Sunday, 25 August 2019
可以在天堂留位嗎? Is It Possible to Reserve a Place in Heaven?
教宗方濟各說:「當我們心裡認為自己很富有,就會變得那麼自滿, 以至於沒有空間聆聽天主的聖言、愛我們兄弟姊妹。」(GE#68)所以神貧是一份聖德。「這世界是一個驕傲和虛榮的國度,每一個人都認為自己有權支配他人…但基督教導我們良善心謙。」(GE#71-72)所以溫良是一份聖德。「人們花費許多精力逃避苦難的處境…殊不知藉著幫助痛苦的人,藉著了解他們的憂苦,藉著緩解他們的痛苦,我們找到生命的意義。」(GE#75-76)所以哀慟是一份聖德。「…為窮人和弱者伸張正義時,正義就開始在每一個人的生命裡實現…正義是特別實行在無助的人身上時,得以彰顯。」(GE#79)所以飢渴慕義,是一份聖德。「天主非常慷慨地恩賜和寬恕我們。當我們施予和寬恕別人時,就是儘量在生活中稍微反映這位成全的天主。」(GE#81)所以慈悲是一份聖德。「真心真意愛主愛人而不流於空談的心,纔是純潔的心,可以看見天主。」(GE#86)。所以心裡潔淨是一份聖德。「締造和平…包括不排擠任何人,還得接納那些有點古怪、麻煩或難相處的人,以及那些需要人關注、有異於常人、飽受生活打擊或心懷私意的人。這是難事,需要開放的思想和廣闊的心胸。」(GE#89)所以締造和平是一份聖德。「每日奉行福音之道,即使可能因此面對困難,也堅持下去,這就是聖德」(GE#94)。
Twenty First Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Is It Possible to Reserve a Place in Heaven? One Catholic openly claims that she has a place reserved for her in heaven. She is not wrong. Being baptized a Catholic, we have received an entry ticket and have reserved a place in heaven. Therefore, a baptized Catholic is allowed to be buried in a Catholic cemetery after death. The question is: are you able to cash in this entry ticket? Even though you have obtained a boarding pass to take a flight, you may not be able to board a plane successfully. Similarly, even though you have reserved a place in heaven, if you think that you may get past St. Peter to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:19), you are truly naïve! For example, for all Catholics, including both the laity and the clergy, if you do not obey the magisterium of the Church and openly oppose the Church, you shall be excommunicated; or if you are upset by the actions of the Church and decide to leave her, refusing to reconcile with her during your life time on earth; or Catholics who commit suicide. Since the act of suicide denies God to be the author of life, it is against our faith etc., the Church has the authority to refuse the burial of such people in Catholic cemeteries. This clearly shows that even if you were baptized and have reserved a place in heaven, it does not guarantee that you shall attain eternal life.
The gospel passage today sheds some lights on the question of salvation and attaining eternal life. Jesus says, "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many … will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough." (Luke 13:24) That is to say, despite the fact that "God is love" (1 John 4:8), that God "wills everyone to be saved" (1 Timothy 2:4), that "a person is justified by faith" (Romans 3:28), that we say to Jesus all day long "Lord, Lord" (Matthew 7:21-23), we have to "strive to enter through the narrow gate". There is no short-cut. We have to put in efforts!
God says, "It is not good for the man to be alone" (Genesis 2:18). Therefore it is impossible to believe in God alone. We need to join a community to support each other, to help each other build up their spiritual life and to grow and develop. Receiving the Sacraments of Initiation to join the Catholic Church, a community of redeemed sinners, is only a beginning. Our target is to cultivate this God-bestowed spiritual life to attain justification and sanctification. The Catholic Church has preserved a tradition for two thousand years. There are still seven sacraments, including the Sacrament of Eucharist. Every day, the Church offers heavenly sacrifice, i.e. the Mass. During mass, the celebrant expounds on the word of God in his homily and consecrates the bread and wine into the Holy Eucharist to feed the spiritual life of the faithful. Isn't this what the gospel says, "We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets" (Luke 13:26)? Obviously, listening to homily and receiving the sacrament during mass is insufficient to catapult us into eternal life! On Judgment Day, Jesus would say, "I do not know where you are from" (13:27).
Listening to homily and receiving communion during Sunday mass do not necessarily deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ so that at the end of the world, He sees us as strangers! But He is God and omniscient! He knows all about us, even more than we know ourselves! Thus, He definitely knows us. Only that our actions are incompatible with our identity so that He doesn't know where we belong to! That is to say, a baptismal certificate is unable to prove our identity. It is only a birth certificate, not an identity card! What then is the identity card of a Christian?
Last year, Pope Francis promulgated the apostolic exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate", teaching us how to answer God's call to sanctification in the contemporary world. He makes it clear that "The Beatitudes are like a Christian's identity card." (GE#63)!
Indeed, the contemporary world is full of fallacies and temptations that hinder Christians' sanctification. In order to answer God's call, firstly we need to hear His voice. Where do we hear it? In the Church, the Bible and the brethren we encounter! How do we hear? In prayers and in serving the disadvantaged. The story of Mary and Martha demonstrates this doctrine (Luke 10:38-42). Spirituality and Service are the two legs which carry us to God. They support each other!
Pope Francis says, "Once we think we are rich, we can become so self-satisfied that we leave no room for God's word, for the love of our brothers and sisters." (GE#68) Thus, being poor of heart is holiness. "It is the reign of pride and vanity, where each person thinks he or she has the right to dominate others … But Christ teaches us to be gentle and humble of heart" (GE#71-72). Thus reacting with meekness and humility is holiness. "Much energy is expended on fleeing from situations of suffering … Christians discover the meaning of life by coming to the aid of those who suffer, understanding their anguish and bringing relief" (GE#75-76). Knowing how to mourn with others is holiness. "True justice comes about in people's lives when they pursue justice for the poor and the weak …It is shown especially in justice towards those who are most vulnerable" (GE#79). Hungering and thirsting for righteousness is holiness. "Giving and forgiving means reproducing in our lives some small measure of God's perfection, which gives and forgives superabundantly" (GE#81). Seeing and acting with mercy is holiness. "A heart that loves God and neighbour genuinely and not merely in words is a pure heart; it can see God" (GE#86). Keeping a heart free of all that tarnishes love is holiness. "It is not easy to make this evangelical peace, which excludes no one but embraces even those who are a bit odd, troublesome or difficult, demanding, different, beaten down by life or simply uninterested. It is hard work; it calls for great openness of mind and heart" (GE#89). Sowing peace all around us is holiness. "Accepting daily the path of the Gospel, even though it may cause us problems is holiness" (GE#94).
Brethren, it is easier said than done. Let us pray to the Holy Spirit, ask Him to activate once more His seven gifts in our hearts and help us lead a life of beatitudes in the contemporary world and to cash in our entry ticket to heaven.
God bless!
Saturday, 24 August 2019
心裡潔淨的人是有福的 Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart (John 1:45-51) "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" (John 1:46a)
Man is a rational creature. This explains why man is the crown of Creation. In ordinary situations, they make use of their brains to think, to make judgment and then take action. Every one of these three steps is time-consuming, exhausting and can be rather painful. Thus, being determined to take an action with no regret is not easy! Therefore, many people set up a routine way of thinking in order to reduce the consumption of energy, to quickly reach a judgment and then act. This helps people live in the secular world more easily. Prejudice is one such low-energy mode of thinking. For example, "There is only one life, no life after death. Believing in Jesus to gain eternal life is a hoax". "Politics and Religions should be separated. Believers should stay away from politics" and "Religion is unscientific. It only encourages people to do good and consoles lonely hearts" etc.
"Come and see!" (1:46b) Even though Philip had truly found the promised Messiah, he respected his friend's opinion and did not judge him wrong. Philip did not force Nathanael to agree with him. On the contrary, he invited Nathanael to give himself a chance and to seek more evidence. Perhaps he might change his mind!
Fortunately, there is no duplicity in Nathanael, a true Israelite (1:47). When he saw the Truth --- Jesus Christ ---, unlike other religious authorities, he did not reject the Lord of Life because of damages in advantages. Let us contemplate! It is "no duplicity in heart" which made Nathanael one of the twelve Apostles and finally expressed his total love of God with his heart, soul and mind through martyrdom, thus winning the crown of eternal life.
Heavenly Father, grant us the gift of knowledge to eliminate the duplicity and prejudice in our hearts so that we are able to see how blessed we are to be called. Amen.
Friday, 23 August 2019
止於至善 Stopping Only At Perfection
Stopping Only At Perfection (Matthew 22:34-40) "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37-38) is the greatest and the first commandment. But it does not mention time. Naturally one will ask, for how long we have to maintain this "all heart, all soul and all mind".
After all, man is only a creature. He is not perfect. Moreover, after losing the original grace, he is controlled by concupiscence and cannot save himself. Out of love and justice, the heavenly Father took the initiative to save us. He elected the family of Abraham and raised it up in Egypt. Then He elected Moses to establish a covenant, making a Chosen People with the commandments. Obviously, to be able to love God with all the heart, with all the soul and with all the mind, like the Confucian teaching of "Stopping at Perfection", cannot be achieved overnight. Therefore, like athlete winners, you are awarded once you are able to jump over a certain height, to perform a highly difficult routine or to run past the finishing line (2 Timothy 4:7). You don't have to keep the record forever!
Biblical characters who are immortalized are not flawless. People remember them because once in their life, they were able to express their love of God with all their heart, soul and mind: Abraham told lies to save his skin (Genesis 12:12-13), but he offered up his only son (22:2). Although Moses declined God's commission five times (Exodus 3-4), after crossing the Red Sea, he led the Israelites in a triumphant hymn (15:1-21). David committed adultery and murder (2 Samuel 11). It did not overshadow his zeal when he danced half-nakedly before the crowd to receive the Ark of Covenant (6:14). The penitent thief, who was crucified together with Jesus Christ, won a place in the paradise with only one sentence (Luke 23:43). Even a worker who had laboured for just one hour received the usual wage (Matthew 20:9). It proves once again, that our Heavenly Father is not counting our trespasses against us. He only wants us to be ambassadors of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:19-20).
Heavenly Father, grant us the gift of fortitude. Let us persevere to the end, stopping only at perfection. Amen.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
不及猶過 Errors & Omissions NOT Excepted

Errors & Omissions NOT Excepted (Matthew 22:1-14) If "Effort Pays" is a fallacy and Salvation is a undeserved grace, then, we don't have to put in effort to do anything for our eternal life, right? Wrong. Commission and omission are both wrong. The invited guest who did not dress in a wedding garment (Matthew 22:11) symbolizes those who take advantage of "God is love" (1 John 4:8), of God "wills everyone to be saved" (1 Timothy 2:4), of "a person is justified by faith" (Romans 3:28), of the sufficiency of "Sola Fide", and those, like the scribes and the Pharisees, who "will not lift a finger to move" (Matthew 23:4) etc. They are called but they do not dressed in wedding garment, they lose the chance to be elected (22:14)! Being called and being elected are two different things. Being called is not necessarily followed by being elected. Do not think that believing in Lord Jesus Christ, calling Him "Lord, Lord" all the time would enter the Kingdom of Heaven (7:21)! Our actions must be compatible with our call. Lead our life in the spirit of the gospel. Only then shall we be elected to partake in the Lamb's banquet.
Then, what wedding garment shall we dress when we enjoy our eternal life in heaven?
First of all, when we are insulted and persecuted for the sake of Jesus Christ, the Son of God promises us that our reward will be great in heaven. (5:11-12). Similarly, when we are not afraid to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, the Son of God shall acknowledge us before His heavenly Father (10:32). Secondly, sell what we have and give to the poor, and we shall have treasure in heaven (19:21). Lastly, when we do for one of those least brothers of his, we shall inherit the kingdom prepared for us from the foundation of the world. (18:5; 25:35, 40) When we do these on earth, we are making our wedding garment in heaven! Since we put on this garment for eternity, how can we be lazy?
Heavenly Father, grant us the gift of piety so that we may weave a fitting wedding garment to meet you. Amen.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
天主給人不合理的期望嗎? Does God Give Us Unreasonable Expectation?

Does God Give Us Unreasonable Expectation? (Matthew 20:1-16a) "Effort pays" is easy to understand and the logic seems to be correct. The secular world operates in this way. Even religions run as such. However, "effort pays" is a fallacy.
Aren't workers paid extra money for OT? Don't receiving more sacraments, studying the Bible more, spending more time in prayers and contemplation enhance the chance of gaining eternal life? Didn't the rich young man in the gospel ask Jesus what more good he should do to gain the "eternal life" as he understood it? (Matthew 19:16)? Jesus tried to open the mind of the rich young man, showing him his mistake. However, Jesus' teaching did not meet the expectation of the rich young man who left in disappointment (19:22).
Did God give us an unreasonable expectation? In this Parable of Workers in the Vineyard, had the master paid the workers, starting from the earliest ones, he would not have stirred up an unreasonable expectation among the workers that the longer you had worked, the more you would be paid (20:8-10)!
Let us take this "usual wage" to symbolize "eternal life". Then we will understand that no matter how much effort we have put up: sacraments, bible studies, spiritual exercises etc., it is not sufficient to earn this eternal life! That is to say, whether you have worked for one hour only, or twelve hours; during persecutions when you die a martyrdom after believing in Jesus for a couple of minutes, or you were born in a Catholic family, have always been a jaded Catholic, this "usual wage", this eternal life is an undeserved grace, and not a well-earned reward! In case we meet in heaven aborted foetus or a mentally deficient person on earth enjoying eternal life together with us who have been very diligently working, then we shall understand that efforts do not necessarily pay. God "does not see as a mortal, who sees the appearance. The Lord looks into the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)
Holy Spirit, grant us the gift of counsel so that we are able to discern the Father's will. Amen.
Tuesday, 20 August 2019
食豬肉的問題 The Question About Eating Pork
Bible IQ
The Question About Eating Pork
A female friend from overseas is not a Muslim nor a Jew. She holds the Bible and belongs to a little known denomination, most like some fundamentalist church.
My friend only accept the authority of the Bible. Here is a challenge:
She points to Leviticus and says, "Pig is unclean. We should not eat pork." (Leviticus 11:7)
If you tell her that it is New Testament now, it is not necessary to follow the commandments in the Old Testament. Then she points to the story of Jesus driving demons into a herd of pigs to punish the villagers who kept pigs against the law. Therefore, it is right to abstain from eating pork.
To a certain extent, she is right. Claiming that we don't need to obey the laws of the Old Testament is problematic. Doesn't Jesus say, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill." (Matthew 5:17)
Quote a few passages from the Bible, whether Old Testament or New Testament, and explain why it is permissible for Christians to eat ritually unclean pork.
As usual, I will explain myself after 24 hours.
God bless!
為甚麼財富是得永生的絆腳石? Why is wealth a Stumbling Block to Eternal Life?

Why is wealth a Stumbling Block to Eternal Life? (Matthew 19:23-30) "It will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:23), because wealth makes a person haughty, pretending themselves a god in heart (Ezekiel 28:5-6). As a Chinese idiom goes, "A mountain cannot accommodate two tigers". God hates idolatry. The Ten Commandments also clearly forbids the worship of idols. Making oneself a god is even worse than idolatry. How can they enter the Kingdom of heaven? Therefore, Jesus Christ teaches us to abandon wealth because wealth encourages us to challenge God and not to trust in Him. On the other hand, the charitable works performed by haughty people would carry an air of alms-giving. The beneficiary would not be respected. In doing so, the meaning of charitable works, which is to help the beneficiary grow and develop, is totally lost. Without respect, how can the dignity of the beneficiary be enhanced? How can one inherit eternal life without loving God and one's neighbours (Matthew 19:16)?
Wealth is not the only thing which makes people arrogant. Achievements, fame and authority are as capable, if not more powerful, to make people lose their souls! People with achievements and authority are more likely to be prone to challenging God. I'm afraid confessing one's sins humbly is the only antidote! How difficult it is to confess one's sins humbly! It is truly more difficult than a camel passing through the eye of a needle (19:24)! Man's heart can be hard, but God is merciful and almighty. He was able to harden Pharaoh's heart (Exodus 4:21), and to make him release the Israelites (12:31). Pharaoh was a prime example of people who claim divinity. God is so powerful as to toy with Pharaoh. Which sovereignty on earth is able to rank with the Lord (Psalm 89:7)?
Jesus Christ comes down on earth to teach us the path to eternal life: to abandon wealth, achievements, fame and authority and follow Him. Build up the disadvantaged in exchange for an eternal life in heaven. Forsaking all these and one is able to unite with the Lord of life. This eternal life is definitely worth more than one hundred times the wealth, achievements, fame and authority in the secular world!
Heavenly Father! Grant us the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Let us desire You more than wealth and power on earth. Amen.
Monday, 19 August 2019
世上有永生嗎? Is there Eternal Life?

Is there Eternal Life? (Matthew 19:16-22)
We are not able to find the concept of eternal life in the Old Testament. There is only longevity. For example, when you keep the honour thy father and thy mother commandment, "you may have a long life in the land the Lord your God is giving you" (Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16), and offering sacrifices of pleasing odour to the God of heaven, you may pray for the life of the king and his sons (Ezra 6:10) etc. Therefore, probably this young man was influenced by foreign ideas such that he knew to enquire about the question of eternal life (Matthew 19:16). Still, he was not able to free himself from Old Testament concepts, thinking that by doing more "good", he would be able to gain the "eternal life" as he understood it.
Obviously, his concept of "eternal life" was wrong. In his mind, eternal life is an immortal version of longevity! So, Jesus corrected it as "to enter into life" (19:17). This life is a life in union with the Son of God, the Author of Life (John 17:3). Furthermore, perhaps it would disappoint you that in order to gain this life, there is no new tricks, no extra "good", but the commandments handed down by Moses in the Old Testament! Unfortunately, the Israelites observed the letters of the laws only. In the process of keeping the laws, they failed to understand the spirit. This young man made the same mistake. He had kept all the commandments. Yet, he felt empty, that something was missing.
Jesus came not to abolish the commandments but to fulfil them (Matthew 5:17). Therefore, he revealed to this young man the essence of commandments: charity which Jesus Christ has demonstrated. A charity of sacrifice, a love of edifying others! In this way, his eternal life would start growing in heaven! Pay attention, eternal life is enjoyed in heaven, not in the secular world!
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:68). We believe that you are life. Amen.
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Is Division Bad? 分裂是不好的嗎?
Theme: Is Division Bad?
When we interpret the Bible, we tend to impose some sort of framework or themes to make it more understandable. However, we should bear in mind that the authors might not have the same framework or themes such as ours in mind while they were writing.
For example, the end of the present age, that is to say, the coming of the Kingdom of God, is one of the many themes found in the gospel. This theme may be found in the collection of Jesus' sayings in Luke 12 to Luke 14. The passage today falls within this collection of the sayings of Jesus Christ. Bearing this "the coming of the Kingdom of God" theme in mind, we shall not deviate too far away from the true meaning of the passages. So, when Jesus says, "I have come to set the earth on fire and how I wish it were already blazing!" (Luke 12:49), can we accuse him of arson? What kind of fire is able to set the whole world ablaze?
Fire can be destructive and can be used as a punishment! Just think of the fire in Hell and the various tortures using fire. But fire can also be purgative and can be used as a purification, a cleansing procedure! Just think of the fire in Purgatory and sterilizing a lancet or a needle with fire. Moreover, fire can keep us warm and when our hearts are on fire, we become courageous and charge ahead to fight against enemies. Now, what kind of fire does Jesus want to set ablaze on earth? It is the fire which enkindles our love of God and the fire which purifies our hearts and enables it to know the truth. How does Jesus Christ set the earth on fire? It is by sending us the Holy Spirit, who is the spirit of love and the spirit of truth. So, Brethren! Have you been enchanted by God's overflowing love? In return, do you love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength? If not, pray harder to receive the Holy Spirit so as to activate once more the seven gifts you have received in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Now that we come to the Sacrament of Confirmation, let us turn to the question of Baptism. Jesus says, "There is a baptism with which I must be baptized and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished!" (12:50) Had Jesus not been baptized in River Jordon by John the Baptist? Are there more than one baptism? What other baptism was Jesus anticipating? A passage in the gospel of Mark will illuminate the meaning of this baptism better. Once James and John were requesting to be seated at the right and left of Jesus when he came in his glory, Jesus asked if they could be baptized with the same baptism with which he would be baptized. (Mark 10:38b) Jesus was talking about his crucifixion and his resurrection. Resurrection is Jesus' glory. He achieves this glory through dying on the cross where two thieves were crucified on his left and right. No wonder Jesus says, "You don't know what you are asking!" (10:38a) When a person is submerged during baptism, it symbolizes his death and burial. When that person comes out of the water, it symbolizes the beginning of a new life. Thus, baptism symbolizes a transition, a Passover from death to life, which is a new life in God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He loves the Father so much that he was anxious to see His will done. Therefore, Jesus Christ couldn't wait dying on the cross in order to accomplish the salvation project and to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. Brethren! How eager are you to do God's will? How anxious are you to see the Kingdom of God descend on earth?
But isn't the Kingdom of God supposed to be a kingdom of love and truth? If it is full of love and truth, shall it not be peaceful and full of justice? Why does Jesus say, "Do you think that I have come to establish peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division." (Luke 12:51)
Truly, the Kingdom of God is a kingdom of love and truth. It is a utopia where every soul seeks to do God's will. But what is God's will? God's will for us is to love each other just as Jesus Christ has loved us (John 13:34). It shall be a world of harmony and glory. However, at this moment, the world is still infested with all sorts of sins: anger, deception, greed, pride, unfaithfulness and violence etc. The world is far from being the Kingdom of God. Since God "wills everyone to be saved" (1 Timothy 2:4), therefore, when salvation comes, that is to say when Jesus began his public ministry, all are called to enter the Kingdom of God. However, not all who are called respond positively (Matthew 22:14). Many of them are reluctant to give up their achievements, do not want to abandon the wealth they have accumulated and do not want their authority to be challenged or threatened. Therefore, division appears. Those who reject God's invitation would start persecuting those who answer God's call. This is what Jesus means when he says, "Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness," (Matthew 5:10a) Therefore, division is inevitable!
Then, is division a good thing or a bad thing?
Let me assure you, without God's permission, nothing can possibly happen. Division can't take place without God's permission. Let's take a look from the opposite direction. The opposite of division is unity. Unity comes in two manners: an imposed unity and a spontaneous unity. A spontaneous unity is achieved when the parts share a noble cause and a common vision. The noble cause or the common vision provides a centre of gravity which weakly pulls the parts together. Autonomy and dignity are respected when you join in. Such a unity lasts long because in coming together, the parts interact and help each other grow and develop. On the other hand, like the previous Soviet Union, an imposed unity is achieved by applying an external force. It disregards people's autonomy and dignity. Resources are channelled to the central government to maintain the control and stability. Consequently, corruption and idolatry become rampant. Such a unity cannot last long. It crumbles when the external force is no longer strong enough to hold the parts together. Therefore, when division appears, it means an imposed unity begins to break up. Hopefully, the parts shall be able to find a noble cause, a common vision to join together. Then, a spontaneous unity may arise out of the ashes of a revolution.
Brethren! As Catholics, we are called to uphold the Kingdom of God as our noble cause and our common vision. Where there is division, let us be Christ' ambassadors of reconciliation. Let's work hand in hand to love our neighbours and defend God's righteousness in our beloved city.
God bless!
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2016 Homily
當我們解釋聖經的時候,我們傾向設下一些框架,或者一些主題,使解釋更易明白。但是,我們要提醒自己 ,作者在寫作時,心中的框架或主題,不盡與我們的框架或主題相同。
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
為所有香港警察祈禱 Pray for the Hong Kong Police Force

我們應該把從大陸來加入的和在本地受訓的警察分開嗎?他們在遊行時做「臥底」,推動群眾衝擊,給其他同袍開火的藉口;執行任務時拒絕不出示委任証;不按學堂的訓練,舉槍向示威者平射;在民居附近及不通風的地方發射催淚彈;不按程序辦事,沒有法庭手令,擅闖私人地方;拘捕示威者後不是唸「你有權保持沈默…」,而是揮動警棍狂毆已沒有反抗能力的被捕人士;插贓嫁禍… 這些從大陸來的外勞,把香港警察,艱苦經營了幾十年,在市民心中所建立的清廉、忠心、專業、除暴安良的英雄形象,完全破壞了!
Pray for the Hong Kong Police Force
Did St. Maximiliani Mariae Kolbe, OFM pray for the Nazi officers who butchered them in death camps? He who actively promoted the veneration of the Immaculate Virgin Mary must have. Therefore, it is appropriate to meditate today on praying for the Hong Kong Police Force.
Hong Kong is not a concentration camp. However, which Hongkongers are able to extract themselves from the present situation, fantasizing to escape from the home where they have been raised? Therefore, all Christians in Hong Kong, in particular Catholics, should imitate the exemplar of St. Kolbe the more, praying for the Police Force and their family members. They have suffered a lot too.
Should we separate the recruits from mainland China and the locally trained police? They work undercover to provoke the demonstrators to charge forward, giving their colleagues a legitimate excuse to start shooting; refuse to show their ID; head shoot demonstrators, contrary to what they have learnt in the Academy; fire tear gas into congested environments; do not follow procedure, trespassing private properties without warrants; after arresting demonstrators, instead of reciting to them the Miranda Warning, "You have the right to remain silent ...", they beat up restrained suspects; framing the arrested suspects ... These mainland recruits wipe off the image of clean, loyal, professional and crime-fighting heroes which have taken decades to rebuild!
We should not divide them. Let us think from their perspective. The young people in Hong Kong think that the world should revolve around them. Nobody wants to do the dirty job. They have no stakes here in Hong Kong. Therefore, it is not wrong for the Police Force to recruit overseas helpers. Thus, Christians should pray for all members of the Police Force, irrespective of their colours!
Why do we just pray and do not join the pro-police rallies? It is because ordinary citizens dare not to get close to them, offering them roses or laurel wreaths. Some even despise them and chase them away. As Christians, we should never despise and chase anybody away. We should put Jesus Christ's teaching of praying for those who persecute us into practice. We should embrace the exhausted Police Force in our prayers. We should learn from the good judgment of Abigail to prevent them from shedding more blood (1 Samuel 25:33) and heaping live coals on their heads (Proverbs 25:22)! Even people in Old Testament times were able to do these, if we don't, we are not qualified to be called Christians!
God bless!
惡管家的比喻 The Parable of the Wicked Steward
The Parable of the Wicked Steward
The Master travels to a far-off place. He delegates a magnificent Villa to the care of a Grand Steward. After 5000 years, scores of Grand Stewards have taken care of the Villa.
The previous Grand Steward was incompetent. He lost one of the houses to aliens. After 150 years, the aliens handed the house back to the current Grand Steward who appointed a steward to manage the house. In two decades' time, a few stewards have emerged successively on the stage. Some stewards played safe and were able "to distribute the food allowance at proper time" (Luke 12:42). However, some stewards have done unspeakably xxxx things!
It happens that a wicked servant abuses the young master. Other servants have tried to restrain him, while others put the incidents into record in order to expose the crimes of the wicked servant to the whole world. However, the steward and the wicked servant have received the full support of the Grand Steward. No more would there be anything to threaten her, she could not care less and refuse to listen. She puts on the headphone to listen to the CCTV, saying to herself, "My master is delayed in coming." (12:45a). Meanwhile, the wicked servant "begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants, to eat and drink and get drunk." (12:45b)
The ending of this parable is open. But I believe that the prophecies of the gospel will be fulfilled! Amen.
Sunday, 11 August 2019
力量越大,責任越大 With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility