Fifth Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: Fruits that God Seeks in Us
Disclaimer: I have no practical experience growing vine. I know very little about the techniques of vine grafting.
In the gospel reading today, Jesus chooses the image of a vine to articulate His relationship with the disciples. Let us meditate its meanings.
The Father even goes further. Besides calling us to lead a holy life to manifest the holiness of the Lord, He invites us to become Catholics and to be branches on the Son of God, the True Vine so that we may share the eternal life transmitted by Jesus Christ. Notice that we have the same human nature as the Son of God who incarnates as a man. Jesus Christ and us belong to the same "species". Jesus Christ did not choose to incarnate as an angel but as a man. Thus we belong to the same species whereas angels do not.
The vinedresser tries to graft all the branches, i.e. all humanity, onto Jesus Christ in order to receive life. Some are successful but some are not. That is to say, even though God wants all men to be saved and to attain life, not all of the called ones can successfully become Catholics to receive Sacraments within the Church, to enjoy a foretaste of the Father's eternal life. With the nourishment, the successful ones can fight against secular contamination.
In fact, even though branches are grafted onto the True Vine, there is no guarantee that they shall bear fruits successfully. That is to say, even though one was baptized Catholic, there is no guarantee that he shall be a genuine Catholic. Thus, Jesus said, "Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, He takes away." (John 15:2) Indeed, there bound to be withered branches on a huge tree. Some of those branches that are grafted onto Jesus Christ might not be successfully linked. They were baptized Catholic. They got 5 extra marks for enrolment in Catholic schools. They may get married in beautiful Catholic churches. They shall be buried in Catholic cemeteries etc. They deserve all these benefits. There is nothing wrong about it. Rather, the problem is whether that person has been linked with Jesus Christ to bear the fruits that the Father seeks. If he is not able to bear fruit, the Father shall take him away. "He is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned." (15:6)
Then, what kind of fruits does the Father seek?
It is more easily said than done to lead a life according to the Beatitudes. Without the help from the Holy Spirit, nobody is able to live up to the demands of the Beatitudes. Thus, the latest apostolic exhortation suggests that Catholics should lead a Spirit empowered life. What the Father wants to find in us is not how many times we attend masses annually, receive Holy Communion, go to confessions and join retreats etc. These are essential. What the Father wants to find in us is not the number of people got baptized. Don't take me wrong. Evangelization to bring people into the Church to share the eternal life of the Father is surely important. But more important is whether our spiritual life bears fruit, the fruits of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul writes of these nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) These temperaments are what the Father seeks, the temperaments of the Holy Spirit. He wishes to see us serve Jesus Christ in the least of the needy with these attitudes and become a genuine Catholic.
A vine lives for about thirty years. In order to preserve, to propagate and to cross breed a good vine, farmers will choose some healthy scions and graft them onto another rootstock. Grafting saves the time of sowing and growing seedlings and serves economic purposes.
First of all, God created men in His image (Genesis 1:26) and called them to become holy images of God (Leviticus 19:2). Although God has implanted the seed of sanctification, the "image of God" mentioned in Genesis, in the heart of each one of us, not everybody responds to this call to holiness. Some refuse to respond and even join Satan's camp to do evil. Though some refuse to do evil, they are not interested in God's truth. Some do not have the determination and courage to live by their conscience. Some are able to overcome tons of obstacles to lead a conscientious life. They meet the basic requirements to be an image of God, i.e. they are able to manifest the holiness of the Lord God with their lives!
Isaiah the Prophet has sung "a love song concerning His vineyard" to describe how God attended to the Israelites who repeatedly did disappointing things to God. "He looked for it to yield grapes, but it yielded wild grapes." (Isaiah 5:2) Thus, negatively we should avoiding making the same mistakes as the Israelites. For example, the Israelites mingled with their neighbouring tribes and worshipped idols together, forsaking Yahweh. Thus we should not worship money and power, using them to be the measures of everything and do not lead our lives according to God's will (Luke 4:1-12). Positively, we should lead our lives in the spirit of the Beatitudes. In Jesus' time, the Pharisees insisted on the letters of the Law and fed their greed with legal technicalities. They swept the spirit of the Ten Commandments under the carpet. Thus, we should not follow the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. Instead, we should understand the spirit of the gospel and serve the Jesus Christ in the least of the needy (Matthew 25:40). On April 9, Pope Francis issued yet another apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate to guide us how to put the Beatitudes into practice in our daily life and to be sanctified joyfully and exultantly.
God bless!