- 是有關處理犯了墮胎罪的問題。天主是生命的主宰,殺害無辜的生命是對天主的大不敬。所有胎兒都是無辜的,所以墮胎是一項嚴重的罪行。從前,墮胎罪是保留給主教處理的。時移世易,天主教徒生活在非教徒佔大多數的社會中,墮胎很普遍。於是有些教區的主教,委派部份司鐸,代表主教免除墮胎的罪罰。其實墮胎的問題很複雜,而且在女性的身心靈上做成嚴重的創傷和枷鎖!所以教宗方濟各授權全體司鐸,在慈悲禧年期間,可以行使免除墮胎罪罰的權力。不是為了鼓勵墮胎,而是鼓勵痛悔定改的教友,領受天主的慈悲,重新自由喜樂地,度天主子女的生活。在這宗座牧函中,教宗宣布這項權力,正式延續下去。(【慈悲與憐憫】#12)
- 宣布每年常年期第33主日為「世界窮人日」。教宗說:「…這將會是慶祝我們的主耶穌基督普世君王慶節的最佳準備,因為主耶穌把自己當作最卑微、最貧困者的一員;我們的慈悲善工,將成為祂審判我們的準則(瑪25:31-46)。這『世界窮人日』將幫助各基督信仰團體,以及所有已領洗者,去反思福音的中心議題──貧困,只要拉匝祿依然躺臥在我們家大門前(路16:19-21),世界便不會有公義,社會亦不得和平…」(#21
Thirty Third Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Introducing "World Day of the Poor"
On November 20, 2016, Pope Francis closed the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy with an Apostolic Letter "Misericordia et Misera" to review the important theme of mercy in the scriptures, theology, sacraments and Christian life. Moreover, he made two announcements.
- It is about abortion. God is the author of life. Killing the innocent is a grave contempt to God. All foeti are innocent. Therefore abortion is a grave sin. In earlier generations, abortion was an offence reserved for bishops to absolve. As time moves on, many Catholics are now living in societies outnumbered by non-believers. Abortion is common. Thus, in some dioceses, bishops delegate the faculty to absolve abortions to certain priests. In fact, abortion is a complex issue and women who have undergone abortions are left with trauma and bondage physically, psychologically as well as spiritually. Thus Pope Francis granted provisional faculty to all priests to absolve the sin of abortion during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The Church does not encourage abortion. She only encourages the faithful to repent and reconcile with God, to embrace His mercy and lead the life of God's children in freedom. In this Apostolic Letter, Pope Francis extended this faculty indefinitely. (Misericordia et Misera #12)
- Pope Francis decided that the whole Church should celebrate "World Day of the Poor" on the Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. The Pope says, "This would be the worthiest way to prepare for the celebration of the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, who identified with the little ones and the poor and who will judge us on our works of mercy (Matthew 25:31-46). It would be a day to help communities and each of the baptized to reflect on how poverty is at the very heart of the Gospel and that, as long as Lazarus lies at the door of our homes (Luke 16:19-21), there can be no justice or social peace." (#21)
Poverty wears many faces. In subsequent years, the Pope would explain. In order to solve the problem, let us face the problem squarely and focus our gaze on the problem of poverty first.
On June 13, 2017, Pope Francis issued a Message for the First World Day of the Poor (19/11/2017). He quoted John's Epistle "Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth." (1 John 3:18) This was also the theme of the First World Day of the Poor. The Pope helps us revise the nature of Christian call. He teaches us how to look at poverty: Let us never forget that, for Christ's disciples, poverty is above all a call to follow Jesus in his own poverty which means having a humble heart. It is an interior attitude. Poverty creates the conditions for us to trust in God's closeness and the support of his grace. In short, the poor manifest God's gospel! (Message#4)
He continues, "In myriad ways poverty challenges us daily, in faces marked by suffering, marginalization, oppression, violence, torture and imprisonment, war, deprivation of freedom and dignity, ignorance and illiteracy, medical emergencies and shortage of work, trafficking and slavery, exile, extreme poverty and for forced migration ... To all these forms of poverty we must respond with a new vision of life and society." (Message#5)
Thus, poverty is not only financial poverty, but also relational poverty, intellectual poverty and spiritual poverty. Behind all forms of poverty is an unrighteous institution. Focusing on a clear target, we will not respond blindly.
On June 13, 2018, Pope Francis issued a Message for the Second World Day of the Poor (18/11/2018). For meditation, he quoted a psalm, "The poor cried out and the Lord heard, and from all his distress He saved him." (Psalm 34:7) This is the theme of the Second World Day of the Poor. Following the meditation, the Pope pointed out that the story of Bartimaeus in the gospel of Mark makes visible what the Psalm proclaims as a promise. The Pope teaches that the poor suffer. They desire deliverance, desire somebody to lend them a helping hand or at least some consolation. Sadly, most people fear the poor, reject them and consider them a source of insecurity and unrest. Rejecting the poor is rejecting Jesus Christ. How can the Church do that? (Message#5)
The Pope continues to remind us to go against the trends with passages from Pauline epistles (Romans 12:15-16, 1 Corinthians 12:26, Philippians 2:5). Bear in mind that poverty is a Christian call. Poverty is the Gospel. (Message#8)
On June 13, 2019, Pope Francis issued a Message for the Third World Day of the Poor (17/11/2019). For meditation, he quoted "The hope of the needy will never fade." (Psalm 9:19) This is the theme of the Third World Day of the Poor. From the contents of the Message, we see that they fit the situation of Hong Kong at the moment. This year, the Pope moves our focus onto faith. He says, "Faith impresses above all on the hearts of the poor, restoring lost hope in the face of injustice, sufferings and the uncertainties of life." However, what we see in real life situations is differnt. "How can God let the poor be humiliated without coming to their aid? Why does He allow oppressors to prosper instead of condemning their conducts?" (Message#1) Yes, why does God not condemn the conduct of the oppressors? Similarly, many people in Hong Kong today keep asking why the Church does not condemn brutality.
The Pope continues to teach that we, who endure injustice, suffering and disappointment, must "put our trust in the Lord", in the certainty that we will never be forsaken, will become the Blessed Poor. Why is God "mindful" of the poor? It is because the poor has established a personal relationship of affection and love with God. They "know" the Lord. This relationship is the source of hope! (Message#3)
What does God do on behalf of the poor? He "hears" their cry and "comes to their aid". He "protects" and "defends" them. He "rescues" and "saves" them. He is their refuge and never fails to come to their assistance. (Message#4)
In light of the Pope's teachings, the Hong Kong society fails to emerge from the present predicament and that the Hong Kong Diocese cancels the long prepared celebration of the World Day of the Poor indicate that we don't know the Lord deep enough, not trust in Him enough and forget to cry to Him. Thus, He has not come to our aid, protection, defence, rescue and assistance yet!
God bless!
Picture Credit:
https://orderofmaltaamerican.org/2018/11/13/the-second-world-day-of-the-poor-on-november-18th/ (page not found)