
Sunday, 24 November 2019

可以愛耶穌但不愛教會嗎? Can I love Jesus without loving His Church?









Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Year C
Theme: Can I love Jesus without loving the Church?

A group of students from a school named after a British Monarch wrote to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. They described the present dire situation in Hong Kong as "This is our darkest hour" and pleaded Her Majesty's "support in defence of freedom and democracy of our home." Probably people would bad-mouth them for begging and wagging their tails at their former master. These students committed treason, inviting foreigners to interfere the internal affairs of Hong Kong. This is like Wu Sangui who allowed Manchu army passage into the Middle Kingdom, thus quickening the demise of Ming Dynasty etc. But in my eyes, these young people love their home, no matter how tattered Hong Kong is. They are able to think independently and jump out of the mind set of most adults. They leave no stone unturned to find paths and do not give up easily. Though their means are stupid, their never-say-die attitude is commendable.

Looking back on these 168 days, many parishioners pray hard, beseeching God to deliver. On the other hand, many others are not happy with and complain about the actions of the clergy in this social unrest. On one hand, some parishioners blame the Church for kowtowing to the State, not daring to offend the government and to condemn the excessive brutality of the police. The Church fails to act as the conscience of the society and to fulfil her prophetic role! They even query the where-about of the clergy when they were needed most, when demonstrators were brutally killed, arrested people had suicide imposed on them, one church was raided and the universities were sieged. On the other hand, some parishioners feel that the Church is trying to please the young. They dare not to point out the mistakes of their rebellion. On the contrary, they open up Church premises to shelter the rioters, are reticent about their violence, thus encouraging them. Consequently, they kill the future of the youngsters and push them to hell. Notice that most of these unhappy parishioners are well educated. The Church does not meet their expectations, disappoints them. Thus they leave the Church, do not go to mass or receive sacraments anymore. In fact, there are many innumerable reasons people feel disappointed and leave the Church. Some seek help but are rejected. Or some clergy are arrogant, power-thirsty, corrupt or even sexually abusive... some individually and some collectively. Parishioners cannot accept such an ugly Church. They question where God is and why righteousness is not seen done. Lastly, not hearing any answer from God, they quit bitterly!

Truly, God's "thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are our ways His ways" (Isaiah 55:8). None of the people He chose to serve Him is blameless. In order to save his life, Abraham told his wife to tell people that she was his sister (Genesis 12:12-13); Isaac was a coward (Genesis 26); Jacob was cunning (Genesis 27, 30); Moses was a fugitive guilt of manslaughter (Exodus 2:12-15); Gideon's 300 men who would defeat a 130,000 Midian army were chosen because they who "lap up the water as a dog does with its tongue" (Judges 7:5) did not look like any professional soldiers. King David, the ancestor of Jesus Christ, had a Moabite Ruth as his great-grand-mother (Ruth 1:4); Even though "God does not see as a mortal, who sees the appearance. The Lord looks into the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7), when He sent Samuel to anoint David, didn't God know the adultery and murder King David would commit in the future (2 Samuel 11)?
Jesus Christ chose an impulsive (John 18:10) but timid (Luke 22:61-62) Peter to be the rock upon which He would build His Church (Matthew 16:18), chose a Pharisaic Paul (Acts 23:6) to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. Other than a handful of Sanhedrin members, Jesus loved to befriend sinners and social outcasts. Such actions angered the religious authorities (Luke 5:30) and they even defamed him (Mark 3:22). Jesus called these marginalized people to form a redeemed community. During the Last Supper, Jesus did not choose expensive stuff but took ordinary unleavened bread and consecrated it into His body. On the road to Damascus when He appeared and converted Saul, He revealed to him an important dogma: What is the Church? The Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 12). Although He was the Son of God, Jesus Christ did not slight the simplicity of unleavened bread nor that the Church was made up of sinners. He is willing to be present in the humble unleavened bread and the scandal ridden Church to express His unreserved love for humanity! He is the Good Shepherd, looking everywhere for lost sheep and redeems them. He promises to stay with the Church until the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

The gospel passage today is really challenging! "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." (Luke 23:42) What did this criminal see? A forsaken, tortured Jesus Christ on his last breath like him! By why could he say, "When you come into your kingdom"? Crucified next to him was someone who could not save himself, a total failure who was passing away. Isn't this weak and incompetent Jesus a portrait of the Church today? Perhaps we are more like the other criminal, teaching Jesus how to be the Saviour, "Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us." (23:39), teaching our pastors how to weather through this social unrest with the citizens of Hong Kong. They are expecting miracles! Sorry, there shall be none! Jesus breathed His last. The two crucified criminals died after their legs were broken (John 19:32). People who believe in Jesus, or doubt His Mystical Body die without exception!

The Jesus Christ who shall come in glory and majesty has not yet arrived. What we can see now is a Church led by mediocre pastors and ridden by scandals. Seeing such a Church, are you willing to be the criminal who trusts that Jesus Christ would remember him, would still bless this worn and torn world with the hands of members of His Mystical Body?
God bless!

Friday, 22 November 2019

見錢開眼 Money Can Be Eye Opening

見錢開眼 Money Can Be Eye Opening


第一世紀的一位聖人,殉道者猶思定Justin Martyr這樣說。

So we worship God only, but in temporal matters we gladly serve you, recognizing you as emperors and rulers, and praying that along with your imperial power you may also be found to have a sound mind. Suppose you pay no attention to our prayers and our frank statements about everything. That will not injure us, since we believe, and are convinced without doubt, that everyone will finally experience the restraint of divine judgment in relation to their voluntary actions. Each will be required to give account for the responsibilities which he has been given by God. (Justin Martyr, First Apology 17)


We pray for the safety of the emperors to the eternal God, the true, the living God, whom emperors themselves would desire to be benevolent to them, the One who is "above all others who are called gods." We, looking up to heaven with outstretched hands, because we are harmless, with naked heads, because we are not ashamed, without a prompter, because we pray from the heart, constantly pray for all emperors, that they may have a long life, a secure empire, a safe center of governance, adequate defense, a faithful senate, a well-instructed people, a quiet state—whatever Caesar would wish for himself in his public and private capacity. (Tertullian, Apology 30)


That means render the image of Caesar, which is on the coin, to Caesar, and the image of God, which is imprinted on the person, to God. You give to Caesar only money. But to God, give yourself. (Tertullian, On Idolatry 15)

第五世紀的教父,聖奧思定St. Augustine與戴都良的意見一致,另外亦有所發揮。

We are God’s money. But we are like coins that have wandered away from the treasury. What was once stamped upon us has been worn down by our wandering. The One who restamps his image upon us is the One who first formed us. He himself seeks his own coin, as Caesar sought his coin. It is in this sense that he says, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s," to Caesar his coins, to God your very selves (Augustine, Tractate on John 40.9)


Sunday, 17 November 2019

「世界窮人日」導讀 Introducing "World Day of the Poor"



  1. 是有關處理犯了墮胎罪的問題。天主是生命的主宰,殺害無辜的生命是對天主的大不敬。所有胎兒都是無辜的,所以墮胎是一項嚴重的罪行。從前,墮胎罪是保留給主教處理的。時移世易,天主教徒生活在非教徒佔大多數的社會中,墮胎很普遍。於是有些教區的主教,委派部份司鐸,代表主教免除墮胎的罪罰。其實墮胎的問題很複雜,而且在女性的身心靈上做成嚴重的創傷和枷鎖!所以教宗方濟各授權全體司鐸,在慈悲禧年期間,可以行使免除墮胎罪罰的權力。不是為了鼓勵墮胎,而是鼓勵痛悔定改的教友,領受天主的慈悲,重新自由喜樂地,度天主子女的生活。在這宗座牧函中,教宗宣布這項權力,正式延續下去。(【慈悲與憐憫】#12
  2. 宣布每年常年期第33主日為「世界窮人日」。教宗說:「…這將會是慶祝我們的主耶穌基督普世君王慶節的最佳準備,因為主耶穌把自己當作最卑微、最貧困者的一員;我們的慈悲善工,將成為祂審判我們的準則(瑪25:31-46)。這『世界窮人日』將幫助各基督信仰團體,以及所有已領洗者,去反思福音的中心議題──貧困,只要拉匝祿依然躺臥在我們家大門前(路16:19-21),世界便不會有公義,社會亦不得和平…」(#21







Thirty Third Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Introducing "World Day of the Poor"

On November 20, 2016, Pope Francis closed the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy with an Apostolic Letter "Misericordia et Misera" to review the important theme of mercy in the scriptures, theology, sacraments and Christian life. Moreover, he made two announcements.

  1. It is about abortion. God is the author of life. Killing the innocent is a grave contempt to God. All foeti are innocent. Therefore abortion is a grave sin. In earlier generations, abortion was an offence reserved for bishops to absolve. As time moves on, many Catholics are now living in societies outnumbered by non-believers. Abortion is common. Thus, in some dioceses, bishops delegate the faculty to absolve abortions to certain priests. In fact, abortion is a complex issue and women who have undergone abortions are left with trauma and bondage physically, psychologically as well as spiritually. Thus Pope Francis granted provisional faculty to all priests to absolve the sin of abortion during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The Church does not encourage abortion. She only encourages the faithful to repent and reconcile with God, to embrace His mercy and lead the life of God's children in freedom. In this Apostolic Letter, Pope Francis extended this faculty indefinitely. (Misericordia et Misera #12)
  2. Pope Francis decided that the whole Church should celebrate "World Day of the Poor" on the Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. The Pope says, "This would be the worthiest way to prepare for the celebration of the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, who identified with the little ones and the poor and who will judge us on our works of mercy (Matthew 25:31-46). It would be a day to help communities and each of the baptized to reflect on how poverty is at the very heart of the Gospel and that, as long as Lazarus lies at the door of our homes (Luke 16:19-21), there can be no justice or social peace." (#21)
Poverty wears many faces. In subsequent years, the Pope would explain. In order to solve the problem, let us face the problem squarely and focus our gaze on the problem of poverty first.

On June 13, 2017, Pope Francis issued a Message for the First World Day of the Poor (19/11/2017). He quoted John's Epistle "Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth." (1 John 3:18) This was also the theme of the First World Day of the Poor. The Pope helps us revise the nature of Christian call. He teaches us how to look at poverty: Let us never forget that, for Christ's disciples, poverty is above all a call to follow Jesus in his own poverty which means having a humble heart. It is an interior attitude. Poverty creates the conditions for us to trust in God's closeness and the support of his grace. In short, the poor manifest God's gospel! (Message#4)
He continues, "In myriad ways poverty challenges us daily, in faces marked by suffering, marginalization, oppression, violence, torture and imprisonment, war, deprivation of freedom and dignity, ignorance and illiteracy, medical emergencies and shortage of work, trafficking and slavery, exile, extreme poverty and for forced migration ... To all these forms of poverty we must respond with a new vision of life and society." (Message#5)
Thus, poverty is not only financial poverty, but also relational poverty, intellectual poverty and spiritual poverty. Behind all forms of poverty is an unrighteous institution. Focusing on a clear target, we will not respond blindly.

On June 13, 2018, Pope Francis issued a Message for the Second World Day of the Poor (18/11/2018). For meditation, he quoted a psalm, "The poor cried out and the Lord heard, and from all his distress He saved him." (Psalm 34:7) This is the theme of the Second World Day of the Poor. Following the meditation, the Pope pointed out that the story of Bartimaeus in the gospel of Mark makes visible what the Psalm proclaims as a promise. The Pope teaches that the poor suffer. They desire deliverance, desire somebody to lend them a helping hand or at least some consolation. Sadly, most people fear the poor, reject them and consider them a source of insecurity and unrest. Rejecting the poor is rejecting Jesus Christ. How can the Church do that? (Message#5)
The Pope continues to remind us to go against the trends with passages from Pauline epistles (Romans 12:15-16, 1 Corinthians 12:26, Philippians 2:5). Bear in mind that poverty is a Christian call. Poverty is the Gospel. (Message#8)

On June 13, 2019, Pope Francis issued a Message for the Third World Day of the Poor (17/11/2019). For meditation, he quoted "The hope of the needy will never fade." (Psalm 9:19) This is the theme of the Third World Day of the Poor. From the contents of the Message, we see that they fit the situation of Hong Kong at the moment. This year, the Pope moves our focus onto faith. He says, "Faith impresses above all on the hearts of the poor, restoring lost hope in the face of injustice, sufferings and the uncertainties of life." However, what we see in real life situations is differnt. "How can God let the poor be humiliated without coming to their aid? Why does He allow oppressors to prosper instead of condemning their conducts?" (Message#1) Yes, why does God not condemn the conduct of the oppressors? Similarly, many people in Hong Kong today keep asking why the Church does not condemn brutality.
The Pope continues to teach that we, who endure injustice, suffering and disappointment, must "put our trust in the Lord", in the certainty that we will never be forsaken, will become the Blessed Poor. Why is God "mindful" of the poor? It is because the poor has established a personal relationship of affection and love with God. They "know" the Lord. This relationship is the source of hope! (Message#3)
What does God do on behalf of the poor? He "hears" their cry and "comes to their aid". He "protects" and "defends" them. He "rescues" and "saves" them. He is their refuge and never fails to come to their assistance. (Message#4)

In light of the Pope's teachings, the Hong Kong society fails to emerge from the present predicament and that the Hong Kong Diocese cancels the long prepared celebration of the World Day of the Poor indicate that we don't know the Lord deep enough, not trust in Him enough and forget to cry to Him. Thus, He has not come to our aid, protection, defence, rescue and assistance yet!
God bless!

Picture Credit: (page not found)

Sunday, 10 November 2019

We Believe in the Resurrection of the Dead

Thirty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: We Believe in the Resurrection of the Dead

During this Month of All Souls, it feels like rubbing salt to festering wounds to see a UST undergraduate fall to his death in suspicious circumstances. But we have to remind ourselves that whatever the causes of his fall, we should keep our faith in the righteousness, viz. the salvation of our Lord. Life must go on despite the possibility that the cause would remain a mystery until the Last Judgment. "Love is patient" (1 Corinthians 13:4). These days, patience is in short supply because love is lacking. The less love we have, the greater the danger of straying away from God we shall be exposed to. Be consoled that the soul of this UST undergraduate is praying for our needs before God at the moment.

Like the Sadducees in the gospel passage today, we like to play God. We take things into our own hand and try to impose our mould of actions upon God. The Sadducees denied resurrection for reasons we no longer know. The way we see it, denial of resurrection entails a serious consequence, viz. God has no power over death. Then, our very foundation of faith shall be shaken to the ground. "And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins ... If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are the most pitiable people of all." (15:17, 19) Therefore, defending the belief in resurrection is of utmost importance. But what evidence do we have?

The three resurrection stories of the gospels (viz. Jairus' daughter, the only son of Nain widow and Jesus' friend Lazarus), the empty tomb and even the Shroud of Turin are not forensic proofs convincing enough. No. God does not want these. God wants to give living proofs! Every repentant sinner is a living proof. When a new life emerges from a serial killer, a psychopath, an abusive husband, an exploitative employer and an arrogant executive etc. we are able to witness the power of resurrection, the power of faith in Jesus Christ! Instead of holding onto ourselves and relying on our own strength, we repent, we turn to God, we entrust ourselves onto the mercy of God. Only then shall a new life emerge from the ashes of the sinful self!

Impatience breeds violence. We grow impatient when the other party is not ready to accept the will we impose on them. Then we cut corner by inflicting or threatening violence. How can a Christian not allow others time to get ready while God waits patiently for our repentance? How can we impose our will, no matter how good it is, onto others while God respects our freedom and does not impose His will on us? Be patient and trust in the Lord. Allow Him time to unfold His grand design. "Teach us to count our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart." (Psalm 90:12)

We believe in the healing power of God. It is shown by many healing miracles in the gospel and many biographies of saints in subsequent ages. Therefore, we believe in the resurrection of the body because "He is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive." (Luke 20:38) We look forward to the day of resurrection of the flesh when all of us emerge with burst eye-balls restored, shattered skeletons restructured and raped innocence immaculate. Amen.

Picture credit: Wikipedia
2016 Homily

Sunday, 3 November 2019

君子善假於物 A Virtuous Man Is Good At Utilizing Things










Thirty First Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: A Virtuous Man Is Good At Utilizing Things

Why did Zacchaeus want to see Jesus?
According to the gospels, many contemporary Jews wanted to see Jesus Christ for different reasons: Some wanted to fill their hunger, solving the problem of poverty (John 6:26); some sought healing, solving the problem of health care (Luke 5:15); some probably heard of Jesus and out of curiosity wanted to listen to Jesus' teachings to satisfy their intellectual needs (Matthew 5:1); some thought that Jesus was the Messiah, they wanted to follow Him to overthrow the Roman colonial rule, thus solving their political problem (Mark 8:29). The reasons were various.

Then, what kind of a person was Zacchaeus? What motives prompted him to see Jesus? Was it out of curiosity? Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector, serving the Romans. He was hated by his fellow Jews. We could imagine that he worked really hard to solve his problems. He accumulated wealth to compensate for the respect he had lost. Thus, he would not waste time doing things not profitable. Thus, Zacchaeus would not see Jesus out of curiosity! Jesus had exorcised demons. Was Zacchaeus or his family members possessed? If he had been, Zacchaeus should have knelt before Jesus to beg him (Luke 8:28, 9:38). He shouldn't have climbed up a tree to watch Jesus from afar. Jesus healed diseases. But Zacchaeus was able to climb a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus (19:4). He wasn't sick, nor did he seek healing for his family members. Jesus multiplied loaves of bread but Zacchaeus was wealthy. He didn't need Jesus to multiply bread. Jesus calmed the storm but Zacchaeus' life was not in immediate dangers. Thus, what else was there in Jesus that attracted Zacchaeus?

It must be the gospel Jesus Christ proclaimed and His acceptance of sinners that caught Zacchaeus' attention.
Jesus Christ came to proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven in which "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it." (8:21) What is the word of God? As a tax-collector, a stakeholder of the society, he would not want to overthrow the Roman rule. Zacchaeus would misunderstand the gospel less. He would never believe that Jesus Christ would be a revolutionary leader, inciting people to rebel! He tended to believe that Jesus Christ would build up a world in which people love each other and respect each other, a society in which people shall not be discriminated because of their professions or economic status.
Contemporary religious authorities raised their brows because of Jesus Christ's acceptance of sinners. Traditional faith not only demanded believers to observe Moses' commandments, but also expected them to cut off from sinners. The first verses of Jewish prayer book say, "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers. Rather, the law of the Lord is his joy; and on his law he meditates day and night." (Psalms 1:1-2) Thus, Jesus Christ's sharing table with tax-collectors, prostitutes and sinners was a scandal. He was declaring war against Judaism! On the other hand, as a tax-collector, Zacchaeus was cut off by his fellow Jews. There was no hope in reconciliation. Every day, he was living in rejection and discrimination coming from a religious institution. It could be regarded as an institutional violence. In the eyes of Zacchaeus, Jesus' acceptance of sinners was putting into action the gospel, the truth which He proclaimed. In Jesus Christ, Zacchaeus saw hope. He wanted to be liberated from this institutional violence. Thus Zacchaeus "was seeking to see who Jesus was" (19:3). Where did Zacchaeus' hope come from? It should come from the call of Matthew, a fellow tax collector which enkindled his hope in Jesus Christ.

In the eyes of the Jews, Zacchaeus was a sinner. But if we apply Confucian evaluation, Zacchaeus was a virtuous man! How? Xunzi explains in his "On Learning" that a virtuous man was no different from ordinary men. A virtuous man is just better able to utilize things to achieve his target. That is to say, everybody is able to become virtuous when he makes good use of things around him. Didn't Zacchaeus make good use of things around him? Look, "he was short in stature" (19:3), "so he climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus" (19:4). Consequently, not only did Zacchaeus see Jesus, but something which he dared not even to dream of also happened. Jesus took the initiative to stay at his house! From the perspective of doing business, Zacchaeus suddenly discovered that he was dealing with a very generous party! Of course, Zacchaeus was sincere. His desire to be liberated touched the mercy of God! How would God be a miser towards someone who sincerely desires to be saved?

Thus, a benevolent cycle started! You scratch my back, I scratch yours more! Thus Zacchaeus took a step further. He made good use of his wealth, "Half of my possessions I shall give to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over." (19:8) Had Zacchaeus intended to buy fame, he would not have given half of his possessions to the poor. A little bit over the normal would have been sufficient. Similarly, according to Moses' law, making twofold restitution only was required to repay cheating. Zacchaeus would not have to repay four times (Exodus 22:6-8). Thus Zacchaeus' sincerity had earned him Jesus' salvation (Luke 19:9)! Pay heed that everybody's road to sanctification is different. Unlike Matthew who had abandoned all to follow Jesus Christ to preach the gospel and build the Kingdom of Heaven, Zacchaeus' future was not mentioned in the gospel. Suffice to know that Zacchaeus' actions did not bring him immediate advantages! Don't forget that Jesus Christ would soon be rejected by the crowd to be crucified. After the Pentecost, the disciples would continue to be persecuted in Jerusalem. The Kingdom of Heaven was nowhere in sight!

For all Christians, Zacchaeus has set up a very good exemplar. Firstly, he knew his sins. Many of us are afraid to see the truth. After baptism, many Catholics ignore confession as well as the importance of reconciliation with oneself, with the Church and with God. Not recognizing one's sin is detrimental to one's faith because one doesn't need God anymore! Secondly, Zacchaeus desired God's liberation. As Catholics, do we feel a lack of freedom in our daily life? Do we always please others, and our emotions controlled by the actions of the others? Can we quit addictions of smoking, drinking, gambling and mobile phones? Do we desire God's liberation? Lastly, Zacchaeus made good use of things to come close to God! Do we make good use of our time to pray, to study the bible, to receive sacraments? Do we follow Jesus Christ's teachings to help the needy, to bear wrongs patiently and to counsel the doubtful? More than that, do we share, like St. Matthew the Apostle, our experience of salvation with others so as to enkindle their hope in Jesus Christ? Do we accept sinners like Jesus Christ or cut them off?

Brethren, let the example of Zacchaeus inspire us to review our faults, to desire God's salvation and to make good use of things around us to come close to God.
God bless!