
Tuesday, 31 December 2019

大聲疾呼的先知 A Yelling Prophet







"Prophet Series#2"
A Yelling Prophet (John 1:1-18)

John the Baptist was the last prophet of the Old Testament. Jesus Christ once praised him to be "more than a prophet" (Matthew 11:9) He and Anna discharged their prophetic ministry in different manners. From the beginning of the Roman colonial rule in Judah, Anna, in the capacity of a widow, led a life of a conquered people, fasting and praying in the Temple to anticipate God's redemption. She symbolized the fate of the Jewish people. Thirty years after Anna saw infant Jesus, John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, yelling at people to repent and to prepare their hearts to receive the imminent Saviour. Both were prophets, spokespersons of God. Yet, their styles differed drastically in response to the demands of the time!

As a spokesperson of God, few prophets were as lucky as Jonah who was accepted by all the inhabitants of Nineveh. Sometimes, when the time was not ripe, the words and deeds of a prophet would be ignored. Some prophets were even killed because their words went against the current! At the beginning of her widowhood when the Romans began their colonial rule of Judah, had Anna, like John the Baptist after her, yelled at the people to repent, how many people would have listened? Even what she spoke about the infant Jesus was not recorded by Luke the Evangelist! Take a look at John the Baptist. He bore witness to the truth. Not only was he misunderstood by the religious authority (John 1:19-27), but he was also beheaded in the end! Puzzled, we would naturally ask if it is worthwhile to serve as a prophet!

First of all, we partake in the three offices of king, priest and prophet of Jesus Christ when we were baptized. Therefore, relieving us of the prophet's duties is out of the question.
Secondly, we are "not the light, but come to testify to the light" (1:8). Our witness enables people "to have life" (1:4); and "have eternal life" (3:36) and "have it more abundantly" (10:10); let those who believe in the name of Jesus Christ have the "power to become children of God" (1:12), have "grace in place of grace" (1:16). Judge for yourselves, is it worthwhile?
Heavenly Father! As the year comes to the end, let us count what grace we have received and know to be grateful. If it be Your will, let us continue to discharge the prophetic ministry diligently in the year ahead. Amen!

Monday, 30 December 2019

無言的女先知 A Speechless Prophetess



假設亞納在聖殿看見嬰孩耶穌時是84歲(路2:37)。又假設亞納14歲出閣,21歲便開始守寡。她在聖殿看見嬰孩耶穌時,已守寡63年了,即是說,她在公元前63年開始守寡! 公元前63年,羅馬帝國結束了猶太人100多年的獨立,開始對猶太省進行殖民統治。並以大黑落德作為傀儡,替羅馬帝國作緩衝!大黑落德為了討好猶太人,花了46年時間擴建聖殿(若2:20)!猶太的命運,完全操縱在別人手中,有如寡婦。亞納便見證了猶太如何由一個獨立的國家,變成羅馬帝國的一片殖民地,見證了大黑落德的政治手段,並親眼看到誕生了的救主,看到天主開始救贖解放的工程。多年來,亞納好像聖母瑪利亞一樣,把一切默存在心中,反覆思量(路2:1951)!且看,連聖史路加也沒有把她「向一切希望耶路撒冷得救贖的人,講論這孩子」(2:38)的話,記錄下來!



"Prophet Series #1"
A Speechless Prophetess (Luke 2:26-40)

In the Jewish society, widows are "the poorest of the poor" because their fate was totally controlled by the others. Other than God, nobody was able to redeem them! The widow of Nain (Luke 7:11-16) was just one such example. Christianity commends widows because they entrust the lives totally in God's hand. They are exemplars for Christians. Don't forget, the BVM is also a widow (Mark 6:3)!

Anna the widow we read of today was even the symbol of all the Jewish people!
Suppose Anna was 84 when she saw infant Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:37). Further assume that she was given to marriage at 14. She became a widow at 21! By the time she met infant Jesus, she had been a widow for 63 years. That is to say, she became a widow in 63 B.C. when the Romans ended a century of Jewish independence and began her colonial rule, setting up Herod the Great as a puppet, a buffer zone for the Roman Empire! Herod the Great spent 46 years to expand the Temple in order to please the Jews (John 2:20)! Like widows, the fate of Jewish people was totally controlled by others. Anna witnessed how Judah changed from an independent country to a colony, witnessed the political manoeuvres of Herod the Great and saw with her own eyes the birth of the Saviour, the beginning of God's redemption project. For many years, like the BVM, Anna "kept all these things, reflecting in her heart" (Luke 2:19; 51)! Look, even St. Luke fails to put into writing what she "spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem" (2:38)!

Have we learnt from the example of Anna? She was a prophetess (2:36) and yet spoke little. She had waited for 63 years before she spoke about the liberator to those who looked for liberation! What do we do in face of unfair treatments? Do we keep quiet to protect ourselves? Or do we continue to "worship night and day with fasting and prayer" (2:37)? Or do we condemn institutional violence? Of course, our talents are different. The path to sanctification of each Christian is different. At the end of the day, patience is a virtue all of us must build up!
Heavenly Father! Help us build up the virtue of patience and persevere till the end. Amen.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

在家庭生活中成聖 Sanctification Through Family Life








Solemnity of the Holy Family, Year A
Theme: Sanctification Through Family Life

The Holy Family is not a perfect family! Look, the Blessed Virgin Mary is an unwed mother who would suffer more or less discrimination from generation to generation, from East to West. Although St. Joseph is the "Protector of the Holy Church", no normal men on earth would envy him. Why then does the Church set up an imperfect family as the exemplar of our family life?

Let us begin our meditation from Genesis to find out what God expects of families.
After creating the First Man, God says, "It is not good for the man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18) Thus God made a helper suited to him to set up a family in which they might sanctify. Unfortunately, this family was not happy!
Firstly, the woman lacked faith in God. She believed in Satan's lies and doubted God's love. She could not resist the temptation to be like God and ate the fruit forbidden by God (3:4-6). Consequently, she lost God's grace so that her toil in childbearing was intensified and her husband ruled over her (3:16). Eve's lack of faith incurred a curse upon all humanity! For the safety of Adam, God ordered him not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (2:17). How dare he listened to his wife and disobeyed God! Consequently, cursed is the ground and labour becomes a toil (3:17)! Adam's disobedience incurred a curse upon all humanity! Out of envy and anger, Cain refused to be the keeper of his brother. He killed Abel (4:9). Cain became a fugitive (4:11-12) Cain's anger incurred a curse upon all humanity! Because of faithlessness, disobedience and anger, the First Family incurred upon all humanity the curse of the Original Sin!

Although the First Family God sets up in the New Testament was not perfect, it successfully lifts the three curses incurred by the First Family in the Old Testament. Although the Blessed Virgin Mary intended to serve God with her chastity and she did not understand how she could be the mother of the Saviour (Luke 1:34), she "believed that what was spoken to her by the Lord would be fulfilled" (1:45). Her insuperable faith undoes the curse incurred by Eve's lack of faith! Although the Son of God was undergoing extreme agony, He did not insist on His own will, "not my will but yours be done" (22:42); Jesus Christ "humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:8) to liberate all humanity from the slavery of sins. The humility and obedience of the Son of God neutralizes the curse incurred by the disobedience of Adam! St. Joseph did not insist on his decision to divorce quietly the Blessed Virgin Mary. He meekly accepted God's commission to be the "Head of the Holy Family", shouldering the burden to be the keeper of the child and its mother. The meekness of Joseph, breaks the curse incurred by Cain's anger! With their faith, obedience and meekness, the First Family of the New Testament lifts the curse of the Original Sin!

The Holy Family is holy and an exemplar of all human families because St. Joseph and the BVM led their lives around Jesus Christ, the Son of God. That is to say, the most important element in a family's life is to reserve a room in the family for God! Pope Francis says in Amoris Laetitia, "No family drops down from heaven perfectly formed; families need constantly to grow and mature in the ability to love." (AL#325) Even broken families, even members of the society who are unable to form a family, those widowers, widows, orphans and loners, God is willing to bless them the same. No matter how unsatisfactory family life is, it shall never prevent God from protecting the families and their members. "The family is a good which society cannot do without, and it ought to be protected." (AL#44) Thus, even though the Holy Family is not a perfect family, the Church still hoists the virtues of the Holy Family to be the exemplar of our family life! In a similar way, even though there are many disappointing clergy and parishioners in the Church which is "a family of families" (AL#87), God still wants this Church of sinners to "accompany with attention and care the weakest of her children ... by restoring in them hope and confidence ... The Church's task is often like that of a field hospital" to bless this troubled world. Can we still love Jesus Christ only and not His Church?

Brethren! "Each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way". Let the imperfect Holy Family be the exemplar of our faith, obedience and meekness, cheer up our mind and soul to march ahead on the path of sanctification.
God bless!

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

天主子的貧窮 The Poverty of the Son of God











Midnight Mass
Theme: The Poverty of the Son of God

God transcends space and time. He is eternal and never changes as time passes. Space cannot confine Him. He moves around at will and is thus omnipresent. The last book of the Bible calls him "the one who is and who was and who is to come" three times (Revelation 1:4, 1:8, 4:8)
Humanity is a creature confined by space and time. Thus we live in history, in a world contaminated by sins. We are assigned to a location on earth to go through birth, aging, sickness and death. God, who created us in His image, has mercy on us. He decides to liberate us from the bondage of sins. Therefore, He enters human history at a particular location and time and becomes a human being!

Luke the Evangelist concretely shows us that the incarnation of God is not a legend but a genuine historical fact. Caesar Augustus and Quirinius, governor of Syria were historical figures (Luke 2:1-2) which can be verified. Moreover, why does Luke mention Syria and not the other neighbouring regions? There had to be special political meanings behind! Luke the Evangelist reminds us not to daydream splitting faith from reality. On the contrary, since our God is not otherworldly but is willing to take up human flesh, therefore, our faith in God should be practised in contemporary social, economic and political realities!

To be incarnate, the Son of God could choose to be born in the palace, or in the house of politically powerful ministers or the home of the wealthiest. However, He chose to be born into the humblest family and made the manger His cradle (2:7a). What does it mean to us who believe in Him?
First of all, even if the Son of God chose to be born in the palace, He had to go through human sufferings. Jesus Christ had to be nursed in the womb of the BVM for nine months, to be born a helpless infant, suffered hunger, cried and had to undergo toilet training etc. It shows that He is willing to bear our frailty and become one of the weak. Of course, when He grew up, He needed not to go through sickness and aging, but He was happy to be present with the sick to heal their illness! Jesus Christ truly enjoys staying with the weak and suffering with us!

Secondly, why was He laid in a manger? Luke the Evangelist gives us very good material for meditation, "because there was no room for them in the inn." (2:7b) Indeed, human sufferings are more than physical. There are relational ones. For various reasons, it is painful indeed to be rejected or misunderstood! Lastly, on the cross, Jesus Christ the Son of God suffers the greatest pain, the pain of being abandoned by God (Matthew 27:46). Nothing on earth can be more painful than this! The most merciful Jesus Christ is willing to shoulder all the sufferings of all humanity, including those unbearable pains! "I am scorned by those who scorn you." (Psalm 69:10, Romans 145:3)

Over-reliance on one's own capabilities is our Achilles' heels. To satisfy one's own ambition, people decided to "let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky." (Genesis 11:4) The Tower of Babel is a typical story. Even the younger son in the Parable of the Prodigal Son wanted to earn his entry through the threshold of the father's house with his own effort! (Luke 15:19) Unbeknown to us, when we over-rely on our own capabilities, we become an inn of Bethlehem. Where can we find space to accommodate God? When our hearts are stuffed with money and wealth, status and power, knowledge and achievements, we want to play God. Do we still feel the need of God? Even if He knocks, shall we answer the door? Look! Who saw God's angels? Who saw God in flesh? Caesar? Governor? Customers in the inns? None of them, but the marginalized shepherds in that region living in the fields (2:8)!

The Holy Infant makes it clear that it is not shameful to be poor, not shameful to be weak, not shameful to feel helpless and not shameful to be marginalized by the society. It is because in our weakness, God's power is manifested! God likes to defeat an army of 130,000 with a 300 minority (Judges 8:4, 10); a shepherd boy to defeat a giant warrior (1 Samuel 17:50). Well said St. Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9)

The last six months of social unrest are truly a dogged challenge of our faith. Many parishioners ask where God is. Many claim that they love Jesus but are disappointed by the actions of the clergy. They decide not to love the Church anymore!
Brethren, the Son of God takes up humanity to remind us that God shall never abandon us. He is willing to accompany us in sufferings and lighten up our lives (John 1:4). We fail to see God because there is no room in our hearts left for Him. We are afraid of poverty, weakness, making mistakes, without power and unaccomplished. The weak and helpless Infant Jesus encourages us not to be afraid (Luke 2:10). He is happy to join us to conquer the world (John 16:22). Let us bring this good news to our neighbour!
God bless!

Sunday, 22 December 2019

大聖若瑟的真福芳表 The Beatific Exemplar of St. Joseph









The Fourth Advent Sunday, Year A
Theme: The Beatific Exemplar of St. Joseph

Among the four canonical gospels, only Matthew and Luke narrate the nativity of Jesus Christ. The two Evangelists write with different purposes for different target audiences. Therefore their materials and arrangements are very different. Matthew writes for disciples with a Jewish background. He wants to demonstrate that Jesus Christ is the Messiah whom the Jews have been expecting. Therefore, when he narrates the nativity story, Matthew emphasizes how Jesus' birth fulfils the prophecies. For example, He was born of a virgin, born at Bethlehem and called back from Egypt etc. Moreover, Matthew's narrative is male-centred. His nativity narrative centres on Joseph, Herod the Great, magi, chief priests and scribes etc. Although Joseph was the lowliest among the players, he was able to manifest the Beatitudes subsequently proclaimed in the gospel of Matthew!

Let us meditate how the St. Joseph in Matthew manifests the spirit of the Beatitudes.
First of all, Matthew describes Joseph as a righteous man (Matthew 1:19a). What does that mean?
Since the readers of Matthew were disciples with Jewish background, therefore the concept of "righteous man" can be understood in the context of Judaism. It means those who obey the Mosaic laws and lead their life accordingly! Reading the story in combination with the gospel of Luke, after Mary was betrothed to Joseph, she went south to Judah and stayed for three months in the house of Elizabeth, her cousin who was pregnant in old age. On her return, "she was found with child through the Holy Spirit" (1:18)! Moses had written down in Deuteronomy 22 unambiguous laws to handle cases of unwed pregnancies. Joseph was a righteous man. He should have no difficulty following the laws in Deuteronomy 22! Then why does Matthew say, "Joseph, her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly" (1:19)?

In fact, Mosaic laws are not only uncompromising, but are also very considerate. For example, in Deuteronomy 24, we are able to find many compassionate regulations, such as: when a man is newly wed, he shall be exempted for one year from any military expedition; no one shall take a hand mill or its upper stone as a pledge for debt; if the debtor is poor, the debtee should return the pledged garment at sunset; when one must not reap all the harvest, but leave what remains for the resident alien, the orphan and the widow etc. These regulations show that God is not only righteous but is also very merciful. Simply put, God created us and put us on earth. If He does not deliver us from the evils of sins on earth, He is unrighteous! Therefore, the righteousness of God is not meant for punishing mankind but for their salvation, allowing them to become saints! St. Joseph knew that the righteousness and mercy of God work hand in hand to edify mankind and to sanctify humanity! He did not take the letters of Deuteronomy out of context to do justice, to expose and punish the unwed pregnant Mary. Instead, St. Joseph shows God's mercy to Mary. Thus, he decides to divorce her quietly so that she would be free to marry the man who has impregnated her. Thus, comparing with scribes and teachers of the law, the righteousness of St. Joseph was above par. By the standard of the gospel, St. Joseph "hunger and thirst for righteousness" for the salvation and liberation of others. He fulfils the demands of the Beatitudes (5:6). He shows mercy to Mary and does not blame her for being unfaithful. He even thinks up ways to help her obtain happiness. St. Joseph meets the "being merciful" requirement (5:7).

Not only is St. Joseph righteous and merciful, he is also meek. He does not insist on his ideas and imposes his will on Mary. Had he followed his decision to divorce Mary, they would have parted ways and have had no further business. He was still righteous. However, after receiving revelation in his dream, St. Joseph meekly takes up the role as the Head of the Holy Family! Cain refused to be the keeper of his brother and out of anger, killed Abel (Genesis 4:9). Today, like Mary who undoes Eve's curse of faithlessness and like Christ who breaks Adam's curse of disobedience, St. Joseph lifts the curse of Cain's anger with meekness! St. Joseph is truly a meek person (Matthew 5:5). Lastly, to protect the Holy Family from the persecution of Herod the Great, together they fled to Egypt. St. Joseph earns the blessedness of being persecuted for the sake of righteousness (5:10)!

Brethren, we thank God for setting St. Joseph up as our beatific exemplar. Let us learn from his attitude of meekness, his spirit of righteousness, his merciful love and his courage to undergo persecution. Let us strive for spiritual fitness to seek Christ incarnate in our daily life, encounter Him and partake in His life. God bless!

Sunday, 15 December 2019

喜從何來? Where Does Joy Come From?




洗者若翰真是一位好先驅,他知道自己的位置,不會喧賓奪主。雖然身陷囹圄,仍把握最後機會,導人歸主!他的確是我們的好榜樣。所以耶穌基督隨後在群眾面前讚揚洗者若翰 。在曠野中生活的人,一定是刻苦堅強的人,不會像蘆葦般搖擺不定,隨風擺柳,為了討好群眾(11:7)!洗者若翰不會!穿細軟衣服,在王宮裡打滾,是阿諛諂媚的人(11:8),洗者若翰也不是!他不討好群眾,不奉承權貴,知所進退,祇為真理作見證。所以耶穌基督稱讚洗者若翰說:「在婦女所生者中,沒有興起一位比洗者若翰更大的。」(11:11






Gaudete Sunday, Year A
Where Does Joy Come From?

Today is Gaudete Sunday. Where does joy come from? The answer is found in the Introit, "Rejoice in the Lord always ... Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near." At the moment, we cannot rejoice because we are oppressed in life. The Lord is near. He shall break our fetters; realize our humanity, thus bringing us fulfilment and joy.
But hadn't Christ the Saviour already come two millennia ago? Moreover, in the last sentence of the gospel of Matthew, He promises to be with us always, until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Thus except on Good Friday, the Church offers mass every day, actualizing His presence in the sacrament of the Holy Communion, thus honouring His promise. Then, what does "the Lord is near" mean?
There are two meanings. Firstly, it means at the end of the world, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe would come again to restore order in the universe. In this respect, we are totally passive. There is nothing we can do other than perseverance in prayers and vigilance. Secondly, many people are still unaware of the presence of Jesus Christ. They are waiting for us Christians to help Jesus Christ incarnate in their hearts. In this respect, a lot of works need to be done.

John the Baptist is the forerunner of Jesus Christ (Luke 1:76). He sternly proclaimed repentance and baptized people to prepare their hearts to receive the emerging Messiah. Consequently, he offended Herod and was imprisoned. Did the Baptist rejoice in prison? Before his arrest, he says, "The one who has the bride is the bridegroom; the best man, who stands and listens to him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. So this joy of mine has been made complete." (John 3:29) Since "John heard in prison of the works of the Messiah" (Matthew 11:2) his joy has been made complete because he has accomplished his mission as the forerunner. Why then did he send his disciples to question Jesus? Our patron saint, St. Jerome says well, "John asks this not because he is ignorant but to guide ... his disciples to Christ, intending that when they met him, the disciples would observe his appearance and powers and believe in him!"

John the Baptist is truly a good forerunner. He knew his position and did not outshine his Lord. Although he was imprisoned, he still took the last opportunity to lead people to the Lord. The Baptist is really our good exemplar. Thus, Jesus praises John before the crowd. People living in the wilderness have to be austere and strong. They would not be swayed by the wind like reeds, trying to please everybody (11:7). No, the Baptist would not! Those who wear fine clothing going about in palaces are bootlickers (11:8). No the Baptist was not! The Baptist did not seek to please the crowd nor flatter the powerful. He positioned himself well, only to bear witness to the truth. Thus Jesus praises him, saying "Among those born of women there has been none greater than John the Baptist." (11:11)

Let us meditate Christ's teaching on how to discern God's truth in the glamourous world.
Christ teaches us not to look at prosperity on the surface because in palaces we will not find prophets or people who speak the truth. We need to look for them in the wilderness. On the other hand, do not look for swaying "reeds" because from the lips of those who seek to please the crowd, there is no truth.
Regrettably, we have been living for too long in a world contaminated by sins. We are very sensitive to others' wrongs and easily find faults with others. Although as Christians we should not be like this, in order to protect ourselves, we become very used to focussing on others' trespasses. Consequently, our hearts are made sluggish and we are not able to see God's redemption, miss the opportunity to repent and be healed (Isaiah 6:10)! For example, during the last six months of social unrest, it is easy to see violence, to see public facilities vandalized, to see injustice and social division etc. However, does anybody try to see in those ruins God's hand is at work until now (John 5:17)? If we believe that Jesus Christ is with us always, why can't we find His presence in those destructions? Are we only able to see Him coming down in glory on Judgment Day and unable to see Christ the King among "one of these least brothers of His" in our daily life (Matthew 25:40)?

To heal our sluggish hearts, we need to start with our hearts. Not only do we see this world with Jesus' gaze but at the same time also love this world with His heart. Not only do we see the division between the two camps, but we also see the closing of generation gap. The elderly do not brush away the young as worthless and vice versa. This is what Christ loves. Unlike previously, now we no longer work like slaves on our own. The spirit of solidarity emerges once more. Christ is happy to see this communion built. Over these six months, we have the opportunity to witness many kinds of social injustice. The social consciousness of the citizens has been raised. With their ballots, they rebuild a council accountable to the citizens. Isn't this, making peace through justice, the vision of the Kingdom of Heaven? Violence has inflicted physical, psychological and spiritual wounds and casualties which money cannot completely heal. We rely on Jesus Christ, the wounded healer who retains His wounds after resurrection to dress our wounds. How much Jesus Christ desires to seek and nurse these wounded lambs and to raise the dead ones!

Brethren! Let us look at this turbulent society with the merciful gaze of Jesus Christ, to see clearly the truth, to do God's will, to be ambassadors of reconciliation and to proclaim the good news. Like John the Baptist, may we obtain fulfilment and joy in spite of the presence of sufferings.
God bless!

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Complacency 因循怠惰

Second Advent Sunday, Year A
Theme: Complacency

Christmas is just around the corner, only seventeen days away. Even though many shopping malls have started playing Christmas carols and putting up decorations in mid-November to arouse people's desire to spend money, many people are still very busy doing their daily routines and do not seem bothered spending time to prepare for the birth of our Saviour. Indeed, Christmas has been commercialized in Hong Kong. For many ordinary people, Christmas only means a holiday to take a rest, to spend money buying, dining and going to parties etc. For some people who are more conscientious, Christmas probably means spending time caring for their loved ones and friends. They send out greeting cards, or buy Christmas gifts for their friends and relatives. Parents would transform into Santa Claus, scratching their heads to think up ideas to stuff their children's Christmas stockings with surprises before Boxing Day. One wonders if this is the right way to prepare for the birth of our Saviour!

John the Baptist was born six months before Jesus. God assigned him the mission to be the forerunner of Jesus Christ. His job was to prepare the Jews to receive the Messiah. Therefore, the Baptist could guide us the right way to prepare for the coming of the Lord. During the Baptist's time, Jews were under the colonial rule of the Roman Empire. They were second class citizens and were unfairly handled. Jews were angry but they did not have the military power to overthrow the colonial rule. God was their only hope. They expected God to send a Messiah, a descendent of David, therefore a king, to drive out the Romans and to liberate them. It was in this socio-political atmosphere that John the Baptist carried out his mission.

When the Baptist says, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" (Matthew 3:2), the message he was telling the Jews consisted of two parts. Part one, "to repent". Part two, "the kingdom of heaven is near". Which of these two parts was more attractive to the people, to repent or the kingdom of heaven? Of course, it was the second part, the kingdom of heaven. Why? It was because many people were unhappy. People were unhappy with the government because they were being unfairly treated. The scale of dissatisfaction was reflected in this verse, "Jerusalem, all Judea, and the whole region around the Jordan were going out to him" (3:5). So people wanted to change for the better. They longed for a better future. The idea of a kingdom of heaven brought hope to the Jews. To be sure, the kingdom of heaven had to be better than the present colonial rule.

What about the first part of the message, "to repent"? What does "to repent" mean? Literally, "to repent" means to turn around because you feel terribly sorry for the wrongs you have done. In Christianity, it means we want to turn around towards God, to return to God because we have done bad things to other people and to God. The gospel of Matthew does not tell us what actions the Baptist advised the people to take to repent. From the gospel of Luke, we know that the Baptist was very pragmatic. He advised different people to act righteously in different ways suitable for their situations. God is righteous. When we act in a righteous manner, we are like God. When we act in a selfish manner and when we take away more than we deserve, we are not acting in a righteous manner. We are fighting against God. Therefore, to repent means we should give up our selfish ways and turn towards God.

But when the Pharisees and Sadducees came to the Baptist, why was the Baptist so harsh as to call them "brood of vipers"? (3:7) Pharisees and Sadducees were mature and realistic people. They were learned and they just wanted to lead a decent life, not necessarily a luxurious one. They were law-abiding people and did not dare to commit any crime against fellowmen nor to commit any sins against God. Why would you repent when you are a law-abiding person?
The problem was that Pharisees and Sadducees were very learned people. They were the elites among the Jews. However, they overestimated their knowledge and achievements in the society. That is why the Baptist warned against their attitude, "Do not presume to say to yourselves that you have Abraham as your father." (3:9) This kind of self-confidence led to self-righteousness and to selfishness and lastly greed. Pharisees were experts in the law. However, their knowledge in the law did not help them know and love God more. Instead, they made use of their expertise to swindle others' money. Later, Jesus tried to correct their mistaken understanding of the laws. Sadducees were priests. Like the Pharisees, their ministries did not bring them any closer to God. Again, they managed the Temple in a corrupt manner, cheating people to fatten themselves. That was the reason why Jesus cleansed the Temple immediately after He entered Jerusalem.

Brethren! It is not enough just to be a hardworking people to lead a life above the normal living standard and wrongly presume that accidents will never happen. Nor is it enough just to be a law abiding people and wrongly presume that you will stay out of troubles. Lastly, it is not enough just to get baptized and wrongly presume that you have a place reserved in heaven! Rather, we have to ask ourselves whether our work, our labour, our friends, colleagues and other relationships as well as our daily life etc. bring us any closer to God and love God more. If our work, our labour, our relationships and our daily routines prevent us from praying, from reading the Bible, from going to Church, from receiving the sacraments, from going to confessions, from loving our neighbours and God, then it is high time we repented. It is high time we turned around to seek God. This is what the Baptist meant when he says, "Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance." (3:8)

Last Sunday, Jesus reminded us to stay awake, to be vigilant and to treat each day as our last day on earth. Today is the second Sunday of Advent. The Baptist told us to repent and to turn towards God. What are the good fruit of repentance? It is not enough simply to keep the Ten Commandments. We should study Matthew Chapter 5 to know more about the Beatitudes, which our Pope said is the identity card of Christians. We read the gospel of Matthew in liturgical Year A. Let us study the Beatitudes which are good indicators of good fruit of repentance.
God bless!

Picture Credit:

2016 Homily









Sunday, 1 December 2019

冬藏 Stockpiles in Winter








  1. 我們把「希望」寄託在哪?金錢?權勢?還是那個當「貧困的人一呼號,就立即俯允」的天主(詠34:7)呢?那麼,你覺得自己「貧困」嗎?
  2. 我們怎樣做,纔可以安枕無憂,可以「平安」呢?累積財富?爭權奪利?還是信靠那位已戰勝了世界的耶穌基督(若16:33)呢?那麼,我們有芥子般的信德嗎(瑪17:20)?
  3. 有甚麼事物,可以帶給我們完滿的「喜樂」呢?是卓越的成就嗎?是百世留芳嗎?還是奉耶穌基督之名祈求(若16:24)呢?那麼,我們忘記了向祂祈求?
  4. 天主是愛(若一4:8)。當我們實踐愛德,關顧身邊有需要的弱小兄弟姊妹時(瑪25:40),我們便可以找到天主,找到「愛」。



Stockpiles in Winter

Deacon Alex Kwok

God created a universe suitable for us to live. He put us on Earth, the third planet in the solar system. Planets closer to the sun, such as Mercury and Venus, or those farther away such as Mars and Jupiter are not suitable for life to flourish because of their environment.
The Earth rotates, turning nights into days. Its rotating axis tilts towards the sun. When it revolves around the sun, four seasons appear. How stunning it is an ordered world God has made! It allows us to actualize God's given potentials, manifesting His glory. Whether you are a believer or not, actualizing one's potential is everybody's mission, one of the meanings of one's life. You may actualize your potentials for personal gains. But as a Catholic, we are grateful to be able to manifest God's mercy with our achievements.

Life unfolds persistently in the seasons. Farmers plough in concerted effort with the seasons to grow fruits and produces for our consumption. Wisdom of development is distilled and aphorized as "Sprouts in Spring and Grows in Summer. Harvests in Autumn and Stockpiles in Winter. These are the grand longitudes of heaven. Ignoring them and you risk making no regulation to follow." (Shiji, Self Introduction). As a Catholic, we may meditate on the life of Jesus Christ, the Son of God to see if it follows the "grand longitudes". The Son of God did not come out of the blue. The BVM had to carry him to term, gave birth in Bethlehem. Only after thirty years of growth in Nazareth did he begin his public ministry, calling disciples, establishing the Church and sacraments, his first fruits. He was crucified, died and was buried in tomb for three days. Is this not the "Stockpiles in Winter" for the Son of God? With his resurrection on the third day, he raises humanity to another level. Without burial, without this "Stockpiles in Winter", how would the fruit of new life come about?

Let us observe what happens in Nature during this "Stockpiles in Winter" season. Earthworms hide underground. Reptiles hibernate in order to rest. They slow down their metabolism in order to heal wounded tissues and organs, to restore vitality. They wait until spring comes. Then, they shall burst out of the ground and flourish.
From the observation of this phenomenon, ancient Chinese mandarins came up with governing regulations applicable in winter. During the month of "Midwinter", there would be no building project, no opening of barns and no mobilization of the mass. They knew that if they did, "earth breath" would leak and plague would surface among commoners! For people conducting their daily life in "Midwinter", they should maintain a tranquil mind and abstain from lust. Don't rush in work but patiently observe changes (Liji, Monthly Calendar). This is the wisdom of ancient Chinese. Working in concert with heavenly time, we will half the effort and double the harvest.

After six months of social unrest, Hong Kong has entered deeply into winter: intellectually confused, psychologically hurt and numbed, spiritually abandoned by God ... All parties need to put a stop to it and slow down the "metabolism". It is time for nursing the wounds to recover.

The Advent Season falls into "Midwinter", including "Big Snow" and "Hibernal Solstice". It is part of "Stockpiles in Winter". Then the more we should follow the liturgical season to adjust the pace of our spiritual life! By spending the Advent season with the attitude of "Stockpiles in Winter", we can bear good Christmas fruits.

There are four themes in the four weeks of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Lacking them, we shall never recover! Let us meditate:

  1. On what do we put our hope? Money? Authority? Or the Lord who hears when the poor cry out (Psalm 34:7)? If so, do you think you are poor?
  2. What must we do in order to rest in peace? Accumulate wealth? Seize power? Or believe in Jesus Christ who has conquered the world (John 16:33)? If so, is your faith the size of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20)?
  3. What things bring you complete joy? Excellent achievement? Being remembered for generations? Or ask in Jesus' name (John 16:24)? If so, have you forgotten to ask?
  4. God is love (1 John 4:8). When we practise charity, care for the little and disadvantaged ones around us (Matthew 25:40), we find God, find love.

God bless!

吾主,來罷 Maran atha



教會把重要的聖經章節,用三年的時間循環誦讀,加深教友對「救恩史」的認識;把三部對觀福音順序分配在三年中,讓大家熟識救主耶穌基督的言行。今年是甲年,讀【瑪竇福音】。作為教友,我們有責任吸收福音的教訓,應用到日常生活裡,把耶穌基督慈悲的面目,展示在世人面前。將臨期伊始,我們的宗座署理湯漢樞機,發表了2019年的將臨期牧函,以「Maran atha主,快來!」回應香港當前的時局。





  1. 他引用耶穌基督復活後,與返回厄瑪烏的兩個門徒同行的例子(路24:13-35),鼓勵我們需要與香港人同行,並耐心地聆聽,重新發現與我們同在的耶穌基督。半年來我們各執一辭,堅持自己是正確的,沒有耐心聆聽對方的見解。結果我們陷入了互相角力,互相仇視的漩渦之中,不能自拔!所以,我們應同行聆聽!
  2. 他繼續引用著名的蕩子比喻(15:11-32),指出我們要接納自己和對方的限制,而不是指摘彼此的不是。人誰無過呢?蕩子有錯,難道長子就沒有錯嗎?警察濫暴,難道示威者的破壞是對嗎?惟有承認自己的不足,接納對方的困難,這纔可以創造出修和的機會,彼此寬恕,化解仇恨。
  3. 最後,他引用耶穌基督復活後,向多默宗徒展示自己傷痕的故事,展示暴力的真相(若20:24-29)。惟有在基督的復活內,纔能把暴力的殘酷和破壞,轉化成為仁愛的犧牲和救贖。治療這場社會動盪所帶來的傷痕,將會是一個漫長的過程,一筆沉重的代價。我們所需要的,是一份對人性的信念和希望。惟有信靠主的復活,纔可以把這些傷痛轉化成犧牲和帶來救贖!香港人,加油!




First Advent Sunday, Year A
Theme: Maran atha

Imagine how painful life would be without day and night. With only day without night, there would be no time to rest. Our life would easily and quickly burn out. On the contrary, with only night without day, life withers in the long duration of darkness. Similarly, there are seasons in a year. Life can hibernate, sprout, grow and bring forth fruit. Thus, the Church lays Jesus Christ's salvation project: Incarnation, evangelization, passion, resurrection and establishment of the Church etc. out in a year to help us remember our redemption experience. The Advent Season is the beginning of the Church's liturgical year. We spend four weeks to prepare our souls to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Church reads important biblical passages in a three-year cycle to deepen the faithful's understanding of their salvation history. She also reads the three Synoptic Gospels in three years to make them familiar with the words and deeds of Jesus Christ. In Year A, we read the Gospel according to St. Matthew. As Catholics, we have the duty to know the teachings of the gospel and put them into practice in our daily life to reveal the merciful face of Jesus Christ to the world. At the beginning of the Advent Season, our Apostolic Administrator, Cardinal John Tong makes use of the theme "Maran atha" in his Advent message in response to the present situation of Hong Kong.

First of all, according to the gospel of Matthew, Jesus says before His Ascension, "Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."(Matthew 28:20) Then, why should the faithful call out "Maran atha", like Jesus Christ has not been with them? According to the Acts of the Apostles, after the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost, the Church expanded rapidly. They believed, admittedly a wishful thinking, that Jesus Christ would return soon to fulfil what the gospel passage says today, "to be taken παραλαμβάνω" (24:40-41). Thus, "they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one's need" (Acts 2:45), leading a primitive communist life. In so doing, they obeyed Jesus Christ's "love each other" commandment on one hand, and on the other, wealth was no longer useful due to the imminent end of the world! "Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes," to actualize the presence of Jesus Christ which evolved through time to become the mass we celebrate today (2:46). Thus, the faithful feel concretely how Jesus Christ honours His promise at Ascension, staying with them always till the end of the world!

On the other hand, we need to know the social situation of the early Church. It was Jerusalem in the first century where Jews were subjected to the colonial reign of the Roman Empire. Most of the faithful in the early Church were either Jews or Greek-speaking Jews returned from overseas. Under the Roman colonial government, they were second class citizens receiving unfair treatments. Gradually, the faithful discovered that the Parousia would take a long time to come. Moreover, suffering unfair treatments under Roman rule and being rejected by fellow Jews, their desire for the return of the Lord became burning. They yearned for liberation and seeing justice done. They ached entering the kingdom of heaven and enjoying eternal life. They called out "Maran atha"(1 Corinthians 16:22).

If Jesus Christ is with us always, how does He come again?
The present situation enlightens us on this issue. Seeing the social unrest, many parishioners complain the Church for being reticent in condemning violence on either side. She is even guilty of sheltering and encouraging the rioters! Many people keep asking where God is, why justice is not seen done. If God is merciful and almighty, why does He allow the wicked to run rampant and the righteousness suffer? Suddenly, the one who is always with us seems to have vanished! Indeed, when our faith is challenged and bombarded, when our feel lost, naturally, even though intellectually we know that Jesus Christ is staying with us, emotionally He seems far away and even disappeared. Thus, we cry out "Maran atha". Moreover, until today, nobody is able to offer a strategy to solve the present crisis. Naturally, we desire Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe to return and clean up the mess for us!

In his Advent message, Cardinal John Tong points us a way out of the present crisis.

    He quotes the story of Jesus Christ accompanying the two disciples returning to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) to encourage us to accompany Hong Kong people, listen patiently to them and rediscover the Jesus Christ who has always been with us. In the past few months, we have insisted on our being right without paying attention to the opinions of the others. Consequently, we are locked in mutual vengeance and cannot pull ourselves away! Thus, we should accompany and listen.
  1. He continues to quote the famous parable of the Prodigal Son (15:11-32) to point out that we have to accept each other's limitations. It is no use pointing fingers at each other. To err is human! The Prodigal Son was wrong. Does it mean the elder son was without faults? The police are excessively brutal. Does it make the rioters' vandalism right? Only by accepting our inadequacies and the difficulties of the other party can we create a chance for reconciliation, forgiving each other and neutralizing mutual hatred.
  2. Lastly, he quotes the story of the risen Christ showing Thomas His wounds, the reality of violence (John 20:24-29). Only in Christ's resurrection can we turn cruelty and destruction of violence into sacrifice and redemption of love. Healing the wounds inflicted by the social unrest shall take a long time and we shall pay a huge price. What we need is faith and hope in humanity. Only by putting our faith in the resurrection of our Lord can we turn those wounds into sacrifices and bring salvation! Hongkongers, Cheers!

Brethren! In this Advent Season, let us experience more deeply in our hearts and in liturgy the Jesus Christ who always stays with us and rediscover His presence in our neighbourhood. Lastly, trust in His mercy. Desire His return. Maran atha!
God bless!

Sunday, 24 November 2019

可以愛耶穌但不愛教會嗎? Can I love Jesus without loving His Church?









Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Year C
Theme: Can I love Jesus without loving the Church?

A group of students from a school named after a British Monarch wrote to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. They described the present dire situation in Hong Kong as "This is our darkest hour" and pleaded Her Majesty's "support in defence of freedom and democracy of our home." Probably people would bad-mouth them for begging and wagging their tails at their former master. These students committed treason, inviting foreigners to interfere the internal affairs of Hong Kong. This is like Wu Sangui who allowed Manchu army passage into the Middle Kingdom, thus quickening the demise of Ming Dynasty etc. But in my eyes, these young people love their home, no matter how tattered Hong Kong is. They are able to think independently and jump out of the mind set of most adults. They leave no stone unturned to find paths and do not give up easily. Though their means are stupid, their never-say-die attitude is commendable.

Looking back on these 168 days, many parishioners pray hard, beseeching God to deliver. On the other hand, many others are not happy with and complain about the actions of the clergy in this social unrest. On one hand, some parishioners blame the Church for kowtowing to the State, not daring to offend the government and to condemn the excessive brutality of the police. The Church fails to act as the conscience of the society and to fulfil her prophetic role! They even query the where-about of the clergy when they were needed most, when demonstrators were brutally killed, arrested people had suicide imposed on them, one church was raided and the universities were sieged. On the other hand, some parishioners feel that the Church is trying to please the young. They dare not to point out the mistakes of their rebellion. On the contrary, they open up Church premises to shelter the rioters, are reticent about their violence, thus encouraging them. Consequently, they kill the future of the youngsters and push them to hell. Notice that most of these unhappy parishioners are well educated. The Church does not meet their expectations, disappoints them. Thus they leave the Church, do not go to mass or receive sacraments anymore. In fact, there are many innumerable reasons people feel disappointed and leave the Church. Some seek help but are rejected. Or some clergy are arrogant, power-thirsty, corrupt or even sexually abusive... some individually and some collectively. Parishioners cannot accept such an ugly Church. They question where God is and why righteousness is not seen done. Lastly, not hearing any answer from God, they quit bitterly!

Truly, God's "thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are our ways His ways" (Isaiah 55:8). None of the people He chose to serve Him is blameless. In order to save his life, Abraham told his wife to tell people that she was his sister (Genesis 12:12-13); Isaac was a coward (Genesis 26); Jacob was cunning (Genesis 27, 30); Moses was a fugitive guilt of manslaughter (Exodus 2:12-15); Gideon's 300 men who would defeat a 130,000 Midian army were chosen because they who "lap up the water as a dog does with its tongue" (Judges 7:5) did not look like any professional soldiers. King David, the ancestor of Jesus Christ, had a Moabite Ruth as his great-grand-mother (Ruth 1:4); Even though "God does not see as a mortal, who sees the appearance. The Lord looks into the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7), when He sent Samuel to anoint David, didn't God know the adultery and murder King David would commit in the future (2 Samuel 11)?
Jesus Christ chose an impulsive (John 18:10) but timid (Luke 22:61-62) Peter to be the rock upon which He would build His Church (Matthew 16:18), chose a Pharisaic Paul (Acts 23:6) to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. Other than a handful of Sanhedrin members, Jesus loved to befriend sinners and social outcasts. Such actions angered the religious authorities (Luke 5:30) and they even defamed him (Mark 3:22). Jesus called these marginalized people to form a redeemed community. During the Last Supper, Jesus did not choose expensive stuff but took ordinary unleavened bread and consecrated it into His body. On the road to Damascus when He appeared and converted Saul, He revealed to him an important dogma: What is the Church? The Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 12). Although He was the Son of God, Jesus Christ did not slight the simplicity of unleavened bread nor that the Church was made up of sinners. He is willing to be present in the humble unleavened bread and the scandal ridden Church to express His unreserved love for humanity! He is the Good Shepherd, looking everywhere for lost sheep and redeems them. He promises to stay with the Church until the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

The gospel passage today is really challenging! "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." (Luke 23:42) What did this criminal see? A forsaken, tortured Jesus Christ on his last breath like him! By why could he say, "When you come into your kingdom"? Crucified next to him was someone who could not save himself, a total failure who was passing away. Isn't this weak and incompetent Jesus a portrait of the Church today? Perhaps we are more like the other criminal, teaching Jesus how to be the Saviour, "Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us." (23:39), teaching our pastors how to weather through this social unrest with the citizens of Hong Kong. They are expecting miracles! Sorry, there shall be none! Jesus breathed His last. The two crucified criminals died after their legs were broken (John 19:32). People who believe in Jesus, or doubt His Mystical Body die without exception!

The Jesus Christ who shall come in glory and majesty has not yet arrived. What we can see now is a Church led by mediocre pastors and ridden by scandals. Seeing such a Church, are you willing to be the criminal who trusts that Jesus Christ would remember him, would still bless this worn and torn world with the hands of members of His Mystical Body?
God bless!

Friday, 22 November 2019

見錢開眼 Money Can Be Eye Opening

見錢開眼 Money Can Be Eye Opening


第一世紀的一位聖人,殉道者猶思定Justin Martyr這樣說。

So we worship God only, but in temporal matters we gladly serve you, recognizing you as emperors and rulers, and praying that along with your imperial power you may also be found to have a sound mind. Suppose you pay no attention to our prayers and our frank statements about everything. That will not injure us, since we believe, and are convinced without doubt, that everyone will finally experience the restraint of divine judgment in relation to their voluntary actions. Each will be required to give account for the responsibilities which he has been given by God. (Justin Martyr, First Apology 17)


We pray for the safety of the emperors to the eternal God, the true, the living God, whom emperors themselves would desire to be benevolent to them, the One who is "above all others who are called gods." We, looking up to heaven with outstretched hands, because we are harmless, with naked heads, because we are not ashamed, without a prompter, because we pray from the heart, constantly pray for all emperors, that they may have a long life, a secure empire, a safe center of governance, adequate defense, a faithful senate, a well-instructed people, a quiet state—whatever Caesar would wish for himself in his public and private capacity. (Tertullian, Apology 30)


That means render the image of Caesar, which is on the coin, to Caesar, and the image of God, which is imprinted on the person, to God. You give to Caesar only money. But to God, give yourself. (Tertullian, On Idolatry 15)

第五世紀的教父,聖奧思定St. Augustine與戴都良的意見一致,另外亦有所發揮。

We are God’s money. But we are like coins that have wandered away from the treasury. What was once stamped upon us has been worn down by our wandering. The One who restamps his image upon us is the One who first formed us. He himself seeks his own coin, as Caesar sought his coin. It is in this sense that he says, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s," to Caesar his coins, to God your very selves (Augustine, Tractate on John 40.9)


Sunday, 17 November 2019

「世界窮人日」導讀 Introducing "World Day of the Poor"



  1. 是有關處理犯了墮胎罪的問題。天主是生命的主宰,殺害無辜的生命是對天主的大不敬。所有胎兒都是無辜的,所以墮胎是一項嚴重的罪行。從前,墮胎罪是保留給主教處理的。時移世易,天主教徒生活在非教徒佔大多數的社會中,墮胎很普遍。於是有些教區的主教,委派部份司鐸,代表主教免除墮胎的罪罰。其實墮胎的問題很複雜,而且在女性的身心靈上做成嚴重的創傷和枷鎖!所以教宗方濟各授權全體司鐸,在慈悲禧年期間,可以行使免除墮胎罪罰的權力。不是為了鼓勵墮胎,而是鼓勵痛悔定改的教友,領受天主的慈悲,重新自由喜樂地,度天主子女的生活。在這宗座牧函中,教宗宣布這項權力,正式延續下去。(【慈悲與憐憫】#12
  2. 宣布每年常年期第33主日為「世界窮人日」。教宗說:「…這將會是慶祝我們的主耶穌基督普世君王慶節的最佳準備,因為主耶穌把自己當作最卑微、最貧困者的一員;我們的慈悲善工,將成為祂審判我們的準則(瑪25:31-46)。這『世界窮人日』將幫助各基督信仰團體,以及所有已領洗者,去反思福音的中心議題──貧困,只要拉匝祿依然躺臥在我們家大門前(路16:19-21),世界便不會有公義,社會亦不得和平…」(#21







Thirty Third Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Introducing "World Day of the Poor"

On November 20, 2016, Pope Francis closed the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy with an Apostolic Letter "Misericordia et Misera" to review the important theme of mercy in the scriptures, theology, sacraments and Christian life. Moreover, he made two announcements.

  1. It is about abortion. God is the author of life. Killing the innocent is a grave contempt to God. All foeti are innocent. Therefore abortion is a grave sin. In earlier generations, abortion was an offence reserved for bishops to absolve. As time moves on, many Catholics are now living in societies outnumbered by non-believers. Abortion is common. Thus, in some dioceses, bishops delegate the faculty to absolve abortions to certain priests. In fact, abortion is a complex issue and women who have undergone abortions are left with trauma and bondage physically, psychologically as well as spiritually. Thus Pope Francis granted provisional faculty to all priests to absolve the sin of abortion during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The Church does not encourage abortion. She only encourages the faithful to repent and reconcile with God, to embrace His mercy and lead the life of God's children in freedom. In this Apostolic Letter, Pope Francis extended this faculty indefinitely. (Misericordia et Misera #12)
  2. Pope Francis decided that the whole Church should celebrate "World Day of the Poor" on the Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. The Pope says, "This would be the worthiest way to prepare for the celebration of the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, who identified with the little ones and the poor and who will judge us on our works of mercy (Matthew 25:31-46). It would be a day to help communities and each of the baptized to reflect on how poverty is at the very heart of the Gospel and that, as long as Lazarus lies at the door of our homes (Luke 16:19-21), there can be no justice or social peace." (#21)
Poverty wears many faces. In subsequent years, the Pope would explain. In order to solve the problem, let us face the problem squarely and focus our gaze on the problem of poverty first.

On June 13, 2017, Pope Francis issued a Message for the First World Day of the Poor (19/11/2017). He quoted John's Epistle "Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth." (1 John 3:18) This was also the theme of the First World Day of the Poor. The Pope helps us revise the nature of Christian call. He teaches us how to look at poverty: Let us never forget that, for Christ's disciples, poverty is above all a call to follow Jesus in his own poverty which means having a humble heart. It is an interior attitude. Poverty creates the conditions for us to trust in God's closeness and the support of his grace. In short, the poor manifest God's gospel! (Message#4)
He continues, "In myriad ways poverty challenges us daily, in faces marked by suffering, marginalization, oppression, violence, torture and imprisonment, war, deprivation of freedom and dignity, ignorance and illiteracy, medical emergencies and shortage of work, trafficking and slavery, exile, extreme poverty and for forced migration ... To all these forms of poverty we must respond with a new vision of life and society." (Message#5)
Thus, poverty is not only financial poverty, but also relational poverty, intellectual poverty and spiritual poverty. Behind all forms of poverty is an unrighteous institution. Focusing on a clear target, we will not respond blindly.

On June 13, 2018, Pope Francis issued a Message for the Second World Day of the Poor (18/11/2018). For meditation, he quoted a psalm, "The poor cried out and the Lord heard, and from all his distress He saved him." (Psalm 34:7) This is the theme of the Second World Day of the Poor. Following the meditation, the Pope pointed out that the story of Bartimaeus in the gospel of Mark makes visible what the Psalm proclaims as a promise. The Pope teaches that the poor suffer. They desire deliverance, desire somebody to lend them a helping hand or at least some consolation. Sadly, most people fear the poor, reject them and consider them a source of insecurity and unrest. Rejecting the poor is rejecting Jesus Christ. How can the Church do that? (Message#5)
The Pope continues to remind us to go against the trends with passages from Pauline epistles (Romans 12:15-16, 1 Corinthians 12:26, Philippians 2:5). Bear in mind that poverty is a Christian call. Poverty is the Gospel. (Message#8)

On June 13, 2019, Pope Francis issued a Message for the Third World Day of the Poor (17/11/2019). For meditation, he quoted "The hope of the needy will never fade." (Psalm 9:19) This is the theme of the Third World Day of the Poor. From the contents of the Message, we see that they fit the situation of Hong Kong at the moment. This year, the Pope moves our focus onto faith. He says, "Faith impresses above all on the hearts of the poor, restoring lost hope in the face of injustice, sufferings and the uncertainties of life." However, what we see in real life situations is differnt. "How can God let the poor be humiliated without coming to their aid? Why does He allow oppressors to prosper instead of condemning their conducts?" (Message#1) Yes, why does God not condemn the conduct of the oppressors? Similarly, many people in Hong Kong today keep asking why the Church does not condemn brutality.
The Pope continues to teach that we, who endure injustice, suffering and disappointment, must "put our trust in the Lord", in the certainty that we will never be forsaken, will become the Blessed Poor. Why is God "mindful" of the poor? It is because the poor has established a personal relationship of affection and love with God. They "know" the Lord. This relationship is the source of hope! (Message#3)
What does God do on behalf of the poor? He "hears" their cry and "comes to their aid". He "protects" and "defends" them. He "rescues" and "saves" them. He is their refuge and never fails to come to their assistance. (Message#4)

In light of the Pope's teachings, the Hong Kong society fails to emerge from the present predicament and that the Hong Kong Diocese cancels the long prepared celebration of the World Day of the Poor indicate that we don't know the Lord deep enough, not trust in Him enough and forget to cry to Him. Thus, He has not come to our aid, protection, defence, rescue and assistance yet!
God bless!

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