate and He understands our weaknesses and inadequacy. Therefore, during the Last Supper, He consecrated bread and wine into His Body and Blood to make it easier for us to eat His Body and drink His blood in order to have eternal life (John 6:54). Therefore, out of love, God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating from the tree of life and live forever because God did not want them to lead a miserable life of darkness, of the ignorance of God's love forever. Now that all of us have free access to the Sacrament of Eucharist and eternal life, therefore, it is wrong to doubt God's love for us.

What else did Jesus say? He says, "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him." (6:56) In short, after receiving the Holy Communion, we carry Jesus within us. We carry Him around wherever we go. We become, in short, walking Tabernacles in the community. Not just Tabernacles, but we become Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus Christ always prays. We too should always find time to pray to the Father. Jesus Christ teaches the ignorant. We too should teach the ignorant and help them know that the Father loves them. Jesus Christ forgives those who crucified Him. We too should forgive those who make us suffer to help them reconcile with God. Jesus heals the sick and tells us to take care of the sick (Matthew 25:36). Jesus drives out demons which take away our freedom. Shall we not fight against all sorts of human bondages such as pornography, gambling, drug abuses and domestic violence etc.? In doing so, we are obeying the new commandment Jesus gave us during the Last Supper, "I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you." (John 13:34)

Brethren, on this Solemnity of Corpus Christi, let us celebrate how merciful the Father is and how much Jesus Christ loves us. Let us receive Him with a humble heart and carry Him around in the community to bring blessings to the people we encounter.
God bless!




與耶穌的教訓相比,梅瑟的教訓溫柔得多,容易接受得多。例如,在今天的第一篇讀經中,梅瑟並不像耶穌那樣生硬,告訴人吃他的肉。梅瑟說:「祂磨難了你,使你感到饑餓,卻以你和你祖先所不認識的『瑪納』養育了你,叫你知道人生活不但靠食物,而且也靠上主口中所發的一切言語生活。」(申8:3)這教訓是超卓的,因為連耶穌也引用它來對抗魔鬼在曠野中的第一個試探!我們好像以色列人在曠野裡一樣,經常懷疑天主對我們的愛,並經常投訴!「天主,祢把原祖父母趕出樂園,因為祢怕他們吃了生命樹上的果子,活到永遠。祢不愛我們!」或者,「天主,祢既然是愛(若一4:8),祢怎可以磨難我們,讓我們感到饑餓,染病和受痛苦呢?」等等… 梅瑟提醒我們,為了我們的益處,或者為了很多人更大的好處,天主容許我們受苦,使誤入歧途的人類,可以回頭悔改。我們不但依賴食物滋養我們的身體,也要倚靠天主的說話,滋潤我們的靈魂。很多時候,我們忙於賺錢,忘記了我們靈魂上的需要。梅瑟教訓比較容易明白,容易跟從。耶穌的教訓呢?





Sunday, 7 June 2020

天主是愛 God is Love










The Solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity, Year A
Theme: God is Love

When we encounter new things, we will be curious and ask where they come from. Even familiar things, we will search for their origins and will not rest until we come up with a satisfactory answer. "Where did men come from" is one such familiar question which we have not yet come up with a satisfying answer. For a long time in history, people accepted authoritative explanations: Nüwa moulded men out of yellow earth, or God created men from dust of the ground etc. Later, natural sciences explain from different angles: men came from the parents' sperms and eggs, or men evolved from chimpanzees etc. For the time being, most people accept the explanations from natural sciences and reject legends or religious myths. However, the question has not been satisfactorily settled!

Sciences demand evidence. Even the mostly accepted theory of evolution is still a theory and has not reached the status of a scientific law. It is because there are still many missing links. Thus well trained scientists do not brush aside the religious view of God's creation so lightly. On the other hand, nowadays we talk a lot about human dignity, freedom and human rights. If men evolved from amoeba to chimpanzees to Homo Sapiens and modern men, on what ground can we fight for human rights and freedom? If we accept that religion is the opium for people and debases human dignity, sciences are doing worse and more devastating. I studied science and do not oppose sciences. But I do not idolize sciences and understand that science and religion are serving humanity in different ways and should be complementary. Historically speaking, pitching science against religion are political tricks. It is absolutely not the truth.

Catholic faith is very rational and not superstitious.
Our starting point is "God is love" (1 John 4:8). Do we have evidence? Yes we do!
Out of love, God created a universe suitable for human existence. Even scientists agree with this. They discover that all the physical constants in the universe, e.g. the constant of gravitation, elementary charge and Planck constant etc. They are so fine-tuned within such an extraordinarily narrow range that if they were not, the origin and evolution of conscious life in the universe would not be permitted. Even if you don't believe in God, you have to admit that the universe is an intelligent master piece!

Out of love, God created men in His image and delegated them the responsibility to manage the whole Creation (Genesis 1:26). This point is extremely important because all creatures (except for angels) are not images of God. Although they are able to manifest God's beauty and goodness, they do not possess God's attributes. Only human beings do. God's wisdom is great. Men inherited this attribute and we possess wisdom, intelligence, discernment of right and wrong and creativity etc. God is free and so are men. We have freedom and human rights. Making use of our rationality, we are able to actualize our potentials and manifest God's image. God is love so we are capable of loving. We have empathy, mercy and even altruism. These attributes of God, this truth, goodness and beauty of God are the foundation of human dignity, freedom and human rights. Science can only bring us material convenience and comfort. It cannot give us human dignity, freedom and human rights. Sometimes, crimes against humanity are committed in the name of science!

God's love for men was further shown in the incarnation of the Son of God who did not incarnate as a member of higher level angels but of men. He did so in order that humanity might be elevated. God's images do not remain images but God's children partaking in the eternal life and glory of God! John the Apostle followed and lived with the Son of God for three years. After the Ascension of Jesus Christ, John meditated this experience for more than half a century and wrote down this immortalized verse, "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life." (John 32:16)

God is free absolutely. After the creation of men, He would have left them unattended. But He didn't because He loves humanity, one of His master pieces. God is love which wants nothing but the benefits of the loved ones and love is patient (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). Thus God does not impose His own will upon us. He would not force us to accept His love. God and we understand the same truth: coercion never brings happiness! Men have the freedom to believe in Jesus who is the Son of God. They also have the freedom to reject Him.

The mission of Jesus Christ is to reveal the Father to us. Then why did He leave us and ascend back to the right side of the Father? In fact, Jesus Christ is God and is omnipresent. Thus, even though He has returned to the Father, He is still staying with us. He promised in the gospel, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) Jesus Christ continues to be present in the world through His Church. But human beings are fragile. How is a community of men capable of discharging this grave responsibility? Take a look at the Catholic Church throughout these two millennia. There were glorious days as well as scandalous ones!
Last Sunday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. It was the birthday of the Church. Thus, the Holy Spirit infuses this community, granting us the seven gifts to help us know the Father's will and inflaming our lukewarm hearts to love God and men. We don't have to worry about God abandoning us like orphans.

Brethren, God the Father created us. The Son redeemed us and the Holy Spirit sanctifies us. Let us sing praises to the mercy of the Blessed Trinity with our whole life. God bless!