路加福音中「富翁與拉匝祿」的比喻(路16:19-31),點出財富令人心硬的危險。天天奢華宴樂的富翁,竟然對「躺臥在他的大門前」的乞丐,視若無睹(16:19-20),是「心硬」的寫照。教宗方濟各在《你們要歡喜踴躍》宗座勸諭,論述神貧真福時說得好:「當我們心裡認為自己很富有,就會變得那麼自滿,以至於沒有空間聆聽天主的聖言、愛我們的兄弟姊妹,或享受生命中最重要的事物。」(GE #68)對自己的優勢、財富、權力和成就自滿,被這些東西充塞了自己的心,便沒有空間容納天主聖言、耶穌基督和祂的訓誨。這就是心硬。當我們還懂得向最少的兄弟中的一個,伸出援手(瑪25:40),表示我們仍有血肉之心,而不是冰冷的鐵石心腸!
First Advent Sunday, Year B
Theme: Hark Heart Hardening
The Advent Season is the beginning of a Liturgical Year. We have entered a new year, a new beginning of the Redemption Cycle. Perhaps you would wonder why Advent is not a preparation for Christmas and why we meditate the end of the world during the first two Sundays in Advent. The answer is simple. Jesus Christ comes to the world twice. Two millennia ago was the first visit in which He fulfilled the teachings of the Law and the prophets. With the sacrifice on the cross, He set the foundation of salvation. Jesus Christ is present among us every day through the Church till the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). At the end, Jesus Christ shall appear once more as the King of the Universe. By then, the Church shall have accomplished her mission.
The theme of the First Advent Sunday is simple and direct. In just five verses, Lord Jesus says, "Watch" four times! Regrettably, many people misunderstand the teaching of the Bible. Some even speculate and exaggerate so as to attract attention! Not too long ago, using the Maya calendar to foretell the end of the world in 2012, many people made money and 2020 is approaching its end. Recently, apocalyptic sentiments are fanned by the Covid-19 pandemic and natural disasters! No wonder Jesus says, "Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes', and your 'No' mean 'No'. Anything more is from the evil one." (5:37) Does Jesus Christ really want us to be watchful of the signs before end time? Since nobody knows when the time will come (Mark 13:33), therefore, being watchful has nothing to do with time. Then what does He want us to be watchful?
The Bible is not all top down revelation and words from God. There are many prayers in the Bible, such as the book of Psalms. It is a bottom up expression of human desires! Note that prayers are in fact an interaction between God and men because when we do not know how to pray as we ought, "the Holy Spirit intercedes with inexpressible groanings" (Romans 8:26). That is to say, even our prayers can be part of God's revelation!
The first reading we choose today is a Jewish bottom up prayer to tell God their desires. It is not an ordinary desire during peace time but a distress sigh for being conquered! The prophet begs God to show His glory, "Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, with the mountains quaking before you … and the nations would tremble before you." (Isaiah 63:19-64:1) The Lord God fulfils the words of the prophet, "It was not an envoy or a messenger, but His presence that saved them." (63:9) Truly, He came in person. But strangely, He did not come in the glory the Jews had expected. He was born in a manger and buried in other people's tomb. From cradle to grave, He was poor. His glory did not melt the mountains nor split the oceans but hanging on the cross to beg the Father to forgive men (Luke 23:34). Like what the prophet says, "You worked awesome deeds we could not hope for, such as had not been heard of from of old. No ear has ever heard, no eye ever seen…" (64:2-3) He works in such a meek manner because He respects human autonomy and does not want to impose His good will on men! I'm afraid only those who follow Jesus Christ's teaching and are watchful like the prophet can understand. Catholics who were baptized have partaken in the prophetic ministry of Lord Jesus. Are they not prophets?
We should pay attention to another verse by the prophet because it is related to our duties. He says, "Why do you make us wander, Lord, from your ways, and harden our hearts so that we do not fear you?" (63:17) Very interesting! If God hardens our hearts so that we do evil, are we still responsible for our actions? In Egypt, God kept hardening the heart of Pharaoh (Exodus 4:21). In the end, God sent the plague of "Killing the firstborns". God hardened Pharaoh's heart. Then it was not Pharaoh's fault! Don't be surprised. Ancient Jews did not follow our moral system. In their minds, God was in full control. Thus "harden Pharaoh's heart" is a narrative technique, showing God is God. In fact, one "Killing the firstborns" plague was enough to bend Pharaoh. Why did God send ten plagues, wasting time and resources, right? Thus, we can't use "God makes us sin. God hardens our hearts" as a defence for our sins.
What hardens our hearts so that we have no fear of God? Be careful! Many things are able to cause the lack of fear of God. For example, ignorance of the existence of God or even if people know God exists but they know not that they should fear Him. Again pride. With the advances in sciences and technology, coupled with an unwarranted optimism on human nature, modern people feel that the existence of God is none of their business! Today, we meditate on what hardens our hearts and leads to a lack of fear of God.
The parable of "The Rich Man and Lazarus" (Luke 16:19-31) is an excellent narrative of how wealth hardens human hearts. The rich man who dined sumptuously each day and ignored the poor Lazarus who was lying at his door was a stark illustration of "heart hardening". In his apostolic exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate", Pope Francis explains the beatitude of spiritual poverty, "Once we think we are rich, we can become so self-satisfied that we leave no room for God's word, for the love of our brothers and sisters, or for the enjoyment of the most important things in life." (GE #68) When we are satisfied with our merits, wealth, power and achievements, when our hearts are stuffed with these things, there is no more room for God's word, Jesus Christ and His teachings. This heart is hardened. When we are still able to extend a helping hand to "one of the least of these brothers of mine" (Matthew 25:40), it shows that we still have a heart of flesh and blood, not a cold lump of stone!
When the disadvantaged are insulted, attacked, bullied and discriminated, nobody, including God, stands up for them and they themselves don't have the opportunities or abilities to take revenge, in order to reduce the pains and the hurt, victims would take an easy way out: to stiffen their hearts and appear to be tough, appear not to fear attacks and to need no pity. Consequently, they blame God and turn fearless in order to survive. How would they fear the Lord? Here, the beatitudes of meekness, being mournful, hunger for justice and mercy become meaningful! When you are meek, how will you bully or discriminate the disadvantaged? When you mourn for the damages sins inflict on men, how will your hearts be hardened? When you hunger and thirst for God's salvation, how will you not fear the Lord? When you are merciful and forgive those who hurt you, not only do you release the perpetrator, but you also release yourself from being controlled by the thoughts of revenge, how shall your heart be hardened? But to be able to achieve the target of the Beatitudes without the support of the Holy Spirit, the power from His seven gifts, how shall it be possible?
Brethren! Jesus Christ urges us to be watchful always not to allow our hearts to be hardened because of wealth, power and achievements which make us feel satisfied and ignore the plights of other people. Furthermore, don't let anger and hate poison and numb our heart so that we no longer fear the Lord. Invoke the help of the Holy Spirit! The Father in heaven wills everyone to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). He is eager to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (Luke 11:13)!
God bless!