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Twenty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Resurrection Before Judgment Day
After His baptism, Jesus Christ spent 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness to experience the Devil's temptations. He only revealed three of the temptations which could be understood as the Devil's attempt to decipher what this Holy One sent from God before its eyes would do to save the entire world. It suggested economic, political and religious ways to solve the global problem of sin. But Jesus Christ was reticent. He only quoted from the book of Deuteronomy, leaving the Devil clueless. Today, the Devil strikes once more!
Subsequent to the gospel passage last Sunday when Jesus Christ had identified the "petra" upon which the Father has chosen to build His Church (Matthew 16:17-18), He revealed to the disciples how He was going to save the world. Jesus Christ has overestimated the disciples who still cherished their identity as God's Chosen People. They had forgotten the sacred duty of the Chosen People to all peoples. Indeed, they were not psychologically prepared. They were anticipating a Messiah, the Anointed One, like Moses or the Persian King Cyrus (Isaiah 45:1), to deliver them. They had never thought of Jesus Christ as the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29), as someone for all humanity! By dying and coming back to life, Jesus Christ would deliver humanity from the bondage of sin (Matthew 16:21).
Modern men do not believe in resurrection because most of them deny the existence of souls. Without souls, is it meaningful to talk about resurrection? Jesus' contemporaries, even if they believed in souls, didn't arrive at a consensus about resurrection. Greeks did not want resurrection because they believed that our souls were imprisoned inside our body. At our death, the soul would be liberated and return to the Universal Soul. Thus, Paul's preaching in Athene was a failure (Acts 17:32). There were also controversies among the Jews. The Sadducees, who were made up of priests, always denied resurrection and argued with the Pharisees (23:7-8). For those who believed in resurrection, they believed that it would take place on the Judgment Day, for example, Martha (John 11:24). Therefore, the disciples were not psychologically prepared to hear "on the third day be raised" (Matthew 16:21). It was difficult even for Peter who had witnessed Jesus' resurrection of Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:37). Yes, Jesus has the powerful to raise the dead. But after His death, was He able to raise Himself? Moreover, their campaign was at its zenith. There were many followers. If Jesus died, all their sacrifices/investments would come to null. No wonder Peter took Jesus aside to rebuke Him (Matthew 16:22)!
Even though Peter was elected by the Father to be the rock, he still needed a lot of polishing. The mistakes he made serve as guideposts for Christians in the future generations. Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan!" (16:23) Superficially, Jesus rebuked Peter in public to chastise him. But the tone and the love Jesus had shown the apostles (17:14-21) suggests that probably Jesus was performing exorcism on Peter! Be known that Satan's modus operandi is to lead us into doing things against God unknowingly! To cherish one's achievement and to dream of more glorious prospect is human. To harbour ambitions, to never give up easily, fight doggedly is the virtue of perseverance. But when it is not the Father's will, this can be a stumbling block for us as well as others in coming close to God! Prudence is a virtue. But when it is not the Father's will, it can become an excuse not to bear witness! Satan is extremely tricky. It is difficult to fend it off with the four cardinal virtues only. In order to fight this spiritual battle, we need supernatural graces and the support of God!
Let us turn back to meditate resurrection. All men shall come back to life on Judgment Day. This is the traditional concept of the Jews, in particular the Pharisees. How did Paul explain the resurrection of Jesus Christ before the Last Day? He introduces the concept of "proper order" in order to break through the restriction. "For just as in Adam all die, so too in Christ shall all be brought to life, but each one in proper order: Christ the first fruits; then …" (1 Corinthians 15:22-23). Paul makes use of the familiar concept of "first fruits" to designate Jesus Christ. Since there is the first fruit, more shall come after in the future ages, "those who belong to Christ". Therefore, resurrection before the Judgment Day is only a matter of proper order. Therefore, Jesus Christ was able to come back to life before the Last Day. But what is revolutionary in the gospel is that not only did Jesus' resurrection come before the Last Day, but it was "on the third day", here and now! The narrative of the resurrection of Lazarus is a good example. The family of three was good friends of Jesus. When Lazarus died, Jesus wept (11:35)! No doubt, Lazarus would subsequently die. But he had come back to life. Thus, his resurrection on Judgment Day is not empty talk!
In the theology of Paul, the resurrection of Jesus Christ manifests the communion of the Blessed Trinity. The Son took flesh and became mortal! God can be mortal! What amazing doctrine! According to Paul's view, after the death of the Son, it was the Holy Spirit, in Paul's words "the glory of the Father", who raised Christ from the dead (Romans 6:4; 8:11)! Thus, the possession of the Holy Spirit is a guarantee for resurrection before Judgment Day, here and now! It is not necessarily a symbolic turning of a new leaf but a real resuscitation from the dead. "Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26) Even a person so close to Jesus as Martha was caught unprepared when confronted by the question. She could only utter whatever she could understand (11:27). God's mystery is so ineffable that it is difficult for us mere mortals to bear!
Brethren! The example of Peter teaches us not to give up! Although damaged by the Original Sin Peter made the mistake of thinking as human beings do, his decision to follow Lord Jesus Christ was not shaken. Although Peter was unworthy and his personality was flawed, he repented continually and finally suffered martyrdom on the cross and attained his glorious crown. Isn't repentance a foretaste of resurrection? Aren't those continual struggles and resurrections on earth the "narrow gate" (Matthew 7:13) taught by Jesus Christ? Let's work diligently and march towards eternal life!
God bless!