Theme: Jesus' Wake Up Calls
Most of the time, life is peaceful and comfortable. In such times, it is easy for us to fall into the temptation of complacency. We take life for granted and forget what it means to be alive. Times and again, we wake up only when disasters strike! Seventeen years ago, an infectious disease SARS arrived at Hong Kong from the north. We were forced to wear masks and to pay greater attention to personal hygiene. When it was over, the government did not improve our medical system to cater for outbreaks of contagious diseases. Today, we are caught unprepared once again because we have not learnt from the lesson of SARS. Some people in the society genuinely believe that this time God sent this coronavirus to remind us to be good stewards of the environment. Whether you agree with such an interpretation or not, it is true that God cares for us and when we lose sight of Him, He would gently remind us that He is staying with us to go through all sorts of challenges.
In a similar manner, some of Jesus' teachings in the gospels are peaceful and comfortable and it is easy to obey and follow. For example, who would refuse to love each other (John 13:34)? Only callous people would not give alms to starving people or to leave wounded or sick people unattended (Matthew 25:44), right? Following such teachings of Jesus makes you feel good. How can you not obey? However, some of His teachings are more challenging. For example, love your enemies (5:44) or turn the other cheek to bullies (5:39) etc. Following such teachings is unpleasant! But such teachings are important to keep us alive, alive to our identity as God's children. Just think about it for a moment. You are God's children. Are your enemies not God's children as well? If you do not love them and do not pray for those who persecute you, you are not doing your job as your brothers' keeper (Genesis 4:9)! You are not different from Cain who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and anger! Therefore, this teaching of loving your enemy is a reminder, a wakeup call to take up your obligation as your brothers' keeper. Our eye sights are easily blocked by our anger, jealousy, pride, prejudice and even laziness so that we fail to recognize the Jesus who is present in our "enemy"!
Just like the teaching of loving your enemies, the gospel teachings today are also wakeup calls from Jesus. When we love our parents and our children, we are doing the Ten Commandments. There should be nothing wrong doing the Ten Commandments, right? Right and wrong! It is true that nothing can be wrong when we are doing the Ten Commandments. Furthermore, Jesus did not come to abolish the Ten Commandments. He came to fulfil them (Matthew 5:17). Therefore, Jesus would never contradict the Ten Commandments and the laws of Moses.
Jesus came to fulfil them and to elevate them by highlighting the spirit of the law. What does that mean? It means it is not enough to obey the Ten Commandments and the laws of Moses. It is not enough to follow the letters of the law just like the Pharisees and the scribes did. It is more important to live up to the spirit of the law. Therefore, in the Sermon on the Mount, not only does Jesus teach us not to kill, but also not to be angry (5:22); not only not to commit adultery, but also to respect the physical body of the opposite sex (5:28); not only not to swear, but also to tell the truth, nothing but the whole truth (5:37)!
How is doing the Ten Commandments wrong? The teaching in the gospel today is a wakeup call to show us how doing the Ten Commandments can be wrong. "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me." (10:37-38) Jesus repeats three times "is not worthy of me". So, it must be serious and important. Jesus really means it. What does Jesus mean?
First of all, does spending longer time with people mean loving them more? No! Jesus does not want you to spend more time with him than your parents or children. It is "quality time" that counts! Think of those pitiful students. They are forced to spend a lot of frustrating time doing things they hate to do. The time they are forced to study is not "quality time". It is only when they enjoy the subjects they study or things they do, they would be eager to spend time on. It is the eagerness that makes time a "quality time"! So, the question becomes whether you spend your time more eagerly with your parents, children than with Jesus!
Secondly, there are different types of love. There are husbands and wives, parents and children, friends and colleagues, classmates and team members etc. These relationships require different degrees of mutual understanding, mutual respect and loyalty etc. Therefore, different types of love are running within these relationships. Furthermore, we belong to a family, a working place, a society, a country and a world. They also demand different levels of loyalty and love. Of course all these are inter-related. Usually these relationships coexist peacefully without conflict. It would be meaningless to compare your love of parents with your love of your spouse. They are different. Only when conflicts arise does the problem of comparison appear! Do young people love their friends more than their parents? Do husbands love their wives more than their parents? Do we love parents more than our countries? Do we love parents more than God?
Here cultural elements have to be taken into consideration. It is known that some remote villages living in poverty have some miserable customs. For the good of the whole village, sons had to carry their aged parents to the top of the mountain, leaving them there to die! In China, Confucius teaches that it is a shame not to go into battles to defend the country because the lives of parents would be in danger. Defending the country is love of parents! Therefore, we see that loving your parents also means leaving them behind to achieve a greater good.
God is our Creator and Redeemer. He is our greatest good. In ordinary times, love of parents is also a love of God because we cannot see God, kiss Him or buy Him birthday cakes. It is through the love of parents and others that we love God. It is not meaningful to ask whether we love parents more than we love God because the more we love our parents, the more we love God. It is only when a greater good demands us to make the decision to leave our parents, children and comfort behind that the question becomes unpleasant!
Brethren, do we pay lip service to the greatest commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole being and with your whole strength." (Deuteronomy 6:5)? I cannot answer the question for you. Let's pray to the Holy Spirit to give us the heart, the being and the strength to love the Lord our God. Wake us up before disasters strike.God bless! 2017 Homily
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與愛仇人的教訓一樣,今天福音的教訓也是耶穌的當頭棒喝。當我們愛護子女,孝愛父母時,我們在履行十誡。試問履行十誡有錯嗎?沒有錯,但亦有錯!履行十誡沒有錯。耶穌來不是為廢除法律,而是來成全它(瑪5:17)。因此,耶穌不會否定十誡和梅瑟的法律。 耶穌來成全和提昇法律的精神。是甚麼意思呢?就是說,按條文來遵守十誡和梅瑟法律是不足的,法利塞人和經師不也是這樣做嗎?按法律的精神守法更為重要。因此,在山中聖訓,耶穌不但命令人不可殺人,更不可發怒(5:22),不但不可姦淫,更要尊重異性的身體(5:28);不但不可發虛誓,更要說真話,全部的真話(5:37)!