
Sunday, 27 January 2019

度充滿聖神的生活 Lead A Spirit-filled Life










Third Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Lead A Spirit-filled Life

On Sundays in the Liturgical Year C, the Church mainly reads the third gospel. As explained in the Prolog, Luke the Physician was not the first, or the only person to write biographies of Jesus. His meticulousness in searching for the truth, his elegance in writing style and the theme of mercy earn his opus a place in the New Testament, giving believers in subsequent ages a gospel for meditating how Lord Jesus Christ manifests the mercy of the Blessed Trinity. We know more about the Father and the Son. As for the Holy Spirit, we are rather unfamiliar and the impression is hazy. We should be grateful to Luke the Physician for writing the Acts of the Apostles, telling us how the Holy Spirit animated the Apostles and the early Church to start preaching the gospel of salvation to the whole world. After two millennia, the evangelization target of the Church has not yet achieved. Although she meets many difficulties and persecutions, thanks to the Holy Spirit, she has not given up.

The gospel of Luke couples the words and deeds of Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit. Only the gospel of Luke mentions the Annunciation, proclaiming the mystery of Incarnation, how the Son of God was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin (Luke 1:35). Carrying the Son of God in her womb, the Blessed Virgin Mary was not just full of grace, but also the Holy Spirit! She hurried to visit her cousin Elizabeth, making John the Baptist leap in Elizabeth's womb and she was filled with the Holy Spirit (1:41). After baptism, Jesus Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit who led him into the desert. With the strength of the Holy Spirit, for forty days Jesus Christ was tempted by the Devil (4:1-2). The gospel we read today tells us that after the temptation, "Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news of him spread throughout the whole region." (4:14-15) Today, His destination was Nazareth where he had grown up. Did Jesus Christ come back in triumph? No! His ministry had barely started. The zenith of His public ministry was the Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle when more than ten thousand people were gathered around Him, listening to His preaching and anticipating His cures. Using modern jargon, the purpose of returning to Nazareth was to build up His team and read out His King's Speech!

The Agenda of Jesus Christ is based on the Holy Spirit through whom whatever Jesus does in the future is accomplished. Being anointed makes a person the Messiah, the Liberator. But Jesus Christ was not the sort of anticipated Jewish Messiah who would liberate the Jews from the colonial rule of the Romans. Jesus Christ wants to liberate all the poor, those living under the Roman Empire and the poor all over the world in the future generations as well. Material poverty is easier to discover but more people are intellectually, relationally and spiritually poor. For those who are poor in intelligence, they are not able to tell the genuine from the fake, the right from the wrong. Moreover, they lack interest and knowledge of the Truth. Take a look at the behaviour of users of the social media today and you will see. People who are poor in relations do not know love. In particular, they do not understand the other party's needs, do not respect the other party's dignity and impose their own likes and dislikes unpon the others. Consequently, husbands and wives split, siblings kill each other and comrades become rivals. People who are spiritually deficient do not find life meaningful and the purpose of living. They can only set their eyes to the secular world and cannot establish relationship with our transcendental God.

Jesus Christ declares to all the poor that God is willing to provide for all their needs, material, intellectual, relational as well as spiritual. Isn't this a good news? How does Jesus Christ take care of the needs of all the people? He promises them the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit gives us Understanding, to grasp the hidden revelations in worldly events and to protect us from the confusions caused by worldly ideas. The Holy Spirit gives us Counsel to discern the truth and enables us to make the right choices, to evade from sins. In this way, the Holy Spirit prevents us from investing our finite resources, our Talentum: health, money, time and energy in the wrong kind of products and pour our efforts into the sea. In this way, we become rich and abundant in material, in knowledge, in relations and in spirit.

Throughout history, wars are waged to compete for resources. The victorious would not waste resources to feed the unproductive captives, the injured, the aged and the weak. Those productive ones would become slaves. Jesus Christ comes to declare liberty to captives. There are plenty today. Many people seek not just to feed their families but to earn a more comfortable living standard. Consequently, they become captives of work. Besides losing freedom, they pay a huge price with their health and relations with family members. Some people seek to please all so much so that they play clowns or abandon their principles, willing to become expendables and betray their own souls. Some seek romances and become captives of divas. Some seek honour as well as glory and are willing to become pawns in a power game!

The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ gives us Fortitude which infuses us with courage to confront difficulties and persecutions. The Holy Spirit gives us Knowledge so that we have the capability to know the truth taught by Christ and the Catholic Social Teachings. Together with Fortitude, we can put them into practice. The Holy Spirit gives us Piety to trust humbly in Jesus Christ and His Church. The Holy Spirit gives us the Fear of the Lord to restrain us from doing vainglory but to follow God's will. Lastly, "The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord." (Proverbs 9:10) The Holy Spirit gives us Wisdom which makes us desire the things above more than secular things, desire to know God and to know the Truth that in God we find genuine and eternal satisfaction.

Brethren, being members of the Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, we have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Holy Spirit has anointed us, given us the seven Gifts. We become messiahs and liberators. Today, Jesus Christ delivers His King's Speech, reading from Isaiah 61 in the synagogue. The seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit is found in Isaiah 11. This is no coincidence! Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel help us intellectually find the right path to invest our Talentum. We will no longer be poor and have the ability to preach the good news to all sorts of poor people around us. Fortitude and Knowledge give us the will power to put the spirit of gospel and the Catholic Social Teachings into practice, to liberate captives of all sorts. Lastly, Piety, Fear of the Lord and Wisdom enrich our hearts so that the graces of the Holy Spirit outflow like living waters from the depths of our souls.
God bless!

Saturday, 26 January 2019




俗世的建制所營造的和平,祇是為了保存建制內,一少撮既得利益者的利益,其中的不公義,有目共睹,所以那表面的和平是不穩定的。當四周的環境改變了,現存的制度也要適應新環境,配合改變,否則便會被淘汰。耶穌基督是天主子,惟有祂所傳授的福音,纔會帶來永恆的和平。哪一種和平是好的呢?不證自明! 世上有甚麼人,有能力成為「和平之子」,領受到福音所帶來的和平呢?是那些良善心謙的人(瑪5:3-10),他們在弱肉強食的建制之内,通常是受壓迫者。他們渴求這永恆的和平,他們容易接納福音的價值觀,所以他們是新皮囊,可以把福音新酒裝進去(谷2:22)。「那傳報福音者的腳步,在山上是多麼美麗啊!」(依52:7



As foreigners, missionaries will bring unrest to local people. For example, the Magi from the East came to Jerusalem to look for the Jewish new born king. Consequently all Jerusalem was greatly troubled together with Herod the Great (Matthew 2:1-3). The Magi had discovered and accepted the truth which they brought to the people of Jerusalem. They could be called missionaries. Unfortunately, the Magi did not understand the political climate of the Jews at that time. They brought the truth which shook the existing establishment. The new born king was not the son of Herod the Great. But the baby would one day replace him to become the king of the Jews. How could people not be alarmed! In the same way, missionaries in subsequent ages brought to the local people a gospel which the establishment deemed too revolutionary, the people in power deemed it counter-revolutionary while the oppressed would see it as liberation, a ray of hope to improve their life. How could the whole society be peaceful? No wonder Jesus Christ says, "If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you." (Luke 10:6) Can the gospel bring us genuine peace?

The peace enforced by secular establishment is to protect the interests of a minority. The injustice is crystal clear. This superficial peace is unstable. When new circumstances arise, the establishment needs to adapt to the new environment and make changes. Otherwise, it will be overturned. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Only the peace He teaches in His gospel can bring eternal peace. Which peace is better is obvious!

What kind of people on earth can be "a peaceful person" who can receive the peace brought by the gospel? The meek and humble (Matthew 5:3-10). They are usually the oppressed inside the establishment which is ruled by the law of the jungle. The meek and humble desire eternal peace. They are more receptive to the values of the gospel. They are fresh wineskins into which the new wine of the gospel can be poured (Mark 2:22). "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the one bringing good news!" (Isaiah 52:7)
Lord Jesus Christ! Let us find peace in the gospel and spread it. Amen.

Friday, 25 January 2019








During the Last Supper, Jesus Christ told the disciples that they would be persecuted. "They will expel you from the synagogues; in fact, the hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he is offering worship to God." (John 16:2) How sarcastic it is to worship God by killing people! But this is a portrayal of fanatics. In order to defend the purity of monotheism, Saul went about routing "heretics", persecuting members of the early Church because they worshipped a carpenter rabbi like God! During the Middle Age, Franciscans and Dominicans killed with a clear conscience in the Holy Inquisition!

The gospel passage today tells us, "These signs will accompany those who believe … they will speak new languages." (Mark 16:17) Behold, throughout history, missionaries have studied hard to preach fluently in local languages. They have been very successful. Have you ever imagined how a missionary and an aborigine communicated in their first encounter? Was body language adequate? I believe the Holy Spirit must have helped both sides put away the prejudice of right and wrong, build a bridge of communication for the generations to come through many trials and errors. On the other hand, perhaps some missionaries thought that the local customs were superstitious and needed to be uprooted. The missionaries thought that they possessed the absolute truth and the culture of local savages was backward and primitive. This was lopsided preaching and in the end, primitive tribal cultures were annihilated! With a clear conscience, those missionaries felt that they were offering worship to God! Unbeknown to them, it was cultural intrusion and annihilation.

"Speaking new languages" cannot be achieved with rote learning and imitation alone. We need the grace of the Holy Spirit to down away what we have learnt and to open ourselves up to unfamiliar things. Not only will such an attitude reduce destructive persecutions, but it is also an opportunity of evangelization! After Jesus Christ's intervention, Saul was converted into an outstanding missionary, St. Paul the Apostle.
Lord Jesus Christ! Grant us the Holy Spirit to renew our hearts and wills to learn listening to new languages and new things. Amen.

Thursday, 24 January 2019









Exceedingly learned, gifted with elegance to articulate his ideas but was capable of restraining his haste and anger with temperance, reflections and abstinence; converting many Calvinists with charity and meekness, embracing impolite beggars, treating gossipy women and enemies with kindness, St. Francis de Sales was truly able to manifest the countenance of Jesus Christ before us all. Calling him the Doctor of Charity is no flattery.

Although the pericope today is a piece of connective, it shows how Lord Jesus Christ cares for all. "Jesus withdrew toward the sea with his disciples." (Mark 3:7) It was towards the sea and not the wilderness. Thus, they did not go for a rest, but to prepare for an evangelization event!

Jesus Christ predicted correctly that a large crowd would gather. So, he decided to speak offshore, making use of the coastline to control the crowd and minimize accident! There was fish, thus food supply from the sea. What about water? The sea in the gospel was not actually a sea but a lake which must be fed by rivers. Water supply was no longer a problem.
Besides meeting the physical needs of the crowd, Jesus Christ healed their infirmities and liberated them from demons, thus taking care of their bodily and spiritual needs. We can see how considerate Jesus Christ is. He is irrefutably our Good Shepherd.

Then, Jesus Christ must be unkind to demons. See how "He warned them sternly not to make him known." (3:12) That is not quite right! For us human beings, "For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved," (Romans 10:10) believing and confessing are beneficent but not for demons. They believe in God and tremble (James 2:19), but that does not justify them. They confess but that does not save them. Thus, Jesus Christ stopped them so as not to waste their breath and to confuse us!
Lord Jesus Christ. Increase our charity to understand other people's needs and treat them well. Amen.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

耶穌基督動怒了 Jesus Christ Was Angered







Jesus Christ Was Angered (Mark 3:1-6)

Jesus Christ gives us a merciful impression. He always defends those who oppose and attack him. When he was crucified on the cross, he even asked the Father to forgive them all (Luke 23:34). Therefore, it is very difficult to imagine how Jesus Christ could be angered. He was angered indeed but not the type of unrestrained fury!

In general, when people are infuriated, their emotion flares up and they turn aggressive, doing things which they would later regret. Cain did not heed God's advice to manage his jealousy and fury (Genesis 4:7). Consequently he murdered his brother. From then on, he became an unproductive fugitive (4:12)! Thus, we can see the seriousness of unrestrained fury!

Who had angered Jesus Christ? The Pharisees who were teachers and leaders of the Jews had done it (Mark 6:3). For their own status and interests, they made use of their professional legal knowledge and attempted to create criminal evidences of Jesus Christ. Out of respect for their being Jewish intelligentsia and leaders, Jesus Christ was willing to discuss rationally with them to clarify the spirit of observing the Sabbath (6:4). Unfortunately, they were stubborn and refused to admit their errors and to repent. Jesus was angered!

How did Jesus express his anger? "Looking around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart" (3:5), Jesus expresses his anger only with his stare and his anger was grievous and mournful (Matthew 5:4). After all, Jesus Christ is merciful. He felt sorry for the Pharisees who were enslaved by their own knowledge (5:7). Immediately following his anger was not violence but healing (Mark 3:5)! Lord Jesus Christ, how can I not admire you!
Lord Jesus Christ, grant us a mournful and merciful heart to love those who deliberately attack us. Amen.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019







Is it wrong to observe the law? Of course not!
But when we forget the intention of legislation, which is for the benefit of men, "The Sabbath was made for men." (Mark 2:27), observing the law is futile. That is to say, observing the law blindly or unconsciously is observing the law, but it benefits nobody! It would be a worse crime to make use of the law to harm people. When the Pharisees accused Jesus for not instructing his disciples properly, letting them do "what is unlawful on the Sabbath" (2:24), they were using the law to harm Jesus. How wicked they were!

Our Master is very understanding. He understands that it is easy for people who observe the law rigidly to trap themselves inside a contracting iron cell. Their hearts and minds are exhausted and in need of liberation. How do we liberate them?
Since they are conservative, our Master "brings from their storeroom both the new and the old." (Matthew 13:52) Right! Tell them history! Conservative people enjoy taking lessons from history. Hopeful, hitting on their likes would teach them the spirit of observing the law. The law seeks righteousness. But God's righteousness is love, mercy and salvation. Thus, the spirit of the law is not only righteousness but also mercy. Keeping the Sabbath, fasting and circumcision etc. are made for the good of men! Is keeping the Sabbath not to remember how God liberated the Israelites from slavery (Deuteronomy 5:15)? Then, isn't relieving people from difficulty on Sabbath doing God's will? Although David broke the letters of the law, he was actually practising the spirit of the law. The Pharisees dared not to accuse David of doing wrong. By extrapolation, our Master was not doing wrong too. Unfortunately, the Pharisees did not seem to understand the concept of extrapolation. Jesus could help them no more.
Lord Jesus Christ, we are willing to learn from you, to consider from the others' point of view and to instruct the ignorant. Amen.

Monday, 21 January 2019









When you trust in the Lord and work conscientiously, somebody speaks ill of you before you or behind your back; and even accuse you before your boss without letting you know. Christians, what should you do? Learn from your Master!

For of all, your Master always prays to seek the Father's will. Thus, the first step you should take is to evaluate whether you have done anything wrong without knowing it. Or perhaps have you forgotten God temporarily so that He sends a complainant to wake you up? Frankly, if the complainant criticizes you behind your back, you have no opportunity to explain and he has no opportunity to know the truth. There is nothing you can you. Dig him up to clarify? It won't work! If he wants to know the truth, he won't make anonymous complaints. So, you can only pray for him, hoping that he will understand one day.

If he confronts and complains you, it shows that he wants to know the truth. But even before you explain, you should also stop to think. How understanding your Master is! "New wine is poured into fresh wineskins." (Mark 2:22) The complainant does not have your experiences. He may not understand or appreciate your new style of working. "No one who has been drinking old wine desires new, for he says, ‘The old is good.'"(Luke 5:39) At this moment, out of charity and for his dignity, try to explain yourself in parables. Don't argue with reasons and injure fraternity! Would parables work? God knows! I am afraid after hearing the parable of the bridegroom and wedding guests, the disciples of John the Baptist and Pharisees would never accept your Master's explanation even on the day they died! Between soft parables and hard reasons, I prefer soft ones!

Christians! Love those who criticize you! Your Master did it! Bearing wrongs patiently is a spiritual work of mercy!
Lord Jesus Christ, increase our charity to do more spiritual works of mercy, in particular, bearing wrongs patiently. Amen.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

我的時刻尚未來到 My Hour Has Not Yet Come




但是,為甚麼當聖母瑪利亞向耶穌基督,提出主人家的困窘時,耶穌基督的反應,「女人,這於我和妳有甚麼關係? 我的時刻尚未來到。」(若2:4),是如此冷漠呢?耶穌基督不是樂意幫助有困難的人嗎?為甚麼祂覺得主人家缺酒,與祂沒有關係呢?兩母子一起生活了三十年,雖然未到心有靈犀的境界,但聖母熱心助人,關顧別人的需要,是基督徒的好榜樣,耶穌基督是欣賞的。那麼,二話不說,直接行個神蹟,解決了當前的困難,不是很好嗎?最後,祂不是行了第一個神蹟,把水變成了酒,解決了主人家的困難嗎?耶穌基督對聖母的答覆,豈不是多此一舉嗎?所以,耶穌基督的答覆,必定別具意義,值得我們默想!

耶穌基督在若望福音中,很喜歡運用「時刻」或者 「時辰」一辭,共10節;另外,若望也說了兩次,猶太人想捉拿耶穌基督,但沒有成功,「因為他的時辰還沒有到。」(7:308:20)可見,在若望福音所說「耶穌基督的時刻」,是指祂公開傳福音直到在十字架上受難和往後的復活。當時,耶穌基督祇是應邀出席婚宴,尚未公開傳道,所以祂的時刻尚未來到。這種解釋,未免太迂腐了!婚宴不也是一個傳福音很好的場合嗎?耶穌基督曾運用「婚宴」來比喻「天國」,那麼,在婚宴上宣講天國的道理,不是最貼切嗎?所以,耶穌基督這樣「冷漠」地回覆聖母瑪利亞,好像嫌棄她麻煩,必定有所教訓。






Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Theme: My Hour Has Not Yet Come

The Catholic Social Teachings stress the kingship role of the Church to work on behalf of God to opt for the poor and to serve the poor in the society. CST also stress the prophetic role of the Church to proclaim the righteousness of God and speak up for the oppressed. However, some who know a bit about CST turn around to criticize the Hong Kong Diocese for their amiable relationship with the rich and powerful. In some unfair situations in their eyes, the Diocese have not stood up for the oppressed etc. Although the motherly Church is not offended, she will not ignore such criticisms. We hope that this Year of the Youth can be a good occasion to exchange opinions and to promote mutual understanding.

Indeed, option for the poor and maintaining an amiable relationship with the rich and powerful is not mutually exclusive, unless you prejudice against the rich and powerful while you serve the poor! Did Jesus prejudice against the rich? No! Take a look at the gospel today. Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana. Servants serving in a wedding were no surprise, but the six stone water jars for ceremonial washings (John 2:6) show that the house must be a big one. There was even a headwaiter to taste the wine before serving (2:8). How could it be a house of commoners? Besides, Jesus Christ took the initiative to stay at the house of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:5); did not mind healing the servant of a Roman centurion (7:9). Lastly, it was Joseph of Arimathea, a distinguished member of the council, who buried Jesus Christ (Mark 15:43). Thus, Jesus Christ does not prejudice against the rich, the powerful, the poor and the aliens. In His merciful gaze, there is no difference between people in need, be they poor or rich, oppressed or powerful!

But why was Jesus' answer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, when she mentioned the embarrassment of the host, so indifferent? "Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come." (John 2:4) Isn't Jesus Christ happy to help the needy? Why isn't he bothered when the host has no more wine? Mother and son have been living together for thirty years. Though their minds have not yet become one, Jesus Christ should appreciate the BVM's eagerness to help the needy which is a good Christian exemplar. Then wouldn't it be good to work a miracle immediately without much ado to solve the host's problem? Wasn't Jesus Christ's answer to the BVM a bit superfluous? Thus, there must be deeper meanings in the Jesus Christ's answer which is worth meditating!

In the gospel of John, Jesus Christ uses the word "hour" in more than 10 verses. Besides, John also says twice "His hour has not yet come" (7:30, 8:20) when the Jews tried to arrest Jesus and failed. Thus, in the gospel of John, "the hour of Jesus Christ" means his public ministry up to his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection. At that time, Jesus Christ was only a guest at a wedding. He had not begun his public evangelization. Thus his hour has not yet come. This explanation is a bit too narrow-minded. Isn't a wedding banquet not a good evangelization occasion? Jesus Christ makes use of wedding banquets to symbolize the Kingdom of Heaven. Then isn't it the more appropriate to proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven at a wedding banquet? Thus, the "indifferent" manner with which Jesus Christ answered the BVM, seemingly rejecting her intervention must have some special teachings.

Indeed, God has everything under His control. Didn't Jesus Christ know before the BVM told him that the host had no wine? Did he need the BVM's reminder? He must have known and planned to act when the time comes, such as multiplying the remaining wine, like five loaves and two fish. The BVM spoke to her son that the host had no wine. It was charity which as a son must be familiar. But here, Jesus Christ answered the BVM as the Son of God, reminding her that "There is an appointed time for everything." His hour has not come yet. The eagerness of BVM as a human being is understandable. As God, Jesus Christ knows it all. We have to put our trust fully in Him! The BVM did not disappoint Jesus Christ. Full of faith, she told the servants to do whatever he told them. (2:5)

Indeed, "There is an appointed time for everything ... a time to give birth, and a time to die." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2)
When the late Bishop Michael Yeung was on his deathbed, although the Diocese appealed the faithful to pray for the recovery of the Bishop, less than three hours later, the Bishop passed away. The Diocese was taken by surprise. Is prayer useless? Not everybody is as blessed as the BVM. Whatever she requests from Jesus Christ, it is granted her. What about us? Is our faith too weak? Yes, our faith is too fragile! It is because we insist on what we desire and have not allowed God time to act! Before the Vatican signs a temporary agreement on the appointment of bishops with People's Republic of China, we refused to believe that the Church had any dealing with an atheist regime. After signing the agreement, many people are disappointed because the outcome doesn't follow their wishes. They suspect that the Church in China has been betrayed by the Roman Curia. After the death of Bishop Michael Yeung, many people want Bishop Ha to take over. It turns out that the Roman Curia appointed Cardinal John Tong to be the Apostolic Administrator to handle the transition. Again, this disappoints many faithful who feel that the Curia bent her knees to the atheist regime etc. Let's think about it. Had Jesus Christ refused the request of the BVM, refused to turn water into wine in Cana, would you be disappointed?

Please, do not rely on miracles to solve problems. It is a temptation that weakens our faith! Didn't the Devil ask Jesus Christ to jump down from the top of the Temple? Didn't the people tease Jesus, asking him to jump down from the cross so that they might believe in him? Some people remain ignorant even seeing a miracle face to face. Miracles just don't work. The headwaiter and the bridegroom are examples. Bear this in mind. Miracles show God's love for men. God makes our lives more abundant with miracles. In fact, Jesus Christ has absolute freedom to refuse icing the cake with the best wine. But Jesus Christ wants us to receive the gospel, to turn a life of poverty like plain water into a joyful and fulfilled life like good wine. Thus, even though his hour has not yet come, he has not yet begun his public ministry, Jesus Christ is happy to make our life more joyful and more fulfilled.

After the miracle, the headwaiter and bridegroom remained ignorant, but the servants knew. How would these humble servants respond? Perhaps they might follow Jesus! The BVM saw everything and reflecting on them in her heart. Three years later under the cross, when Jesus Christ called her "Woman" once more (John 19:26), at last, she understood all! The disciples, including John who wrote the gospel, saw his glory and began to believe in him (2:11) and were crowned with laurel wreaths of faith in the days to come.
Brethren, do we impose our will on God when we pray? Or do we seek the Father's will, allowing Him time to unfold His plan? Do we really need to see miracles to believe in God?
God bless!

Sunday, 13 January 2019

受洗穿上基督 Baptized and Clothed with Christ


在聖誕期,基督徒慶祝天主子降生成人的奧蹟,祂把卑微的人性,提昇到高超的神性。今天是整個聖誕期的最後一天,明天是常年期第一周的星期一了。上一個星期的「主顯節」,慶祝天主聖子把自己,啟示給代表所有外邦人的東方賢士。今天的「主受洗節」,是「主顯節」的另一個表達方式。它慶祝天主聖三,把自己啟示給所有的人。天主子耶穌基督接受若翰的洗禮後, 祈禱的時候,天開了(路3:21)。古代的人所認識的「天」,不是今天我們所認識的外太空,而是天主的居所!所以,耶穌基督祈禱的行動,從下而上,打開了天門,貫通了人間和上天。從前,祇有天主纔能打開天門,與受造界溝通。今天,作為人類一份子的天主子一樣可以做!於是,天主聖神降臨到人間,人類又再一次可以聽到天父的聲音了!




各位兄弟姊妹,記得「聖神七恩」是甚麼嗎?倘若忘記了,彌撒後尋找答案吧!記得耶穌基督所教訓的成聖之道,「山中聖訓」嗎?倘若忘記了,彌撒後翻查瑪竇福音第五至七章溫習吧!有勇氣在這俗世實踐這些具有挑戰性的教訓嗎?不用怕,一會兒領聖體,帶著耶穌基督到街上、回到家裡、學校裡、公司裡 。有耶穌基督在一起,成聖又有何難呢?


Feast of The Baptism of the Lord, Year C
Theme: Baptized and Clothed with Christ

During Christmas Season, we celebrate the Mystery of Incarnation. The Son of God took up the humble humanity and elevated it to supernatural divinity. Today is the last day of the Christmas Season. Tomorrow will be the Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time. Last Sunday was the Solemnity of Epiphany. We celebrated the revelation of the Son of God to the Oriental Magi who represented all Gentiles. Today is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It is another expression of Epiphany. It celebrates the revelation of the Blessed Trinity to humanity. After Jesus Christ, the Son of God, "had been baptized and was praying, heaven was opened." (Luke 3:21) The "heaven" which ancient peoples knew was not the same outer-space we know today. It was the abode of God! Thus, Christ's prayer opened up heaven from below, connecting the world with heaven. Previously, only God could open up heaven to communicate with His Creation. Today, as a member of humanity, the Son of God is able to do the same! Thus, the Holy Spirit came down to earth. Men were able to hear the Father's voice once more!

The Baptist's mission was to bear witness to Jesus Christ, telling the Jews that he was not the Messiah they were expecting because the Messiah was mightier. He was not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. Why? It was because John baptized with water but the Messiah would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. (3:16) John was not the Messiah. Jesus Christ is. It is because after his Ascension, Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to descend upon the 120 disciples in the signs of strong wind, blast and tongues of fire to establish the Church (Acts 2). Thus, other than those who receive baptism on the verge of death, all of us have received / will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to seal our baptism. Didn't the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus Christ after his baptism? (Luke 3:22)

As for Baptism, St. Paul the Apostle has this teaching, "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." (Galatians 3:27) What does "clothed with Christ" mean? This reminds me of a famous story in Genesis. Isaac, the son of Abraham had a pair of twins called Esau and Jacob. Esau the elder brother was hairy, sporty and loved hunting. The younger brother Jacob was quiet and loved thinking. One day, Jacob cheated Esau's birth right with a bowl of lentil stew. The author of Genesis criticizes Esau for treating his right as firstborn with disdain but does not condemn Jacob for taking advantage of his brother's weaknesses! (Gensis 25:34) Later, Esau married two Gentile women who became a source of bitterness to his parents.(26:35) Subsequently, Isaac was old and his sight had failed. He wanted to bless Esau before he died. Their mother persuaded Jacob to put on Esau's cloth which carried Esau's fragrance. (27:27) "Becoming" Esau, Jacob successfully received the firstborn blessing! Had Isaac not suspected this "Esau" was Jacob (27:22)? Is God blind like Isaac so that He cannot tell Christians who "clothed with Christ" from Jesus Christ? Of course not! God genuinely loves humanity, like Isaac who loved his two sons. Isaac preferred believing Jacob to be Esau and blessed him! Similarly, God wills to redeem the fallen humanity, prefers to trust us and bless us. To answer the question above, what does "clothed with Christ" mean? It means to become another Christ! We think as Christ thinks, speak as Christ speaks and act as Christ acts!

To quote the Blessed Virgin Mary, "How can this be?" (Luke 1:34) Simple. It is the Sacrament of Confirmation. Through this sacrament, the baptized would receive the Holy Spirit and its strength from the seven gifts, a fragrance of Christ. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit help us think like Jesus Christ, seeking the will of God. They help us speak like Jesus Christ, proclaiming the gospel and the teachings of the Kingdom of Heaven. They help us act like Jesus Christ, liberating people from all sorts of poverty: not only material poverty, but also intellectual, relational and spiritual poverties. That is to say, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit help us lead a life of "Clothed with Christ"! In this way, the Father's word to Jesus Christ also applies to us. Those of us who have received the Sacrament of Initiation have clothed with Christ and become the well-pleased sons of God. (3:22) The Son of God came down to take up flesh in order to elevate humanity to divinity, to partake in the eternal life of the Blessed Trinity. Thus, the ultimate target in life is sanctification. Receiving baptism is the first step!

Brethren, do you remember the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit? Forgotten? No problem. Check them out after mass! Do you remember the way to sanctification, the Sermon on the Mount? Forgotten? No problem. Look up Matthew chapters five to seven after mass. Do you have the courage to practise those challenging teachings? Don't worry. We shall receive the Holy Communion and carry Jesus Christ with us on the street, in our home, school or office. With Jesus Christ, sanctification is not beyound reach!
God bless!

Sunday, 6 January 2019

送禮給主耶穌 Giving a Gift to Lord Jesus

主顯節 ,丙年


說到送禮誠意的問題,大家可否記得福音中,曾記述一個婦人,用價值約300塊銀錢的香液為耶穌洗頭的故事嗎(谷14:3-9)?猶達斯曾批評此舉浪費,說把這300塊銀錢施捨窮人更實際(若12:5)!300塊銀錢即300日的工資。以一天工作八小時計算,今天的最低工資是$34.5,合共$82,800,如果用來買飯派發給露宿者,的確可以供給約3,000人,每人一盒飯。歌劇「萬世巨星Jesus Christ Super Star」中,猶達斯唱的歌詞就說:「飢寒交迫的人比你的腳和頭髮更為重要」。但猶達斯是出於偽善,纔為窮人發聲!耶穌為婦人的愛心辯護,說「她是為了安葬自己」之餘(12:7),耶穌亦維護猶達斯的尊嚴,並沒有揭穿他的偽善,祇是說了一句「你們常有窮人和你們在一起,至於我,你們卻不常有。」(12:8)這個故事,一再告訴我們,天主不看表面,祇看人的心,看人的誠意(撒上16:7)。



2016 講道

Epiphany, Year C
Theme: Giving a Gift to Lord Jesus

I believe all of you, especially children, must have received many birthday presents, as well as suffering headache figuring out what birthday presents to give. Money-wise, birthday presents can be low-cost such as a birthday card or a birthday cake. They can be expensive such as the latest model of i-phone or even jewellery. Value-wise, they can be impracticable, such as hiring the world renowned cellist Ma Yau Yau to play "Happy Birthday to you" at your party. Giving birthday presents is really brain-bending. Thus many people simply give money in the form of lai-see. Although it is pragmatic, it lacks sincerity. Right! Besides considering the statuses of both parties, sincerity is the primary concern. Money or value are secondary. Thus, we should not criticize a boy-friend who gives 999 roses on his girl-friend's birthday for being extravagant. It is not. Rather, it is romantic!

Talking about sincerity reminds me of a gospel story. A woman anointed Jesus with an ointment worth more than 300 silver pieces (Mark 14:3-9). Judas criticized her for being wasteful and said that giving 300 silver pieces to the poor benefited more people (John 12:5)! Three hundred silver pieces were the wage of 300 days of labour. Take an eight-hour working day and the minimum wage today of $34.5 per hour, gives $82,800. If we buy lunchboxes for the homeless, surely more than 3000 people would benefit. In the musical, Jesus Christ Superstar, Judas sings, "People who are hungry, people who are starving matter more than your feet and hair!". Of course, Judas voiced for the poor out of hypocricy. Jesus defended the charity of the woman, saying "she keeps this for the day of my burial" (12:7). But Jesus also defended the dignity of Judas without exposing his hypocricy. Jesus simply says, "You have the poor always with you, but me you have not always." (12:8) This story affirms once more that God does not look on outward appearance, but on the heart, on the sincerity (1 Samuel 16:7).

Let us take a look at the gifts of the Magi to the Holy Infant!
Without doubt, gold, frankincense and myrrh are precious gifts. Unfortunately, they are not practicable. Medically, myrrh kills pain. Thus when Jeus was hanging on the cross, some people "gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh; but he received it not." (Mark 15:23) According to customs, Jews anointed the dead with myrrh before burial. Thus, giving myrrh to infant Jesus was not practical. It only symbolizes the prophetic role of Jesus Christ and his being truly human.
Frankincense was only used in Temple sacrifices. It found no use in daily life. Thus, giving frankincense was even more impractical. It only symbolizes the priestly role of Jesus Christ and his being truly divine.
Among the three gifts, gold should be the most practical, righ? Wrong! In ordinary daily life, would you buy groceries with gold? What mega-value transactions do you need gold? In particular, for low-class commoners, possessing gold could be problematic. Where did the gold come from? From robbery? Thus, receiving gold as birthday present is useless. It only symbolizes the kingship of Jesus Christ! The Magi's presents not only show their sincerity, but they also manifest the many roles of Jesus Christ. He is truly divine and truly human. This is the Incarnation Mystery. Moreoever, these gifts summarize the three most crucial ministries of divine-human interactions in the Old Testament: king, priest and prophet.

Men offer God gifts usually in the form of sacrifice and sacrifices are presided by priests. Brethren! No problem. Through baptism, we belong to Christ and share his threefold ministries. One of them is priesthood. Thus, we are qualified to preside over this sacrifice. But we are only humble creatures and all we have are given by God. Jesus Christ is truly divine. Then, what can we offer to Jesus Christ? From the story of Abel, we know that God loves our sincerity. Therefore, we should offer our best to Jesus Christ.
We were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). So, God is the author of our life and we are only stewards of this life. Since this life has been contaminated by the Original Sin and missed the glory of God, the most sincere gift we can offer God is a life restored of God's glory, a sanctified life. The Father sent Jesus Christ to save mankind and to teach us the way of sanctification. Therefore, no gift for the Holy Infant is better than leading a life according to the Beatitudes taught by Jesus Christ, a life of sanctification. Here, I appeal to you once more, study and learn from "Gaudete et Exsultate", the Apostolic Exhortation which Pope Francis issued last year. Put the effort of our whole life into practizing sanctification in the modern world. Then, we may offer this sanctified life to the Holy Infant!
God bless!