
Thursday, 29 February 2024

知足真的會常樂嗎? Does Happiness Come From Be Contented?

知足真的會常樂嗎? Does Happiness Come From Be Contented?







Wednesday, 28 February 2024

又再「五十步笑百步」 Kettle Calling Pot Black AGAIN

又再「五十步笑百步」 Kettle Calling Pot Black AGAIN





Tuesday, 27 February 2024

天主如何教育暴君 How Does God Educate Tyrants

天主如何教育暴君 How Does God Educate Tyrants






Monday, 26 February 2024

天主的全能 The Omnipotence of God

天主的全能 The Omnipotence of God







Sunday, 25 February 2024

Listen To Him 你們要聽從祂

Second Lenten Sunday, Year B
Theme: Listen To Him 你們要聽從祂

We have entered the annual Lenten Season for ten days. It is always good for us to review how much progress we have made in coming closer to our Lord who is almighty and unfathomable. Yet, for our sake, He downgrades Himself and reaches down to us by establishing a covenant with us. In doing so, He restrains His power to do earth-shattering miracles; turns on His mercy to forgive our iniquities and showers us with abundant graces. God is eternal and His covenant with humanity is one and everlasting. However, human beings are finite creatures living in history. So God renews and unfolds His covenant with the descendants of our First Parents in history. The Sinai Covenant marks the zenith of revelation in the first stage and we call it the Old Testament. Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection marks the zenith of the final stage and we call it the New Testament. Unlike the Old Testament in which Moses, a mere mortal acted as the mediator of the covenant, the New Testament is the final and everlasting covenant because the Son of God took the mediator role in this covenant. Last week, we meditated on the theme of entering into a covenant with God, our Creator. This week, we turn our attention to an indispensable element in keeping an ongoing covenant, viz. listening and obeying.

Before we obey, we must find out what to obey. As Christians, we should obey the will of God. So today we meditate on the importance of listening to the Word of God in order to know the will of God. As Christians who take our faith seriously enough, we always find it difficult to discern the will of God in our communication with Him in prayers. Have we chosen the wrong medium/channel of communication? Don’t worry. There is another medium/channel. Studying the Bible. It is an essential practice because the Bible contains the Word of God. The Bible is the embodiment of the Word of God. It is the source of all branches of Christian theology and holy writings of Church Fathers. All of them are only footnotes of the Bible. There are 73 books in the Catholic Bible and they are not of equal importance. Ultimately, it is Jesus Christ whose words and deeds we should study in depth because John the Evangelist explicitly portrays Jesus Christ as the Word of God in the gospel which bears his name. In other words, Jesus Christ is the personification of the Word of God. The Gospel is not simply a biography of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Gospel! Now, let us turn to the readings today.

The well-known story of Abraham offering up Isaac as a burnt-sacrifice to the Lord God is the first reading today. This story is both disturbing and challenging because the Lord God instructed Abraham to do so in order to test him. “Some time afterward, God put Abraham to the test and said to him: Abraham! ‘Here I am!’ he replied” (Genesis 22:1). My ex-colleague found it difficult to teach the story to Form One kids. He was unable to convince himself to tell the story of an almighty, omniscient and loving God that abused an old man of over a hundred years old! Of course, there were many apologetic explanations. For example, it was a story to abolish human sacrifice practices found in idolatry; or God is omniscient but Abraham was not. God tested Abraham in order to make Abraham know how far he could believe in Him; or Isaac was a pre-figure of Jesus Christ because he carried the wood of sacrifice just as Jesus carried the cross to Mount Calvary; or God was actually putting Himself to the test. If Abraham passed the test, how could He be God if He refused to let His only begotten Son to die for humanity etc. If my colleague bothered to search, he would not have had his conscience tortured for so many years. Regrettably, it was the pre-Google era! Well even without the Internet, had my ex-colleague studied sufficient Bible, he would have found an answer in the book of Hebrews which reads, “By faith Abraham when put to the test offered up Isaac … He reasoned that God was able to raise even from the dead, and he received Isaac back …” (Hebrews 11:17-19). Beloved brethren. I quote his case to encourage you to study the Bible to draw ever-running water to put your restless mind to the rest. Keep one thing in mind. God’s call is personal. He calls us by names as shown in the Abraham story above. Therefore, God’s will is tailor-made and the most appropriate for you.

In fact, the Lord God also laments how we do not listen to Him and walk His path. “I am the Lord your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt. Open wide your mouth that I may fill it. But my people did not listen to my words; Israel would not submit to me. So I thrust them away to the hardness of their hearts; Let them walk in their own machinations” (Psalms 81:11-13). The Lord God continues to warn, “Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as on the day of Massah in the desert. There your ancestors tested me; they tried me though they had seen my works. Forty years I loathed that generation; I said: ‘This people’s heart goes astray; they do not know my ways. Therefore I swore in my anger: They shall never enter my rest’” (95:8-11). The Lord God warns the Jews not to repeat the mistakes of those ancestors who died in the wilderness and failed to enter the Promised Land. [Note: The failure of Moses to enter the Promised Land keeps bugging me. As far as I have read, no answer puts my mind to rest. Obviously, I am no better than my ex-colleague is!] The book of Hebrews also meditates on the importance of listening to and obeying God’s commands as the Psalter teaches in this excerpt of Psalms (Hebrews 3:7-19). Once again, it is important to study the Bible to learn from these God-chosen authors of the books collected in the Bible. Their writings help strengthen our faith in God. Thus, I recommend my beloved brethren to read the verses themselves to establish your stance.

In the Transfiguration story, what did the three apostles hear? The conversation among Jesus, Moses and Elijah (Mark 9:4) and the Father’s testimony, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him” (9:7c). The gospel of Mark does not mention the contents of the conversation. Luke does (Luke 9:31). This part is too obvious. Let’s focus on what the Father meant when He says, “Listen to Him”. What had Jesus told the apostles to kick-start this Transfiguration? It was the first prediction of His Passion in Jerusalem (Mark 8:31) during which Peter tried to stop Jesus (8:32). Then Jesus knew that probably He had over-estimated the potentials of the apostles, in particular Peter’s, to carry on His mission after His ascension. He needed to reinforce their faith and perhaps the Transfiguration would do the job. Peter’s performance on the spot was less than desirable but was expected. Peter says, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here! Let us …” (9:5). Perhaps Peter had previously says, “Rabbi, it is good that we follow you! Let us continue to follow you. So you should not die in Jerusalem.” Peter and the rest of the disciples failed to listen to Jesus. Each one of them harboured their unique anticipation on the Messiah. Perhaps this pre-occupation with a better tomorrow prevented them from listening to the Son of God, thus knowing the will of God.

Beloved brethren! Are we able to empty all the anticipations/personal ambitions/pre-occupations/ in our hearts in order to discern God’s will? Are we able to listen to Jesus in prayers and Bible study? Don’t forget, we have a third channel, viz. one of these least brothers of Jesus (Matthew 25:40).
God bless!

2021 Reflection
Picture Credit:

Saturday, 24 February 2024

此「聖」不同彼「聖」 This Holiness Is NOT That Holiness

此「聖」不同彼「聖」 This Holiness Is NOT That Holiness







Friday, 23 February 2024

錯不在我 It is Not My Fault

錯不在我 It is Not My Fault

「電視餸飯」 相信是很多香港人生活習慣的一部份,而且經過歲月的洗煉,我們已建立了一套品味,把某些電視台或電視節目篩走了,祇花少許時間看「晚間新聞」。慶幸無論是那一個本地電視台,總要按「發牌協議」,播放外交部發言人的官腔。作為大國國民,我們當然要聽這些「重要講話」,並加以學習。聽多了,在發言人未開腔前,我們已經可以替他說:「錯不在我云云」。這句話不但成了外交部的金句,原來也是聖經金句!

當我還在課堂上教授《創世紀》的日子,我經常問同學們:「亞當姓乜?」答案: 「亞當姓『賴』,佢嘅全名係『賴亞當』。老婆跟老公姓,所以叫『賴厄蛙』!」點解?「因為天主問亞當點解食『禁果』嘅時候,亞當將責任推到天主同厄娃身上(創3:12)。當天主輪到問厄娃嘅時候,佢不愧係由亞當嘅肋骨造成,將責任推到蛇嘅身上(3:16b)。」感激外交部發言人,經常重提這段聖經金句,提醒我們,人類的劣根性是如此根深蒂固,揮之不去!


如果兄弟怨我確實是我的錯,向他認錯修和是理所當然的。倘若「錯不在我」,難道我還要向他認錯嗎?真是理直氣壯!試問「錯不在耶穌」,難道祂要為罪人釘死在十字架上嗎?作為祂的門徒,難道我們不應放下身段,造就一個讓兄弟回頭悔改的機會嗎?即使一次又一次死不悔改,我們還要繼續低聲下氣向他認錯嗎?對不起,主耶穌說:「我不是對你說:直到七次,而是七十個七次」(18:22)。 親愛的兄弟,你有後悔跟隨了耶穌嗎?


Thursday, 22 February 2024

用天國的鑰匙鎖上陰間的門 Lock the Gates of Hell with the Keys of Kingdom of Heaven

Lock the Gates of Hell with the Keys of Kingdom of Heaven








Wednesday, 21 February 2024

約納狂想曲 A Jonah Fantasia

約納狂想曲 A Jonah Fantasia







Tuesday, 20 February 2024

我的靈魂需要回氣 Need to Replenish My Spirit

我的靈魂需要回氣 Need to Replenish My Spirit








Monday, 19 February 2024

誓闖《肋未紀》一關!Let's Conqure Leviticus

誓闖《肋未紀》一關!Let's Conqure Leviticus






各位兄弟姊妹,四旬期是天主施恩的時期。讓我們祈求天父,賜我們忍耐和毅力,勇闖《肋未紀》,把這本天賜的寶典讀完。 圖片鳴謝:Bible Project

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Enter into Covenant with God 與天主立約

First Sunday in Lent, Year B
Theme: Enter into Covenant with God 與天主立約

The Bible is obviously not a science book, but it is not a moral manual either. However, many of its messages agree with folk wisdom. For example, “No man is an island” is an aphorism which the Bible agrees. “The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18a). In context, “the man” refers to the first man whom God created in His own image. From Adam came the rest of humanity. Therefore, “the man” refers to the whole humanity as well. In other words, man is a social animal. He lives, grows and ages in a community, a network of relationships. Since men live and communicate in time, each of them has a history. Their past as well as their future determine their actions in the present. Projects, especially huge ones, take time to finish. Therefore, human beings make promises with each other to deal with important events in the future. Those promises take different forms such as agreements, contracts and covenants, depending on the seriousness of the matter involved. Let us take a deeper look into these agreements.

Promises can be one-sided. For example, Mr. A promises Ms. B to bring her to dinner. There is no obligation for Ms. B to go and even if she does go, she doesn’t have to do anything in return to repay. However, when a passenger takes a taxi to visit Disneyland, the taxi driver has entered into a contract with the passenger. Both sides have rights to enjoy and duties to perform: The taxi driver has the duty to drive the passenger to Disneyland and the passenger has the duty to pay the fee. One’s duty becomes the right of the other party. Of course, accidents may happen or one of the parties may breach the contract. Such circumstances give rise to the question of fair compensation. Then a third and impartial party arise to handle disputes. However, some contracts are beyond monetary compensation because many stakes-holders take part in it. The agreements involve not just money but also lives. The parties involved guarantee those contracts with their lives. We call such agreements covenants! Usually, tribes, states, nations and empires enter into covenants.

Some nations are small while empires are usually enormous. Therefore, most covenants are unequal in the sense that the privileges are not in proportion to the obligations. For example, an empire might want to show off her grandeur by entering into unequal covenants with smaller vassal states. She showers them with a lot of gold, jewels and enrols students from vassal states in her “universities” to study her culture and technologies while the vassal states offer inexpensive local produces annually. I am sure my readers who have followed my train of thoughts thus far are able to smell what I am trying to say. Yes! God created men in His own image (Genesis 1:26). Therefore, humanity is in no position to enter into equal covenants with God. From our political experiences, we can conclude that when God enters into covenants with humanity, He is condescending like an empire entering into unequal covenants with vassal states. God wants to shower us with His abundant and overflowing love for our good and whatever obligations we honour can at most be negligible!

Some biblical scholars insist that God entered into covenant with our First Parents when He blessed them, commissioned them to manage the world (Genesis 1:27, 2:15) and forbade them to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (2:16-17) and after the Fall of our First Parents, God promised humanity redemption (3:15) etc. It seems to me that the arguments are thin and thus it can only be an opinion and not a consensus among scholars. Take a look at the first reading today. We read of a covenant explicitly mentioned in Genesis --- the covenant between God and Noah and all the living creatures. “See, I am now establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you: the birds, the tame animals, and all the wild animals that were with you --- all that came out of the ark” (Genesis 9:9-10). Genesis mentions this covenant when God revealed His intention to wipe out the corruptions and sins on earth to Noah (6:18). Of course, in Chapter 6 before Noah built and entered into the Ark, the covenant was vague. When Noah emerged from the Ark in Chapter 9, the covenant became very specific, “I will establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all creatures be destroyed by the waters of a flood; there shall not be another flood to devastate the earth” (9:11). We live in time. It takes time for God’s intention to unfold and for our understanding of God’s will to become clearer.

I would like to draw your attention to the negative nature of this covenant. God is free to do anything because He is God. Now, God imposes a restrain on Himself NOT to do something! He does not need to and yet He does! Is it not amazing? Some of you might smile cynically and remark that humanity do not need a God to devastate the earth. They are doing it themselves now! I would counter that they have not read the whole story. This Noah covenant was only the beginning of a series of covenants with the Patriarchs leading to the Sinai Covenant in the book of Exodus. Just as the rainbow is the sign of this covenant between God and Noah and all the living creatures (9:13), the Ten Commandments would be the sign of the Sinai Covenant. Observing the Ten Commandments would have been sufficient for the redemption of humanity had Satan not kept luring humanity away from the right path. In God’s Grand Design of love, He does not simply deliver us from the bondage of sins but adopts us as His sons and daughters. In other words, He elevates our creature-ness to son-ship, partaking in His eternal life! How exciting it is! In short, without God’s continuous guidance and interventions, humanity is in no way capable of self-salvation.

In the second reading today, Peter interprets the flood in a positive manner by drawing our attention to the cleansing function of water rather than its destructive potential. “This [flood] prefigured baptism, which save you now” (1 Peter 3:21a). The Church adopts this interpretation and many people even see Noah’s Ark as a pre-figure of the Church herself. I have reservation in seeing the Church as an Ark in this sin-infested world because “the Lord shut him [Noah] in [the ark]” (Genesis 7:16c). Therefore, the Ark is a closed life-boat for a chosen remnant and NOT a vessel opens to save all! Of course, you may make use of Paul’s predestination argument but I hesitate to make things complicated.
Another thorny issue is probably inevitable. Peter continues, “It is not a removal of dirt from the body but an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:21b). There is no doubt about the forgiveness of sins, Original and Actual, through baptism, resulting in a “clear conscience”. But Peter has not settled the thorny question whether the forgiveness means a removal of sins or a covering of sins. For example, further on Peter says, “love covers a multitude of sins” (4:8b) and Paul quotes the Psalms and says, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered” (Romans 4:7; Psalms 32:1). Therefore, it seems that during the apostolic age, the forgiveness of sins did not remove sins but covered them only. The Father does not count our trespasses through the resurrection of Jesus Christ by covering and not seeing them! Perhaps that explains why the risen Lord retains the Stigmata, suggesting that the Lord God has no intention to remove sins.

The Temptation narrative in the gospel of Mark is very brief whereas the other two Synoptic gospels fill in the details to meet the needs of their Christian communities. The forty days in the desert point to the 40-year Exodus experience which implicitly suggests the emergence of a New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Read again the narrative of Mark, “He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to Him” (Mark 1:13b). Of course, Mark affirms once again Jesus Christ is the Son of God (1:1) with “the angels ministered to Him”. The solitary figure among wild beasts portrays Jesus Christ as the Adam in Genesis 2, albeit the New one! Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the New Adam of a New Creation! At the end of this gospel, Jesus commissioned the Eleven to “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature” (16:15). The gospel of Mark is truly catholic, ecological and global!
Beloved brethren! Let us go forth to renew God’s covenant with the whole Creation. Amen!

2021 Reflection
Picture Credit:

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Give Sinners A Break 放罪人一條生路吧






Give Sinners A Break (Luke 5:27-32)
[The Lord’s Prayer Series VI]

Watch the company you keep” summarizes the practices of adolescence education. Legend has it that the mother of Mencius moved three times to settle in a good learning environment for her son. It affirms the importance of nurture for the healthy growth of a person. Modern psychology also affirms the significance of peers in character formation. The Bible contains God’s revelation and we are able to find similar teachings. For example, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers. Rather, the law of the Lord is his joy; and on his Law he meditates day and night” (Psalms 1:1-2). Therefore, when Jesus ate and drank with sinners in Levi’s home, it is understandable that “The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples” (Luke 5:30a) because Jesus’ action was challenging the teachings of the Scriptures!

In fact, education theory provides many ways to help people learn. Besides applying punishments to discourage wrong behaviours, hoping that people would not make the same mistakes in the future, teachers can positively reinforce correct behaviours so that students would build up good habits. Indeed, it was too comfortable and too excessive for the Pharisees to take the role of a bystander, standing on moral high ground to apply the former technique! Christ chose otherwise. He took the latter approach and gave sinners a break. He accompanied them to shake off the shackles of sins. He is willing to pay a heavy price to help them repent; admit them into the People of God and become members of the Church. Therefore, there is no fellowship of perfect saints on earth, only scandal-infested Church of sinners can be the Church established by Jesus Christ.

What weaklings need is not reproach but encouragement, nor prejudice but accompaniment, nor rubbing salt on wounds but an extended friendly helping hand! The most difficult patients to heal are not those suffering from incurable diseases but those who do not acknowledge their illnesses! Who is blameless? Who has never been ill? Give him a break!
Heavenly Father! Your Kingdom comes. Amen.

Friday, 16 February 2024

Balance Between Holy-Indifference and Faith 「平常心」與信德之間的平衡



請嘗試設身處地,以一位長期病患者的心想一想。十二年來求醫和遭受親人和團體排斥的經歷一定不好受,經濟一定拮据,很容易會產生放棄的念頭,不敢妄想有痊癒的一日。要知道遇上困難挫折時,放棄容易,堅持到底艱難。耶穌曾兩次說:「惟獨堅持到底的,纔可得救」(10:22, 24:13)!這個患了十二年血漏病的婦人之所以得救,正是她能堅持到底,沒有放棄信靠天主,因而獲得耶穌基督的讚賞:「女兒,放心吧!妳的信德救了妳」(9:22)。作為父親,堅持對天主的信德,不但讓女兒復生,而且「這消息傳遍了那整個地區」(9:26),使眾人光耀在天之父(5:16)!



Balance Between Holy-Indifference and Faith (Matthew 9:14-25)
[The Lord’s Prayer Series V]

Our meditation on Ash Wednesday reminded us that fasting is a basic exercise of spirituality. Accompanying our starving brethren, we learn from them enduring trust in God. Today let us learn from the faith of a sick woman!
The purpose of spiritual exercises is to establish a good relationship with God. Usually the gradual spiritual growth involves three stages of development, namely the “Purgative stage” in which we purify our souls and remove sinful habits; the “Illuminative stage” in which the souls receive illumination from God to discern His will and lastly, the “Unitive stage” in which our souls come to total union with the Blessed Trinity, enjoy beatific visions and transparency of hearts and mind. Among traditions of spirituality, some schools emphasize not to force God’s hand. Do everything according to God’s will. For example, in doing “Lectio Divina”, do not desire to obtain the experience of “Contemplation” in the fourth movement; in doing the “Ignatian Examen”, do not seek the experience of “Consolation” deliberately. Applying “Holy Indifference” in doing spiritual exercises, we do not seek wealth nor poverty, power nor humility, health nor sickness etc. If we apply this principle of “Holy Indifference”, we should not learn from the bleeding woman because she sought recovery! The official in the gospel was not right. His daughter had died. Let her rest in peace and she “will rise, in the resurrection on the last day” (John 11:24). Why force the hand of God to raise her now!

First, we should stop judging (Matthew 7:1) anybody, not the official nor the bleeding woman!
Let us put ourselves in the shoes of this chronic patient. The experiences of seeking medical treatments as well as rejections from relatives, friends and community for twelve years must have been extremely bad. The financial situation was grim. It would be easy for her to give up and dared not to dream of the day of recovery. When people encounter difficulties and frustrations, it is easy to give up and hard to persevere. Jesus speaks twice, “Whoever endures to the end will be saved” (10:22, 24:13)! This bleeding woman had been suffering for twelve years. She was healed because she persevered and did not give up putting her faith in God. Thus, Jesus praised her saying, “Courage, daughter! Your faith has saved you” (9:22). As a father, perseverance in trusting God not only brought his daughter back to life, but also spread this news throughout all that land (9:26), leading people to glorify the heavenly Father (5:16)!

Holy Indifference” is correct but we should not go to the extreme. We must balance it with perseverance in faith.
Heavenly Father! Holy be Your name. Amen.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Admiration From Afar 望洋興嘆






Admiration From Afar (Luke 9:22-25)
[The Lord’s Prayer Series IV]

Jesus said this (Luke 9:22) after Peter’s Confession (9:20) and before His Transfiguration (9:28-36). That was the First Prediction of the Passion. The disciples were totally unprepared for the shock because the message deviated too far from their anticipations of the Messiah. They were unable to catch the meaning and failed to understand. No wonder Luke later put this remark in the gospel, “But they understood nothing of this; the word remained hidden from them and they failed to comprehend what He said” (18:34). As a mentor, Jesus did not expect His disciples to understand His teachings completely. To help them comprehend, He has to come up with more easily understood articulations. Unfortunately, there is a huge gulf between God’s thoughts and men’s thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). Without the help of the Holy Spirit, I am afraid the disciples could only admire from a great distance! The key difficulty lies in why “whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life … will save it” (Luke 9:24)? How is it possible for such a paradox to exist at all? Let me tell you a familiar story which hopefully will shed light on our understanding of this paradox.

I trust all of you have heard of Solomon’s wise judgments! Two prostitutes lived in the same house and both gave birth to a son. One of the sons died while the mothers slept. Now, they fought for the living son, argued before Solomon that the dead child belonged to the other woman. It was difficult to know who the real mother was. So the king ordered, “Cut the living child in two, and give half to one woman and half to the other” (1 Kings 3:25)! The real mother loved the baby and gave up fighting in order to save its life while the other woman probably thought, “If I have not, you too will have not”. She agreed to cut the baby into halves (3:26)! Consequently, everybody was happy except for the stonehearted prostitute! “… all Israel …were in awe of him [Solomon], because they saw that the king had in him the wisdom of God for giving right judgment” (3:28)!

Do not dismiss this “wisdom of God” (3:28b) as common sense. God’s wisdom is “Love”. Paul says well, “If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:3). Indeed, without the motivation to “love God and love neighbour”, almsgiving and martyrdom do nobody any good! In the same vein, for those who have responded God’s call generously to follow Jesus Christ and yet fail to develop a desire to love God and to love neighbour, it is a great pity to see them end up bringing scandals to the Church!
Heavenly Father! Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Amen!

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Observe Abstinence in Both the Belly And the Heart 齋心也應齋口

齋心也應齋口(瑪6:1-6, 16-18)





Observe Abstinence in Both the Belly And the Heart (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18)
[The Lord’s Prayer Series III]

Before meditating on the gospel message today, we need to clarify an ambiguity. The gospel today reads, “But take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father” (Matthew 6:1). However, when Jesus teaches about the light of the world and the salt of the earth, He tells His disciples to let people see their good deeds (5:16). Why should we allow people to see the former (5:16) but not the latter (6:1)? I only need to point out that in the latter case, the Greek original means “almsgiving”. You don’t need me babbling more (6:7) for I trust you readers are able to tell the difference!

Today is Ash Wednesday and it happens to be the fifth day in the Lunar New Year. Traditional fasting and abstinence are dispensed. The Chancery Office exhorts, “During Lent all the faithful are obliged to pray more and to perform more acts of penance and charity … caring for the material or spiritual needs of the poor and the socially marginalized.” In other words, even though we are exempted from observing fasting and abstinence of the belly, we need to fast and abstain our hearts because fasting and abstinence are basic spiritual exercises for Christians. Indeed, the fasting traditions of other global religions dwarf the Catholic practices which are minimum requirements only. We should adjust or augment them according to our stations of life. With fasting we walk hand in hand with the poor and learn from their experience of entrusting themselves to the mercy of the Lord. This makes fasting the basic exercise of spirituality.

Think about it, that we need to draw up a fasting and abstinence period means that we have redundant food and resources. Otherwise how can we talk about fasting! At the same time, are not the least of Jesus’ brethren starving everyday? There is no need for them to draw up another period of fasting! Now why do we have surplus? Of course “To save up for famine”! Alas! Men! Why have you dropped your faith? Have you not read, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt. Open wide your mouth that I may fill it” (Psalms 81:11) and “But Israel I will feed with the finest wheat, I will satisfy them with honey from the rock” (81:17). Are we not God’s People whom God have liberated from the bondage of sins? You believe in God, and after being admitted into the Catholic Church, why are your hearts so restless and your souls still insecure?
Heavenly Father! Give us today our daily bread. Amen.

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

It Is Most Difficult To Convert People’s Hearts 改變人心最難






It Is Most Difficult To Convert People’s Hearts (Mark 8:14-21)
[The Lord’s Prayer Series II]

Original Sin has left serious wounds in the souls and minds of humanity. Look at the learned Pharisees and scribes. Not only were they unable to unveil God’s salvation but they even tried to abuse the Law to kill Jesus. The apostles with whom Jesus stayed and personally trained were no better. Their hearts were hard and their minds dumb. One of them betrayed the Master for money while another denied Him who made him the Rock of the Church (Matthew 16:18). Bacon’s aphorism “Knowledge is power” seems not to work on the Pharisees. The hard works of the disciples were futile. Had God not taken the initiative, humanity would not have been able to save themselves!

In today’s story, the disciples “had only one loaf with them in the boat” (Mark 8:14). Why did “They conclude[d] among themselves that … they had no bread” (8:16)? Why were they able to answer Jesus’ prompt correctly, namely “how many wicker baskets full of fragments you picked up” (8:19-20) and “Still not understand” (8:21)? It seemed that “having no bread” was not their real concern. Rather, “not having sufficient bread” for Jesus to work miracles was!

During the first multiplication of bread, Jesus fed 5000 with five loaves and two fish. Probably the disciples thought that “seven” was a sacred number, a necessary condition for Jesus to work miracles! Therefore, during the second multiplication miracle, they reserved seven loaves for Jesus to multiply to feed 4000. They focused on creating what they thought to be advantageous conditions to output good results, forgetting that God’s participation and intervention are the keys of successes, and even surprises of abundance! We may forgive the disciples because they were not scholars but not the Pharisees and scribed who knew the most. There are many war narratives in the Hebrew Scriptures. God always helped the Israelites win and with a small number of fighters, “Lest Israel vaunt itself against me and say, ‘My own power saved me.’” (Judges 7:2b). Winning a battle is easy; converting men’s hearts is the most difficult! The Father knows it best thus, He sent His only begotten Son to incarnate to fight the war Himself!
Heavenly Father! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Monday, 12 February 2024

Testing God 試探天主


按【馬爾谷福音】的時序,法利塞人與耶穌的衝突,在第三章已經到了「與黑落德黨人作陷害耶穌的商討,為除滅祂」的地步(谷3:6)。那時候的耶穌,是一個有本領治病驅魔的「拉比/師傅」,挑戰法利塞人和經師在猶太人心目中的地位。到了第八章,耶穌不但治病驅魔,而且曾在公開場合,即除了門徒以外的其他人面前,平息過風浪(4:35-41),兩次增餅(6:30-44, 8:1-10),這就是今天所讀福音的背景。在法利塞人心目中,耶穌已經不是一個能治病驅魔那麼簡單的「師傅」了,而是一個比洗者若翰更偉大的人物。他是【梅瑟五書】所預言,像梅瑟一樣的那位先知(申18:18)嗎?莫非他就是默西亞嗎?




Testing God (Mark 8:11-13)
[The Lord’s Prayer Series I]

According to the chronology of Mark, the conflict between the Pharisees and Jesus had escalated to the stage of conspiring to put Jesus to death, “The Pharisees went out and immediately took counsel with the Herodians against him to put him to death” (Mark 3:6). At that time, Jesus was a rabbi that healed and exorcised, challenging the status of the Pharisees and scribes among the Jews. Reaching chapter 8, not only did Jesus heal and exorcise, but He had also calmed a storm at sea (4:35-41), multiplied bread twice (6:30-44; 8:1-10) in public. This is the context of the reading today. In the eyes of the Pharisees, Jesus was not simply a rabbi who healed and exorcised but somebody greater than John the Baptist. Would He be “the prophet like Moses” foretold in the Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 18:18)? Would He be the Messiah?

It is not difficult to verify! If Jesus were the prophet like Moses sent from God, like Moses, He should be able to show them a sign from heaven, such as parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14:19-22); raining down manna (16:13-15) and striking a rock to give water (17:5-6) etc. Look, had Joshua, the successor of Moses, not ordered the sun and the moon to halt halfway across the heavens for an entire day (Joshua 10:12-13)? Therefore the Pharisees thought it reasonable and legitimate to demand a sign from heaven to test Jesus (Mark 8:11)!

It is understandable for Jesus Christ to sigh from the depth of His spirit (8:12). He cherished the Pharisees as “teacher[s] of Israel” (John 3:10), and even leaders. But they were unable to recognize from the revelation in the Hebrew Scriptures that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Messiah, with what would Jewish commoners be able to obtain the redemption of God? The Pharisees set their sight on the letters of the Law and the traditions of ancestors and ignored the spirit of the Law. They even made use of the Law to accuse Jesus of failing to observe the Sabbath. Subsequently, they even lay traps to ensnare Jesus … Now that they demanded Jesus to perform miracles, they had breached the law of “You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test, as you did at Massah” (Deuteronomy 6:16). How pitiful it is to see these “teachers of Israel” test the Son of God (Matthew 4:5-7) as if Satan had possessed them!
Heavenly Father! Lead us not into temptation. Amen.

Sunday, 11 February 2024

Attainment Of Peace 獲得平安

Sunday in Lunar New Year
Theme: Attainment Of Peace 獲得平安

Sure enough, our experiences and learnings determine our present actions. However, on top of experiences, anticipations also affect our present decisions. Whether your actions are reactive or proactive, the past together with the future cause the present! Since the future is not a certainty, the future creates worries in us. A peace of mind is a rare commodity for many people. Blessed are those who are able to attain a peace of mind.

During Lunar New Year, the Cantonese usually wish each other “Kung Hei Fat Choy恭喜發財” which literally means, “Wish you make big money”. Of course, we know that money cannot buy everything. However, for most people, possession of wealth increases their sense of security and reduces their worries. Another popular blessing is “Sun Tei Kin Hong身體健康” which means, “Wish you a healthy body”. Surely, with a healthy body, we can achieve more and spend less money in medicines. Again, a good health increases a person’s security. Of course, there are other blessings such as “Sun Nin Chun Pou新年進步” which means, “Make progress in new year” and “Man Sze Sing Yi萬事勝意” which means, “Everything surpasses your expectations” etc. All these blessings and well wishes show how proactive people are. However, the first two common Lunar New Year wishes reveal as well how insecure the Cantonese are!

As Cantonese Catholics, we share similar insecurities of our folks. The question is, does the value system of Christianity help alleviate those insecurities? In the second reading today, St. Paul says, “Have no anxiety at all but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God” (Philippians 4:6). Christians believe in a God who is almighty and has created this known universe. Logically speaking, they should have no anxiety at all. Alas! Had the Philippian Christians had no anxiety, St. Paul would not have written such an exhortation! Thus, believing in an almighty God does not remove anxieties. Christians worry for many good reasons. For example, Christians in some countries are a religious minority and they receive exploitations and persecutions. Christian morality goes against the flow to produce many social conflicts and when Christians are the majority in a city and the local Church becomes too powerful, she falls prey to scandals etc. To add fuel to fire, our God allows the good and the innocent to suffer for no apparent purpose just as we meditated last week! A peace of mind is in short supply!

However, the Christian God is more than an omnipotent God. He allows sufferings for a good reason. Moreover, He sent His only-begotten Son to incarnate, to live among us and to die for us. For our good, His only-begotten Son even does not run away from suffering in order to accompany us and to liberate us. That is the confidence St. Paul has to support his exhortation. He continues, “Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (4:7). Indeed, an omnipotent Creator God is not sufficient to remove all our anxieties. With the Son of God always accompanying us on our earthly pilgrimage, we enjoy a security “not as the world gives” (John 14:27). To echo John’s ode of “From His fullness we have all received, grace in place of grace” (1:16), St. Paul continues to advise the Philippians, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8). Alas! What are all these things if not the fruits of the Holy Spirit! In short, Christian sense of security comes from the Blessed Trinity.

Jesus Christ has laid down the Christian value system more than two thousand years ago in the Beatitudes before all modern ideologies. Why do subsequent governments that come to power not follow, making the teachings of Christ so “revolutionary”? I think it is because many leaders seek immortality but have taken whatever shortcuts available to them. The Beatitudes are path to immortality because God created men in His own image (Genesis 1:26) and God is immortal. Men would have been immortal had Adam obeyed God’s instruction (2:16-17). Human beings can only live for at most 120 years (6:3). However, immortality is still within reach. The seed of immortal still lies dormant within our souls as well as our bodies (Romans 8:23) and Jesus Christ teaches us how to unlock and nurture this immortality in the Beatitudes: poverty, mournfulness, meekness, hunger and thirst for God’s salvation, mercy, purity of heart, peace making and martyrdom (Matthew 5:3-10). In the modern world where life is convenient and comfortable, who wants to be poor, to mourn, to be bossed around, to give up fighting, to forgive, not to have contingency plans, not to stab backs and lastly to die martyrdom? People adopt an entirely opposite approach in life because they need security and the Beatitudes offer them none! In order to attain immortality within the available time-span, they take shortcuts: accumulate wealth and power ruthlessly without any remorse, keep fighting to gain upper hands, deny rivals a second chance, have Plan B and Plan C etc. in their sleeves, to stir up conflicts in order to gain advantages and lastly to silence all dissidents etc. Good Christians, do you see what kind of war you are fighting? How do we fight back? A tit for tat or to give offenders a second chance? Imposing concerted punishments or to hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness?

The recent “Messi Mess” in Hong Kong gives us ample food for thought during this Lunar New Year. It is ample because this incident involves more than the three parties concerned: namely, Inter Miami, Tatler Asia, the HKSAR government and higher powers behind.
Beloved brethren! It is time to take out your value system and polish it. On which side are you, God’s or the world’s?
God bless!

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Tuesday, 6 February 2024

When We Feel Sick and Weak …

When We Feel Sick and Weak …

Deacon Alex Kwok

In our younger days, life was hectic and vibrant because most of the things were under our control. We ate and drank whatever we fancied and were proud to be able to burn the midnight oil for several consecutive days without degrading our performances. We did not have to be careful with our life styles nor with people whom we made friends. However, we can enjoy those days no more. Today, we can easily catch flu, not to mention Covid-19. We topple or drop objects more often. Our knees begin to ache and shake uncontrollably. We start to suffer hangovers after only a few drinks and perhaps indigestions after consuming some fatty dishes. It takes longer for us to load our memories and start forgetting what to do with objects we are holding in our hands, or searching for the pair of spectacles we are grasping. Our sights are dimming; our living space is getting quieter and our teeth are falling off one by one. We begin to find ourselves lying in bed, watching the ceiling all the waking hours, losing count of evenings and mornings. We recognize the faces and voices of our loved ones no more. So many strangers come and go to spoon-feed us and change our diapers that we no longer know what embarrassment means. One day, spoon-feeding switches to tube feeding and people in coloured uniform have to force the air through our nostrils into our lungs lest we die of suffocation … Agony turns into relief when suddenly you find yourself floating in mid-air, watching medicals professionally trying to resuscitate your corpse. Freed from constrains of your mortal body, all your memories, fond as well as painful ones, return vividly in a split second. It is time to say goodbye and to descend into a hot bath to purge us of our regrets …

Being terminally ill is no uncharted-waters. Thanks to advancements in medical technologies, we know what it is and see it more often than in previous generations. Nowadays, the medical professionals are more capable of prolonging the life of the terminally ill even though the outcome is inevitable. In one sense, family members are lengthening the agony of their loved ones. On the other hand, they have more time to accompany the sick and to reconcile their relationships so that when the time of departure comes, everybody may bid each other farewell in peace. In fact, no living person has experienced death before. Therefore, the terminally ill are pathfinders. They leave impressions on their family members and all the people around them, including the medicals and carers, how to approach death in dignity or in helplessness. They may place themselves each day in the merciful hand of God and meet their day of departure without regret for what they leave behind and look forward to joining their loved ones on the day of resurrection. Or they may struggle in vain to ward off the horrors of death; may keep moaning or even cursing out of excruciating pains about the treatments they receive from carers, medicals, family members, visitors and even the clergy. Oh, may God have mercy on those souls!

Though paradoxical, it is indeed a blessing to be weak and sick. Most of our life, we are confident in ourselves and trust little in God. When we are sick as well as feeble and find nobody to rely on, only then shall we turn to our heavenly Father like the Prodigal Son. He will be more than happy to embrace us.

Beloved brethren! It is extremely painful for anybody, even for Jesus Christ, to suffer and die alone. If it be possible, spend time, even as short as half-an-hour, to visit and stay at the bed of the terminally ill, listening to their stories. On top of the medical treatment they receive, give them spiritual supports. Pray the Rosary with them or for them if you are unable to stay close. By the time they see our heavenly Father face to face, we will have one more guardian angel interceding for us.

Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us sinners. Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
God bless!

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Sunday, 4 February 2024

Father! Deliver Us From Evil 父啊!救我們免於凶惡

Fifth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Father! Deliver Us From Evil 父啊!救我們免於凶惡

Today in the first reading, we hear of Job’s lamentaion. He spoke for all the good and the innocent who suffered for no apparent purposes. Had the story of Job had not a happy ending, his story would have been a total tragedy offering no hope in the Bible. Still it is a challenge for all Christians to defend the omnipotence of God together with His righteousness and mercy. Since ancient times, people have been criticizing the idea of an almighty and righteous Christian God who loves and cares for humanity. If this God were loving and caring, He would not have allowed the good and innocent to suffer. If this God were loving but were not able to deliver the good and innocent from sufferings, He would not be omnipotent! If He were all powerful but still allowed the good and innocent to suffer, not to mention the wicked had always been prosperous and healthy, this Christian God would not be fair and righteous! In short, Job’s story forces us to meditate on the mystery of sufferings, especially the sufferings of the good and innocent.

Some Christians put together passages from the Bible to prove that after all the good and innocent are not good and innocent as they appear to be. St. Paul says, “All have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Therefore, goodness and innocence of people are actually superficial. They can only fool the eyes of human beings but not God’s. Moreover, God says, “You shall not bow down before them or serve them. For I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God, bringing punishment for their parents’ wickness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation” (Deuteronomy 5:9). Who in his right mind would “hate” God? In the context of this piece of proof-text, the word “hate” means “love less” because the Hebrew language does not have comparative syntax. The text is a warning against idolatry. God will punish down to the third and fourth generation those people who love idols more than Him. Alas! Humanity loves making different sorts of idols such as power, wealth, knowledge and even health, to secure their livelihood! Therefore, sufferings are God’s punishments for your sins or sins of your ancestors etc. This argument is extremely weak and is refuted by Jesus when He cured the man born blind. Jesus says, “Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him” (John 9:3). Jesus is Christ and His words do not apply to this blind man only but are applicable universally. In fact, prophets in the Old Testament also refute the view that children should suffer for the sins of their parents (Ezekiel 18:20-21). Though it is not easy to pin down exactly what Jesus means by “the works of God might be made visible through him [the born blind]”, the argument that sufferings are God’s punishments has been proven wrong by the Son of God!

Some Christians put forth the argument that sufferings are good for us. If our lives had always been a bed of roses, our potentials would have been buried/stored away (Matthew 25:18; Luke 19:20) and would not have had the opportunity to emerge and grow. For example, take a look at the athletes who undergo hellish trainings. Of course they suffer more than any other ordinary people. But it is a price to pay in order to attain good results and to defeat rivals. This argument gives sufferings a purpose and the victims a hope. Bear the pains and tomorrow will be a better day! Obviously this argument is insufficient. Take a look at people who suffer illnesses or poverty until their last breath. Just as what Job laments, “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle; they come to an end without hope” (Job 7:6). When the better tomorrow keeps receding from you and the situation shows no signs of improvement, how unbearably heavy and hopeless a suffering life is!

Some Christians console themselves to argue that sufferings make us “wounded-healers” so that in the future, we may be more capable of helping those who undergo similar sufferings because we have gone through the pains and survived. Just as what St. Paul says in the second reading today, “To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some” (1 Corinthians 9:22). Indeed the Son of God did not save humanity in an aloft manner from heavens above, but took flesh to become man; lived among us to undergo human sufferings. “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). This argument is reasonable as long as the wounded-healers do not fall into the trap of thinking themselves Saviours. Healing comes from God, not from us. Even genuine faith-healers/exorcists are merely channels of God’s grace. However, this argument still fails when the wounded-healer dies and does not have the opportunity to heal others!

Lastly, some Christians suggest that we should not be myopic but should look from God’s long-term perspective. God has a grand plan. Be patient and let God’s plan unfold. Then we’ll understand. This argument brings to mind the famous aphorism of Tertullian “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church” (Apologeticus, L.13). In the spirit of the Parable of the Sower, sufferings of the good and the innocent are truly seeds of gospel messages which will touch the hearts of some people and the torch of God’s gospel will pass on! Though efficiency might not be high, as long as more of us generously respond to God’s call to become labourers, we are optimistic that the harvest will be abundant (Matthew 9:37b-38; Luke 10:2). Alas! We have been meditating God’s grand plan for two millenia but who has successfully scratched the surface of God’s grand plan? This seed metaphor has missed one crucial point. What makes the blood the seed? The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ does! The Son of God is the True Pascal Lamb who takes away the sins of the world by bearing the brunt of all human evils. He retains the wounds after Resurrection to remind His followers that evils really hurt. St. Paul says, “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the Church” (Colossians 1:24). St. Paul does not promise his readers a better tomorrow. Instead, he gives sufferings a new purpose, namely to take part in Christ’s effort to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth!

What impresses me most in the gospel story today are the exorcisms. Though the exorcisms were mentioned in general terms (Mark 1:32, 34), together with the one mentioned in details on last Sunday, there are altogether three mentions in the first chapter of Mark. In New Testament times, Jews attributed sickness to either God’s punishment or demonic possession. Demonic possession was permitted by God as a punishment as well. Therefore, the sick bore all the blames and could not expect sympathy from fellow Jews. Following this logic, lepers and the possessed were typical sinners! Nowadays, thanks to Jesus’ exhortation on the Last Judgment, “Ill and you cared for me” (Matthew 25:36b), modern people treat the sick more humanely. Of course, there is still room for improvement because not all the sick are treated equally. Some are more equal than the others. Today, there are still many things we are ignorant about some illnesses, in particular mental illnesses. Ignorance breeds fears and prejudices. Therefore, mental patients do not receive the dignity due them. Even worse, totalitarian states lock up dissidents not only in correctional institutions but also mental institutions! I am concerned because the good and the innocent will easily fall prey to such injustice and sufferings.

Alas beloved brethren! Life is really a complex phenomenon. The case of totalitarianism points to the fact that it is unfair to put all the blame on God. Humanity has a share of blame to bear. Take a look at the global climate crisis today. The faults of some people make the rest victims. It follows that we should take up the responsibility to clean up the mess we create. In short, not only does Jesus heal, but we Christians are also sent out to heal the world as channels of the Father’s grace.
Heavenly Father! Deliver us from evil. Amen.

2021 Reflection
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