
Sunday, 29 November 2020

提防心變硬 Hark Heart Hardening







路加福音中「富翁與拉匝祿」的比喻(路16:19-31),點出財富令人心硬的危險。天天奢華宴樂的富翁,竟然對「躺臥在他的大門前」的乞丐,視若無睹(16:19-20),是「心硬」的寫照。教宗方濟各在《你們要歡喜踴躍》宗座勸諭,論述神貧真福時說得好:「當我們心裡認為自己很富有,就會變得那麼自滿,以至於沒有空間聆聽天主的聖言、愛我們的兄弟姊妹,或享受生命中最重要的事物。」(GE #68)對自己的優勢、財富、權力和成就自滿,被這些東西充塞了自己的心,便沒有空間容納天主聖言、耶穌基督和祂的訓誨。這就是心硬。當我們還懂得向最少的兄弟中的一個,伸出援手(瑪25:40),表示我們仍有血肉之心,而不是冰冷的鐵石心腸!




First Advent Sunday, Year B
Theme: Hark Heart Hardening

The Advent Season is the beginning of a Liturgical Year. We have entered a new year, a new beginning of the Redemption Cycle. Perhaps you would wonder why Advent is not a preparation for Christmas and why we meditate the end of the world during the first two Sundays in Advent. The answer is simple. Jesus Christ comes to the world twice. Two millennia ago was the first visit in which He fulfilled the teachings of the Law and the prophets. With the sacrifice on the cross, He set the foundation of salvation. Jesus Christ is present among us every day through the Church till the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). At the end, Jesus Christ shall appear once more as the King of the Universe. By then, the Church shall have accomplished her mission.

The theme of the First Advent Sunday is simple and direct. In just five verses, Lord Jesus says, "Watch" four times! Regrettably, many people misunderstand the teaching of the Bible. Some even speculate and exaggerate so as to attract attention! Not too long ago, using the Maya calendar to foretell the end of the world in 2012, many people made money and 2020 is approaching its end. Recently, apocalyptic sentiments are fanned by the Covid-19 pandemic and natural disasters! No wonder Jesus says, "Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes', and your 'No' mean 'No'. Anything more is from the evil one." (5:37) Does Jesus Christ really want us to be watchful of the signs before end time? Since nobody knows when the time will come (Mark 13:33), therefore, being watchful has nothing to do with time. Then what does He want us to be watchful?

The Bible is not all top down revelation and words from God. There are many prayers in the Bible, such as the book of Psalms. It is a bottom up expression of human desires! Note that prayers are in fact an interaction between God and men because when we do not know how to pray as we ought, "the Holy Spirit intercedes with inexpressible groanings" (Romans 8:26). That is to say, even our prayers can be part of God's revelation!
The first reading we choose today is a Jewish bottom up prayer to tell God their desires. It is not an ordinary desire during peace time but a distress sigh for being conquered! The prophet begs God to show His glory, "Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, with the mountains quaking before you … and the nations would tremble before you." (Isaiah 63:19-64:1) The Lord God fulfils the words of the prophet, "It was not an envoy or a messenger, but His presence that saved them." (63:9) Truly, He came in person. But strangely, He did not come in the glory the Jews had expected. He was born in a manger and buried in other people's tomb. From cradle to grave, He was poor. His glory did not melt the mountains nor split the oceans but hanging on the cross to beg the Father to forgive men (Luke 23:34). Like what the prophet says, "You worked awesome deeds we could not hope for, such as had not been heard of from of old. No ear has ever heard, no eye ever seen…" (64:2-3) He works in such a meek manner because He respects human autonomy and does not want to impose His good will on men! I'm afraid only those who follow Jesus Christ's teaching and are watchful like the prophet can understand. Catholics who were baptized have partaken in the prophetic ministry of Lord Jesus. Are they not prophets?

We should pay attention to another verse by the prophet because it is related to our duties. He says, "Why do you make us wander, Lord, from your ways, and harden our hearts so that we do not fear you?" (63:17) Very interesting! If God hardens our hearts so that we do evil, are we still responsible for our actions? In Egypt, God kept hardening the heart of Pharaoh (Exodus 4:21). In the end, God sent the plague of "Killing the firstborns". God hardened Pharaoh's heart. Then it was not Pharaoh's fault! Don't be surprised. Ancient Jews did not follow our moral system. In their minds, God was in full control. Thus "harden Pharaoh's heart" is a narrative technique, showing God is God. In fact, one "Killing the firstborns" plague was enough to bend Pharaoh. Why did God send ten plagues, wasting time and resources, right? Thus, we can't use "God makes us sin. God hardens our hearts" as a defence for our sins.

What hardens our hearts so that we have no fear of God? Be careful! Many things are able to cause the lack of fear of God. For example, ignorance of the existence of God or even if people know God exists but they know not that they should fear Him. Again pride. With the advances in sciences and technology, coupled with an unwarranted optimism on human nature, modern people feel that the existence of God is none of their business! Today, we meditate on what hardens our hearts and leads to a lack of fear of God.

The parable of "The Rich Man and Lazarus" (Luke 16:19-31) is an excellent narrative of how wealth hardens human hearts. The rich man who dined sumptuously each day and ignored the poor Lazarus who was lying at his door was a stark illustration of "heart hardening". In his apostolic exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate", Pope Francis explains the beatitude of spiritual poverty, "Once we think we are rich, we can become so self-satisfied that we leave no room for God's word, for the love of our brothers and sisters, or for the enjoyment of the most important things in life." (GE #68) When we are satisfied with our merits, wealth, power and achievements, when our hearts are stuffed with these things, there is no more room for God's word, Jesus Christ and His teachings. This heart is hardened. When we are still able to extend a helping hand to "one of the least of these brothers of mine" (Matthew 25:40), it shows that we still have a heart of flesh and blood, not a cold lump of stone!

When the disadvantaged are insulted, attacked, bullied and discriminated, nobody, including God, stands up for them and they themselves don't have the opportunities or abilities to take revenge, in order to reduce the pains and the hurt, victims would take an easy way out: to stiffen their hearts and appear to be tough, appear not to fear attacks and to need no pity. Consequently, they blame God and turn fearless in order to survive. How would they fear the Lord? Here, the beatitudes of meekness, being mournful, hunger for justice and mercy become meaningful! When you are meek, how will you bully or discriminate the disadvantaged? When you mourn for the damages sins inflict on men, how will your hearts be hardened? When you hunger and thirst for God's salvation, how will you not fear the Lord? When you are merciful and forgive those who hurt you, not only do you release the perpetrator, but you also release yourself from being controlled by the thoughts of revenge, how shall your heart be hardened? But to be able to achieve the target of the Beatitudes without the support of the Holy Spirit, the power from His seven gifts, how shall it be possible?

Brethren! Jesus Christ urges us to be watchful always not to allow our hearts to be hardened because of wealth, power and achievements which make us feel satisfied and ignore the plights of other people. Furthermore, don't let anger and hate poison and numb our heart so that we no longer fear the Lord. Invoke the help of the Holy Spirit! The Father in heaven wills everyone to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). He is eager to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (Luke 11:13)!
God bless!

Sunday, 22 November 2020

君王此中尋 Come Meet Thy King










The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Year A
Theme: Come Meet Thy King

Matthew 25 is a well-known passage. But the Word of God is full of life. It touches different nerve fibres when we meditate it after different experiences. For some unknown reasons, in different clergy gatherings, all sharing focuses on the King.

The gospel we read today is not a parable. Jesus Christ makes use of images to tell us a definite ending, the Judgment Day. This time, when I read this story, the first thought that jumped up was "Where have all the powerful people today gone?" It is a sharp contrast with "Kings on earth rise up and princes plot together against the Lord and against his Anointed One." (Psalm 2:2) Why is only the Son of Man on the throne? Why is there nobody to challenge Him? Where have all those oligarchs, totalitarians and cartels gone? Of course, the King of Universe can relieve all worldly kings of their powers. Still, it would not make the following meditation meaningless.

According to Paul, "The Lord himself, with a word of command, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air." (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17), Paul simply divided people at the end into two groups: those who have died and those who are still alive.
Let us look for those powerful people in the group of the dead. Among them, there were emperors and supreme commanders, people with unchallenged authorities. The problem is that they have died. Their authority was either inherited or usurped by others. Therefore, those who shall come back to life have life but no authority. Don't forget, their new life is given by Jesus Christ, the Author of Life. Even if they have any power, their powers should be subordinate to Christ's authority!

Then, let us turn to those who are still alive. Since they are alive, they should, to some extent, have some power, unless all powerful people die before the end of the world. Would it be possible?
We cannot exclude this possibility and the death of all the powerful people can be one of the reasons that trigger the end of the world. The eschatological narratives in the Bible usually mention "The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken …" (Matthew 24:29) or something similar. From the knowledge of natural sciences, the world would disappear long before such things happen. Therefore, those narratives can only be understood in a symbolic manner. In ancient times, celestial objects usually represented emperors and commanders. Therefore, the narratives probably mean that within a short period of time, all the powerful people die and their successors or usurpers push the world into a state of warring kingdoms. End time countdown would kick-off in this way.

There are two possible endings to this era of global warring kingdoms: The whole world would become so chaotic that not a single person is able to hold any power. Humanity arrives at a stage of global disorder, awaiting Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe to come down to judge the living and the dead, sending them to heaven and hell. Of course, there is another possible ending. Global chaos sinks into a tripartite state in which three parties log head against each other, reaching equilibrium. Global order is restored and continues to develop into new possibilities until the next global warring state appears. After many such cycles, the final outcome of one such cycle would be a global disorder in which humanity is unable to survive and the Son of God has to intervene!
As a preliminary conclusion, at the end of the world, there shall not be any powerful people on earth. There shall only be one king in the universe, Jesus Christ.

Previously, I mentioned "not a single person is able to hold any power". Is it possible? Let me clarify.
Since ancient times, where does authority come from? At first, it might come from the physical strength of individuals. But human beings are different from other species in that they have the mentality to cooperate in order to survive. With the imperative of solidarity, individuals have to give up some of their benefits and freedom in exchange for survival. Authority appears. Organization makes such authority-bound communities more capable to survive and to build bigger Babel towers! Consequently, the cart has come before the horses. Seeking authority, not survival, has become the end. The rest is history! When Jesus Christ came for the first time, he did not come to abolish authority but to fulfil it, to clarify once more its true meaning: to keep and serve our brethren. Christ made use of the image of "washing the feet of the disciples" to teach us, "If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet." (John 13:14) to correct the sin of Cain, his refusal to be the keeper of his brother (Genesis 4:9)! It is imaginable that at eschatological chaos, there would be no more spiritual, political and cultural leaders. The world would have lost its order. Everybody fends for themselves in order to survive. There's no more mentality of brother's keeper. Where comes authority? Where come the kings?

As deacons, we are blessed to put service as an end and authority as a means. We try to look for Jesus Christ among "one of these least brothers of mine" (Matthew 25:40). Among the inmates and staff in prisons; patients, their family members and medical staff in hospitals; workers and volunteers in homes for the aged; sailors on ships or flight crew in transit; socially marginalized homeless and out-sourcing janitors etc. I naïvely and romantically try to seek among them the king who once had washed the feet of his disciples, thus affirming my ministry. Doubtlessly, when I serve these disadvantaged people or when I encounter souls in need of consolation, my wounds are being dressed. But the king? He is still intangible…
But today I see more clearly that Jesus Christ is not embodied in these people! These people are not "possessed" by Christ! It is only when we deacons and those disadvantaged people come together in the name of Jesus Christ, He promises to be present among us (18:20). Rationally, we keep on reminding ourselves that the diaconal ministry is not social welfare services. Rather, it is the service as a keeper of brothers in the name of Jesus Christ. It is more easily said than done. Pray that we can feel the real presence of Christ in the Holy Communion we receive.
Lord! Possess me. Amen.

Saturday, 21 November 2020

行為可以沒有後果嗎? Is Action Without Consequences Possible?


人類是有理性的生物,生活在一個有秩序的宇宙中。從觀察所得,世間萬事萬物,必有先後次序,有因有果。中國人以「物有本末,事有終始」(大學 1),來總結出這人類的大智慧。倘若生活是莫名其妙,不明不白;這一刻你是我的丈夫,下一刻我是你的父親,再下一刻你我是陌路人的話,這樣的生活必定會令人精神崩潰!




圖片鳴謝:Charisma News

Is Action Without Consequences Possible? (Luke 20:27-40)

Human beings are rational animals living in an ordered universe. From observations, we conclude that events happen in sequence and there are causes. The Chinese aphorism "Things have roots and shoots. Events have beginnings and ends" (Daxue 1) is a distillation of great human wisdom. Had life been arbitrary and absurd: this moment you're my husband, the next I'm your father and the next we are total strangers, such a life would have had all of us suffering nervous breakdowns!

It has always been easier to negate a statement than to affirm it. Thus, in the debate of the existence of resurrection, the Sadducees must have won the upper hand many times over the Pharisees. Now that Jesus helped them defeat the Sadducees, some scribes came to say thanks (Luke 20:39) because Jesus had answered a tough challenge unsolved for a long time.

Not only did Jesus win a battle for the Pharisees, but the Son of God has also affirmed once more that the universe is ordered!
Had there been no resurrection, some actions would have had no consequences! It is because some consequences are instant. E.g. Suddenly, I pour some hot soup on your face! But the consequences of some actions take a long time to manifest. E.g. I dump plastic wastes into the oceans! Had there been no resurrections, there would not have been enough time to allow the consequences of some actions to manifest. When actions have no consequences, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect fails. If the law of cause-effect fails, no morality is possible because consequences cannot be traced back to action and nobody can be held responsible. People would do whatever they fancy and no law can restrain them! Nobody is secure. What a nervous breakdown hell we would be living in!

Why were the Sadducees so stupid? What were they? From their reasoning, the Sadducees were not stupid but blind in hearts! Sadducees were made up of priests who insisted on their privileges and abused their authority to fatten themselves. Thus, they denied the truth! From their logic, they acknowledged consequences. But did they know the gravity of denying resurrection? Perhaps their hearts were genuinely blind and failed to see the seriousness. I could not think of any other reasons.
Lord! Please let me see (18:41). Pray that those who are blind in hearts also see. Amen!

Friday, 20 November 2020

當以權謀私出現時 When Embezzlement Happens







When Embezzlement Happens (Luke 19:45-48)

"My house shall be a house of prayer for all peoples" (Isaiah 56:7; Luke 19:46) Therefore, managing the Temple well is to "love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind" (10:27), doing the greatest commandment. It is an extremely important business. Who should take this duty up? Of course the priests.

Although God doesn't need sacrifices, each brick and stone do not descend from heavens but have to be paid for. The maintenance of the Temple and the livelihood of the priests had to be provided for. The amount was huge. Allowing merchants to do business in the outskirt of the Temple was not only convenient for pilgrims but also increased Temple incomes. It was an appropriate financial arrangement. However, who came to inspect the execution?

When the Son of God came to pre-inspect the Temple, he "proceeded to drive out those who were selling things" (19:45) It was a very negative evaluation of the management of the priests, a warning to what was to descend on Jerusalem. Afterwards, Jesus still came to teach every day in the Temple area (19:47), showing that the Son of God never meant to abandon them. His cleansing was well-intended.

Had the priests never known their own mistakes? Were pilgrims' dissatisfactions unknown to them? Pilgrims weren't hooligans. Their visions were sharp. They weren't troublemakers. Obviously, Jesus' cleansing action was supported by pilgrims as well as inhabitants of Jerusalem (19:48)!
After getting the evaluation report, the priests refused to improve. On the contrary, they sought to put Jesus to death! They were genuinely blind at hearts. Regrettably, the priests were not alone in modern times. Today, many people in power deploy the same policy to silence the whistle-blowers! Are they really so naïve as to believe that denying the problem and the problem will pass away in time?
Lord! Protect the hearts and minds of the people in power. Let them know the truth and serve the good of the people. Amen.

Thursday, 19 November 2020

與主一起哀悼耶路撒冷 Lament For Jerusalem Together With the Lord





  1. 不要心盲,認清真相。是就說是,非就說非(瑪5:37);不要心硬,謙遜地承認自己的不足。跟隨天主子,哀慟世人的,包括自己的罪過(5:4)!
  2. 應該學習稅吏長匝凱,謀算衡量永生的效益與放棄現世財權的代價,作出明智的抉擇。
  3. 把自己的才幹,放在正確的地方,便可以履行天父的旨意,愛人如己。看到每一天和每一個與人的接觸,都是天主給我們履行仁愛,上愛天主,下愛近人的機會。這樣做,便「能獲得永生」(路10:25)。耶路撒冷在公元七十年被毀的命運,是一個標記,警告我們不可重蹈覆轍。

圖片鳴謝:LA Quaker

Lament For Jerusalem Together With the Lord (Luke 19:41-44)

Before our meditation, let us clarify the meaning of "the time of your visitation"! The Studium Biblicum version shows the steadfast faith of the friars on God's mercy. In effect, it plays down God's righteous judgment! The Greek word means "inspection", like a visiting minister representing the king to investigate the performance of local officials in order to decide their promotion or demotion. In the gospel, God Himself visits! At the moment, although "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world" (John 3:17), the Son of God repeatedly warns, "Beware that … lest that day catch you by surprise" (Luke 21:34). Therefore, it is a good-will pre-inspection. That day of visitation, be it a personal death, the destruction of a city, the collapse of an empire or even the end of the world, shall definitely come! Moreover, all actions bring consequences. This is a law in the physical as well as moral worlds. At the end, whether God shall be so merciful as to wipe out all consequences is not decided by you or me. The fate of Jerusalem was sealed by her people. Similarly, our fates are decided by us! Therefore, we should listen to the advice of the Son of God and "recognize the time of your visitation" (19:44) First of all, don't be blind at heart. Know the truth. Let your yes mean yes and no mean no (Matthew 5:37). Don't harden your heart. Humbly acknowledge your inadequacies. Follow the Son of God to mourn for the sins of the world, including yours (5:4)! Secondly, learn from the chief tax collector Zacchaeus to calculate and evaluate the benefits of eternal life against the cost of abandoning worldly wealth and power. Choice wisely. Thirdly, put your talents in the right place to do the Father's will and love your neighbour. See that every day and every encounter with everyone is an opportunity God gives you to practise charity, to love God and to love your neighbour. Do this to inherit eternal life (Luke 10:25). The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. is a sign, warning us not to repeat our mistakes. Lord! Let us mourn for Jerusalem and her inhabitants. Amen.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

被誤會了的主人 A Misunderstood Master







A Misunderstood Master (Luke 19:11-28)

How do we evaluate this nobleman who had obtained his kingship (Luke 19:15)?
From the two successful servants, we see that this nobleman is a master who knows how best to deploy his servants. For one who was able to earn ten additional gold coins with one, he assigned to take charge of ten cities (19:16-17). For another who was able to earn five, he assigned to take charge of five cities (19:18-19) … This Master/King is really capable of hooking the potentials of his servants who should feel honoured to serve such a good master!

The parable doesn't explain why the fellow citizens despised the nobleman (19:14). If the "wicked servant" who kept the gold coin stored away in a handkerchief could supply any clue, the fellow citizens must have felt the same that this master was a demanding person, who takes up what he did not lay down and harvests what he did not plant (19:21). Strangely, this description is an accusation of foul play on the part of the Master, rather than being demanding! Strange still, the Master agreed to this "demanding" accusation. Why is "harvesting what he did not plant" not a foul play?

Indeed, God created men in His image, making men infinite in potentials! Scientists generally agree that we have not deployed more than 10% of our brain's capacity. From the eyes of the proactive servants, this Master knows their capabilities and gives them opportunities. Wish that He had given them more challenging assignments. But in the eyes of the wicked servants, the Master is demanding the impossible. They resort to a passive strategy of not doing anything in order to contain damages!

Then the fault lies not in the Master but in the wrong perception of the wicked servants. Since the Master takes up what He did not lay down, would He stand by to see you fail without giving you additional support? Even if something is objectively impossible, would God forsake you and let you fail? He shall definitely make you succeed. Paul says well, "Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more" (Romans 5:20)
Heavenly Father, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

匝凱老謀深算嗎? Was Zacchaeus Calculating?







Was Zacchaeus Calculating? (Luke 19:1-10)

Human civilization and progress rely not only on accumulating the fruits of predecessors and standing on the shoulder of giants, but curiosity is also an important contributor. It's because the authority of predecessors has often proved to be stumbling blocks of subsequent generations. In the history of natural sciences, many revolutionary progresses did not come about by reinventing the wheel. Rather, when authorities of previous generations were found inadequate in handling newly found phenomena, scientists were forced to break new paths. From where did those new phenomena come? Curiosity! Of course, curiosity does not guarantee to bring good consequences, e.g. Eva's curiosity. However, had men not made mistakes, would they have improved and made progress?

Whose curiosity is the greatest? Of course children's! Things which adults take for granted, such as sunrise and sunset, are wonders in children's eyes. Flowers, birds, insects and fish which adult don't bother are objects of serious observation and admiration for children who don't calculate costs and benefits. In their universe which is filled with wonders, children enjoy the happiness brought about by curiosity. Thus Jesus Christ tells us, "Whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it" (Luke 18:17)

Today, Zacchaeus the wealthy chief tax collector (19:2) paid a huge price for his curiosity! Who would take half of his possessions in exchange for a glimpse of Jesus for just a few minutes? As a chief tax collector, Zacchaeus must have been a calculating man, good at calculating costs and benefits. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been chief! Of course, nobody is able to outwit God who has a lot of surprises in store, a mystery we can never fathom. Had Zacchaeus known beforehand how much it would cost him, would he have cancelled the whole curious idea? But God is merciful. He is attractive and capable of turning a calculating chief tax collector into a child, not calculating costs and benefits but willing to offer up half of his possessions to enter the Kingdom of God! "Today, salvation has come to this house" (19:9)

Seen from another perspective, Zacchaeus had secured not a few minutes' glimpse but an eternal salvation. Zacchaeus is after all Zacchaeus, a calculating chief tax collector!
Lord! Though I'm not as wealthy as Zacchaeus, I don't mind climbing a sycamore tree in order to see You. I pray You don't mind staying at my house. Amen.

Monday, 16 November 2020

主,叫我看見 Lord, Please Let Me See






Lord, Please Let Me See (Luke 18:35-43)

In the process of human evolution, sharp eyesight helped survival. Human beings rely more and more on sight. The First Parents fell not only because of the cunning words of the Serpent, but sight also augmented the effect of temptation (Genesis 3:6). Human culture and society appeal to the sight with artistic ways to convey ideas. Thus, sight deficiency is a disadvantage in human society, not to mention blindness! In ancient times, other than begging by the roadside (Luke 18:35), relying on the charity of others, there seemed no other ways to earn a livelihood. The plight of being blind was unimaginable. Thus, when the blind man of Jericho heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, he knew that that was his opportunity to see again. Thus he begged the Son of David to have pity on him!

But the world today is very strange. The blind are not eager to see again! Don't take me wrong. Social welfare has not improved. The rights of the blind have not been adequately protected. As for the quality of life of the blind, there is still room for improvement … No, not these. I mean those whose hearts are blind!

Many people in the world are blind in hearts. They don't mind living in the dark. To the truth, they listen but not hear, look but not see. Although "life is the light" (John 1:4) and "the truth shall set you free" (8:32), they don't seem to care about life and freedom! They insist that they are right. They deny all proofs to the contrary. They relabel facts and have no intention to correct themselves. In short, they enjoy living in their own world and do whatever they want. There is no incentive for them to beg the Son of David to recover their sight! These people are like the man possessed by Legion, living among tombs, hurting themselves and others. They need Jesus Christ, not as the Son of David, but Son of the Most High God (Luke 8:28) to liberate them!
Lord, Please Let Me See (18:41). Make those whose hearts are blind also see. Amen.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

應向窮人伸手施惠 Stretch Forth Your Hand to The Poor









Fr. Casey, OFM made a thought-provoking video that dwarfs my meditation. Enjoy it.

Fourth World Day of The Poor
Theme: Stretch Forth Your Hand to The Poor

At the close of the Jubilee Year of Mercy in 2016, Pope Francis decreed every thirty-third ordinary Sunday, i.e. the Sunday before the Solemnity of Christ the Universal King, to be "World Day of The Poor". This is the fourth year. Before we celebrate the second advent of Jesus Christ as the Universal King, it is appropriate to remind humanity to care about the poor in response to Jesus' advice in the gospel, "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40). The theme of this year is "Stretch Forth Your Hand to The Poor". It acquires a new meaning when the pandemic has become a new norm today!

Like death, virus does not discriminate. Presidents or princes, homeless or home alone, virus takes no hostages! The global economy has undergone serious damages. All humanity suffers different degrees of impact. Although much wealth of the rich has evaporated, the poor, due to the lack of protect and scarcity of savings, suffer heavier brunt! Thus reduction of incomes or even job losses cannot be an adequate reason not to extend a help hand to the poor whose situation is worse. Indeed, we can think of hundreds of reasons to do what we desire and similarly hundreds of excuses not to do what we don't want to. For example, flag selling on Saturdays, you may have a second thought because of their political background, or you may think of scandals of sexual abuses of indigenous children, or that they spend more than 80% of donation on administration etc. to reject their appeal for donations … On this point, Jesus' teaching is penetrating.

After His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Simon the leper invited Jesus to dinner at Bethany. A woman came up to Him with an alabaster jar of costly perfumed oil and poured it on His head. Judas who was in charge of finance was indignant and said it could have been sold for much and the money given to the poor (26:6-9)! Jesus defended the woman and said, "The poor you will always have with you; but you will not always have me." (26:11) Frome cradle to grave, Jesus Christ was poor. He was born in a manger and buried in somebody else's tomb. In this occasion, He affirms once more that He opts for the poor. Not only is whatever doing to the poor doing to Jesus, similarly whatever is done to Jesus is serving the poor! We should note that we do not often have the opportunities to serve Jesus Christ directly! That is to say, stretching forth our hands to the poor is the opportunity God gives us every day to serve Him! Thus, the excuses to refuse helping the poor are hypocrisy, hiding our selfishness in the name of justice! Consequently, we lose once again an opportunity to serve the Lord!

The gospel passage today reminds us to make good use of the talents God has given us. If we bury them in the ground for whatever excuses (25:25), God will definitely punish. Truly, everybody receives different talents, some more and some less. Some are genius, smart, well-connected and admired by many. Some are dumb; suffer from ADHD and lack of self-discipline! But everybody must have at least one talentum. What is this talentum?
Be known that God is love (1 John 4:8), and God created each one of us in His image (Genesis 1:26). That is to say, everybody has the capacity to love and to be loved. This is the fundamental talendum God gives us! On top of this basic talentum, God adds smartness, longevity and encounters as toppings! In childhood, we have the capacity to receive parental love, sibling love and love from teachers and friends. If after we mature, we are unable to take out God's love, love of friends, relatives and teachers to care about the "least of these brothers of mine", it shows that we are selfish and have lost gratitude. We have wasted the efforts of God and the people whom God have arranged around us to build us up! We are like the barren fig tree mentioned in another part of the gospel. The master tells the gardener, "Cut it down. Why should it exhaust the soil?" (Luke 13:7) Then, why don't people who refuse to do charity incur immediate punishment, crippled or even drop dead? It is because Jesus Christ is the merciful gardener who is willing to "cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it" (13:8), giving us more opportunities to help the poor until the end of the world. But for people whose hearts are hardened, are they able to see the opportunities?

Our hearts turn blind easily in this secular world. We are unable to see God working and even like Peter who denies his master out of fear. At first, it was Peter who declared that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, thus "earning" the status as the Rock of the Church. Don't blame Peter because Jesus Christ had not yet ascended into heavens and the Holy Spirit had not yet descended. Look at how Peter was transformed after the Pentecost and truly became the Rock of the Church!
Brethren! I'm sure you have received the Sacrament of Confirmation through which God gives us the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. With these gifts, we can be transformed like Peter to become courageous Catholics, undeterred by difficulties to bear witness to the Gospel in our daily life. Wisdom is the first gift. What is wisdom?
First of all, the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit is not the aphorisms distilled through many successes and failures in life. No, not those. Otherwise, only septuagenarians or octogenarians can be called wise. No children can be wise! But hasn't Jesus said, "Unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3)? Do you remember the gospel last week? The foolish virgins were locked out from the kingdom of heaven (25:12). Thus, whatever the age, lacking the wisdom of the Holy Spirit will lose the opportunity to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Secondly, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit helps us see the achievements in this short earthly life are incomparable to the beatific happiness of eternal life. Therefore, wisdom helps us desire to come close to God! Thus, even children, under the guidance of parents and instructors in Sunday School, can obtain the wisdom to desire eternal life in the kingdom of heaven.

Brethren! Ask the Holy Spirit! Beg Him to send forth His beaming radiance to brighten our hearts. He is called "Father of the poor". Ask Him to allow us to see clearly our poverty and to desire the eternal consolation in God. Let us generously stretch forth our hands to the poor in our daily life!
God bless!

Sunday, 8 November 2020

敬畏上主的恩典 The Gift of Fearing of the Lord








各位兄弟姊妹,「聖神七恩」是環環相扣的,而且一切都是從「敬畏上主」開始的。世俗主義令人自大,是喪失「敬畏上主」的致命傷。失去「敬畏上主」便沒有智慧;沒有智慧,在各方面都不能明辨是非,隨波逐流,距離天國,越漂越遠。所以,祈求天主聖神,從新激活我們在領受「堅振聖事」所獲得的聖神七恩吧! 天主保祐!

Thirty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: The Gift of Fearing of the Lord

The World is becoming more secular. Most modern people are not interested in the messages of the Bible. Even for those who are interested, they need to overcome many obstacles in order to attain a correct understanding. For example, in order to accept the teachings of today's gospel, people need to overcome the prejudice against "virgins". The minds of urban citizens are full of human rights and equal opportunities. They would find "virgins" offensive. Why just girls? Why not boys and girls? The gospels have truly lost touched with lives in modern societies which emphasize gender equality! On the other hand, feminists would protest against Jesus for using the image of "virgins" which denies the autonomy of women over the use of their own body. If only virgins could enter the Kingdom of Heaven, forget it! Two thousand years ago, people took the custom for granted. Today, the custom has become offensive! It is getting more and more difficult to attain sainthood in the twenty first century!
Thus, in order not to waste time and energy in futile arguments, we need to clarify the principles behind the use of parables.
First of all, if we explain difficult truths directly, I'm afraid only a handful of well-trained experts would be able to follow. Most people would become outsiders. This goes against God's will for all to be saved. In order to make most people understand, it is necessary to use familiar objects in daily life. Following this pedagogy of "using familiar objects", Jesus Christ makes use of things in people's daily life to talk about the Kingdom of Heaven.
Secondly, the ability "To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower…" ("Auguries of Innocence", William Blake) is great wisdom. But the imagery behind the couplet assures readers that even ordinary materials are able to convey the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven! Thus, using the custom of maidens waiting to meet the bridegroom is a legitimate symbol to talk about the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thirdly, if Jesus is to tell the same parable in this twenty first century, He will surely employ modern images such as Olympic athletes. Some athletes train diligently while others casually and some even use enhancement drugs … Two millennia ago, Olympic Games in Greece were definitely not as common as marriage customs. Similarly, in two thousand more years, there might not be Olympic Games or the institution of marriage in human societies anymore. Both images of virgins and athletes would lose touch with reality. Each image has a "shelf-life" which is the limitations of all images. After all, images are not what they symbolize!

In ancient times, many Church Fathers explained this parable of ten virgins in their treatises and homilies. In general, they agreed that the virgins symbolized the Church. Thus this parable is not meant for all humanity but those who were baptized. Even though God "wills everyone to be saved" (1 Timothy 2:4), while He gives all people equal opportunities, He cannot force people to accept His invitation. Therefore, setting up some election criteria, allowing only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God (1 John 4:15) to join the heavenly banquet is reasonable and righteous!
Jesus Christ makes use of the image of virgins to symbolize those who respond to God's invitation to serve Him exclusively (Matthew 5:87, 6:24). That does not deny the autonomy of women over the use of their own body. The Church only opposes the abuse of autonomy to kill innocent lives. Doing so is a great rebellion against God who is the Author of Life. It is extremely harmful. On the other hand, virgins waiting to meet the bridegroom to attend wedding banquet was not only a custom, but it also expresses the reality of the heavenly banquet at the end of the world. Therefore, it is the most appropriate image at that time.

It is a truism that there are saints and sinners within the Church. But in the end, what will the proportion be? I'm afraid only God knows. Jesus Christ arranges 5 prudent and 5 foolish virgins in the parable. This is an appropriate proportion. If there are 6 prudent virgins, people may become over optimistic and tend to take chances. If there are 6 foolish virgins, people may become discouraged. People light a lamp to give light to all in a house. In the gospel of Matthew, this light is the good deeds of Christians (5:16) which are charitable works to glorify their heavenly Father. These charitable works are different from services of social welfare because glorification of heavenly Father is the aim. Thus, it is not a demand for all humanity but for those who have accepted the invitation to join the heavenly banquet. It is the wedding garments they should put on (22:12). Therefore, Catholics should bear in mind that charity is the admission ticket to the heavenly banquet. It is piety shown to God and at the same time an act of evangelization so that people shall glorify God.

"Oil" is the fuel that gives light. Then it is the motive and capability to do charity. Would the rich have an edge? Fortunately, Jesus Christ praised the poor widow who dropped in two brass coins in the Temple treasury. After all, God is still a righteous God, not an elitist God. Indeed, we are nothing but dust. However huge our donations are, in the eyes of our infinite God, they are nothing. Therefore, there is only one item, viz. the motive to consider. From this perspective, the reason the "lamps are going out" (25:8) is not a lack of resources, but the vanishing of the proper motive to do charity. There is only one proper motive, viz. to love our neighbour and at the same time, to be pious to God. Whenever people give alms for fame and praises from the others, they lose God (6:1-2). Sorry, motive cannot be shared. Thus, the prudent virgins do not share out of selfishness. It is just impossible to share. But can motive be purchased? Of course not! Proper motive takes years to cultivate. No wonder the foolish virgins who took chances at the last minute were locked out.

We should take note of the attitude of the prudent virgins. Even when they were doing charity with a proper motive, they were still trembling with fear, lest "there may not be enough for us and you" (25:9). The prudent virgins understand the article of faith, viz. "the communion of saints". They are not selfish. They do charitable works not only for themselves but also for the good of their companions. On the other hand, their fear of the Lord prods them on, not daring to be complacent for a moment! "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord" (Proverbs 9:10) No wonder they are wise. I'm afraid the foolish virgins are foolish because they have lost the gift of "the fear of the Lord"!

Brethren! The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are linked together and they begin with "the Fear of the Lord". Secularism inflates people's ego. It is the dart that kills "the Fear of the Lord" in men. Losing the Fear of the Lord loses wisdom. Without wisdom, we cannot discern right from wrongs. We flow with the current and stray from the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, pray to the Holy Spirit to re-ignite the seven gifts we have received in the Sacrament of Confirmation! God bless!

Sunday, 1 November 2020

不認識聖神七恩,不認識上天之門 Ignorance of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Ignorance of the Gate to Heaven




「山中聖訓」教訓甚麼呢?相信大家一定會聽過其中很經典的章節,連一些教外人士也很熟悉,並且經常拿來揶揄大家的。就是「若有人掌擊你的右頰,你把另一面也轉給他」(瑪5:39);「借出,不要再有所希望!」(路6:35)對不起,是記載在《路加福音》第六章的「山中聖訓」,祇有一章!今年是甲年,我們讀《瑪竇福音》,暫時忘記路加吧,讓我們繼續。「你們是地上的鹽…你們是世界的光…」(瑪5:13-14)寫得很漂亮吧!好戲還在後頭!「凡向自己弟兄發怒的,就要受裁判…誰若向自己的弟兄說…『瘋子』,就要受火獄的罰。」(5:22)不是嘛,那麼嚴重?《路加福音》並沒有記載這教訓。為甚麼發怒是那麼嚴重?因為人類第一宗謀殺案,加音殺弟,就是出於忿怒。保祿宗徒有關發怒的教訓,寫得溫和些,他忠告信徒「不可讓太陽在你們含怒時西落。」(弗 4:26)福音是天主子耶穌基督的教訓,是不按個人的好惡,是沒有選擇餘地,不應選擇性遵守的!「惟獨堅持到底的,纔可得救」(瑪10:22),大家有勇氣再聽下去嗎?耶穌繼續教訓說:「是就說是,非就說非,其他多餘的便是出於邪惡。」(5:37)這樣做真難,傷了人際關係的感情,別人便不願聽你的話,怎樣把福音傳給他們呢?好吧,倘若執事繼續說,恐怕連大家都不願再聽下去了!






All Saints' Day, Year A
Theme: Ignorance of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Ignorance of the Gate to Heaven

There are 365 days a year. On each day the Church celebrates a few saints. But throughout the centuries, how can there only be a few hundred saints in the Church? Moreover, whether it was ancient or is modern, East or West, there are many unsung heroes, unrecorded saints whom only God knows. They are the forgotten ones. Today, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints to commemorate how God manifests His merciful redemption in their lives!

The choice of gospel passage is very appropriate today. It is the "Beatitudes" which is also known as the "Magna Carta of the Kingdom of Heaven". They are guidelines of Christian life. Since the Beatitudes are high level guidelines, Matthew continues to explain them more concretely until the end of Chapter 7. Thus, Matthew Chapters 5 to 7 is also known as the "Sermon on the Mount". As Catholics, if we are able to put one of the Beatitudes into practice, we would be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven promised by Jesus Christ!

What are the teachings of the "Sermon on the Mount"? I'm sure all of you have heard of some of the classic passages which even non-believers are well-versed and tease us with them. They are, "When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well." (Matthew 5:39), "And lend expecting nothing back" (Luke 6:35) Sorry, this is the Lukan version of the "Sermon on the Mount" and there is only one chapter! Sorry, this is Year A. Let's read Matthew and put away Luke for the time being. Let's continue. "You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world…" (Matthew 5:13-14) How beautifully it is written! The best is reserved to the last! "Whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment and whoever says to his brother … ‘You fool', will be liable to fiery Gehenna" (5:22) Are you sure it is that serious? Luke does not mention this. Why is anger that serious? It is because the first murder, Cain killing his brother Abel, was committed in anger. Paul teaches more mildly about anger. He advises believers "Do not let the sun set on your anger." (Ephesians 4:26) The gospel is the teaching of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is indifferent to the likes and dislikes of men. It is not optional or should it be selectively obeyed! "Whoever endures to the end will be saved." (Matthew 10:22) Do you have the courage to continue? Jesus continues to teach, "Let your ‘Yes' mean ‘Yes', and your ‘No' mean ‘No'. Anything more is from the evil one." (5:37) It is really difficult to put into practice. It hurts people's feelings. When they are not willing to listen to you, how can you spread the good news to them? OK. If I continue to enumerate, I'm afraid you will be reluctant to go on listening!

Jesus' teachings are too harsh! Aren't they? Why should we live according to the Beatitudes? Meekness, hunger for justice, mercy, purity of heart and peace-making are virtues. It is alright to live according to these principles. But what do people look for in life, happiness and a stable life. Who wants to be poor, to be mournful and to be persecuted for the sake of righteousness in life?
In fact, don't ever think that it is easy to practise meekness, justice, mercy, purity and peace-making. Who doesn't want other to follow their wishes? Not imposing one's wishes on spouses, children and subordinates, being meek is more easily said than done! Violence emerges because people resist. Starting from the source, not imposing one's wishes on others will reduce violence!
Who doesn't want to be fairly treated? But when treating others fairly will incur losses on your part, will you still hunger for righteousness?
For the past sixteen months, the social unrest still lingers on. How can we talk about being merciful to those who resort to violence? It is already mild to call them fools. Turn the other cheek? No way…

Truly, it is next to impossible to lead our life according to any one of the Beatitudes with our human nature. But we are called to sainthood to become God's children. How can we stay forever in our nature, which is unable to live in heaven, and do not seek more noble and spiritual happiness? We lead our life on earth according to the Beatitudes in order to train our nature, to make it suitable and to adapt it to life in heaven!
Then, is the Kingdom of heaven poor? No, but in heaven, we don't need money and wealth anymore. Thus now, we need to learn "possessing God is more blessed than possessing mammon" (6:24)!
Do we always mourn in the Kingdom of Heaven? No. In our world today, people seek laughter and are reluctant to confront the ugliness of sins. They evade the pains of sins! If we don't see evils in their eyes like Peter and cry for our sins and others' (26:75), how can we cleanse ourselves of sins and enter the Kingdom?
In the Kingdom, nobody has the authority to impose their personal wishes on others. If we do not start practising meekness now, how can we stay with others forever in heaven? Remember, it is eternity!
Similarly, we cannot impose our wishes on God, demanding God to accept so-and-so into the Kingdom and put those who have hurt us in the "Sanction List"! If we do not get used to being merciful, how shall we live together forever with those who have hurt us …

How can we bridle our human nature? In the last section of the "Sermon on the Mount", Jesus guarantees us that the Father knows our difficulty and is willing to support us. Jesus says, "If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask Him" (7:11) Thus, ask the Father to give us the Holy Spirit! Since we have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and have received the Holy Spirit, ask the Holy Spirit to activate the seven gifts in us! St. Augustine in the fourth century links seven of the Beatitudes to these seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Thus, we who have the seven gifts have absolute certainty to live out the Beatitudes. Moreover, St. Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century links the seven gifts with the three theological virtues, viz. faith, hope and charity which are essential for our salvation and three of the four cardinal virtues, viz. prudence, justice and fortitude. Thus the seven gift of the Holy Spirit are the roadmap to enter the Kingdom. Making good use of them shall surely win us the admission ticket.

Brethren, where have you put your admission ticket? Do you remember what the seven gifts are? What is Counsel? Can you tell the difference between Understanding and Knowledge? Our patron saint, St. Jerome once said, "Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ". Though I'm no saint, I won't shy away from parroting our patron saint and say, "Ignorance of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit is ignorance of the Gate to Heaven."
God bless!