
Sunday, 26 May 2024

How to Sell God? 如何推銷天主?

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Year B
Theme: How to Sell God? 如何推銷天主?

In the gospel passage today, the risen Lord commissioned the eleven Apostles to “Go, therefor, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20a). This became the raison d’être of the Church which must be apostolic, meaning the Church is built upon the foundation of the Apostles. We rely on the Apostles and their successors to know our articles of faith and our practices of worship. She is also catholic, meaning her members come from all nations and not one particular people. Moreover, baptism in the name of the Blessed Trinity, not in the name of Christ nor Paul nor Peter etc. is the rite of initiation into this Church. The Blessed Trinity is the most holy. Therefore, the Church is also holy, not in the sense that all her members are holy. In fact, all her members are sinners in different degrees. The Church is holy in the sense that she provides a community in which the Blessed Trinity can sanctify her sinful members. Lastly, the Church is one because there is only one true God of the Blessed Trinity. Naturally, we shall ask how we should make disciples. In the jargon of a modern commercial society like Hong Kong, how we should sell God? Bear in mind that we must know our clients well enough and speak their languages fluently in order to sell our ideas. Therefore we should know our target audience.

First, our audience are sceptical. Most of them believe in natural sciences and think that religions are irrational, subjective, and superstitious. On the contrary, natural sciences are rational and reasonable. We build our theology upon the Bible which was written thousands of years ago in a different culture and languages. Modern people would find the book obsolete and irrelevant to the life in this modern age. Other than scholars, who speak Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek nowadays? Secondly, our audience are utilitarian. Cost-benefit analysis has become their second nature. They will ask what benefits or marginal utility they can acquire when they invest their time and energy in joining the Church if not elsewhere. We need to think hard how we shall sell the idea of God to them.

Let us take a look at the first reading today which comes from Deuteronomy 4. Moses was making his parting speeches, drawing conclusions from the forty-year experiences of the Israelites in the wilderness before they entered the Promised Land. Moses helped the Israelites make sense of their empirical experiences as a people delivered from their slavery in Egypt. Those experiences were not subjective but objective common experiences of six hundred thousand people (Exodus 12:37, Numbers 1:56, 26:51), spending forty years in the wilderness between Egypt and Canaan. It was towards the end of forty years before they entered in Canaan. Moses was actually speaking to the second generation of Israelites whose parents left Egypt some forty years ago. Bear in mind that every year since they left Egypt, they celebrated the feast of Passover, recounting the exodus events. The Israelites were handing down their traditions meticulously because this was their covenant with God. Moses said, “However, be on guard and be very careful not to forget the things your own eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your hearts as long as you live, but make them known to your children and to your children’s children” (Deuteronomy 4:9). What were the things they had seen? Moses continues, “Did a people ever hear the voice of God speaking from the midst of fire, as you did, and live? Or did any god venture to go and take a nation for himself from the midst of another nation, by testings, by signs and wonders, by war, with strong hand and outstretched arm, and by great terrors, all of which the LORD, your God, did for you in Egypt before your very eyes?” (4:33-34) Moses was referring to the famous Ten Plagues (Exodus 7-12), the Crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 14), the miracles of manna (16:9-35) and striking water from rock (17:1-7), fighting battle with Amalek (17:8-16) along the way to Mount Sinai/Horeb to receive the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19). The fact that the Israelites were alive after going through all those adverse situations made them witnesses of the existence and works of a God called Yahweh. You may ask even if those experiences were not legends, what relevance do they have with the life in the modern world?

Other than truths derived from natural sciences, there are other fields of organized knowledge about our social lives. Human beings are social animals and physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy are unable to explain our social intercourses adequately because unlike physical objects, we have memories and experiences. Our behaviours adapt and change according to history and situations. Nevertheless, we cannot deny the coherence and consistence of these social interactions which no branch of physical sciences is powerful enough to explain. Firstly, physical sciences pride themselves of being objective and their practices are repeatable. As such, they are unable to deal with value systems which enable human beings to make choices and bear moral responsibilities. Values are subjective! Furthermore, physical scientists cannot reduce human love in terms of the chemistry of hormones; human perceptions in terms of electric pulses running through the retina and natural human languages in terms of the organization of synapses among the nerve cells etc. Simply put, they are unable to put a human mind/soul/spirit and observe its movements under the microscope! Therefore, the naïve belief in the power and advancements of technologies is in itself superstitious! Let us be fair towards other branches of social sciences such as psychology and sociology and maintain an open mind to broader values.

As for the relevance of the biblical narratives to modern life, we have to accept the consensus of historians, supported by the discoveries of archaeologists that across human civilizations, there are similar patterns of rises and downfalls, evolutions and revolutions, social stratifications and power struggles, sibling rivalries, co-operations and betrayals etc. To weave all of them together, “A time to give birth, and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant … A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace” (Ecclesiastes 3:2-8). In short, human beings are not made up of physical particles and animated by physical energies alone. We are historical animals with experiences. The time dimension is not neutral! When we make sense of those patterns of experiences, we build up traditions, cultures and civilizations. We learn the successes and failures of ours’ and others’. The Bible contains many records of universal existential struggles shared by all humanity. It inspires all peoples to struggle and improve their situations and conditions from generation to generation. Whether we are able to make good use of its messages depends on our own choices. If we rashly blush the Bible aside and judge it irrelevant, or modify it to suit our political agenda, we bear full responsibility of blame when awful consequences come about.

For Christians who believe in the authority of the Bible, the second reading today promises benefits beyond all costs. St. Paul says, “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:16-17a). Christians believe in a God with finer details than Jews. Both believe in one God, but Christians believe that there are three Persons in one God, Father the Creator, Son the Redeemer and the Spirit who is the love between the Father and the Son. St. John says well, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Love is outgoing towards others. Thus we love and care for the benefits of other peoples as well. God is eternal and as heirs of God, we inherit an eternal life and its glory beyond all sorts of nameable utilities.

Of course, whether to believe in God or not is a complicated philosophical problem. As a first step for modern people to know the importance of believing in an eternal God, it is worthwhile to explore the flawed and oversimplified “Pascal’s Wager” and choose wisely. Amen.
God bless!

2021 Reflection
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Saturday, 25 May 2024




這些媽媽們誤信了「贏在起跑線」的謬論,為了子女的前途,不惜為他們掃除一切可能障礙成功衝線的人和事物:不但要入讀名校,還要參加各種音樂、體藝、演藝課程,裝備他們他日可以拿來擊敗所有競爭對手的「代表作 Portfolio」。可憐的孩子們,拖著心力交瘁的身軀,跟著密密麻麻的時間表,終日奔波,連患病的時間也沒有!在他們的世界裡,祇有對手,沒有同學,沒有朋友…至於時間表上,我敢打賭沒有預留時間上「主日學」或者參加彌撒、領聖事,尤其是考試測驗的日子!

誰人不讓小孩子到主耶穌的跟前,接受天主子的祝福(谷10:14, 16)呢?可是,把矛頭直指「虎媽」和「冰壺媽」,實在有欠公允。倘若社會的競爭不是這麼大,母親們會變身成為「直昇機媽」嗎?相信「虎媽」們在小女孩的時代,一定沒有捱受過今天她們的孩子們要捱受的艱苦歲月。所謂「虎毒不食兒」,為甚麼她們今天要做社會制度的幫兇,這樣虐待親生的子女,阻止他們獲得天主子的祝福呢?

「虎媽」們說:「對不起!是你自己前一天說的,『不要判斷不同立場的對錯』(瑪7:1)。大家的價值觀不一樣,我們不希罕你說的甚麼『天主子的祝福』,請不要浪費我們的時間。」的確,「虎媽」們已不再是小女孩,她們的「成本效益分析」能力,已煉到爐火純青境界。她們寧願努力叩門送子女入讀名校;也不會選擇通過「窄門」,為子女護航到永生去(7:13; 路13:24)。既然道不同,不相為謀。「我寫的,就寫了」(若19:22)。


THE DECISION OF Tiger MOTHERS (Mark 10:13-16)

It has been almost two weeks since Mother's Day. However, the song "Only mother is the best on earth" will never be outdated as a song singing praises to the greatness of motherly love, will it? Behold, many mothers living under the pressure of competitive urban life have transformed into "Tiger Mothers", "Helicopter Mothers" and "Curling Mothers" etc. I am afraid the famous song has to change into "Only mother is NOT good on earth"!

These mothers have wrongly believed in the fallacy of "Winning at the Starting Line". For the future prospects of their children, they will do away any people and circumstances that are perceived obstacles to their children's crossing the finishing line ahead of the others! Not only do they enrol in elite schools, they also participate in all kinds of musical, physical and performing courses to equip their children to build up a porfolio to defeat all rivals. Poor children! They drag their exhausted bodies along after regular school, following a tight schedule so much so that they even do not have time to fall sick. In their world, there are no classmates nor friends but rivals. As for their schedules, I bet there is no Sunday School, nor masses, nor sacraments especially where it is test or exam time!

Who prevent little children from coming to Jesus to receive His blessings? However, pointing fingers at "Tiger Mothers" or "Curling Mothers" is not fair. Had the society not been so competitive, would mothers have become "Helicopter Mothers"? When "Tiger Mothers" were little, they did not suffer the same sufferings of their children today. Parents should give the best to their children. Why do they become accomplices of the dysfunctional social institutions today, abusing the very children they gave birth and prevent them from receiving the blessings of the Son of God?

Tiger Mothers would say, "Sorry! Two days ago, it was you who said, 'Do not judge the correctness of different stances' (Matthew 7:1). Our value systems are not the same. I don't want the "Blessings of the Son of God" you talk about for my children. Don't waste our time". Indeed, Tiger Mothers are no long little girls. Their ability to do cost-benefit-analysis has become their second nature. They prefer knocking all the doors of elite schools to escorting their children to pass through the Narrow Gate to eternal life (7:13, Luke 13:24). Since the Way is non-negotiable, "What I have written, I have written" (John 19:22).

The Mother of the Church, Pray for us. Amen.
God bless!

Friday, 24 May 2024




各種社會制度都在述說天主法則的片面,祇是貎似而不是神似。雖然「梅瑟法律」是最接近天主心目中的法律,它亦有其不足之處。例如寫休書休妻的法令,在解除婚約之後便可以自由地改嫁或再娶。這樣固然是權宜之計,在殺人與姦淫的兩害之間取其輕,但並不是天主制訂婚姻的本意。耶穌說:「這是為了你們心硬,他纔給你們寫下這條法令。」(谷10:5)。耶穌來糾正了婚姻是「合約」的謬誤,指出婚姻象徵祂與教會之間的「盟約」,既莊嚴而又永恆,是沒有改嫁再娶的餘地! 所以嚴格地說,配偶去世而續絃,也是生活在人世間,為了年幼子女和為了自己的一個權宜之計而已!






The Law which God laid down when He created the known universe is perfect. All observable physical phenomena narrate the approximations of that perfect Law (Psalms 19:2-4). Great physicists discovered those approximations and expressed them with mathematical formulae. All of them are amazed to discover that if there is a difference after the 6th decimal place in any of the physical constants, the known universe would not be habitable for self-conscious human beings!

All social institutions are partial and superficial expressions of the Law of God. Although the Mosaic Law is the best approximation of the Law intended by God, it is also inadequate. For example, Moses permitted a man to write a bill of divorce to annul a marriage. Then the man and the woman might be free to get married with somebody else. This was a compromise, to choose the lesser evil between murder and adultery. This is definitely not God's original intention when He instituted marriage. Jesus told them, "Because of the hardness of your hearts he [Moses] wrote you this commandment" (Mark 10:5). Jesus came to correct the fallacy of treating marriage as a contract. Instead, marriage is a covenant symbolizing the covenant between Christ and His Spouse, the Church. This covenant is solemn as well as perpetual and does not leave any room for re-marriages. Strictly speaking, re-marriage after the death of a spouse is also a compromise for the sake of young children born out of wedlock and personal needs!

Worldly nuptial covenants have to deal with worldly needs, for example the legality of inheritance and the personal needs of intimacy. Once we enter eternal life, the question of inheritance becomes meaningless, just as what Jesus had answered to the challenge of the Sadducess, "When they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but they are like the angels in heaven" (12:25). That is to say, once we enter eternal life, we do not need the procreation function of marriage any more. Then, we ask, will humanity have intimacy need to meet in eternal life?

I would boldly speculate that intimacy will no longer be a need but will be sublimed into a beatific level by the communion of the Blessed Trinity. The intimacy of previous couples shall be sublimed to a beatific level. The love and rivalry among clan members shall be reconciled. The consecrated religious will be in communion with those they served on earth, such as students, the sick, the homelss and the inmates etc. to form a system like angels in heaven who have the same name but they are many (5:9). Then, polygamies will no longer be an issue in eternal life.

Beloved readers. Cherish your marriage on earth because death is unable to part you any more. Your marriage is perpetual. Amen.
God bless!

Thursday, 23 May 2024










Life is short, no more than a century. It is inevitable for us to make comparisons. Though absolutely imprudent, it is very convenient to deploy a dichotomy mindset. Alas! The shades of gray between black and white are innumerable! However, once we enter the realm of eternity, infinity and absolute, not even the gulf between heaven and earth is able to compare. Thus, when Jesus speaks of the absolute Truth, it is necessary for Him to use utilitarian jargons. He uses "It would be better" 4 times within the 10 verses of text today! However, is it appropriate to use "better" to compare heaven and hell?

In the gospel text today, Jesus Christ discourses 3 groups of contrasts that affect our eternal life within the short span of our earthly life: viz. to edify or to destroy the relationship between God and man; to choose between the whole body and its elements; lastly the actualization of humanity. When our actions, even as insignifiicant as giving the thirsty a glass of water (Mark 9:41), as long as it assures people that God shall never give up a sinner, God will reward us. On the contrary, if we fabricate rumours and spread falsities to make people lose hope in God, a great millstone will put around our necks and we will then be thrown into the sea (9:42)!

In order to protect even our physical life from the spread of lethal venom, we shall not hesitate to amputate our limbs, not to mention the presevation of our spiritual life! How can we allow our perpetual souls to be burnt in unquenchable fire to save our perishable skins?

Lastly, men were created in the image of God whose inner life is the communion of the Blessed Trinity. Thus, peaceful solidarity is the essence of humanity (9:50); peacemakers are called the children of God (Matthew 5:9). Losing this courage of communion is like salt losing its saltiness.

Beloved readers! Do not judge the correctness of different stances (7:1). As long as it helps people trust in God, do not oppose. It is because when we enter eternity, the difference between our rivals and us is only a matter of pot calling kettle black. Heaven and hell is a matter of a door, between within and without.
God bless!

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

黑白之間 Between Black and White





親愛的讀者,若望既然做出相反師父意思的行為,師父就應該把他逐出師門!但耶穌基督並沒有這樣做,可見「非黑即白」的邏輯,是大錯特錯的。我們應該保持開放的懷抱,放下判斷的心,向聖母瑪利亞學習,學習她把不明白的事物,默存心中,反覆思想(路2:19, 51)。


Eternal Life Series (III)
Between Black and White (Mark 9:38-40)

Not black is white” is an extremely easy logic to understand. Many people take it for granted, use it and extend it. Aren’t “demarcate friends and enemies”, “good and evil never co-exist” and “friends of enemies are also enemies” etc. truths most people understand easily? Alas! Superficial differences do not reflect essential differences. For example, chickens and eggs are only superficial differences. Essentially, they possess the same DNA. Therefore, the arguments over “which comes first, chicken or egg?” totally miss the point! Even worse, labelling is a common tactics in political arguments and colouring is the most superficial of all.

Perhaps out of loyalty to his Master, young John forbade others to exorcize in the name of Jesus. Modern guilds do not harbour such loyalty to their masters. They raise the threshold to admit candidates into the chambers more out of protecting their own benefits. Today, doesn’t the Korean government hit obstacles when she intends to increase the number of medical doctors? Previous partners in serving the citizens have turned against each other. Perhaps the black-and-white dichotomy mentality has caused today’s confrontation!

The Way is not negotiable” (Wei Ling Gong, the Analects) was probably correct in Confucius’ times. But today, is there no room for cooperation when stances are different and interests are different? Are the differences unsurpassable obstacles? Indeed, within the short-span of political life, there must exist a common enemy for different parties to cooperate with and to respect each other. Didn’t Herod Antipas and Pontius Pilate become friends even though they had been enemies formerly (Luke 23:12)? Not only did Jesus uproot the status of Jewish religious leaders, but He also came to condemn the rulers of this world (John 16:11). When the Son of God becomes their common enemy, they reconcile!

Beloved readers! When John did something against the Master’s intention, the Master should expel him! But Jesus didn’t do that. This shows that the Lord doesn’t approve this dichotomy logic. Thus, we should keep an open mind, put away our judgmental attitude and learn from the BVM to keep things we don’t know, reflecting on them in our hearts (Luke 2:19, 51).
God bless!

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

都市生活找不到「永生」 Can’t Find Eternal Life in Urban Life



生活在都市中的人,包括基督徒,難免習染了都市生活的思考模式,在不知不覺中作出了「成本效益分析」! 他們很匆忙,要花費最短的時間,做出最大的效益。他們祇會開發和維系能夠獲得最大效益的關係,不願投資情感和時間在沒有結果的關係之上。即使不成功的項目,也要想盡辦法把損失減到最低等等。




Eternal Life Series (II)
Can’t Find Eternal Life in Urban Life (Mark 9:30-37)

There are many hospitality stories in the Old Testament. During New Testament times, this custom continued. For example, the book of Hebrews exhorts Christians to entertain strangers generously, “Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels” (Hebrews 13:2). Jesus Christ has given similar advice. For example, the narrative we hear in the gospel of Mark today rings the same tune with the Last Judgment parable in the gospel of Matthew (Matthew 25:40). As followers of Christ, receiving a fugitive on our part is receiving Jesus Christ and entertaining Jesus is entertaining the Father who sent Christ. The honour is beyond words (Mark 9:37). Thus, Christians find no excuse not practising this “corporal work of mercy” of receiving the homeless or refugees. Moreover, the Holy Family had once been refugees and homeless when they evaded the murderous attempt on the life of the Messiah. Therefore, it is easier for Christians to recognize the presence of Jesus Christ in them.
However, why do urban Christians find it difficult to receive the homeless nowadays?

People living in the city, including Christians, easily pick up the mode of urban life thinking and do “cost-benefit-analysis CBA” subconsciously! They are extremely busy, spending the least amount of time to obtain the greatest amount of utility. They will only start and maintain relationships that yield the greatest perceived utility and are unwilling to invest emotion and time on fruitless ones. Even if a project fails, they will try their best to minimize losses.

If a Christian wants to receive a homeless, he must firmly believe that this corporal work of mercy will bring him eternal life, “Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ” (John 17:3). Given as such, this full-of-charity Christian must first of all spend time knowing the background of this homeless person, the more the better lest incurring loss for unknown factors. Moreover, he needs to ascertain that he has sufficient spare resources to receive this homeless person for at least three months. Don’t forget, it takes time for other agencies to process the transferral of responsibility …

Imperceptibly, our merciful Christian has drawn a bottom-line. “My love ends here” because I am not Jesus Christ but a finite creature. I don’t have the capacity to love until it hurts and beyond!
Beloved readers, we cannot find eternal life in urban life, can we?
God bless!

Monday, 20 May 2024

母儀天下 Universal Mother Exemplar

母儀天下 (若19:25-27)

《路加福音》所描繪的聖母瑪利亞,本質上是一個鄉村少女,溫柔被動之上,會毫不猶疑地表達自己的理想(路1:34),以童貞的身份,終身事奉天主。她是善良的,得知年老的表姐懷了男胎,便立刻趕往山區協助,直到洗者若翰出生為止。往後的日子,她已經是「天主之母」的身份了。但我們所見到的,卻是一個努力默想天主子奧秘的受造物。對於發生在她身上及身邊的一切事物,聖母瑪利亞一點也不明白,她祇能「默存心中,反覆思想」(2:19, 51)。但她肯定會總結出一個天下間所有母親都認同的意見:「雖然孩子是我親生的,但我並不擁有這個兒子」(2:49),她控制不了這個親生子的將來!不過,她一定會善盡母親的本份,教養兒子,帶領他們認識天主!

《若望福音》的聖母瑪利亞表面上可以指揮天主子行事(若2:3, 5),但耶穌基督的一句「女人」稱謂(2:4),已把「造物主」與「受造物」的關係(創3:15)、主人與僕婢的關係(路1:38),表露無遺。聖母已經不再是鄉村少女,而是一個成熟的門徒了。她不但充滿愛心,關懷別人的需要;而且她信德滿溢,把困難擺在天主子跟前,深信祂自有最好的安排(若2:3)。聖母瑪利亞更加是一個福傳的先驅,她教導僕役:「祂無論吩咐你們甚麼,你們就作甚麼」(2:5)!




Eternal Life Series (I)
Universal Mother Exemplar (John 19:25-27)

The gospel of Luke portrays a Blessed Virgin Mary as a country girl who, above and beyond a gentle and passive girlish essence, does not hesitate to express her dream to dedicate her whole being to serve God in the capacity of a virgin (Luke 1:34). She is good-natured. Thus knowing that her aged cousin was pregnant with a boy, “During those days, Mary set out and travelled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah” (1:39) to help until the birth of John the Baptist. In subsequent days, she was already “The Mother of God”. But what we see is a lady working hard in the capacity of a creature, to meditate the mystery of the Son of God. For all things happening to her and surrounding her, the blessed Mother understood none of them. She could only keep “all these things, reflecting on them in her heart” (2:19, 51). But definitely she was able to arrive at an opinion which all mothers would agree, “Though I gave birth to this child, I do not possess it” (2:49). Though she has no control over its future, she will faithfully play her role to raise her children and bring them to know God!

The Blessed Virgin Mary in the gospel of John seems to be able to command the Son of God to obey her (John 2:3, 5) but when Jesus Christ addresses her as “Woman” (2:4), the relationship between the Creator and the creature (Genesis 3:15), between the Master and the handmaid (Luke 1:38) is fully revealed. Our Lady is no longer a country girl but a mature disciple. Not only was she full of love, caring for the needs of the others, but she was also full of overflowing faith, laying the issues down before the Son of God, trusting that He would have the best arrangement (John 2:3). The Blessed Virgin Mary was also a forerunner in evangelization. She instructed the servants, “Do whatever He tells you” (2:5)!

On Mount Calvary, the Son of God was hoisted, making the handmaid role of the BVM more prominent. “Woman, behold, your son” (19:26) is an invitation to undertake the motherly role for orphans, not just for a John under the cross, but for thousands and millions of believers born of baptism forever! The Son of God will exist in the form of the Sacrament of Holy Communion to stay with believers until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). He understands our human needs. The new humanity born of baptism need a physical mother to raise them! Thirty-three years before the Fiat of the BVM enabled the Son of God to take flesh and became human. Now, thirty-three years later, the BVM remained silent to escort thousands and millions of believers to enter the Kingdom of Heaven through baptism.

Three years before in the wedding banquet of Cana, the BVM demonstrated her virtues in full maturity. She was capable of discharging her role as the Mother of the Church to lead all children to know God. It is appropriate to call the BVM, the Universal Mother Exemplar.
God bless!

Sunday, 19 May 2024

How to Inspire Confidence in Others? 如何讓人有信心?

Pentecost Sunday, Year B
Theme: How to Inspire Confidence in Others? 如何讓人有信心?

Perhaps I have spent too much time and energy working as a permanent deacon. My family members find that my performance in other areas are below their expectations and that I am not able to take care of myself properly like other adults are. In their eyes, I tend to finish leftovers on the dishes most of the time. I should not be doing this in view of my diabetic conditions. Probably, this was how I was raised up in my generation. We were taught to finish all the food, whether we liked it or not. Take into consideration that my parents were living during war times; they could not afford to waste a single crumb of it. Time has changed but old habits die-hard.

Recently, my health is going downwards more quickly. My doctor starts prescribing aspirin as a proactive measure because my heartbeats are becoming irregular. As a result, my wounds will take longer to heal! I don't know when or how I have sustained one such wound on my right foot and it does not heal for at least three months. Another incident happened on May 1, a public holiday. My younger brother and I enjoyed a drinking spree over global politics that evening. In the end, I took a cross-harbour tunnel bus as usual from Chai Wan where my younger brother lives and changed to another bus in Mongkok to come home. I was able to get off at the correct stop and managed to enter my flat. My wife found a lot of vomit stuff all over me. She managed to bathe and cleanse me but I kept vomiting so much so that my blood sugar level had crossed a critical threshold. She immediately dialled 999 and I was admitted to A&E, hospitalized for one-and-a-half day! This incident puts her in a confidence-crisis. The root of this crisis is the love of me instead of blaming me for not taking proper care of myself. When we got married, we vowed to love and take care of each other for the rest of our lives. We have entered a covenant in which even until death we don’t part! Nevertheless, that ageing has attenuated my health, physically as well as mentally, is a rock solid reality!

Take a look at another covenant, one between the risen Lord and His spouse, the Church. Jesus Christ had not chosen an immaculately perfect bride but one with spots and wrinkles. “Christ loved the Church and handed Himself over for her to sanctify her, cleans her by the bath of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the Church in splendour, without spot or wrinkle or such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:25b-27). The Church has been glorious, heroic and noble throughout the ages but not without corruptions or scandals. You will be able to find many videos on Youtube that showcase evil popes in the history of the Catholic Church. Moreover, the performance of individual clergy during the 2019 social unrests in Hong Kong made many parishioners disappointed and lose faith in the Church. They claim to love Christ but not the Church because she is only a social institution and her clergy are mere men! Yes, these parishioners are suffering from a confidence-crisis! Though in her glorious days during the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages she had been a Perfect Society, the Catholic Church has struggled hard to catch up with changes in the modern world. Not infrequently did she canonize saints to brush up her self-image and cheer up the morale of her faithful. Yet, her performance as a whole has been below expectations for many. Still, she manages to survive for more than two millennia. We need to see deeper into this so-called “social institution” to understand how she manages to do so. The answer lies in the workings of the Holy Spirit. Today, we celebrate His descent on the Church as narrated in the first reading. The significance of this text is a resolution of the divisions among humanity as recorded in the story the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. Plurality of cultures is not something to dread with but to celebrate. When the Holy Spirit descended, differences in language were no longer obstacles to human communications. Humanity do not need to speak the same language because love, especially divine love, is a universal language.

In the gospel reading today, Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to the apostles to empower them on a reconciliation mission to the world. “And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained’” (John 20:22-23). God is almighty not in His power to work earth-shaking miracles but in His mercy to forgive all sins past, present and future. Now, Jesus commissions the Church to forgive sins like what He did on the cross (Luke 23:34). St. Paul puts it in a similar manner, “God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. So we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:19-20). The Church has been following Jesus’ teaching to love and care for the hungry, the homeless and the sick etc. To a certain extent, she has been rectifying the wrongs and cleaning up the mess the powerful and the wealthy have done against the underprivileged. Nowadays, in her social teachings and actions, the Church has been more vocal in advocating for the exploited and the poor. In suffering with the needy and awaking the powerful and the wealthy, the Church is trying to reconcile the world to God. The Holy Spirit is the driving force behind all her efforts.

In order to measure how successful the Church has been, we can look up the indicators enumerated in, again St. Paul’s teachings. He says in the second reading of today, “In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23a). Alas! We should bear in mind that the Church is made up of sinners who put their self-interests before others. They have not shown sufficient love towards the others. Many have been impatient to see “improvements” done according to their own standards. More are lenient to themselves but demanding towards others etc….

Beloved brethren! Before we lose confidence in the Church, let us go to the root: sinners make up the Church. Let us invoke the Holy Spirit to reinvigorate the seven gifts Church members received in the Sacrament of Confirmation. May wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and the fear of God (Isaiah 11:2-3) revitalize our spiritual life so that together we may be able to renew the face of the earth (Psalms 104:30). Amen.
God bless!

2021 Reflection
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Sunday, 12 May 2024

Do We Love Our Catechumens Enough? 我們愛護慕道者嗎?

Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, Year B
Theme: Do We Love Our Catechumens Enough? 我們愛護慕道者嗎?

I used to muse on the reason why Jesus had to ascend into heavens to return to His Father. Life would have been very much easier had Jesus remained on earth to run the Church. Less or perhaps no people would commit sins and global evangelization would have quickly been accomplished. Reformation needed not have happened to force the Church in Europe to evangelize the world. In reality, it had been more than two millennia and the end is nowhere in sight. If the end would never come, it would be the worst punishment for all catechists!

The gospel of John is challenging to read but somehow it gives us a lot of hope. During the Last Supper, Jesus made it very clear that He was going to leave the disciples but they did not need to worry. He says, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places … I am going to prepare a place for you …I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be” (John 14:2-3). Such words are reassuring and they have answered my question satisfactorily. We don’t have to worry about being abandoned by the Master! We would continue to discharge the commission of the Master in hope of joining Him again in the future at the end of this age. In another canonical gospel, Jesus explicitly reassures the apostles, “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b). The risen Lord would accompany us until the end of the world in various manners. Meanwhile, His ascension gives us great hope that the Church, as the Body of Christ, would follow her head, namely Christ, the Son of God, to enter heavens in the end.

Earlier I mentioned about the “commission of the Master” which is the raison d’être of the Church. The Master gave Simon a new name Peter to make him the head of the Church (Matthew 16:18) to continue His salvation project after He ascended into heavens. The gospel of Mark puts the Great Commission this way, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:15-16). There is no ambiguity about the destiny of the people, some of whom are our loved ones. Therefore, not only should we proclaim the gospel, but we should also proclaim it in such a way that they would believe! The Lord has always been merciful. In none of the gospels has He explicitly stated the “reward” of the evangelists during this Great Commission! Of course, elsewhere the Parable of Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) and the Parable of Ten Gold Coins (Luke 19:11-27) may serve the purpose. The Master is exacting. “You take up what you did not lay down and you harvest what you did not plant” (19:21). In short, Jesus rewards and punishes as well! If we insists on His mercy alone, we only have ourselves to blame! Please, use your imagination, catechists! Many believing souls would thank you for your hard work to help them attain salvation and entered into heavens. Jesus might put you and the souls you helped saved together to form a neighbourhood in heaven! On the other hand, what about those who would be condemned? Can we simply brush them aside and say that they had themselves to blame? Or can we pass the buck to God and say that whether the catechumens believe or not is God’s work, not ours. We are only sowers. Whether the catechumens bear fruits or not is not our responsibility!

In this respect, the Catholic Church seems not to be rigorous enough. Many catechists believe in the autonomy and freedom of choice of people. Therefore, we should not impose our morality upon the others to force them to be good Samaritans. See, even Jesus does not force people to believe in Him. Who are we to make people believe in the gospel? Regrettably, many parents apply the same logic and do not baptize their babies during their infancy. Let the children decide when they grow old enough to choose whether to receive baptism or not! Of course, this logic is wrong and the Church “enforces” infant baptism. Now, the Church has not been consistent. On one hand, she baptizes infants and on the other, she does not ensure that catechumens believe and get baptized! Have I been too harsh?

Comparing to the other canonical gospels, the gospel of Mark is more ambitious. It continues with Jesus’ promise to work miracles to support evangelization. Believers would exorcize in Jesus’ name, speak new languages, pick up serpents, drink deadly thing unharmed, and cured the sick etc. (Mark 16:17-18). Most of these miracles are understandable except the one about picking up serpents. Probably we have missed some cultural significance or symbolism of such an action. Anyway, the key message is clear. Christ works miracles through Christians to help them proclaim the gospel. “They went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs” (16:20). Tell me, catechists. Does the Lord work miracles through you when you proclaim the gospel?

Not that I have heard of! This is an unambiguous indication that modern catechists are NOT working with the Lord! Why? One possible reason is that the instruction settings are not conducive to working miracles. Many catechumen classes look like a classroom of teachers and teaching assistants instructing a class of adult learners. They follow a syllabus which they finish within some 18 months before the catechumens get baptized at Easter Vigil. Such an arrangement is systematic and catechists are replaceable. If one gets sick, any other catechists may pick up and continue without disrupting the schedule. But are our modern catechists following the footsteps of the Pharisees against whose teachings Jesus has warned (8:15)? They paid attention to the letters of the Law and had forgotten its spirit. Similarly, is our rigid syllabus crippled and is unable to convey the joy of the gospel? Do our catechists care more about imparting all the necessary knowledge and forget to stir up their desire to come close to the loving Father?

Beloved brethren! If you are not yet a catechist, pray to the Holy Spirit to make you become4e one to win more souls into heavens. If you are already a catechist, invoke the Holy Spirit to work miracles through you to ensure that the Lord is working with you. Amen!
God bless!

2021 Reflection
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Thursday, 9 May 2024

To Age Gracefully

To Age Gracefully

Deacon Alex Kwok

Let’s face it. The Hong Kong population ages quickly and the city has to rely heavily on migrants to sustain the economy as well as other social services. Many factors contributed to the skewed shape of the population pyramid of Hong Kong today. More significantly, those who are holding on to the power to allocate social resources are old! When they refuse to step down, younger people below are unable to move up. Yet, new situations keep coming up. Without new blood, new ideas and youthful vigour to break new paths, our economic prosperity is not sustainable. Why do people on top refuse to resign? One possible reason is that they have not finished leaving significant legacy behind. They want to offer more so that people would probably remember them longer when they are gone! I doubt very much whether people would. Moreover, as a Chinese aphorism goes, “Wealth does not stay beyond three generations富不過三代”. Rich granddaddies will never feed rich grandchildren!

However, my wife and I remember her maternal grandmother fondly. Her mind was still sound until her last breath. This old lady had never been rich and received no education in her younger days. Yet, she had always been cheerful despite the hardships she went through that were peculiar to her generation back in the mainland. “Thank you” was always on her lips. Not just my wife and I, even the doctors, nurses, janitors in the ward remembered her for her cheerfulness which brightened up the gloomy faces of the patients in the same ward. Is not joy one of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22)? She was truly a path-breaker for us. She had shown us how to age and die gracefully.

Memory of my father is rather mixed. He had been a loyal shopkeeper in a philately shop and had served only two bosses in his whole life. Besides being diligent, he studied English on his own to serve English-speaking customers, including students of the College in which I later taught. He kept a phone book of his colleagues and friends to keep in contact with them after his retirement. It was depressing to see him call them less and less in latter years. He outlived them and became less mobile. My father passed away peacefully in his sleep at home. God be praised! Is not faithfulness also one of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit (ditto)?

What have I learnt from them? Both of them aged and died gracefully. They have shown us that such a path is possible. Firstly, both of them had never been ambitious people, wanting to leave a sizeable legacy behind for the posterity. Looking back, am I an ambitious person? Indeed I am. I have been more ambitious than I know! One simple indicator is that I have lost count of the number of books I have collected. Many of them I have never leafed through. Previously they were physical books. Now, they are e-books.

Secondly, both of them accepted their ageing peacefully but I am the kind of person who does not let go easily. I start forgetting things and appointments. Oh, everybody forgets. I start mislaying objects. Oh, who doesn’t? My routines begin to fall apart. Well, you are tired. It will get better soon. I stop learning new things and keep doing things I can handle repeatedly. Good of you to strengthen your habits. Your perseverance will build up more virtues. But when perseverance is more than necessary and sufficient, it becomes stubbornness! I used to wear a pair of heavy industrial grade safety shoes in order to strengthen my leg muscles. Only recently did I give them up because my knees were so painful that I was not able to genuflect at the Tabernacle without support anymore. All these symptoms show that I have not been able to accept my ageing peacefully enough. In short, I am an arrogant person. What should I do to prepare for my latter years?

I have been suffering from diabetes for nearly four decades. I do not know what mutant virus I have been living with since the COVID pandemic. Thus, to protect others as well as myself, I keep wearing a surgical mask in enclosed areas such as transportations and air-conditioned premises. I suppose it is safe to remove it on page. Why do I wear beard? To remind myself that I am ageing and that I want it done gracefully.
God bless!

Picture Credit: Great Britain Tour in May

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Friends Of Jesus in John 《若望福音》裡耶穌的朋友

Sixth Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: Friends Of Jesus in John 《若望福音》裡耶穌的朋友

Different Evangelists use the term “friend” in different manners. Mark does not use it at all in his gospel. “Friend” appears in 22 verses among the other three canonical gospels. Matthew 4 verses, Luke 12 and John 6. Today, we’ll explore more thoroughly how John uses the term “friend” in the gospel that bears his name.

Firstly, we discover that the six verses in which “friend” appears, namely John 3:29, 11:11, 15:13, 15:14, 15:15, 19:12, form a chiastic structure in the gospel of John. That is, they form an A, B, C, C’, B’, A’ pattern. Putting them together, they look like this:

A3:29He that has the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which stands and listens to him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.
B11:11He said this, and then told them, “Our friend Lazarus is asleep, but I am going to awake him.
C15:13No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
C’15:14You are my friends if you do what I command you.
B’15:15I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.
A’19:12Consequently, Pilate tried to release him; but the Jews cried out, “If you release him, you are not a friend of Caesar. Everyone who makes himself a king opposes Caesar.
Secondly, among the six verses, four refer to friends of Jesus. One is neutral and only the last verse refers to the opposite of Jesus. Therefore, the title of this article is not wrong. Lastly, half of the verses appear in the gospel reading today. Therefore, it is worth spending the whole article to meditate upon the topic.

Let’s start with the outermost shell, the John 3:29 and 19:12 pair. We see a contrast between “friend of the bridegroom” and “friend of Caesar”! It is the fundamental option of life and death for all peoples. A choice is open to all humanity and regrettably, most people choose to be friends of Caesar, including “the Jews” in John’s gospel. They submitted to Caesar’s influence and perhaps eagerly and wittily carried out Caesar’s commands. In the context of verse 19:12, the Jews actively pressurized Pontius Pilate to execute Jesus even when poor Pontius Pilate wanted to uphold Roman justice because Jesus threatened the status and advantages of the Jewish religious authority! Why did I say earlier that “it is the fundamental option of life and death”? It is because during the Last Supper, Jesus explained that He had to leave the apostles for a while so that the Advocate, namely the Holy Spirit would come. When He came, He would condemn the ruler of this world (16:11), in other words Caesar. Therefore, when a person chooses to be a friend of Caesar, he chooses to be condemned as well! Should we not be prudent in choosing side?

On the other hand, before Herod Antipas arrested the Baptist, when people expected him to be the Messiah, the Baptist made it clear that he was not the Messiah because only the Messiah “has the bride” (3:29). We should also pay attention to the context because John 3 contains the main theme of the gospel. After telling the story of Nicodemus, John writes, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life” (3:16). This is the essence of the gospel, namely that God wants everyone who believes in and acknowledges the Son to have eternal life. That is why when the Messiah appears, the Baptist rejoices greatly. He was only the Messiah’s forerunner, the best man, the friend of the bridegroom who stands and listens to the Messiah. The Baptist positioned himself well. His final words are, “He must increase; I must decrease” (3:30). The Messiah should be the focus and increase, not the friend of the bridegroom. Do we desire to be the focus when we bear witness to the love of the merciful Lord?

Let’s proceed to the middle shell, namely the John 11:11 and 15:15 pair. John 11 is the famous story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. This is a concrete demonstration of the meaning of resurrection, though not a theologically adequate one. People saw Lazarus come out of his tomb, still bounded by the burial shroud (11:44). Someday in the future, Lazarus would die again. It was not yet time for eternal life. At least, the resurrection of Lazarus gives us a glimpse of what true resurrection and thus eternal life would be. Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die” (11:25-26a). Jesus’ words are not empty ones. They will accomplish their mission as prophesized in Isaiah, “So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but shall do what pleases me, achieving the end for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11). Not only did this miracle reveal the divinity of Jesus, but it also confirmed that Jesus revealed everything He heard from the Father to His friends (15:15), friends of the bridegroom. The bridegroom came so that His friends might have life and have it more abundantly (10:10). Shouldn’t we rejoice like the Baptist?

Now, let’s turn to the innermost core, namely John 15:13-14. It is the key message. Love is an essential human relationship. The greatest love is to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (15:13). One dies so that many people would live. Not only is this action heroic. This action is also very meaningful and even utilitarianism and Kantian categorical imperative would advocate such an altruistic action. Here, Jesus made it a requirement of being His friends, or did He? “You are my friends if you do what I command you” (15:14) and continues, “This I command you: love one another” (15:17). Well, so far, Jesus has not told us to lay down our lives for our friends yet. No! He had said earlier in the Last Supper, “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (13:34). Jesus died on the cross for our good. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that Jesus expects His friends to lay down their lives to love one another. Those who hesitate or have reservation about laying down their lives for one another should not be surprised when they are rejected at the end of the world.

Modern people may find the condition repulsive because they advocate autonomy. It is good to do good out of free will. Doing some good things under duress is always bad no matter how big the utility is! Honouring one’s parents is virtuous. But it is hard to imagine how a government can set up and enforce laws to force a citizen to honour his parents! However, let us keep in mind the Jewish roots of Jesus and His disciples. For a Jew, the Torah which includes the Ten Commandments and the 613 laws, is the guideline of their daily life. They were proud to do what Torah or the king commanded. Therefore, Jesus’ requirement is offensive at all. In fact, Jesus is recruiting more friends into His camp to conquer the world, meaning to restore the proper order of human relationships in the world.

Beloved brethren! Which side are you on, Jesus’ friends or Caesar’s?
God bless!

2021 Reflection
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Friday, 3 May 2024

留鬍子的我 Bearded Me

留鬍子的我 Bearded Me



