Twenty Eighth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: How to Love God?
The gospel message today is extremely important for all of us. What the rich man asked Jesus is also what all of us want to know. Deep down at the bottom of all of our hearts, there is some emptiness. There are needs which we cannot meet in this life. Yes, all of us desire eternal life. Do not dismiss the question the rich man asked and say that he was unrealistic. No! His question is totally legitimate and far-sighted. Without a future, what's the point of working hard in this life?
I am sure all of you are familiar with the Ten Commandments. Now, let us take a look at what commandments Jesus asked the rich man to keep in order to inherit eternal life: do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not defraud and honour our parents etc. (Mark 10:19) Something is missing, right? What is missing? Yes, the first three commandments which spell out our duties towards God: that we shall have no other gods but Yahweh, that we shall not invoke the name of Yahweh in vain and keep the Sabbath day holy. (Exodus 20:3-11) How can we inherit eternal life without observing these three commandments towards God, without a good relationship with God? It is impossible! Did Jesus forget anything?
Of course Jesus did not forget. The commandments he mentioned are the minimum requirements each human being must fulfil, whether you believe in God or not. In order to live like a human being and not like an animal, all of us should honour our parents, should respect human life, should safeguard families, protect private property and be honest in all our dealings with each other. Doing all these makes us a human being, a noble man. Men are mortal. Sooner or later, we all die. However, God promises us eternal life. Therefore, we should build up a good relationship with God in order to receive eternal life from Him. That is why there are three commandments to help us establish this good relationship with God. It was Moses who told the Israelites to keep these Ten Commandments. Never was it mentioned in the gospel that Jesus told us to keep those three commandments. Rather, many times, Jesus himself breached the third Commandment. He always performed healing miracles on Sabbath! So, are Christians exempted from keeping the first three Commandments? Shall we follow Jesus' example not to keep the Sabbath and the other 2 commandments?
Of course not! Jesus teaches us to obey the first three commandments in a different, but perfectly legitimate way. It may even be better than the original way! What did Jesus tell the rich man to do? "Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, then come, follow me." (Mark 10:21) How does this replace the first three Commandments?
First of all, God is invisible. You cannot see God, touch God or smell His presence. But love needs a recipient. How can we love an invisible person, an invisible other? God understands our limitations. So, God sent His beloved Son to incarnate in a human form to teach us. In a human form, God becomes visible. That was Jesus Christ. So, loving Jesus Christ is equivalent to loving God. But Jesus Christ has already returned to the Father! What can we do? To make Himself more accessible, Jesus Christ teaches us how to find him in two different ways. One, in prayer meetings and liturgy like the mass we are celebrating now. Jesus says, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) At this moment, Jesus is in our midst but he is still invisible. Later in our celebration, he becomes visible in the form of the Holy Communion. Yes, it is a mystery of faith and it requires strong faith to be able to see Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion. Don't worry! There is a second more accessible way. Jesus says, "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (25:40) To help us get close to him more easily, Jesus lives among the poor and the needy. When we serve the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the homeless, the sick and the imprisoned, we get in touch with Jesus Christ.
Now, let us take a look at what Jesus asked the rich man to do.
- The first Commandment tells us to worship one God only. In other words, we worship God without reservation. We do not leave room for other idols. Now, Jesus asks the rich man and us to sell all we have and give to the poor in whom we can get in touch with Jesus. Yes, Jesus is demanding a total commitment to love Him. There shall be no room for money or power to become our idols to lord over us. In giving all to the poor, we are obeying the first Commandment.
- The second Commandment forbids us to invoke the name of God in vain. What did Jesus ask the rich man after giving to the poor? Yes, follow Jesus. If you follow Jesus, will you blaspheme Jesus or make fun of his name? Of course not! When we follow Jesus, we invest and commit our whole life to Him. We cannot become enemies of ourselves, can we? Therefore, by following Jesus, we obey the second Commandment.
- The third Commandment instructs us to keep the Sabbath holy. As followers of Jesus, we keep the Lord's Day holy. Therefore, by going to Church to attend Sunday masses, we obey the third Commandment. Through the fulfilment of these three Commandments, we build up good relationships with Jesus Christ. We shall inherit eternal life.
When we do what Jesus tells us to do, not only do we fulfil those three Commandments, but we also do better and do more. None of those three Commandments, not even the remaining seven, tells us to preach the good news of salvation. The Israelites believe that keeping the Ten Commandments would guarantee them a place in heaven. But the Ten Commandments do not tell the Israelites to help other people attain salvation, in particular the non-Jews. To a certain extent, the Jews prejudice against Gentiles. They don't like non-Jews because they have suffered much in the hands of the Gentiles, the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans and even the Samaritans. The Jews believe that they are the Chosen People of God. Other nations should serve them. Thus, they have no intention to preach repentance and salvation to other peoples. As Christians, we understand that all of us were created in the image of God. All of us are God's children and thus we are brothers and sisters because Jesus Christ is our big brother. We have a duty towards the well-being of our brothers and sisters. Therefore, following Jesus means not only that we go to mass on Sundays, but it also means that we should go and share our experience of redemption and liberation with all the people we meet. We follow Jesus and Jesus proclaims the Kingdom of God. Thus we should also proclaim the Kingdom of God in our daily life.
Brethren, the Pope tells us that the Church is under attack from Satan. He summons all of us to say the Rosary daily and ask Archangel Michael to protect us. Thus, in this month of the Rosary, let us follow the Pope's instruction to pray for the protection of the Church.
God bless!
- 第一誡要求我們祇欽崇一個天主。即是說,我們要毫無保留地崇敬天主,我們不可留半點空間給偶像。耶穌要求富少年和我們把所有的一切都施捨給窮困者,在他們的身上便可以找到耶穌。對,耶穌要求一份完全的委身相愛,完全不留半點空間給金錢權勢,讓它們操控我們。把所有的都送給窮困者,我們遵守了第一誡。
- 第二誡禁止我們妄呼天主聖名。耶穌吩咐富少年施捨給窮人之後做甚麼?對,跟隨耶穌。倘若我們跟隨耶穌,我們會褻瀆祂或拿祂的名字開玩笑嗎?當然不會。當我們跟隨耶穌,我們把我們整個生命投放到祂身上,我們總不會與自己為敵嘛!因此,跟隨耶穌,我們遵守了第二誡。
- 第三誡要求我們守安息日為聖日。作為耶穌的門徒,我們守主日為聖日。所以,星期日返聖堂參加主日感恩祭,我們遵守了第三誡。滿全了這三條誡命,我們與耶穌基督建立了良好的關係,我們可以承受永生。