
Sunday, 30 December 2018








Tuesday, 25 December 2018

A Good News of Great Joy 一個大喜訊

2018 Midnight Mass
Theme: A Good News of Great Joy

First of all, before we begin meditating on the Christmas messages, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a blessed and peaceful Christmas as well as a fruitful New Year ahead. May God continue to give us, opportunity after opportunity to love Him and serve Him in return for the grace He has been generously showering upon us.

Our God is the master of human history. When time comes, He shall intervene to deliver us, His Chosen People, from all sorts of troubles and difficulties. The Israelites had suffered from more than 400 years of slavery in Egypt. God raised a Moses to liberate them. When Judah was conquered and the people were exiled to Babylon for about 70 years, God raised Cyrus, the Persian King to liberate them. For the next 500 years, the Jews were ruled by succesive colonial empires and finally, the time came, the Son of God was born to a virgin. He is Messiah and Lord (Luke 2:11).

Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ which is truly a good news of great joy (2:10). Why? Previously, God only sent human saviours to liberate a nation. But finally, God takes matters into His own hand. He came down and "became flesh and made his dwelling among us" (John 1:14). He became a man in order to liberate us. He became one of us, became visible. He does not liberate just one nation, but the whole human race from the bondage of sins. The angel told the shepherds that this infant, this Saviour is both Messiah and Lord, "Messiah" because he is a human person. "Lord" because he is God himself. Here, divinity and humanity meet in one person. Miraculously, God does something beyond human understanding. By becoming flesh, by combining divinity and humanity into one person, God elevates human nature to a high level so that we are able to partake in His eternal life! Death is no longer our destiny. Eternal life is! Isn't this truly a good news of great joy?

If it is truly a good news of great joy, why then did He choose to be born in such a lowly situation? Born and laid in a manger does not look like anything promising to celebrate about! Jesus would have been born in the house of the richest man in the world. That seems to be promising for an economic saviour. No. Jesus had not. It was because money hardens human hearts. Redistribution of wealth and resources is not the way to save the world. Or, Jesus would have been born in the court of the Roman Caesar who commanded absolute obedience and authority from his subjects. That seems to be promising for a political saviour. No. Jesus had not. It was because authority corrupts. Military might or political reforms are meant for personal ambition to conquer the world but not to save it. Or, Jesus would have been born the greatest wizard in the world, some sort of Harry Potter. No. Jesus had not. It was because magic turns people away from God. It is a long road to salvation which cannot be achieved by waving a magic wand. Jesus chose to be born in such a lowly situation in order to show us the truth of salvation, the way to return to our Heavenly Father. How? Here is the answer.

This Christmas, our Bishop Michael Yeung gives a very simple message: a message of hope and joy for all the people, young and old alike. He says, "Many people in Hong Kong, especially the young and the elderly are faced with grave hardship and challenges. The Church must accompany them in their practical ordinary living ... Everyone is called to holiness, to be saints, in the very ordinariness of daily life. So, despise all the daily frustrations and sufferings, we must learn to offer to God heartfelt gratitude, rejoice and be glad! Be lovingly attentive to the needs of others, especially the most vulnerable."

His message expresses the true meaning of Christmas. The birth of Christ invites all of us to holiness, to become saints. We should be grateful and joyful because God has prepared for us a high level of life, eternal life. In order to achieve sanctification, we must extend our hearts and our hands to the poor and the needy in the society, people who are wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. So, make an effort to reach out to a person or a family in need this Christmas and see what you can do to help relieve their sufferings. Have a blessed Christmas!
God bless!




聖誕節慶祝一個大喜訊(2:10),是慶祝基督的誕生。有甚麼值得慶祝呢? 從前,天主派遣一個人作為救世者,解放一個國家民族。但最後,天主親自出馬,祂降來「成了血肉,寄居在我們中間。」(若1:14)為了拯救我們,祂變成了一個人。祂成為我們的一份子,有形可見。祂不但解放一個國家民族,祂要把全人類從罪惡的奴役出解放出來。天使告訴牧羊人,這個嬰兒,這個救世者是「主默西亞」。「默西亞」指他是一個人,「主」指出他是上主天主。在祂身上,人性與神性結合成為一個位格。天主奇妙地做了一些超乎人能理解的事。當祂成了血肉時,把人性與神性合而為一時,天主把人性提昇到一個足以分享祂永恆生命的高層次!死亡不再是人的宿命,永生是!這豈不是一個大喜訊嗎?




Sunday, 23 December 2018

相信就足夠了嗎? Is Faith Enough?




聽了天使的說話之後,瑪利亞的前途是清楚的,她要為天主生下一個「被稱為天主子」的聖者(1:35)。但接著的下一步該怎樣走呢?瑪利亞並不知道。她可以向誰求教呢?和自己的「閨密」商量嗎?她們可能會妒忌。向自己的母親透露嗎?她可能不明白, 認為這是懷春少女的夢話。幸好天使加俾額爾留給瑪利亞一條「求助熱線」,就是她的表姊依撒伯爾。最低限度,依撒伯爾比瑪利亞多六個月的經驗。甚麼經驗呢?就是獲得天主的眷顧,消除恥辱的經驗,不是人人都能擁有的。是那些神貧的人,溫良的人、飢渴慕義和心裡潔淨的人,纔適合擁有的。不出數天,瑪利亞便起程,「急速往山區去,到了猶大的一座城」(1:39)。有甚麼值得瑪利亞「急速」探訪依撒伯爾呢?瑪利亞需要找依撒伯爾「驗証」天使的說話嗎?用不著!自己懷孕與否,過一段時間便會知曉;而且,多等三個月,依撒伯爾產子與否,便可判斷天使的話是真是假。所以,瑪利亞「急速」的探訪,必定另有原因!






Fourth Sunday in Advent, Year C
Theme: Is Faith Enough?

The gospel story today is the Second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary. There are a lot of meditation materials. Moreover, it is easy to put yourselves into the story to feel what the characters feel. Let us lock into the situation and enter meditation.

According to Jewish customs, Mary was in her teens and marriageable. From her dialogue with Archangel Gabriel, we may deduce that Mary's intention was to serve the Lord in celibacy. She says to the Angel, "How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?" (Luke 1:34) But she was already betrothed to Joseph. Giving birth to children was a matter of time. Therefore, her statement expresses more her intention than objective reality of her situation. Her question reveals the trouble she experienced in her heart. On the one hand, it was her ambition. On the other, it was parental arrangement. When the Angel visited her, Mary must have been praying to seek God's will to discern whether her intention was a wrong choice. The Angel's message "seemed" to tell Mary that even though celibacy was a noble ambition, it was not hers because God had other plans for her! Mary humbly obeyed and uttered an immortal saying in salvation history, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word" (1:38). This will also be the theme of the World Youth Day 2019.
Just then I deliberately said "seemed" because God's might is stunning. "For nothing will be impossible for God." (1:37) Giving birth to a child and celibacy are not mutually exclusive. For God is able to accomplish both at the same time! God is able to protect the virginity of Mary to make her wish come true. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of God who gives us Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Her virginity is also perpetual. Before, during and after giving birth, Mary is always a virgin. The Mighty One has done great things for her (1:49)!

After Annunciation, the future of Mary became clear. She would give birth to the holy Son of God (1:35). But what was the next step to be taken? Mary had no idea. To whom should she turn? To her girly friends? They might be jealous! To her mother? She might not understand and dismiss it as girly dreams. Luckily, Gabriel left Mary a "hotline", Elizabeth who was six months more experienced than Mary. What experience? That of God's patronage and of the removal from shame. Not everybody could enjoy this experience. It is reserved for those who are spiritually poor, meek, hunger and thirst for God's righteousness and pure in heart to be blessed to possess this experience. "During those days, Mary set out and travelled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah." (1:39) Why did Mary travel in haste to visit Elizabeth? To verify the Angel's words? It was not necessary! After a while, Mary would know whether she was pregnant. And after three months, when Elizabeth gave birth to a boy, she would know whether Gabriel was speaking the truth. Therefore, there must be other reasons why Mary travelled in haste to visit Elizabeth!

Many people attribute her haste to Mary's charity, her care and concern for the others. Elizabeth was old and you can imagine how difficult it would be for an old lady to be pregnant. Thus, Mary took the first opportunity to help her. In the future, Mary would show again her concerns for the needs of the others in Jesus' first miracle (John 2:3). Showing concerns for the needs of the others seems to be her trademark, an expression of her being the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church. That also explains why in subsequent ages, Mary has appeared many times in different locations to the children Jesus Christ entrusted to her on the cross (19:26).

I am of the opinion that Mary's haste is due to the Holy Spirit which has overshadowed her. The Holy Spirit drove her to visit Elizabeth. As the "Power of the Most High" (Luke 1:35), the Holy Spirit always drives people into action. For example, immediately after Jesus' baptism, the Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert where he remained for forty days to be tempted by Satan (Mark 1:12-13). It was the Holy Spirit which drove the Church to evangelize the Gentiles (Acts 13:2). Thus, it was the Holy Spirit which drove Mary to visit Elizabeth to bless the fetus, the future John the Baptist to be the precursor of the Saviour. Mary carried the Holy Spirit to enliven the fetus which leapt in its mother's womb. Mary also made Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit to speak out God's word, "Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled." (Luke 1:45)

First of all, all of us have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Like Mary, we carry the Holy Spirit and come into contact with people. Of course, not everyone we meet is blessed enough to receive the Holy Spirit. But we need to ask ourselves, do we feel the urge of the Holy Spirit to bless other people? If we do not feel such an urge, we need to ask ourselves. Have we lost the Holy Spirit? If we have, it is a grave matter and remedy has to be taken.
Secondly, is it enough to believe to become blessed? Obviously, something unassuming is going on. It is not enough to believe alone to be blessed! For one thing, it is good to care about the others. If we persevere, it becomes a habit and a virtue without the need of deliberation. This is how loving care becomes charity. The charity of Mary came so naturally. The intensity of her charity was expressed in her haste to visit Elizabeth. For another, it is humility which is more difficult to detect but in the eyes of God, it is crystal clear. Well said Elizabeth, "And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" (1:43) Mary did not regard her identity as the Mother of God something to be grasped. Rather, she emptied herself, taking the form of a handmaid (Philippians 2:6-8) and humbled herself to serve and greeted Elizabeth (Luke 1:44). The charity and humility of the Blessed Virgin Mary are clearly displayed. Thus, "Sola Fidei" is not enough to be blessed, to be saved.

Brethren! This is truly a Joyful Mystery. Let us follow the exemplar of the BVM and allow the Holy Spirit to be our driving force, practise charity as well as humility in our daily life; and march onwards to sanctification.
God bless!

Sunday, 16 December 2018

What Should We Do? 我們該作甚麼呢?

Gaudete Sunday, Year C
Theme: What Should We Do?

Today is the midway through the season of Advent. The liturgical colour is not purple which is penitential but rose-colour which is joyful. Like the season of Lent which prepares us for the resurrection of the Lord, the season of Advent prepares us for the incarnation of the Lord. St. John the Evangelist says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life." (John 3:16) God loves us and does not abandon us even though we are sinners and have disappointed Him. Advent celebrates the coming of the Saviour. But our Saviour has already come and has been living among us for more than two millenia. Then, what's the point of spending four weeks every year in anticipation for His coming? Perhaps the story of John the Baptist might enlighten us on this point.

The Saviour had already arrived but people did not recognize him. St. Luke the Evangelist tells us that Jesus was born "and laid in a manger because there was no room for the Holy Family in the inn." (Luke 2:7) Similarly, when John the Baptist pointed out to his disciples that Jesus was "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29), at that time, Jesus was no more than a carpenter who came from Galilee in the north. Therefore, even though Jesus Christ has been staying with us for more than two millenia, the world needs many many John the Baptist's to bear witness to his presence, to bear witness to this visible mercy of God the Father. All of us who were baptized Catholics are these John the Baptist's. Our mission is to bear witness to the mercy and righteousness of the Father. Read carefully and learn from what John the Baptist told the people to do in today's gospel passage.

The crowds asked John the Baptist what they had to do. The Baptist says, "Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise." (Luke 3:11) I have two. You have none. John the Baptist told me that I should give you one. The world is full of injustice for many different reasons. Some people are rich while others are poor. There are many causes resulting in such a situation. For example, some people were born to arid and unproductive land. They are poor and there is not much they can do to improve their life situation. The Baptist's advice is simple justice. It doesn't do much. It will not change the situation overnight. Yet, it is the first step to make the world a better place. Notice that the key word is "share". It involves some sacrifices on our part. Without love, such sacrifices are meaningless.

Sometimes poverty and injustice are caused by greed and exploitation. For example, in the New Testament, tax-collectors were despised by the Jews not only because they collected tax for the colonial government, but also because they were greedy and were "collecting more than what is prescribed" to make themselves rich and fat (3:13). Soldiers were deployed by the Roman Empire. They stationed in Judeae to ensure that tax-collectors were able to collect enough tax. Moreover, the local governments had to feed them and pay them. Most of the time, the soldiers were not satisfied with their wages and because they had weapons, they would have no reservation in using them. That is why the Baptist says, "Do not practise extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages." (3:14) Truly, in preparation for the coming of the Saviour, the Baptist tried to make straight crooked paths, tried to make the world a better place, a place where righteousness might reign.

In a similar manner, we Catholics should not only prepare ourselves to receive the Saviour, but we should also prepare the world as well for the coming of the Saviour. Beginning with ourselves, we should follow the advice of the Baptist to make this world a better place, a place where righteousness reigns. Whose righteousness? Of course, it is God's righteousness. But God's righteousness demands more than just equal sharing of resources, or following the laws of the land and not using violence. More than that! God wants all of us to be holy like Him. "Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy." (Leviticus 19:2, 1 Peter 1:16) What should we do in order to be holy? Pope Francis has given us a piece of practicable advice.

On March 19, 2018 the Feast of St. Joseph the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our beloved Pope gave us his third Apostolic Exhortation, "Gaudete et Exsultate: On the call to holiness in today's world". Joy is a trademark of Pope Francis. The titles of his three Apostolic Exhortations are all about joy: Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) 2013, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) 2016 and this one, Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and be Glad) 2018. He doesn't want Christians who have just come back from a funeral (EG#10). He wants us all to wear a smile always. In this latest Exhortation, he tells us that the Beatitudes is the ID card of Christians (GE#63). That is to say, we should lead a life according to the teachings of the Beatitudes. Be poor in spirit, be mornful, be meek, be merciful, hunger and thirst for God's righteousness, be pure of heart, be peacemakers and be ready to suffer persecutions for the sake of the good news. This is the sure path to holiness. It is not easy because all these beatitudes go against the current secular mentality. The governments may even find the behaviour of Christians unsettling to their rules. Therefore, they do not hesitate to persecute us. But with the help of the Holy Spirit, we shall be able to accomplish it.

Brethren! Be joyful because God created us in His image. Be joyful because God has sent Jesus Christ to redeem our sins. Be joyful because God has chosen us and called us to be holy like Him. This is our destiny. Let's work towards our sanctification and live up to the promises of the Beatitudes.
God bless!



救世主已經來臨,但世人卻沒有認出祂來。聖史路加告訴我們,耶穌出生了,「放在馬槽裡,因為在客棧中為他們沒有地方。」(路2:7)同樣,當若翰洗者向門徒指出耶穌就是「天主的羔羊,除免世罪者!」(若1:29)時,耶穌祇不過是個來自北方加里肋亞的一個木匠。所以,雖然耶穌基督已經和我們在一起超過二千年,世界仍然需要很多的若翰洗者,為基督的臨在作見証,為天父可見的慈悲作見証。我們領洗成為天主教徒的,人人都是若翰洗者。我們的使命,是為天父的慈悲和公義作見証。讓我們細心閱讀今天的福音,並學習 若翰洗者對群眾的教誨。






Sunday, 9 December 2018

積極的期待 Active Anticipation









The Second Advent Sunday, Year C
Theme: Active Anticipation

Before we meditate on today's gospel message, let us clarify the identities of some people in the passage.
At the birth of Jesus Christ, the Jews were ruled by a puppet king controlled by the Roman Empire. He was Herod the Great. After his death, the sovereignty of the land was shared by his sons who were known as "tetrarch" in the passage. Herod the Great fathered two Philip's. One of them was not the tetrarch of the region of Ituraea. The wife of this Philip felt that he was not ambitious enough and so abandoned him. She brought along her daughter and married Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee. It was this Herod who later killed John the Baptist.

Let us return to the passage today. Since nobody knows when the world ends and we only know that it will come at the most unexpected time, our only strategy is to follow the gospel teaching of last Sunday, "Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from ... the anxieties of daily life ... Be vigilant at all time and pray ... and to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21:34-36) In his Pastoral Letter for Advent 2018, Bishop Michael Yeung says, "We are expected to do more than just passively wait. It is a call to prayer and action, to be doers and not just hearers of the Word." Thus, in order to live up to the gospel teaching, our anticipation is not a passive waiting but an active anticipation with concrete actions.

First of all, let us know without doubt what meanings and what blessings we have when we are called to become Catholics? We cannot be ignorant to the fact that entering the Catholic Church, we may enjoy the eternal life of the Father at the end of the world. But do we enjoy a 100% guarantee that by becoming a Catholic, we shall inherit for sure the eternal life of the Father at the end? It is fair that righteous people go to heaven and sinners go to hell at the end. But don't forget, we cannot pass judgment before a person dies. Even though a Catholic is cursed by everybody in the society for what she has done, we cannot judge that she will definitely be condemned to hell. Similarly, even if a person is highly regarded and praised by all members of the society, nobody can be sure that a room in heaven has been reserved for him. Thus, being baptized a Catholic is no guarantee of eternal life at the end. However, we Catholics do know the secret door which opens to eternal life.

What is this secret door? Once Jesus Christ says, "I am the way and the truth and the life." (John 14:6) That is to say, He is eternal life. If only we can establish a good relationship with Jesus Christ, we shall attain eternal life. How do we establish such a good relationship? We must know a person before we can establish a relationship. Thus, we must know Jesus Christ before we can establish this relationship. We know and confess that He is the Son of God, the visible mercy of the invisible Father. This is the truth. It is not some scientific laws, but the very being of God, the truth on which our salvation rests. Jesus also says, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven." (Matthew 7:21) That is to say, not everyone who prays all day crying Lord, Lord will attain eternal life. Rather, like what Bishop Yeung says, we need to lead our life according to the instructions of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the gospel in order to build up a good relationship with Him. When we persevere to the end, we will inherit eternal life.

Then, what gospel teachings and what concrete actions shall we do in preparation for the end? Shall we, from now on, stockpile food and fresh water, gas masks, anti-radiation jackets and even gold bars to barter necessities? All these commodities might perhaps be essential when wars erupt. However, they are useless to cater for the end. Let us find out what is revealed in the gospel passage today!

The gospel passage says, "The word of God came to John, the son of Zechariah in the desert." (Luke 3:2) Nowadays, we don't need to go to the desert in order to hear the word of God because we can find it in the Bible, especially in the gospels. But "the desert" is meaningful! There are no urban hassles and hustles. It is a tranquil environment conducive to the reception of God's word. Thus even if a bible is easily accessible, we still need to find, even to set up a sacred space to get away from secular hassles and hustles in order to listen to the will of the Father! What is the will of the Father? Didn't what John the Baptist did after hearing the word of God show the will of the Father?

The gospel says, "He went throughout the whole region of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins." (3:3) John the Baptist was the precursor of Jesus Christ to proclaim a baptism of repentance. He prepared the hearts of the Jews to receive the Saviour. All of us Catholics are John the Baptist's, precursors of Jesus Christ. If John the Baptist did not go to China to preach but proclaimed his messages nearby, we too do not need to go overseas, to undeveloped countries to evangelize. Like John the Baptist, we evangelize nearby in the neighbourhood of Tin Shui Wai.

Next Sunday, December 16, we will organize an Evangelization Carnival at Tin Yuet Estate. Our slogan is "Extravagant Joy to welcome Christmas, Beatitude and Peace to Tin Shui Wai". With performances and stall games, we bring the joy of the gospel to the citizens of Tin Shui Wai in the Carnival. Indeed, God has prepared for us a joyful liberation from the bondage of sins. The gospel is truly jubilant and rejoicing. This time, we make use of easily acceptable ways to spread the message of salvation in Tin Shui Wai. By becoming volunteers, we follow the example of John Baptist to prepare the people in Tin Shui Wai to receive the coming of the Saviour and to make this Christmas a meaningful one. This is indeed a good opportunity to serve Christ and to establish a good relationship with him. It matters a lot for our eternal life. I believe you can join us as volunteers on that day, or invite your friends to attend or even pray for God's grace so that this programme will run smoothly. This is a huge gift which God bestows on Tin Shui Wai. Please help deliver this gift!
God bless!

Sunday, 25 November 2018

甚麼是真理? What is Truth?








Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Year B
Theme: What is Truth?

We Catholics believe that the Bible is the word of God. Thus, we live according to the teachings of the Bible. However, people in the secular world do not necessarily accept the authority of the Bible. For example, recently a legislator tabled a motion to study the formulation of policies to recognize "same-sex union" which was subsequently vetoed. During the debate, a legislator with Christian background wanted to add a clause to respect the family values cherished in the existing marriage institution based on "one man and one woman". Immediately, another legislator with Christian background hit back, quoting the verdict of the top court that "one man and one woman" is a Christian marriage ideology introduced to Hong Kong in 1972. It has never been our original marriage institution. We have no obligation to uphold it. To be frank, this legislator might be guilty of quoting the verdict out of context. Moreover, she was suggesting that "one man and one woman" is a Christian ideology and since most Chinese do not believe in Christ, there is no obligation to obey such an ideology imposed on us from the West. Of course this reasoning is blatantly wrong. During Ming Dynasty, the court failed to predict solar eclipses, using the Ming Calendar. Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit priest made use of Western Calendar and correctly predicted solar eclipses! If you were the Ming Emperor at that time, would you say, "This Calendar came from the West and is an institution imposed upon us. We refuse to use Western Calendar"? Surely, not all things from the West is good. Xenophilia is wrong. Similarly, all alien things are harmful to local system. Such a xenophobic mentality is also wrong! The Classic of Poetry says, "Rocks from other mountains are able to polish jade." If your stubbornly reject the Truth, at the end of the day, you shall only be a loser! Unfortunately, the legislative chamber is made up of so many illogical legislators. How disappointing!

In the world today, people uphold democracy, freedom and human rights. The Church seems to be going against the flow by celebrating the Solemnity of Christ the King. Is the Church going against the current?
First of all, why did kings appear in human society? Humanity is superior over other species on world because their ability to organize is strong. They are able to build mega projects such as the Great Wall, to modify deliberately their living environment and systematically annihilate their rivals! On all these fronts, the institution of kings is a successful institution. People only have to pay a little price to keep a king. Then they are able to live and work peacefully. Why not? Unfortunately, human history is full of foolish rulers and tyrants while good kings are few to come by. Many foolish and brutal individuals abuse the kingship institution. They feed on the subjects and oppress them so much so that people are forced to rebel. The idea of human rights came from fighting back against abusive tyrants. People want to protect their own lives and their hard earned estates. They could only set off revolutions to overthrow tyrany. They demand kings to recognize the right to life and the right to private property of the people. All should be equal before the law. They demand kings not to be above the law but to refrain from abusing their authority. People only want to protect their lives and their private property. Indeed, people pay a heavy price to start revolutions. These basic human rights came from sweat and blood.

Unfortunately, not only is the institution of kings abused. Even the concept of human rights is also gradually abused. Out of selfishness, some people in power demand to enjoy rights which they are not entitled and embellish it as "equality of rights". Or they pass laws to force most people to accept the selfish benefits of a handful of people. Such actions are unjust and unreasonable. Thus, we see that without the "Truth", all those superficially valuable and meaningful actions and things shall become a harmful and exploitative institution.

The verse immediately after today's gospel is: Pilate said to him, "What is truth?" (John 18:38). Perhaps in Pilate's mind, might was right or law was truth. Perhaps Pilate was not even interested in knowing the truth at all. However, during the Last Supper, when answering Thomas' question, Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (14:6)
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the visible mercy of the invisible Father. He incarnated to show us the Way to return to the Father. He embodies the Truth and gives Life to men. The truth is "God is love." (1 John 4:8) Out of love, the Father created a cosmo suitable for men to live. Out of love, God created men in His own image. Out of love, the Father did not abandon the fallen men. On the contrary, He sent the Son to redeem humanity, liberate them with the Truth and repay our debts with the blood of the Son. Out of love, God sends the Holy Spirit to be the Advocate to accompany the Church to develop until the Son, Jesus Christ comes again in glory at the end of the world to judge the living and the dead. Thus Jesus Christ is king who "shall judge the poor with justice, and decide fairly for the land's afflicted. He shall strike the ruthless with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked." (Isaiah 11:4)

Brethren, although Jesus Christ told Pilate, "My kingdom does not belong to this world." (John 18:36), didn't He become flesh to be crucified to repay our sins? Thus, the kingdom of Jesus Christ is not a political secular kingdom. It is a spiritual kingdom. We are fighting against Satan. It is a spiritual battle whose battlefield is the world. Since we accept Jesus Christ to be our King, even though people do not accept the teachings of the Bible, we have the responsibility to demonstrate the superiority of Christ's teachings to the world with our words and deeds. Let them make a wise and free choice. Let us continue to make the teachings of the Beatitudes as our guiding principles in life. On one hand, we work hard towards sanctification. On the other, we help others sanctify and together sanctify the world to become the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
God bless!

Sunday, 18 November 2018

窮人向我們福傳 The Poor Evangelize Us







  1. 耶穌基督告訴我們,祂在聖體聖事之內(14:22)。祇要我們守候在聖體櫃前祈禱,或者參加每月首星期四晚的明供聖體,參加主日彌撒等。在末日,我們便有機會在聖堂裡,迎接再度來臨的耶穌基督了。但不是人人都可以24小時守候在聖堂內,在聖體櫃前祈禱的。難道我們不用上班工作,養妻活兒嗎?
  2. 耶穌基督又告訴我們,那裡有兩個或三個人,因祂的名字聚在一起,耶穌基督就在他們中間(瑪18:20)。所以,祇要我們參加彌撒,參加堂區的善會活動,甚至在家中與家人一起祈禱等等;在末日,我們在團體聚會中,會有機會迎接到再度來臨的耶穌基督了。
  3. 最後,耶穌基督以「山羊和綿羊」的比喻,講述「最後審判」的時候,明明白白地告訴我們,可以在飢餓、口渴、衣不蔽體、無家可歸、患病和在囚人士之中找到祂(25:31-40)。2016年,教會舉行「慈悲禧年」,宣佈大赦,使生活不同境況的兄弟姊妹,例如勞工、青少年、長者、病患者、傷殘人士、在囚人士等等,獲享天主的恩寵與慈悲。教宗方濟各更在「慈悲禧年」閉幕時,宣佈訂定每年普世基督君王瞻禮前一個主日,為「世界窮人日」,彰顯出關懷窮人與末世的密切關係。今年是第二屆。
今年的「世界窮人日」,教宗以聖詠三十四篇的一句說話作為主題:「卑微貧困的人一呼號,上主立即俯允。」(詠34:7)。在默想這句子的時候,教宗指出「卑微貧困的人」是那些「經歷著各種不同的痛苦和被邊緣化的人…他們的心靈因悲傷、孤獨和被遺棄而破碎…他們的尊嚴被踐踏。」不過,他們「卻仍有勇氣舉目望天,領受光明與慰藉。」(2018 年第二屆世界窮人日文告#1)「不幸的是…窮人們所聽到的,都是斥責的聲音,要求他們不要作聲,要忍耐…他們被視為帶來社會不安和不穩定的元素,必須予以拒絕及遠離。」(#5),殊不知,「貧窮的人是第一批有能力認識天主臨在的人,並在他們的生活中,見證他們與天主的親近。」(#6)所以,不要以為我們在幫助貧窮的人,反而,是他們正在向我們,向全世界,宣講福音!我們聽到窮人的呼聲嗎?教宗呼籲大家檢討良心,為甚麼貧窮人「這種呼號能上達到天主台前,卻怎麼無法進入我們的耳朵,我們甚至漠不關心,冷酷無情?」(#2)「這冷漠是因為我們的生活觀過於急功近利所致。」(#9)讓我們少說話,多聆聽。依照聖保祿宗徒對基督徒聖召的教訓生活,就是:你們「應與喜樂的一同喜樂,與哭泣的一同哭泣。彼此要同心合意,不可心高妄想,卻要俯就卑微的人。」(羅12:15-16



Thirty Third Ordinary Sunday, World Day of the Poor, Year B
Theme: The Poor Evangelize Us

No text in today's gospel is more eye-catching than this one, "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Mark 13:32)

Many parents in Hong Kong are very utilitarian. They want their children to have "a good future". So they encourage and even force them to choose subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Principles of Account and Information Technology etc. They won't consider subjects such as English Literature, Chinese History, Ethics and Religion. Unbeknown to them, besides material needs, human beings also have spiri
tual needs. Without cultural and ethical trainings, schools can produce spiritually fragile people who have high earning capabilities. When adversities strike, they fall miserably! Many unorthodox Christians hang around near Ginza, Tin Shui Wai. They target young people and sell them the end of the world is near. They scare them and persuade them to join their church. This is a questionable practice. In order to protect my students, whether they believe in God or not, I taught them "religious self-defence". I told my students to memorize the text above. When they meet those unorthodox Christians, my students could quote the text to point out their fallacy.

Jesus teaches us the proper attitude towards the end of the world. We must "Be Watchful! Be Alert!" (13:33) Make "God the centre of our life", i.e. lead our life according to the teachings of the Beatitudes. This is sanctification. When we have God in our hearts, shall we have any fear of the end of the world?
How do you deal with a teacher who likes to give impromptu tests or a boss who inspects unannounced? Besides being vigilant all the time, is there any other counter measure? Even if we are able to bribe an informant close to the boss or the teacher's favourite student in order to set up an early warning system, but on God's side, who can we bribe? Even angels and the Son do not know. Is there really no way out? Not necessarily!

Let's do a thought experiment. All of us are revolutionaries. We plan to assassinate a tyrant. We know that he will definitely pass through a certain location but the moment is an absolute secret. Only he knows. As revolutionaries, how can we assassinate him? A stupid but workable method is to wait for him at the location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When he arrives, we act!
Similarly, although nobody knows the day and the time of the end, if we wait patiently at where Jesus Christ will surely appear, at the end of the world, we shall become the first group of people to welcome Christ the Universal King! Two thousand years ago, when Jesus died on the cross, the eleven apostles hid themselves to save their skins. Only those women who loved Jesus were not afraid of the authority. They risked their lives to balm Jesus' corpse after Sabbath. Consequently, Mary Magdalene became the first person to meet the risen Christ. Moreover, she became the "Apostle of the Apostles" when Jesus sent her to inform the apostles his resurrection! Thus, let me repeat once more. Wait where Jesus must appear and we shall have the opportunity to become the first ones to welcome Christ the King. The question is, after His Ascension, where shall Jesus Christ definitely appear?

I believe all of you have the answers.

  1. Jesus Christ told us that He stays in the Sacrament of the Eucharist (14:22). If we keep praying before the tabernacle, or join the monthly Eucharistic Adoration on first Thursday evening or Sunday masses etc., at the end of the world, we shall have the opportunity to meet the Second Coming Christ in Church. But not everybody is able to stay in the Church 24 hours a day to pray before the tabernacle. We have to work and feed our family, don't we?
  2. Jesus also told us, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) Thus, when we celebrate mass, join the laity associations in the parish and even pray together in the family etc., at the end of the world, in our praying community, we have the opportunity to welcome the second coming of Christ.
  3. Lastly, when Jesus uses the Parable of Sheep and Goats to talk about the Last Judgment, He tells us plainly that we can meet him among the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the homeless, the sick and the imprisoned. (25:31-40) In 2016, the Catholic Church celebrated the Jubilee of Mercy and granted indulgences. Activities were organized for people in different stations, such as workers, youngsters, the aged, the sick and inmates in prisons etc. so that they might receive God's grace and mercy. At the closing of the Jubilee, Pope Francis announced that the Church would celebrate a World Day of the Poor on the Sunday before the Solemnity of Christ the King to manifest the close relationship between the care for the poor and end times. Today is the Second World Day of the Poor.
The Pope makes use of a verse from the Psalms to be the theme of this World Day of the Poor. "The poor man cried, and the Lord heard him." (Psalm 34:6) In meditating on this verse, the Pope points out that "the poor" are people experiencing "the different conditions of suffering and marginalization ... whose hearts are broken by sadness, loneliness and exclusion ... trampled in their dignity." But they "still find the strength to look up to him for light and comfort." (Message on the Second World Day of the Poor, #1) "Sadly ... the poor hear voices scolding them, telling them to be quiet and to put up with their lot ... were considered a source of insecurity and unrest ... and needing to be rejected and kept afar." (#5) Unbeknown to us, "The poor are the first to recognize God's presence and to testify to his closeness in their lives." (#6) Thus, don't ever think that we are helping the poor. On the contrary, the poor are proclaiming the gospel to us and to the world! Do you hear their voices? The Pope appeals for an examination of conscience. "How their plea, which rises to the presence of God, can fail to reach our own ears, or leave us cold and indifferent." (#2) "Our indifference is "born of a worldly and narrow view of life." (#9) Let us speak less and listen more. Follow the teaching of St. Paul on Christian sanctification, i.e. "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Have the same regard for one another; do not be haughty but associate with the lowly; do not be wise in your own estimation." (Romans 12:15-16)

Brethren! The Pope wishes all of us to "make tangible the Church's response to the cry of the poor, to experience this World Day as a privileged moment of new evangelization. The poor evangelize us and help us each day to discover the beauty of the Gospel. Let us not squander this grace-filled opportunity." (#10)
God bless!

Saturday, 17 November 2018

祈禱是望德之源 Prayers Sustain Us Till the End







Prayers Sustain Us Till the End (Luke 18:1-8)

Although the Beatitudes point out that "Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness" because God promises them the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:10), what can support those who suffer unreasonable persecutions for a long time to persevere till the end? While the causes of these "chosen ones call out to Him day and night" (Luke 18:7) are not rectified even after their death and those persecutors are elevated, does God's promise come to null? Shall the righteous receive their consolation only at the end of the world?

Can this parable give us some consolation? Here is a dishonest judge who neither feared God nor respected any human being (18:2). Would he render a favourable decision for this widow because of her persistence? Of course not! Wasn't he for a long time unwilling? (18:4) Moreover, elsewhere in other gospels, doesn't Jesus teach that we should not be wordy in our prayers because our Father knows our needs even before we pray (Matthew 6:7-8)? Well, since God already knows our needs before we pray and knows that we are suffering persecution, what is the point of prayers? What benefits can persistent prayers bring?

Indeed, the judge decided to help the widow because on one hand, out of her persistence, the widow had built up a good relationship with the judge! On the other hand, the widow persisted because there was no other option. Could she bribe the judge? If she could, she would have done so. Although the outcome might not be favourable, she had no regret. Her heart was peaceful.

This parable tells us that the dishonest judge decided in favour for the widow because of a personal relationship. He cared about the widow. In the process of persistent bothering, the widow obtained a peaceful mind. Prayer is a way to build up relationship with God and prayer itself is a consolation and a peace. In the process of unreasonable persecutions, prayer is an antidote which consoles us and supports us not to lose heart. "But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved." (Mark 13:13)

Friday, 16 November 2018

等候人子 A Rendezvous With the Son of Man







A Rendezvous With the Son of Man (Luke 17:26-37)

Since God is a mystery which we are unable to fathom, we have no way to accurately predict when He wants to end the universe.
Strangely, when Jesus was saying that "the day the Son of Man is revealed" will come when nobody notices it (Luke 17:30), he was talking about time. But the disciples asked, "Where, Lord?" They did not ask about the day or time but location! Their IQ should not be that low, should theirs?

Not at all! It was because Jesus kept talking about locations: housetop, field (17:31), bed (17:34) and grinding mill (17:35). Thus it was not wrong for the disciples to ask about locations. Just think about it, you have an appointment with a friend. If you forget the time and there is no way to contact him, the only way to meet him is to wait for him at the rendezvous! Similarly, since we don't know the day and time of the end of the world, wait for him where He shall appear is an option. Thus, the disciples of Jesus were not stupid after all! Unfortunately, Jesus Christ's answer was still ambiguous! Where shall the vultures gather? What does "body" mean? (17:36)

In fact, it is not ambiguous! Pope Francis says in "Gaudete et Exsultate", "For in every one of our brothers and sisters, especially the least, the most vulnerable, the defenceless and those in need, God's very image is found." (GE#61) Our Pope was repeating what Jesus Christ teaches about the Last Judgment, "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) That is to say, when we keep serving the least brothers, we shall be able to meet the Son of Man at his Second Coming!

"Eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, buying, selling, planting and building" (Luke 17:27-28) are not bad. They are perfectly legal. Let us be prepared to put all these things down at any moment. "Do not go down to get them" (17:31) Just don't forget to keep serving the least, the weak, the helpless and the needy brethren. When Lord Jesus Christ comes again, we shall be the first to welcome Him!
God bless!

Thursday, 15 November 2018

謙遜地降服在奧秘前 Humbly Surrender Before Mysteries






Humbly Surrender Before Mysteries (Luke 17:20-25)

Pope Francis points out the flaws of Gnostics in his apostolic exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate". Gnostics think that "their explanations can make the entirety of the faith and the Gospel perfectly comprehensible." (GE#39) They "turn the Christian experience into a set of intellectual exercises." (#46) They have the capability to explain biblical truth in a very rational manner so that God is no longer a mystery. Men who were created in the image of God are no longer a mystery too. Gnostics are everywhere. You may be one.

Both the Pharisees and the Gnostics were very rational. They hoped that everything in the world could be under their control. In a certain way, we are similar to those Pharisees. Confronted by uncertainties, we are anxious. The Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come so that they could prepare beforehand. Although it is natural for human beings to behave like this, it denies the mystery of God.

Elsewhere in the gospel, Jesus admits that even the Son of Man does not know the time of the end of the world. Only the Father knows (Mark 13:32). It doesn't sound reasonable. How can Jesus Christ, who is a member of the Trinity, not know the date and time of the end? Furthermore, Jesus Christ likes to describe the Kingdom of God in ambiguous terms such as, "And no one will announce, 'Look, here it is,' or, 'There it is.' For behold, the kingdom of God is among you." (Luke 17:21) At the end of the world, don't seek the Son of Man here or there because He would transcend all the space (17:23-24). I believe that Jesus Christ makes such a claim to teach us to accept the fact that we are facing an incomprehensible and uncontrollable mystery --- God! Confronted by Jesus Christ, the Pharisees felt uneasy and the religious authorities felt threatened. Thus the Son of Man "must be rejected by this generation." (17:25) When humanity is facing an incomprehensible mystery and insists on handling it with rationality and refuses to surrender humbly, they would take a scalpel trying to dissect and analyse the mystery. Consequently, they kill that mystery!
Man! When are you willing to humbly surrender in front of this ineffable mystery?

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

如何變成無望的人 How to Become Hopeless



福音中的十個癩病人,比今天不思改進的天主教徒幸福得多。他們受到癩病的折磨,有動機尋求治療!天主教徒不傳福音,感受不到有多大的痛苦,沒有動機尋求改進。癩病人懂得向耶穌基督尋求醫治,不願傳教的天主教徒還有甚麼可以求耶穌基督呢? 今天故事的焦點,集中到感恩的撒瑪黎雅癩病人身上,是恰當的。放心,主耶穌的氣量比任何人大,祂決不會因為那九個癩病人不感恩,而收回治療的恩寵。因為從一開始,主耶穌已經知道他們不會感恩。為甚麼主仍會治療不感恩的人呢?祂鼓勵我們不用感恩嗎?當然不是!無論人類感恩與否,他們都是天主的肖像。主耶穌祇會造就他們,讓他們得到充份的發展,而不會向他們斤斤計較!




How to Become Hopeless (Luke 17:11-19)

Pope Francis mentions "the temptation to dwell on your own weakness" (GE#15) in his latest apostolic exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate". The most obvious example is Catholics who are reluctant to discharge the duty to evangelize with the excuse of a lack of biblical and catechetical knowledge. They indulge themselves in a religious impotence and do not try to improve themselves!

The ten lepers mentioned in the gospel passage today were more blessed than those slothful Catholics. Suffering from the pains of leprosy, the ten lepers had the motivation to seek cure! Not evangelizing, Catholics do not feel any pain. They have no motivation to improve. Those lepers sought Jesus Christ for healing. What would motivate Catholics who are reluctant to evangelize to seek Jesus Christ? It is appropriate that the focus of the gospel passage falls on the grateful leper. Don't worry. Lord Jesus has a large heart. He would not take away the grace of healing from the nine ungrateful lepers. It was because from the beginning, Lord Jesus already knew that they would be ungrateful. Why then did the Lord still heal those ungrateful people? Did He encourage us not to be grateful? Of course not! No matter humanity is grateful or not, they are images of God. Lord Jesus would only edify them and help them fully develop. He shall not haggle over every ounce with them!

If being grateful or not makes no difference, why bother being grateful? From the perspective of healing, being grateful does not count. But think deeper and the difference becomes obvious. Being grateful is an expression of love because healing cannot be taken for granted. Moreover, it is an expression of faith because you believe that your healing comes from your Creator and not from Buddha. Thus Jesus says, "Stand up and go; your faith has saved you." (Luke 17:19) Being ungrateful shows that your faith and love are not mature! Beware! These two theological virtues will wither if they make no progress. If we do not tender them with care, one day, our hearts would be so hardened that we become faithless, loveless and finally hopeless!

In a similar manner, people who are reluctant to evangelize indulge themselves all days long in a state of religious impotence. They have no motivation to improve because they lack gratitude. One day, they probably would become, like those nine lepers, loveless and do not care about the life and death of others; become faithless and finally hopeless.
Therefore, people who don't evangelize, "Stand up and go!" God bless you!

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

基督徒憑甚麼得主稱讚? How Can Christians Expect to be Praised by the Lord?







How Can Christians Expect to be Praised by the Lord? (Luke 17:7-10)

"The Unreserved Love" is a popular worship hymn. Unfortunately, a flaw in the last line of the Chinese lyrics casts a shadow over the touching melody. The Chinese version reads, "I have decided not to pray for anything else but am satisfied with the Lord's praise!" Although it fits the melody perfectly well, obviously it is contrary to the gospel teaching today, "Is the Master grateful to that servant because he did what was commanded?" (Luke 17:9)

"Make my life a fragrant offering I pray, Help me Lord to serve you truly every day" is an absolutely correct wish and attitude of Christians. Hope that it is not just a slogan. Our life came from God. We are only stewards of our physical and spiritual life. Whether we like it or not, God possesses our life. We are stewards and in order to discharge the duties of stewards, we should manage and earn the greatest rewards according to the will of the Master! Don't forget, the property and even the opportunities to make use of the property are given by the Master. Therefore, "When you have done all you have been commanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.'" (17:10)

Unfortunately, many Catholics are not even able to do what they are obliged to do. What things are Catholics obliged to do? Joining Sunday mass; receiving the sacraments of Holy Communion and Reconciliation at least once a year; fasting; observing the Ten Commandments and providing for the expenditures of the Church etc. Aren't they? They are the Precepts of the Church, the minimum requirements of Catholics. But are you happy if your boss pays you the minimum wages only? Don't you want to increase your incomes so that when you go to heaven, you will find an abundant treasure?
Catholics should also study the Bible; pray; do works of charity; help the needy; live up to the teachings of the Beatitudes; seek social justice and are not afraid of persecution for the sake of righteousness. Every Catholic should, each in his own way, lead a life according to the teachings of the Beatitudes in order to show the merciful countenance of the Father. This is evangelization.

Catholics, although we are unprofitable servants, those are our obligations. How can we expect the Lord to praise us?

Monday, 12 November 2018

如何不令小子跌倒 How NOT to Cause Little Ones to Fall






How NOT to Cause Little Ones to Fall (Luke 17:1-6)

Most Catholics are reluctant to evangelize. The lack of biblical and catechetical knowledge is a common excuse. They "fear" that they would teach the wrong things to others. However, when teaching others, the recipients will of course benefit. But in the course of teaching different people, the teachers themselves will continue to upgrade their skills and clarify some blind spots in their knowledge. Thus, it is not necessary for the knowledge to be bulletproof in order to evangelize because catechists also improve in the process. After all, the biblical and catechetical knowledge of priests and bishops is not airtight!

To upgrade one's faith is a life-long assignment. We will lose the motivation to improve when we do not evangelize and meet difficulties. Allowing their faith to gather dust; not knowing the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, or Christian moral principles; going with the flow and do not find it problematic is a rather accurate description of most Catholics. Why? It is because when they do not evangelize, their faith is never challenged and gather dust. They have never been rejected and will not have the chance to feel the goodness of God's consolation. Then from where comes the motivation to study and strengthen their spirituality? Paradoxically, indulging in the world of social media which is flooded with fake news, many Catholics are eager to forward short questionable messages packaged in high sounding philosophical memes to their friends and groups without a thought, perhaps to satisfy their evangelization duty! They have committed the eighth Commandment, being irresponsible towards the truth!

Lord Jesus Christ says it well, "Things that cause sin will inevitably occur." (Luke 17:1) It is inevitable for the secular world to be filled with cheatings and fallacies. Let us not become the cause of the fall of those little ones in faith. The best way is to proclaim the words and deeds of Jesus Christ to others so that they may share God's salvation. Then we too will improve and do not fall into temptations of the secular world. Amen.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

如何報答天主的愛? How to Return God's Love







  1. 每一個人都蒙天主召叫成聖,因為我們都是按神聖的天主的肖像所造。其實成聖,就是為了回應報答天主的愛。我們成聖的程度,反映出我們愛天主有多真心。
  2. 每一個人成聖的道路不一樣。加音是農夫,亞伯爾是牧羊人;亞巴郎是富甲一方的族長,伯多祿是漁夫,瑪竇是稅吏,路加是醫生,而窮寡婦就是窮寡婦。所以教宗方濟各在他最新的宗座勸諭《你們要歡喜踴躍》中,指醒我們歷代聖人的榜樣,固然有助鼓舞人心,激勵我們前進,但我們沒有必要有樣學樣,不要耗費精力,模仿那些並非為我們而設的成聖方法(GE#11)。窮寡婦沒有一個好像亞巴郎的獨生子,可以奉獻給天主;瑪竇亦沒有自己放牧的羊群,可以選最肥美又是首生的羊,祭獻天主。各人祇可在自己的生活崗位中,設法履行全心、全靈、全力地愛天主的誡命。
  3. 教宗方濟各指出,真福八端是基督徒的身份證。每個人都必須按各自的方式,實踐耶穌有關真福八端的教導。(#63)教宗在默想每個真福的時候,總說做到了一端,就是一個聖德。且看這個窮寡婦,她神貧嗎?她不但做到「神貧」,而是做到路加福音所要求的貧窮。她受社會制度的剝削,沒有法學士為她出頭,她哀慟了。她有反抗剝削的制度嗎?沒有,反而按規矩,連僅有的銅錢也投到銀庫裡去,她做到了「溫良」。她渴望天主的拯救嗎?一定渴望,她已做到了「飢渴慕義」。她一心一意信靠天主嗎?她已做到了「心裡潔淨」。她最少已滿全了五端真福,在成聖的道路上,已取得了最少五個聖德!


Thirty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: How to Return God's Love

According to Genesis, men were created in the image of God. Furthermore, they were assigned to manage the Creation (Genesis 1:26). But how then could men manage beasts whose teeth and crawl are sharp and which run faster than men? I believe that God must have given men special graces at the beginning so that they were able to become stewards. Unfortunately, our First Parents committed sin and lost those Original Graces. The whole world was contaminated by sin. Offspring of humanity were born without those Original Graces. They lived and grew up in a world contaminated by sins. God is love. Out of love, He created a world suitable for humanity to live and grow. We are the master piece of God. How would He abandon us? God is free and unrestrained. Thus, we who were created in the image of God enjoy freedom as well, so much so that even God has to respect our freedom. He would not force us to accept His salvation! Step by step, God made covenants with humanity, inviting us to restore the glory of the image of God through observing the covenants. Moses liberated the Israelites, left Egypt and established covenant with God at Mount Sinai. God gave them laws to teach them to be holy. God said, "You shall be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation." (Exodus 19:6). Scattered among the Pentateuch are 613 laws which God gave the Israelites. The most famous ones are the Ten Commandments and the greatest commandment we read last Sunday, i.e. "You shall love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, and with your whole being and with your whole strength." (Deuteronomy 6:5) and "You shall love your neighbour as yourself." (Leviticus 19:18) Unfortunately, when the Israelites observed these laws, they paid attention to the letters only and forgot the spirit. God knew it all. So, when the time came, the Son of God incarnated to clarify and taught the spirit of the law on one hand and on the other, offered Himself as a redemptive sacrifice to establish a new covenant. The Old Testament established by Moses made the Israelites a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. The New Testament established by Jesus Christ takes us higher. All humanity is to become sons and daughters of God. This is the meaning of being baptised Catholics. In the gospel story today, Jesus praised the poor widow, "This poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury." (Mark 12:43) Don't be mistaken. Jesus did not give the Jews an arithmetic lesson, teaching them proportion. You offer $20 per week while your monthly income is $20,000. That makes 0.4%. The poor widow had two small coins worth a few cents and she gave all. That was 100%. By proportion, the poor widow put in more! This explanation looks correct by is actually wrong because it does not pay attention to the scripture! Jesus said, "They have all contributed from their surplus wealth." (12:44). It is surplus, spare and dispensable. Think about it, in the hearts of those people, how important is God? Does God deserve dispensable offerings? In Genesis, God did not look with favour the offering of Cain because Cain did not act rightly. Perhaps he offered up spare dispensable vegetables and not the most precious things to God (Genesis 4:5-7). On the other hand, Jesus praised the poor widow because Jesus was able to find on earth somebody who could love God "with all her heart, and with all her being and all her strength". She had done the greatest commandment! Perhaps you might worry about the future of the poor widow. How would she survive after offering all? Don't worry, "God will provide" (22:8). In Genesis, God tested Abraham, asking him to offer his beloved son. Isaac was the only son and only hope to make Abraham the father of many nations. Although at that time, there was no commandment, no Old Testament, Abraham did as instructed. It showed that he was able to love God with all his heart, all his being and all his strength. God was satisfied that Abraham obeyed. He did not need Isaac to be killed. Consequently, Abraham became fruitful and his descendants became a people, a nation. Thus we don't need to worry about the poor widow! From these biblical figures, we learn the following lessons: First of all, God calls each and every one of us to be sanctified because we were made in the image of God who is holy. To be sanctified is to return God's love. How well we are sanctified indicates how genuinely we love God. Secondly, our ways of sanctification are different. Cain was a farmer, Abel a shepherd. Abraham was a wealthy patriarch. Peter was a fisherman, Matthew a tax-collector and Luke a physician. The poor widow was a poor widow. Thus, in his latest apostolic exhortation "Gaudete & Exsultate", Pope Francis reminds us that the exemplar of saints may prove helpful and inspiring, but we are not meant to copy because that could lead us astray from the one specific path that the Lord has in mind for us. (GE#11) The poor widow did not have a son like Abraham's to offer. Matthew did not have a flock of sheep to choose the best and first born to offer God. Each one of us can only observe the commandment to love God with all our heart, and with all our being and all our strength in our own way. Thirdly, Pope Francis pointed out that the Beatitudes are like a Christian's identity card. We have to do, each in our own way, what Jesus told us in the Sermon on the Mount. (#63) After meditating on each beatitude, the Pope concludes with "That is holiness". Look at the poor widow, was she poor in spirit? Not only was she poor in spirit, she was poor according to the demand of the gospel of Luke! She was exploited by the social system. No scribe helped her get what she deserved. She was mournful. Did she resist the institution? No, she followed the requirement to contribute her only two coins to the treasury. She was meek. Did she hunger for God's salvation? Of course she did. Did she seek God alone? She did and her heart was pure. She had at least achieved five beatitudes. On her way to sanctification, she had attained five strains of holiness! Brethren, the poor widow was truly an exemplar of sanctification. But we do not need to copy her. Let us follow the teaching of the Beatitudes, each in our own situation and opportunities, to live up the commandment to love God with all our hearts, and with all our being and with all our strength. God bless.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

為甚麼要守法律? Why Should We Obey Commandments?



  1. 凡主日及一總停工瞻禮之日,該望全彌撒。
  2. 遵守聖教所定的大小齋期。
  3. 該妥當告解,並善領聖體,至少每年一次。
  4. 當盡力幫助聖教會的經費。」(【要理問答】#163








Thirty First Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Why Should We Obey Commandments?

Do you remember the Precepts of the Church?
Yes! They are:

  1. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligations.
  2. You shall confess you sins and receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least once a year.
  3. You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church
  4. You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church.
The above precepts can be regarded as the minimum requirements to be a Catholic. For example, the fourth precept asks Catholics to provide for the needs of the Church but does not stipulate a tithe. And the second precept requires Catholics to confess sins and receive the Holy Communion at least once a year. This clearly shows that it is a minimum requirement on Catholics. Since they are minimum requirements, there is a large room for improvement!

Talking about Christian laws and regulations brings to mind the Ten Commandments.
Right! After Moses had liberated the Israelites from the slavery in Egypt, he brought them to Mount Sinai to enter into a covenant with God. The Ten Commandments are a symbol of covenant. You may wonder why the lofty God should enter into a covenant with lowly creatures. For example, after the Great Deluge, God established a covenant with Noah, using the rainbow as a symbol to pledge that there shall not be another flood to devastate the earth (Genesis 9:12-16). Later, God established another covenant with Abraham, using circumcision as a symbol to make him the father of a multitude of nations. Through his descendants, humanity will be blessed. (17:4-8)

God establishes covenants with humanity because firstly, men were created in the image of God (1:26). Among all creatures, men alone are qualified to establish covenants with God. Secondly, God is too strong for men. The best strategy for a strong nation to respect the autonomy of a small nation and help it develop is to establish covenants. The strong nation showers the small nation with a lot of favours to demonstrate its strength while the small nation performs some symbolic ceremonies to show her submission. The covenants between God and men are similar. Thus, the Israelites followed the Ten Commandments as guidelines of their daily life to express their submission to God. On the other hand, the Ten Commandments help these Egyptian slaves unite into a people and a nation. Previously, the twelves tribes worshipped different deities in different locations of Egypt. Now, they were united and led by one God to form one people, one nation. Previously, they were slaves and had no rest. Now, they could rest on Sabbath to celebrate their identity as a free man. The rest of the Commandments teach them to honour their parents, to respect life, to safeguard families, to enforce the right to private property and defend the truth. Thus the Ten Commandments are excellent moral guideposts, setting norms for human interactions.

The Ten Commandments are high level principles. When they are applied to concrete daily situations and cases, new regulations are developed. In total, 613 laws can be isolated among the Pentateuch. In the gospel passage today, a scribe challenged Jesus Christ who in a leisurely manner answered the challenge by quoting the Deuteronomy and Leviticus. The scribe surrendered in awe. Therefore, "loving God above all and loving one's neighbour as oneself" was not invented by Jesus who only quoted from the teachings of Moses. Indeed, obeying the Commandments fulfils the demands of the Old Testament only. Jesus once said that He did not come to abolish the laws but to fulfil them (Matthew 5:17). Jesus demands us Christians to do better! Jesus says in this way, "So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (5:48)

What does it mean "to be perfect as the heavenly Father"? Let us see how the other people interpret this. St. Luke the Evangelist says, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." (Luke 6:36) St. Paul was the teacher of St. Luke. He had been a Pharisee and was very familiar with the Torah. He must know by heart the teaching of Leviticus which says, "Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy." (Leviticus 19:2) Thus, when Paul wrote to the churches of Rome and Corinth, he wrote at the beginning, "To all the beloved of God in Rome, called to be holy." (Romans 1:7, 2 Corinthians 1:1). Thus, in the mind of St. Paul, when a believer was baptized, he was the beloved of God and was called to be holy. Answering God's call to be holy fulfils not only the demands of the Old Testament, but also the target of the New Testament. Thus, as Catholics, we should not be contented with doing the minimum requirements and be satisfied with fulfilling the 4 precepts of the Church. This is an Old Testament mentality. We should be more ambitious to excel in sanctification. The question is, how do Christians become sanctified?

On March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph, Pope Francis promulgated the latest apostolic exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate" to speak about the call to holiness in today's world. He says, "The Beatitudes are like a Christian's identity card ... We have to do, each in our own way, what Jesus told us in the Sermon on the Mount." (GE#63) Perhaps you may feel that it is impossible for us, common mortals, to put into practice the Beatitudes which are too idealistic for us. Don't worry, we can take one step at a time. First of all, obey the commandments to build up good habits which shall become the basis of virtues we cultivate later. At the same time, we study the teachings of the Beatitudes and put them into practice to attain sanctification. Take a look at the case of the Rich Young Man. He was idealistic and sought ways to inherit eternal life. However, Jesus asked him first whether he had observed the Commandments. Thus, we see that observing the Commandments is the foundamental exercise of inheriting eternal life. Take another look at the scribe mentioned in today's gospel. What he had was knowledge and what he lacked was practice. Thus, we see that obeying the Commandment, even if we have not achieved sanctification, puts us not far away from the Kingdom of Heaven!

Brethren, although obeying the Commandments is an Old Testament mentality, it is essential because it is the foundamental exercise to attain eternal life. It should not be abolished! However, we should not be contented with minium requirements. We should aim higher, each in our own ways, to put the Beatitudes into practice to walk the way of New Testament sanctification.
God bless!

Friday, 19 October 2018

敬畏天主 Fear of God







Fear of God (Luke 12:1-7)

In ancient times, natural disasters such as typhoons, deluges, earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions etc. would evoke fear among humans. They would turn to deities. Thanks to technologies that control and harness energies from the nature, modern people are able to create comfortable and convenient lives so much so that they have gradually lost fear.

Fear is an inborn emotion which helps us survive. We are alive today because fear aroused when our jungle-living ancestors saw poisonous snakes or predators. They took flight and lived to pass on their genes. Those without fear or a sense of crisis were eaten by wild animals and their genes were eliminated! Living in technologically advanced societies today, human beings have become fearless. They have lost a healthy dose of fear. I am afraid they have unknowingly trapped themselves into extinction and would be eliminated by the indifferent Mother Nature. Look at how we are eating the fruits of our contamination of the environment for our own comfort and convenience. We are battered by super typhoons and are eating sea foods saturated with nano-plastics.

Today, Jesus tells us "not to be afraid of those who kill the body but after that can do no more." (Luke 12:4) They are governments or powerful people who persecute and butcher Christians for various reasons. These people are making martyrs and sending them to heaven. Thus, Christians do not need to fear them. Instead, Christians should thank them for persecutions and killings!

Instead, Jesus tells us to "be afraid of the one who after killing has the power to cast into Gehenna." (12:5) Who is this? Satan? Or God? Of course it is God! Satan is able to seduce men to make use of their free will to choose sin and invoke God's wrath. If Satan is too eager and take control over the will of a person, that person shall have no moral responsibility of the sins he commits. Whether this person should be punished or sent to hell is unknown! God has the final decision. That is why up till today, the Church only canonizes and has never declared who goes to hell, not even Judas the traitor. Since it is God's authority. The Church dares not and will not usurp God's authority!

Brethren, it is meaningful that "Fear of God" is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ has shown us the mercy of God so much so that we probably have forgotten the awe and fear due God! The gospel passage today tells us how God loves us so much so that "even the hairs of your head have all been counted." (12:7) But at the same time, fear of God is also important. Fear of God allows us to know how negligible we are and to acknowledge that God alone is the Author of Life. Fear of God restrains us from committing sins and crimes, makes us humble. Thus, the Old Testament repeats many times that "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." (Psalms 111:10; Proverbs 1:7, 10:9)
Let us open up our hearts and receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. Let us live up the humble attitude of fear of God.
God bless!

Thursday, 18 October 2018

我輸了給時間 I Lost My Race Against Time






I Lost My Race Against Time (Luke 10:1-9)

We have all watched post-typhoon news and have seen many fallen trees and how all the land bound traffic have come to a halt. There were also reports of floodings. But do you know how much loss farmers in the New Territories have suffered? It was not yet harvest time but all the produces were submerged and destroyed under water! Let us imagine what would happen if we allow the harvest to stay in the field? Swarms of birds and locusts would come to eat up all the produces and efforts of farmers. Those dropped to the ground would rot. What a waste if we don't reap the harvest in time! Thus, Jesus told the seventy two disciples, "The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest." (Luke 10:2)

Unfortunately, modern people live in industrial societies and have lost touch with nature and agriculture. They do not feel the urgency of reaping the harvest. Reaping is to save the harvest from birds, locusts and rotting. In a similar manner, evangelization which helps people attain God's liberation and redemption is also a race against time, a competition against Satan! Catholics used to relying on the pastoring of the clergy. They have become passive. Evangelization has become the responsibility of the clergy. The laity think that it is enough to pray for vocation and pray for evangelization! It is a serious issue. Do we want to see our beloved ones separated on the other side of the abyss (16:26) Can we make our beloved ones believe in Jesus simply by prayers? If we really love them but do not work for their eternal life, is our love genuine?

We don't have to become a biblical scholar, a theologian or a missionary. Just like St. Luke whose feast we celebrate today, he had been a physician before he was converted and was still a physician after his conversion. We believe that he took care of the health of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her advanced age. Thus, St. Luke was able to write his gospel with a lot of first-hand information. St. Luke was no scholar nor theologian. He was still a physician taking care of his patients. But he repositioned himself, serving his patients with the spirit of the gospel. In his gospel, we find beatitudes everywhere. There, the poor and the meek were given voice. The Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son spell out the true meaning of mercy. St. Luke also wrote the Acts of the Apostles, depicting how those who hungered and thirsted for God's salvation sought peace and unity among people, how they were not deterred by persecutions and led a life of grace in joy. St. Luke shared the joy of salvation with his medical skills, his words and deeds. During his times, Luke the physician was a learned man. Not only is his writing style elegant, but his gospel is also prayerful: Ave Maria, Benedictus, Magnificat and Gloria etc. are preserved and handed down to future generations. St. Luke is truly a prayerful man. In his prayers, he sought God's will.

Brethren, if Luke the physician could do it, you and me can.
Let us learn from St. Luke. Read his corpus which is full of mercy and prayers. Let his teachings guide our life to love Jesus, to be happy to serve Jesus and to persuade others to believe in Jesus.
God bless!