
Sunday, 29 April 2018

天父要尋找的果實 Fruits that God Seeks in Us










Fifth Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: Fruits that God Seeks in Us

Disclaimer: I have no practical experience growing vine. I know very little about the techniques of vine grafting.
A vine lives for about thirty years. In order to preserve, to propagate and to cross breed a good vine, farmers will choose some healthy scions and graft them onto another rootstock. Grafting saves the time of sowing and growing seedlings and serves economic purposes.

In the gospel reading today, Jesus chooses the image of a vine to articulate His relationship with the disciples. Let us meditate its meanings.
First of all, God created men in His image (Genesis 1:26) and called them to become holy images of God (Leviticus 19:2). Although God has implanted the seed of sanctification, the "image of God" mentioned in Genesis, in the heart of each one of us, not everybody responds to this call to holiness. Some refuse to respond and even join Satan's camp to do evil. Though some refuse to do evil, they are not interested in God's truth. Some do not have the determination and courage to live by their conscience. Some are able to overcome tons of obstacles to lead a conscientious life. They meet the basic requirements to be an image of God, i.e. they are able to manifest the holiness of the Lord God with their lives!

The Father even goes further. Besides calling us to lead a holy life to manifest the holiness of the Lord, He invites us to become Catholics and to be branches on the Son of God, the True Vine so that we may share the eternal life transmitted by Jesus Christ. Notice that we have the same human nature as the Son of God who incarnates as a man. Jesus Christ and us belong to the same "species". Jesus Christ did not choose to incarnate as an angel but as a man. Thus we belong to the same species whereas angels do not. The vinedresser tries to graft all the branches, i.e. all humanity, onto Jesus Christ in order to receive life. Some are successful but some are not. That is to say, even though God wants all men to be saved and to attain life, not all of the called ones can successfully become Catholics to receive Sacraments within the Church, to enjoy a foretaste of the Father's eternal life. With the nourishment, the successful ones can fight against secular contamination.

In fact, even though branches are grafted onto the True Vine, there is no guarantee that they shall bear fruits successfully. That is to say, even though one was baptized Catholic, there is no guarantee that he shall be a genuine Catholic. Thus, Jesus said, "Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, He takes away." (John 15:2) Indeed, there bound to be withered branches on a huge tree. Some of those branches that are grafted onto Jesus Christ might not be successfully linked. They were baptized Catholic. They got 5 extra marks for enrolment in Catholic schools. They may get married in beautiful Catholic churches. They shall be buried in Catholic cemeteries etc. They deserve all these benefits. There is nothing wrong about it. Rather, the problem is whether that person has been linked with Jesus Christ to bear the fruits that the Father seeks. If he is not able to bear fruit, the Father shall take him away. "He is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned." (15:6)

Then, what kind of fruits does the Father seek?
Isaiah the Prophet has sung "a love song concerning His vineyard" to describe how God attended to the Israelites who repeatedly did disappointing things to God. "He looked for it to yield grapes, but it yielded wild grapes." (Isaiah 5:2) Thus, negatively we should avoiding making the same mistakes as the Israelites. For example, the Israelites mingled with their neighbouring tribes and worshipped idols together, forsaking Yahweh. Thus we should not worship money and power, using them to be the measures of everything and do not lead our lives according to God's will (Luke 4:1-12). Positively, we should lead our lives in the spirit of the Beatitudes. In Jesus' time, the Pharisees insisted on the letters of the Law and fed their greed with legal technicalities. They swept the spirit of the Ten Commandments under the carpet. Thus, we should not follow the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. Instead, we should understand the spirit of the gospel and serve the Jesus Christ in the least of the needy (Matthew 25:40). On April 9, Pope Francis issued yet another apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate to guide us how to put the Beatitudes into practice in our daily life and to be sanctified joyfully and exultantly.

It is more easily said than done to lead a life according to the Beatitudes. Without the help from the Holy Spirit, nobody is able to live up to the demands of the Beatitudes. Thus, the latest apostolic exhortation suggests that Catholics should lead a Spirit empowered life. What the Father wants to find in us is not how many times we attend masses annually, receive Holy Communion, go to confessions and join retreats etc. These are essential. What the Father wants to find in us is not the number of people got baptized. Don't take me wrong. Evangelization to bring people into the Church to share the eternal life of the Father is surely important. But more important is whether our spiritual life bears fruit, the fruits of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul writes of these nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) These temperaments are what the Father seeks, the temperaments of the Holy Spirit. He wishes to see us serve Jesus Christ in the least of the needy with these attitudes and become a genuine Catholic.
God bless!

Saturday, 28 April 2018

耶穌造就祂的羊群 Jesus Edifies His Flock







Jesus Edifies His Flock
(John 14:7-14)

Jesus Christ is truly the Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14). He does not seek His own achievements but edifies those who believe in Him, His flock to do greater works (14:12). Which parents and teachers do not want to see their children and their disciples achieve more? Then, Jesus Christ is yet another teacher, not as revolutionary as legends go.

But Jesus Christ is truly revolutionary. His teachings can be seditious. At His times, Caiaphas was the High Priest who correctly evaluated the threats Jesus posed the religious establishment. So, he took the initiative and persuaded the people, "It is better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish." (11:50) Thus, the Sanhedrin listened to his advice and handed Jesus over to be condemned by Pilate.

Jesus Christ planted his revolutionary idea, the Kingdom of Heaven, in this world and allowed it to grow, to bloom and to bear fruits. Thus, the beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven was trivial. The work Jesus Christ has begun has to be continued by His disciples. With the passage of time, it shall become bigger and more professional. From the perspective of social evolution, the ideologies of rulers become more pervasive and incisive: politically, it evolved from feudalism to liberalism to imperialism and totalitarianism; economically from agricultralism to industrialization to automation to globalization. Rulers impose more comprehensive slavery and control over the people, trample on their dignity with less restrains. Jesus’ teachings are revolutionary in that they continuously challenge the ideologies rulers deploy to enslave the people and to protect the dignity of the images of God.

Throughout different ages, the shepherds that represent Jesus Christ confront more and more ferocious incarnations of Goliath. These shepherds follow the teaching of Jesus Christ to do greater works, not fearing those more brutal regimes.
Heavenly Father! After all, bishops, priests and deacons are human. It is difficult for them to jump out of the box of personal honours. If they make selfish decisions, forgetting the flock You have entrusted them, help them repent and do penance. Amen.

Friday, 27 April 2018

耶穌基督知所進退 Jesus Christ is the Master of Positioning




  1. 相信大家一定聽過「好心做壞事」。倘若不是天父的旨意,善事也是會變成惡事的!
  2. 好事不一定要由我們做的。世上的失敗者,很多時候是那些不知定位,不知進退的人。結果功高蓋主(撒上18:7),招來殺身之禍,這不單是職場大忌,亦是做人的大忌!更嚴重的,祇知進,不知退,連累了很多與自己有關係的人,是悲劇啊!
  3. 最美好的居所,非耶穌基督的聖心莫屬!怎樣纔可以在耶穌基督的心裡留一席位呢?我相信除了默觀祈禱,和謙遜地實行愛德外,沒有其他途徑了。耶穌基督是通往天父,通往永生的道路(若14:6)。 所以,跟隨祂的榜樣,是獲得生命的不二法門。祂知所定位,謙遜地尋求並服從天父的旨意(斐2:6)。祂知所進退,在群眾想擁祂為王時拒絕了(若6:15);但在比拉多前,卻直認不諱(18:37)。耶穌基督真是道路!


Jesus Christ is the Master of Positioning
(John 14:1-6)

It is almost two millennia since Jesus Christ has ascended into heavens and sat at the right hand of the Father. In these two thousand years, what is Jesus Christ busy about?
He is really very busy because the accuser of our brethren accuses us day and night before our God (Revelation 12:10), that this Catholic has not done his duty and that bishop covers up pædophilic priests etc. We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2:1). On the other hand, Jesus Christ goes and prepares a place for us and shall come again and take us to Himself (John 14:3). What shall the place look like?

I believe that Jesus Christ taking the trouble to prepare places for us suggests that there is no standard blueprint. Otherwise, why does He bother? If it is tailor-made, to a certain extent, we help build this future place with our lifespan. Then, what does your dream house look like? Is it true that the more charitable works we do on earth, the better our place in the future? Not necessarily!

  1. I trust you have heard of the aphorism that "the path to Hell is littered with good intentions". If it is not the will of the Father, charity can become evil!
  2. It is not necessary for us to do all the good works. Losers in the world make one fatal mistake: they do not know how to position themselves. They advance but do not withdraw. Consequently, they court death because "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands." (1 Samuel 18:7). This is not only a taboo in office politics, but also in life! More seriously, they bring disasters to many others who are related to them. What a tragedy!
  3. The best place is none other than the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ! How do we occupy a place in His heart? I believe that there is no other way but contemplative prayers and humble charity. Jesus Christ is the Way to the Father and the Way to eternal life (John 14:6) Thus, following His exemplar is the sure way to attain life. Jesus knows His position, humbly seeks and obeys the Father's will. (Philippians 2:6) He knows the right moments. When the crowd wanted to make him king, He withdrew (John 6:15). Before Pilate, He admitted without reservation (18:37). Jesus Christ is truly the Way!
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us Your only begotten Son to teach us and lead us back to You. Amen.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

向人福傳為了造就他人 To Evangelize Is To Edify






To Evangelize Is To Edify
(John 13:16-20)

People pursue power in the secular world to selfishly satisfy their own desire for control. They may also exercise their power in hand to build up a utopia. Unfortunately, both groups of people do not end happily. The former will never obtain satisfaction because when they exercise their authority, others will lose some of their freedom. Nobody is willing to lose his freedom completely and to allow others to take total control over him. When things go beyond their baseline, they shall refuse to cooperate. Therefore, for those who want to control others completely to satisfy their desire for control, they will never achieve 100% control. What they get shall mostly be fake!

Why are those who exercise power to save their country and their countrymen doomed to fail? It is because when they pursue their ideal, they will surely meet oppositions. When their authority at the moment is not enough to overcome obstacles, they will not be able to attain their ideal. The only option is to seek greater authority to remove obstacles and dissidents. By then, authority is changed from a means to the end. The original intention is buried. The last obstacle which hinders the amassing of authority is their conscience. The last enemy to destroy is one's true self ... How terrible!

Is authority that horrible?
During the Last Supper, Jesus Christ washed the feet of the disciples and told them to "wash one another's feet" (John 13:14). This is the context of the gospel reading today. There, Jesus Christ teaches the disciples the true meaning of authority: Authority is not used to exploit others' freedom but to serve them, to edify them and help them enjoy greater happiness. Jesus Christ sets us an exemplar of a master washing the feet of disciples. We are blessed when we do the same (13:17). Jesus Christ sends his clergy: bishops, priests and deacons to serve the People of God. When we receive and obey the clergy, we receive Jesus Christ. In doing so, we obtain eternal life. Thus we are blessed (13:20). Similarly, Jesus Christ sends His disciples to evangelize the secular world. Whoever receives the teachings of the gospel, he becomes blessed. Christians, how can you be so selfish as to enjoy this blessedness alone?
Heavenly Father, help us remove the selfishness to satisfy our desires. Help us share the gospel of Jesus Christ to edify others. Amen.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

栽培接班人 To Groom Successors





To Groom Successors
(Mark 16:15-20)

St. Mark was a disciple of Peter. In order to edify his disciple, Peter assigned the writing of Jesus' biography to Mark who accomplished it with "The Gospel According to Mark", a template for other gospels.
Who was this Mark? We believe that he was the man carrying a jar of water who showed Jesus' disciples the guest room to eat the Passover meal (Mark 14:13). He was also the young man who ran away naked when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane (14:51-52). This curiosity stricken chicken backed off midway when the future was unclear. Subsequently, Paul and Barnabas separated because of him (Acts 15:37-39). From these previous records, Mark was not a very promising disciple. Luckily, Barnabas and Peter were so tolerant that we now have a dynamic Evangelist who depicts the powerful face of Jesus Christ, Son of God before us!

Indeed, God loves to help the underdogs and overthrow the powerful. "He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low degree." (Luke 1:51-52) God loves to build up the humble. Therefore, at the beginning, God helped the disciples with healings, exorcisms and speaking in new languages (Mark 16:17-18). Today, we already have the power to learn foreign languages, taking care of the ignorant and healing the sick. We don't need God's intervention. At the beginning, people believed in the witness of the disciples because of miracles. Today, our education level has been raised. With logical deduction, we believe in the witness of missionaries and accept the gospel which is both rational and revolutionary. We thank God and all the pastors for their edification. We have grown up!
Heavenly Father! Guide us on our path with the Truth of Your gospel. Let us grow healthily and bravely bear witness to the risen Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

遵守程序是重要的 It Is Essential to Follow Procedures







It Is Essential to Follow Procedures
(John 10:22-30)

No matter how much we dislike procedures and how much we want to bypass procedures to get things done whenever an opportunity arises, we must follow procedures. It is because procedures protect the benefits and safety of the majority. For example, the roof of the Church is leaking and is undergoing maintenance. The parish priest and the construction company reach an agreement not to work on Sundays to prevent disruption of masses. Unfortunately, due to bad weather, the maintenance work is behind schedule. One Sunday, a worker came along requesting the assistant parish priest to allow him to work overtime on the roof to catch up and guarantee not to make any noise. If you were the assistant parish priest, would you give the permission?

Do not be surprised when Jesus says, "You do not belong to my sheep." (John 10:26) No matter how much we wish everybody attained eternal life, there shall be some whose acts do not reach the target; some who, for various reasons, refuse to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, to have any relation with Him or to confess Jesus Christ to be their Saviour. Even though Jesus is the True Vine and we are the branches (15:5), have you not heard of the aphorism that "there are withered branches on a big tree"?

The contemporary Jews expected a Messiah who would drive away the Romans and liberate them from colonial rule. The words and deeds of Jesus Christ, on one hand brought them exciting expectations (e.g. his miracles and authoritative teachings etc.), but on the other worried them (e.g. Jesus Christ mixed with sinners and Roman centurions etc.) These Jews did not reflect on the salvific significance of the words and deeds of Jesus Christ in order to unearth the problems. Instead, they demanded Jesus Christ to give them a definitive answer (10:24). They had harboured a wrong expectation on the Messiah (to liberate them from colonial rule), and boxed Jesus Christ inside a wrong procedure (to drive out the Romans). They did not believe in what Jesus had said (liberation from the slavery of sins). Nor did they believe in the works Jesus had done (healings, forgiving sins and exorcisms etc. 10:25-26) Pray and study the Bible daily to meditate the words and deeds of Jesus Christ is the proper procedure!

Do not blame the Pope for excommunicating some bishops, nor to blame a priest for refusing you baptism because of your irregular marital status. Do not take the shortcut to receive the Holy Communion without proper confession because you may receive the Holy Communion spiritually. Remember, procedures protect the benefits and safety of the majority. Without grave reasons of faith and morality pointing otherwise, you must follow procedures!
Father! Send us the Holy Spirit. Infuse us in our heart burning charity of humility to obey Your will. Amen.

Monday, 23 April 2018

伯多祿和他的繼承人是掌門人 Peter and his Successors are Gate-Keepers






Peter and his Successors are Gate-Keepers
(John 10:1-10)

With good intentions, many people wish Vatican and Communist China engaged in dialogue to improve their relationship so that gospel might be freely spread in the mainland, allowing more descendants of Huángdi to enjoy God’s salvation. However, on some fundamental principles, there exists an unsurpassable chasm (Luke 16:26) . Vatican abides by the principle of "full episcopal communion with the Pope" whereas the Chinese government insists on the "Three-Self" principle. Neither side is able to concede. The gospel today is crystal clear. We should not entertain any fantasy.

Jesus is the Door of the Sheep (John 10:7) and "he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep." (10:2) Jesus gave the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter (Matthew 16:19). Thus, Peter and his successors are gate-keepers of the sheepfold and the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, how can the Pope open the door to those who refuse to be in full communion with him (10:3)? Those "who do not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way" do not receive the mandate from the Pope. What does Jesus call them? Thus at the moment, the discussion between the Vatican and the Chinese government is NOT about establishing diplomatic relation, but how to bring those "who do not enter the sheepfold by the door" out of the fold and re-enter the fold through the Door. That is to say, through certain procedures, make those bishops who are not in communion with the Pope become legitimate bishops and normalize the proper consecration of bishops in the future.

The importance of bishops is not their authority but their influence on the flock. His mission is to lead the flock into the fold to rest and out of the fold to find pasture (10:9) so that the flock "may have life, and have it abundantly" (10:10). The mission of bishops is to help the congregation to build up intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and attain eternal life. If bishops serve secular powers and stray from the truth of Jesus Christ, what kind of abundant life can these bishops give the congregation?
Aba, Father! All things are possible for you. Show us the way we should tread and give us the Holy Spirit to empower us to do Your will. Amen.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

認識自己的聖召 Know Your Own Vocation



不用擔心,中古時代的神學家,為了說服有學問的無信者 ,曾提出了五個有說服力的論點,證明天主的存在。所以,這個挑戰基本上已經解決了,不再是挑戰了。另一方面,我會打消他們想天主顯現給他們的念頭。「假如天主顯現給你,我恭喜你,你將會成為萬人景仰的聖人,頭上有光環。不過,你從此會多災多難,甚至不得好死!」執事雖然說話誇張,但句句屬實,聖保祿宗徒就是一個典型的例子!請試想想,如果獻上祭品就可以賄賂到的,又豈是真天主呢?如果我們吩咐祂顯現,祂就顯現給我們,我們豈不變成了天主的主人嗎?這樣的神,不信也罷!因此,規定天主按我們的方法做事,我們實在太局限了自己,而且太看低天主的能力了!請記住,天主不是我們所能操控的!那麼,我們怎樣知道,天主有召叫我們呢?






Good Shepherd Sunday, Year B
Theme: Know Your Own Vocation

All Catholics, from the Pope and bishops, down to jaded parishioners or the newly baptized, men and women, old and young, have a mission to preach the gospel and to bear witness to the risen Jesus Christ. However, preaching the gospel to those modern people who ask for evidence for everything shall inevitably pose the same challenge to all Christians: how to prove the existence of God. They might even demand, "If your God shows up in front of me right now, I will believe!" How do we answer? Even we ourselves have not seen Jesus Christ with our own eyes. Don't tell me you are going to quote a piece of proof-text such as, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed" (John 20:29) to convince them! For those who refuse to believe, they might say, "Being blessed? Who cares?"

Don't worry. Medieval theologians had already put forth five persuasive arguments to prove the existence of God to convince educated non-believers. Thus, the challenge is challenge no more. On the other hand, I would try to dissuade them from demanding God's apparition. "If God appears to you, congratulations! You shall be a saint venerated by the millions and shall have a halo on your head. However, from then on, your life shall be full of hardships and you might not die a good death!" Though I exaggerate a bit, I speak the truth. The life of St. Paul is a typical example! Just think about it. A deity which you may bribe is no God at all. If I command a deity to appear and he obeys, then have I become the master of this deity? Is such a deity worth believing in anymore? Thus, in forcing God to follow our ways of doing things, we are actually restricting ourselves and have underestimated the power of God! Remember, we cannot control over God! Then, how do we know that God has called us?

Firstly, when God created us according to His image, He wanted us to become a holy people. The Old Testament says, "You shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy." (Leviticus 19:2) To become holy is the goal for everybody, not just for Catholics. This goal is the mission God gives everybody. In our jargon, this is God's vocation. Of course, not all people respond to God's call. Some people are listless throughout their lives. They might ask, "When did God call me? He has never appeared before me. How did He call me?"

We can find many encounter experiences between God and men in the Bible. Some men occupy important roles in the salvation plan of God who spoke to them in person. For the rest of us, God would send some messengers to hand down His will, for example, angels and a talking donkey. A talking donkey, are you talking about Æsop's fables? Of course not, it is a biblical story! The king of Moab paid Balaam to curse the Israelites. Balaam rode his donkey towards the camps of Israelites. God sent an angel with a drawn sword in his hand to block Balaam. The angel was invisible. Balaam could not see him but the donkey could! For three times, the donkey dodged the angel and saved Balaam who, not knowing the truth, struck the donkey three times. So, the donkey started complaining and the angel appeared to Balaam. Later, instead of cursing the Israelites, Balaam blessed them. (Numbers 22-23)

Note that it is not necessary to argue the truthfulness of "a talking donkey", just as we don't bother to verify whether the tortoise actually had raced against the hare. We learn the moral and ignore the details of the contents. The story of Balaam tells us that God is a God who always surprises us. Thus, we need to pay attention to the accidental appearances of God when He calls us. God shall make use of people, places and events to touch us, to call us to lead an upright life, standing tall between heavens and earth.

My dear audience, God further calls you to be Christians. We were baptized into the Catholic Church to become a Catholic. Is faith alone not enough? Do we need baptism in order to be effective? Right! Baptism cleanses us of our sins (Acts 2:28, 22:16) making us clean and becomes genuine saints. Thus Christians are called to be saints (Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:2). When we are open to the graces of God, we have a greater opportunity to become saints. Do you remember one of the rites during baptism on Easter Vigil? The newly baptized put on a white cloth. Paul the Apostle told us, "For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ." (Galatians 3:27) What's the use of putting on Christ? Don't ever think that the cloak of Elijah was magical. Putting on this cloak would make Elisha his successor full of power, like his master! Pay attention. Clark Kent does not become Superman after changing into his suit. The power has always been within him. Similarly, Christians do not put on Christ to become a christ. The power to become Christ has always been within them! Baptism cleanses us of our sins, restoring in us the original graces and the status of being children of God. Thus, putting on Christ activates the hidden graces within us to become another christ. This is the purpose of life for all Christians. Not only should they be holy, but they should also become christs. Jesus prays, we pray; Jesus heals, we heal; Jesus liberates, we forgive and liberate; Jesus evangelizes, we evangelizes etc.

The Christian community needs clergy just as a city needs civil servants. Civil servants serve the citizens to help them lead a safe and stable life and to make the city prosperous and progress. Similarly, the Church needs some civil servants, the clergy to serve the People of God and to expand the Kingdom of God and achieve the vision of "One Flock, One Shepherd" (John 10:16). Of course, not everybody is called to become priests or nuns because God has His plan. If we force ourselves to become priests and nuns, we would scandalize the Church, just like recent news! Thus, vocation needs discernment, needs prayers and needs guidance from experienced mentors. Don't be discouraged. Whatever the vocation, when we seek and respond, God shall definitely be with us. He will help us in our stations of life to manifest His bestowed graces, to be sanctified and become other christs. Today is Vocation Sunday. Let us pray for the vocation of being Christians and pray fervently for priestly vocation.
God bless!

Sunday, 15 April 2018

耶穌基督是我們的護慰者 Jesus Christ is Our Advocate


天主的創造,樣樣都很好。(創1:4,8,10,12,18,22,25,31)那麼, 人自然會問:「魔鬼是從那裡來的呢?」







Third Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: Jesus Christ is Our Advocate

Everything God created is good. (Genesis 1:4, 8, 10, 12, 18, 22, 25, 31) Then naturally people will ask, "Where did the Devil come from?"
Why is God's creation good? It is because God's creation is ordered. There is a hierarchy. For example, men are higher than animals. Animals are higher than plants and plants are higher than dead things etc. Traditionally, we explain the existence of the Devil in this way. The Father told the Son to incarnate, not as an angel but as a man. Furthermore, He told the angels to worship this incarnate Son of God. Angels and God are spiritual being, higher than men. Thus, it is reasonable for some angels to reject bowing to a man. Consequently, they became devils and were sent to Hell for their pride and jealousy. What a pity! Of course the Devil felt undeserved and decided to grasp hold of as many mortuary trophies as possible. Thus, the Devil tricked our first parents and their descendants to commit sins. Furthermore, the Devil accuses us all the time before the Father.

John wrote letters to his community to exhort them not to commit sins. But he understood the weaknesses of men. Thus, he encouraged them not to despair like Judas even if they fell. Judas despaired and did not give himself a chance to repent and did not give God the opportunity to forgive him. Thus, humanity loses a "St. Judas", a patron saint for informants. On the contrary, Peter wept and repented. He survived the darkest 40 plus hours and was able to persevere until the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He was forgiven. Thus a Church was built upon a fragile rock which is able to embrace sinners. We should praise God for His plan is ineffable!

What enables us not to despair? John says, "We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and he is the expiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world." (1 John 2:1b-2) We need some explanation.
God is righteous. Thus there must be justice in the human society. But unfortunately, men are able to destroy more than they can compensate. We can repay debts with interests to debtees. But can blood be repaid with blood? How do people repay murders? Does killing a murderer enough to repay the losses of the victim's family and the society as a whole? Is "a life for a life" fair enough? Then a tyrant who kills thousands of his subjects has to repay with thousands of his generations in order to be fair! Though death penalty is not the fairest way, in order to manifest justice, it is the second best way. Since men are unable to compensate their crimes and sins, the Son of God became a man to offer Himself as our expiation, to repay our sins.

As a Christian, we always encounter the same difficulty when we try to preach the gospel, viz., how the death of Jesus two millennia ago is related to us today. Indeed, it is extremely difficult for modern people to accept that they are sinners. Even if they realize their weaknesses, inadequacies and harms they inflict upon others, we need to spend a lot of persuasion in order to explain how the death of Jesus Christ redeems all the sins of humanity. It seems to surpass the capability of ordinary laity, to be impossible. Please bear in mind not to give up easily like Judas. Give people an opportunity to build up a relationship with Jesus Christ. Give the Holy Spirit a chance to open up their understanding how the passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ redeem all the sins of humanity and give the believers eternal life!

From the Resurrection Narratives in the gospels, we see how merciful Jesus Christ was and how he patiently catered for the states of the disciples. For the sorrowful Mary Magdalene, Jesus appeared and consoled her. Then he made her the Apostle of the Apostles by sending her to announce to the Apostles his resurrection. (John 20:17) On the way to Emmaus, the two disciples were disillusioned. Jesus Christ walked with them, patiently explaining to them what the Law and Prophets had prophesized about the suffering of the Messiah. (Luke 24:27) For Thomas who wanted hard evidence, Jesus appeared to him and invited him to examine His holy wounds with his hands. (John 20:27) In the gospel passage today, Jesus appeared in order to support the testimony of the two disciples returning from Emmaus and He ate a piece of broiled fish in front of them to strengthen the disciples who lacked faith. (Luke 24:42-43) We see how merciful the Son of God Jesus Christ is, how he caters for our lowly states of life for our benefits. For our good, he incarnated not as an angel but as a man because angels are immortal. But the material world and human society demand death as a redemption. Moreover, he died in the capacity of the Son of God. His death is sufficient to redeem the sins of all humanity throughout all ages! Thus, his death on the cross two millennia ago has already wiped out all the debts of thousands of generations of humanity, including us. The only requirement is that we need to "register". We need to have faith in him, to acknowledge him to be our Saviour and our God in front of men!

Men! What good are we that God caters for our lowliness and sees our potentials? Indeed, though we were created in the image of God, we are not as capable as angels. There is nothing we can be proud of. But no matter how hard we have fallen, the Father cherishes his masterpieces. We only need to repent, to turn around and to trust in Him, He will help us manifest the potentials He has given us to become His glorious children. God loves to see this attitude of repentance in us. Just as what Jesus says, "There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance." (15:7)
God bless!

Sunday, 8 April 2018

為甚麼應該每日讀經? Why Should We Daily Study the Bible?








Second Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: Why Should We Daily Study the Bible?

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the core of our faith.
Judaism, Islam and Christianity are global monotheistic religions. All three believe that there is only one deity in the universe. However, the deity that Christians believe in is more complicated. It is three in one! How do they know that this unique God is a Trinity? Jesus Christ reveals it to them. Who is this Jesus Christ? All Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son of God. He is God clothed in flesh and blood. He reveals to us that God is triune. All who claim to be Christians believe in these two article of faith: that God is triune and Jesus Christ is both human and divine. Otherwise, even though you are able to recite the biblical passages, you are not qualified to be a Christian. Why should be believe in the revelation of Jesus Christ? It is because he came back to life after death. That is why I said earlier that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the core of our faith.

Most people have received science education in the society today. They will demand scientific evidence. Then what scientific evidence has the resurrection of Jesus Christ left behind? Unfortunately, it was a long time ago. The evidence might not meet the criteria of modern people. What we have today are the Bible and the generations of witnesses. Let us examine the extra-biblical witnesses first, I mean the saints of the Church throughout the ages.

The history of the early Church is a book of persecutions. On one hand, Jews considered Christians heretics because they believed that a carpenter was God. It was blasphemous and Christians had to be wiped out. I am sure all of you are familiar with the story of Saul (Acts 8:1-3). On the other hand, the Roman Empire worshipped many deities. Even Caesar was honoured as God's Son. In their eyes, Christians who refused to worship gods were atheists. They were treacherous to the security of the Empire. Whenever they lost battles or disasters struck, Christians became handy scapegoats! The word "martyrs" means "to bear witness". The Church honoured martyrs as saints because they bore witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ with their blood. Thus, their testimony is credible!

For two millennia, Jesus Christ has never abandoned the Church. He is present in the Holy Eucharist, in the Word, in our liturgy and adorations. Furthermore, during critical times, he appeared to chosen individuals and sent them to support the Church in crises. For example, during the Age of the Church Fathers, we have St. Augustine and St. Athanasius etc. rebuking heresies, defending orthodoxy and explaining the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity. During the Middle Ages, we have St. Benedict and St. Francis of Assisi etc. to live out the true spirit of the gospels. During Reformation, we have St. Teresa of Avila and St. Ignatius etc. to raise our spirituality and evangelization. In modern days, we have St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and St. Pope John Paul II to bear forceful witnesses to the gospel in this increasing secular world. Throughout the ages, these saints responded to the call of the risen Lord, bearing witnesses brilliantly to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and helping humanity to lead a more abundantly fruitful life.

These saints have one thing in common: they loved studying the Bible, in particular, the gospels. As laity, even if we are not called to lead a radiantly saintly life, we can still abide in Christ through studying the Bible. How blessed we are!
We need our brain and our heart to study the Bible. For example, in the first reading today, we learn the life of the Jerusalem Church in her early stage. Believers sold all they had, put the proceeds before the apostles to distribute according to each one's needs (Acts 2:45). They were practising a primitive communism. Then, why don't we need to do that when we were baptized into the Church? Using our brain, we know that early Christians believed that Jesus Christ would return soon after his Ascension. What was the best way to spend their money? The best way was to follow the new commandment of loving each other, which Jesus gave during the Last Supper (John 13:34), and gave it to the needy brethren. Thus, a primitive communistic way of life started. But that was confined to the Church of Jerusalem before persecutions began. During subsequent persecutions, believers spread throughout the world. They began to understand that Jesus did not come to restore Israel (Acts 1:6), but to save all humanity. Expanding the Kingdom of Heaven is a long endeavour. The end of primitive communism had come and the heart to redeem all humanity began.
St. John the Apostle says well, "For whoever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith." (1 John 5:4) We were baptized and thus born of God. We have the power to expand the Kingdom of Heaven, to actualize it in this world. This is what John meant by "overcomes the world". With what do we overcome the world and expand the Kingdom of Heaven? It is our faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Triune God. Where does this faith come from? The gospel today spells it out clearly, "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name." (John 20:31) Our faith comes from the Bible, from the Gospels.

Brethren, if our faith remains in the stage of catechumen or even infancy baptism, is our faith strong enough to overcome the world? It is well said, "Learning is like rowing against the current, if we make no progress, we recede." There is no better way to maintain and increase our faith than studying the Bible and praying. Do you have any reason to call yourself a Catholic but study no Bible and say no prayer?
God bless!