
Friday, 19 October 2018

敬畏天主 Fear of God







Fear of God (Luke 12:1-7)

In ancient times, natural disasters such as typhoons, deluges, earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions etc. would evoke fear among humans. They would turn to deities. Thanks to technologies that control and harness energies from the nature, modern people are able to create comfortable and convenient lives so much so that they have gradually lost fear.

Fear is an inborn emotion which helps us survive. We are alive today because fear aroused when our jungle-living ancestors saw poisonous snakes or predators. They took flight and lived to pass on their genes. Those without fear or a sense of crisis were eaten by wild animals and their genes were eliminated! Living in technologically advanced societies today, human beings have become fearless. They have lost a healthy dose of fear. I am afraid they have unknowingly trapped themselves into extinction and would be eliminated by the indifferent Mother Nature. Look at how we are eating the fruits of our contamination of the environment for our own comfort and convenience. We are battered by super typhoons and are eating sea foods saturated with nano-plastics.

Today, Jesus tells us "not to be afraid of those who kill the body but after that can do no more." (Luke 12:4) They are governments or powerful people who persecute and butcher Christians for various reasons. These people are making martyrs and sending them to heaven. Thus, Christians do not need to fear them. Instead, Christians should thank them for persecutions and killings!

Instead, Jesus tells us to "be afraid of the one who after killing has the power to cast into Gehenna." (12:5) Who is this? Satan? Or God? Of course it is God! Satan is able to seduce men to make use of their free will to choose sin and invoke God's wrath. If Satan is too eager and take control over the will of a person, that person shall have no moral responsibility of the sins he commits. Whether this person should be punished or sent to hell is unknown! God has the final decision. That is why up till today, the Church only canonizes and has never declared who goes to hell, not even Judas the traitor. Since it is God's authority. The Church dares not and will not usurp God's authority!

Brethren, it is meaningful that "Fear of God" is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ has shown us the mercy of God so much so that we probably have forgotten the awe and fear due God! The gospel passage today tells us how God loves us so much so that "even the hairs of your head have all been counted." (12:7) But at the same time, fear of God is also important. Fear of God allows us to know how negligible we are and to acknowledge that God alone is the Author of Life. Fear of God restrains us from committing sins and crimes, makes us humble. Thus, the Old Testament repeats many times that "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." (Psalms 111:10; Proverbs 1:7, 10:9)
Let us open up our hearts and receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. Let us live up the humble attitude of fear of God.
God bless!

Thursday, 18 October 2018

我輸了給時間 I Lost My Race Against Time






I Lost My Race Against Time (Luke 10:1-9)

We have all watched post-typhoon news and have seen many fallen trees and how all the land bound traffic have come to a halt. There were also reports of floodings. But do you know how much loss farmers in the New Territories have suffered? It was not yet harvest time but all the produces were submerged and destroyed under water! Let us imagine what would happen if we allow the harvest to stay in the field? Swarms of birds and locusts would come to eat up all the produces and efforts of farmers. Those dropped to the ground would rot. What a waste if we don't reap the harvest in time! Thus, Jesus told the seventy two disciples, "The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest." (Luke 10:2)

Unfortunately, modern people live in industrial societies and have lost touch with nature and agriculture. They do not feel the urgency of reaping the harvest. Reaping is to save the harvest from birds, locusts and rotting. In a similar manner, evangelization which helps people attain God's liberation and redemption is also a race against time, a competition against Satan! Catholics used to relying on the pastoring of the clergy. They have become passive. Evangelization has become the responsibility of the clergy. The laity think that it is enough to pray for vocation and pray for evangelization! It is a serious issue. Do we want to see our beloved ones separated on the other side of the abyss (16:26) Can we make our beloved ones believe in Jesus simply by prayers? If we really love them but do not work for their eternal life, is our love genuine?

We don't have to become a biblical scholar, a theologian or a missionary. Just like St. Luke whose feast we celebrate today, he had been a physician before he was converted and was still a physician after his conversion. We believe that he took care of the health of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her advanced age. Thus, St. Luke was able to write his gospel with a lot of first-hand information. St. Luke was no scholar nor theologian. He was still a physician taking care of his patients. But he repositioned himself, serving his patients with the spirit of the gospel. In his gospel, we find beatitudes everywhere. There, the poor and the meek were given voice. The Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son spell out the true meaning of mercy. St. Luke also wrote the Acts of the Apostles, depicting how those who hungered and thirsted for God's salvation sought peace and unity among people, how they were not deterred by persecutions and led a life of grace in joy. St. Luke shared the joy of salvation with his medical skills, his words and deeds. During his times, Luke the physician was a learned man. Not only is his writing style elegant, but his gospel is also prayerful: Ave Maria, Benedictus, Magnificat and Gloria etc. are preserved and handed down to future generations. St. Luke is truly a prayerful man. In his prayers, he sought God's will.

Brethren, if Luke the physician could do it, you and me can.
Let us learn from St. Luke. Read his corpus which is full of mercy and prayers. Let his teachings guide our life to love Jesus, to be happy to serve Jesus and to persuade others to believe in Jesus.
God bless!

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

天主的公義 The Righteousness of God



  1. 他們遵守「十一奉獻」的法律,卻忽略了公義及愛天主的義務(路11:42)。
  2. 他們貪慕虛榮,愛受人稱讚和尊敬。(11:43
  3. 他們內裡腐爛,有如不顯露的墳墓。(11:44



The Righteousness of God (Luke 11:42-46)

Yesterday, we briefly looked at the history of the Pharisees and how they fell from grace and became enemies of Jesus because they focused too much on the letters of the law. They were a party of localists to preserve the identity of the Chosen People of God. They loved their people and opposed the colonial rule of the Roman Empire.
"Woe to thee" is not a curse but a harsh warning. It means "If you refuse to repent, the consequences are grave." Today, we read of three such warnings. Although they were warnings, they showed how much Jesus expected the Pharisees to repent. The warnings were harsh because Jesus loved them much. After all, the Pharisees were Jewish elites!

  1. The Pharisees tithed but ignored judgment and love for God. (Luke 11:42) Notice that Jesus mentioned the tithe which the Pharisees paid: mint, rue and every garden herb. The Pharisees showed off their piety because they paid attention to details. Nothing trivial could escape their eyes. However, when you pay attention to trivial details, it will be easy for you to miss important things, that is the judgment and love for God Jesus mentioned.
    God's righteousness is not the same as human justice. Human justice usually means equality, fairness, reward according to efforts and a tooth for a tooth etc. But God's righteousness means God wants to see every person, who was created in God's image, have the opportunity to develop fully all the potentials God intented during his creation. If a person is cheated and exploited so that his potentials cannot be actualized, God shall deliver and edify. Therefore, God's righteousness is usally equated with God's salvation. When the Pharisees ignored judgment, it means they did not edify and help others develop their talents. They only cared about their own vanity.
    Do you still remember the two sons of Adam, Cain and Abel? God did not look with favour Cain's offering. Perhaps Cain was the first Pharisee that tithed mint, rue and garden herbs! Consequently, Cain ignored his duty towards his brother. On the contrary, he killed Abel out of fury. What about the Pharisees in the future? Didn't they ignore judgment and love for God, and consequently participated in the plot to kill Jesus out of jealousy?
  2. Out of vanity, they loved being praised and respected. (11:43)
    In fact, how pitiful and diffident it is for someone to desire recognition and respect from others. Pitiful because they rely on others' recognition and respect to fill up an inner void. They are controlled by others and there is no self-sovereignty! It is pitiful that they forget the dignity they have as images of God but instead seek others' praises to satisfy an inner deficiency! Rather, they should give all honour and praises to God. As images of God, we shall not be in shame!
  3. They rot from within like unseen graves. (11:44)
    The gospels also mention elsewhere that not only did the Pharisees loved vanity, but they also devoured houses of widows out of greed. Orphans and widows were the least protected people in ancient societies. The relatives of a deceased usually treated the widow as an outsider and tried to take away the inheritance due her. Those greedy Pharisees abused their expertise in law, instead of defending the interests of the widow, joined the relatives to rob the widow and shared the spoils! That is why Jesus reprimanded them that harshly.

The gospel mentions "a scholar of the law" which was a profession like lawyers or law professors today. They might join the Pharisees party to build up networks to do more business. The legal scholar might have joined the Pharisees. He protested when Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees. Probably they ganged together to do evil. This protest made Jesus deliver the fourth warning: They did not practise what they preached!

Brethren, let us keep in mind Jesus' warnings. Do not make the mistakes of Pharisees and consequently join the company that kill Jesus.
God bless!

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

法利塞人是怎樣煉成的 The Genesis of the Pharisees







The Genesis of the Pharisees (Luke 11:37-41)

Because of the stories in the gospels, "Pharisees" has become a synonym of "hypocrites". Let us take a look at the evolution of Pharisees and understand how they had become hypocritical so that we won't make the same mistakes again.

David, the second king of the Israel kingdom, was able to unite the twelve tribes to form a kingdom. During King Solomon's reign, the kingdom ascended to her zenith. Regrettably, after the death of Solomon, the kingdom was divided into two. The northern kingdom, comprising ten tribes, retained the name Israel while the southern one took the name of the stronger tribe and was called Judah. In 721 B.C., Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire. The Israelites were exiled and intermarriages wiped them out of human history. In 586 B.C., Judah was conquered by the Babylonian Empire. The Temple was burnt down and the people were exiled. Learning from the fate of the north, the people said no to intermarriages. Some learned people began to collect documents from the court and the commoners to compile their own history, laws and customs. They wanted to preserve their identity and fate as the "Chosen People of God". Since the Temple was no more, there were no holocausts. So, they built synagogues instead. There they studied the Scriptures, prayed, kept the Sabbath and taught the younger generation the Mosaic laws. At that time, they came together as a religious party and called themselves "Pharisees", meaning "Separated". Thus, the origin of the Pharisees was a noble cause to preserve the national identity and the hope of God's Chosen People.

Five decades later, the Persians conquered the Babylonians. King Cyrus sent the people of Judah home to rebuild their Temple. From then, a systematic Judaism was officially established. The Judah kingdom was no more but a province of different empires, including the Persian, Greek and Roman. Since they believed in Judaism, they were called Jews. Under alien sovereignty for a long period of time, the Pharisees felt that their mission was even more crucial. They focussed more on the details and letters of the law. Just as what the first reading says, "They are trying to be justified by law." (Galatians 5:4) They thought that by observing the Mosaic laws, they would become blameless before God. Gradually, they forgot the spirit of the law. Moreover, they became "morality police". They measured the morality of other people by their own behaviours. They showed off their piety and despised others not as pious as they were!

When Jesus began teaching in the synagogues, he liberated people from the bondage of sin with forgiveness, exorcism and healings. Jesus was popular. Moreover, he taught with the authority of the Son of God and showed people the spirit of Mosaic law. Thus, Jesus Christ revealed the hypocricy of the Pharisees who became furious and opposed Jesus. Consequently, they joined hand with other religious authority to plot against Jesus. They manipulated Pilate to kill Jesus.

Brethren, the hypocricy of the Pharisees reminds us not to focus only on the outward signs. We should not measure and despise other by our own piety. More significantly, we should examine our interiority and abandon worldly tricks, such as gossipping and bullying. We shoud abandon worldly successes, such as weath, health, youthfulness, beauty and authority etc. As the People of God, we should focus on improving our relationship with God. More on the problems of Pharisees tomorrow.
God bless!

Monday, 15 October 2018

我們是天主慈愛的標記 We are Signs of God's Mercy





We are Signs of God's Mercy (Luke 11:29-32)

Do you know who Jonah was? He was a prophet, a spokesman of God who sent him to Nineveh to proclaim repentance. Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire which had conquered the northern kingdom of Israel, exiled her ten tribes and wiped them off from human history. Jonah did not have any good feelings towards Nineveh because of this national animosity. God also thought that the Assyrians had overdone and later allowed the Babylonian Empire to conquer them. But before that, God gave the Ninevites an opportunity to repent. So, God sent Jonah to proclaim this opportunity of repentance. Jonah was upset about it and reluctant to accept this mission. Consequently, God sent a big fish (probably a submarine) to swallow Jonah. After spending three days and three nights inside the belly of the big fish, Jonah was spat out by the fish, landing him in Nineveh! The Ninevites believed in Jonah, fast and repented, thus averting temporarily God's wrath.

In the gospel reading today, Jesus called Jonah "a sign to the Ninevites" (Luke 11:30). A sign represents something. For example, red lights signal "stop" and green "go". Where a national flag is hoisted, the laws of that nation apply there. A crescent moon represents Islam while a cross Christianity and the presence of God.
We were baptized Catholics. We are signs of God's mercy in the Butterfly Estate. God is merciful to the righteous as well as to the evil. It is because men were created in the image of God. They were good but some of them become bad because they have been living in a world contaminated by sins. But God does not abandon those who do evil. He wants to heal them and deliver them. Thus the Father sent the Son to incarnate and became Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the sins of saints and sinners alike. Thus, we receive the Holy Communion and live with Christ. We have become signs of God's mercy in the Butterfly Estate, in our life and in our work. We should manifest God's mercy before the people we meet.

Don't be afraid of difficulties. God does not need powerful weapons or ground shaking miracles to accomplish His plan. God wants us to be humble and to cooperate with Him. That is enough. Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Teresa of Jesus. Although she was physically fragile, that did not prevent her from becoming a Doctor of the Church, an outstanding leading light on spirituality. Humility is the only way to spirituality. Let us pray to St. Teresa, ask her to intercede for our growth in spirituality, laying the foundation for evangelization before the Father.
God bless!

Sunday, 14 October 2018

How to Love God? 怎樣愛天主?

Twenty Eighth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: How to Love God?

The gospel message today is extremely important for all of us. What the rich man asked Jesus is also what all of us want to know. Deep down at the bottom of all of our hearts, there is some emptiness. There are needs which we cannot meet in this life. Yes, all of us desire eternal life. Do not dismiss the question the rich man asked and say that he was unrealistic. No! His question is totally legitimate and far-sighted. Without a future, what's the point of working hard in this life?

I am sure all of you are familiar with the Ten Commandments. Now, let us take a look at what commandments Jesus asked the rich man to keep in order to inherit eternal life: do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not defraud and honour our parents etc. (Mark 10:19) Something is missing, right? What is missing? Yes, the first three commandments which spell out our duties towards God: that we shall have no other gods but Yahweh, that we shall not invoke the name of Yahweh in vain and keep the Sabbath day holy. (Exodus 20:3-11) How can we inherit eternal life without observing these three commandments towards God, without a good relationship with God? It is impossible! Did Jesus forget anything?

Of course Jesus did not forget. The commandments he mentioned are the minimum requirements each human being must fulfil, whether you believe in God or not. In order to live like a human being and not like an animal, all of us should honour our parents, should respect human life, should safeguard families, protect private property and be honest in all our dealings with each other. Doing all these makes us a human being, a noble man. Men are mortal. Sooner or later, we all die. However, God promises us eternal life. Therefore, we should build up a good relationship with God in order to receive eternal life from Him. That is why there are three commandments to help us establish this good relationship with God. It was Moses who told the Israelites to keep these Ten Commandments. Never was it mentioned in the gospel that Jesus told us to keep those three commandments. Rather, many times, Jesus himself breached the third Commandment. He always performed healing miracles on Sabbath! So, are Christians exempted from keeping the first three Commandments? Shall we follow Jesus' example not to keep the Sabbath and the other 2 commandments?

Of course not! Jesus teaches us to obey the first three commandments in a different, but perfectly legitimate way. It may even be better than the original way! What did Jesus tell the rich man to do? "Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, then come, follow me." (Mark 10:21) How does this replace the first three Commandments?

First of all, God is invisible. You cannot see God, touch God or smell His presence. But love needs a recipient. How can we love an invisible person, an invisible other? God understands our limitations. So, God sent His beloved Son to incarnate in a human form to teach us. In a human form, God becomes visible. That was Jesus Christ. So, loving Jesus Christ is equivalent to loving God. But Jesus Christ has already returned to the Father! What can we do? To make Himself more accessible, Jesus Christ teaches us how to find him in two different ways. One, in prayer meetings and liturgy like the mass we are celebrating now. Jesus says, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) At this moment, Jesus is in our midst but he is still invisible. Later in our celebration, he becomes visible in the form of the Holy Communion. Yes, it is a mystery of faith and it requires strong faith to be able to see Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion. Don't worry! There is a second more accessible way. Jesus says, "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (25:40) To help us get close to him more easily, Jesus lives among the poor and the needy. When we serve the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the homeless, the sick and the imprisoned, we get in touch with Jesus Christ.

Now, let us take a look at what Jesus asked the rich man to do.

  1. The first Commandment tells us to worship one God only. In other words, we worship God without reservation. We do not leave room for other idols. Now, Jesus asks the rich man and us to sell all we have and give to the poor in whom we can get in touch with Jesus. Yes, Jesus is demanding a total commitment to love Him. There shall be no room for money or power to become our idols to lord over us. In giving all to the poor, we are obeying the first Commandment.
  2. The second Commandment forbids us to invoke the name of God in vain. What did Jesus ask the rich man after giving to the poor? Yes, follow Jesus. If you follow Jesus, will you blaspheme Jesus or make fun of his name? Of course not! When we follow Jesus, we invest and commit our whole life to Him. We cannot become enemies of ourselves, can we? Therefore, by following Jesus, we obey the second Commandment.
  3. The third Commandment instructs us to keep the Sabbath holy. As followers of Jesus, we keep the Lord's Day holy. Therefore, by going to Church to attend Sunday masses, we obey the third Commandment. Through the fulfilment of these three Commandments, we build up good relationships with Jesus Christ. We shall inherit eternal life.

When we do what Jesus tells us to do, not only do we fulfil those three Commandments, but we also do better and do more. None of those three Commandments, not even the remaining seven, tells us to preach the good news of salvation. The Israelites believe that keeping the Ten Commandments would guarantee them a place in heaven. But the Ten Commandments do not tell the Israelites to help other people attain salvation, in particular the non-Jews. To a certain extent, the Jews prejudice against Gentiles. They don't like non-Jews because they have suffered much in the hands of the Gentiles, the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans and even the Samaritans. The Jews believe that they are the Chosen People of God. Other nations should serve them. Thus, they have no intention to preach repentance and salvation to other peoples. As Christians, we understand that all of us were created in the image of God. All of us are God's children and thus we are brothers and sisters because Jesus Christ is our big brother. We have a duty towards the well-being of our brothers and sisters. Therefore, following Jesus means not only that we go to mass on Sundays, but it also means that we should go and share our experience of redemption and liberation with all the people we meet. We follow Jesus and Jesus proclaims the Kingdom of God. Thus we should also proclaim the Kingdom of God in our daily life.

Brethren, the Pope tells us that the Church is under attack from Satan. He summons all of us to say the Rosary daily and ask Archangel Michael to protect us. Thus, in this month of the Rosary, let us follow the Pope's instruction to pray for the protection of the Church.
God bless!









  1. 第一誡要求我們祇欽崇一個天主。即是說,我們要毫無保留地崇敬天主,我們不可留半點空間給偶像。耶穌要求富少年和我們把所有的一切都施捨給窮困者,在他們的身上便可以找到耶穌。對,耶穌要求一份完全的委身相愛,完全不留半點空間給金錢權勢,讓它們操控我們。把所有的都送給窮困者,我們遵守了第一誡。
  2. 第二誡禁止我們妄呼天主聖名。耶穌吩咐富少年施捨給窮人之後做甚麼?對,跟隨耶穌。倘若我們跟隨耶穌,我們會褻瀆祂或拿祂的名字開玩笑嗎?當然不會。當我們跟隨耶穌,我們把我們整個生命投放到祂身上,我們總不會與自己為敵嘛!因此,跟隨耶穌,我們遵守了第二誡。
  3. 第三誡要求我們守安息日為聖日。作為耶穌的門徒,我們守主日為聖日。所以,星期日返聖堂參加主日感恩祭,我們遵守了第三誡。滿全了這三條誡命,我們與耶穌基督建立了良好的關係,我們可以承受永生。



Sunday, 7 October 2018

為甚麼要離開父母? Why Shall We Leave Our Parents?


向中國人傳福音,邀請他們加入天主教,就必須克服重重來自中西文化差異的障礙。中國文化強調孝道,慎終追遠,飲水思源。本來,中國人的「孝道」與「十誡」「孝敬父母」的誡命不謀而合,在勸中國人信教的時候,相當合拍。可惜,當慕道者自己閱讀【創世紀】的時候,或者慕道班導師講述天主教婚姻倫理,有關耶穌基督禁止離婚的課題時,更或者參加主日彌撒,聽到耶穌基督引述【創世紀】的論述時,當他們聽到「人要離開他的父母,依附自己的妻子,二人成為一體…」(谷10:7-8;創2:24) 這是不能接受的,因為有違孝道,令婆媳不和,家無寧日等等。所以,我們有必要好好處理這個課題,幫助慕道者,甚至已領洗的教友,明白天主頒布這項「離開父母」命令的愛意。








Twenty Seventh Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Why Shall We Leave Our Parents?

In order to evangelize the Chinese and invite them to join the Catholic Church, we have to overcome many obstacles of cultural differences. Chinese culture stresses filial piety, ancestral worship and remembrance of our origin. At first glance, the "Honour Your Parents" commandment resembles the Chinese filial piety. Thus it is a handy inroad to convert Chinese. Unfortunately, when the catechumens start reading Genesis, or the catechists start explaining Catholic ethics on marriage, about how Jesus Christ forbids divorce, or even when you attend Sunday mass, hearing Jesus Christ quote Genesis in his divorce discourse, "A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." (Mark 10:7-8, Genesis 2:24) This is unacceptable for Chinese. It goes against filial piety, stirs up clashes between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law and there is no peace at home anymore etc. Thus, we need to handle this topic in depth to help the catechumens and even baptized laity understand God's love behind this "leave parents" precept.

First of all, we have to admit that the Chinese are very pragmatic. They work harder than all other peoples on this planet. But the Chinese are a little bit selfish. For example, when they interact with their neighbour, they take the "mind your own business" approach. When they are invaded by foreign countries, they do not unite and even betray each other in order to survive. All these examples show how pragmatic and selfish the Chinese can be. Filial piety emphasizes "remembering your origin". It is but a cover-up of a selfishness blatantly enshrined in the aphorism: "To prepare for old age, raise children. To prepare for famine, hoard grains". This aphorism is applicable only to agricultural societies built upon extended families. Nowadays, in post-industrial societies which favour nuclear families, this aphorism no longer works. "Raise children to prepare for old age" was probably appropriate in generations where "It is rare to reach seventies". Today, are people over sixty five able to take care of their parents in their nineties? At the moment, the government public housing policy forces married children to move out while developers build flats which cannot accommodate two generations. Thus, nowadays in Hong Kong, "leaving parents" is not an option, but a necessity! The burden of taking care of senior citizens rests squarely on the shoulder of the government. The service of the Little Sisters of the Poor is only a drop in the ocean!

Let us look at the context of the "leaving parents" precept.
According to Genesis, after the Lord God had created Adam, He felt that "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him." (Genesis 2:18) At first, God led different animals before Adam who couldn't find a suitable partner. Thus, God put Adam to sleep, pull out a rib to make for Adam a woman. When Adam saw this beautiful woman, he exclaimed, "This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." (2:23) All you married gentlemen, have you ever uttered this sentence to your wives? If you have, congratulations! You are truly man!
At that time, there were only one man and one woman on earth. Adam and Eve were husband and wife only. They were not yet parents. But the scripture reads immediately, "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body." (2:24) Notice that "A man leaves ..." is not an advice but a command! Adam and Eve did not have parents. This part of the command did not apply to them. But they still obeyed the part of "the two of them become one body". Thus, "A man leaves his parents" command applies only to the rest of humanity.
Then, which relation is more important, parental or spousal? Which one comes first, parental first then spousal, or spousal first then parental? Superficially, the two relations are very much entangled. But the story of Adam of Eve has decided which one is more important. Without spousal relation, how can people beget children and become parents? On the other hand, parental relation cannot generate spousal relation. Otherwise, it is incest!

Let us look at God's intention. He wants to give man a helper suited to him (1:18). Are parents helpers suited to their children? Categorically no! Parents are the first nutritionists for their children. They provide children balanced diets to make them grow healthily. Parents are the first tutors for their children. They tell them stories, teach them speaking to stimulate their intellectual development. Parents are the first counsellors for the children. They listen attentively to their stories and channel their emotions. Parents are the first magistrates for their children. They teach them morality and right from wrong! Lastly, parents are the first catechists for their children. They help them know Jesus Christ and show them their final destiny. Thus, parents cannot be helpers suited for their children. Don't parents want their children to surround them at their deathbed? How can they age together with their children? It is the responsibility of spouses, not parents to age together. Thus, children grow up in such happy families should leave their parents and build up new families to spread out the love of their parents.

However, many couples become parents unprepared. Consequently, many small children meet many frustrations on the path of growth. Not only are they not fed properly, some are even injured due to negligence on the part of parents. Even worse, some parents bring home bottled emotion from works and dissipate it with violence on vulnerable children. Just think about it, how much do these children want to run away from home to look for "true love" and to build their happy families? As such, do youngsters raised in families without good exemplar and without warmth have sufficiently mature psychological qualities to build up happy families? In many cases, tragedies arise again in the new families, becoming a curse that passes on throughout generations. What can youngsters raised in unhappy families do? Should they continue to stay with their abusive parents to suffer? Or should they leave their parents and start a new life? I don't have any definite answers. All cases are different.

"Each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." The challenges each family confronts are different. No doubt, the working environment of Hong Kong has taken away quality time from all families. The economy of Hong Kong, in particular the prices of flats are smothering the life of many families. The cultural milieu advocates consumerism and individualism, thus inflicting damages to many spousal relationships with extra-marital affairs. Many disordered sexual behaviours are popularized. All these adverse factors are battering the marriage and family institutions which God blesses.

Brethren, for the sake of our next generation, let us receive God's teaching with humility. Husbands and wives love each other in the spirit of chastity. Work hand in hand, with meekness and mercy to build up a loving family to raise the children given by God. Even if there have been failures, as long as there are new families, there is still hope for all humanity.
God bless!












  1. 在教會內有天主,而天主是神聖的。天主是神聖的,是甚麼意思呢?意思是天主不但是全知全能,和擁有龐大的威力,令人震撼。祂還是一個不能完全明白的「奧秘」。如果我們有能力,完全明白解釋天主在想甚麼,天主就不是天主了!既然天主是神聖的,又因為教會內有天主,所以教會當然也是神聖的!
  2. 【宗徒大事錄】第五章的故事,肯定是冰山一角。二千年來,一定有不少漏網之魚,潛伏在教會內,混水摸魚,甚至製造分裂,肆意破壞。教會既然是神聖的,自然有能力,容納罪人與壞人在教會內。天主在教會內,自然會照顧他們、轉化他們。
  3. 為甚麼天主不按第五章故事的做法,消滅教會內的壞人呢?這樣,就可以保證教會是百份百神聖了!但試想想,運用同樣的邏輯,為甚麼天主不消滅世上所有的壞人,這樣,天下便太平了,耶穌基督也不用釘十字架了!可惜,在現實的世界裡,人際關是如此千絲萬縷。成年人是不會用這種邏輯去解決問題的!何況是天主呢?
  4. 十二宗徒之中,有一個因為貪財,出賣耶穌;更有一個在生死關頭,為了保命,三次否認耶穌。這人就是伯多祿。可見,教會的領袖可以是罪人,但罪人也可以回頭悔改,天主會給他機會,栽培他成為聖人!可惜出賣耶穌的猶達斯畏罪自殺,沒有給天主機會,沒有給自己機會。那麼,我們應否給那些犯罪的神職人員機會呢?
  5. 【宗徒大事錄】第九章還有一個故事,講述掃祿如何迫害基督徒。他取得手令去大馬士革,準備大開殺戒。在路上耶穌顯現給他,問他說:「掃祿!掃祿!你為甚麼迫害我!」掃祿答說:「主,你是誰?」耶穌說:「我就是你所迫害的耶穌!」掃祿跌倒在地,盲了。結果,凶神惡煞的掃祿,靠人扶他入城。盲了三日三夜,終於大徹大悟。後來便成為了著名的聖保祿宗徒。
  6. 最後,為甚麼耶穌基督復活之後,身上仍然保存著,釘十字架時所留下的傷口呢?當中有很豐富的靈修材料,現在沒有時間講述。不過,我相信耶穌想告訴我們,教會,即是祂的身體,雖然是神聖的,可以保証她的成員可以成為神聖,但是,她還有五個傷口,還有很多軟弱的成員。他們會犯錯,會跌倒。但是他們都是耶穌基督身體的一部份。我們同氣連枝,是不可以為了自保,而與他們劃清界線的。他們的痛,也是我們的痛!


Saturday, 6 October 2018

一場穩操勝券的仗 A Sure-Win Battle






A Sure-Win Battle (Luke 10:17-24)

We often make the following psychological error: overestimating unfavourable outcomes and underestimating good ones. The best strategy is to take no action and to maintain the status quo. If we are forced to make changes, we suffer anxiety. Even if there is no way to lose, we will never say "sure-win". We only say "cautiously optimistic" to cover up our fear of failure. We whitewash this error as "humility", as "prudence" and "to hope for the best but prepare for the worst".

Truly, Jesus has cautioned us to "first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion. Otherwise, after laying the foundation and finding himself unable to finish the work the onlookers should laugh at him." (Luke 14:28-29) Indeed, after "calculating the cost", not everybody would answer God's call. But for those who are willing to accept the invitation, God will provide sufficient grace to "make you worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfilment every good purpose and every effort of faith." (2 Thessalonians 1:11)

Is it possible for "sure-win" to exist on earth? Only idiots would believe! If there were, would poverty exist on earth?
Believe in God! There is! Have you not heard that "the good will always prevail"? Jesus Christ saw how he himself defeat Satan on the cross. Thus he said, "I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky." (Luke 10:18) The battle has already won. The remaining task is to reclaim the liberated land. That is to say, go and make disciples of all nations, to build up the Church. Probably, in the process of reclamation, we may meet sporadic resistance. After all, we have the guarantee from Jesus Christ. It is a sure-win mission, "Nothing will harm you." (10:19) Shall we be hesitant? We are privileged to partake in the mission, our "names are written in heaven." (10:20) Shall we be undecided?
Lord Jesus Christ! I am willing to fight alongside with you to reclaim the lost paradise. Amen.

Friday, 5 October 2018

福傳不論「業績」 Evangelization Does not Count Performance






Evangelization Does not Count Performance (Luke 10:13-16)

We prefer hiding in the comfort zone because we are afraid of failures and of being unpopular.
In fact, during evangelization, we only play the role of a salesman. If the sale fails, it probably is not due to our incompetence. Perhaps the goods itself lacks attraction. Thus, it is not our fault! If the commodity is not popular, perhaps the image of the producer is not good enough. Again, it is not our fault! Doesn't Jesus say, "Whoever listens to you listens to me. Whoever rejects you rejects me." (Luke 10:16) Thus, Jesus has taken up the full accountability of evangelization. What else should we worry such that we are reluctant to evangelize?

As a matter of fact, Jesus' performance was not that good. According to the Synoptic gospels, Jesus spent more than 2 years preaching in Galilee in the north before he finally turned south to be killed in Jerusalem. Today, Jesus lamented the lack of faith in Chorazin and Bethsaida which were cities in Galilee. In particular, Capernaum was Jesus' missionary centre where he always returned during his public ministry. "No disciple is superior to the teacher." (6:40) Since the performance of Jesus Christ is that bad, it is logical that ours is worse. Thus, what else can deter us?

Were people of Galilee not living in comfort zone, not willing to jump out to embrace more abundant life according to the Gospel? It is more easily said than done to change the old self, to repent and lead our life according to the values advocated in the Gospel and to make the Holy Spirit the centre of our life. Nobody would forsake easily their established mind set, to give up entering into disputes for personal gains and to abandon a sense of security. In their minds' eyes, being meek, merciful and peaceful etc. would invite losses. How can you tell people to make such stupid choices! I sympathize and understand the Galileans' anxiety towards the Gospel. Few peaceful persons lived there to accept the joy of the Gospel. Jesus Christ did not force them to accept. (10:6)
Lord! Grant us a peaceful heart, not to worry about our performance and evangelize together with you. Amen.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

天主的羔羊 The Lambs of God






The Lambs of God (Luke 10:1-12)

Before you start reading, close your eyes for a while. Imagine two lambs in the midst of a pack of wolves. What would happen?
I believe many of you will conjure up a series of bloody images: wolves biting the throat of the lambs, tearing them apart; natives sacrificing missionaries; ferocious policemen beating unarmed protesters; invading soldiers butchering old men and babies, raping women and girls etc. How terrifying such an inhuman world! But this is our mind set, a way of thinking fed by the media and even textbooks: the Law of the Jungle seasoned with sensationalism. Many of us enjoy it.

Let us now hear and feel what Isaiah saw, "Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat; The calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them." (Isaiah 11:6). More than that, "The wolf and the lamb shall pasture together, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox --- but the serpent's food shall be dust. None shall harm or destroy on all my holy mountain, says the Lord." (65:25) Indeed, Jesus sent us "like lambs among wolves" (Luke 10:3) in order to honour the promise made through Isaiah. Our task is to extend the Kingdom of Heaven, to build up the holy mountain of God, whose sovereignty we proclaim. When God becomes the Lord of all, nobody shall harm or destroy.

Evangelization may fail and evangelists be rejected. We are afraid of failures, of the terrifying possibilities that welcome us. Thus, we hide in our comfort zones and refuse to answer God's commission to reap God's field. We don't want to be torn lambs, but isn't the broken lamb the incarnation of Jesus Christ? Are missionaries not the sacrificial lambs the natives offer? Does each beating on bleeding protesters not land on Jesus Christ? Is Jesus Christ not among the abused people?
God says, "The insults of those who insult you fall upon me." (Psalm 69:10b, Romans 15:3) God needs lambs to tame the wolves; missionaries to civilize the natives; peaceful protesters to advocate social justice and innocent people to make invaders hold dear peace.
God, it is our honour to carry crosses with You. Amen.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

孝順父母的定位 The Positioning of Filial Piety






The Positioning of Filial Piety (Luke 9:57-62)
In this world, we shall never lead a comfortable life following Christ. It is to be expected, isn't it? We must pay a price for a noble cause. Furthermore, besides not having a stable and comfortable living environment, followers of Christ would be perceived as trouble makers, from being labelled dreamers, insensible or even callous. Is it not? Even burying father or bidding farewell with family members is discouraged!

Take a closer look at the second person whom Jesus invited to join the band of evangelists to proclaim the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:59a). This indicates that this person must have some extraordinary aptitudes. Perhaps he was amiable, or charismatic, or eloquent and able to articulate the truths of the Kingdom to the audience. It would be a great waste of his talents if he did not evangelize. Unfortunately, he rejected Jesus' invitation with an excuse of "buying his father first". Be aware that his father might still be well and kicking. At the end of the day, familial relationship occupies a higher priority over evangelization. Many people, whether youngsters or adults are not able to clear this hurdle! To be filially impious is difficult especially for Chinese! Thus, many people in their fifties cannot accept the hard fact that they are no longer physically capable to take care of their parents of eighties. They need to send them to homes for the aged! Many people grit their teeth to endure hardship and refuse to sign a "Declaration of Not Providing Support to Parents" to apply for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance to improve the living quality of their parents all because they won't want to be branded filially impious children. From this we see how seriously Chinese take filial piety.

However, using "filial piety" as a shield and hiding in the comfort zone that is built upon in order to evade the nobler call is doing injustice to parents. Even in Chinese ethics, defending the country occupies a higher priority than honouring parents. Thus "it is filially impious if no soldier goes to the front!" Evangelization brings God's life to humanity. Perhaps because of God's mercy, your parents may attain eternal life. How obviously stupid for you to choose to bury your parents instead! No wonder Jesus says, "Let the dead bury their dead" (9:60a)
Lord Jesus Christ, grant us the Holy Spirit to illuminate us to discern right from wrong. Increase our love for you so that we are able to jump out of our comfort zone to answer generously your call. Amen.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

謙遜之德 The Virtue of Humility

謙遜之德(瑪18:1-5, 10





The Virtue of Humility (Matthew 18:1-5, 10)

Scarcity of resources is the foundation of Economics. If we had inexhaustible supply of daily necessities, or if everybody became self-sufficient or never in want, less conflicts would arise. In today's world where more and more resources are becoming scarce, power has become the most coveted item in the world. It is because whoever is the greatest shall control the access to most resources. Gaining access to more resources, we feel more secure. Then, who doesn't want to be the greatest?

In the Kingdom of Heaven, we shall lack nothing in any aspects of our lives, our heart and our spirits. By then, "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." (Revelation 7:17, 21:4) That is to say, in the Kingdom of Heaven, nobody shall be in want because God will satisfy all our needs. But living in this world, there are many needs for us to meet. It is totally different from the Kingdom of Heaven. How do we migrate, how do we adapt? Thus, starting from now, we need to learn to lead the living style in the Kingdom. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to adapt.

Today, Jesus Christ teaches us to "humble himself like this child" (Matthew 18:4) in order to adapt to life in the Kingdom of Heaven. If we humble ourselves and empty ourselves, then we shall have room to receive and fore-taste the heavenly joy which our guardian angels bring us from the Father. Just as we can no longer pour water into a full glass, in a similar way, if our hearts are fattened with egoism, with control obsession and with haughty eyes, how can we "entertain angels" (Hebrews 13:2) and how can God fill our hearts and souls with grace through our guardian angels? Spirituality experts call this grace "consolation". Since humility is a graded virtue which can be cultivated, let us labour to become humble.
Father! May it be done to me not according to what I will but what you will. Amen.

Monday, 1 October 2018

跳出安樂窩 Jump Out of Our Comfort Zone






Jump Out of Our Comfort Zone
(Luke 10:25-37)

Charity is a virtue because it is not inborn but a good habit built up in time. Each one of us was born with different potentials which cannot be implanted but unleashed. No matter how much we desire the beauty and wisdom that the others possessed by birth, we can only admire and not acquire.

Virtues are different. They are good habits and psychological inclinations which have become our second nature after long periods of practices. Everybody is able to achieve through practice. For example, you used to be absent-minded but after a few frustrations, you would become more prudent. Make prudence a good habit and you become prudent in everything you do. Then prudence becomes your virtue. Thus, when most people leave the Church because of scandals, those with faith continue to trust in the Lord, trust in Jesus Christ and believe that the Holy Spirit will continue to govern and guard the Church. When there are people in need of relief, people with charity will not extend a helping hand after calculation. When a gigantic political machination persecutes you and your comrades unfairly, and furthermore, there is no hope of rectification in your life time; people with hope continue to rely on God's promises which shall surely come to fruition.

How do we cultivate such virtues?
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus taught the Teacher of the Law to think along the perspective of the victim in order to be a person of charity. If we are not willing to jump out of our comfort zone and continue to be egocentric, it will be impossible for us to become charitable. The priest and the Levi hid behind the comfort zone of cleanliness. They did not want to be defiled. They were not able to quit their self-centre to extend a helping hand to their injured kinsman. On the contrary, the Samaritan could have stayed in his comfort zone of racial discrimination and just walked away as well. Yet, he was moved by compassion, jumped out of his comfort zone to help without giving a second thought to a Jew who discriminated him.
Lord! We are sleeping in our comfort zone like Lazarus in his tomb. Wake us up to walk out of our ego to live up to your mercy to mankind. Amen.