
Sunday, 29 August 2021

守法怎樣顯出有智慧 Obeying the Law Shows Wisdom










Twenty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Obeying the Law Shows Wisdom

There is a common thread running through the three readings today, namely “wisdom”. Although the first reading is an excerpt, I’m sure all of you are capable of looking up the text in full. The second reading mentions the “word that is able to save our souls” (James 1:21). This “word of truth” which gave us birth (1:18) can only be grasped by wisdom!

Let’s get back to the first reading. When Moses taught the Israelites the commandments, he told them “See, I am teaching you the statues and ordinances as the Lord, my God, has commanded me” (Deuteronomy 4:5a) and continues, “Observe them carefully, for this is your wisdom and discernment in the sight of the peoples” (4:6). Other peoples would see wisdom and discernment in the Israelites who observe commandments!
To a certain extent, laws are carriers of truth. For example, laws discovered by natural sciences capture wonderful truths of Mother Nature. They reflect God’s creative wisdom! Laws applied to societies can’t stray from the truth. For example, repaying debts is a law which protects private property. It shows the truth of justice. To be honest, some laws are set up to facilitate interpersonal interactions only and may not be related to truth. For example, speeding on highway is dangerous, but driving too slowly creates congestions! Therefore, laws are set up to regulate speeding.
Let’s return to Moses’ laws. Is the design of Moses’ laws full of wisdom, or are the Israelites themselves so wise that other peoples think that they have wisdom and discernment? From the perspective of Deuteronomy, it is the former. It is because the Old Testament always criticizes the Israelites “a stiff-necked people” (Exodus 32:9, Deuteronomy 9:6). Thus, Moses’ laws themselves are so perfect that whoever observe them, be they Israelites or Gentiles, will show wisdom and discernment.

Then, are men really that incompetent and good for nothing?
Undeniably, without laws, men lose direction and make mistakes easily. But without men to enforce them, laws are dead letters. Thus, men and laws tangle and are symbiotic. Letters are dead but men are alive. If laws are enforced by people who ignore the spirit of the law, even perfect laws would become a slaughter house! In a similar manner, in the hands of judges who follow the Rule of Law, sensible and convincing sentences can be meted out even under flawed legislations. Therefore, it is men who play the major roles. The crux of the issue is whether the observers or the enforcers of the law follow the spirit of the law or self-interests, or what Jesus enumerates today in the gospel: “evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly” (Mark 7:21-22) What consequences would it cause when people don’t observe the laws according to the spirit of the law? Citizens would evade responsibilities and pass the buck to others. What about not enforcing the laws according to the Rule of Law? Authority abuses and self-fattening would be rampant. Commoners would grumble and destabilize the society!

When observing/enforcing the laws turns from helping people live (Deuteronomy 4:1) to self-fattening, God, would you simply fold your hands and do nothing?
From the laws He gave, we see that God is righteous (4:8). But that doesn’t imply that God would immediately chase after the abusers. From Abraham’s bargaining with God over Sodom (Genesis 18:22-33), or Moses’ intercession for the Israelites who were worshipping idol below Mount Sinai (Exodus 32:7-14), we see the merciful face of the Old Testament God behind His righteousness. Later, the prophet would say, “Do I find pleasure in the death of the wicked? Do I not rejoice when they turn from their evil way and live?” (Ezekiel 18:23) In New Testament time, God’s mercy overwrites everything! That is to say, God “is patient and is kind. He is not jealous, is not pompous, is not inflated, is not rude, does not seek His own interests. He is not quick-tempered. He does not brood over injury, does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. He bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. He never fails.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a) This patience and tolerance is the wisdom of God, an edifying and life-giving wisdom. When Paul sang this ode of love, perhaps without knowing it, he sang praises to God. Indirectly, Paul says, “God is love.” (1 John 4:8)

More than that, God reserves vengeance for Himself (Romans 12:19) so that we will not be accountable for the bloodguilt which we are unable to repay. That is to say, He has already suggested that He would shoulder all the bloodguilt Himself! In concrete terms, the Son of God would incarnate and be crucified to repay all the bloodguilt for men! What sinners should do is simply to invoke God. Just as it is written in the first reading today, “For what great nation is there that has gods so close to it as the Lord, our God, is to us whenever we call upon him?” (Deuteronomy 4:7). God, sinners are spoiled by Your mercy! However, I won’t encourage you to take advantage of God. Don’t ever think that God is infinitely merciful. He would give us infinite opportunities to repent and infinite grace to live. Therefore, we may sin and gratify all our desires without any worries. St. Paul asks a similar question, “Shall we sin … because we are under grace?” (Romans 6:15)

Frankly, infinitely merciful God will give us infinite number of opportunities to repent and infinite amount of grace to live. The problem is we are mere negligible creatures. We don’t have eternity to enjoy those infinite opportunities and grace. More seriously, the longer we imbue in sins, the weaker our ability to absorb grace so much so that our hearts become hardened. Then we don’t want to repent, don’t feel the need to repent or we despair, thinking that our sins are so grave that we are irredeemable. Like Judas, the only exit is suicide!
From this perspective, obeying the laws is truly wise! First of all, observing the laws prevents us from submerging in sins, having our hearts hardened and forsaking repentance. Secondly, observing the law can restrain our impulses. We are able to channel our energy to do public good and not doing harm to the innocent. Lastly, being restrained, we have the motive to develop our potentials and the opportunity to sublime and even transcend our nature to sanctification!

Brethren! God gives us commandments not to restrict our freedom but to help us exercise our freedom in an appropriate manner. When we observe the laws, we shouldn’t passively obey the letters of the laws. Instead, we should consciously live up the spirit of the laws and advocate some categorical morality. For our good and for the good of all, observe and enforce the laws with the spirit of rule of law is a wise choice.
God bless!

Sunday, 22 August 2021

天主聖言的生命力 The Vitality of God’s Word











Twenty First Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Vitality of God’s Word

Confronting the first temptation from the Tempter in the wilderness, Jesus Christ simply replied, “It is written: ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3) Thus, if Catholics want to lead a vigorous religious life, they must put equal emphasis on receiving the Holy Eucharist as well as bible studies. Otherwise, they need to double up their efforts and yet reap less. No matter how diligent they receive the Holy Communion, but no bible studies, or on the contrary, they study the bible intensely but do not receive the sacraments, it would be fruitless in the end! Catholic masses emphasize both the Word of God and the Holy Communion. They start with the Liturgy of the Word in which they listen to the teaching of the Lord attentively to prepare their hearts and souls. Then in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, they receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion to unite with the Lord. Therefore, Catholics emphasize Sunday masses which they see as the zenith of their life. Take a look at the gospels. Jesus usually preached before He met the needs of the crowd and worked miracles. Thus, the organization of the masses agrees with the modus operandi of the Son of God.

In masses on the last few consecutive Sundays, we reflect on Jesus’s teachings of the “bread of life” in the gospel of John. Obviously, these teachings are extremely important. For the benefits of our souls and for honouring His pledges in the last verse of the gospel of Matthew (Matthew 28:20), Jesus Christ left behind the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. For us Catholics, the Holy Communion is the bread of life. It is easy for us to understand how a piece of bread supplies the energy our bodies need. But how does the Word of God supply us energy for our life? Today, Jesus says, “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” (John 6:63) clearly shows that His words, i.e. the words of God, are words that vitalize the life of men! Let us meditate on the meaning of this verse.

Men have in turn created all sorts of languages to communicate with machines, animals and other men. For example, computer languages to control machines, sign languages to instruct animals in shows, mathematical languages, musical languages and art languages to preserve our cultural heritages. Of course, there are also natural languages for human communications on daily basis. The languages mentioned above can broadly be divided into two groups. The first group deals with machines and animals for utilitarian purposes. They are successful when they are able to achieve the greatest benefits. They don’t need to care about the personhood and dignity of the objects because machines and animals are not persons. But the second group communicates with human beings. They involve building up relationships with another person. Things become more complicated. Not only does the communication pass on information, but it also contains emotional elements. Thus, on top of passing on instructions and information, human languages convey feelings, rant emotions and motivate people. Words teach the truth and cheat. They console and humiliate. They persuade rivals to compromise and also are war cries to sacrifice all … Therefore even human languages can be extremely powerful! Then, what about God’s words?

Through the observations of the visible universe, we are able to draw a conclusion with certainty: it has a beginning. In the beginning, there were no human beings. Therefore, all narrations of the genesis of the universe in all civilizations can only be handed down as legends. Don’t despise these legends and myths because they attempt to answer questions all human beings are born to ask: from where we came from, where we shall go and how this universe came about. Today, we slight those ancient genesis stories. In a similar manner, humanity in the future would tease the Big Bang Theory we hold dear today. All genesis narratives in all civilizations carry political agendas to serve the ruling class. The Jewish book of Genesis is a little bit different because it was written during the Babylonian captivity when the Israelites were conquered and exiled. Thus, there are less elements to support the ruling class and is therefore relatively more objective! Its narratives sing less praises to violence. God only used words to create all. Moreover, the Genesis narratives are progressive, thus allowing room for evolutionary interpretation. They describe creation as building up order from something “without form or shape” (Genesis 1:2) leaving aside any controversy over creatio ex nihilo. This narrative confines itself to the visible universe only, “Let there be light” (1:3), leaving blank what came before. It is silent on the matter of the genesis of angels and devils. This is a measured and responsible narrative. The zenith of the creation of the visible universe was the creation of men because they were created in the image of God (1:26). This narrative advocates the equality of men who are endorsed with dignity. Thus, among the genesis narratives of all civilizations, I personality think that the Genesis narrative of the Jewish Scripture is superior.

There are two narratives of the creation of man in Genesis. The second one is livelier and more dramatic. First of all, “The Lord God formed the man out of the dust of the ground,” (Genesis 2:7a) Why did God use “the dust of the ground”? It didn’t look scientific and man looked worthless which contradicts the narration of chapter one!
Firstly, in chapter two the author portrays God as a potter and man was His masterpiece! Thus, this narration does not debase the dignity of man and does not contradict chapter one. It is scientific because after his death, all the materials of a man, whether it is burial or cremation or what not, return to earth, obeying the law of conservation of matter! From the Biblical standpoint, man is a local product of this planet. Don’t ever fancy that we were seeded by colonists from outer space!

But the most crucial point comes from the second half of the verse, “The Lord God … blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul.” (2:7b) In other words, without this breath of life, man was only a clay statue. With God’s breath, man came alive. Moreover, he became a living soul.
What does “a living soul” mean? It means it is able to transcend its nature. For example, the nervous structure of animals does not enable an animal to understand human thoughts and feelings. It is their limitation. However, many pets and even animals seem to be able to communicate with their masters and understand their masters’ thoughts. For example, in record there were cows to be butchered which knelt and shed tears. It seemed that they were begging their masters not to slaughter them! We describe such animals as “spirited” because their performance transcends their nature.
What does “a living soul” mean when it is applied to men? It means men are able to transcend human nature. One day, they would be supernatural! On the other hand, lacking God’s breath of life, even when men came alive, they were mere animals. When God breathed the breath of life into the clay statue, not only did the breath give life, but it also urged the man to transcend its clay nature and sublimate to higher levels. This is human destiny!

Naturally, we are eager to know what this “breath of life” is!
Let us fast-forward to the first Easter Sunday. John the apostle tells us that the risen Christ appeared to the disciples, “He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’”(John 20:22) This verse and the Genesis verse together form an inclusio. Firstly, Jesus Christ is the Lord God mentioned in Genesis. Secondly, He is the source of spiritual life. Thirdly, the breath of life is the Holy Spirit. This breath, this Holy Spirit animates our life. This is easy to understand. But how does it relate to the words Jesus Christ has spoken to us?
In fact, the relationship is simple because speaking relies on breathing. Are you able to speak without breath? When Jesus Christ breathed on the disciples, He was proclaiming His identity as the Creator. During His public ministry, the Son of God usually performed miracles which conquered the elements to assert His divinity. But the modus operandi of God, i.e. Jesus’ modus operandi is always to do His will with minimum force. Therefore, He simply says, “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (6:63) without further performing a miracle to support it!

Brethren! Invoke the Holy Spirit! May the Holy Spirit support us, like Peter, to understand that only Jesus Christ has the words of eternal life. We have nowhere to go (6:68). May the Holy Spirit enkindle in us a passion for the Word of God, study the bible attentively and share it with others. In this way, may we transcend our nature to attain eternal life.
God bless!

Sunday, 15 August 2021

論聖母蒙召升天的重要性 The Importance of the Assumption of the BVM










2015 Reflection

Solemnity of the Assumption of the BVM
Theme: The importance of the Assumption of BVM

Catholicism is absolutely not superstitious because her theology has gone through a thousand years of debates, been purified and therefore absolutely rational. It is impossible to comprehend without sufficient philosophical training. Thus, this extremely rational faith and worship can never turn people superstitious. However, if a religion is rational only, it is at most a sort of worldview which is not able to motivate people to seek martyrdom. In fact, the power of religions lies not in their creeds but in their cultivation of will and affection. Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the BVM today. It illustrates clearly how Catholicism is not superstitious but is in harmony with human sensitivity.

Catholicism is founded upon the Bible which is not self-explanatory. Believers rely on scholars and theologians to study its meanings. Some articles of faith are publicly acknowledged and agreed upon by members of all ranks and files. There is no further need to debate and analyse. Furthermore, these articles define the identity of the believers. We call these articles of faith dogmas. For example, God is trinite, i.e. three in one and Jesus Christ is both human and divine are Christian dogmas. If you do not accept these truths, you are not qualified to be a Christian. Some conclusions from studies still leave room for further discussion. We call them doctrines and even theological opinions. For example, some scholars insist on literal interpretation of the Bible. They opine that God had created one man and one woman (Genesis 1:26). Some scholars raise the difficulty of incest (4:17) in taking the literal path. However, from the past experience of biblical exegesis, scholars know that the correct interpretation usually comes from the more difficult one … The discussion is still open.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the four Marian dogmas. That is to say, if you question whether the soul and body of the BVM were taken up to heaven after her death, you’re not qualified to be a Catholic! Why is it as grave as such? First of all, it is the latest Marian dogma, a logical conclusion of the previous three dogmas. It is rational. Secondly, it is in harmony with the affective demand towards the BVM, a proper religious affection.

The first Marian dogma, that she is the Mother of God, was promulgated in the Ephesian Council in 431 AD. But the BVM is only a creature. How could a creature give birth to the Creator? At that time, some people opined that the BVM only gave birth to the humanity of the Son of God. She could at most be called the Mother of Christ, not the Mother of God! However, this seemingly logical opinion tore apart the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ. Thus, defending the identity of the Mother of God is in fact defending the dogma of the humanity and divinity of the Son of God!

The second Marian dogma declares that the BVM retains her virginity before, during and after giving birth to Jesus. The Lateran Council in 649 promulgated this perpetual virginity dogma. Biologists would object, thinking that it is in contradiction with science!
First of all, we who believe in God believe in miracles. Raining is a natural phenomenon. But when a downpour turns the outcome of a battle around, in the eyes of believers, it is a miracle, a God’s will. For those who reject miracles, they have to look for explanation elsewhere! We believe that miracles are signs of God’s presence, signs showing His mercy. Since antiquity, Church Fathers see the burning bush (Exodus 3:2) as a sign of the perpetual virginity of the BVM. When the BVM gave birth to the Holy Infant, her virginity was preserved just as when Christ emerged from the tomb without removing the rock that blocked the entrance. These are miracles which science cannot explain! The virginal birth of Jesus Christ is part of his divinity. The gospels mention the siblings of the Lord (Mark 6:3) whom the Church Fathers opined that they were Joseph’s children from previous marriage. In fact, the dogma of perpetual virginity of the BVM defends the divinity of Jesus Christ!

The third Marian dogma, i.e. the Immaculate Conception of the BVM was promulgated by Pope Pius IX in 1854. This dogma was not defined by ecumenical councils. Not only was it rejected by Protestants, even the Orthodox Church also holds it in reservation. Although this dogma was not a resolution of a council, it came from prior consultation of bishops all over the world for five long years. More than 90% of bishops supported declaring it a dogma. Truly, this dogma has gone through lengthy debates until opposing voices have all died down. It agrees with the dogma of Mother of God and does not deny the necessity of Christ’s redemption. That God gave this special grace to the mother of the Son of God is possible and appropriate. The Son of God is genuinely human. Then how did God defend his humanity from the damage of the Original Sin? Along the genealogy of Jesus Christ, a certain turning point, a boundary must be set up to stop the Original Sin from proceeding. God “set for the sea its limit, so that the waters should not transgress His command; when He fixed the foundations of earth” (Proverbs 8:29). Making the BVM this boundary is the most economical way to defend the humanity of the Son of God!

Let us meditate the fourth dogma.
Even though we are creatures, humanity enjoy dignity and should not be treated as tools. Man can only be an end, never a means. This is the most basic moral demand in interpersonal interactions. In order to arrest Jesus, the chief priests and elders manhandled Judas, ignoring his fate. Treating people as dispensable is absolutely immoral. This is a rule of engagement even among men. Can God disregard humanity which He created in His image? Just think about it, could the Father, after making use of the BVM as a carrier to bring the Son of God into this world, abandon her on earth and leave her to decay? “For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, nor let your devout one see the pit” (Psalms 16:10). Although the apostles quoted this verse to prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts, 2:27, 13:35), this verse also applies to the Mother of God, most appropriately! It is because after her death, where else can be a better place to settle the soul and body of the BVM than God’s abode? Perhaps you would quote Paul’s treatise on resurrection to object, “each one in proper order: Christ the first fruits; then at his coming, those who belong to Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:23). Truly, between Christ’s resurrection and His second coming, there’s no resurrection! But don’t forget, in Old Testament times, Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) were taken up to heavens without going through death. Moreover, Elijah showed up during Christ’s transfiguration. Even these mortals who were damaged by the Original Sin were able to enjoy in heaven the vision of the Son of God, would the one whom the Angel reveres as “Full of grace” (Luke 1:28), the Mother of God whom the Holy Spirit overshadows (1:35) be degraded to await resurrection in Sheol?

Using papal infallibility for the first time, Pope Pius XII promulgated this dogma in 1950 after extensive consultation with bishops all over the world. Although this dogma does not directly defend the humanity and divinity of the Son of God, it is consistent with the previous three dogmas. Rationally, the assumption of the BVM is the righteousness of the Father. Affectively, it shows the filial piety of the Son of God. In will, the Assumption of the BVM is the perseverance of the Holy Spirit. Even without the many Marian apparitions, this dogma is flawless!

Brethren! We are blessed to be children of the BVM (John 19:27). When we celebrate the Assumption of our Mother, we are filled with this lingering feeling of missing her and an unspeakable joy. Let the hope of reunion in heaven urge us to follow the example of the BVM nurturing the Word of God, to study the Bible diligently and to live up the spirit of the gospel. May we carry and pass on the joy of the gospel to our neighbour.
God bless!

Sunday, 8 August 2021

如何滿足人類的渴求? How Does God Satisfy Men’s Desires?




在這樣的背景下,我們更理解上一個主日,福音中猶太人要求耶穌行神蹟纔信服他(若6:30),真是一個非同小何的要求!這神蹟不但要從天而來,更要適合各人不同的口味!不要怪責猶太人執拗,因為這是人類的本色。人類是按天主的肖像所造,雖然是有限的血肉之軀,卻充滿著無限的慾望,恐怕祇有無限的天主,纔有能力滿足了!我們不知道是否天主在起初把人類創造成這個模樣,還是人類失去了原始的恩寵之後,受到私慾偏情的影響所至。但無論如何,人類已陷入無限的慾望,不能自拔的處境,不能靠一己的努力,滿足自己,脫離罪惡的奴役,是不爭的事實!所以當人以為可以靠一己的努力,遵守梅瑟的法律,或者教會的法律,甚至自己定下的規矩(路15:19 ),便可以達到得救的目標(即所謂「白拉奇主義」),真是天真,甚至是偽善!





Nineteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: How Does God Satisfy Men’s Desires?

Although it is simply a “God created mankind in his image” (Genesis 1:27), its meaning is profound.
First of all, among all creatures, mankind is the “Zenith of Creation”. But in many ways, men are inferior to angels whose might we lack. “What is man that you are mindful of him … Yet you have made him little less than a god, crowned him with glory and honour” (Psalms 8:5-6). Nobody would disagree. Whatever culture or civilization, “Angels are mightier than men” is indisputable. But both angels and men are creatures. That is to say, they are finite in different degrees. As they are finite, then theoretically they are unable to move perpetually. In order to keep moving, they need spending energy. Then angels also need food of some sort to supply them energy!

We don’t know what food angels take, but Jews have the concept of “the bread of angels”, something similar to the peaches with which the Empress of Paradise served the fairies in Chinese legends. This angelic bread is manna. In describing manna, Asaph, a Davidic music official says, “Man ate the bread of angels” (78:25). Don’t image that manna is bland because “When the layer of dew evaporated, fine flakes were on the surface of the wilderness, fine flakes like hoarfrost on the ground” (Exodus 16:14). It is called “the bread of the angels” not only because it came down from heavens, but also “It was like coriander seed, white, and it tastes like wafers made with honey” (16:31). Moreover, it was “endowed with all delights and conforming to every taste … serving the desire of the one who received it, was changed to whatever flavour each one wished.” (Wisdom 16:20-21) No wonder the Israelites who had always been complaining to Moses in the wilderness for forty years didn’t utter any dissatisfaction about manna! Why? The author explains, “For this substance of yours revealed your sweetness toward your children” (16:21) For forty years God gave Israelites manna to show them sweetness, treating them like His children.

In this context, we understand how demanding the Jews had been in requiring Jesus to perform a sign before believing in him in the gospel reading last week (John 6:30). Not only should it be a sign from heaven, but it should also be able to satisfy different flavour each one wished! Don’t blame the Jews for being stubborn because this is all too human. Men were created in the image of God. Although they are finite flesh and blood, they are full of infinite desires. I’m afraid only an infinite God is able to satisfy them! We don’t know whether God had created them in this way in the first place or it was the consequence of losing the Origin Grace. No matter what, mankind is overwhelmed by infinite desires and is unable to deliver themselves. It is indisputable that men are unable to meet their own needs with their own efforts or to free themselves from the bondage of sins. Thus, when men fancy that they are able to achieve salvation through observing the laws of Moses, or the laws of the Church, or even rules they make up (Luke 15:19), this is Pelagianism. It is naivety and even hypocrisy!

Fortunately, men were created in the image of God. No matter how far they have gone astray, their nature deep inside would bring them to their roots. Blood is always thicker than water. How can Chinese not love their mother country and how can mankind wish to depart from their Creator! This is self-negation, isn’t it? Thus, be assured that Jesus Christ does not set any condition to ban certain groups of people from attaining salvation in what he says in the gospel today. “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him” (John 6:44) It sounds like Jesus setting a “the Father who sent me draw him” condition. But who was not created in the image of God and is not drawn to the Father? In order to avoid misunderstanding, Jesus Christ immediately says, “It is written in the prophets: ‘They shall all be taught by God.’ Everyone who listens to my Father and learns from him comes to me.” (6:45, Isaiah 54:13, Jeremiah 31:34) Everyone has the opportunity and the ability to listen. The difference is whether you accept and are willing to learn. Rejecting God’s invitation, refusing to learn humbly and losing the opportunity to receive salvation, you blame nobody but yourself!

Probably our tendency to return to the Creator is hampered by concupiscence which generates infinitely all sorts of desires in us. In order to satisfy these desires, we even become hypocritical and do evils. Consequently, we reject the teachings of the Law and prophets, abandoning the previous covenant! But God understands us thoroughly and has mercy on us. He comes to gratify the infinite desires of mankind in person! This is how we should understand what Jesus Christ teaches in the gospel today about “the living bread” because it manifests the profound meaning of the image of God! Man’s natural tendency to return to God is damaged by the Original Sin which changes its course. We seek vanity which cannot satisfy our genuine needs. Men constantly live in the tendency to choose between good and evil, life and death. We long for the salvation of Jesus Christ.

Brethren! We are more fortunate than the Jews. Jesus Christ says, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven” (6:51) which consists of two obstacles. The first one is “came down from heaven”. The Jews knew Jesus, his parents and siblings (6:42). Because of that, they were unable to overcome the first obstacle. But as Catholics, we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, truly divine and human. We have overcome the first obstacle and there remains the second one: “the living bread”. Do we genuinely believe that Jesus Christ is the living bread? That was why I asked you last week whether you believed in miracles. This is a more challenging obstacle. Let us keep meditating this teaching of “the living bread” next week!
God bless!

Sunday, 1 August 2021

信德的奧蹟 The Mystery of Faith






魔鬼建議耶穌把石頭變成餅,滿足人類口腹上的需要,便可以減少人類犯罪的傾向。耶穌基督拒絕了魔鬼的建議,引用聖經回應說:「人生活不祇靠餅,而也靠天主口中所發的一切言語。」(申8:3;瑪4:4)。倘若耶穌依從魔鬼的建議,人類便與豬狗禽獸沒有分別。所以耶穌對魔鬼的回答,展示了天主對人的喜愛,並保障了人性的尊嚴! 既然要保障人性尊嚴,為甚麼又要行五餅二魚神蹟,讓五千人吃飽,好像依從了魔鬼的建議呢?要知道耶穌並不是一看見五千人聚集,便行五餅二魚的神蹟。按對觀福音的記載,耶穌首先「給他們講論天主的國,並治好了那些急需要治療的人。」(瑪14:14;谷6:34;路9:11)。即是說,耶穌首先照顧了人性在靈性上的需要,後來纔處理物質上的需要!





Eighteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Mystery of Faith

Do you believe in miracles?
Most modern people have received some scientific education. They demand proofs and place their trust in logic. They would feel embarrassed if they admit before others their belief in God or in miracles because they would look superstitious and backward. Thus, many Catholics are reluctant to reveal their Catholic identity before the others, not to mention helping people believe in Jesus Christ. When you come back to Church on Sundays and receive the Holy Eucharist, you’re already very good. But do you participate actively and effectively receive God’s grace? Just as Fr. Simon Li always reminds us these days, even though participating online masses, receiving spiritual communion and uniting with Christ is a better than nothing alternative, it is better than those who are able to receive actually the Eucharist but gain no spiritual grace. Therefore today, I would like to mediate with you the Sacrament of Eucharist from the perspective of miracles because this sacrament is a miracle which happens every day.

First of all, it is uneasy to be a Catholic because many Protestants, especially those small and aggressive sects always quote the Bible, saying that the Ten Commandments forbid idolatry and criticize us Catholics for worshipping the BVM and adoring idols. Indeed, we read very little Bible. Unlike them, we’re not able to quote the Bible or to counter their criticisms. But seeing the athletes during this Olympic season, we are touched and to some extent adopt their indifference to losses. One day, we’ll be back. In order to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the establishment of our parish, we mobilized the parishioners to spend two years to make a manuscript of the entire Bible. After this, we are now running a Three-Year-Bible-Study Scheme. It is a good opportunity, not only to equip ourselves to confront challenges, but also to receive spiritual benefits through daily scripture readings!

It would be too late to answer challenges three years from now. At the moment, how do we answer the criticism of our “worshipping the BVM”? Simply put, Catholics honouring the BVM are in fact obeying the command of Jesus, not idolatry. It is because according to the gospel of John which tells us that on the cross, Lord Jesus requested the BVM to take care of the Church. Then he told the Church to honour the BVM as her mother. I believe three years from now, you’ll be able to quote from which chapter and verses Lord Jesus made the request.
In fact, the icons in the Church, the holy pictures we hang on the wall at home and even the rosaries we carry are not idols. It is because idols, like the golden calf the Israelites built when Moses went up Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments, tempt people to turn away from God, while icons, holy pictures and rosaries are signs pointing to God and lead people to approach God. Similarly, idols are no mere simple golden calves nowadays. All those that enslave people, for example work, houses, power, politicians and even mobile phones and the Internet etc., if they make people forget God or forget God’s love, they are idols!
On the other hand, all the miracles recorded in the Bible are signs which point to God, exhibit God’s mercy and lead people towards God. Thus, when Lord Jesus performs miracles in the gospels, He is not showing off his power but telling people the presence of God and the mercy of the Father.

Do you remember the story of Jesus’ Temptation after his baptism in River Jordon? At that time, Satan persuaded Jesus to perform various miracles to solve the problem of evils in the world. Sorry, God would not work miracles to show off His powers, or to solve the problems of starvation, pandemics, power struggles or even world peace. These problems are caused by human beings and we have the responsibility to make use of truth and love to resolve them. We should not invite God to intervene. But I believe that Jesus Christ mentions in particular these three temptations for our sake. Perhaps he wants to remind us to beware of these three Achilles’ heels! In fact, the first temptation is closely coupled with the five loaves two fish miracle!

Satan persuaded Jesus to turn stones into bread to satisfy human hunger so as to reduce their tendency to sin. Jesus Christ rejected Satan’s suggestion and replied with a quotation from the Bible, “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” (Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4). Had Jesus followed Satan’s suggestion, men would have become no different from animals. Thus, Jesus’ reply to Satan shows God’ love for men and it protects human dignity!< > If Jesus wanted to protect human dignity, why then did He perform the five loaves two fish miracle to feed 5000 people? It seemed after all that Jesus had actually been persuaded by Satan. Well, we should know that Jesus did not work the miracles after seeing the gathering of the crowd. According to the Synoptic gospels, Jesus “spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and he healed those who needed to be cured.” (Matthew 14:14; Mark 6:34, Luke 9:11) That is to say, Jesus took care of the spiritual needs of humanity before he met their physical needs!

In contrast to five loaves and two fish, what did Satan suggest to use? Stones! Just think about it, bread and fish can feed and are nutritive. But can stones be eaten to fill the hunger or nutritive to sustain life? Of course not! But why did Satan look so stupid to suggest using junk to fill our hunger? Of course Satan’s suggestion had no effect on the Son of God but it is still effective on men. Take a look at the situation today many people are eating junk food which is harmful to their health. They spend and waste a lot of time, indulging on the social media, reading and forwarding a lot of one-sided rumours, propagandas and masturbatory articles and videos etc. These are truly poisonous materials that kill the soul. They harden the readers’ hearts, incite hatred and cause divisions. They turn the readers’ hearts into stone! Therefore, Satan is not simply turning stones into bread. It tempts people to consume that bread from stone to turn their peoples into stone!

In the gospel today, Jesus Christ utters a very meaningful sentence, “Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate the loaves and were filled” (John 6:26) Is there any difference between looking for Jesus after seeing signs and looking for him after eating to the full? Both of them bring people to Jesus. Aren’t they the same in effectiveness? Looking for Jesus because the people had eaten to their full, they wanted to follow a leader who had inexhaustible resources. They were too short-sighted! Living involves not only the gratification of physical needs. Men have insatiable desires which only an infinite God is able to satisfy. Therefore, Jesus continued to teach these myopic people the truth of the Bread of Life, i.e. the Sacrament of the Eucharist! Satan challenged the Son of God to deploy miracles to meet human needs. But it would never have dreamt that the Son of God would feed humanity with His own body and blood, to allow us to partake in the eternal life of the Blessed Trinity!

Brethren! Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? During the Last Supper, the Son of God took bread into His hand and not said, “This bread is a symbol of my body”, but says, “This is my body” (Luke 22:19) Believing this bread is the body of Jesus Christ is not superstition. It is because on top of the practice of the apostles, theologians throughout the ages have debated vigorously. It is a rational practice and not a bit superstition! The Sacrament of Eucharist is a sign which shows us God’s mercy. It is a miracle. Just as the priest proclaims after consecration that “This is a mystery of faith”, it is a test of faith for all Catholics. Do you really believe that the bread which the Son of God makes use of the priest hand to consecrate is truly the body of the Son of God? Do you acknowledge the bread which is handed over to you from the priests, deacons or extraordinary ministers is actually the body of Christ? Do you know the meaning of “Amen”? It is not a password for Catholics before they receive the Holy Communion. It is the original words Jesus says today and he says it twice! Protestants have forsaken it. They only have “sacred meals” as a remembrance of the Last Supper. They have forsaken the body and blood of the Son of God. They have forgotten Jesus’ pledge in the last verse of the gospel of Matthew, “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) Therefore, when you receive the Holy Eucharist and truly believe, please proclaim aloud “Amen”, “This is truly the Body of Christ
God bless!

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