Third Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Lead A Spirit-filled Life
On Sundays in the Liturgical Year C, the Church mainly reads the third gospel. As explained in the Prolog, Luke the Physician was not the first, or the only person to write biographies of Jesus. His meticulousness in searching for the truth, his elegance in writing style and the theme of mercy earn his opus a place in the New Testament, giving believers in subsequent ages a gospel for meditating how Lord Jesus Christ manifests the mercy of the Blessed Trinity. We know more about the Father and the Son. As for the Holy Spirit, we are rather unfamiliar and the impression is hazy. We should be grateful to Luke the Physician for writing the Acts of the Apostles, telling us how the Holy Spirit animated the Apostles and the early Church to start preaching the gospel of salvation to the whole world. After two millennia, the evangelization target of the Church has not yet achieved. Although she meets many difficulties and persecutions, thanks to the Holy Spirit, she has not given up.
The gospel of Luke couples the words and deeds of Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit. Only the gospel of Luke mentions the Annunciation, proclaiming the mystery of Incarnation, how the Son of God was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin (Luke 1:35). Carrying the Son of God in her womb, the Blessed Virgin Mary was not just full of grace, but also the Holy Spirit! She hurried to visit her cousin Elizabeth, making John the Baptist leap in Elizabeth's womb and she was filled with the Holy Spirit (1:41). After baptism, Jesus Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit who led him into the desert. With the strength of the Holy Spirit, for forty days Jesus Christ was tempted by the Devil (4:1-2). The gospel we read today tells us that after the temptation, "Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news of him spread throughout the whole region." (4:14-15) Today, His destination was Nazareth where he had grown up. Did Jesus Christ come back in triumph? No! His ministry had barely started. The zenith of His public ministry was the Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle when more than ten thousand people were gathered around Him, listening to His preaching and anticipating His cures. Using modern jargon, the purpose of returning to Nazareth was to build up His team and read out His King's Speech!
The Agenda of Jesus Christ is based on the Holy Spirit through whom whatever Jesus does in the future is accomplished. Being anointed makes a person the Messiah, the Liberator. But Jesus Christ was not the sort of anticipated Jewish Messiah who would liberate the Jews from the colonial rule of the Romans. Jesus Christ wants to liberate all the poor, those living under the Roman Empire and the poor all over the world in the future generations as well. Material poverty is easier to discover but more people are intellectually, relationally and spiritually poor. For those who are poor in intelligence, they are not able to tell the genuine from the fake, the right from the wrong. Moreover, they lack interest and knowledge of the Truth. Take a look at the behaviour of users of the social media today and you will see. People who are poor in relations do not know love. In particular, they do not understand the other party's needs, do not respect the other party's dignity and impose their own likes and dislikes unpon the others. Consequently, husbands and wives split, siblings kill each other and comrades become rivals. People who are spiritually deficient do not find life meaningful and the purpose of living. They can only set their eyes to the secular world and cannot establish relationship with our transcendental God.
Jesus Christ declares to all the poor that God is willing to provide for all their needs, material, intellectual, relational as well as spiritual. Isn't this a good news? How does Jesus Christ take care of the needs of all the people? He promises them the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit gives us Understanding, to grasp the hidden revelations in worldly events and to protect us from the confusions caused by worldly ideas. The Holy Spirit gives us Counsel to discern the truth and enables us to make the right choices, to evade from sins. In this way, the Holy Spirit prevents us from investing our finite resources, our Talentum: health, money, time and energy in the wrong kind of products and pour our efforts into the sea. In this way, we become rich and abundant in material, in knowledge, in relations and in spirit.
Throughout history, wars are waged to compete for resources. The victorious would not waste resources to feed the unproductive captives, the injured, the aged and the weak. Those productive ones would become slaves. Jesus Christ comes to declare liberty to captives. There are plenty today. Many people seek not just to feed their families but to earn a more comfortable living standard. Consequently, they become captives of work. Besides losing freedom, they pay a huge price with their health and relations with family members. Some people seek to please all so much so that they play clowns or abandon their principles, willing to become expendables and betray their own souls. Some seek romances and become captives of divas. Some seek honour as well as glory and are willing to become pawns in a power game!
The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ gives us Fortitude which infuses us with courage to confront difficulties and persecutions. The Holy Spirit gives us Knowledge so that we have the capability to know the truth taught by Christ and the Catholic Social Teachings. Together with Fortitude, we can put them into practice. The Holy Spirit gives us Piety to trust humbly in Jesus Christ and His Church. The Holy Spirit gives us the Fear of the Lord to restrain us from doing vainglory but to follow God's will. Lastly, "The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord." (Proverbs 9:10) The Holy Spirit gives us Wisdom which makes us desire the things above more than secular things, desire to know God and to know the Truth that in God we find genuine and eternal satisfaction.
Brethren, being members of the Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, we have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Holy Spirit has anointed us, given us the seven Gifts. We become messiahs and liberators. Today, Jesus Christ delivers His King's Speech, reading from Isaiah 61 in the synagogue. The seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit is found in Isaiah 11. This is no coincidence! Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel help us intellectually find the right path to invest our Talentum. We will no longer be poor and have the ability to preach the good news to all sorts of poor people around us. Fortitude and Knowledge give us the will power to put the spirit of gospel and the Catholic Social Teachings into practice, to liberate captives of all sorts. Lastly, Piety, Fear of the Lord and Wisdom enrich our hearts so that the graces of the Holy Spirit outflow like living waters from the depths of our souls.
God bless!