Twenty Sixth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: People of No Integrity
Don't slight the words of Jesus Christ because they were two millennia old and therefore irrelevant. Even today, His words play out right before our eyes!
The unfaithful behaviours of the other son are still performing continuously today. In order not to hand out Severance Payment and Long Service Payment, employers simply shut down the company without prior notice. After a while, they open it again with another name. They keep their eyes on profits and don't care about the quality of their goods and services, not giving a damn to the bankruptcy of their reputation … Strangely, not only do merchants do that, but also the people in power nowadays. They don't demand civil servants to be loyal or citizens to be patriotic. They only require civil servants to sign papers to pledge loyalty to the government, citizens to chant support to the local constitution. They don't bother whether the people genuinely are. To dissidents, they crash without mercy indifferent to the dissidents' patriotism. Admittedly, with the popularity of the Internet, making speeches and voicing opinions do not cost much. Consequently, there is no guarantee to the quality of information floating around. It is difficult to distinguish between whistle-blowers and scaremongers. A reasonable measure to counter this is to keep information flowing freely so that citizens may have access to comprehensive cross checking to tell truth from falsehood. Instead, people in power choose restricting instead of helping journalists in their coverage in order to filter out unfavourable news. This censorship can only result in more seriously selective listening on the part of government …
Do people in power demand little from the citizens? Or dare they not to expect from the citizens who don't deserve respect, thinking that they are ignorant? Is it impossible to prove one's loyalty and patriotism? Or do they simply want to do superficial stuff to meet the demand from their superiors? In doing so, people in power are teaching merchants and citizens alike that it is futile to be honest. It backfires: integrity towards people in power is "destined to fail"! Confucius says, "Integrity towards people is the foundation of governance" (Analect, Yan Hui). How can a government proceed in the opposite direction and succeed? Even emperors who upheld Legalism advocated Confucianism to teach people to obey laws. It is futile to obey the letters of the law and ignore its spirit. Israelite kings refused to listen to exhortations of prophets and led to their own downfalls. The Jewish authority during Jesus' time was pious in front of the people. There was no spirit of the law in their hearts. When Jesus pointed out their mistakes, they became furious and murdered the Son of God! Those who don't learn from history are digging their own graves! Unfortunately, civil servants and citizens become innocent grave goods!
"Tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you" (21:31). They are allowed to enter the kingdom of God because they repent. That is to say, even though they refused to do the Father's will, they may enter when they do the Father's will from now on. In fact, it's insignificant to be the first or the last. "Truth is timeless and seniority in learning doesn't count." Even if tax collectors and prostitutes enter the kingdom of God before the Jewish authority, that doesn't deny their admittance. Although Jesus Christ tells us nothing about what happened to the other son afterwards, we learn from history that God did not abandon the Israelites, even unfaithful kings and hooligans. God made use of foreign forces to conquer and chasten them. At last, He came down Himself to deliver them and all peoples from the bondage of sin. This is God's righteousness, not the kind of tit for tat we seek on earth! The gate to heaven was accessible for the Jewish authority and still is for the people of power today. If they fail to enter the kingdom of God on Judgment Day, they themselves alone are responsible!
In order to enter the kingdom of God, one must forsake wealth (5:3). It is easier for the poor because they don't have much to abandon. Not so for the rich. They have to sacrifice much! Similarly, it is not difficult for public sinners to repent because their sins are always before them (Psalm 51:5). To convince a self-righteous Pharisee to repent is as difficult as persuading a patient, who doesn't think he is sick, to receive treatment! To disqualify a young councillor of his seat is easy, to make a seasoned politician to stand down is difficult! The life of a person who is forced not to empty his heart must be very painful indeed. Interacting with people through masks must be lonely. In order to relieve such pains, one has to harden his heart. In order not to hear unpleasant truth, silence the dissidents. In the end, people in power imprison themselves in a prison of dead silence they build for themselves! In order to vent the frustration of losing freedom, they abuse nearby people who can't defend themselves … However, we are convinced that God will not give up easily. Out of mercy and omnipotence, He shall restore the glory of those tarnished images and make them shine forth in the universe.
Father, "A clean heart creates for me; renew within me a steadfast spirit. Do not drive me from before your face, nor take from me your Holy Spirit" (51:12-13) Amen.
Today, we read of the Parable of Two Sons. In context, it criticised the Jewish leaders who represented the people to worship God. Yahweh was faithful to the pledge He had made to Abraham. He liberated the Israelites from Egypt and set up the "Sinai Covenant" with them. Among all the peoples on earth, God elected the Israelites to be the "Chosen People" (Exodus 19:4-6). Later, the Israelites did not honour the Covenant and worshipped idols, like the other son in the parable who promised to go but did not go (Matthew 21:30). On the other hand, there were Jews in the society, including tax collectors and prostitutes, who were marginalized because they were public sinners who did not obey the law. They were represented by the first son in the parable. At first, they refused to do the Father's will for whatever reasons. But later, they believed the Baptist and repented (21:32). Jesus' teaching is very clear. God doesn't care what you say. He only demands genuine repentance from you, "Which of the two did the father's will?" (21:31)